Programs & Examples On #Coin flipping

macOS on VMware doesn't recognize iOS device

I had the same issue, but was quite easy to solve. Follow the next steps:

1) In the Virtual Machine (VMWare) settings:

  • Set the USB compatibility to be 2.0 instead of 3.0
  • Check the setting "Show all USB input devices"

2) Add the device into the list of allowed development devices in your Apple Developer's account. Without that step there is no way to use your device in Xcode.

Next some instructions: Register a single device

How to Sign an Already Compiled Apk

For those of you who don't want to create a bat file to edit for every project, or dont want to remember all the commands associated with the keytools and jarsigner programs and just want to get it done in one process use this program:

I built it because I was fed up with the lengthy process of having to type all the file locations every time.

This program can save your configuration so the next time you start it, you just need to hit Generate an it will handle it for you. That's it.

No install required, it's completely portable and saves its configurations in a CSV in the same folder.

How do I configure php to enable pdo and include mysqli on CentOS?

You might just have to install the packages.

yum install php-pdo php-mysqli

After they're installed, restart Apache.

httpd restart


apachectl restart

How to stop docker under Linux

The output of ps aux looks like you did not start docker through systemd/systemctl.

It looks like you started it with:

sudo dockerd -H gridsim1103:2376

When you try to stop it with systemctl, nothing should happen as the resulting dockerd process is not controlled by systemd. So the behavior you see is expected.

The correct way to start docker is to use systemd/systemctl:

systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

After this, docker should start on system start.

EDIT: As you already have the docker process running, simply kill it by pressing CTRL+C on the terminal you started it. Or send a kill signal to the process.

How can I simulate a print statement in MySQL?

This is an old post, but thanks to this post I have found this:

\! echo 'some text';

Tested with MySQL 8 and working correctly. Cool right? :)

Type.GetType("namespace.a.b.ClassName") returns null

Make sure that the comma is directly after the fully qualified name

typeof(namespace.a.b.ClassName, AssemblyName)

As this wont work

typeof(namespace.a.b.ClassName ,AssemblyName)

I was stumped for a few days on this one

Correct path for img on React.js

A friend showed me how to do this as follows:

"./" works when the file requesting the image (e.g., "example.js") is on the same level within the folder tree structure as the folder "images".

Return anonymous type results?

In C# 7 you can now use tuples!... which eliminates the need to create a class just to return the result.

Here is a sample code:

public List<(string Name, string BreedName)> GetDogsWithBreedNames()
    var db = new DogDataContext(ConnectString);
    var result = from d in db.Dogs
             join b in db.Breeds on d.BreedId equals b.BreedId
             select new
                Name = d.Name,
                BreedName = b.BreedName

    return result.Select(r => (r.Name, r.BreedName)).ToList();

You might need to install System.ValueTuple nuget package though.

ByRef argument type mismatch in Excel VBA

I suspect you haven't set up last_name properly in the caller.

With the statement Worksheets(data_sheet).Range("C2").Value = ProcessString(last_name)

this will only work if last_name is a string, i.e.

Dim last_name as String

appears in the caller somewhere.

The reason for this is that VBA passes in variables by reference by default which means that the data types have to match exactly between caller and callee.

Two fixes:

1) Force ByVal -- Change your function to pass variable ByVal:
Public Function ProcessString(ByVal input_string As String) As String, or

2) Dim varname -- put Dim last_name As String in the caller before you use it.

(1) works because for ByVal, a copy of input_string is taken when passing to the function which will coerce it into the correct data type. It also leads to better program stability since the function cannot modify the variable in the caller.

Generating a PNG with matplotlib when DISPLAY is undefined

To make sure your code is portable across Windows, Linux and OSX and for systems with and without displays, I would suggest following snippet:

import matplotlib
import os
# must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab!
if == 'posix' and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ:

# now import other things from matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Lightweight XML Viewer that can handle large files

I like the viewer of Total Commander because it only loads the text you actually see and so is very fast. Of course, it is just a text/hex viewer, so it won't format your XML, but you can use a basic text search.

How to get the Display Name Attribute of an Enum member via MVC Razor code?

combining all edge-cases together from above:

  • enum members with base object members' names (Equals, ToString)
  • optional Display attribute

here is my code:

public enum Enum
    [Display(Name = "What a weird name!")]


public static class EnumHelpers
    public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
        var enumType = enumValue.GetType();

        return enumType
                .Where(x => x.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field && ((FieldInfo)x).FieldType == enumType)
                .GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>()?.Name ?? enumValue.ToString();

void Main()
    Assert.Equals("What a weird name!", Enum.ToString.GetDisplayName());
    Assert.Equals("Equals", Enum.Equals.GetDisplayName());

Android: Expand/collapse animation

I would like to add something to the very helpful answer above. If you don't know the height you'll end up with since your views .getHeight() returns 0 you can do the following to get the height:

int finalHeight = view.getMeasuredHeight();

Where DUMMY_HIGH_DIMENSIONS is the width/height (in pixels) your view is constrained to ... having this a huge number is reasonable when the view is encapsulated with a ScrollView.

Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both ... libinstrument.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined

Not sure if this is the cause of the problem, but I got this issue only after installing JVM Monitor.

Uninstalling JVM Monitor solved the issue for me.

Where to place the 'assets' folder in Android Studio?

If you tried all your bullets in this thread in vain try cleaning your project . In my case it only worked after Projet -> clean

Node.js - SyntaxError: Unexpected token import

Simply install a higher version of Node. As till Node v10 es6 is not supported. You need to disable a few flags or use

Image style height and width not taken in outlook mails

Can confirm that leaving px out from width and height did the trick for Outlook

<img src="image.png" style="height: 55px;width:139px;border:0;" height="55" width="139">

Radio buttons not checked in jQuery


This is jquery 1.3, mind the ' and " signs!

Count textarea characters

They say IE has issues with the input event but other than that, the solution is rather straightforward.

ta = document.querySelector("textarea");_x000D_
count = document.querySelector("label");_x000D_
ta.addEventListener("input", function (e) {_x000D_
  count.innerHTML = this.value.length;_x000D_
<textarea id="my-textarea" rows="4" cols="50" maxlength="10">_x000D_
<label for="my-textarea"></label>

Iterating Over Dictionary Key Values Corresponding to List in Python

You have several options for iterating over a dictionary.

If you iterate over the dictionary itself (for team in league), you will be iterating over the keys of the dictionary. When looping with a for loop, the behavior will be the same whether you loop over the dict (league) itself, or league.keys():

for team in league.keys():
    runs_scored, runs_allowed = map(float, league[team])

You can also iterate over both the keys and the values at once by iterating over league.items():

for team, runs in league.items():
    runs_scored, runs_allowed = map(float, runs)

You can even perform your tuple unpacking while iterating:

for team, (runs_scored, runs_allowed) in league.items():
    runs_scored = float(runs_scored)
    runs_allowed = float(runs_allowed)

Browse for a directory in C#

You could just use the FolderBrowserDialog class from the System.Windows.Forms namespace.

Eclipse Bug: Unhandled event loop exception No more handles

"unhandled event loop exception .. no more handles" error (in my case) was caused by the driver of my mouse ! closing my mouse driver solved the problem. It has nothing to do with Eclipse versions, I tried almost all versions after Helios(in both 64bit/32bit) and all of them have the same problem, I also tried to add Eclipse/JRE variable path within advanced windows settings "environment variables". To help you to resolve this error try to close up unused applications and drivers.

Converting a Uniform Distribution to a Normal Distribution

Q How can I convert a uniform distribution (as most random number generators produce, e.g. between 0.0 and 1.0) into a normal distribution?

  1. For software implementation I know couple random generator names which give you a pseudo uniform random sequence in [0,1] (Mersenne Twister, Linear Congruate Generator). Let's call it U(x)

  2. It is exist mathematical area which called probibility theory. First thing: If you want to model r.v. with integral distribution F then you can try just to evaluate F^-1(U(x)). In pr.theory it was proved that such r.v. will have integral distribution F.

  3. Step 2 can be appliable to generate r.v.~F without usage of any counting methods when F^-1 can be derived analytically without problems. (e.g. exp.distribution)

  4. To model normal distribution you can cacculate y1*cos(y2), where y1~is uniform in[0,2pi]. and y2 is the relei distribution.

Q: What if I want a mean and standard deviation of my choosing?

You can calculate sigma*N(0,1)+m.

It can be shown that such shifting and scaling lead to N(m,sigma)

Best way to format integer as string with leading zeros?

You have at least two options:

  • str.zfill: lambda n, cnt=2: str(n).zfill(cnt)
  • % formatting: lambda n, cnt=2: "%0*d" % (cnt, n)

If on Python >2.5, see a third option in clorz's answer.

In Visual Studio C++, what are the memory allocation representations?

Regarding 0xCC and 0xCD in particular, these are relics from the Intel 8088/8086 processor instruction set back in the 1980s. 0xCC is a special case of the software interrupt opcode INT 0xCD. The special single-byte version 0xCC allows a program to generate interrupt 3.

Although software interrupt numbers are, in principle, arbitrary, INT 3 was traditionally used for the debugger break or breakpoint function, a convention which remains to this day. Whenever a debugger is launched, it installs an interrupt handler for INT 3 such that when that opcode is executed the debugger will be triggered. Typically it will pause the currently running programming and show an interactive prompt.

Normally, the x86 INT opcode is two bytes: 0xCD followed by the desired interrupt number from 0-255. Now although you could issue 0xCD 0x03 for INT 3, Intel decided to add a special version--0xCC with no additional byte--because an opcode must be only one byte in order to function as a reliable 'fill byte' for unused memory.

The point here is to allow for graceful recovery if the processor mistakenly jumps into memory that does not contain any intended instructions. Multi-byte instructions aren't suited this purpose since an erroneous jump could land at any possible byte offset where it would have to continue with a properly formed instruction stream.

Obviously, one-byte opcodes work trivially for this, but there can also be quirky exceptions: for example, considering the fill sequence 0xCDCDCDCD (also mentioned on this page), we can see that it's fairly reliable since no matter where the instruction pointer lands (except perhaps the last filled byte), the CPU can resume executing a valid two-byte x86 instruction CD CD, in this case for generating software interrupt 205 (0xCD).

Weirder still, whereas CD CC CD CC is 100% interpretable--giving either INT 3 or INT 204--the sequence CC CD CC CD is less reliable, only 75% as shown, but generally 99.99% when repeated as an int-sized memory filler.

page from contemporaneous 8088/8086 instruction set manual showing INT instruction
Macro Assembler Reference, 1987

How to extract elements from a list using indices in Python?

Bounds checked:

 [a[index] for index in (1,2,5,20) if 0 <= index < len(a)]
 # [11, 12, 15] 

php variable in html no other way than: <?php echo $var; ?>

I really think you should adopt Smarty template engine as a standard php lib for your projects.

Name: {$name|capitalize}<br>

What is the equivalent of ngShow and ngHide in Angular 2+?

<div [hidden]="flagValue">

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

From the documentation:

It is necessary to keep in mind that the browsers do not know how to correctly show this error.

I suspect this is what's happening, if you inspect the HTTP to-and-fro using tools such as Firebug or Live HTTP Headers (both Firefox extensions) you'll be able to see what's really going on.

Creating a blurring overlay view

I think the easiest solution to this is to override UIToolbar, which blurs everything behind it in iOS 7. It's quite sneaky, but it's very simple for you to implement, and fast!

You can do it with any view, just make it a subclass of UIToolbar instead of UIView. You can even do it with a UIViewController's view property, for example...

1) create a new class that is a "Subclass of" UIViewController and check the box for "With XIB for user interface".

2) Select the View and go to the identity inspector in the right-hand panel (alt-command-3). Change the "Class" to UIToolbar. Now go to the attributes inspector (alt-command-4) and change the "Background" color to "Clear Color".

3) Add a subview to the main view and hook it up to an IBOutlet in your interface. Call it backgroundColorView. It will look something like this, as a private category in the implementation (.m) file.

@interface BlurExampleViewController ()
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *backgroundColorView;

4) Go to the view controller implementation (.m) file and change the -viewDidLoad method, to look as follows:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.view.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack; // this will give a black blur as in the original post
    self.backgroundColorView.opaque = NO;
    self.backgroundColorView.alpha = 0.5;
    self.backgroundColorView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.3 alpha:1];

This will give you a dark gray view, which blurs everything behind it. No funny business, no slow core image blurring, using everything that is at your fingertips provided by the OS/SDK.

You can add this view controller's view to another view, as follows:

[self addChildViewController:self.blurViewController];
[self.view addSubview:self.blurViewController.view];
[self.blurViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];

// animate the self.blurViewController into view

Let me know if anything is unclear, I'll be happy to help!


UIToolbar has been changed in 7.0.3 to give possibly-undesirable effect when using a coloured blur.

We used to be able to set the colour using barTintColor, but if you were doing this before, you will need to set the alpha component to less than 1. Otherwise your UIToolbar will be completely opaque colour - with no blur.

This can be achieved as follows: (bearing in mind self is a subclass of UIToolbar)

UIColor *color = [UIColor blueColor]; // for example
self.barTintColor = [color colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5];

This will give a blue-ish tint to the blurred view.

Hibernate Criteria for Dates

If the column is a timestamp you can do the following:

            criteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("TRUNC(COLUMN) >= TO_DATE('" + dataFrom + "','dd/mm/yyyy')"));
            criteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("TRUNC(COLUMN) <= TO_DATE('" + dataTo + "','dd/mm/yyyy')"));

        resultDB = criteria.list();

GetElementByID - Multiple IDs

document.getElementById() only takes one argument. You can give them a class name and use getElementsByClassName() .

Squash the first two commits in Git?

There is an easier way to do this. Let's assume you're on the master branch

Create a new orphaned branch which will remove all commit history:

$ git checkout --orphan new_branch

Add your initial commit message:

$ git commit -a

Get rid of the old unmerged master branch:

$ git branch -D master

Rename your current branch new_branch to master:

$ git branch -m master

Equivalent of *Nix 'which' command in PowerShell?

Check this PowerShell Which.

The code provided there suggests this:

($Env:Path).Split(";") | Get-ChildItem -filter notepad.exe

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

No need of storing resultSet values into String and again setting into POJO class. Instead set at the time you are retrieving.

Or best way switch to ORM tools like hibernate instead of JDBC which maps your POJO object direct to database.

But as of now use this:

List<User> users=new ArrayList<User>();

while( {
   User user = new User();      


@RequestParam vs @PathVariable

If the URL http://localhost:8080/MyApp/user/1234/invoices?date=12-05-2013 gets the invoices for user 1234 on December 5th, 2013, the controller method would look like:

@RequestMapping(value="/user/{userId}/invoices", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Invoice> listUsersInvoices(
            @PathVariable("userId") int user,
            @RequestParam(value = "date", required = false) Date dateOrNull) {

Also, request parameters can be optional, and as of Spring 4.3.3 path variables can be optional as well. Beware though, this might change the URL path hierarchy and introduce request mapping conflicts. For example, would /user/invoices provide the invoices for user null or details about a user with ID "invoices"?

How do I access previous promise results in a .then() chain?

This days, I also hava meet some questions like you. At last, I find a good solution with the quesition, it's simple and good to read. I hope this can help you.

According to how-to-chain-javascript-promises

ok, let's look at the code:

const firstPromise = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('first promise is completed');
            resolve({data: '123'});
        }, 2000);

const secondPromise = (someStuff) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('second promise is completed');
            resolve({newData: `${} some more data`});
        }, 2000);

const thirdPromise = (someStuff) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('third promise is completed');
            resolve({result: someStuff});
        }, 2000);

    .then(data => {

What is an AssertionError? In which case should I throw it from my own code?

The meaning of an AssertionError is that something happened that the developer thought was impossible to happen.

So if an AssertionError is ever thrown, it is a clear sign of a programming error.

How do I find the PublicKeyToken for a particular dll?

Using PowerShell, you can execute this statement:


The output will provide the Version, Culture and PublicKeyToken as shown below:

MyDLL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a

How to find files modified in last x minutes (find -mmin does not work as expected)

I can reproduce your problem if there are no files in the directory that were modified in the last hour. In that case, find . -mmin -60 returns nothing. The command find . -mmin -60 |xargs ls -l, however, returns every file in the directory which is consistent with what happens when ls -l is run without an argument.

To make sure that ls -l is only run when a file is found, try:

find . -mmin -60 -type f -exec ls -l {} +

Connecting to Postgresql in a docker container from outside

There are good answers here but If you like to have some interface for postgres database management, you can install pgAdmin on your local computer and connect to the remote machine using its IP and the postgres exposed port (by default 5432).

Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

The clean up did not work for me no matter how many ways I tried. Instead from Visual Studio I committed each folder individually. Then I committed the top folder and was successful.

Intersection and union of ArrayLists in Java

In Java 8, I use simple helper methods like this:

public static <T> Collection<T> getIntersection(Collection<T> coll1, Collection<T> coll2){
    return Stream.concat(,

public static <T> Collection<T> getMinus(Collection<T> coll1, Collection<T> coll2){

public static <T> Predicate<T> not(Predicate<T> t) {
    return t.negate();

Oracle SQL Developer - tables cannot be seen

3.1 didn't matter for me.

It took me a while, but I managed to find the 2.1 release to try that out here:


That doesn't work either though, still no tables so it looks like something with permission.

Tree implementation in Java (root, parents and children)

Accepted answer throws a java.lang.StackOverflowError when calling the setParent or addChild methods.

Here's a slightly simpler implementation without those bugs:

public class MyTreeNode<T>{
    private T data = null;
    private List<MyTreeNode> children = new ArrayList<>();
    private MyTreeNode parent = null;

    public MyTreeNode(T data) { = data;

    public void addChild(MyTreeNode child) {

    public void addChild(T data) {
        MyTreeNode<T> newChild = new MyTreeNode<>(data);

    public void addChildren(List<MyTreeNode> children) {
        for(MyTreeNode t : children) {

    public List<MyTreeNode> getChildren() {
        return children;

    public T getData() {
        return data;

    public void setData(T data) { = data;

    private void setParent(MyTreeNode parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public MyTreeNode getParent() {
        return parent;

Some examples:

MyTreeNode<String> root = new MyTreeNode<>("Root");

MyTreeNode<String> child1 = new MyTreeNode<>("Child1");

MyTreeNode<String> child2 = new MyTreeNode<>("Child2");


        new MyTreeNode<>("Child4"),
        new MyTreeNode<>("Child5"),
        new MyTreeNode<>("Child6")

for(MyTreeNode node : root.getChildren()) {

Best font for coding

I like Consolas a lot. This top-10 list is a good resource for others. It includes examples and descriptions.

How can I export the schema of a database in PostgreSQL?

You should take a look at pg_dump:

pg_dump -s databasename

Will dump only the schema to stdout as .sql.

For windows, you'll probably want to call pg_dump.exe. I don't have access to a Windows machine but I'm pretty sure from memory that's the command. See if the help works for you too.

Making the iPhone vibrate

Important Note: Alert of Future Deprecation.

As of iOS 9.0, the API functions description for:

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID)
AudioServicesPlayAlertSound(inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID)

includes the following note:

This function will be deprecated in a future release.
Use AudioServicesPlayAlertSoundWithCompletion or  
AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithCompletion instead.

The right way to go will be using any of these two:

AudioServicesPlayAlertSoundWithCompletion(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate, nil)


AudioServicesPlayAlertSoundWithCompletion(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate) {
 //your callback code when the vibration is done (it may not vibrate in iPod, but this callback will be always called)

remember to import AVFoundation

Counter inside xsl:for-each loop


<xsl:value-of select="count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1" />

Edit - had a brain freeze there, position() is more straightforward!

Location for session files in Apache/PHP

I had the same trouble finding out the correct path for sessions on a Mac. All in all, I found out that the CLI PHP has a different temporary directory than the Apache module: Apache used /var/tmp, while CLI used something like /var/folders/kf/hk_dyn7s2z9bh7y_j59cmb3m0000gn/T. But both ways, sys_get_temp_dir() got me the right path when session.save_path is empty. Using PHP 5.5.4.

Bulk Insert to Oracle using .NET

A really fast way to solve this problem is to make a database link from the Oracle database to the MySQL database. You can create database links to non-Oracle databases. After you have created the database link you can retrieve your data from the MySQL database with a ... create table mydata as select * from ... statement. This is called heterogeneous connectivity. This way you don't have to do anything in your .net application to move the data.

Another way is to use ODP.NET. In ODP.NET you can use the OracleBulkCopy-class.

But I don't think that inserting 160k records in an Oracle table with System.Data.OracleClient should take 25 minutes. I think you commit too many times. And do you bind your values to the insert statement with parameters or do you concatenate your values. Binding is much faster.

WPF Add a Border to a TextBlock

No, you need to wrap your TextBlock in a Border. Example:

<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Black">
    <TextBlock ... />

Of course, you can set these properties (BorderThickness, BorderBrush) through styles as well:

<Style x:Key="notCalledBorder" TargetType="{x:Type Border}">
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
    <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />

<Border Style="{StaticResource notCalledBorder}">
    <TextBlock ... />

How to create my json string by using C#?

To convert any object or object list into JSON, we have to use the function JsonConvert.SerializeObject.

The below code demonstrates the use of JSON in an ASP.NET environment:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace JSONFromCS
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e1)
            List<Employee> eList = new List<Employee>();
            Employee e = new Employee();
            e.Name = "Minal";
            e.Age = 24;


            e = new Employee();
            e.Name = "Santosh";
            e.Age = 24;


            string ans = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eList, Formatting.Indented);

            string script = "var employeeList = {\"Employee\": " + ans+"};";
            script += "for(i = 0;i<employeeList.Employee.length;i++)";
            script += "{";
            script += "alert ('Name : ='+employeeList.Employee[i].Name+' 
            Age : = '+employeeList.Employee[i].Age);";
            script += "}";

            ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
            cs.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "JSON", script, true);
    public class Employee
        public string Name;
        public int Age;

After running this program, you will get two alerts

In the above example, we have created a list of Employee object and passed it to function "JsonConvert.SerializeObject". This function (JSON library) will convert the object list into JSON format. The actual format of JSON can be viewed in the below code snippet:

{ "Maths" : [ {"Name"     : "Minal",        // First element
                             "Marks"     : 84,
                             "age"       : 23 },
                             "Name"      : "Santosh",    // Second element
                             "Marks"     : 91,
                             "age"       : 24 }
              "Science" :  [ 
                             "Name"      : "Sahoo",     // First Element
                             "Marks"     : 74,
                             "age"       : 27 }, 
                             "Name"      : "Santosh",    // Second Element
                             "Marks"     : 78,
                             "age"       : 41 }


  • {} - acts as 'containers'

  • [] - holds arrays

  • : - Names and values are separated by a colon

  • , - Array elements are separated by commas

This code is meant for intermediate programmers, who want to use C# 2.0 to create JSON and use in ASPX pages.

You can create JSON from JavaScript end, but what would you do to convert the list of object into equivalent JSON string from C#. That's why I have written this article.

In C# 3.5, there is an inbuilt class used to create JSON named JavaScriptSerializer.

The following code demonstrates how to use that class to convert into JSON in C#3.5.

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer()
return serializer.Serialize(YOURLIST);   

So, try to create a List of arrays with Questions and then serialize this list into JSON

Android and setting alpha for (image) view alpha

It's easier than the other response. There is an xml value alpha that takes double values.

android:alpha="0.0" thats invisible

android:alpha="0.5" see-through

android:alpha="1.0" full visible

That's how it works.

What is SaaS, PaaS and IaaS? With examples

Adding to that, I have used AWS, heroku and currently using Jelastic and found -

Jelastic offers a Java and PHP cloud hosting platform. Jelastic automatically scales Java and PHP applications and allocates server resources, thus delivering true next-generation Java and PHP cloud computing. or

Personally I found -

  • Jelastic is faster
  • You don’t need to code to any jelastic APIs – just upload your application and select your stack. You can also mix and match software stacks at will.

Try any of them and explore yourself. Its fun :-)

C++ delete vector, objects, free memory

You can free memory used by vector by this way:

//Removes all elements in vector

//Frees the memory which is not used by the vector

browser sessionStorage. share between tabs?

My solution to not having sessionStorage transferable over tabs was to create a localProfile and bang off this variable. If this variable is set but my sessionStorage variables arent go ahead and reinitialize them. When user logs out window closes destroy this localStorage variable

Converting a char to uppercase


How to make custom dialog with rounded corners in android

simplest way is to use from

CardView and its card:cardCornerRadius

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



And when you are creating your Dialog

dialog.getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT));

What is the simplest way to convert a Java string from all caps (words separated by underscores) to CamelCase (no word separators)?

Take a look at WordUtils in the Apache Commons lang library:

Specifically, the capitalizeFully(String str, char[] delimiters) method should do the job:

String blah = "LORD_OF_THE_RINGS";
assertEquals("LordOfTheRings", WordUtils.capitalizeFully(blah, new char[]{'_'}).replaceAll("_", ""));

Green bar!

What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?

An example would be nice - here's a trivial one

for %I in (*.*) do @echo %~xI

it lists only the EXTENSIONS of each file in current folder

for more useful variable combinations (also listed in previous response) from the CMD prompt execute: HELP FOR which contains this snippet

The modifiers can be combined to get compound results:

%~dpI       - expands %I to a drive letter and path only
%~nxI       - expands %I to a file name and extension only
%~fsI       - expands %I to a full path name with short names only
%~dp$PATH:I - searches the directories listed in the PATH
               environment variable for %I and expands to the
               drive letter and path of the first one found.
%~ftzaI     - expands %I to a DIR like output line

Fine control over the font size in Seaborn plots for academic papers

You are right. This is a badly documented issue. But you can change the font size parameter (by opposition to font scale) directly after building the plot. Check the following example:

import seaborn as sns
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

b = sns.boxplot(x=tips["total_bill"])
b.set_xlabel("X Label",fontsize=30)
b.set_ylabel("Y Label",fontsize=20)

, which results in this:

Different font sizes for different labels

To make it consistent in between plots I think you just need to make sure the DPI is the same. By the way it' also a possibility to customize a bit the rc dictionaries since "font.size" parameter exists but I'm not too sure how to do that.

NOTE: And also I don't really understand why they changed the name of the font size variables for axis labels and ticks. Seems a bit un-intuitive.

ldconfig error: is not a symbolic link

I simply ran the command below:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/

Now it is working fine.

How to get the date and time values in a C program?

strftime (C89)

Martin mentioned it, here's an example:


#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void) {
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
    char s[64];
    assert(strftime(s, sizeof(s), "%c", tm));
    printf("%s\n", s);
    return 0;

GitHub upstream.

Compile and run:

gcc -std=c89 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.c

Sample output:

Thu Apr 14 22:39:03 2016

The %c specifier produces the same format as ctime.

One advantage of this function is that it returns the number of bytes written, allowing for better error control in case the generated string is too long:


  Provided  that  the  result string, including the terminating null byte, does not exceed max bytes, strftime() returns the number of bytes (excluding the terminating null byte) placed in the array s.  If the length of the result string (including the terminating null byte) would exceed max bytes, then
   strftime() returns 0, and the contents of the array are undefined.
  Note that the return value 0 does not necessarily indicate an error.  For example, in many locales %p yields an empty string.  An empty format string will likewise yield an empty string.

asctime and ctime (C89, deprecated in POSIX 7)

asctime is a convenient way to format a struct tm:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void) {
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
    printf("%s", asctime(tm));
    return 0;

Sample output:

Wed Jun 10 16:10:32 2015

And there is also ctime() which the standard says is a shortcut for:


As mentioned by Jonathan Leffler, the format has the shortcoming of not having timezone information.

POSIX 7 marked those functions as "obsolescent" so they could be removed in future versions:

The standard developers decided to mark the asctime() and asctime_r() functions obsolescent even though asctime() is in the ISO C standard due to the possibility of buffer overflow. The ISO C standard also provides the strftime() function which can be used to avoid these problems.

C++ version of this question: How to get current time and date in C++?

Tested in Ubuntu 16.04.

Getting key with maximum value in dictionary?

Here is another one:

stats = {'a':1000, 'b':3000, 'c': 100}
max(stats.iterkeys(), key=lambda k: stats[k])

The function key simply returns the value that should be used for ranking and max() returns the demanded element right away.

Truncate (not round) decimal places in SQL Server

ROUND ( 123.456 , 2 , 1 )

When the third parameter != 0 it truncates rather than rounds


ROUND ( numeric_expression , length [ ,function ] )


  • numeric_expression Is an expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type.

  • length Is the precision to which numeric_expression is to be rounded. length must be an expression of type tinyint, smallint, or int. When length is a positive number, numeric_expression is rounded to the number of decimal positions specified by length. When length is a negative number, numeric_expression is rounded on the left side of the decimal point, as specified by length.

  • function Is the type of operation to perform. function must be tinyint, smallint, or int. When function is omitted or has a value of 0 (default), numeric_expression is rounded. When a value other than 0 is specified, numeric_expression is truncated.

How do I print my Java object without getting "SomeType@2f92e0f4"?

I prefer to use a utility function which uses GSON to de-serialize the Java object into JSON string.

 * This class provides basic/common functionalities to be applied on Java Objects.
public final class ObjectUtils {

    private static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();

    private ObjectUtils() {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Instantiation of this class is not permitted in case you are using reflection.");

     * This method is responsible for de-serializing the Java Object into Json String.
     * @param object Object to be de-serialized.
     * @return String
    public static String deserializeObjectToString(final Object object) {
        return GSON.toJson(object);

Skip first couple of lines while reading lines in Python file

Use itertools.islice, starting at index 17. It will automatically skip the 17 first lines.

import itertools
with open('file.txt') as f:
    for line in itertools.islice(f, 17, None):  # start=17, stop=None
        # process lines

Center Div inside another (100% width) div

The key is the margin: 0 auto; on the inner div. A proof-of-concept example:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <div style="background-color: blue; width: 100%;">
        <div style="background-color: yellow; width: 940px; margin: 0 auto;">

Permission is only granted to system app

To ignore this error for one instance only, add the tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions" attribute to your permission declaration. Here is an example:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE"
    tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions" />

You have to add tools namespace in the manifest root element

<manifest xmlns:android=""

Unique Key constraints for multiple columns in Entity Framework

Completing @chuck answer for using composite indices with foreign keys.

You need to define a property that will hold the value of the foreign key. You can then use this property inside the index definition.

For example, we have company with employees and only we have a unique constraint on (name, company) for any employee:

class Company
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

class Employee
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }
    public Company Company  { get; set; }
    public Guid CompanyId { get; set; }

Now the mapping of the Employee class:

class EmployeeMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Employee>
    public EmployeeMap ()

        Property(p => p.Id)

        Property(p => p.Name)
            .HasUniqueIndexAnnotation("UK_Employee_Name_Company", 0);
        Property(p => p.CompanyId )
            .HasUniqueIndexAnnotation("UK_Employee_Name_Company", 1);
        HasRequired(p => p.Company)
            .HasForeignKey(p => p.CompanyId)

Note that I also used @niaher extension for unique index annotation.

How to properly import a selfsigned certificate into Java keystore that is available to all Java applications by default?

On Windows the easiest way is to use the program portecle.

  1. Download and install portecle.
  2. First make 100% sure you know which JRE or JDK is being used to run your program. On a 64 bit Windows 7 there could be quite a few JREs. Process Explorer can help you with this or you can use: System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.home"));
  3. Copy the file JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts to another folder.
  4. In Portecle click File > Open Keystore File
  5. Select the cacerts file
  6. Enter this password: changeit
  7. Click Tools > Import Trusted Certificate
  8. Browse for the file mycertificate.pem
  9. Click Import
  10. Click OK for the warning about the trust path.
  11. Click OK when it displays the details about the certificate.
  12. Click Yes to accept the certificate as trusted.
  13. When it asks for an alias click OK and click OK again when it says it has imported the certificate.
  14. Click save. Don’t forget this or the change is discarded.
  15. Copy the file cacerts back where you found it.

On Linux:

You can download the SSL certificate from a web server that is already using it like this:

$ echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | \
   sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/examplecert.crt

Optionally verify the certificate information:

$ openssl x509 -in /tmp/examplecert.crt -text

Import the certificate into the Java cacerts keystore:

$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /opt/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts \
   -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias mycert -file /tmp/examplecert.crt

How to change a css class style through Javascript?

Suppose you have:

<div id="mydiv" class="oldclass">text</div>

and the following styles:

.oldclass { color: blue }
.newclass { background-color: yellow }

You can change the class on mydiv in javascript like this:

document.getElementById('mydiv').className = 'newclass';

After the DOM manipulation you will be left with:

<div id="mydiv" class="newclass">text</div>

If you want to add a new css class without removing the old one, you can append to it:

document.getElementById('mydiv').className += ' newClass';

This will result in:

<div id="mydiv" class="oldclass newclass">text</div>

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish

The simplest approach is to use ExecutorService.invokeAll() which does what you want in a one-liner. In your parlance, you'll need to modify or wrap ComputeDTask to implement Callable<>, which can give you quite a bit more flexibility. Probably in your app there is a meaningful implementation of, but here's a way to wrap it if not using Executors.callable().

ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
List<Callable<Object>> todo = new ArrayList<Callable<Object>>(singleTable.size());

for (DataTable singleTable: uniquePhrases) { 
    todo.add(Executors.callable(new ComputeDTask(singleTable))); 

List<Future<Object>> answers = es.invokeAll(todo);

As others have pointed out, you could use the timeout version of invokeAll() if appropriate. In this example, answers is going to contain a bunch of Futures which will return nulls (see definition of Executors.callable(). Probably what you want to do is a slight refactoring so you can get a useful answer back, or a reference to the underlying ComputeDTask, but I can't tell from your example.

If it isn't clear, note that invokeAll() will not return until all the tasks are completed. (i.e., all the Futures in your answers collection will report .isDone() if asked.) This avoids all the manual shutdown, awaitTermination, etc... and allows you to reuse this ExecutorService neatly for multiple cycles, if desired.

There are a few related questions on SO:

None of these are strictly on-point for your question, but they do provide a bit of color about how folks think Executor/ExecutorService ought to be used.

if else statement in AngularJS templates

Ternary is the most clear way of doing this.

<div>{{ConditionVar ? 'varIsTrue' : 'varIsFalse'}}</div>

How do I use CSS with a ruby on rails application?

Use the rails style sheet tag to link your main.css like this

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main" %>

Go to


Once inside the assets.rb add the following code snippet just below the Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'

Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( main.css )

Restart your server.

Set environment variables from file of key/value pairs

White spaces in the value

There are many great answers here, but I found them all lacking support for white space in the value:

DATABASE_CLIENT_HOST=host db-name db-user md5

I have found 2 solutions that work whith such values with support for empty lines and comments.

One based on sed and @javier-buzzi answer:

source <(sed -e /^$/d -e /^#/d -e 's/.*/declare -x "&"/g' .env)

And one with read line in a loop based on @john1024 answer

while read -r line; do declare -x "$line"; done < <(egrep -v "(^#|^\s|^$)" .env)

The key here is in using declare -x and putting line in double quotes. I don't know why but when you reformat the loop code to multiple lines it won't work — I'm no bash programmer, I just gobbled together these, it's still magic to me :)

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;

I need this so often that I created a function in my ~/.bashrc file:

chmodf() {
        find $2 -type f -exec chmod $1 {} \;
chmodd() {
        find $2 -type d -exec chmod $1 {} \;

Now I can use these shortcuts:

chmodd 0775 .
chmodf 0664 .

When should an Excel VBA variable be killed or set to Nothing?

VB6/VBA uses deterministic approach to destoying objects. Each object stores number of references to itself. When the number reaches zero, the object is destroyed.

Object variables are guaranteed to be cleaned (set to Nothing) when they go out of scope, this decrements the reference counters in their respective objects. No manual action required.

There are only two cases when you want an explicit cleanup:

  1. When you want an object to be destroyed before its variable goes out of scope (e.g., your procedure is going to take long time to execute, and the object holds a resource, so you want to destroy the object as soon as possible to release the resource).

  2. When you have a circular reference between two or more objects.

    If objectA stores a references to objectB, and objectB stores a reference to objectA, the two objects will never get destroyed unless you brake the chain by explicitly setting objectA.ReferenceToB = Nothing or objectB.ReferenceToA = Nothing.

The code snippet you show is wrong. No manual cleanup is required. It is even harmful to do a manual cleanup, as it gives you a false sense of more correct code.

If you have a variable at a class level, it will be cleaned/destroyed when the class instance is destructed. You can destroy it earlier if you want (see item 1.).

If you have a variable at a module level, it will be cleaned/destroyed when your program exits (or, in case of VBA, when the VBA project is reset). You can destroy it earlier if you want (see item 1.).

Access level of a variable (public vs. private) does not affect its life time.

Assert a function/method was not called using Mock

This should work for your case;

assert not my_var.called, 'method should not have been called'


>>> mock=Mock()
>>> mock.a()
<Mock name='mock.a()' id='4349129872'>
>>> assert not mock.b.called, 'b was called and should not have been'
>>> assert not mock.a.called, 'a was called and should not have been'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AssertionError: a was called and should not have been

Regex to extract URLs from href attribute in HTML with Python

The best answer is...

Don't use a regex

The expression in the accepted answer misses many cases. Among other things, URLs can have unicode characters in them. The regex you want is here, and after looking at it, you may conclude that you don't really want it after all. The most correct version is ten-thousand characters long.

Admittedly, if you were starting with plain, unstructured text with a bunch of URLs in it, then you might need that ten-thousand-character-long regex. But if your input is structured, use the structure. Your stated aim is to "extract the url, inside the anchor tag's href." Why use a ten-thousand-character-long regex when you can do something much simpler?

Parse the HTML instead

For many tasks, using Beautiful Soup will be far faster and easier to use:

>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
>>> html = Soup(s, 'html.parser')           # Soup(s, 'lxml') if lxml is installed
>>> [a['href'] for a in html.find_all('a')]
['', '']

If you prefer not to use external tools, you can also directly use Python's own built-in HTML parsing library. Here's a really simple subclass of HTMLParser that does exactly what you want:

from html.parser import HTMLParser

class MyParser(HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self, output_list=None):
        if output_list is None:
            self.output_list = []
            self.output_list = output_list
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        if tag == 'a':


>>> p = MyParser()
>>> p.feed(s)
>>> p.output_list
['', '']

You could even create a new method that accepts a string, calls feed, and returns output_list. This is a vastly more powerful and extensible way than regular expressions to extract information from html.

Insert all values of a table into another table in SQL

 Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog
                ofd.Filter = "*.mdb|*.MDB"
                ofd.FilterIndex = (2)
                ofd.FileName = "bd1.mdb"
                ofd.Title = "SELECCIONE LA BASE DE DATOS ORIGEN (bd1.mdb)"
                Dim conexion1 = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" + ofd.FileName
                Dim conn As New OdbcConnection()
                conn.ConnectionString = conexion1

            Dim ofd2 As New OpenFileDialog
            ofd2.Filter = "*.mdb|*.MDB"
            ofd2.FilterIndex = (2)
            ofd2.FileName = "bd1.mdb"
            ofd2.Title = "SELECCIONE LA BASE DE DATOS DESTINO (bd1.mdb)"
            Dim conexion2 = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" + ofd2.FileName
            Dim conn2 As New OdbcConnection()
            conn2.ConnectionString = conexion2
            Dim cmd2 As New OdbcCommand
            Dim CADENA2 As String

            CADENA2 = "INSERT INTO EXISTENCIA IN '" + ofd2.FileName + "' SELECT * FROM EXISTENCIA IN '" + ofd.FileName + "'"

            cmd2.CommandText = CADENA2
            cmd2.Connection = conn2
            Dim dA2 As New OdbcDataAdapter
            dA2.SelectCommand = cmd2
            Dim midataset2 As New DataSet
            dA2.Fill(midataset2, "EXISTENCIA")

Android Call an method from another class

You should use the following code :

Class2 cls2 = new Class2();

In case you don't want to create a new instance to call the method, you can decalre the method as static and then you can just call Class2.UpdateEmployee().

Print all key/value pairs in a Java ConcurrentHashMap

The ConcurrentHashMap is very similar to the HashMap class, except that ConcurrentHashMap offers internally maintained concurrency. It means you do not need to have synchronized blocks when accessing ConcurrentHashMap in multithreaded application.

To get all key-value pairs in ConcurrentHashMap, below code which is similar to your code works perfectly:

//Initialize ConcurrentHashMap instance
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> m = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();

//Print all values stored in ConcurrentHashMap instance
for each (Entry<String, Integer> e : m.entrySet()) {

Above code is reasonably valid in multi-threaded environment in your application. The reason, I am saying 'reasonably valid' is that, above code yet provides thread safety, still it can decrease the performance of application.

Hope this helps you.

How to detect iPhone 5 (widescreen devices)?

If the project is created using Xcode 6, then use the below mentioned code to detect the devices..

printf("\nDetected Resolution : %d x %d\n\n",(int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.width,(int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height);

if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: @selector(scale)])
        if([[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 960 || [[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 480){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 4,4s ");

        }else if([[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 1136){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 5,5S/iPod 5 ");

        }else if([[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 1334){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 6 ");

        }else if([[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 2208){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 6+ ");

    printf("Device Type : iPad");

If the project was created in Xcode 5 and opened in Xcode 6, then use the below mentioned code to detect the devices.(This code works if no launching images for iPhone 6,6+ are assigned)

printf("\nDetected Resolution : %d x %d\n\n",(int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.width,(int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height);
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: @selector(scale)])
       if([[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 960 || [[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 480){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 4,4s");
        }else if([[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 1136 || [[UIScreen mainScreen] nativeBounds].size.height == 1704){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 5,5S,6,6S/iPod 5 ");
    printf("Device Type : iPad");

If you are still using Xcode 5 all together then use the following code to detect the devices (iPhone 6 and 6+ will not be detected)

printf("\nDetected Resolution : %d x %d\n\n",(int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width,(int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height);
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: @selector(scale)])
        CGSize result = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
        CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
        result = CGSizeMake(result.width * scale, result.height * scale);
        if(result.height == 960 || result.height == 480){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 4,4S ");

        }else if(result.height == 1136){
            printf("Device Type : iPhone 5s/iPod 5");

    printf("Device Type : iPad");


Is there an addHeaderView equivalent for RecyclerView?

It's been a few years, but just in case anyone is reading this later...

Using the above code, only the header layout is displayed as viewType is always 0.

The problem is in the constant declaration:

private static final int HEADER = 0;
private static final int OTHER = 0;  <== bug 

If you declare them both as zero, then you'll always get zero!

JavaScript naming conventions

I think that besides some syntax limitations; the naming conventions reasoning are very much language independent. I mean, the arguments in favor of c_style_functions and JavaLikeCamelCase could equally well be used the opposite way, it's just that language users tend to follow the language authors.

having said that, i think most libraries tend to roughly follow a simplification of Java's CamelCase. I find Douglas Crockford advices tasteful enough for me.

Attach the Source in Eclipse of a jar

  1. Download JDEclipse from
  2. Follow the installation steps
  3. If you still didn't find the source, right click on the jar file and select "Attach Library Source" option from the project folder, as you can see below.

Drop down option location

How to create the most compact mapping n ? isprime(n) up to a limit N?

public static boolean isPrime(int number) {
 if(number < 2)
   return false;
 else if(number == 2 || number == 3)
        return true;
      else {
        for(int i=2;i<=number/2;i++)
           if(number%i == 0)
             return false;
           else if(i==number/2)
                return true;
    return false;

How do I get the HTTP status code with jQuery?

I have had major issues with ajax + jQuery v3 getting both the response status code and data from JSON APIs. jQuery.ajax only decodes JSON data if the status is a successful one, and it also swaps around the ordering of the callback parameters depending on the status code. Ugghhh.

The best way to combat this is to call the .always chain method and do a bit of cleaning up. Here is my code.

    }).always(function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
        var responseCode = null;
        if (textStatus === "error") {
            // data variable is actually xhr
            responseCode = data.status;
            if (data.responseText) {
                try {
                    data = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
                } catch (e) {
                    // Ignore
        } else {
            responseCode = xhr.status;

        console.log("Response code", responseCode);
        console.log("JSON Data", data);

Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project

Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project

use useDb to solve this issue


//product databse

const myDB = mongoose.connection.useDb('product');

module.exports = myDB.model("Snack", snackSchema);

//user databse

const myDB = mongoose.connection.useDb('user');

module.exports = myDB.model("User", userSchema);

Copying files from one directory to another in Java

File sourceFile = new File("C:\\Users\\Demo\\Downloads\\employee\\"+img);
File destinationFile = new File("\\images\\" + sourceFile.getName());

FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(

int bufferSize;
byte[] bufffer = new byte[512];
while ((bufferSize = > 0) {
    fileOutputStream.write(bufffer, 0, bufferSize);

Using jQuery to test if an input has focus

Have you thought about using mouseOver and mouseOut to simulate this. Also look into mouseEnter and mouseLeave

Postgres - Transpose Rows to Columns

Use crosstab() from the tablefunc module.

SELECT * FROM crosstab(
   $$SELECT user_id, user_name, rn, email_address
     FROM  (
        SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, e.email_address
             , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY u.user_id
                            ORDER BY e.creation_date DESC NULLS LAST) AS rn
        FROM   usr u
        LEFT   JOIN email_tbl e USING (user_id)
        ) sub
     WHERE  rn < 4
     ORDER  BY user_id
  , 'VALUES (1),(2),(3)'
   ) AS t (user_id int, user_name text, email1 text, email2 text, email3 text);

I used dollar-quoting for the first parameter, which has no special meaning. It's just convenient if you have to escape single quotes in the query string which is a common case:

Detailed explanation and instructions here:

And in particular, for "extra columns":

The special difficulties here are:

  • The lack of key names.
    -> We substitute with row_number() in a subquery.

  • The varying number of emails.
    -> We limit to a max. of three in the outer SELECT
    and use crosstab() with two parameters, providing a list of possible keys.

Pay attention to NULLS LAST in the ORDER BY.

Usage of \b and \r in C

As for the meaning of each character described in C Primer Plus, what you expected is an 'correct' answer. It should be true for some computer architectures and compilers, but unfortunately not yours.

I wrote a simple c program to repeat your test, and got that 'correct' answer. I was using Mac OS and gcc. enter image description here

Also, I am very curious what is the compiler that you were using. :)

Is if(document.getElementById('something')!=null) identical to if(document.getElementById('something'))?

A reference to an element will never look "falsy", so leaving off the explicit null check is safe.

Javascript will treat references to some values in a boolean context as false: undefined, null, numeric zero and NaN, and empty strings. But what getElementById returns will either be an element reference, or null. Thus if the element is in the DOM, the return value will be an object reference, and all object references are true in an if () test. If the element is not in the DOM, the return value would be null, and null is always false in an if () test.

It's harmless to include the comparison, but personally I prefer to keep out bits of code that don't do anything because I figure every time my finger hits the keyboard I might be introducing a bug :)

Note that those using jQuery should not do this:

if ($('#something')) { /* ... */ }

because the jQuery function will always return something "truthy" — even if no element is found, jQuery returns an object reference. Instead:

if ($('#something').length) { /* ... */ }

edit — as to checking the value of an element, no, you can't do that at the same time as you're checking for the existence of the element itself directly with DOM methods. Again, most frameworks make that relatively simple and clean, as others have noted in their answers.

Appending values to dictionary in Python

If you want to append to the lists of each key inside a dictionary, you can append new values to them using + operator (tested in Python 3.7):

mydict = {'a':[], 'b':[]}
mydict['a'] += [1,3]
mydict['b'] += [4,6]
mydict['a'] += [2,8]

and the output:

{'a': [], 'b': []}
{'a': [1, 3], 'b': [4, 6]}
{'a': [1, 3, 2, 8], 'b': [4, 6]}

mydict['a'].extend([1,3]) will do the job same as + without creating a new list (efficient way).

Keep overflow div scrolled to bottom unless user scrolls up

I couldn't get the top two answers to work, and none of the other answers were helpful to me. So I paid three people $30 from Reddit r/forhire and Upwork and got some really good answers. This answer should save you $90.

Justin Hundley / The Site Bros' solution


<div id="chatscreen">
  <div id="inner">


#chatscreen {
  width: 300px;
  overflow-y: scroll;


    var scrolled = false;
  var lastScroll = 0;
  var count = 0;
    $("#chatscreen").on("scroll", function() {
    var nextScroll = $(this).scrollTop();

    if (nextScroll <= lastScroll) {
        scrolled = true;
    lastScroll = nextScroll;
    console.log(nextScroll, $("#inner").height())
    if ((nextScroll + 100) == $("#inner").height()) {
        scrolled = false;
  function updateScroll(){
          var element = document.getElementById("chatscreen");
          var inner = document.getElementById("inner");
          element.scrollTop = inner.scrollHeight;

  // Now let's load our messages
  function load_messages(){
      $( "#inner" ).append( "Test" + count + "<br/>" );
      count = count + 1;


Preview the site bros' solution


Lermex / Sviatoslav Chumakov's solution


<div id="chatscreen">



#chatscreen {
  height: 300px;
  border: 1px solid purple;
  overflow: scroll;


var isScrolledToBottom = false;
// Now let's load our messages
function load_messages(){
    $( "#chatscreen" ).append( "<br>Test" );

var out = document.getElementById("chatscreen");
var c = 0;

$("#chatscreen").on('scroll', function(){
    isScrolledToBottom = out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight <= out.scrollTop + 10;

function updateScr() {
        // allow 1px inaccuracy by adding 1
    //console.log(out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight,  out.scrollTop + 1);
    var newElement = document.createElement("div");

    newElement.innerHTML = c++;

    // scroll to bottom if isScrolledToBotto
    if(isScrolledToBottom) {out.scrollTop = out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight; }

var add = setInterval(updateScr, 1000);

setInterval(load_messages,300); // change to 300 to show the latest message you sent after pressing enter // comment this line and it works, uncomment and it fails
                                // leaving it on 1000 shows the second to last message

Preview Sviatoslav's solution


Igor Rusinov's Solution


<div id="chatscreen"></div>


#chatscreen {
  height: 100px;
  overflow: scroll;
  border: 1px solid #000;



// Now let's load our messages
function load_messages(){
    $( "#chatscreen" ).append( "<br>Test" );

var out = document.getElementById("chatscreen");
var c = 0;
var add = setInterval(function() {
    // allow 1px inaccuracy by adding 1
    var isScrolledToBottom = out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight <= out.scrollTop + 1;

    // scroll to bottom if isScrolledToBotto
    if(isScrolledToBottom) {out.scrollTop = out.scrollHeight - out.clientHeight; }
}, 1000);

Preview Igor's solution


JavaScript - Get Portion of URL Path

If you have an abstract URL string (not from the current window.location), you can use this trick:

let yourUrlString = "";

let parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = yourUrlString;

parser.protocol; // => "http:"
parser.hostname; // => ""
parser.port;     // => "3000"
parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/";   // => "?search=test"
parser.hash;     // => "#hash";     // => ""

Thanks to jlong

Google Maps: Auto close open InfoWindows?

My solution.

var map;
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
function createMarker(...) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
     descrip: infowindowHtmlContent  
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
        content: this.descrip,
    });, marker);

git still shows files as modified after adding to .gitignore

if you have .idea/* already added in your .gitignore and if git rm -r --cached .idea/ command does not work (note: shows error-> fatal: pathspec '.idea/' did not match any files) try this

remove .idea file from your app run this command

rm -rf .idea

run git status now and check while running the app .idea folder will be created again but it will not be tracked

What is the difference between <html lang="en"> and <html lang="en-US">?

This should help :

The golden rule when creating language tags is to keep the tag as short as possible. Avoid region, script or other subtags except where they add useful distinguishing information. For instance, use ja for Japanese and not ja-JP, unless there is a particular reason that you need to say that this is Japanese as spoken in Japan, rather than elsewhere.

The list below shows the various types of subtag that are available. We will work our way through these and how they are used in the sections that follow.


SQL Server: Importing database from .mdf?

If you do not have an LDF file then:

1) put the MDF in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\

2) In ssms, go to Databases -> Attach and add the MDF file. It will not let you add it this way but it will tell you the database name contained within.

3) Make sure the user you are running ssms.exe as has acccess to this MDF file.

4) Now that you know the DbName, run

EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname = 'DbName', 
@physname = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\yourfile.mdf';


How to display the function, procedure, triggers source code in postgresql?

For function:

you can query the pg_proc view , just as the following

select proname,prosrc from pg_proc where proname= your_function_name; 

Another way is that just execute the commont \df and \ef which can list the functions.

skytf=> \df           
                                             List of functions
 Schema |         Name         | Result data type |              Argument data types               |  Type  
 public | pg_buffercache_pages | SETOF record     |                                                | normal

skytf=> \ef  pg_buffercache_pages

It will show the source code of the function.

For triggers:

I dont't know if there is a direct way to get the source code. Just know the following way, may be it will help you!

  • step 1 : Get the table oid of the trigger:
    skytf=> select tgrelid from pg_trigger  where tgname='insert_tbl_tmp_trigger';
    (1 row)
  • step 2: Get the table name of the above oid !
    skytf=> select oid,relname  from pg_class where oid=26599;
      oid  |           relname           
     26599 | tbl_tmp
    (1 row)
  • step 3: list the table information
    skytf=> \d tbl_tmp

It will show you the details of the trigger of the table . Usually a trigger uses a function. So you can get the source code of the trigger function just as the above that I pointed out !

What is the final version of the ADT Bundle?

You can also get an updated version of the Eclipse's ADT plugin (based on an unreleased 24.2.0 version) that I managed to patch and compile at

How to add a TextView to a LinearLayout dynamically in Android?

LayoutParams lparams = new LayoutParams(
   LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
TextView tv=new TextView(this);

You can change lparams according to your needs

How do I check that a Java String is not all whitespaces?

If you are using Java 11, the new isBlank string method will come in handy:


If you are using Java 8, 9 or 10, you could build a simple stream to check that a string is not whitespace only:


In addition to not requiring any third-party libraries such as Apache Commons Lang, these solutions have the advantage of handling any white space character, and not just plain ' ' spaces as would a trim-based solution suggested in many other answers. You can refer to the Javadocs for an exhaustive list of all supported white space types. Note that empty strings are also covered in both cases.

jQuery detect if textarea is empty

$.each(["input[type=text][value=]", "textarea[value=]"], function (index, element) {
              //only empty input and textarea will come here

Send email using java

The short answer - No.

The long answer - no, since the code relies on the presence of a SMTP server running on the local machine, and listening on port 25. The SMTP server (technically the MTA or Mail Transfer Agent) is responsible for communicating with the Mail User Agent (MUA, which in this case is the Java process) to receive outgoing emails.

Now, MTAs are typically responsible for receiving mails from users for a particular domain. So, for the domain, it would be the Google mail servers that are responsible for authenticating mail user agents and hence transferring of mails to inboxes on the GMail servers. I'm not sure if GMail trusts open mail relay servers, but it is certainly not an easy task to perform authentication on behalf on Google, and then relay mail to the GMail servers.

If you read the JavaMail FAQ on using JavaMail to accessing GMail, you'll notice that the hostname and the port happen to be pointing to the GMail servers, and certainly not to localhost. If you intend to use your local machine, you'll need to perform either relaying or forwarding.

You'll probably need to understand the SMTP protocol in depth if you intend to get anywhere when it comes to SMTP. You can start with the Wikipedia article on SMTP, but any further progress will actually necessitate programming against a SMTP server.

Ruby: How to get the first character of a string

In MRI 1.8.7 or greater:


How to update nested state properties in React

you can do this with object spreading code :

 this.setState((state)=>({ someProperty:{...state.someProperty,flag:false}})

this will work for more nested property

C# How to change font of a label

You need to create a new Font

mainForm.lblName.Font = new Font("Arial", mainForm.lblName.Font.Size);

Show Hide div if, if statement is true

$divStyle=''; // show div

// add condition
if($variable == '1'){
  $divStyle='style="display:none;"'; //hide div

print'<div '.$divStyle.'>Div to hide</div>';

Install Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7

The minimum requirements are based on the Express edition you're attempting to install:

Express for Web (Web sites and HTML5 applications) - Windows 7 SP1 (With IE 10)
Express for Windows (Windows 8 Apps) - Windows 8.1
Express for Windows Desktop (Windows Programs) - Windows 7 SP1 (With IE 10)
Express for Windows Phone (Windows Phone Apps) - Windows 8

It sounds like you're trying to install the "Express 2013 for Windows" edition, which is for developing Windows 8 "Modern UI" apps, or the Windows Phone edition.

The similarly named version that is compatible with Windows 7 SP1 is "Express 2013 for Windows Desktop"


"starting Tomcat server 7 at localhost has encountered a prob"

In Servers view double-click on Tomcat and change HTTP port in Ports section to something else. Or in Package Explorer navigate to Servers Tomcat and change Connector port part inside server.xml file.

Converting JSONarray to ArrayList

 JSONArray array = new JSONArray(json);
 List<JSONObject> list = new ArrayList();
 for (int i = 0; i < array.length();list.add(array.getJSONObject(i++)));

Use python requests to download CSV

The following approach worked well for me. I also did not need to use csv.reader() or csv.writer() functions, which I feel makes the code cleaner. The code is compatible with Python2 and Python 3.

from six.moves import urllib

DOWNLOAD_PATH ="datasets\city-of-chicago-salaries.csv" 

Note - six is a package that helps in writing code that is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. For additional details regarding six see - What does from six.moves import urllib do in Python?

Get google map link with latitude/longitude

  <iframe src="'+YOUR_LAT+','+YOUR_LON+'&hl=en&z=14&amp;output=embed" width="100%" height="400" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

put your replace lattitude,longitude values on YOUR_LAT,YOUR_LON respectively. hl parameter for setting language on map, z for zoomlevel;

C99 stdint.h header and MS Visual Studio

Turns out you can download a MS version of this header from:

A portable one can be found here:

Thanks to the Software Ramblings blog.

How to get all elements which name starts with some string?

HTML DOM querySelectorAll() method seems apt here.

W3School Link given here

Syntax (As given in W3School)

document.querySelectorAll(CSS selectors)

So the answer.




Considering FLX's suggestion adding link to MDN here

Python: Select subset from list based on index set

You could just use list comprehension:

property_asel = [val for is_good, val in zip(good_objects, property_a) if is_good]


property_asel = [property_a[i] for i in good_indices]

The latter one is faster because there are fewer good_indices than the length of property_a, assuming good_indices are precomputed instead of generated on-the-fly.

Edit: The first option is equivalent to itertools.compress available since Python 2.7/3.1. See @Gary Kerr's answer.

property_asel = list(itertools.compress(property_a, good_objects))

EXCEL VBA, inserting blank row and shifting cells

Sub Addrisk()

Dim rActive As Range
Dim Count_Id_Column as long

Set rActive = ActiveCell

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

with thisworkbook.sheets(1) 'change to "sheetname" or sheetindex
    for i = 1 to .range("A1045783").end(xlup).row
        if 'something'  = 'something' then
            .range("A" & i).EntireRow.Copy 'add thisworkbook.sheets(index_of_sheet) if you copy from another sheet
            .range("A" & i).entirerow.insert shift:= xldown 'insert and shift down, can also use xlup
            .range("A" & i + 1).EntireRow.paste 'paste is all, all other defs are less.
            'change I to move on to next row (will get + 1 end of iteration)
            i = i + 1
        end if

            On Error Resume Next
            On Error GoTo 0

        End With
    next i
End With

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 're-enable screen updates

End Sub

How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title?

    ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    TextView tv = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
    Typeface typeface = ResourcesCompat.getFont(this, R.font.monotype_corsiva);
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, // Width of TextView
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // Height of TextView
    tv.setText("Your Text"); // ActionBar title text
    tv.setTypeface(typeface, typeface.ITALIC);

Can I have H2 autocreate a schema in an in-memory database?

What Thomas has written is correct, in addition to that, if you want to initialize multiple schemas you can use the following. Note there is a \\; separating the two create statements.

    EmbeddedDatabase db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
                    .setName("testDb;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;MODE=Oracle;INIT=create " +
                            "schema if not exists " +
                            "schema_a\\;create schema if not exists schema_b;" +

ref :

jQuery - Follow the cursor with a DIV

You don't need jQuery for this. Here's a simple working example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style type="text/css">
                position: fixed;
                width: 1px;
                height: 1px;
                border-radius: 100%;
                box-shadow: 0 0 10px 10px black;
                top: 49%;
                left: 48.85%;
        <script type="text/javascript">
            window.onload = function(){
                var bsDiv = document.getElementById("box-shadow-div");
                var x, y;
    // On mousemove use event.clientX and event.clientY to set the location of the div to the location of the cursor:
                window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event){
                    x = event.clientX;
                    y = event.clientY;                    
                    if ( typeof x !== 'undefined' ){
               = x + "px";
               = y + "px";
                }, false);
        <div id="box-shadow-div"></div>

I chose position: fixed; so scrolling wouldn't be an issue.

Create an ArrayList with multiple object types?

You can always create an ArrayList of Objects. But it will not be very useful to you. Suppose you have created the Arraylist like this:

List<Object> myList = new ArrayList<Object>();

and add objects to this list like this:

myList.add(new Integer("5"));


myList.add(new Object());

You won't face any problem while adding and retrieving the object but it won't be very useful. You have to remember at what location each type of object is it in order to use it. In this case after retrieving, all you can do is calling the methods of Object on them.

onKeyDown event not working on divs in React

You're thinking too much in pure Javascript. Get rid of your listeners on those React lifecycle methods and use event.key instead of event.keyCode (because this is not a JS event object, it is a React SyntheticEvent). Your entire component could be as simple as this (assuming you haven't bound your methods in a constructor).

onKeyPressed(e) {

render() {
  let player = this.props.boards.dungeons[this.props.boards.currentBoard].player;
  return (
      style={{ position: "absolute" }}
      <div className="light-circle">
        <div className="image-wrapper">
          <img src={IMG_URL+player.img} />

What do Clustered and Non clustered index actually mean?

With a clustered index the rows are stored physically on the disk in the same order as the index. Therefore, there can be only one clustered index.

With a non clustered index there is a second list that has pointers to the physical rows. You can have many non clustered indices, although each new index will increase the time it takes to write new records.

It is generally faster to read from a clustered index if you want to get back all the columns. You do not have to go first to the index and then to the table.

Writing to a table with a clustered index can be slower, if there is a need to rearrange the data. Broken pipe

I agree with @arcy, the problem is on client side, on my case it was because of nginx, let me elaborate I am using nginx as the frontend (so I can distribute load, ssl, etc ...) and using proxy_pass to forward the appropiate requests to tomcat.

There is a default value for the nginx variable proxy_read_timeout of 60s that should be enough, but on some peak moments my setup would error with the Broken pipe changing the value will help until the root cause (60s should be enough) can be fixed.

NOTE: I made a new answer so I could expand a bit more with my case (it was the only mention I found about this error on internet after looking quite a lot)

Angular: 'Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays'

I was the same problem and as Pengyy suggest, that is the fix. Thanks a lot.

My problem on the Browser Console:

Image Problem on Browser Console

PortafolioComponent.html:3 ERROR Error: Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed(…)

In my case my code fix was:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';

export class ProductosService {

  productos:any[] = [];
  cargando:boolean = true;

  constructor( private http:Http) {

  public cargar_productos(){

    this.cargando = true;

      .subscribe( res => {
        this.cargando = false;
        this.productos = res.json().productos; // Before this.productos = res.json(); 


document.getElementByID is not a function

It's document.getElementById() and not document.getElementByID(). Check the casing for Id.

Check if value exists in dataTable?

You can use LINQ-to-DataSet with Enumerable.Any:

String author = "John Grisham";
bool contains = tbl.AsEnumerable().Any(row => author == row.Field<String>("Author"));

Another approach is to use DataTable.Select:

DataRow[] foundAuthors = tbl.Select("Author = '" + searchAuthor + "'");
if(foundAuthors.Length != 0)
    // do something...

Q: what if we do not know the columns Headers and we want to find if any cell value PEPSI exist in any rows'c columns? I can loop it all to find out but is there a better way? –

Yes, you can use this query:

DataColumn[] columns = tbl.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().ToArray();
bool anyFieldContainsPepsi = tbl.AsEnumerable()
    .Any(row => columns.Any(col => row[col].ToString() == "PEPSI"));

Char Comparison in C

A char variable is actually an 8-bit integral value. It will have values from 0 to 255. These are ASCII codes. 0 stands for the C-null character, and 255 stands for an empty symbol.

So, when you write the following assignment:

char a = 'a'; 

It is the same thing as:

char a = 97;

So, you can compare two char variables using the >, <, ==, <=, >= operators:

char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';

if( a < b ) printf("%c is smaller than %c", a, b);
if( a > b ) printf("%c is smaller than %c", a, b);
if( a == b ) printf("%c is equal to %c", a, b);

Where is Maven's settings.xml located on Mac OS?

found it under /Users/username/apache-maven-3.3.9/conf

How to implement private method in ES6 class with Traceur

As Marcelo Lazaroni has already said,

Although currently there is no way to declare a method or property as private, ES6 modules are not in the global namespace. Therefore, anything that you declare in your module and do not export will not be available to any other part of your program, but will still be available to your module during run time.

But his example didn't show how the private method could access members of the instance of the class. Max shows us some good examples of how access instance members through binding or the alternative of using a lambda method in the constructor, but I would like to add one more simple way of doing it: passing the instance as a parameter to the private method. Doing it this way would lead Max's MyClass to look like this:

function myPrivateFunction(myClass) {
  console.log("My property: " + myClass.prop);

class MyClass() {
  constructor() {
    this.prop = "myProp";
  testMethod() {
module.exports = MyClass;

Which way you do it really comes down to personal preference.

'Source code does not match the bytecode' when debugging on a device

So I created an account just so I could help fix this problem that is plaguing a lot of people and where the fixes above aren't working.

If you get this error and nothing here helps. Try clicking the "Resume program play button" until the program finishes past the error. Then click in the console tab next to debug and read the red text.

I was getting that source code error even though my issue was trying to insert a value into a null Array. Step 1 Click the resume button

Step 2 Click the console tab and read the red text

Plotting a fast Fourier transform in Python

There are already great solutions on this page, but all have assumed the dataset is uniformly/evenly sampled/distributed. I will try to provide a more general example of randomly sampled data. I will also use this MATLAB tutorial as an example:

Adding the required modules:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.signal

Generating sample data:

N = 600 # Number of samples
t = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N) # Assuming the time start is 0.0 and time end is 1.0
S = 1.0 * np.sin(50.0 * 2 * np.pi * t) + 0.5 * np.sin(80.0 * 2 * np.pi * t)
X = S + 0.01 * np.random.randn(N) # Adding noise

Sorting the data set:

order = np.argsort(t)
ts = np.array(t)[order]
Xs = np.array(X)[order]


T = (t.max() - t.min()) / N # Average period
Fs = 1 / T # Average sample rate frequency
f = Fs * np.arange(0, N // 2 + 1) / N; # Resampled frequency vector
X_new, t_new = scipy.signal.resample(Xs, N, ts)

Plotting the data and resampled data:

plt.xlim(0, 0.1)
plt.plot(t_new, X_new, label="resampled")
plt.plot(ts, Xs, label="org")

Enter image description here

Now calculating the FFT:

Y = scipy.fftpack.fft(X_new)
P2 = np.abs(Y / N)
P1 = P2[0 : N // 2 + 1]
P1[1 : -2] = 2 * P1[1 : -2]

plt.plot(f, P1)

Enter image description here

P.S. I finally got time to implement a more canonical algorithm to get a Fourier transform of unevenly distributed data. You may see the code, description, and example Jupyter notebook here.

What is the proof of of (N–1) + (N–2) + (N–3) + ... + 1= N*(N–1)/2

Sum of arithmetical progression

(A1+AN)/2*N = (1 + (N-1))/2*(N-1) = N*(N-1)/2

Can't Autowire @Repository annotated interface in Spring Boot

Sometimes I had the same issues when I forget to add Lombok annotation processor dependency to the maven configuration

Color different parts of a RichTextBox string

Selecting text as said from somebody, may the selection appear momentarily. In Windows Forms applications there is no other solutions for the problem, but today I found a bad, working, way to solve: you can put a PictureBox in overlapping to the RichtextBox with the screenshot of if, during the selection and the changing color or font, making it after reappear all, when the operation is complete.

Code is here...

//The PictureBox has to be invisible before this, at creation
//tb variable is your RichTextBox
//inputPreview variable is your PictureBox
using (Graphics g = inputPreview.CreateGraphics())
    Point loc = tb.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
    g.CopyFromScreen(loc, loc, tb.Size);
    Point pt = tb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(tb.TextLength);
    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), new Rectangle(pt.X, 0, 100, tb.Height));
//Your code here (example: tb.Select(...); tb.SelectionColor = ...;)

Better is to use WPF; this solution isn't perfect, but for Winform it works.

@POST in RESTful web service

REST webservice: (http://localhost:8080/your-app/rest/data/post)



public class JSONService {

    public Response createDataInJSON(String data) { 

        String result = "Data post: "+data;

        return Response.status(201).entity(result).build(); 

Client send a post:

package com.yourorg.client;

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;

public class JerseyClientPost {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {

        Client client = Client.create();

        WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/your-app/rest/data/post");

        String input = "{\"message\":\"Hello\"}";

        ClientResponse response = webResource.type("application/json")
           .post(ClientResponse.class, input);

        if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
                 + response.getStatus());

        System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");
        String output = response.getEntity(String.class);

      } catch (Exception e) {




Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=

Another option is to update the Microsoft.AspnNet.Mvc NuGet package. Be careful, because NuGet update does not update the Web.Config. You should update all previous version numbers to updated number. For example if you update from MVC to, then this should be replaced in the Web.Config:

    <sectionGroup name="system.web.webPages.razor" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
      <section name="host" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />
      <section name="pages" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />

 <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />

    pageParserFilterType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewTypeParserFilter, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
    pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
    userControlBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
    <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" namespace="System.Web.Mvc" tagPrefix="mvc" />

Set date input field's max date to today

JavaScript only simple solution

datePickerId.max = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0];
<input type="date" id="datePickerId" />

How to repeat a string a variable number of times in C++?


You can use C++ function for doing this.

 std::string repeat(const std::string& input, size_t num)
    std::ostringstream os;
    std::fill_n(std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(os), num, input);
    return os.str();

How to write console output to a txt file

To write console output to a txt file

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i;
    List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        String str = null;
        str = +i + ":-  HOW TO WRITE A CONSOLE OUTPUT IN A TEXT FILE";
    String listString = "";
    for (String s : ls) {
        listString += s + "\n";
    FileWriter writer = null;
    try {
        writer = new FileWriter("final.txt");
    } catch (IOException e) {

If you want to generate the PDF rather then the text file, you use the dependency given below:


To generate a PDF, use this code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i;
    List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        String str = null;
        str = +i + ":- HOW TO WRITE A CONSOLE OUTPUT IN A PDF";
    String listString = "";

    for (String s : ls) {
        listString += s + "\n";
    Document document = new Document();
    try {
        PdfWriter writer1 = PdfWriter
                        new FileOutputStream(
        document.add(new Paragraph(listString));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (DocumentException e) {

Convert string to number field

Within Crystal, you can do it by creating a formula that uses the ToNumber function. It might be a good idea to code for the possibility that the field might include non-numeric data - like so:

If NumericText ({field}) then ToNumber ({field}) else 0

Alternatively, you might find it easier to convert the field's datatype within the query used in the report.

How to get the list of properties of a class?

You could use the System.Reflection namespace with the Type.GetProperties() mehod:

PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos;
propertyInfos = typeof(MyClass).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Static);

Import MySQL database into a MS SQL Server

If you do an export with PhpMyAdmin, you can switch sql compatibility mode to 'MSSQL'. That way you just run the exported script against your MS SQL database and you're done.

If you cannot or don't want to use PhpMyAdmin, there's also a compatibility option in mysqldump, but personally I'd rather have PhpMyAdmin do it for me.

Indexes of all occurrences of character in a string

String word = "bannanas";

String guess = "n";

String temp = word;

while(temp.indexOf(guess) != -1) {
     int index = temp.indexOf(guess);
     temp = temp.substring(index + 1);

Elasticsearch : Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters index : not_analyzed

You're almost here, you're just missing a few things:

PUT /test
  "mappings": {
    "type_name": {                <--- add the type name
      "properties": {             <--- enclose all field definitions in "properties"
        "field1": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field2": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field3": {
          "type": "string",
          "index": "not_analyzed"
        "field4,": {
          "type": "string",
          "analyzer": "autocomplete",
          "search_analyzer": "standard"
  "settings": {


If your index already exists, you can also modify your mappings like this:

PUT test/_mapping/type_name
    "properties": {             <--- enclose all field definitions in "properties"
        "field1": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field2": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field3": {
          "type": "string",
          "index": "not_analyzed"
        "field4,": {
          "type": "string",
          "analyzer": "autocomplete",
          "search_analyzer": "standard"


As of ES 7, mapping types have been removed. You can read more details here

Keylistener in Javascript

The code is

document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){
} );

This return the ascii code of the key. If you need the key representation, use event.key (This will return 'a', 'o', 'Alt'...)

AngularJS : How to watch service variables?

As far as I can tell, you dont have to do something as elaborate as that. You have already assigned foo from the service to your scope and since foo is an array ( and in turn an object it is assigned by reference! ). So, all that you need to do is something like this :

function FooCtrl($scope, aService) {                                                                                                                              
  $ =;


If some, other variable in this same Ctrl is dependant on foo changing then yes, you would need a watch to observe foo and make changes to that variable. But as long as it is a simple reference watching is unnecessary. Hope this helps.


This could also be an issue of building the code using a 64 bit configuration. You can try to select x86 as the build platform which can solve this issue. To do this right-click the solution and select Configuration Manager From there you can change the Platform of the project using the 32-bit .dll to x86

UUID max character length

Section 3 of RFC4122 provides the formal definition of UUID string representations. It's 36 characters (32 hex digits + 4 dashes).

Sounds like you need to figure out where the invalid 60-char IDs are coming from and decide 1) if you want to accept them, and 2) what the max length of those IDs might be based on whatever API is used to generate them.

Extend a java class from one file in another java file

You don't.

If you want to extend Person with Student, just do:

public class Student extends Person

And make sure, when you compile both classes, one can find the other one.

What IDE are you using?

What is a View in Oracle?

A View in Oracle and in other database systems is simply the representation of a SQL statement that is stored in memory so that it can easily be re-used. For example, if we frequently issue the following query

SELECT customerid, customername FROM customers WHERE countryid='US';

To create a view use the CREATE VIEW command as seen in this example

CREATE VIEW view_uscustomers
SELECT customerid, customername FROM customers WHERE countryid='US';

This command creates a new view called view_uscustomers. Note that this command does not result in anything being actually stored in the database at all except for a data dictionary entry that defines this view. This means that every time you query this view, Oracle has to go out and execute the view and query the database data. We can query the view like this:

SELECT * FROM view_uscustomers WHERE customerid BETWEEN 100 AND 200;

And Oracle will transform the query into this:

FROM (select customerid, customername from customers WHERE countryid='US') 
WHERE customerid BETWEEN 100 AND 200

Benefits of using Views

  • Commonality of code being used. Since a view is based on one common set of SQL, this means that when it is called it’s less likely to require parsing.
  • Security. Views have long been used to hide the tables that actually contain the data you are querying. Also, views can be used to restrict the columns that a given user has access to.
  • Predicate pushing

You can find advanced topics in this article about "How to Create and Manage Views in Oracle."

Simple 'if' or logic statement in Python

If key isn't an int or float but a string, you need to convert it to an int first by doing

key = int(key)

or to a float by doing

key = float(key)

Otherwise, what you have in your question should work, but

if (key < 1) or (key > 34):


if not (1 <= key <= 34):

would be a bit clearer.

Is there any option to limit mongodb memory usage?

this worked for me on an AWS instance, to at least clear the cached memory mongo was using. after this you can see how your settings have had effect.

ubuntu@hongse:~$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3952       3667        284          0        617        514
-/+ buffers/cache:       2535       1416
Swap:            0          0          0
ubuntu@hongse:~$ sudo su
root@hongse:/home/ubuntu# sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
root@hongse:/home/ubuntu# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3952       2269       1682          0          1         42
-/+ buffers/cache:       2225       1726
Swap:            0          0          0

Convert java.util.Date to String

Commons-lang DateFormatUtils is full of goodies (if you have commons-lang in your classpath)

//Formats a date/time into a specific pattern
 DateFormatUtils.format(yourDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS");

How do I check the difference, in seconds, between two dates?

import time  
current = time.time()

end = time.time()
diff = end - current

would that work for you?

jQuery - Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Your calls are made recursively which pushes functions on to the stack infinitely that causes max call stack exceeded error due to recursive behavior. Instead try using setTimeout which is a callback.

Also based on your markup your selector is wrong. it should be #advisersDiv


function fadeIn() {
    setTimeout(fadeOut,1); //<-- Provide any delay here

function fadeOut() {
    setTimeout(fadeIn,1);//<-- Provide any delay here

Virtual/pure virtual explained

"A virtual function or virtual method is a function or method whose behavior can be overridden within an inheriting class by a function with the same signature" - wikipedia

This is not a good explanation for virtual functions. Because, even if a member is not virtual, inheriting classes can override it. You can try and see it yourself.

The difference shows itself when a function take a base class as a parameter. When you give an inheriting class as the input, that function uses the base class implementation of the overriden function. However, if that function is virtual, it uses the one that is implemented in the deriving class.

Convert array to JSON

Script for backward-compatibility:

And call:

var myJsonString = JSON.stringify(yourArray);

Note: The JSON object is now part of most modern web browsers (IE 8 & above). See caniuse for full listing. Credit goes to: @Spudley for his comment below

Share data between html pages

I know this is an old post, but figured I'd share my two cents. @Neji is correct in that you can use sessionStorage.getItem('label'), and sessionStorage.setItem('label', 'value') (although he had the setItem parameters backwards, not a big deal). I much more prefer the following, I think it's more succinct:

var val = sessionStorage.myValue

in place of getItem and

sessionStorage.myValue = 'value'

in place of setItem.

Also, it should be noted that in order to store JavaScript objects, they must be stringified to set them, and parsed to get them, like so:

sessionStorage.myObject = JSON.stringify(myObject); //will set object to the stringified myObject
var myObject = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.myObject); //will parse JSON string back to object

The reason is that sessionStorage stores everything as a string, so if you just say sessionStorage.object = myObject all you get is [object Object], which doesn't help you too much.

How to create JSON object Node.js

The JavaScript Object() constructor makes an Object that you can assign members to.

myObj = new Object()
myObj.key = value;
myObj[key2] = value2;   // Alternative

How to check if a character is upper-case in Python?

is_uppercase_letter = True in map(lambda l: l.isupper(), x)
print is_uppercase_letter

So you can write it in 1 string

SSIS - Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page - Special Characters

If you go to the Flat file connection manager under Advanced and Look at the "OutputColumnWidth" description's ToolTip It will tell you that Composit characters may use more spaces. So the "é" in "Société" most likely occupies more than one character.

EDIT: Here's something about it:

Changing minDate and maxDate on the fly using jQuery DatePicker

$(document).ready(function() {
    onSelect: function() {
        //- get date from another datepicker without language dependencies
        var minDate = $('#aDateFrom').datepicker('getDate');
        $("#aDateTo").datepicker("change", { minDate: minDate });

    onSelect: function() {
        //- get date from another datepicker without language dependencies
        var maxDate = $('#aDateTo').datepicker('getDate');
        $("#aDateFrom").datepicker("change", { maxDate: maxDate });

A keyboard shortcut to comment/uncomment the select text in Android Studio

To comment/uncomment one line, use: Ctrl + /.

To comment/uncomment a block, use: Ctrl + Shift + /.

C++ template constructor

Some points:

  • If you declare any constructor(including a templated one), the compiler will refrain from declaring a default constructor.
  • Unless you declare a copy-constructor (for class X one that takes X or X& or X const &) the compiler will generate the default copy-constructor.
  • If you provide a template constructor for class X which takes T const & or T or T& then the compiler will nevertheless generate a default non-templated copy-constructor, even though you may think that it shouldn't because when T = X the declaration matches the copy-constructor declaration.
  • In the latter case you may want to provide a non-templated copy-constructor along with the templated one. They will not conflict. When X is passed the nontemplated will be called. Otherwise the templated


Get Multiple Values in SQL Server Cursor

This should work:

DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name, age, color FROM table; 
DECLARE @myFavoriteColor VARCHAR(40);
OPEN db_cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @myName, @myAge, @myFavoriteColor;

       --Do stuff with scalar values

       FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @myName, @myAge, @myFavoriteColor;
CLOSE db_cursor;
DEALLOCATE db_cursor;

How can I explicitly free memory in Python?

I had a similar problem in reading a graph from a file. The processing included the computation of a 200 000x200 000 float matrix (one line at a time) that did not fit into memory. Trying to free the memory between computations using gc.collect() fixed the memory-related aspect of the problem but it resulted in performance issues: I don't know why but even though the amount of used memory remained constant, each new call to gc.collect() took some more time than the previous one. So quite quickly the garbage collecting took most of the computation time.

To fix both the memory and performance issues I switched to the use of a multithreading trick I read once somewhere (I'm sorry, I cannot find the related post anymore). Before I was reading each line of the file in a big for loop, processing it, and running gc.collect() every once and a while to free memory space. Now I call a function that reads and processes a chunk of the file in a new thread. Once the thread ends, the memory is automatically freed without the strange performance issue.

Practically it works like this:

from dask import delayed  # this module wraps the multithreading
def f(storage, index, chunk_size):  # the processing function
    # read the chunk of size chunk_size starting at index in the file
    # process it using data in storage if needed
    # append data needed for further computations  to storage 
    return storage

partial_result = delayed([])  # put into the delayed() the constructor for your data structure
# I personally use "delayed(nx.Graph())" since I am creating a networkx Graph
chunk_size = 100  # ideally you want this as big as possible while still enabling the computations to fit in memory
for index in range(0, len(file), chunk_size):
    # we indicates to dask that we will want to apply f to the parameters partial_result, index, chunk_size
    partial_result = delayed(f)(partial_result, index, chunk_size)

    # no computations are done yet !
    # dask will spawn a thread to run f(partial_result, index, chunk_size) once we call partial_result.compute()
    # passing the previous "partial_result" variable in the parameters assures a chunk will only be processed after the previous one is done
    # it also allows you to use the results of the processing of the previous chunks in the file if needed

# this launches all the computations
result = partial_result.compute()

# one thread is spawned for each "delayed" one at a time to compute its result
# dask then closes the tread, which solves the memory freeing issue
# the strange performance issue with gc.collect() is also avoided

Spring JSON request getting 406 (not Acceptable)

make sure your have correct jackson version in your classpath

Can a relative sitemap url be used in a robots.txt?

Good technical & logical question my dear friend. No in robots.txt file you can't go with relative URL of the sitemap; you need to go with the complete URL of the sitemap.

It's better to go with "sitemap:"

In the above URL after the colon gives space. I also like to support Deepak.

Start an external application from a Google Chrome Extension?

There's an extension for Chrome (SimpleGet) that has a plugin for Windows and Linux that can execute an app with command line parameters.....

Fastest way to remove non-numeric characters from a VARCHAR in SQL Server

can you remove them in a nightly process, storing them in a separate field, then do an update on changed records right before you run the process?

Or on the insert/update, store the "numeric" format, to reference later. A trigger would be an easy way to do it.

How to use pip on windows behind an authenticating proxy

For me, the issue was being inside a conda environment. Most likely it used the pip command from the conda environment ("where pip" pointed to the conda environment). Setting proxy-settings via --proxy or set http_proxy did not help.

Instead, simply opening a new CMD and doing "pip install " there, helped.

How to read a specific line using the specific line number from a file in Java?

If you are talking about a text file, then there is really no way to do this without reading all the lines that precede it - After all, lines are determined by the presence of a newline, so it has to be read.

Use a stream that supports readline, and just read the first X-1 lines and dump the results, then process the next one.

How to animate button in android?


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    final Animation myAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.milkshake);
    Button myButton = (Button) findViewById(;

For onClick of the Button

myButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

Create the anim folder in res directory

Right click on, res -> New -> Directory

Name the new Directory anim

create a new xml file name it milkshake


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <rotate xmlns:android=""
        android:toDegrees="5" />

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occurring. Why?

Make sure you have closed your MSAccess file before running the java program.

Adjust width of input field to its input

You could do something like this

<input id="input" type="text" style="width:3px" />
// jQuery
    $('<span id="width">').append( $(this).val() ).appendTo('body');
    $(this).width( $('#width').width() + 2 );



Android ADB devices unauthorized

Delete existing adbkeys


Rename adbkeys

Best practise is to rename the keys because it provides backup.

cd ~/.Android

mv adbkey adbkey2

mv adbkey.pub2

Next stop & start the server

cd ~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools

Locate the device /Android/Sdk/platform-tools$ ./adb devices

/Android/Sdk/platform-tools$ ./adb kill-server

/Android/Sdk/platform-tools$ ./adb start-server

Then, stop the emulator Open AVD manager, click on the down arrow, then click on wipe data

Restart the emulator. Then everything works fine :)

Using Python Requests: Sessions, Cookies, and POST

I don't know how stubhub's api works, but generally it should look like this:

s = requests.Session()
data = {"login":"my_login", "password":"my_password"}
url = ""
r =, data=data)

Now your session contains cookies provided by login form. To access cookies of this session simply use


Any further actions like another requests will have this cookie

Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened. Operating System Error Code 3

I dont know if you solved this issue, but i had same issue, if the instance is local you must check the permission to access the file, but if you are accessing from your computer to a server (remote access) you have to specify the path in the server, so that means to include the file in a server directory, that solved my case


FROM 'C:\bulk\usuarios_prueba.csv' -- This is server path not local

How can strip whitespaces in PHP's variable?

You can use trim function from php to trim both sides (left and right)

 trim($yourinputdata," ");



You can also use

ltrim() - Removes whitespace or other predefined characters from the left side of a string
rtrim() - Removes whitespace or other predefined characters from the right side of a string

System: PHP 4,5,7

How to use count and group by at the same select statement

I know this is an old post, in SQL Server:

select  isnull(town,'TOTAL') Town, count(*) cnt
from    user
group by town WITH ROLLUP

Town         cnt
Copenhagen   58
NewYork      58
Athens       58
TOTAL        174

"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" - Beginner Backbone.js Application

I have occurred the same error look following example-

async.waterfall([function(waterCB) {
}, function(**inputArray**, waterCB) {
}], function(waterErr, waterResult) {

In the above waterfall function, I am accepting inputArray parameter in waterfall 2nd function. But this inputArray not passed in waterfall 1st function in waterCB.

Cheak your function parameters Below are a correct example.

async.waterfall([function(waterCB) {
    waterCB(null, **inputArray**);
}, function(**inputArray**, waterCB) {
}], function(waterErr, waterResult) {


Do I need to pass the full path of a file in another directory to open()?

Here's a snippet that will walk the file tree for you:

indir = '/home/des/test'
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(indir):
    for f in filenames:
        log = open(indir + f, 'r')

How to send POST request in JSON using HTTPClient in Android?

Here is an alternative solution to @Terrance's answer. You can easly outsource the conversion. The Gson library does wonderful work converting various data structures into JSON and the other way around.

public static void execute() {
    Map<String, String> comment = new HashMap<String, String>();
    comment.put("subject", "Using the GSON library");
    comment.put("message", "Using libraries is convenient.");
    String json = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(comment, Map.class);
    makeRequest("", json);

public static HttpResponse makeRequest(String uri, String json) {
    try {
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri);
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(json));
        httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
        return new DefaultHttpClient().execute(httpPost);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return null;

Similar can be done by using Jackson instead of Gson. I also recommend taking a look at Retrofit which hides a lot of this boilerplate code for you. For more experienced developers I recommend trying out RxAndroid.

Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server

When adding a nullable column, WITH VALUES will ensure that the specific DEFAULT value is applied to existing rows:

ADD column BIT     -- Demonstration with NULL-able column added

How to make VS Code to treat other file extensions as certain language?

This works for me.

enter image description here

"files.associations": {"*.bitesize": "yaml"}

How to check if a string is null in python

Try this:

if cookie and not cookie.isspace():
    # the string is non-empty
    # the string is empty

The above takes in consideration the cases where the string is None or a sequence of white spaces.

How to extract the n-th elements from a list of tuples?

Found this as I was searching for which way is fastest to pull the second element of a 2-tuple list. Not what I wanted but ran same test as shown with a 3rd method plus test the zip method

setup = 'elements = [(1,1) for _ in range(100000)];from operator import itemgetter'
method1 = '[x[1] for x in elements]'
method2 = 'map(itemgetter(1), elements)'
method3 = 'dict(elements).values()'
method4 = 'zip(*elements)[1]'

import timeit
t = timeit.Timer(method1, setup)
print('Method 1: ' + str(t.timeit(100)))
t = timeit.Timer(method2, setup)
print('Method 2: ' + str(t.timeit(100)))
t = timeit.Timer(method3, setup)
print('Method 3: ' + str(t.timeit(100)))
t = timeit.Timer(method4, setup)
print('Method 4: ' + str(t.timeit(100)))

Method 1: 0.618785858154
Method 2: 0.711684942245
Method 3: 0.298138141632
Method 4: 1.32586884499

So over twice as fast if you have a 2 tuple pair to just convert to a dict and take the values.

Currently running queries in SQL Server

here is what you need to install the SQL profiler However, i would suggest you to read through this one if you are looking to do it on your Production Environment. There is another better way to look at the queries watch this one and see if it helps

Get path of executable

QT provides this with OS abstraction as QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()

Add st, nd, rd and th (ordinal) suffix to a number

An alternative version of the ordinal function could be as follows:

function toCardinal(num) {
    var ones = num % 10;
    var tens = num % 100;

    if (tens < 11 || tens > 13) {
        switch (ones) {
            case 1:
                return num + "st";
            case 2:
                return num + "nd";
            case 3:
                return num + "rd";

    return num + "th";

The variables are named more explicitly, uses camel case convention, and might be faster.

NSString with \n or line break

\n is the preferred way to break a line. \r will work too. \n\r or \r\n are overkill and may cause you issues later. Cocoa, has specific paragraph and line break characters for specific uses NSParagraphSeparatorCharacter, NSLineSeparatorCharacter. Here is my source for all the above.