Programs & Examples On #Text to speech

Text-to-speech or speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech.

How to make Python speak

Just use this simple code in python.

Works only for windows OS.

from win32com.client import Dispatch

def speak(text):
    speak = Dispatch("SAPI.Spvoice")

speak("How are you dugres?")

I personally use this.

Text to speech(TTS)-Android

Try this, its simple : **speakout.xml : **

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:text="Speak Out!!!"
android:textStyle="bold" />
android:text="Hi there!!!"
android:text="SPEAK OUT"/>

And Your :

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech;
import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech.OnInitListener;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
public class SpeakOut extends Activity implements OnInitListener {
private TextToSpeech repeatTTS;
Button btnspeakout;
EditText edtTexttoSpeak;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    btnspeakout = (Button) findViewById(;
    edtTexttoSpeak = (EditText) findViewById(;
    repeatTTS = new TextToSpeech(this, this);
    btnspeakout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);

    public void onInit(int arg0) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


Google Text-To-Speech API

An additional alternative is: a simple example JsFiddle is Here


<div id="container">
<input type="text" name="text">
<button id="gspeech" class="say">Say It</button>
<audio id="player1" src="" class="speech" hidden></audio>



 $('#gspeech').on('click', function(){
        var text = $('input[name="text"]').val();
        responsiveVoice.speak("" + text +"");
        <!-- -->


External Resource:

Get values from an object in JavaScript

Using lodash _.values(object)

_.values({"id": 1, "second": "abcd"})

[ 1, 'abcd' ]

lodash includes a whole bunch of other functions to work with arrays, objects, collections, strings, and more that you wish were built into JavaScript (and actually seem to slowly be making their way into the language).

How to read file using NPOI

It might be helpful to rely on the Workbook factory to instantiate the workbook object since the factory method will do the detection of xls or xlsx for you. Reference:

IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(inputStream);

If you're not sure of the Sheet's name but you are sure of the index (0 based), you can grab the sheet like this:

ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex);

You can then iterate through the rows using code supplied by the accepted answer from mj82

How to check if a view controller is presented modally or pushed on a navigation stack?

Swift 5. Clean and simple.

if navigationController.presentingViewController != nil {
    // Navigation controller is being presented modally

How can I convert an RGB image into grayscale in Python?

Three of the suggested methods were tested for speed with 1000 RGBA PNG images (224 x 256 pixels) running with Python 3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xeon E5 2670 with SSD).

Average run times

pil : 1.037 seconds

scipy: 1.040 seconds

sk : 2.120 seconds

PIL and SciPy gave identical numpy arrays (ranging from 0 to 255). SkImage gives arrays from 0 to 1. In addition the colors are converted slightly different, see the example from the CUB-200 dataset.

SkImage: SkImage


SciPy : SciPy

Original: Original

Diff : enter image description here


  1. Performance

    run_times = dict(sk=list(), pil=list(), scipy=list())
    for t in range(100):
        start_time = time.time()
        for i in range(1000):
            z = random.choice(filenames_png)
            img = skimage.color.rgb2gray(
        run_times['sk'].append(time.time() - start_time)

    start_time = time.time()
    for i in range(1000):
        z = random.choice(filenames_png)
        img = np.array('L'))
    run_times['pil'].append(time.time() - start_time)
    start_time = time.time()
    for i in range(1000):
        z = random.choice(filenames_png)
        img = scipy.ndimage.imread(z, mode='L')
    run_times['scipy'].append(time.time() - start_time)

    for k, v in run_times.items(): print('{:5}: {:0.3f} seconds'.format(k, sum(v) / len(v)))

  2. Output
    z = 'Cardinal_0007_3025810472.jpg'
    img1 = skimage.color.rgb2gray( * 255
    img2 = np.array('L'))
    img3 = scipy.ndimage.imread(z, mode='L')
  3. Comparison
    img_diff = np.ndarray(shape=img1.shape, dtype='float32')
    img_diff += (img1 - img3)
    img_diff -= img_diff.min()
    img_diff *= (255/img_diff.max())
  4. Imports
    import skimage.color
    import random
    import time
    from PIL import Image
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.ndimage
    import IPython.display
  5. Versions

How to Clear Console in Java?

You need to instruct the console to clear.

For serial terminals this was typically done through so called "escape sequences", where notably the vt100 set has become very commonly supported (and its close ANSI-cousin).

Windows has traditionally not supported such sequences "out-of-the-box" but relied on API-calls to do these things. For DOS-based versions of Windows, however, the ANSI.SYS driver could be installed to provide such support.

So if you are under Windows, you need to interact with the appropriate Windows API. I do not believe the standard Java runtime library contains code to do so.

Drop all tables command

Or at a shell prompt, in just two lines, without a named temporary file, assuming $db is the SQLite database name:

echo "SELECT 'DROP TABLE ' || name ||';' FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table';" |
    sqlite3 -readonly "$db" | sqlite3 "$db"

how do I create an infinite loop in JavaScript

You can also use a while loop:

while (true) {
    //your code

How can I get the current directory name in Javascript?

An interesting approach to get the dirname of the current URL is to make use of your browser's built-in path resolution. You can do that by:

  1. Create a link to ., i.e. the current directory
  2. Use the HTMLAnchorElement interface of the link to get the resolved URL or path equivalent to ..

Here's one line of code that does just that:

Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {href: '.'}).pathname

In contrast to some of the other solutions presented here, the result of this method will always have a trailing slash. E.g. running it on this page will yield /questions/3151436/, running it on will yield /.

It's also easy to get the full URL instead of the path. Just read the href property instead of pathname.

Finally, this approach should work in even the most ancient browsers if you don't use Object.assign:

function getCurrentDir () {
    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href = '.';
    return link.pathname;

Using global variables in a function

If you want to refer to a global variable in a function, you can use the global keyword to declare which variables are global. You don't have to use it in all cases (as someone here incorrectly claims) - if the name referenced in an expression cannot be found in local scope or scopes in the functions in which this function is defined, it is looked up among global variables.

However, if you assign to a new variable not declared as global in the function, it is implicitly declared as local, and it can overshadow any existing global variable with the same name.

Also, global variables are useful, contrary to some OOP zealots who claim otherwise - especially for smaller scripts, where OOP is overkill.

Effectively use async/await with ASP.NET Web API

I am not very sure whether it will make any difference in performance of my API.

Bear in mind that the primary benefit of asynchronous code on the server side is scalability. It won't magically make your requests run faster. I cover several "should I use async" considerations in my article on async ASP.NET.

I think your use case (calling other APIs) is well-suited for asynchronous code, just bear in mind that "asynchronous" does not mean "faster". The best approach is to first make your UI responsive and asynchronous; this will make your app feel faster even if it's slightly slower.

As far as the code goes, this is not asynchronous:

public Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountries()
  var response = _service.Process<List<Country>>(BackOfficeEndpoint.CountryEndpoint, "returnCountries");
  return Task.FromResult(response);

You'd need a truly asynchronous implementation to get the scalability benefits of async:

public async Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountriesAsync()
  return await _service.ProcessAsync<List<Country>>(BackOfficeEndpoint.CountryEndpoint, "returnCountries");

Or (if your logic in this method really is just a pass-through):

public Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountriesAsync()
  return _service.ProcessAsync<List<Country>>(BackOfficeEndpoint.CountryEndpoint, "returnCountries");

Note that it's easier to work from the "inside out" rather than the "outside in" like this. In other words, don't start with an asynchronous controller action and then force downstream methods to be asynchronous. Instead, identify the naturally asynchronous operations (calling external APIs, database queries, etc), and make those asynchronous at the lowest level first (Service.ProcessAsync). Then let the async trickle up, making your controller actions asynchronous as the last step.

And under no circumstances should you use Task.Run in this scenario.

Hide axis values but keep axis tick labels in matplotlib

to remove tickmarks entirely use:


otherwise ax.set_yticklabels([]) and ax.set_xticklabels([]) will keep tickmarks.

Windows Application has stopped working :: Event Name CLR20r3

Download and install SAP Crystal Reports Runtime engine for .net (32 bit or 64 bit) depending on your os version. Should work there after

Browser Timeouts

You can see the default value in Chrome in this link

int64_t g_used_idle_socket_timeout_s = 300 // 5 minutes

In Chrome, as far as I know, there isn't an easy way (as Firefox do) to change the timeout value.

How do I make this executable via double click?

you can change the file executable by using chmod like this

chmod 755

and use this command for execute


Export specific rows from a PostgreSQL table as INSERT SQL script

have u tried in pgadmin executing query with " EXECUTE QUERY WRITE RESULT TO FILE " option

its only export the data, else try like

pg_dump -t view_name DB_name > db.sql

-t option used for ==> Dump only tables (or views or sequences) matching table, refer

What is the purpose of nameof?

Let's say you need to print the name of a variable in your code. If you write:

int myVar = 10;
print("myVar" + " value is " + myVar.toString());

and then if someone refactors the code and uses another name for myVar, he/she would have to look for the string value in your code and change it accordingly.

Instead, if you write:

print(nameof(myVar) + " value is " + myVar.toString());

It would help to refactor automatically!

Passing on command line arguments to runnable JAR

You can pass program arguments on the command line and get them in your Java app like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String pathToXml = args[0];

Alternatively you pass a system property by changing the command line to:

java -Dpath-to-xml=enwiki-20111007-pages-articles.xml -jar wiki2txt

and your main class to:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String pathToXml = System.getProperty("path-to-xml");

How do I create a new column from the output of pandas groupby().sum()?

You want to use transform this will return a Series with the index aligned to the df so you can then add it as a new column:

In [74]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['2015-05-08', '2015-05-07', '2015-05-06', '2015-05-05', '2015-05-08', '2015-05-07', '2015-05-06', '2015-05-05'], 'Sym': ['aapl', 'aapl', 'aapl', 'aapl', 'aaww', 'aaww', 'aaww', 'aaww'], 'Data2': [11, 8, 10, 15, 110, 60, 100, 40],'Data3': [5, 8, 6, 1, 50, 100, 60, 120]})
df['Data4'] = df['Data3'].groupby(df['Date']).transform('sum')
   Data2  Data3        Date   Sym  Data4
0     11      5  2015-05-08  aapl     55
1      8      8  2015-05-07  aapl    108
2     10      6  2015-05-06  aapl     66
3     15      1  2015-05-05  aapl    121
4    110     50  2015-05-08  aaww     55
5     60    100  2015-05-07  aaww    108
6    100     60  2015-05-06  aaww     66
7     40    120  2015-05-05  aaww    121

Why there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT clause?

This is the limitation in MYSQL 5.5 version. You need to update the version to 5.6.


I was getting this error in adding a table in MYSQL

Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause My new MYSQL

table looks something like this.

create table table_name (col1 int(5) auto_increment primary key, col2 varchar(300), col3 varchar(500), col4 int(3), col5 tinyint(2), col6 timestamp default current_timestamp, col7 timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp, col8 tinyint(1) default 0, col9 tinyint(1) default 1);

After some time of reading about changes in different MYSQL versions and some of the googling. I found out that there was some changes that were made in MYSQL version 5.6 over version 5.5.

This article will help you to resolve the issue.

How to insert values into the database table using VBA in MS access

You can't run two SQL statements into one like you are doing.

You can't "execute" a select query.

db is an object and you haven't set it to anything: (e.g. set db = currentdb)

In VBA integer types can hold up to max of 32767 - I would be tempted to use Long.

You might want to be a bit more specific about the date you are inserting:

INSERT INTO Test (Start_Date) VALUES ('#" & format(InDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#' );"

How to append output to the end of a text file

To append a file use >>

echo "hello world"  >> read.txt   
cat read.txt     
echo "hello siva" >> read.txt   
cat read.txt

then the output should be

hello world   # from 1st echo command
hello world   # from 2nd echo command
hello siva

To overwrite a file use >

echo "hello tom" > read.txt
cat read.txt  

then the out put is

hello tom

How do I get the YouTube video ID from a URL?

Given that YouTube has a variety of URL styles, I think Regex is a better solution. Here is my Regex:


Group 3 has your YouTube ID

Sample YouTube URLs (currently, including "legacy embed URL style") - the above Regex works on all of them:;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0

Hat tip to Lasnv

AndroidStudio: Failed to sync Install build tools

One of the answers ask you to use buildToolsVersion 23.0.0, but you would get buildToolsVersion 23.0.0 has serious bugs use buildToolsVersion 23.0.3. I did that then I started getting message buildToolsVersion 23.0.3 is too low from project app update to buildToolsVersion 25.0.0 and sync again. So I did that and it worked , So here are the final changes.

Inside app's build.gradle change this

android {
    compileSdkVersion 22
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.0 rc2"

with this one

android {
    compileSdkVersion 22
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.0"

Twitter Bootstrap - borders

If you look at Twitter's own container-app.html demo on GitHub, you'll get some ideas on using borders with their grid.

For example, here's the extracted part of the building blocks to their 940-pixel wide 16-column grid system:

.row {
    zoom: 1;
    margin-left: -20px;

.row > [class*="span"] {
    display: inline;
    float: left;
    margin-left: 20px;

.span4 {
    width: 220px;

To allow for borders on specific elements, they added embedded CSS to the page that reduces matching classes by enough amount to account for the border(s).

Screenshot of Example Page

For example, to allow for the left border on the sidebar, they added this CSS in the <head> after the the main <link href="../bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">.

.content .span4 {
    margin-left: 0;
    padding-left: 19px;
    border-left: 1px solid #eee;

You'll see they've reduced padding-left by 1px to allow for the addition of the new left border. Since this rule appears later in the source order, it overrides any previous or external declarations.

I'd argue this isn't exactly the most robust or elegant approach, but it illustrates the most basic example.

Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'

I had the same problem, make sure that if using submodules (for example, you not only have app.component.module.ts, but you have a separate component such as login.module.ts, that you include ReactiveFormsModule import in this login.module.ts import, for it to work. I don't even have to import ReactiveFormsModule in my app.component.module because I'm using submodules for everything.


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

import { LoginPageRoutingModule } from './login-routing.module';

import { LoginPage } from './';

  imports: [
  declarations: [LoginPage]
export class LoginPageModule {}

Using form input to access camera and immediately upload photos using web app

It's really easy to do this, simply send the file via an XHR request inside of the file input's onchange handler.

<input id="myFileInput" type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">

var myInput = document.getElementById('myFileInput');

function sendPic() {
    var file = myInput.files[0];

    // Send file here either by adding it to a `FormData` object 
    // and sending that via XHR, or by simply passing the file into 
    // the `send` method of an XHR instance.

myInput.addEventListener('change', sendPic, false);

Modelling an elevator using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

I've seen many variants of this problem. One of the main differences (that determines the difficulty) is whether there is some centralized attempt to have a "smart and efficient system" that would have load balancing (e.g., send more idle elevators to lobby in morning). If that is the case, the design will include a whole subsystem with really fun design.

A full design is obviously too much to present here and there are many altenatives. The breadth is also not clear. In an interview, they'll try to figure out how you would think. However, these are some of the things you would need:

  1. Representation of the central controller (assuming there is one).

  2. Representations of elevators

  3. Representations of the interface units of the elevator (these may be different from elevator to elevator). Obviously also call buttons on every floor, etc.

  4. Representations of the arrows or indicators on each floor (almost a "view" of the elevator model).

  5. Representation of a human and cargo (may be important for factoring in maximal loads)

  6. Representation of the building (in some cases, as certain floors may be blocked at times, etc.)

How to get line count of a large file cheaply in Python?

If the file can fit into memory, then

with open(fname) as f:
    count = len('\n')) - 1

Creating an array of objects in Java

For generic class it is necessary to create a wrapper class. For Example:

Set<String>[] sets = new HashSet<>[10]

results in: "Cannot create a generic array"

Use instead:

        class SetOfS{public Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();}
        SetOfS[] sets = new SetOfS[10];  

Automatically start forever (node) on system restart

I tried lots of the above answers. None of them worked for me. My app is installed in /home and as user, not as root. This probably means that when the above mentioned start scripts run, /home is not mounted yet, so the app is not started.

Then I found these instructions by Digital Ocean:

Using PM2 as explained was very simple and works perfectly: My virtual servers had two physical crashes since - downtime was only about a minute.

HTTP Content-Type Header and JSON

Recently ran into a problem with this and a Chrome extension that was corrupting a JSON stream when the response header labeled the content-type as 'text/html' apparently extensions can and will use the response header to alter the content prior to further processing by the browser. Changing the content-type fixed the issue.

Efficient way to apply multiple filters to pandas DataFrame or Series

Since pandas 0.22 update, comparison options are available like:

  • gt (greater than)
  • lt (lesser than)
  • eq (equals to)
  • ne (not equals to)
  • ge (greater than or equals to)

and many more. These functions return boolean array. Let's see how we can use them:

# sample data
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [0, 1, 2,3,4,5], 'col2': [10, 11, 12,13,14,15]})

# get values from col1 greater than or equals to 1

1    1
2    2
3    3
4    4
5    5

# where co11 values is better 0 and 2

 col1 col2
0   0   10
1   1   11
2   2   12

# where col1 > 1

 col1 col2
2   2   12
3   3   13
4   4   14
5   5   15

Formula to convert date to number

If you change the format of the cells to General then this will show the date value of a cell as behind the scenes Excel saves a date as the number of days since 01/01/1900

Screenprint 1

Screenprint 2

If your date is text and you need to convert it then DATEVALUE will do this:

Datevalue function

Opening a folder in explorer and selecting a file

It might be a bit of a overkill but I like convinience functions so take this one:

    public static void ShowFileInExplorer(FileInfo file) {
        StartProcess("explorer.exe", null, "/select, "+file.FullName.Quote());
    public static Process StartProcess(FileInfo file, params string[] args) => StartProcess(file.FullName, file.DirectoryName, args);
    public static Process StartProcess(string file, string workDir = null, params string[] args) {
        ProcessStartInfo proc = new ProcessStartInfo();
        proc.FileName = file;
        proc.Arguments = string.Join(" ", args);
        Logger.Debug(proc.FileName, proc.Arguments); // Replace with your logging function
        if (workDir != null) {
            proc.WorkingDirectory = workDir;
            Logger.Debug("WorkingDirectory:", proc.WorkingDirectory); // Replace with your logging function
        return Process.Start(proc);

This is the extension function I use as <string>.Quote():

static class Extensions
    public static string Quote(this string text)
        return SurroundWith(text, "\"");
    public static string SurroundWith(this string text, string surrounds)
        return surrounds + text + surrounds;

Create ul and li elements in javascript.

Here is my working code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
   ul#proList{list-style-position: inside}
   li.item{list-style:none; padding:5px;}
    <div id="renderList"></div>
        var ul = document.createElement('ul');

        productList = ['Electronics Watch','House wear Items','Kids wear','Women Fashion'];


        function renderProductList(element, index, arr) {
            var li = document.createElement('li');


            li.innerHTML=li.innerHTML + element;

working jsfiddle example here

Compare two dates in Java

The easiest way to compare two dates is converting them to numeric value (like unix timestamp).

You can use Date.getTime() method that return the unix time.

Date questionDate = question.getStartDate();
Date today = new Date();
if((today.getTime() == questionDate.getTime())) {
    System.out.println("Both are equals");

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty


Object.defineProperty(player, "health", {
    get: function () {
        return 10 + ( player.level * 15 );

Object.defineProperty is used in order to make a new property on the player object. Object.defineProperty is a function which is natively present in the JS runtime environemnt and takes the following arguments:

Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)

  1. The object on which we want to define a new property
  2. The name of the new property we want to define
  3. descriptor object

The descriptor object is the interesting part. In here we can define the following things:

  1. configurable <boolean>: If true the property descriptor may be changed and the property may be deleted from the object. If configurable is false the descriptor properties which are passed in Object.defineProperty cannot be changed.
  2. Writable <boolean>: If true the property may be overwritten using the assignment operator.
  3. Enumerable <boolean>: If true the property can be iterated over in a loop. Also when using the Object.keys function the key will be present. If the property is false they will not be iterated over using a loop and not show up when using Object.keys.
  4. get <function> : A function which is called whenever is the property is required. Instead of giving the direct value this function is called and the returned value is given as the value of the property
  5. set <function> : A function which is called whenever is the property is assigned. Instead of setting the direct value this function is called and the returned value is used to set the value of the property.


const player = {_x000D_
  level: 10_x000D_
Object.defineProperty(player, "health", {_x000D_
  configurable: true,_x000D_
  enumerable: false,_x000D_
  get: function() {_x000D_
    console.log('Inside the get function');_x000D_
    return 10 + (player.level * 15);_x000D_
// the get function is called and the return value is returned as a value_x000D_
for (let prop in player) {_x000D_
  // only prop is logged here, health is not logged because is not an iterable property._x000D_
  // This is because we set the enumerable to false when defining the property_x000D_

Synchronous request in Node.js

Super Request

This is another synchronous module that is based off of request and uses promises. Super simple to use, works well with mocha tests.

npm install super-request

    .form({username: "username", password: "password"})
    .expect({loggedIn: true})
    .end() //this request is done 
    //now start a new one in the same session 
    .expect(200, {hello: "world"})
            throw err;

SELECT * FROM multiple tables. MySQL

What you do here is called a JOIN (although you do it implicitly because you select from multiple tables). This means, if you didn't put any conditions in your WHERE clause, you had all combinations of those tables. Only with your condition you restrict your join to those rows where the drink id matches.

But there are still X multiple rows in the result for every drink, if there are X photos with this particular drinks_id. Your statement doesn't restrict which photo(s) you want to have!

If you only want one row per drink, you have to tell SQL what you want to do if there are multiple rows with a particular drinks_id. For this you need grouping and an aggregate function. You tell SQL which entries you want to group together (for example all equal drinks_ids) and in the SELECT, you have to tell which of the distinct entries for each grouped result row should be taken. For numbers, this can be average, minimum, maximum (to name some).

In your case, I can't see the sense to query the photos for drinks if you only want one row. You probably thought you could have an array of photos in your result for each drink, but SQL can't do this. If you only want any photo and you don't care which you'll get, just group by the drinks_id (in order to get only one row per drink):

SELECT name, price, photo
FROM drinks, drinks_photos
WHERE = drinks_id 
GROUP BY drinks_id

name     price   photo
fanta    5       ./images/fanta-1.jpg
dew      4       ./images/dew-1.jpg

In MySQL, we also have GROUP_CONCAT, if you want the file names to be concatenated to one single string:

SELECT name, price, GROUP_CONCAT(photo, ',')
FROM drinks, drinks_photos
WHERE = drinks_id 
GROUP BY drinks_id

name     price   photo
fanta    5       ./images/fanta-1.jpg,./images/fanta-2.jpg,./images/fanta-3.jpg
dew      4       ./images/dew-1.jpg,./images/dew-2.jpg

However, this can get dangerous if you have , within the field values, since most likely you want to split this again on the client side. It is also not a standard SQL aggregate function.

Getting data posted in between two dates

This worked for me:

$this->db->where('RecordDate >=', '2018-08-17 00:00:00');
$this->db->where('RecordDate <=', '2018-10-04 05:32:56');

I want to get the type of a variable at runtime

So, strictly speaking, the "type of a variable" is always present, and can be passed around as a type parameter. For example:

val x = 5
def f[T](v: T) = v
f(x) // T is Int, the type of x

But depending on what you want to do, that won't help you. For instance, may want not to know what is the type of the variable, but to know if the type of the value is some specific type, such as this:

val x: Any = 5
def f[T](v: T) = v match {
  case _: Int    => "Int"
  case _: String => "String"
  case _         => "Unknown"

Here it doesn't matter what is the type of the variable, Any. What matters, what is checked is the type of 5, the value. In fact, T is useless -- you might as well have written it def f(v: Any) instead. Also, this uses either ClassTag or a value's Class, which are explained below, and cannot check the type parameters of a type: you can check whether something is a List[_] (List of something), but not whether it is, for example, a List[Int] or List[String].

Another possibility is that you want to reify the type of the variable. That is, you want to convert the type into a value, so you can store it, pass it around, etc. This involves reflection, and you'll be using either ClassTag or a TypeTag. For example:

val x: Any = 5
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def f[T](v: T)(implicit ev: ClassTag[T]) = ev.toString
f(x) // returns the string "Any"

A ClassTag will also let you use type parameters you received on match. This won't work:

def f[A, B](a: A, b: B) = a match {
  case _: B => "A is a B"
  case _ => "A is not a B"

But this will:

val x = 'c'
val y = 5
val z: Any = 5
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def f[A, B: ClassTag](a: A, b: B) = a match {
  case _: B => "A is a B"
  case _ => "A is not a B"
f(x, y) // A (Char) is not a B (Int)
f(x, z) // A (Char) is a B (Any)

Here I'm using the context bounds syntax, B : ClassTag, which works just like the implicit parameter in the previous ClassTag example, but uses an anonymous variable.

One can also get a ClassTag from a value's Class, like this:

val x: Any = 5
val y = 5
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def f(a: Any, b: Any) = {
  val B = ClassTag(b.getClass)
  ClassTag(a.getClass) match {
    case B => "a is the same class as b"
    case _ => "a is not the same class as b"
f(x, y) == f(y, x) // true, a is the same class as b

A ClassTag is limited in that it only covers the base class, but not its type parameters. That is, the ClassTag for List[Int] and List[String] is the same, List. If you need type parameters, then you must use a TypeTag instead. A TypeTag however, cannot be obtained from a value, nor can it be used on a pattern match, due to JVM's erasure.

Examples with TypeTag can get quite complex -- not even comparing two type tags is not exactly simple, as can be seen below:

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
def f[A, B](a: A, b: B)(implicit evA: TypeTag[A], evB: TypeTag[B]) = evA == evB
type X = Int
val x: X = 5
val y = 5
f(x, y) // false, X is not the same type as Int

Of course, there are ways to make that comparison return true, but it would require a few book chapters to really cover TypeTag, so I'll stop here.

Finally, maybe you don't care about the type of the variable at all. Maybe you just want to know what is the class of a value, in which case the answer is rather simple:

val x = 5
x.getClass // int -- technically, an Int cannot be a class, but Scala fakes it

It would be better, however, to be more specific about what you want to accomplish, so that the answer can be more to the point.

Css Move element from left to right animated

It's because you aren't giving the un-hovered state a right attribute.

right isn't set so it's trying to go from nothing to 0px. Obviously because it has nothing to go to, it just 'warps' over.

If you give the unhovered state a right:90%;, it will transition how you like.

Just as a side note, if you still want it to be on the very left of the page, you can use the calc css function.


right: calc(100% - 100px)
                     ^ width of div

You don't have to use left then.

Also, you can't transition using left or right auto and will give the same 'warp' effect.

div {_x000D_
    right:calc(100% - 100px);_x000D_
div:hover {_x000D_
  <b>Note:</b> This example does not work in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions._x000D_
<p>Hover over the red square to see the transition effect.</p>

CanIUse says that the calc() function only works on IE10+

C#: List All Classes in Assembly

Use Assembly.GetTypes. For example:

Assembly mscorlib = typeof(string).Assembly;
foreach (Type type in mscorlib.GetTypes())

Reason: no suitable image found

I solved using these tricks.

Step 1:

Go to project build settings and add @executable_path/Frameworks to Runpath Search Paths option

Step 2:

Go to target build settings and add @executable_path/Frameworks to Runpath Search Paths option and Framework Search Paths.

enter image description here

Step 3:

Re-downloading the WWDR (Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority), set to Use System Default as option.

Step 4:

Delete All derived Data using Terminal

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*

Step 5:

Delete All Certificates and reinstalled it to Keychain. I enabled the Use System Default option.

Step 6:

Restart Xcode.

How to print out more than 20 items (documents) in MongoDB's shell?

You can use it inside of the shell to iterate over the next 20 results. Just type it if you see "has more" and you will see the next 20 items.

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

Null refers to an absence of data. Null is formally defined as a value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown or inapplicable (OCA Oracle Database 12c, SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide, p87). So, you may not see records with columns containing null values when said columns are restricted using an "in" or "not in" clauses.

How to send file contents as body entity using cURL

I know the question has been answered, but in my case I was trying to send the content of a text file to the Slack Webhook api and for some reason the above answer did not work. Anywho, this is what finally did the trick for me:

curl -X POST -H --silent --data-urlencode "payload={\"text\": \"$(cat file.txt | sed "s/\"/'/g")\"}"

How do I compare two strings in Perl?

print "Matched!\n" if ($str1 eq $str2)

Perl has seperate string comparison and numeric comparison operators to help with the loose typing in the language. You should read perlop for all the different operators.

How to generate Javadoc from command line

Link to JavaDoc

I believe this will surely help you.

javadoc -d C:/javadoc/test com.mypackage

C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic?

This functionality hasn't been there your whole life. It's been supported in Visual Studio since the 2010 version. It's a new C++11 feature, so it's not exclusive to Visual Studio and is/will be portable. Most compilers support it already.

Generate full SQL script from EF 5 Code First Migrations

The API appears to have changed (or at least, it doesn't work for me).

Running the following in the Package Manager Console works as expected:

Update-Database -Script -SourceMigration:0

How do I set a program to launch at startup

In addition to Xepher Dotcom's answer, folder path to Windows Startup should be coded that way:

var Startup = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup);

Finding CN of users in Active Directory

You could try my Beavertail ADSI browser - it should show you the current AD tree, and from it, you should be able to figure out the path and all.

alt text

Or if you're on .NET 3.5, using the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace, you could also do it programmatically:

PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);

This would create a basic, default domain context and you should be able to peek at its properties and find a lot of stuff from it.


UserPrincipal myself = UserPrincipal.Current;

This will give you a UserPrincipal object for yourself, again, with a ton of properties to inspect. I'm not 100% sure what you're looking for - but you most likely will be able to find it on the context or the user principal somewhere!

how to make a html iframe 100% width and height?

Answering this just in case if someone else like me stumbles upon this post among many that advise use of JavaScripts for changing iframe height to 100%.

I strongly recommend that you see and try this option specified at How do you give iframe 100% height before resorting to a JavaScript based option. The referenced solution works perfectly for me in all of the testing I have done so far. Hope this helps someone.

On duplicate key ignore?

Mysql has this handy UPDATE INTO command ;)

edit Looks like they renamed it to REPLACE

REPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the table has the same value as a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted

Removing duplicate values from a PowerShell array

With my method you can completely remove duplicate values, leaving you with values from the array that only had a count of 1. It was not clear if this is what the OP actually wanted however I was unable to find an example of this solution online so here it is.

'@ -split '\r\n'

($array | Group-Object -NoElement | ?{$_.count -eq 1}).Name

Why use ICollection and not IEnumerable or List<T> on many-many/one-many relationships?

There are some basics difference between ICollection and IEnumerable

  • IEnumerable - contains only GetEnumerator method to get Enumerator and allows looping
  • ICollection contains additional methods: Add, Remove, Contains, Count, CopyTo
  • ICollection is inherited from IEnumerable
  • With ICollection you can modify the collection by using the methods like add/remove. You don't have the liberty to do the same with IEnumerable.

Simple Program:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace StackDemo
    class Program 
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
            persons.Add(new Person("John",30));
            persons.Add(new Person("Jack", 27));

            ICollection<Person> personCollection = persons;
            IEnumerable<Person> personEnumeration = persons;

            // IEnumeration
            // IEnumration Contains only GetEnumerator method to get Enumerator and make a looping
            foreach (Person p in personEnumeration)
               Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}, Age:{1}", p.Name, p.Age);

            // ICollection
            // ICollection Add/Remove/Contains/Count/CopyTo
            // ICollection is inherited from IEnumerable
            personCollection.Add(new Person("Tim", 10));

            foreach (Person p in personCollection)
                Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}, Age:{1}", p.Name, p.Age);        


    class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public Person(string name, int age)
            this.Name = name;
            this.Age = age;

Looking for a good Python Tree data structure

Here's something I was working on.

class Tree:
    def __init__(self, value, *children):
        '''Singly linked tree, children do not know who their parent is.
        self.value = value
        self.children = tuple(children)

    def arguments(self):
        return (self.value,) + self.children

    def __eq__(self, tree):
        return self.arguments == tree.arguments

    def __repr__(self):
        argumentStr = ', '.join(map(repr, self.arguments))
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, argumentStr)

Use as such (numbers used as example values): t = Tree(1, Tree(2, Tree(4)), Tree(3, Tree(5)))

How to sanity check a date in Java

Key is df.setLenient(false);. This is more than enough for simple cases. If you are looking for a more robust (I doubt) and/or alternate libraries like joda-time then look at the answer by the user "tardate"

final static String DATE_FORMAT = "dd-MM-yyyy";

public static boolean isDateValid(String date) 
        try {
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
            return true;
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            return false;

Can you have a <span> within a <span>?

HTML4 specification states that:

Inline elements may contain only data and other inline elements

Span is an inline element, therefore having span inside span is valid. There's a related question: Can <span> tags have any type of tags inside them? which makes it completely clear.

HTML5 specification (including the most current draft of HTML 5.3 dated November 16, 2017) changes terminology, but it's still perfectly valid to place span inside another span.

How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it

Unfortunately, this is not a particularly simple task to accomplish. In my answer here, I detail how to adjust the color of a ListSeparator by just checking out the parent style used by Android, creating a new image, and creating a new style based on the original. Unfortunately, unlike with the ListSeparator's style, AlertDialog themes are internal, and therefore cannot be referenced as parent styles. There is no easy way to change that little blue line! Thus you need to resort to making custom dialogs.

If that just isn't your cup of tea... don't give up! I was very disturbed that there was no easy way to do this so I set up a little project on github for making quickly customized holo-style dialogs (assuming that the phone supports the Holo style). You can find the project here:

It should easily enable going from boring blue to exciting orange!

enter image description here

The project is basically an example of using a custom dialog builder, and in the example I created a custom view that seemed to cater to the IP Address example you give in your original question.

With QustomDialog, in order to create a basic dialog (title, message) with a desired different color for the title or divider, you use the following code:

private String HALLOWEEN_ORANGE = "#FF7F27";

QustomDialogBuilder qustomDialogBuilder = new QustomDialogBuilder(v.getContext()).
    setTitle("Set IP Address").
    setMessage("You are now entering the 10th dimension.");;

And in order to add a custom layout (say, to add the little IP address EditText), you add

setCustomView(R.layout.example_ip_address_layout, v.getContext())

to the builder with a layout that you have designed (the IP example can be found in the github). I hope this helps. Many thanks to Joseph Earl and his answer here.

Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery

Change the .find to .filter...

How do I concatenate a boolean to a string in Python?

answer = “True”

myvars = “the answer is” + answer


That should give you the answer is True easily as you have stored answer as a string by using the quotation marks

How do I use the conditional operator (? :) in Ruby?

puts true ? "true" : "false"
=> "true"

puts false ? "true" : "false"
=> "false"

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

I think the most correct answer, assuming the use of jQuery, is a consolidation of aspects of all the answers in this page, plus the use of the event that Bootstrap passes:

$(document).on('', function(e) {

It also would work changing $(document) to $('.modal') or to add a class to the modal that signals that this focus should occur, like $('.modal.focus-on-first-input')

How can I increment a char?

There is a way to increase character using ascii_letters from string package which ascii_letters is a string that contains all English alphabet, uppercase and lowercase:

>>> from string import ascii_letters
>>> ascii_letters[ascii_letters.index('a') + 1]
>>> ascii_letters

Also it can be done manually;

>>> letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
>>> letters[letters.index('c') + 1]

Git workflow and rebase vs merge questions

In your situation I think your partner is correct. What's nice about rebasing is that to the outsider your changes look like they all happened in a clean sequence all by themselves. This means

  • your changes are very easy to review
  • you can continue to make nice, small commits and yet you can make sets of those commits public (by merging into master) all at once
  • when you look at the public master branch you'll see different series of commits for different features by different developers but they won't all be intermixed

You can still continue to push your private development branch to the remote repository for the sake of backup but others should not treat that as a "public" branch since you'll be rebasing. BTW, an easy command for doing this is git push --mirror origin .

The article Packaging software using Git does a fairly nice job explaining the trade offs in merging versus rebasing. It's a little different context but the principals are the same -- it basically comes down to whether your branches are public or private and how you plan to integrate them into the mainline.

DateTime.TryParseExact() rejecting valid formats

Try C# 7.0

var Dob= DateTime.TryParseExact(s: YourDateString,format: "yyyyMMdd",provider: null,style: 0,out var dt)
 ? dt : DateTime.Parse("1800-01-01");

System.BadImageFormatException An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

I had the same issue when getting my software running on another machine. On my developer pc (Windows 7), I had Visual Studio 2015 installed, the target pc was a clean installation of Windows 10 (.Net installed). I also tested it on another clean Windows 7 pc including .Net Framework. However, on both target pc's I needed to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 package for x86 or x64 (depends on what your application is build for). That was already installed on my developer pc.

My application was using a C library, which has been compiled to a C++ application using /clr and /TP options in visual studio. Also the application was providing functions to C# by using dllexport method signatures. Not sure if the C# integration leaded to give me that error or if a C++ application would have given me the same.

Hope it helps anybody.

Horizontal ListView in Android?

Download the jar file from here

now put it into your libs folder, right click it and select 'Add as library'

now in main.xml put this code


now in Activity class if you want Horizontal Listview with images then put this code

  HorizontalListView hListView = (HorizontalListView) findViewById(;
    hListView.setAdapter(new HAdapter(this));

 private class HAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

    LayoutInflater inflater;

    public HAdapter(Context context) {
        inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);


    public int getCount() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return Const.template.length;

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return position;

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return position;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        HViewHolder holder;
        if (convertView == null) {
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.listinflate, null);
            holder = new HViewHolder();

        } else {
            holder = (HViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
        holder.img = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
        return convertView;


class HViewHolder {
    ImageView img;

Why is it OK to return a 'vector' from a function?

This is actually a failure of design. You shouldn't be using a return value for anything not a primitive for anything that is not relatively trivial.

The ideal solution should be implemented through a return parameter with a decision on reference/pointer and the proper use of a "const\'y\'ness" as a descriptor.

On top of this, you should realise that the label on an array in C and C++ is effectively a pointer and its subscription are effectively an offset or an addition symbol.

So the label or ptr array_ptr === array label thus returning foo[offset] is really saying return element at memory pointer location foo + offset of type return type.

how can I check if a file exists?

Start with this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FileExists(path)) Then
   msg = path & " exists."
   msg = path & " doesn't exist."
End If

Taken from the documentation.

Escaping ampersand in URL

They need to be percent-encoded:

> encodeURIComponent('&')

So in your case, the URL would look like:

Creating an R dataframe row-by-row

Depending on the format of your new row, you might use tibble::add_row if your new row is simple and can specified in "value-pairs". Or you could use dplyr::bind_rows, "an efficient implementation of the common pattern of, dfs)".

How to display an unordered list in two columns?

You can use CSS only to set two columns or more





 <ul class="columns">

ul.columns  {
   -webkit-columns: 60px 2;
   -moz-columns: 60px 2;
    columns: 60px 2;
   -moz-column-fill: auto;
   column-fill: auto;

IntelliJ, can't start simple web application: Unable to ping server at localhost:1099

I had the same problem of "Unable to ping server at localhost:1099" while I was using intellij 2016 version.

However, as soon as I upgraded it to 2017 version(Ultimate 2017.1) which is installed using "ideaIU-2017.1.exe" the problem disappeared.

Why is my Spring @Autowired field null?

This is only valid in case of Unit test.

My Service class had an annotation of service and it was @autowired another component class. When I tested the component class was coming null. Because for service class I was creating the object using new

If you are writing unit test make sure you are not creating object using new object(). Use instead injectMock.

This fixed my issue. Here is a useful link

Upload failed You need to use a different version code for your APK because you already have one with version code 2

(For Flutter App) You need to use a different version code for your APK or Android App Bundle because you already have one with version code 1.

Don't be panic...

You need to change in Flutter Version from pubspec.yaml file and Version Code from file.

First go to your pubspec.yaml file. The first three lines should be name, description and version of App.

Before Release -

For you the version might look something like this:

version: 1.0.0+1

So before creating an apk for release (for update your exiting app on Google Play Console i.e for new update) make sure you increment this number by 1. (You should increment it as there's no requirement on increment step) .


Just change that version to (As per your need )

version: 1.0.1+2

And Second if

flutter.versionCode in Project -> android -> is

flutter.versionCode=1 then change it or upgrade it to the flutter.versionCode=2 or any other greater number than previous code.

And finally release the app as per documentation.

How to delete from a text file, all lines that contain a specific string?

echo -e "/thing_to_delete\ndd\033:x\n" | vim file_to_edit.txt

Bootstrap 3 Flush footer to bottom. not fixed

Or this

<footer class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom">
    <p class="text-muted" align="center">This is a footer</p>

Adding event listeners to dynamically added elements using jQuery

You are dynamically generating those elements so any listener applied on page load wont be available. I have edited your fiddle with the correct solution. Basically jQuery holds the event for later binding by attaching it to the parent Element and propagating it downward to the correct dynamically created element.

$('#musics').on('change', '#want',function(e) {
    $(this).closest('.from-group').val(($('#want').is(':checked')) ? "yes" : "no");
    var ans=$(this).val();

How to add label in chart.js for pie chart

For those using newer versions Chart.js, you can set a label by setting the callback for tooltips.callbacks.label in options.

Example of this would be:

var chartOptions = {
    tooltips: {
        callbacks: {
            label: function (tooltipItem, data) {
                return 'label';

What is a unix command for deleting the first N characters of a line?

Here is simple function, tested in bash. 1st param of function is string, 2nd param is number of characters to be stripped

function stringStripNCharsFromStart { echo ${1:$2:${#1}} }

Usage: enter image description here

Recover SVN password from local cache

In ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ you should find a file with a long hexadecimal name. The password is in there in plaintext.

If there is more than one file you'll need to find that one that references the server you need the password for.

Force uninstall of Visual Studio

Microsoft now has this:

I allowed a windows 10 update to go through that completely f****d VS2015 so I am trying this before having to resort to a rebuild. WT*. :-(

get basic SQL Server table structure information

For total columns information use below syntax : Use "DBName" go Exec SP_Columns "TableName"

For total table information use below syntax : Use "DBName" go Exec SP_help "Table Name"

What are the correct version numbers for C#?

Comparing the MSDN articles "What's New in the C# 2.0 Language and Compiler" and "What's New in Visual C# 2005", it is possible to deduce that "C# major_version.minor_version" is coined according to the compiler's version numbering.

There is C# 1.2 corresponding to .NET 1.1 and VS 2003 and also named as Visual C# .NET 2003.

But further on Microsoft stopped to increment the minor version (after the dot) numbers or to have them other than zero, 0. Though it should be noted that C# corresponding to .NET 3.5 is named in as "Visual C# 2008 Service Pack 1".

There are two parallel namings: By major .NET/compiler version numbering and by Visual Studio numbering.

C# 2.0 is a synonym for Visual C# 2005

C# 3.0 corresponds (or, more correctly, can target) to:

Initializing a static std::map<int, int> in C++

You have some very good answers here, but I'm to me, it looks like a case of "when all you know is a hammer"...

The simplest answer of to why there is no standard way to initialise a static map, is there is no good reason to ever use a static map...

A map is a structure designed for fast lookup, of an unknown set of elements. If you know the elements before hand, simply use a C-array. Enter the values in a sorted manner, or run sort on them, if you can't do this. You can then get log(n) performance by using the stl::functions to loop-up entries, lower_bound/upper_bound. When I have tested this previously they normally perform at least 4 times faster than a map.

The advantages are many fold... - faster performance (*4, I've measured on many CPU's types, it's always around 4) - simpler debugging. It's just easier to see what's going on with a linear layout. - Trivial implementations of copy operations, should that become necessary. - It allocates no memory at run time, so will never throw an exception. - It's a standard interface, and so is very easy to share across, DLL's, or languages, etc.

I could go on, but if you want more, why not look at Stroustrup's many blogs on the subject.

How do I make case-insensitive queries on Mongodb?

I just solved this problem a few hours ago.

var thename = 'Andrew'
db.collection.find({ $text: { $search: thename } });
  • Case sensitivity and diacritic sensitivity are set to false by default when doing queries this way.

You can even expand upon this by selecting on the fields you need from Andrew's user object by doing it this way:

db.collection.find({ $text: { $search: thename } }).select('age height weight');


What does \0 stand for?

In C \0 is a character literal constant store into an int data type that represent the character with value of 0.

Since Objective-C is a strict superset of C this constant is retained.

How can I get session id in php and show it?

echo session_id();

How to check the Angular version?

In Command line we can check our installed ng version.

ng -v OR ng --version OR ng version

This will give you like this :

 _                      _                 ____ _     ___

   / \   _ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __     / ___| |   |_ _|
  / ? \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__|   | |   | |    | |
 / ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |      | |___| |___ | |
/_/   \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_|       \____|_____|___|

Angular CLI: 1.6.5
Node: 8.0.0
OS: linux x64

Scanner is skipping nextLine() after using next() or nextFoo()?

If you want to scan input fast without getting confused into Scanner class nextLine() method , Use Custom Input Scanner for it .

Code :

class ScanReader {
* @author Nikunj Khokhar
    private byte[] buf = new byte[4 * 1024];
    private int index;
    private BufferedInputStream in;
    private int total;

    public ScanReader(InputStream inputStream) {
        in = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);

    private int scan() throws IOException {
        if (index >= total) {
            index = 0;
            total =;
            if (total <= 0) return -1;
        return buf[index++];
    public char scanChar(){
        int c=scan();
        while (isWhiteSpace(c))c=scan();
        return (char)c;

    public int scanInt() throws IOException {
        int integer = 0;
        int n = scan();
        while (isWhiteSpace(n)) n = scan();
        int neg = 1;
        if (n == '-') {
            neg = -1;
            n = scan();
        while (!isWhiteSpace(n)) {
            if (n >= '0' && n <= '9') {
                integer *= 10;
                integer += n - '0';
                n = scan();
        return neg * integer;

    public String scanString() throws IOException {
        int c = scan();
        while (isWhiteSpace(c)) c = scan();
        StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
        do {
            c = scan();
        } while (!isWhiteSpace(c));
        return res.toString();

    private boolean isWhiteSpace(int n) {
        if (n == ' ' || n == '\n' || n == '\r' || n == '\t' || n == -1) return true;
        else return false;

    public long scanLong() throws IOException {
        long integer = 0;
        int n = scan();
        while (isWhiteSpace(n)) n = scan();
        int neg = 1;
        if (n == '-') {
            neg = -1;
            n = scan();
        while (!isWhiteSpace(n)) {
            if (n >= '0' && n <= '9') {
                integer *= 10;
                integer += n - '0';
                n = scan();
        return neg * integer;

    public void scanLong(long[] A) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) A[i] = scanLong();

    public void scanInt(int[] A) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) A[i] = scanInt();

    public double scanDouble() throws IOException {
        int c = scan();
        while (isWhiteSpace(c)) c = scan();
        int sgn = 1;
        if (c == '-') {
            sgn = -1;
            c = scan();
        double res = 0;
        while (!isWhiteSpace(c) && c != '.') {
            if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
                return res * Math.pow(10, scanInt());
            res *= 10;
            res += c - '0';
            c = scan();
        if (c == '.') {
            c = scan();
            double m = 1;
            while (!isWhiteSpace(c)) {
                if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
                    return res * Math.pow(10, scanInt());
                m /= 10;
                res += (c - '0') * m;
                c = scan();
        return res * sgn;


Advantages :

  • Scans Input faster than BufferReader
  • Reduces Time Complexity
  • Flushes Buffer for every next input

Methods :

  • scanChar() - scan single character
  • scanInt() - scan Integer value
  • scanLong() - scan Long value
  • scanString() - scan String value
  • scanDouble() - scan Double value
  • scanInt(int[] array) - scans complete Array(Integer)
  • scanLong(long[] array) - scans complete Array(Long)

Usage :

  1. Copy the Given Code below your java code.
  2. Initialise Object for Given Class

ScanReader sc = new ScanReader(; 3. Import necessary Classes :

import; import; import; 4. Throw IOException from your main method to handle Exception 5. Use Provided Methods. 6. Enjoy

Example :

class Main{
    public static void main(String... as) throws IOException{
        ScanReader sc = new ScanReader(;
        int a=sc.scanInt();
class ScanReader....

How can I convert string to double in C++?

There is not a single function that will do that, because 0 is a valid number and you need to be able to catch when the string is not a valid number.

You will need to check the string first (probably with a regular expression) to see if it contains only numbers and numerical punctuation. You can then decide to return 0 if that is what your application needs or convert it to a double.

After looking up atof() and strtod() I should rephrase my statement to "there shouldn't be" instead of "there is not" ... hehe

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

This is implementation dependent:


The insert members shall not affect the validity of iterators and references to the container, and the erase members shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements.

Maybe you could try this -- this is standard conforming:

for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
    else {

Note that it++ is postfix, hence it passes the old position to erase, but first jumps to a newer one due to the operator.

2015.10.27 update: C++11 has resolved the defect. iterator erase (const_iterator position); return an iterator to the element that follows the last element removed (or set::end, if the last element was removed). So C++11 style is:

for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
        it = numbers.erase(it);
    else {

org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not insert [com.sample.Person]

The problem in my case was that the database name was incorrect.
I solved the problem by referring the correct database name in the field as below

<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDatabase</property>

How to count the number of files in a directory using Python

A simple utility function I wrote that makes use of os.scandir() instead of os.listdir().

import os 

def count_files_in_dir(path: str) -> int:
    file_entries = [entry for entry in os.scandir(path) if entry.is_file()]

    return len(file_entries)

The main benefit is that, the need for os.path.is_file() is eliminated and replaced with os.DirEntry instance's is_file() which also removes the need for os.path.join(DIR, file_name) as shown in other answers.

How to embed a Facebook page's feed into my website

If you are looking for a custom code instead of plugin, then this might help you. Facebook graph has under gone some changes since it has evolved. These steps are for the latest Graph API which I tried recently and worked well.

There are two main steps involved - 1. Getting Facebook Access Token, 2. Calling the Graph API passing the access token.

1. Getting the access token - Here is the step by step process to get the access token for your Facebook page. - Embed Facebook page feed on my website. As per this you need to create an app in Facebook developers page which would give you an App Id and an App Secret. Use these two and get the Access Token.

2. Calling the Graph API - This would be pretty simple once you get the access token. You just need to form a URL to Graph API with all the fields/properties you want to retrieve and make a GET request to this URL. Here is one example on how to do it in MVC. Embedding facebook feeds using mvc. This should be pretty similar in any other technology as it would be just a HTTP GET request.

Sample FQL Query:,picture,link,message,created_time&limit=5&access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE

Use of "global" keyword in Python

This is explained well in the Python FAQ

What are the rules for local and global variables in Python?

In Python, variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a value anywhere within the function’s body, it’s assumed to be a local unless explicitly declared as global.

Though a bit surprising at first, a moment’s consideration explains this. On one hand, requiring global for assigned variables provides a bar against unintended side-effects. On the other hand, if global was required for all global references, you’d be using global all the time. You’d have to declare as global every reference to a built-in function or to a component of an imported module. This clutter would defeat the usefulness of the global declaration for identifying side-effects.

True/False vs 0/1 in MySQL

Bit is also an option if tinyint isn't to your liking. A few links:

Not surprisingly, more info about numeric types is available in the manual.

One more link:

And a quote from the comment section of the article above:

  • TINYINT(1) isn’t a synonym for bit(1).
  • TINYINT(1) can store -9 to 9.
  • BIT(1): 0, 1. (Bit, literally).

Edit: This edit (and answer) is only remotely related to the original question...

Additional quotes by Justin Rovang and the author maclochlainn (comment section of the linked article).

Excuse me, seems I’ve fallen victim to substr-ism: TINYINT(1): -128-+127 TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED: 0-255 (Justin Rovang 25 Aug 11 at 4:32 pm)

True enough, but the post was about what PHPMyAdmin listed as a Boolean, and there it only uses 0 or 1 from the entire wide range of 256 possibilities. (maclochlainn 25 Aug 11 at 11:35 pm)

Getting random numbers in Java

int max = 50;
int min = 1;

1. Using Math.random()

double random = Math.random() * 49 + 1;
int random = (int )(Math.random() * 50 + 1);

This will give you value from 1 to 50 in case of int or 1.0 (inclusive) to 50.0 (exclusive) in case of double


random() method returns a random number between 0.0 and 0.9..., you multiply it by 50, so upper limit becomes 0.0 to 49.999... when you add 1, it becomes 1.0 to 50.999..., now when you truncate to int, you get 1 to 50. (thanks to @rup in comments). leepoint's awesome write-up on both the approaches.

2. Using Random class in Java.

Random rand = new Random(); 
int value = rand.nextInt(50); 

This will give value from 0 to 49.

For 1 to 50: rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;

Source of some Java Random awesomeness.

How do I know the script file name in a Bash script?

These answers are correct for the cases they state but there is a still a problem if you run the script from another script using the 'source' keyword (so that it runs in the same shell). In this case, you get the $0 of the calling script. And in this case, I don't think it is possible to get the name of the script itself.

This is an edge case and should not be taken TOO seriously. If you run the script from another script directly (without 'source'), using $0 will work.

How to check object is nil or not in swift?

Swift short expression:

var abc = "string"
abc != nil ? doWork(abc) : ()


abc == nil ? () : abc = "string"

or both:

abc != nil ? doWork(abc) : abc = "string"

How do I compile a .cpp file on Linux?

Just type the code and save it in .cpp format. then try "gcc filename.cpp" . This will create the object file. then try "./a.out" (This is the default object file name). If you want to know about gcc you can always try "man gcc"

How can I get date in application run by node.js?

    var datetime = new Date();_x000D_

How to get commit history for just one branch?

I know it's very late for this one... But here is a (not so simple) oneliner to get what you were looking for:

git show-branch --all 2>/dev/null | grep -E "\[$(git branch | grep -E '^\*' | awk '{ printf $2 }')" | tail -n+2 | sed -E "s/^[^\[]*?\[/[/"
  • We are listing commits with branch name and relative positions to actual branch states with git show-branch (sending the warnings to /dev/null).
  • Then we only keep those with our branch name inside the bracket with grep -E "\[$BRANCH_NAME".
  • Where actual $BRANCH_NAME is obtained with git branch | grep -E '^\*' | awk '{ printf $2 }' (the branch with a star, echoed without that star).
  • From our results, we remove the redundant line at the beginning with tail -n+2.
  • And then, we fianlly clean up the output by removing everything preceding [$BRANCH_NAME] with sed -E "s/^[^\[]*?\[/[/".

What are the differences between using the terminal on a mac vs linux?

@Michael Durrant's answer ably covers the shell itself, but the shell environment also includes the various commands you use in the shell and these are going to be similar -- but not identical -- between OS X and linux. In general, both will have the same core commands and features (especially those defined in the Posix standard), but a lot of extensions will be different.

For example, linux systems generally have a useradd command to create new users, but OS X doesn't. On OS X, you generally use the GUI to create users; if you need to create them from the command line, you use dscl (which linux doesn't have) to edit the user database (see here). (Update: starting in macOS High Sierra v10.13, you can use sysadminctl -addUser instead.)

Also, some commands they have in common will have different features and options. For example, linuxes generally include GNU sed, which uses the -r option to invoke extended regular expressions; on OS X, you'd use the -E option to get the same effect. Similarly, in linux you might use ls --color=auto to get colorized output; on macOS, the closest equivalent is ls -G.

EDIT: Another difference is that many linux commands allow options to be specified after their arguments (e.g. ls file1 file2 -l), while most OS X commands require options to come strictly first (ls -l file1 file2).

Finally, since the OS itself is different, some commands wind up behaving differently between the OSes. For example, on linux you'd probably use ifconfig to change your network configuration. On OS X, ifconfig will work (probably with slightly different syntax), but your changes are likely to be overwritten randomly by the system configuration daemon; instead you should edit the network preferences with networksetup, and then let the config daemon apply them to the live network state.

Changing background colour of tr element on mouseover

You can give the tr an id and do it.

    background-color: green;
    cursor: pointer;
    height: 30px;


    background-color: blue;
    cursor: pointer;


<table width="400px">
<tr id="element">

How do I add a new sourceset to Gradle?

I'm new to Gradle, using Gradle 6.0.1 JUnit 4.12. Here's what I came up with to solve this problem.

apply plugin: 'java'
repositories { jcenter() }

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'

sourceSets {
  main {
    java {
       srcDirs = ['src']
  test {
    java {
      srcDirs = ['tests']

Notice that the main source and test source is referenced separately, one under main and one under test.

The testImplementation item under dependencies is only used for compiling the source in test. If your main code actually had a dependency on JUnit, then you would also specify implementation under dependencies.

I had to specify the repositories section to get this to work, I doubt that is the best/only way.

Increasing Heap Size on Linux Machines

You can use the following code snippet :

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Xss512k -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
    -version | grep -iE 'HeapSize|PermSize|ThreadStackSize'

In my pc I am getting following output :

    uintx InitialHeapSize                          := 536870912       {product}
    uintx MaxHeapSize                              := 1073741824      {product}
    uintx PermSize                                 := 67108864        {pd product}
    uintx MaxPermSize                              := 134217728       {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 512             {pd product}

How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?

Use encodeURIComponent() to encode the string.


var product_list = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(product_list));

You don't need to decode it since the web server automatically do the same.

How to do IF NOT EXISTS in SQLite

You can also set a Constraint on a Table with the KEY fields and set On Conflict "Ignore"

When an applicable constraint violation occurs, the IGNORE resolution algorithm skips the one row that contains the constraint violation and continues processing subsequent rows of the SQL statement as if nothing went wrong. Other rows before and after the row that contained the constraint violation are inserted or updated normally. No error is returned when the IGNORE conflict resolution algorithm is used.

SQLite Documentation

C#: Waiting for all threads to complete

I still think using Join is simpler. Record the expected completion time (as Now+timeout), then, in a loop, do

    throw new NotFinishedInTime(); Hyperlink control equivalent to <a href="#"></a>

Just write <a href="#"></a>.

If that's what you want, you don't need a server-side control.

Shrink to fit content in flexbox, or flex-basis: content workaround?

It turns out that it was shrinking and growing correctly, providing the desired behaviour all along; except that in all current browsers flexbox wasn't accounting for the vertical scrollbar! Which is why the content appears to be getting cut off.

You can see here, which is the original code I was using before I added the fixed widths, that it looks like the column isn't growing to accomodate the text:

However if you make the content in that column wider, you'll see that it always cuts it off by the same amount, which is the width of the scrollbar.

So the fix is very, very simple - add enough right padding to account for the scrollbar:

  main > section {_x000D_
    overflow-y: auto;_x000D_
    padding-right: 2em;_x000D_

It was when I was trying some things suggested by Michael_B (specifically adding a padding buffer) that I discovered this, thanks so much!

Edit: I see that he also posted a fiddle which does the same thing - again, thanks so much for all your help

How to unmount a busy device

Someone has mentioned that if you are using terminal and your current directory is inside the path which you want to unmount, you will get the error.
As a complementary, in this case, your lsof | grep path-to-be-unmounted must have below output:

bash ... path-to-be-unmounted

How to respond with HTTP 400 error in a Spring MVC @ResponseBody method returning String?

Easiest way is to throw a ResponseStatusException

    @RequestMapping(value = "/matches/{matchId}", produces = "application/json")
    public String match(@PathVariable String matchId, @RequestBody String body) {
        String json = matchService.getMatchJson(matchId);
        if (json == null) {
            throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
        return json;

Import multiple csv files into pandas and concatenate into one DataFrame

Alternative using the pathlib library (often preferred over os.path).

This method avoids iterative use of pandas concat()/apped().

From the pandas documentation:
It is worth noting that concat() (and therefore append()) makes a full copy of the data, and that constantly reusing this function can create a significant performance hit. If you need to use the operation over several datasets, use a list comprehension.

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

dir = Path("../relevant_directory")

df = (pd.read_csv(f) for f in dir.glob("*.csv"))
df = pd.concat(df)

How can I convert this one line of ActionScript to C#?

There is collection of Func<...> classes - Func that is probably what you are looking for:

 void MyMethod(Func<int> param1 = null) 

This defines method that have parameter param1 with default value null (similar to AS), and a function that returns int. Unlike AS in C# you need to specify type of the function's arguments.

So if you AS usage was

MyMethod(function(intArg, stringArg) { return true; }) 

Than in C# it would require param1 to be of type Func<int, siring, bool> and usage like

MyMethod( (intArg, stringArg) => { return true;} ); 

Declaring an HTMLElement Typescript

Okay: weird syntax!

var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');

fixes the problem. I wonder why the example didn't do this in the first place?

complete code:

class Greeter {
    element: HTMLElement;
    span: HTMLElement;
    timerToken: number;

    constructor (element: HTMLElement) { 
        this.element = element;
        this.element.innerText += "The time is: ";
        this.span = document.createElement('span');
        this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString();

    start() {
        this.timerToken = setInterval(() => this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString(), 500);

    stop() {


window.onload = () => {
    var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');
    var greeter = new Greeter(el);

Get Current Session Value in JavaScript?

Accessing & Assigning the Session Variable using Javascript:

Assigning the ASP.NET Session Variable using Javascript:

 <script type="text/javascript">
function SetUserName()
    var userName = "Shekhar Shete";
    '<%Session["UserName"] = "' + userName + '"; %>';
     alert('<%=Session["UserName"] %>');

Accessing ASP.NET Session variable using Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function GetUserName()

        var username = '<%= Session["UserName"] %>';
        alert(username );

Already Answered here

Axios having CORS issue

I have encountered with same issue. When I changed content type it has solved. I'm not sure this solution will help you but maybe it is. If you don't mind about content-type, it worked for me.['Content-Type'] ='application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

Application not picking up .css file (flask/python)

I'm running version 1.0.2 of flask right now. The above file structures did not work for me, but I found one that did, which are as follows:

     app_folder/ static/ style.css/ templates/

(Please note that 'static' and 'templates' are folders, which should be named exactly the same thing.)

To check what version of flask you are running, you should open Python in terminal and type the following accordingly:

import flask

flask --version

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

I'm also in a "trial and error" for that, but this answer from Google Chrome Labs' Github helped me a little. I defined it into my main file and it worked - well, for only one third-party domain. Still making tests, but I'm eager to update this answer with a better solution :)

EDIT: I'm using PHP 7.4 now, and this syntax is working good (Sept 2020):

$cookie_options = array(
  'expires' => time() + 60*60*24*30,
  'path' => '/',
  'domain' => '', // leading dot for compatibility or use subdomain
  'secure' => true, // or false
  'httponly' => false, // or false
  'samesite' => 'None' // None || Lax || Strict

setcookie('cors-cookie', 'my-site-cookie', $cookie_options);

If you have PHP 7.2 or lower (as Robert's answered below):

setcookie('key', 'value', time()+(7*24*3600), "/; SameSite=None; Secure");

If your host is already updated to PHP 7.3, you can use (thanks to Mahn's comment):

setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', [
  'expires' => time()+(7*24*3600,
  'path' => '/',
  'domain' => '',
  'samesite' => 'None',
  'secure' => true,
  'httponly' => true

Another thing you can try to check the cookies, is to enable the flag below, which—in their own words—"will add console warning messages for every single cookie potentially affected by this change":


See the whole code at:, they have the code for same-site-cookies too.

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

I feel I need to clarify one very important thing, for others (like my co-worker) who came across this thread and got the wrong information.

The answer given ("Try decimal(9,2) or decimal(10,2) or whatever.") is correct, but the reason ("increase the number of digits before the decimal") is wrong.

decimal(p,s) and numeric(p,s) both specify a Precision and a Scale. The "precision" is not the number of digits to the left of the decimal, but instead is the total precision of the number.

For example: decimal(2,1) covers 0.0 to 9.9, because the precision is 2 digits (00 to 99) and the scale is 1. decimal(4,1) covers 000.0 to 999.9 decimal(4,2) covers 00.00 to 99.99 decimal(4,3) covers 0.000 to 9.999

How to set environment variables from within package.json?

use git bash in windows. Git Bash processes commands differently than cmd.

Most Windows command prompts will choke when you set environment variables with NODE_ENV=production like that. (The exception is Bash on Windows, which uses native Bash.) Similarly, there's a difference in how windows and POSIX commands utilize environment variables. With POSIX, you use: $ENV_VAR and on windows you use %ENV_VAR%. - cross-env doc

  "scripts": {
    "help": "tagove help",
    "start": "env NODE_ENV=production tagove start"

use dotenv package to declare the env variables

Why Java Calendar set(int year, int month, int date) not returning correct date?

1 for month is February. The 30th of February is changed to 1st of March. You should set 0 for month. The best is to use the constant defined in Calendar:

c1.set(2000, Calendar.JANUARY, 30);

Is it possible in Java to access private fields via reflection


  Field f = Test.class.getDeclaredField("str");
  f.setAccessible(true);//Very important, this allows the setting to work.
  String value = (String) f.get(object);

Then you use the field object to get the value on an instance of the class.

Note that get method is often confusing for people. You have the field, but you don't have an instance of the object. You have to pass that to the get method

What is the C++ function to raise a number to a power?

While pow( base, exp ) is a great suggestion, be aware that it typically works in floating-point.

This may or may not be what you want: on some systems a simple loop multiplying on an accumulator will be faster for integer types.

And for square specifically, you might as well just multiply the numbers together yourself, floating-point or integer; it's not really a decrease in readability (IMHO) and you avoid the performance overhead of a function call.

Shortcut to Apply a Formula to an Entire Column in Excel

Select a range of cells (the entire column in this case), type in your formula, and hold down Ctrl while you press Enter. This places the formula in all selected cells.

How to hide 'Back' button on navigation bar on iPhone?

The best way is to combine these, so it will hide the back button even if you set it up manually :


AngularJS : How to watch service variables?

You can insert the service in $rootScope and watch:$rootScope, aService){
    $rootScope.aService = aService;
    $rootScope.$watch('aService', function(){
    }, true);

In your controller:

myApp.controller('main', function($scope){
    $ = 'change';

Other option is to use a external library like:

Works with: IE 9+, FF 4+, SF 5+, WebKit, CH 7+, OP 12+, BESEN, Node.JS , Rhino 1.7+

You can observe the changes of one, many or all object attributes.


var ex3 = {
    attr1: 0,
    attr2: "initial value of attr2",
    attr3: ["a", 3, null]
watch(ex3, function(){
    alert("some attribute of ex3 changes!");
ex3.attr3.push("new value");?

mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

If you look at your XAMPP Control Panel, it's clearly stated that the port to the MySQL server is 3306 - you provided 3360. The 3306 is default, and thus doesn't need to be specified. Even so, the 5th parameter of mysqli_connect() is the port, which is where it should be specified.

You could just remove the port specification altogether, as you're using the default port, making it

$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = '';
$db     = 'test_db13';


Why can't DateTime.ParseExact() parse "9/1/2009" using "M/d/yyyy"

I tried it on XP and it doesn't work if the PC is set to International time yyyy-M-d. Place a breakpoint on the line and before it is processed change the date string to use '-' in place of the '/' and you'll find it works. It makes no difference whether you have the CultureInfo or not. Seems strange to be able specify an expercted format only to have the separator ignored.

Use different Python version with virtualenv

For Debian (debian 9) Systems in 2019, I discovered a simple solution that may solve the problem from within the virtual environment.

Suppose the virtual environment were created via:

python3.7 -m venv myenv

but only has versions of python2 and python2.7, and you need the recent features of python3.7.

Then, simply running the command:

(myvenv) $ python3.7 -m venv --upgrade /home/username/path/to/myvenv/

will add python3.7 packages if they are already available on your system.

How do I make the return type of a method generic?

Create a function and pass out put parameter as of generic type.

 public static T some_function<T>(T out_put_object /*declare as Output object*/)
        return out_put_object;

Bitwise and in place of modulus operator

Using bitwise_and, bitwise_or, and bitwise_not you can modify any bit configurations to another bit configurations (i.e. these set of operators are "functionally complete"). However, for operations like modulus, the general formula would be necessarily be quite complicated, I wouldn't even bother trying to recreate it.

Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

While some of those code-snippets are short and working, they aren't trivial to follow and understand.

As i am not a fan of "copy-paste" from stack-overflow, i would like developers to understand the code they are push into they software, hope you'll find the below useful.

DEMO: Resizing images with JS and HTML Canvas Demo fiddler.

You may find 3 different methods to do this resize, that will help you understand how the code is working and why.

Full code of both demo, and TypeScript method that you may want to use in your code, can be found in the GitHub project.

This is the final code:

export class ImageTools {
base64ResizedImage: string = null;

constructor() {

ResizeImage(base64image: string, width: number = 1080, height: number = 1080) {
    let img = new Image();
    img.src = base64image;

    img.onload = () => {

        // Check if the image require resize at all
        if(img.height <= height && img.width <= width) {
            this.base64ResizedImage = base64image;

            // TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image
        else {
            // Make sure the width and height preserve the original aspect ratio and adjust if needed
            if(img.height > img.width) {
                width = Math.floor(height * (img.width / img.height));
            else {
                height = Math.floor(width * (img.height / img.width));

            let resizingCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
            let resizingCanvasContext = resizingCanvas.getContext("2d");

            // Start with original image size
            resizingCanvas.width = img.width;
            resizingCanvas.height = img.height;

            // Draw the original image on the (temp) resizing canvas
            resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, resizingCanvas.width, resizingCanvas.height);

            let curImageDimensions = {
                width: Math.floor(img.width),
                height: Math.floor(img.height)

            let halfImageDimensions = {
                width: null,
                height: null

            // Quickly reduce the dize by 50% each time in few iterations until the size is less then
            // 2x time the target size - the motivation for it, is to reduce the aliasing that would have been
            // created with direct reduction of very big image to small image
            while (curImageDimensions.width * 0.5 > width) {
                // Reduce the resizing canvas by half and refresh the image
                halfImageDimensions.width = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.width * 0.5);
                halfImageDimensions.height = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.height * 0.5);

                resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
                    0, 0, halfImageDimensions.width, halfImageDimensions.height);

                curImageDimensions.width = halfImageDimensions.width;
                curImageDimensions.height = halfImageDimensions.height;

            // Now do final resize for the resizingCanvas to meet the dimension requirments
            // directly to the output canvas, that will output the final image
            let outputCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
            let outputCanvasContext = outputCanvas.getContext("2d");

            outputCanvas.width = width;
            outputCanvas.height = height;

            outputCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
                0, 0, width, height);

            // output the canvas pixels as an image. params: format, quality
            this.base64ResizedImage = outputCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.85);

            // TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image

How to use PHP OPCache?

OPcache replaces APC

Because OPcache is designed to replace the APC module, it is not possible to run them in parallel in PHP. This is fine for caching PHP opcode as neither affects how you write code.

However it means that if you are currently using APC to store other data (through the apc_store() function) you will not be able to do that if you decide to use OPCache.

You will need to use another library such as either APCu or Yac which both store data in shared PHP memory, or switch to use something like memcached, which stores data in memory in a separate process to PHP.

Also, OPcache has no equivalent of the upload progress meter present in APC. Instead you should use the Session Upload Progress.

Settings for OPcache

The documentation for OPcache can be found here with all of the configuration options listed here. The recommended settings are:

; Sets how much memory to use

;Sets how much memory should be used by OPcache for storing internal strings 
;(e.g. classnames and the files they are contained in)

; The maximum number of files OPcache will cache

;How often (in seconds) to check file timestamps for changes to the shared
;memory storage allocation.

;If enabled, a fast shutdown sequence is used for the accelerated code
;The fast shutdown sequence doesn't free each allocated block, but lets
;the Zend Engine Memory Manager do the work.

;Enables the OPcache for the CLI version of PHP.

If you use any library or code that uses code annotations you must enable save comments:


If disabled, all PHPDoc comments are dropped from the code to reduce the size of the optimized code. Disabling "Doc Comments" may break some existing applications and frameworks (e.g. Doctrine, ZF2, PHPUnit)

sql like operator to get the numbers only

With SQL 2012 and later, you could use TRY_CAST/TRY_CONVERT to try converting to a numeric type, e.g. TRY_CAST(answer AS float) IS NOT NULL -- note though that this will match scientific notation too (1+E34). (If you use decimal, then scientific notation won't match)

ggplot2 legend to bottom and horizontal

If you want to move the position of the legend please use the following code:

library(reshape2) # for melt
df <- melt(outer(1:4, 1:4), varnames = c("X1", "X2"))
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(X1, X2)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value))
p1 + scale_fill_continuous(guide = guide_legend()) +

This should give you the desired result. Legend at bottom

sed whole word search and replace

On Mac OS X, neither of these regex syntaxes work inside sed for matching whole words

  • \bmyWord\b
  • \<myWord\>

Hear me now and believe me later, this ugly syntax is what you need to use:

  • /[[:<:]]myWord[[:>:]]/

So, for example, to replace mint with minty for whole words only:

  • sed "s/[[:<:]]mint[[:>:]]/minty/g"

Source: re_format man page

android listview item height

You need to use padding on the list item layout so space is added on the edges of the item (just increasing the font size won't do that).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextView android:id="@+id/text1"
    android:padding="8dp" />

How to append a date in batch files

Building on Joe's idea, here is a version which will build its own (.js) helper and supporting time as well:

@echo off

set _TMP=%TEMP%\_datetime.tmp

echo var date = new Date(), string, tmp;> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"000^" + date.getFullYear(); string = tmp.substr(tmp.length - 4);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + (date.getMonth() + 1); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getDate(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getHours(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getMinutes(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getSeconds(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo WScript.Echo(string);>> "%_TMP%"

for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo /e:jscript "%_TMP%"') do set _DATETIME=%%i

del "%_TMP%"

echo YYYYMMDDhhmmss: %_DATETIME%
echo YYYY: %_DATETIME:~0,4%
echo YYYYMM: %_DATETIME:~0,6%
echo hhmm: %_DATETIME:~8,4%
echo hhmmss: %_DATETIME:~8,6%

Installation failed with message Invalid File

My issue was with my Android Studio install.

I am building out a new CI server and although I installed Android Studio and hooked up the SDK, etc., I did not open the studio with the project -- instead just went to the command line to build. When I subsequently opened the project in the studio, it started prompting for all sorts of updates. Followed the bouncing-ball and then I was able to reach my USB tethered device.

Hopefully, this is helpful for Build Master and DevOps as a "got-cha" to avoid.

Is there a way to use shell_exec without waiting for the command to complete?

If it's off of a web page, I recommend generating a signal of some kind (dropping a file in a directory, perhaps) and having a cron job pick up the work that needs to be done. Otherwise, we're likely to get into the territory of using pcntl_fork() and exec() from inside an Apache process, and that's just bad mojo.

vim - How to delete a large block of text without counting the lines?

There are many better answers here, but for completeness I will mention the method I used to use before reading some of the great answers mentioned above.

Suppose you want to delete from lines 24-39. You can use the ex command


You can also yank lines using


And find and replace just over lines 24-39 using


CSS flex, how to display one item on first line and two on the next line

The answer given by Nico O is correct. However this doesn't get the desired result on Internet Explorer 10 to 11 and Firefox.

For IE, I found that changing

.flex > div
   flex: 1 0 50%;


.flex > div
   flex: 1 0 45%;

seems to do the trick. Don't ask me why, I haven't gone any further into this but it might have something to do with how IE renders the border-box or something.

In the case of Firefox I solved it by adding

display: inline-block;

to the items.

MySQL set current date in a DATETIME field on insert

    SET NEW.created_date = NOW();

Angular 2 http post params and body

The 2nd parameter of is the body of the message, ie the payload and not the url search parameters. Pass data in that parameter.

From the documentation

post(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) : Observable<Response>

public post(cmd: string, data: object): Observable<any> {

    const params = new URLSearchParams();
    params.set('cmd', cmd);

    const options = new RequestOptions({
      headers: this.getAuthorizedHeaders(),
      responseType: ResponseContentType.Json,
      params: params,
      withCredentials: false

    console.log('Options: ' + JSON.stringify(options));

    return, data, options)


You should also check out the 1st parameter (BASE_URL). It must contain the complete url (minus query string) that you want to reach. I mention in due to the name you gave it and I can only guess what the value currently is (maybe just the domain?).

Also there is no need to call JSON.stringify on the data/payload that is sent in the http body.

If you still can't reach your end point look in the browser's network activity in the development console to see what is being sent. You can then further determine if the correct end point is being called wit the correct header and body. If it appears that is correct then use POSTMAN or Fiddler or something similar to see if you can hit your endpoint that way (outside of Angular).

How to return result of a SELECT inside a function in PostgreSQL?


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION word_frequency(_max_tokens int)
  RETURNS TABLE (txt   text   -- also visible as OUT parameter inside function
               , cnt   bigint
               , ratio bigint) AS
   SELECT t.txt
        , count(*) AS cnt                 -- column alias only visible inside
        , (count(*) * 100) / _max_tokens  -- I added brackets
   FROM  (
      SELECT t.txt
      FROM   token t
      WHERE  t.chartype = 'ALPHABETIC'
      LIMIT  _max_tokens
      ) t
   GROUP  BY t.txt
   ORDER  BY cnt DESC;                    -- potential ambiguity 
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM word_frequency(123);


  • It is much more practical to explicitly define the return type than simply declaring it as record. This way you don't have to provide a column definition list with every function call. RETURNS TABLE is one way to do that. There are others. Data types of OUT parameters have to match exactly what is returned by the query.

  • Choose names for OUT parameters carefully. They are visible in the function body almost anywhere. Table-qualify columns of the same name to avoid conflicts or unexpected results. I did that for all columns in my example.

    But note the potential naming conflict between the OUT parameter cnt and the column alias of the same name. In this particular case (RETURN QUERY SELECT ...) Postgres uses the column alias over the OUT parameter either way. This can be ambiguous in other contexts, though. There are various ways to avoid any confusion:

    1. Use the ordinal position of the item in the SELECT list: ORDER BY 2 DESC. Example:
    2. Repeat the expression ORDER BY count(*).
    3. (Not applicable here.) Set the configuration parameter plpgsql.variable_conflict or use the special command #variable_conflict error | use_variable | use_column in the function. See:
  • Don't use "text" or "count" as column names. Both are legal to use in Postgres, but "count" is a reserved word in standard SQL and a basic function name and "text" is a basic data type. Can lead to confusing errors. I use txt and cnt in my examples.

  • Added a missing ; and corrected a syntax error in the header. (_max_tokens int), not (int maxTokens) - type after name.

  • While working with integer division, it's better to multiply first and divide later, to minimize the rounding error. Even better: work with numeric (or a floating point type). See below.


This is what I think your query should actually look like (calculating a relative share per token):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION word_frequency(_max_tokens int)
  RETURNS TABLE (txt            text
               , abs_cnt        bigint
               , relative_share numeric) AS
   SELECT t.txt, t.cnt
        , round((t.cnt * 100) / (sum(t.cnt) OVER ()), 2)  -- AS relative_share
   FROM  (
      SELECT t.txt, count(*) AS cnt
      FROM   token t
      WHERE  t.chartype = 'ALPHABETIC'
      GROUP  BY t.txt
      ORDER  BY cnt DESC
      LIMIT  _max_tokens
      ) t
   ORDER  BY t.cnt DESC;
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The expression sum(t.cnt) OVER () is a window function. You could use a CTE instead of the subquery - pretty, but a subquery is typically cheaper in simple cases like this one.

A final explicit RETURN statement is not required (but allowed) when working with OUT parameters or RETURNS TABLE (which makes implicit use of OUT parameters).

round() with two parameters only works for numeric types. count() in the subquery produces a bigint result and a sum() over this bigint produces a numeric result, thus we deal with a numeric number automatically and everything just falls into place.

How to get body of a POST in php?

To access the entity body of a POST or PUT request (or any other HTTP method):

$entityBody = file_get_contents('php://input');

Also, the STDIN constant is an already-open stream to php://input, so you can alternatively do:

$entityBody = stream_get_contents(STDIN);

From the PHP manual entry on I/O streamsdocs:

php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body. In the case of POST requests, it is preferable to use php://input instead of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA as it does not depend on special php.ini directives. Moreover, for those cases where $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated by default, it is a potentially less memory intensive alternative to activating always_populate_raw_post_data. php://input is not available with enctype="multipart/form-data".

Specifically you'll want to note that the php://input stream, regardless of how you access it in a web SAPI, is not seekable. This means that it can only be read once. If you're working in an environment where large HTTP entity bodies are routinely uploaded you may wish to maintain the input in its stream form (rather than buffering it like the first example above).

To maintain the stream resource something like this can be helpful:


function detectRequestBody() {
    $rawInput = fopen('php://input', 'r');
    $tempStream = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
    stream_copy_to_stream($rawInput, $tempStream);

    return $tempStream;

php://temp allows you to manage memory consumption because it will transparently switch to filesystem storage after a certain amount of data is stored (2M by default). This size can be manipulated in the php.ini file or by appending /maxmemory:NN, where NN is the maximum amount of data to keep in memory before using a temporary file, in bytes.

Of course, unless you have a really good reason for seeking on the input stream, you shouldn't need this functionality in a web application. Reading the HTTP request entity body once is usually enough -- don't keep clients waiting all day while your app figures out what to do.

Note that php://input is not available for requests specifying a Content-Type: multipart/form-data header (enctype="multipart/form-data" in HTML forms). This results from PHP already having parsed the form data into the $_POST superglobal.

Parsing ISO 8601 date in Javascript

Maybe, you can use moment.js which in my opinion is the best JavaScript library for parsing, formatting and working with dates client-side. You could use something like:

var momentDate = moment('1890-09-30T23:59:59+01:16:20', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+-HH:mm:ss');_x000D_
var jsDate = momentDate.toDate();_x000D_
// Now, you can run any JavaScript Date method_x000D_

The advantage of using a library like moment.js is that your code will work perfectly even in legacy browsers like IE 8+.

Here is the documenation about parsing methods:

How to run an application as "run as administrator" from the command prompt?

Try this:

runas.exe /savecred /user:administrator "%sysdrive%\testScripts\testscript1.ps1" 

It saves the password the first time and never asks again. Maybe when you change the administrator password you will be prompted again.

How to get JQuery.trigger('click'); to initiate a mouse click

jQuery's .trigger('click'); will only cause an event to trigger on this event, it will not trigger the default browser action as well.

You can simulate the same functionality with the following JavaScript:

jQuery('#foo').on('click', function(){
    var bar = jQuery('#bar');
    var href = bar.attr('href');
    if(bar.attr("target") === "_blank")
        window.location = href;

CMD: How do I recursively remove the "Hidden"-Attribute of files and directories

You can't remove hidden without also removing system.

You want:

cd mydir
attrib -H -S /D /S

That will remove the hidden and system attributes from all the files/folders inside of your current directory.

Check if key exists and iterate the JSON array using Python

import json

jsonData = """{"from": {"id": "8", "name": "Mary Pinter"}, "message": "How ARE you?", "comments": {"count": 0}, "updated_time": "2012-05-01", "created_time": "2012-05-01", "to": {"data": [{"id": "1543", "name": "Honey Pinter"}]}, "type": "status", "id": "id_7"}"""

def getTargetIds(jsonData):
    data = json.loads(jsonData)
    if 'to' not in data:
        raise ValueError("No target in given data")
    if 'data' not in data['to']:
        raise ValueError("No data for target")

    for dest in data['to']['data']:
        if 'id' not in dest:
        targetId = dest['id']
        print("to_id:", targetId)


In [9]: getTargetIds(s)
to_id: 1543

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\pip.exe""

On Windows at least, pip stores the execution path in the executable pip.exe when it is installed.

Edit this file using a hex editor or WordPad (you have to save it as plain text then to retain binary data), change the path to Python with quotes and spaces like this:

#!"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python33\python.exe"

to an escaped path without spaces and quotes and pad with spaces (dots at the end should be spaces):


For "C:\Program Files", this path would probably be "C:\Progra~1" (shortened path names in DOS / Windows 3.x notation use tilde and numbers). Windows provides this alternative notation for backwards compatibility with DOS / Windows 3.x apps.

Note that as this is a binary file, you should not change the file size which may break the executable, hence the padding.

Save with administrator privileges, make sure it is actually saved at the target location and try again.

You might also need to set the PATH variable to use the ~ notation for the path to pip.

Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS

32-bit JVMs which expect to have a single large chunk of memory and use raw pointers cannot use more than 4 Gb (since that is the 32 bit limit which also applies to pointers). This includes Sun and - I'm pretty sure - also IBM implementations. I do not know if e.g. JRockit or others have a large memory option with their 32-bit implementations.

If you expect to be hitting this limit you should strongly consider starting a parallel track validating a 64-bit JVM for your production environment so you have that ready for when the 32-bit environment breaks down. Otherwise you will have to do that work under pressure, which is never nice.

Edit 2014-05-15: Oracle FAQ:

The maximum theoretical heap limit for the 32-bit JVM is 4G. Due to various additional constraints such as available swap, kernel address space usage, memory fragmentation, and VM overhead, in practice the limit can be much lower. On most modern 32-bit Windows systems the maximum heap size will range from 1.4G to 1.6G. On 32-bit Solaris kernels the address space is limited to 2G. On 64-bit operating systems running the 32-bit VM, the max heap size can be higher, approaching 4G on many Solaris systems.


Visual Studio opens the default browser instead of Internet Explorer

For MVC3 you don't have to add any dummy files to set a certain browser. All you have to do is:

  • "Show all files" for the project
  • go to bin folder
  • right click the only .xml file to find the "Browse With..." option

setting MVC3 project default browser

How to copy directories in OS X 10.7.3?

Is there something special with that directory or are you really just asking how to copy directories?

Copy recursively via CLI:

cp -R <sourcedir> <destdir>

If you're only seeing the files under the sourcedir being copied (instead of sourcedir as well), that's happening because you kept the trailing slash for sourcedir:

cp -R <sourcedir>/ <destdir>

The above only copies the files and their directories inside of sourcedir. Typically, you want to include the directory you're copying, so drop the trailing slash:

cp -R <sourcedir> <destdir>

Visual Studio 2017: Display method references

For anyone who is looking to enable this on the Mac version, it is not available. Developers of Visual Studio stated they will include in their roadmap.

Convert XLS to CSV on command line

:: For UTF-8 works for Microsoft Office 2016 and higher!

Try this code:

if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
    WScript.Echo "Please specify the source and the destination files. Usage: ExcelToCsv <xls/xlsx source file> <csv destination file>"
End If

csv_format = 62

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

src_file = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(Wscript.Arguments.Item(0))
dest_file = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments.Item(1))

Dim oExcel
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Dim oBook
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(src_file)

oBook.SaveAs dest_file, csv_format

oBook.Close False

Delete a row in Excel VBA

Better yet, use union to grab all the rows you want to delete, then delete them all at once. The rows need not be continuous.

dim rng as range
dim rDel as range

for each rng in {the range you're searching}
   if {Conditions to be met} = true then
      if not rDel is nothing then
         set rDel = union(rng,rDel)
         set rDel = rng
      end if
   end if

That way you don't have to worry about sorting or things being at the bottom.

Handling errors in Promise.all

I've found a way (workaround) to do this without making it sync.

So as it was mentioned before Promise.all is all of none.

so... Use an enclosing promise to catch and force resolve.

      let safePromises = => {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
              // Do something error friendly
              promise.then(_res => resolve(res)).catch(_err => resolve(err))

    // safe
    return Promise.all(safePromises)

How to set the default value of an attribute on a Laravel model

You can set Default attribute in Model also>

protected $attributes = [
        'status' => self::STATUS_UNCONFIRMED,
        'role_id' => self::ROLE_PUBLISHER,

You can find the details in these links

1.) How to set a default attribute value for a Laravel / Eloquent model?


You can also Use Accessors & Mutators for this You can find the details in the Laravel documentation 1.)


3.) Universal accessors and mutators in Laravel 4

Linux command-line call not returning what it should from os.system?

This is an old thread, but purely using os.system, the following's a valid way of accessing the data returned by the ps call. Note: it does use a pipe to write the data to a file on disk. And OP didn't specifically ask for a solution using os.system.

>>> os.system("ps > ~/Documents/ps.txt")
0    #system call is processed.
>>> os.system("cat ~/Documents/ps.txt")
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 9927 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
10063 pts/0    00:00:00 python
12654 pts/0    00:00:00 sh
12655 pts/0    00:00:00 ps


>>> os.system("ps -p 10063 -o time --no-headers > ~/Documents/ps.txt")
>>> os.system("cat ~/Documents/ps.txt")

No idea why they are all returning zeroes though.

CSS3 Transition not working

For me, it was having display: none;

#spinner-success-text {
    display: none;
    transition: all 1s ease-in;
} {
    display: block;

Removing it, and using opacity instead, fixed the issue.

#spinner-success-text {
    opacity: 0;
    transition: all 1s ease-in;
} {
    opacity: 1;

EPPlus - Read Excel Table

Below code will read excel data into a datatable, which is converted to list of datarows.

if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
    if (Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName) == ".xlsx")
        Stream fs = FileUpload1.FileContent;
        ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(fs);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        dt= package.ToDataTable();
        List<DataRow> listOfRows = new List<DataRow>();
        listOfRows = dt.AsEnumerable().ToList();

using OfficeOpenXml;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;

 public static class ExcelPackageExtensions
        public static DataTable ToDataTable(this ExcelPackage package)
            ExcelWorksheet workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            foreach (var firstRowCell in workSheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, workSheet.Dimension.End.Column])

            for (var rowNumber = 2; rowNumber <= workSheet.Dimension.End.Row; rowNumber++)
                var row = workSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 1, rowNumber, workSheet.Dimension.End.Column];
                var newRow = table.NewRow();
                foreach (var cell in row)
                    newRow[cell.Start.Column - 1] = cell.Text;
            return table;


Fastest way to tell if two files have the same contents in Unix/Linux?

I believe cmp will stop at the first byte difference:

cmp --silent $old $new || echo "files are different"

Replace an element into a specific position of a vector

You can do that using at. You can try out the following simple example:

const size_t N = 20;
std::vector<int> vec(N);
try { - 1) = 7;
} catch (std::out_of_range ex) {
    std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
assert( - 1) == 7);

Notice that method at returns an allocator_type::reference, which is that case is a int&. Using at is equivalent to assigning values like vec[i]=....

There is a difference between at and insert as it can be understood with the following example:

const size_t N = 8;
std::vector<int> vec(N);
for (size_t i = 0; i<5; i++){
    vec[i] = i + 1;

vec.insert(vec.begin()+2, 10);

If we now print out vec we will get:

1 2 10 3 4 5 0 0 0

If, instead, we did = 10, or vec[2]=10, we would get

1 2 10 4 5 0 0 0

How to use "like" and "not like" in SQL MSAccess for the same field?

Try this:

filed like "*AA*" and filed not like "*BB*"

Export table to file with column headers (column names) using the bcp utility and SQL Server 2008

DECLARE @table_name varchar(max)='tableName'--which needs to be exported
DECLARE @fileName varchar(max)='file Name'--What would be file name

DECLARE @query varchar(8000)
DECLARE @columnHeader VARCHAR(max)
SELECT @columnHeader = COALESCE(@columnHeader+',' ,'')+ ''''+column_name +''''  FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @table_name

DECLARE @ColumnList VARCHAR(max)
SELECT @ColumnList = COALESCE(@ColumnList+',' ,'')+ 'CAST('+column_name +' AS VARCHAR)' +column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @table_name

DECLARE @tempRaw_sql nvarchar(max)
SELECT @tempRaw_sql = 'SELECT ' + @ColumnList + ' into ##temp11 FROM ' + @table_name 
PRINT @tempRaw_sql
EXECUTE sp_executesql  @tempRaw_sql

DECLARE @raw_sql nvarchar(max)
SELECT @raw_sql = 'SELECT  '+ @columnHeader +' UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ##temp11'
SET @query='bcp "'+@raw_SQL+'" queryout "C:\data\'+@fileName+'.txt" -T -c -t,'
EXEC xp_cmdshell @query

DROP TABLE ##temp11

PHP get dropdown value and text

you can make it using js file and ajax call. while validating data using js file we can read the text of selected dropdown

$("#dropdownid").val();   for value
$("#dropdownid").text(); for selected value

catch these into two variables and take it as inputs to ajax call for a php file

     url:"callingphpfile.php",//url of fetching php  
     method:"POST", //type 
     success:function(data) //return the data     


and in php you can get it as

    if (isset($_POST["val1"])) {
    $val1= $_POST["val1"] ;

if (isset($_POST["val2"])) {
  $selectedtext= $_POST["val1"];

Where does VBA Debug.Print log to?

Where do you want to see the output?

Messages being output via Debug.Print will be displayed in the immediate window which you can open by pressing Ctrl+G.

You can also Activate the so called Immediate Window by clicking View -> Immediate Window on the VBE toolbar

enter image description here

When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

When the user enters information in a form and clicks Submit , there are two ways the information can be sent from the browser to the server: in the URL, or within the body of the HTTP request.

The GET method, which was used in the example earlier, appends name/value pairs to the URL. Unfortunately, the length of a URL is limited, so this method only works if there are only a few parameters. The URL could be truncated if the form uses a large number of parameters, or if the parameters contain large amounts of data. Also, parameters passed on the URL are visible in the address field of the browser not the best place for a password to be displayed.

The alternative to the GET method is the POST method. This method packages the name/value pairs inside the body of the HTTP request, which makes for a cleaner URL and imposes no size limitations on the forms output. It is also more secure.

Click through div to underlying elements

Just wrap a tag around all the HTML extract, for example

<a href="/categories/1">
  <img alt="test1" class="img-responsive" src="/assets/photo.jpg" />
  <div class="caption bg-orange">

in my example my caption class has hover effects, that with pointer-events:none; you just will lose

wrapping the content will keep your hover effects and you can click in all the picture, div included, regards!

PuTTY Connection Manager download?

PuTTY Session Manager is a tool that allows system administrators to organise their PuTTY sessions into folders and assign hotkeys to favourite sessions. Multiple sessions can be launched with one click. Requires MS Windows and the .NET 2.0 Runtime.

Using LINQ to group by multiple properties and sum

Use the .Select() after grouping:

var agencyContracts = _agencyContractsRepository.AgencyContracts
    .GroupBy(ac => new
                       ac.AgencyContractID, // required by your view model. should be omited
                                            // in most cases because group by primary key
                                            // makes no sense.
    .Select(ac => new AgencyContractViewModel
                       AgencyContractID = ac.Key.AgencyContractID,
                       AgencyId = ac.Key.AgencyID,
                       VendorId = ac.Key.VendorID,
                       RegionId = ac.Key.RegionID,
                       Amount = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Amount),
                       Fee = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Fee)

Usage of sys.stdout.flush() method

import sys
for x in range(10000):
    print "HAPPY >> %s <<\r" % str(x),

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax?

Perhaps a better way of handling errors in MVC is to apply the HandleError attribute to your controller or action and update the Shared/Error.aspx file to do what you want. The Model object on that page includes an Exception property as well as ControllerName and ActionName.

Best way to change the background color for an NSView

Without doubt the easiest way, also compatible with Color Set Assets:


view.setValue(NSColor.white, forKey: "backgroundColor")


[view setValue: NSColor.whiteColor forKey: "backgroundColor"];

Interface Builder:

Add a user defined attribute backgroundColor in the interface builder, of type NSColor.

Django - what is the difference between render(), render_to_response() and direct_to_template()?

From django docs:

render() is the same as a call to render_to_response() with a context_instance argument that that forces the use of a RequestContext.

direct_to_template is something different. It's a generic view that uses a data dictionary to render the html without the need of the, you use it in Docs here

Are SSL certificates bound to the servers ip address?

The SSL certificates are going to be bound to hostname rather than IP if they are setup in the standard way. Hence why it works at one site rather than the other.

Even if the servers share the same hostname they may well have two different certificates and hence WebSphere will have a certificate trust issue as it won't be able to recognise the certificate on the second server as it is different to the first.

Postgresql : syntax error at or near "-"

i was trying trying to GRANT read-only privileges to a particular table to a user called walters-ro. So when i ran the sql command # GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO walters-ro; --- i got the following error..`syntax error at or near “-”

The solution to this was basically putting the user_name into double quotes since there is a dash(-) between the name.

# GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO "walters-ro";

That solved the problem.

How to force an entire layout View refresh?

Try this


android EditText - finished typing event

Although many answers do point in the right direction I think none of them answers what the author of the question was thinking about. Or at least I understood the question differently because I was looking for answer to similar problem. The problem is "How to know when the user stops typing without him pressing a button" and trigger some action (for example auto-complete). If you want to do this start the Timer in onTextChanged with a delay that you would consider user stopped typing (for example 500-700ms), for each new letter when you start the timer cancel the earlier one (or at least use some sort of flag that when they tick they don't do anything). Here is similar code to what I have used:

new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
  public void run() {
     if (!running) {                            
        new DoPost().execute(s.toString());
}, 700);

Note that I modify running boolean flag inside my async task (Task gets the json from the server for auto-complete).

Also keep in mind that this creates many timer tasks (I think they are scheduled on the same Thread thou but would have to check this), so there are probably many places to improve but this approach also works and the bottom line is that you should use a Timer since there is no "User stopped typing event"

Find JavaScript function definition in Chrome

In Google chrome, Inspect element tool you can view any Javascript function definition.

  1. Click on the Sources tab. Then select the index page. Search for the function.

enter image description here

  1. Select the function then Right-click on the function and select "Evaluate selected text in console."

enter image description here

Converting a PDF to PNG

To convert pdf to image files use following commands:

For PNG gs -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r300 -o a.png a.pdf

For JPG gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r300 -o a.jpg a.pdf

If you have multiple pages add to name %03d gs -o a%03d.jpg a.pdf

What each option means:

  • sDEVICE={jpeg,pngalpha,png16m...} - filetype
  • -o - output file (%stdout to stdout)
  • -dTextAlphaBits=4 - font antialiasing.
  • -r300 - 300 dpi

How to add line break for UILabel?

NSCharacterSet *charSet = NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet;
NSString *formatted = [[unformatted componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:charSet] componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];

How to perform OR condition in django queryset?

from django.db.models import Q
User.objects.filter(Q(income__gte=5000) | Q(income__isnull=True))

via Documentation

How to access JSON decoded array in PHP

$data = json_decode(...);
$firstId = $data[0]["id"];
$secondSeatNo = $data[1]["seat_no"];

Just like this :)

How to format font style and color in echo

 echo "<a href='#' style = \"font-color: #ff0000;\"> Movie List for {$key} 2013 </a>";

Search and replace a particular string in a file using Perl

A one liner:

perl -pi.back -e 's/<PREF>/ABCD/g;' inputfile

Rename multiple files in a folder, add a prefix (Windows)

Based on @ofer.sheffer answer this command will mass rename and append the current date to the filename. ie "file.txt" becomes "20180329 - file.txt" for all files in the current folder

for %a in (*.*) do ren "%a" "%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2% - %a"

Eloquent Collection: Counting and Detect Empty

You can use: $counter = count($datas);

List file using ls command in Linux with full path

There is more than one way to do that, the easiest I think would be:

find /mnt/mediashare/net/

also this should work:

(cd /mnt/mediashare/net/; ls | xargs -i echo `pwd`/{})