Programs & Examples On #Unitdriven

How do I show a console output/window in a forms application?

You can any time switch between type of applications, to console or windows. So, you will not write special logic to see the stdout. Also, when running application in debugger, you will see all the stdout in output window. You might also just add a breakpoint, and in breakpoint properties change "When Hit...", you can output any messages, and variables. Also you can check/uncheck "Continue execution", and your breakpoint will become square shaped. So, the breakpoint messages without changhing anything in the application in the debug output window.

Difference between onStart() and onResume()

Short answer:

We can't live without onStart because that is the state when the activity becomes "visible" to the user, but the user cant "interact" with it yet may be cause it's overlapped with some other small dialog. This ability to interact with the user is the one that differentiates onStart and onResume. Think of it as a person behind a glass door. You can see the person but you can't interact (talk/listen/shake hands) with him. OnResume is like the door opener after which you can begin the interaction.

Additionally onRestart() is the least understood one. We can ask the question as to why not directly go to onStart() or onResume() after onStop() instead of onRestart(). It becomes easier to understand if we note that onRestart() is partially equivalent to onCreate() if the creation part is omitted. Basically both states lead to onStart() (i.e the Activity becomes visible). So both the states have to "prepare" the stuff to be displayed. OnCreate has the additional responsibility to "create" the stuff to be displayed

So their code structures might fit to something like:





The entire confusion is caused since Google chose non-intuitive names instead of something as follows:

onCreateAndPrepareToDisplay()   [instead of onCreate() ]
onPrepareToDisplay()            [instead of onRestart() ]
onVisible()                     [instead of onStart() ]
onBeginInteraction()            [instead of onResume() ]
onPauseInteraction()            [instead of onPause() ]
onInvisible()                   [instead of onStop]
onDestroy()                     [no change] 

The Activity Diagram might be interpreted as:

Android Activity Lifecycle

Abort Ajax requests using jQuery

It is always best practice to do something like this.

var $request;
if ($request != null){ 
    $request = null;

$request = $.ajax({
    type : "POST", //TODO: Must be changed to POST
    url : "yourfile.php",
    data : "data"
    }).done(function(msg) {

But it is much better if you check an if statement to check whether the ajax request is null or not.

How to include a child object's child object in Entity Framework 5

I ended up doing the following and it works:

return DatabaseContext.Applications

CSS vertical-align: text-bottom;

Modern solution

Flexbox was created for exactly these kind of problems:

#container {_x000D_
    height: 150px;/*Only for the demo.*/_x000D_
    background-color:green;/*Only for the demo.*/_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    justify-content: center;_x000D_
    align-items: flex-end;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
    <span>Text align to center bottom.</span>_x000D_

Old school solution

If you don't want to mess with table displays, then you can create a <div> inside a relatively positioned parent container, place it to the bottom with absolute positioning, then make it 100% wide, so you can text-align it to the center:

#container {_x000D_
    height: 150px;/*Only for the demo.*/_x000D_
    background-color:green;/*Only for the demo.*/_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
#text {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    bottom: 0;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
    <span id="text">Text align to center bottom.</span>_x000D_

TortoiseGit save user authentication / credentials

[open git settings (TortoiseGit ? Settings ? Git)][1]

[In GIt: click to edit global .gitconfig][2]

config username and password

How to auto resize and adjust Form controls with change in resolution

Use combinations of these to get the desired result:

  1. Set Anchor property to None, the controls will not be resized, they only shift their position.

  2. Set Anchor property to Top+Bottom+Left+Right, the controls will be resized but they don't change their position.

  3. Set the Minimum Size of the form to a proper value.

  4. Set Dock property.

  5. Use Form Resize event to change whatever you want

I don't know how font size (label, textbox, combobox, etc.) will be affected in (1) - (4), but it can be controlled in (5).

Python Infinity - Any caveats?

Python's implementation follows the IEEE-754 standard pretty well, which you can use as a guidance, but it relies on the underlying system it was compiled on, so platform differences may occur. Recently¹, a fix has been applied that allows "infinity" as well as "inf", but that's of minor importance here.

The following sections equally well apply to any language that implements IEEE floating point arithmetic correctly, it is not specific to just Python.

Comparison for inequality

When dealing with infinity and greater-than > or less-than < operators, the following counts:

  • any number including +inf is higher than -inf
  • any number including -inf is lower than +inf
  • +inf is neither higher nor lower than +inf
  • -inf is neither higher nor lower than -inf
  • any comparison involving NaN is false (inf is neither higher, nor lower than NaN)

Comparison for equality

When compared for equality, +inf and +inf are equal, as are -inf and -inf. This is a much debated issue and may sound controversial to you, but it's in the IEEE standard and Python behaves just like that.

Of course, +inf is unequal to -inf and everything, including NaN itself, is unequal to NaN.

Calculations with infinity

Most calculations with infinity will yield infinity, unless both operands are infinity, when the operation division or modulo, or with multiplication with zero, there are some special rules to keep in mind:

  • when multiplied by zero, for which the result is undefined, it yields NaN
  • when dividing any number (except infinity itself) by infinity, which yields 0.0 or -0.0².
  • when dividing (including modulo) positive or negative infinity by positive or negative infinity, the result is undefined, so NaN.
  • when subtracting, the results may be surprising, but follow common math sense:
    • when doing inf - inf, the result is undefined: NaN;
    • when doing inf - -inf, the result is inf;
    • when doing -inf - inf, the result is -inf;
    • when doing -inf - -inf, the result is undefined: NaN.
  • when adding, it can be similarly surprising too:
    • when doing inf + inf, the result is inf;
    • when doing inf + -inf, the result is undefined: NaN;
    • when doing -inf + inf, the result is undefined: NaN;
    • when doing -inf + -inf, the result is -inf.
  • using math.pow, pow or ** is tricky, as it doesn't behave as it should. It throws an overflow exception when the result with two real numbers is too high to fit a double precision float (it should return infinity), but when the input is inf or -inf, it behaves correctly and returns either inf or 0.0. When the second argument is NaN, it returns NaN, unless the first argument is 1.0. There are more issues, not all covered in the docs.
  • math.exp suffers the same issues as math.pow. A solution to fix this for overflow is to use code similar to this:

        res = math.exp(420000)
    except OverflowError:
        res = float('inf')


Note 1: as an additional caveat, that as defined by the IEEE standard, if your calculation result under-or overflows, the result will not be an under- or overflow error, but positive or negative infinity: 1e308 * 10.0 yields inf.

Note 2: because any calculation with NaN returns NaN and any comparison to NaN, including NaN itself is false, you should use the math.isnan function to determine if a number is indeed NaN.

Note 3: though Python supports writing float('-NaN'), the sign is ignored, because there exists no sign on NaN internally. If you divide -inf / +inf, the result is NaN, not -NaN (there is no such thing).

Note 4: be careful to rely on any of the above, as Python relies on the C or Java library it was compiled for and not all underlying systems implement all this behavior correctly. If you want to be sure, test for infinity prior to doing your calculations.

¹) Recently means since version 3.2.
²) Floating points support positive and negative zero, so: x / float('inf') keeps its sign and -1 / float('inf') yields -0.0, 1 / float(-inf) yields -0.0, 1 / float('inf') yields 0.0 and -1/ float(-inf) yields 0.0. In addition, 0.0 == -0.0 is true, you have to manually check the sign if you don't want it to be true.

how to disable DIV element and everything inside

The following css statement disables click events


How to Test Facebook Connect Locally

You don't have to do anything difficult!

Facebook ? Settings ? Basic:
write "localhost" in the "App Domains" field then click on "+Add Platform" choose "Web Site".

After that, in the "Site Url" field write your localhost url
(e.g.: http://localhost:1337/something).

This will allow you to test your facebook plugins locally.

File 'app/hero.ts' is not a module error in the console, where to store interfaces files in directory structure with angular2?

For people getting the same error on stackblitz

You will find a Dependency tab on the left sidebar of the IDE. Just click the refresh button next to it and you will be good to go.

enter image description here

Ajax - 500 Internal Server Error

I fixed an error like this changing the places of the routes in routes.php, for example i had something like this:

Route::resource('Mensajes', 'MensajeriaController');
Route::get('Mensajes/modificar', 'MensajeriaController@modificarEstado');

and then I put it like this:

Route::get('Mensajes/modificar', 'MensajeriaController@modificarEstado');
Route::resource('Mensajes', 'MensajeriaController');

Regular Expression to select everything before and up to a particular text

Up to and including txt you would need to change your regex like so:


How to check if string input is a number?

I also ran into problems this morning with users being able to enter non-integer responses to my specific request for an integer.

This was the solution that ended up working well for me to force an answer I wanted:

player_number = 0
while player_number != 1 and player_number !=2:
    player_number = raw_input("Are you Player 1 or 2? ")
        player_number = int(player_number)
    except ValueError:
        print "Please enter '1' or '2'..."

I would get exceptions before even reaching the try: statement when I used

player_number = int(raw_input("Are you Player 1 or 2? ") 

and the user entered "J" or any other non-integer character. It worked out best to take it as raw input, check to see if that raw input could be converted to an integer, and then convert it afterward.

How to check if a MySQL query using the legacy API was successful?

mysql_query function is used for executing mysql query in php. mysql_query returns false if query execution fails.Alternatively you can try using mysql_error() function For e.g




In above code snippet if query execution fails then it will terminate the execution and display mysql error while execution of sql query.

WCF change endpoint address at runtime

We store our URLs in a database and load them at runtime.

public class ServiceClientFactory<TChannel> : ClientBase<TChannel> where TChannel : class
    public TChannel Create(string url)
        this.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(url));
        return this.Channel;


var client = new ServiceClientFactory<yourServiceChannelInterface>().Create(newUrl);

Page loaded over HTTPS but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint

Try to add a s after http

Like this: =>

It works for me

Is right click a Javascript event?

Try using the which and/or button property

The demo

function onClick(e) {
    if (!e)

        case '10':
            console.log('Left mouse button at ' + e.clientX + 'x' + e.clientY);
        case '21':
            console.log('Middle mouse button ' + e.clientX + 'x' + e.clientY);
        case '32':
            console.log('Right mouse button ' + e.clientX + 'x' + e.clientY);
        case '43':
            console.log('Backward mouse button ' + e.clientX + 'x' + e.clientY);
        case '54':
            console.log('Forward mouse button ' + e.clientX + 'x' + e.clientY);

window.addEventListener("mousedown", onClick);


On Windows and Linux there are modifier keys Alt, Shift and Ctrl. On Mac there’s one more: Cmd, corresponding to the property metaKey...
Even if we’d like to force Mac users to Ctrl+click – that’s kind of difficult. The problem is: a left-click with Ctrl is interpreted as a right-click on MacOS, and it generates the contextmenu event, not click like Windows/Linux.
So if we want users of all operating systems to feel comfortable, then together with ctrlKey we should check metaKey.
For JS-code it means that we should check if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)...

Related: here

How do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP/Java?

A lot of these answers have horrid rounding errors because they're casting numbers from one type to another. How about:

double x=123.456;
double fractionalPart = x-Math.floor(x);
double wholePart = Math.floor(x);

nginx error "conflicting server name" ignored

There should be only one localhost defined, check sites-enabled or nginx.conf.

Split pandas dataframe in two if it has more than 10 rows

There is no specific convenience function.

You'd have to do something like:

first_ten = pd.DataFrame()
rest = pd.DataFrame()

if df.shape[0] > 10: # len(df) > 10 would also work
    first_ten = df[:10]
    rest = df[10:]

Is it possible to insert HTML content in XML document?

Please see this.

Text inside a CDATA section will be ignored by the parser.

This is will help you to understand the basics about XML

download file using an ajax request

Your needs are covered by window.location('download.php');
But I think that you need to pass the file to be downloaded, not always download the same file, and that's why you are using a request, one option is to create a php file as simple as showfile.php and do a request like

var myfile = filetodownload.txt
var url = "shofile.php?file=" + myfile ;"GET", url, true);


$file = $_GET["file"] 
echo $file;

where file is the file name passed via Get or Post in the request and then catch the response in a function simply

if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){
                        var file = ajaxRequest.responseText;
                        window.location = 'downfile.php?file=' + file;  

Test for multiple cases in a switch, like an OR (||)

Use commas to separate case

switch (pageid)
    case "listing-page","home-page":
    case "details-page":

Eclipse/Maven error: "No compiler is provided in this environment"

I tried all the things; the one that worked for me is:

  1. Right click on Eclipse project and navigate to properties.
  2. Click on Java Build Path and go to the Libraries tab.
  3. Check which version of Java is added there; is it JRE or JDK?
  4. If you are using Maven project and want to build a solution.
  5. Select the JRE added their and click remove.
  6. Click Add external class folder and add the JDK install by selecting from the system.
  7. Click Apply and OK.
  8. Restart Eclipse.
  9. Build succeeded.

Changing datagridview cell color based on condition

You need to do this

private void dataGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
    foreach (DataGridViewRow Myrow in dataGridView1.Rows) 
    {            //Here 2 cell is target value and 1 cell is Volume
        if (Convert.ToInt32(Myrow .Cells[2].Value)<Convert.ToInt32(Myrow .Cells[1].Value))// Or your condition 
            Myrow .DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; 
            Myrow .DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Green; 

Meanwhile also take a look at Cell Formatting

VBA Excel Provide current Date in Text box

The easy way to do this is to put the Date function you want to use in a Cell, and link to that cell from the textbox with the LinkedCell property.

From VBA you might try using:

textbox.Value = Format(Date(),"mm/dd/yy")

How can I perform a short delay in C# without using sleep?

Sorry for awakening an old question like this. But I think what the original author wanted as an answer was:

You need to force your program to make the graphic update after you make the change to the textbox1. You can do that by invoking Update();

textBox1.Text += "\r\nThread Sleeps!";
textBox1.Text += "\r\nThread awakens!";

Normally this will be done automatically when the thread is done. Ex, you press a button, changes are made to the text, thread dies, and then .Update() is fired and you see the changes. (I'm not an expert so I cant really tell you when its fired, but its something similar to this any way.)

In this case, you make a change, pause the thread, and then change the text again, and when the thread finally dies the .Update() is fired. This resulting in you only seeing the last change made to the text.

You would experience the same issue if you had a long execution between the text changes.

PHP: How to send HTTP response code?

header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
header("Status: 200 All rosy");

http_response_code(200); not work because test alert 404

Are there any log file about Windows Services Status?

Through the Computer management console, navigate through Event Viewer > Windows Logs > System. Every services that change state will be logged here.

You'll see info like: The XXXX service entered the running state or The XXXX service entered the stopped state, etc.

Any way to make plot points in scatterplot more transparent in R?

If you are using the hex codes, you can add two more digits at the end of the code to represent the alpha channel:

E.g. half-transparency red:

plot(1:100, main="Example of Plot With Transparency")
lines(1:100 + sin(1:100*2*pi/(20)), col='#FF000088', lwd=4)
mtext("use `col='#FF000088'` for the lines() function")

example plot of color with transparency

How do I change a single value in a data.frame?

To change a cell value using a column name, one can use


What is the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token exactly?

Bearer Token
A security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (a "bearer") can use the token in any way that any other party in possession of it can. Using a bearer token does not require a bearer to prove possession of cryptographic key material (proof-of-possession).

The Bearer Token is created for you by the Authentication server. When a user authenticates your application (client) the authentication server then goes and generates for you a Token. Bearer Tokens are the predominant type of access token used with OAuth 2.0. A Bearer token basically says "Give the bearer of this token access".

The Bearer Token is normally some kind of opaque value created by the authentication server. It isn't random; it is created based upon the user giving you access and the client your application getting access.

In order to access an API for example you need to use an Access Token. Access tokens are short lived (around an hour). You use the bearer token to get a new Access token. To get an access token you send the Authentication server this bearer token along with your client id. This way the server knows that the application using the bearer token is the same application that the bearer token was created for. Example: I can't just take a bearer token created for your application and use it with my application it wont work because it wasn't generated for me.

Google Refresh token looks something like this: 1/mZ1edKKACtPAb7zGlwSzvs72PvhAbGmB8K1ZrGxpcNM

copied from comment: I don't think there are any restrictions on the bearer tokens you supply. Only thing I can think of is that its nice to allow more than one. For example a user can authenticate the application up to 30 times and the old bearer tokens will still work. oh and if one hasn't been used for say 6 months I would remove it from your system. It's your authentication server that will have to generate them and validate them so how it's formatted is up to you.


A Bearer Token is set in the Authorization header of every Inline Action HTTP Request. For example:

POST /rsvp?eventId=123 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer AbCdEf123456
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/1.0 (KHTML, like Gecko; Gmail Actions)


The string "AbCdEf123456" in the example above is the bearer authorization token. This is a cryptographic token produced by the authentication server. All bearer tokens sent with actions have the issue field, with the audience field specifying the sender domain as a URL of the form https://. For example, if the email is from [email protected], the audience is

If using bearer tokens, verify that the request is coming from the authentication server and is intended for the the sender domain. If the token doesn't verify, the service should respond to the request with an HTTP response code 401 (Unauthorized).

Bearer Tokens are part of the OAuth V2 standard and widely adopted by many APIs.

Ruby function to remove all white spaces?

If you are using Rails/ActiveSupport, you can use squish method. It removes white space on both ends of the string and groups multiple white space to single space.

For eg.

" a  b  c ".squish

will result to:

"a b c"

Check this reference from

What are the git concepts of HEAD, master, origin?

HEAD is not the latest revision, it's the current revision. Usually, it's the latest revision of the current branch, but it doesn't have to be.

master is a name commonly given to the main branch, but it could be called anything else (or there could be no main branch).

origin is a name commonly given to the main remote. remote is another repository that you can pull from and push to. Usually it's on some server, like github.

Laravel is there a way to add values to a request array

I used this code to add something to my request.


How to generate an openSSL key using a passphrase from the command line?

genrsa has been replaced by genpkey & when run manually in a terminal it will prompt for a password:

openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -algorithm RSA -out /etc/ssl/private/key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096

However when run from a script the command will not ask for a password so to avoid the password being viewable as a process use a function in a shell script:

get_passwd() {
    local passwd=
    echo -ne "Enter passwd for private key: ? "; read -s passwd
    openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:$passwd -algorithm RSA -out $PRIV_KEY -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:$PRIV_KEYSIZE

How can I convert a cv::Mat to a gray scale in OpenCv?

May be helpful for late comers.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 2) {
    cout << "Usage: display_Image ImageToLoadandDisplay" << endl;
    return -1;
    Mat image;
    Mat grayImage;

    image = imread(argv[1], IMREAD_COLOR);
    if (! {
        cout << "Could not open the image file" << endl;
        return -1;
    else {
        int height = image.rows;
        int width = image.cols;

        cvtColor(image, grayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);

        namedWindow("Display window", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow("Display window", image);

        namedWindow("Gray Image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        imshow("Gray Image", grayImage);
        return 0;



"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare <function>"

This errors says your function is already defined ; which can mean :

  • you have the same function defined in two files
  • or you have the same function defined in two places in the same file
  • or the file in which your function is defined is included two times (so, it seems the function is defined two times)

To help with the third point, a solution would be to use include_once instead of include when including your functions.php file -- so it cannot be included more than once.

What's the difference between SoftReference and WeakReference in Java?

In Java; order from strongest to weakest, there are: Strong, Soft, Weak and Phantom

A Strong reference is a normal reference that protects the referred object from collection by GC. i.e. Never garbage collects.

A Soft reference is eligible for collection by garbage collector, but probably won't be collected until its memory is needed. i.e. garbage collects before OutOfMemoryError.

A Weak reference is a reference that does not protect a referenced object from collection by GC. i.e. garbage collects when no Strong or Soft refs.

A Phantom reference is a reference to an object is phantomly referenced after it has been finalized, but before its allocated memory has been reclaimed.


Analogy: Assume a JVM is a kingdom, Object is a king of the kingdom, and GC is an attacker of the kingdom who tries to kill the king(object).

  • When King is Strong, GC can not kill him.
  • When King is Soft, GC attacks him but King rule the kingdom with protection until resource are available.
  • When King is Weak, GC attacks him but rule the kingdom without protection.
  • When king is Phantom, GC already killed him but king is available via his soul.

How to run java application by .bat file


java Application


The javac command will compile the java program and the java command will run the program and pause will pause the result until you cross it.

What is the difference between encode/decode?

anUnicode.encode('encoding') results in a string object and can be called on a unicode object

aString.decode('encoding') results in an unicode object and can be called on a string, encoded in given encoding.

Some more explanations:

You can create some unicode object, which doesn't have any encoding set. The way it is stored by Python in memory is none of your concern. You can search it, split it and call any string manipulating function you like.

But there comes a time, when you'd like to print your unicode object to console or into some text file. So you have to encode it (for example - in UTF-8), you call encode('utf-8') and you get a string with '\u<someNumber>' inside, which is perfectly printable.

Then, again - you'd like to do the opposite - read string encoded in UTF-8 and treat it as an Unicode, so the \u360 would be one character, not 5. Then you decode a string (with selected encoding) and get brand new object of the unicode type.

Just as a side note - you can select some pervert encoding, like 'zip', 'base64', 'rot' and some of them will convert from string to string, but I believe the most common case is one that involves UTF-8/UTF-16 and string.

Compiling Java 7 code via Maven

Ok, I just solved this issue on my own too. It is more important your JAVA_HOME, if you don't have a lower or no version compared to source/target properties from the Maven plugin, you will get this error.

Be sure to have a good version in your JAVA_HOME and have it included in your PATH.

How to safely open/close files in python 2.4

In the above solution, repeated here:

f = open('file.txt', 'r')

    # do stuff with f

if something bad happens (you never know ...) after opening the file successfully and before the try, the file will not be closed, so a safer solution is:

f = None
    f = open('file.txt', 'r')

    # do stuff with f

    if f is not None:

Javascript one line If...else...else if statement

In simple words:

var x = (day == "yes") ? "Good Day!" : (day == "no") ? "Good Night!" : "";

Convert SVG to PNG in Python

Install Inkscape and call it as command line:

${INKSCAPE_PATH} -z -f ${source_svg} -w ${width} -j -e ${dest_png}

You can also snap specific rectangular area only using parameter -j, e.g. co-ordinate "0:125:451:217"

${INKSCAPE_PATH} -z -f ${source_svg} -w ${width} -j -a ${coordinates} -e ${dest_png}

If you want to show only one object in the SVG file, you can specify the parameter -i with the object id that you have setup in the SVG. It hides everything else.

${INKSCAPE_PATH} -z -f ${source_svg} -w ${width} -i ${object} -j -a ${coordinates} -e ${dest_png}

How to get CSS to select ID that begins with a string (not in Javascript)?

I'd do it like this:

[id^="product"] {

Ideally, use a class. This is what classes are for:

<div id="product176" class="product"></div>
<div id="product177" class="product"></div>
<div id="product178" class="product"></div>

And now the selector becomes:

.product {

How to use lodash to find and return an object from Array?

lodash and ES5

var song = _.find(songs, {id:id});

lodash and ES6

let song = _.find(songs, {id});

docs at

.m2 , settings.xml in Ubuntu

.m2 directory on linux box usually would be $HOME/.m2

you could get the $HOME :

echo $HOME

or simply:

cd <enter>

to go to your home directory.

other information from maven site:

Why write <script type="text/javascript"> when the mime type is set by the server?

Because, at least in HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1(.1), the type attribute for <script> elements is required.

In HTML 5, type is no longer required.

In fact, while you should use text/javascript in your HTML source, many servers will send the file with Content-type: application/javascript. Read more about these MIME types in RFC 4329.

Notice the difference between RFC 4329, that marked text/javascript as obsolete and recommending the use of application/javascript, and the reality in which some browsers freak out on <script> elements containing type="application/javascript" (in HTML source, not the HTTP Content-type header of the file that gets send). Recently, there was a discussion on the WHATWG mailing list about this discrepancy (HTML 5's type defaults to text/javascript), read these messages with subject Will you consider about RFC 4329?

How to detect escape key press with pure JS or jQuery?

Below is the code that not only disables the ESC key but also checks the condition where it is pressed and depending on the situation, it will do the action or not.

In this example,


will disable the ESC key-press action.

You may do anything like to hide a div with this:

document.getElementById('myDivId').style.display = 'none';

Where the ESC key pressed is also taken into consideration:


You may remove this if condition part if you like to apply to this to all. Or you may target INPUT here to only apply this action when the cursor is in input box.

window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
    if((e.key=='Escape'||e.key=='Esc'||e.keyCode==27) && ('BODY')){
        return false;
}, true);

What should I use to open a url instead of urlopen in urllib3

You should use urllib.reuqest, not urllib3.

import urllib.request   # not urllib - important!

How to make a WPF window be on top of all other windows of my app (not system wide)?

How about htis:

Private Sub ArrangeWindows(Order As Window())
    For I As Integer = 1 To Order.Length -1
        Order(I).Owner = Order(I - 1)
End Sub

Can an angular directive pass arguments to functions in expressions specified in the directive's attributes?

Nothing wrong with the other answers, but I use the following technique when passing functions in a directive attribute.

Leave off the parenthesis when including the directive in your html:

<my-directive callback="someFunction" />

Then "unwrap" the function in your directive's link or controller. here is an example:

app.directive("myDirective", function() {

    return {
        restrict: "E",
        scope: {
            callback: "&"                              
        template: "<div ng-click='callback(data)'></div>", // call function this way...
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            // unwrap the function
            scope.callback = scope.callback(); 

   = "data from somewhere";

            element.bind("click",function() {
                scope.$apply(function() {
                    callback(data);                        // ...or this way

The "unwrapping" step allows the function to be called using a more natural syntax. It also ensures that the directive works properly even when nested within other directives that may pass the function. If you did not do the unwrapping, then if you have a scenario like this:

<outer-directive callback="someFunction" >
    <middle-directive callback="callback" >
        <inner-directive callback="callback" />

Then you would end up with something like this in your inner-directive:


Which would fail in other nesting scenarios.

I adapted this technique from an excellent article by Dan Wahlin at

I added the unwrapping step to make calling the function more natural and to solve for the nesting issue which I had encountered in a project.

Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements

Depending on your needs, here are a couple of ways:


Or a bit longer

DECLARE @retVal int

SELECT @retVal = COUNT(*) 
WHERE COLUMN = 'Some Value'

IF (@retVal > 0)

Matplotlib discrete colorbar

The above answers are good, except they don't have proper tick placement on the colorbar. I like having the ticks in the middle of the color so that the number -> color mapping is more clear. You can solve this problem by changing the limits of the matshow call:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def discrete_matshow(data):
    #get discrete colormap
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu', np.max(data)-np.min(data)+1)
    # set limits .5 outside true range
    mat = plt.matshow(data,cmap=cmap,vmin = np.min(data)-.5, vmax = np.max(data)+.5)
    #tell the colorbar to tick at integers
    cax = plt.colorbar(mat, ticks=np.arange(np.min(data),np.max(data)+1))

#generate data
a=np.random.randint(1, 9, size=(10, 10))

example of discrete colorbar

How can I programmatically invoke an onclick() event from a anchor tag while keeping the ‘this’ reference in the onclick function?

You need to apply the event handler in the context of that element:

var elem = document.getElementById("linkid");
if (typeof elem.onclick == "function") {

Otherwise this would reference the context the above code is executed in.

Datagridview full row selection but get single cell value

Use Cell Click as other methods mentioned will fire upon data binding, not useful if you want the selected value, then the form to close.

private void dgvProducts_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    if (dgvProducts.SelectedCells.Count > 0) // Checking to see if any cell is selected
        int mSelectedRowIndex = dgvProducts.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex;

        DataGridViewRow mSelectedRow = dgvProducts.Rows[mSelectedRowIndex];

        string mCatagoryName = Convert.ToString(mSelectedRow.Cells[1].Value);

        SomeOtherMethod(mProductName); // Passing the name to where ever you need it


Android/Eclipse: how can I add an image in the res/drawable folder?

Just copy the image and paste into Eclipse in the res/drawable directory. Note that the image name should be in lowercase, otherwise it will end up with an error.

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only

  • Missing end anchor $
  • Missing multiplier
  • Missing end delimiter

So it should fail anyway, but if it may work, it matches against just one digit at the beginning of the string.


SQL server ignore case in a where expression

Usually, string comparisons are case-insensitive. If your database is configured to case sensitive collation, you need to force to use a case insensitive one:

SELECT balance FROM people WHERE email = '[email protected]'
  COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS 

Create a new TextView programmatically then display it below another TextView

You're not assigning any id to the text view, but you're using tv.getId() to pass it to the addRule method as a parameter. Try to set a unique id via tv.setId(int).

You could also use the LinearLayout with vertical orientation, that might be easier actually. I prefer LinearLayout over RelativeLayouts if not necessary otherwise.

How to split string using delimiter char using T-SQL?

You need a split function:

Create Function [dbo].[udf_Split]
    @DelimitedList nvarchar(max)
    , @Delimiter nvarchar(2) = ','
    With CorrectedList As
        Select Case When Left(@DelimitedList, Len(@Delimiter)) <> @Delimiter Then @Delimiter Else '' End
            + @DelimitedList
            + Case When Right(@DelimitedList, Len(@Delimiter)) <> @Delimiter Then @Delimiter Else '' End
            As List
            , Len(@Delimiter) As DelimiterLen
        , Numbers As 
        Select TOP( Coalesce(DataLength(@DelimitedList)/2,0) ) Row_Number() Over ( Order By c1.object_id ) As Value
        From sys.columns As c1
            Cross Join sys.columns As c2
    Select CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value) + CL.DelimiterLen As Position
        , Substring (
                    , CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value) + CL.DelimiterLen     
                    , CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value + 1)                           
                        - ( CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value) + CL.DelimiterLen ) 
                    ) As Value
    From CorrectedList As CL
        Cross Join Numbers As N
    Where N.Value <= DataLength(CL.List) / 2
        And Substring(CL.List, N.Value, CL.DelimiterLen) = @Delimiter

With your split function, you would then use Cross Apply to get the data:

Select T.Col1, T.Col2
    , Substring( Z.Value, 1, Charindex(' = ', Z.Value) - 1 ) As AttributeName
    , Substring( Z.Value, Charindex(' = ', Z.Value) + 1, Len(Z.Value) ) As Value
From Table01 As T
    Cross Apply dbo.udf_Split( T.Col3, '|' ) As Z

Make div 100% Width of Browser Window

If width:100% works in any cases, just use that, otherwise you can use vw in this case which is relative to 1% of the width of the viewport.

That means if you want to cover off the width, just use 100vw.

Look at the image I draw for you here:

enter image description here

Try the snippet I created for you as below:

.full-width {_x000D_
  width: 100vw;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 40px;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
.one-vw-width {_x000D_
  width: 1vw;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
<div class="full-width"></div>_x000D_
<div class="one-vw-width"></div>

Change Color of Fonts in DIV (CSS)

To do links, you can do

.social h2 a:link {
  color: pink;
  font-size: 14px;   

You can change the hover, visited, and active link styling too. Just replace "link" with what you want to style. You can learn more at the w3schools page CSS Links.

How to merge 2 List<T> and removing duplicate values from it in C#

why not simply eg

var newList = list1.Union(list2)/*.Distinct()*//*.ToList()*/;

oh ... according to the documentation you can leave out the .Distinct()

This method excludes duplicates from the return set

Get time of specific timezone

before you get too excited this was written in 2011

if I were to do this these days I would use Intl.DateTimeFormat. Here is a link to give you an idea of what type of support this had in 2011

original answer now (very) outdated


The getTimezoneOffset() method returns the time difference between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and local time, in minutes.

For example, If your time zone is GMT+2, -120 will be returned.

Note: This method is always used in conjunction with a Date object.

var d = new Date()
var gmtHours = -d.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
document.write("The local time zone is: GMT " + gmtHours);
//output:The local time zone is: GMT 11

Get Line Number of certain phrase in file Python

You can use list comprehension:

content = open("path/to/file.txt").readlines()

lookup = 'the dog barked'

lines = [line_num for line_num, line_content in enumerate(content) if lookup in line_content]


hide/show a image in jquery

What image do you want to hide? Assuming all images, the following should work:


Otherwise, using selectors, you could find all images that are child elements of the containing div, and hide those.

However, i strongly recommend you read the Jquery docs, you could have figured it out yourself:

Which passwordchar shows a black dot (•) in a winforms textbox?

I was also wondering how to store it cleanly in a variable. As using

char c = '•';

is not very good practice (I guess). I found out the following way of storing it in a variable

char c = (char)0x2022;// or 0x25cf depending on the one you choose

or even cleaner

char c = '\u2022';// or "\u25cf"

same for strings

string s = "\u2022";

What's the difference between getRequestURI and getPathInfo methods in HttpServletRequest?

Let's break down the full URL that a client would type into their address bar to reach your servlet:

The parts are:

  1. scheme: http
  2. hostname:
  3. port: 80
  4. context path: awesome-application
  5. servlet path: path/to/servlet
  6. path info: path/info
  7. query: a=1&b=2
  8. fragment: boo

The request URI (returned by getRequestURI) corresponds to parts 4, 5 and 6.

(incidentally, even though you're not asking for this, the method getRequestURL would give you parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6).


  • part 4 (the context path) is used to select your particular application out of many other applications that may be running in the server
  • part 5 (the servlet path) is used to select a particular servlet out of many other servlets that may be bundled in your application's WAR
  • part 6 (the path info) is interpreted by your servlet's logic (e.g. it may point to some resource controlled by your servlet).
  • part 7 (the query) is also made available to your servlet using getQueryString
  • part 8 (the fragment) is not even sent to the server and is relevant and known only to the client

The following always holds (except for URL encoding differences):

requestURI = contextPath + servletPath + pathInfo

The following example from the Servlet 3.0 specification is very helpful:

Note: image follows, I don't have the time to recreate in HTML:

enter image description here

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

It is important to know not only the types but the mapping of these types to the database types, too:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Source added - Agile Web Development with Rails 4

How to determine if object is in array

I used underscore javascript library to tweak this issue.

function containsObject(obj, list) {
 var res = _.find(list, function(val){ return _.isEqual(obj, val)});
 return (_.isObject(res))? true:false;

please refer to underscore.js documentation for the underscore functions used in the above example.

note: This is not a pure javascript solution. Shared for educational purposes.

How to check if a URL exists or returns 404 with Java?

Use HttpUrlConnection by calling openConnection() on your URL object.

getResponseCode() will give you the HTTP response once you've read from the connection.


   URL u = new URL(""); 
   HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection)u.openConnection(); 
   huc.connect() ; 
   OutputStream os = huc.getOutputStream(); 
   int code = huc.getResponseCode(); 

(not tested)

What is the difference between Integer and int in Java?

Integer refers to wrapper type in Java whereas int is a primitive type. Everything except primitive data types in Java is implemented just as objects that implies Java is a highly qualified pure object-oriented programming language. If you need, all primitives types are also available as wrapper types in Java. You can have some performance benefit with primitive types, and hence wrapper types should be used only when it is necessary.

In your example as below.

Integer n = 9;

the constant 9 is being auto-boxed (auto-boxing and unboxing occurs automatically from java 5 onwards) to Integer and therefore you can use the statement like that and also Integer n = new Integer(9). This is actually achieved through the statement Integer.valueOf(9).intValue();

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

Take a look here: ! It is a native solution written in php.

You can install it using composer, and it is as easy as doing:


use Ifsnop\Mysqldump as IMysqldump;

try {
    $dump = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('database', 'username', 'password');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo 'mysqldump-php error: ' . $e->getMessage();


It supports advanced users, with lots of options copied from the original mysqldump.

All the options are explained at the github page, but more or less are auto-explicative:

$dumpSettingsDefault = array(
    'include-tables' => array(),
    'exclude-tables' => array(),
    'compress' => 'None',
    'no-data' => false,
    'add-drop-database' => false,
    'add-drop-table' => false,
    'single-transaction' => true,
    'lock-tables' => false,
    'add-locks' => true,
    'extended-insert' => true,
    'disable-foreign-keys-check' => false,
    'where' => '',
    'no-create-info' => false

Import CSV into SQL Server (including automatic table creation)

You can create a temp table variable and insert the data into it, then insert the data into your actual table by selecting it from the temp table.

 declare @TableVar table 
    firstCol varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    secondCol varchar(50) NOT NULL


INSERT INTO dbo.ExistingTable
SELECT firstCol,
FROM @TableVar


docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

If you want to use environment variable during build. Lets say setting username and password.

username= Ubuntu
password= swed24sw


FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Creates a new User
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash $SMB_USER
# Enters the password twice.
RUN echo "$SMB_PASS\n$SMB_PASS" | smbpasswd -a $SMB_USER

Terminal Command

docker build --build-arg SMB_PASS=swed24sw --build-arg SMB_USER=Ubuntu . -t IMAGE_TAG

Get specific ArrayList item

Time to familiarize yourself with the ArrayList API and more:

ArrayList at Java 6 API Documentation

For your immediate question:


combining two string variables

you need to take out the quotes:

soda = a + b

(You want to refer to the variables a and b, not the strings "a" and "b")

What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions?

This is 1 of the way I am currently practicing,

  1. Implant csrf, and salt tempt token along with the request to be made by user, and validate them all together from the request. Refer Here
  2. ensure not too much relying on the client side cookies and make sure to practice using server side sessions
  3. when any parsing data, ensure to accept only the data type and transfer method (such as POST and GET)
  4. Make sure to use SSL for ur webApp/App
  5. Make sure to also generate time base session request to restrict spam request intentionally.
  6. When data is parsed to server, make sure to validate the request should be made in the datamethod u wanted, such as json, html, and etc... and then proceed
  7. escape all illegal attributes from the input using escape type... such as realescapestring.
  8. after that verify onlyclean format of data type u want from user.
    - Email: check if the input is in valid email format
    - text/string: Check only the input is only text format (string)
    - number: check only number format is allowed.
    - etc. Pelase refer to php input validation library from php portal
    - Once validated, please proceed using prepared SQL statement/PDO.
    - Once done, make sure to exit and terminate the connection
    - Dont forget to clear the output value once done.

Thats all I believe is sufficient enough for basic sec. It should prevent all major attack from hacker.

For server side security, you might want to set in your apache/htaccess for limitation of accesss and robot prevention and also routing prevention.. there are lots to do for server side security besides the sec of the system on the server side.

You can learn and get a copy of the sec from the htaccess apache sec level (common rpactices)

jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload

Uploading files is actually possible with AJAX these days. Yes, AJAX, not some crappy AJAX wannabes like swf or java.

This example might help you out:

(It also includes the drag/drop interface but that's easily ignored.)

Basically what it comes down to is this:

<input id="files" type="file" />

document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
    var file = this.files[0];
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    (xhr.upload || xhr).addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
        var done = e.position || e.loaded
        var total = e.totalSize ||;
        console.log('xhr progress: ' + Math.round(done/total*100) + '%');
    xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
        console.log('xhr upload complete', e, this.responseText);
    });'post', '/URL-HERE', true);


So basically what it comes down to is this =)


Where file is typeof Blob:

Another (better IMO) way is to use FormData. This allows you to 1) name a file, like in a form and 2) send other stuff (files too), like in a form.

var fd = new FormData;
fd.append('photo1', file);
fd.append('photo2', file2);
fd.append('other_data', 'foo bar');

FormData makes the server code cleaner and more backward compatible (since the request now has the exact same format as normal forms).

All of it is not experimental, but very modern. Chrome 8+ and Firefox 4+ know what to do, but I don't know about any others.

This is how I handled the request (1 image per request) in PHP:

if ( isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
    $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
    $error = true;

    // Only upload if on my home win dev machine
    if ( isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ) {
        $path = 'uploads/'.$filename;
        $error = !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path);

    $rsp = array(
        'error' => $error, // Used in JS
        'filename' => $filename,
        'filepath' => '/tests/uploads/' . $filename, // Web accessible
    echo json_encode($rsp);

Hash string in c#

using System.Security.Cryptography;

public static byte[] GetHash(string inputString)
    using (HashAlgorithm algorithm = SHA256.Create())
        return algorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputString));

public static string GetHashString(string inputString)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (byte b in GetHash(inputString))

    return sb.ToString();

Additional Notes

  • Since MD5 and SHA1 are obsolete and insecure algorithms, this solution uses SHA256. Alternatively, you can use BCrypt or Scrypt as pointed out in comments.
  • Also, consider "salting" your hashes and use proven cryptographic algorithms, as pointed out in comments.

Selecting only first-level elements in jquery


 $("ul.rootlist > target-element")
2   $("ul.rootlist").find(target-element).eq(0) (only one instance)
3   $("ul.rootlist").children(target-element)

there are probably many other ways

Anyway to prevent the Blue highlighting of elements in Chrome when clicking quickly?

I'm running Chrome version 60 and none of the previous CSS answers worked.

I found that Chrome was adding the blue highlight via the outline style. Adding the following CSS fixed it for me:

:focus {
    outline: none !important;

How to enable Logger.debug() in Log4j

This is probably happening because your log4j configuration is set to ERROR. Look for a file with contents like the following:

log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, CONSOLE

# console logging
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %-20.20t %-24c{1}: %m%n

The rootLogger is set to ERROR level here using a CONSOLE appender.

Note that some appenders like the console appender also have a Threshold property that can be used to overrule the rootLoggers level. You need to check both in this case.

jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached)

A modification to GUS's example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var tmpImg = new Image() ;
    tmpImg.onload = function() {
        // Run onload code.
    } ;

tmpImg.src = $('#img').attr('src');

Set the source before and after the onload.

WAMP/XAMPP is responding very slow over localhost

After trying some answers and comments here, I finally found a solution! In this article The correct way to configure PHP I find a new way to configure PHP as a module in Apache.

For the author of this article, the official way to configure PHP is not the most optimal. The common and inappropriate way to configure PHP is this one:

# For PHP 5:
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "C:/php"

I've always done it this way, but in the article, it's suggested to configure the PHP module this way:

#For PHP5
LoadFile "C:/www/php5/php5ts.dll"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/www/php5/php5apache2.dll"

<IfModule php5_module>
    #PHPIniDir "C:/Windows"
    #PHPIniDir "C:/Winnt"

    <Location />
        AddType text/html .php .phps
        AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
        AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


I even have IPV6 enabled, and my loading time drop down from 45 secs or 1 minute or more, to just 2 or 4 seconds! Thanks to other answers mentioned here, I also left enabled in my general configuration the following

HOST FILE:       localhost
#   ::1         localhost


EnableMMAP on
EnableSendfile on
AcceptFilter http none 
AcceptFilter https none
HostnameLookups Off

Other than that, I rolled back all other solutions I tried, so I'm sure this is the only ones that I used.

How do you add input from user into list in Python

shopList = [] 
maxLengthList = 6
while len(shopList) < maxLengthList:
    item = input("Enter your Item to the List: ")
    print shopList
print "That's your Shopping List"
print shopList

CSS background-image-opacity?

Try this trick .. use css shadow with (inset) option and make the deep 200px for example


box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 277px 3px #4c3f37;


Also for all browsers:

-moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 47px 3px #4c3f37;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 47px 3px #4c3f37;
box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 277px 3px #4c3f37;

and increase number to make fill your box :)


SFTP file transfer using Java JSch


sftp("file:/C:/home/file.txt", "ssh://user:pass@host/home");
sftp("ssh://user:pass@host/home/file.txt", "file:/C:/home");


Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints, will attempt to recover by breaking constraint

I have followed SO questions and answers from each search query. But they all are related with specific one.

At the basic, I mean before you are going to write down a format (may be a simple one) it will gives you a warnings.

From iOS 8.0 by default views are size classes. Even if you disable size classes it will still contains some auto layout constraints.

So if you are planning to set constrains via code using VFL. Then you must take care of one below line.

// Remove constraints if any.
[self.view removeConstraints:self.view.constraints];

I had search a lot in SO, but the solution was lies in Apple Sample Code.

So you must have to remove default constraints before planning to add new one.

Redirect to Action in another controller

You can use this:

return RedirectToAction("actionName", "controllerName", new { area = "Admin" });

What is this CSS selector? [class*="span"]

The Following:

.show-grid [class*="span"] {

means that all child elements of '.show-grid' with a class that CONTAINS the word 'span' in it will acquire those CSS properties.

<div class="show-grid">
  <div class="span">.span</div>
  <div class="span6">span6</div>
  <div class="attention-span">attention</div>
  <div class="spanish">spanish</div>
  <div class="mariospan">mariospan</div>
  <div class="espanol">espanol</div>

    <div class="span">.span</div>

  <p class="span">span</p>
  <span class="span">I do GET HIT</span>

  <span>I DO NOT GET HIT since I need a class of 'span'</span>

<div class="span">I DO NOT GET HIT since I'm outside of .show-grid</span>

All of the elements get hit except for the <span> by itself.

In Regards to Bootstrap:

  • span6 : this was Bootstrap 2's scaffolding technique which divided a section into a horizontal grid, based on parts of 12. Thus span6 would have a width of 50%.
  • In the current day implementation of Bootstrap (v.3 and v.4), you now use the .col-* classes (e.g. col-sm-6), which also specifies a media breakpoint to handle responsiveness when the window shrinks below a certain size. Check Bootstrap 4.1 and Bootstrap 3.3.7 for more documentation. I would recommend going with a later Bootstrap nowadays

fetch in git doesn't get all branches

The problem can be seen when checking the remote.origin.fetch setting
(The lines starting with $ are bash prompts with the commands I typed. The other lines are the resulting output)

$ git config --get remote.origin.fetch

As you can see, in my case, the remote was set to fetch the master branch specifically and only. I fixed it as per below, including the second command to check the results.

$ git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
$ git config --get remote.origin.fetch

The wildcard * of course means everything under that path.

Unfortunately I saw this comment after I had already dug through and found the answer by trial and error.

What does ENABLE_BITCODE do in xcode 7?

Bitcode (iOS, watchOS)

Bitcode is an intermediate representation of a compiled program. Apps you upload to iTunes Connect that contain bitcode will be compiled and linked on the App Store. Including bitcode will allow Apple to re-optimize your app binary in the future without the need to submit a new version of your app to the store.

Basically this concept is somewhat similar to java where byte code is run on different JVM's and in this case the bitcode is placed on iTune store and instead of giving the intermediate code to different platforms(devices) it provides the compiled code which don't need any virtual machine to run.

Thus we need to create the bitcode once and it will be available for existing or coming devices. It's the Apple's headache to compile an make it compatible with each platform they have.

Devs don't have to make changes and submit the app again to support new platforms.

Let's take the example of iPhone 5s when apple introduced x64 chip in it. Although x86 apps were totally compatible with x64 architecture but to fully utilise the x64 platform the developer has to change the architecture or some code. Once s/he's done the app is submitted to the app store for the review.

If this bitcode concept was launched earlier then we the developers doesn't have to make any changes to support the x64 bit architecture.

The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion?

This really works - i had verified lot of sites and finally got the answer.

This may occurs when the master.mdf or the mastlog.ldf gets corrupt . In order to solve the issue goto the following path.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL , there you will find a folder ” Template Data ” , copy the master.mdf and mastlog.ldf and replace it in

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA folder .

That's it. Now start the MS SQL service and you are done.

Upper memory limit?

Not only are you reading the whole of each file into memory, but also you laboriously replicate the information in a table called list_of_lines.

You have a secondary problem: your choices of variable names severely obfuscate what you are doing.

Here is your script rewritten with the readlines() caper removed and with meaningful names:

file_A1_B1 = open("A1_B1_100000.txt", "r")
file_A2_B2 = open("A2_B2_100000.txt", "r")
file_A1_B2 = open("A1_B2_100000.txt", "r")
file_A2_B1 = open("A2_B1_100000.txt", "r")
file_write = open ("average_generations.txt", "w")
mutation_average = open("mutation_average", "w") # not used
files = [file_A2_B2,file_A2_B2,file_A1_B2,file_A2_B1]
for afile in files:
    table = []
    for aline in afile:
        values = aline.split('\t')
        values.remove('\n') # why?
    row_count = len(table)
    row0length = len(table[0])
    print_counter = 4
    for column_index in range(row0length):
        column_total = 0
        for row_index in range(row_count):
            number = float(table[row_index][column_index])
            column_total = column_total + number
        column_average = column_total/row_count
        print column_average
        if print_counter == 4:
            print_counter = 0
        print_counter +=1

It rapidly becomes apparent that (1) you are calculating column averages (2) the obfuscation led some others to think you were calculating row averages.

As you are calculating column averages, no output is required until the end of each file, and the amount of extra memory actually required is proportional to the number of columns.

Here is a revised version of the outer loop code:

for afile in files:
    for row_count, aline in enumerate(afile, start=1):
        values = aline.split('\t')
        values.remove('\n') # why?
        fvalues = map(float, values)
        if row_count == 1:
            row0length = len(fvalues)
            column_index_range = range(row0length)
            column_totals = fvalues
            assert len(fvalues) == row0length
            for column_index in column_index_range:
                column_totals[column_index] += fvalues[column_index]
    print_counter = 4
    for column_index in column_index_range:
        column_average = column_totals[column_index] / row_count
        print column_average
        if print_counter == 4:
            print_counter = 0
        print_counter +=1

Why do I get a C malloc assertion failure?

We got this error because we forgot to multiply by sizeof(int). Note the argument to malloc(..) is a number of bytes, not number of machine words or whatever.

If else in stored procedure sql server

Try this with join query statements

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[deleteItem]
@ItemId int = 0 
 DECLARE @cnt int;

SELECT @cnt =COUNT(ttm.Id) 
    from ItemTransaction itr INNER JOIN ItemUnitMeasurement ium 
        ON itr.Id = ium.ItemTransactionId  INNER JOIN ItemMaster im 
        ON itr.ItemId = im.Id INNER JOIN TransactionTypeMaster ttm 
        ON itr.TransactionTypeMasterId = ttm.Id 
        where im.Id = @ItemId

if(@cnt = 1)
    DECLARE @transactionType varchar(255);
    DECLARE @mesurementAmount float;
    DECLARE @itemTransactionId int;
    DECLARE @itemUnitMeasurementId int;

        SELECT @transactionType = ttm.TransactionType,  @mesurementAmount = ium.Amount, @itemTransactionId = itr.Id, @itemUnitMeasurementId = ium.Id
        from ItemTransaction itr INNER JOIN ItemUnitMeasurement ium 
            ON itr.Id = ium.ItemTransactionId INNER JOIN TransactionTypeMaster ttm 
            ON itr.TransactionTypeMasterId = ttm.Id 
            where itr.ItemId = @ItemId  
        if(@transactionType = 'Close' and @mesurementAmount = 0)
                delete from ItemUnitMeasurement where Id = @itemUnitMeasurementId;

                delete from ItemTransaction where Id = @itemTransactionId;
    delete from ItemMaster where Id = @ItemId;

How can I select all children of an element except the last child?

Nick Craver's solution gave me what I needed but to make it explicit for those using CSS-in-JS:

const styles = {
  yourClass: {
    /* Styles for all elements with this class */
    '&:not(:last-child)': {
      /* Styles for all EXCEPT the last element with this class */

Update R using RStudio

I would recommend using the Windows package installr to accomplish this. Not only will the package update your R version, but it will also copy and update all of your packages. There is a blog on the subject here. Simply run the following commands in R Studio and follow the prompts:

# installing/loading the package:
if(!require(installr)) {
install.packages("installr"); require(installr)} #load / install+load installr

# using the package:
updateR() # this will start the updating process of your R installation.  It will check for newer versions, and if one is available, will guide you through the decisions you'd need to make.

How can I brew link a specific version?

If you have installed, for example, php 5.4 it could be switched in the following way to php 5.5:

$ php --version
PHP 5.4.32 (cli) (built: Aug 26 2014 15:14:01) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

$ brew unlink php54

$ brew switch php55 5.5.16

$ php --version
PHP 5.5.16 (cli) (built: Sep  9 2014 14:27:18) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

How to use responsive background image in css3 in bootstrap

Set Responsive and User friendly Background

body {
background: url(image.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 100%;

How to use opencv in using Gradle?

If you don't want to use JavaCV this works for me...

Step 1- Download the Resources

Download OpenCV Android SDK from

Step 2 - Copying the OpenCV binaries into your APK

Copy & from

OpenCV-2.?.?-android-sdk -> sdk -> native -> libs -> armeabi-v7a


Project Root -> Your Project -> lib - > armeabi-v7a

Zip the lib folder up and rename that zip to whatever-v7a.jar.

Copy this .jar file and place it in here in your project

Project Root -> Your Project -> libs

Add this line to your projects build.gradle in the dependencies section

compile files('libs/whatever-v7a.jar')

When you compile now you will probably see your .apk is about 4mb bigger.

(Repeat for "armeabi" if you want to support ARMv6 too, likely not needed anymore.)

Step 3 - Adding the java sdk to your project

Copy the java folder from here

OpenCV-2.?.?-android-sdk -> sdk


Project Root -> Your Project -> libs (Same place as your .jar file);

(You can rename the 'java' folder name to 'OpenCV')

In this freshly copied folder add a typical build.gradle file; I used this:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

apply plugin: 'android-library'

repositories {

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "19"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 19

    sourceSets {
        main {
            manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
            java.srcDirs = ['src']
            resources.srcDirs = ['src']
            aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
            renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
            res.srcDirs = ['res']
            assets.srcDirs = ['assets']

In your Project Root settings.gradle file change it too look something like this:

include ':Project Name:libs:OpenCV', ':Project Name'

In your Project Root -> Project Name -> build.gradle file in the dependencies section add this line:

compile project(':Project Name:libs:OpenCV')

Step 4 - Using OpenCV in your project

Rebuild and you should be able to import and start using OpenCV in your project.

if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {}

I know this if a bit of hack but I figured I would post it anyway.

wildcard * in CSS for classes

If you don't need the unique identifier for further styling of the divs and are using HTML5 you could try and go with custom Data Attributes. Read on here or try a google search for HTML5 Custom Data Attributes

git pull aborted with error filename too long

Open your.gitconfig file to add the longpaths property. So it will look like the following:

symlinks = false
autocrlf = true
longpaths = true

Is it wrong to place the <script> tag after the </body> tag?

Yes. But if you do add the code outside it most likely will not be the end of the world since most browsers will fix it, but it is still a bad practice to get into.

How to mention C:\Program Files in batchfile

Surround the script call with "", generally it's good practices to do so with filepath.

"C:\Program Files"

Although for this particular name you probably should use environment variable like this :


or for 32 bits program on 64 bit windows :


Angularjs - Pass argument to directive

Insert the var msg in the click event with scope.$apply to make the changes to the confirm, based on your controller changes to the variables shown in ng-confirm-click therein.

<button type="button" class="btn" ng-confirm-click="You are about to send {{quantity}} of {{thing}} selected? Confirm with OK" confirmed-click="youraction(id)" aria-describedby="passwordHelpBlock">Send</button>

app.directive('ngConfirmClick', [
  function() {
    return {
      link: function(scope, element, attr) {
        var clickAction = attr.confirmedClick;
        element.on('click', function(event) {
          var msg = attr.ngConfirmClick || "Are you sure? Click OK to confirm.";
          if (window.confirm(msg)) {

Pass element ID to Javascript function

This'll work:

        <script type="text/javascript">
            function myFunc(id)

        <button id="button1" class="MetroBtn" onClick="myFunc(;">Btn1</button>
        <button id="button2" class="MetroBtn" onClick="myFunc(;">Btn2</button>
        <button id="button3" class="MetroBtn" onClick="myFunc(;">Btn3</button>
        <button id="button4" class="MetroBtn" onClick="myFunc(;">Btn4</button>

How to build a 2 Column (Fixed - Fluid) Layout with Twitter Bootstrap?

Update 2018

Bootstrap 4

Now that BS4 is flexbox, the fixed-fluid is simple. Just set the width of the fixed column, and use the .col class on the fluid column.

.sidebar {
    width: 180px;
    min-height: 100vh;

<div class="row">
    <div class="sidebar p-2">Fixed width</div>
    <div class="col bg-dark text-white pt-2">

Bootstrap 3..

One approach to a fixed-fluid layout is using media queries that align with Bootstrap's breakpoints so that you only use the fixed width columns are larger screens and then let the layout stack responsively on smaller screens...

@media (min-width:768px) {
  #sidebar {
      min-width: 300px;
      max-width: 300px;
  #main {
      width:calc(100% - 300px);

Working Bootstrap 3 Fixed-Fluid Demo

Related Q&A:
Fixed width column with a container-fluid in bootstrap
How to left column fixed and right scrollable in Bootstrap 4, responsive?

Valid characters in a Java class name

Further to previous answers its worth noting that:

  1. Java allows any Unicode currency symbol in symbol names, so the following will all work:

$var1 £var2 €var3

I believe the usage of currency symbols originates in C/C++, where variables added to your code by the compiler conventionally started with '$'. An obvious example in Java is the names of '.class' files for inner classes, which by convention have the format 'Outer$Inner.class'

  1. Many C# and C++ programmers adopt the convention of placing 'I' in front of interfaces (aka pure virtual classes in C++). This is not required, and hence not done, in Java because the implements keyword makes it very clear when something is an interface.


class Employee : public IPayable //C++


class Employee : IPayable //C#


class Employee implements Payable //Java

  1. Many projects use the convention of placing an underscore in front of field names, so that they can readily be distinguished from local variables and parameters e.g.

private double _salary;

A tiny minority place the underscore after the field name e.g.

private double salary_;

How to get first 5 characters from string

An alternative way to get only one character.

$str = 'abcdefghij';
echo $str{5};

I would particularly not use this, but for the purpose of education. We can use that to answer the question:

$newString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $newString .= $str{$i};
echo $newString;

For anyone using that. Bear in mind curly brace syntax for accessing array elements and string offsets is deprecated from PHP 7.4

More information:

What Does 'zoom' do in CSS?

Zoom is not included in the CSS specification, but it is supported in IE, Safari 4, Chrome (and you can get a somewhat similar effect in Firefox with -moz-transform: scale(x) since 3.5). See here.

So, all browsers

 zoom: 2;
 zoom: 200%;

will zoom your object in by 2, so it's like doubling the size. Which means if you have

a:hover {
   zoom: 2;

On hover, the <a> tag will zoom by 200%.

Like I say, in FireFox 3.5+ use -moz-transform: scale(x), it does much the same thing.

Edit: In response to the comment from thirtydot, I will say that scale() is not a complete replacement. It does not expand in line like zoom does, rather it will expand out of the box and over content, not forcing other content out of the way. See this in action here. Furthermore, it seems that zoom is not supported in Opera.

This post gives a useful insight into ways to work around incompatibilities with scale and workarounds for it using jQuery.

How to resize a custom view programmatically?

For what it's worth, let's say you wanted to resize the view in device independent pixels (dp): -

You need to use a method called applyDimension, that's a member of the class TypedValue to convert from dp to pixels. So if I want to set the height to 150dp (say) - then I could do this:

float pixels = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 150, getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) someLayout.getLayoutParams();
params.height = (int) pixels;

where the expression: getResources().getDisplayMetrics() gets the screen density/resolution

Why am I suddenly getting a "Blocked loading mixed active content" issue in Firefox?

I found this blog post which cleared up a few things. To quote the most relevant bit:

Mixed Active Content is now blocked by default in Firefox 23!

What is Mixed Content?
When a user visits a page served over HTTP, their connection is open for eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. When a user visits a page served over HTTPS, their connection with the web server is authenticated and encrypted with SSL and hence safeguarded from eavesdroppers and MITM attacks.

However, if an HTTPS page includes HTTP content, the HTTP portion can be read or modified by attackers, even though the main page is served over HTTPS. When an HTTPS page has HTTP content, we call that content “mixed”. The webpage that the user is visiting is only partially encrypted, since some of the content is retrieved unencrypted over HTTP. The Mixed Content Blocker blocks certain HTTP requests on HTTPS pages.

The resolution, in my case, was to simply ensure the jquery includes were as follows (note the removal of the protocol):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Note that the temporary 'fix' is to click on the 'shield' icon in the top-left corner of the address bar and select 'Disable Protection on This Page', although this is not recommended for obvious reasons.

UPDATE: This link from the Firefox (Mozilla) support pages is also useful in explaining what constitutes mixed content and, as given in the above paragraph, does actually provide details of how to display the page regardless:

Most websites will continue to work normally without any action on your part.

If you need to allow the mixed content to be displayed, you can do that easily:

Click the shield icon Mixed Content Shield in the address bar and choose Disable Protection on This Page from the dropdown menu.

The icon in the address bar will change to an orange warning triangle Warning Identity Icon to remind you that insecure content is being displayed.

To revert the previous action (re-block mixed content), just reload the page.

Easiest way to develop simple GUI in Python

Take your pick here.

Tkinter is in the Python stdlib.

What is a Sticky Broadcast?

The value of a sticky broadcast is the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache. This is not the value of a broadcast that was received right now. I suppose you can say it is like a browser cookie that you can access at any time. The sticky broadcast is now deprecated, per the docs for sticky broadcast methods (e.g.):

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Sticky broadcasts should not be used. They provide no security (anyone can access them), no protection (anyone can modify them), and many other problems. The recommended pattern is to use a non-sticky broadcast to report that something has changed, with another mechanism for apps to retrieve the current value whenever desired.

How do I pause my shell script for a second before continuing?

And what about:

read -p "Press enter to continue"

GenyMotion Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

In my case, the only option was to remove the VM and download it again. No re-configuration of the host-only adapter did not help, I used different addressing of DHCP. Virtual Box I updated to version 4.3.4 and Genymotion to 2.0.2

numpy: most efficient frequency counts for unique values in an array

numpy.bincount is the probably the best choice. If your array contains anything besides small dense integers it might be useful to wrap it something like this:

def count_unique(keys):
    uniq_keys = np.unique(keys)
    bins = uniq_keys.searchsorted(keys)
    return uniq_keys, np.bincount(bins)

For example:

>>> x = array([1,1,1,2,2,2,5,25,1,1])
>>> count_unique(x)
(array([ 1,  2,  5, 25]), array([5, 3, 1, 1]))

Debugging iframes with Chrome developer tools

When the iFrame points to your site like this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.js"></script>
    <iframe id="my_frame" src="/wherev"></iframe>

You can access iFrame DOM through this kind of thing.

var iframeBody = $(window.my_frame.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]);
iframeBody.append($("<h1/>").html("Hello world!"));

Get week day name from a given month, day and year individually in SQL Server

I used

when (extract (weekday from DATE)=0) then 'Sunday'

and so on...

0 Sunday, 1 Monday...

How to make overlay control above all other controls?

Robert Rossney has a good solution. Here's an alternative solution I've used in the past that separates out the "Overlay" from the rest of the content. This solution takes advantage of the attached property Panel.ZIndex to place the "Overlay" on top of everything else. You can either set the Visibility of the "Overlay" in code or use a DataTrigger.

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">

 <Grid x:Name="Overlay" Panel.ZIndex="1000" Visibility="Collapsed">
      <SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity=".5"/>

    <!-- Add controls as needed -->

  <!-- Use whatever layout you need -->
  <ContentControl x:Name="MainContent" />


Button Width Match Parent

              onPressed: () {
              child: Container(
                width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 2,
                child: Text(
                  “Log in”,

Something like this works for me.

Use of Custom Data Types in VBA

Sure you can:

Option Explicit

'***** User defined type
Public Type MyType
     MyInt As Integer
     MyString As String
     MyDoubleArr(2) As Double
End Type

'***** Testing MyType as single variable
Public Sub MyFirstSub()
    Dim MyVar As MyType

    MyVar.MyInt = 2
    MyVar.MyString = "cool"
    MyVar.MyDoubleArr(0) = 1
    MyVar.MyDoubleArr(1) = 2
    MyVar.MyDoubleArr(2) = 3

    Debug.Print "MyVar: " & MyVar.MyInt & " " & MyVar.MyString & " " & MyVar.MyDoubleArr(0) & " " & MyVar.MyDoubleArr(1) & " " & MyVar.MyDoubleArr(2)
End Sub

'***** Testing MyType as an array
Public Sub MySecondSub()
    Dim MyArr(2) As MyType
    Dim i As Integer

    MyArr(0).MyInt = 31
    MyArr(0).MyString = "VBA"
    MyArr(0).MyDoubleArr(0) = 1
    MyArr(0).MyDoubleArr(1) = 2
    MyArr(0).MyDoubleArr(2) = 3
    MyArr(1).MyInt = 32
    MyArr(1).MyString = "is"
    MyArr(1).MyDoubleArr(0) = 11
    MyArr(1).MyDoubleArr(1) = 22
    MyArr(1).MyDoubleArr(2) = 33
    MyArr(2).MyInt = 33
    MyArr(2).MyString = "cool"
    MyArr(2).MyDoubleArr(0) = 111
    MyArr(2).MyDoubleArr(1) = 222
    MyArr(2).MyDoubleArr(2) = 333

    For i = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
        Debug.Print "MyArr: " & MyArr(i).MyString & " " & MyArr(i).MyInt & " " & MyArr(i).MyDoubleArr(0) & " " & MyArr(i).MyDoubleArr(1) & " " & MyArr(i).MyDoubleArr(2)
End Sub

Fastest way to convert a dict's keys & values from `unicode` to `str`?

def to_str(key, value):
    if isinstance(key, unicode):
        key = str(key)
    if isinstance(value, unicode):
        value = str(value)
    return key, value

pass key and value to it, and add recursion to your code to account for inner dictionary.

Angular 2 : No NgModule metadata found

After upgrading to Angular 6, I encountered the "ERROR in No NgModule metadata found for 'AppModule'." with the angular-bootstrap-md package, which requires a tsconfig.json "include" as follows:

"include": ["node_modules/angular-bootstrap-md/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.ts"],

After days of troubleshooting and hair pulling, the solution was to arrange the list so that the app.module.ts was located first, under "src/**/*.ts". An Angular bug, perhaps?

"include": ["src/**/*.ts","node_modules/angular-bootstrap-md/**/*.ts" ],

I genuinely hope this helps somebody, as I tried everything in this posting and nothing helped. After this change, everything compiles and works beautifully, as expected.

How to send redirect to JSP page in Servlet

Look at the HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect(String location) method.

Use it as:

response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/welcome.jsp")

Alternatively, look at HttpServletResponse#setHeader(String name, String value) method.

The redirection is set by adding the location header:

response.setHeader("Location", request.getContextPath() + "/welcome.jsp");

How to specify credentials when connecting to boto3 S3?

You can create a session:

import boto3
session = boto3.Session(

Then use that session to get an S3 resource:

s3 = session.resource('s3')

Default values for Vue component props & how to check if a user did not set the prop?

Also something important to add here, in order to set default values for arrays and objects we must use the default function for props:

propE: {
      type: Object,
      // Object or array defaults must be returned from
      // a factory function
      default: function () {
        return { message: 'hello' }

How to copy data from another workbook (excel)?

Would you be happy to make "my file.xls" active if it didn't affect the screen? Turning off screen updating is the way to achieve this, it also has performance improvements (significant if you are doing looping while switching around worksheets / workbooks).

The command to do this is:

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Don't forget to turn it back to True when your macros is finished.

How to detect DIV's dimension changed?

This is pretty much an exact copy of the top answer, but instead of a link, it's just the part of the code that matters, translated to be IMO more readable and easier to understand. A few other small changes include using cloneNode(), and not putting html into a js string. Small stuff, but you can copy and paste this as is and it will work.

The way it works is by making two invisible divs fill the element you're watching, and then putting a trigger in each, and setting a scroll position that will lead to triggering a scroll change if the size changes.

All real credit goes to Marc J, but if you're just looking for the relevant code, here it is:

    window.El = {}

    El.resizeSensorNode = undefined;
    El.initResizeNode = function() {
        var fillParent = "display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;";
        var triggerStyle = "position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; transition: 0s;";

        var resizeSensor = El.resizeSensorNode = document.createElement("resizeSensor"); = fillParent;

        var expandSensor = document.createElement("div"); = fillParent;

        var trigger = document.createElement("div"); = triggerStyle;

        var shrinkSensor = expandSensor.cloneNode(true); = triggerStyle + " width: 200%; height: 200%";

    El.onSizeChange = function(domNode, fn) {
        if (!domNode) return;
        if (domNode.resizeListeners) {

        domNode.resizeListeners = [];

        if(El.resizeSensorNode == undefined)

        domNode.resizeSensor = El.resizeSensorNode.cloneNode(true);

        var expand = domNode.resizeSensor.firstChild;
        var expandTrigger = expand.firstChild;
        var shrink = domNode.resizeSensor.childNodes[1];

        var reset = function() {
   = '100000px';
   = '100000px';

            expand.scrollLeft = 100000;
            expand.scrollTop = 100000;

            shrink.scrollLeft = 100000;
            shrink.scrollTop = 100000;


        var hasChanged, frameRequest, newWidth, newHeight;
        var lastWidth = domNode.offsetWidth;
        var lastHeight = domNode.offsetHeight;

        var onResized = function() {
            frameRequest = undefined;

            if (!hasChanged) return;

            lastWidth = newWidth;
            lastHeight = newHeight;

            var listeners = domNode.resizeListeners;
            for(var i = 0; listeners && i < listeners.length; i++) 

        var onScroll = function() {
            newWidth = domNode.offsetWidth;
            newHeight = domNode.offsetHeight;
            hasChanged = newWidth != lastWidth || newHeight != lastHeight;

            if (hasChanged && !frameRequest) {
                frameRequest = requestAnimationFrame(onResized);


        expand.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
        shrink.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll);

Format a Go string without printing?

I came to this page specifically looking for a way to format an error string. So if someone needs help with the same, you want to use the fmt.Errorf() function.

The method signature is func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error. It returns the formatted string as a value that satisfies the error interface.

You can look up more details in the documentation -

Laravel Rule Validation for Numbers

Also, there was just a typo in your original post.

'min:2|max5' should have been 'min:2|max:5'.
Notice the ":" for the "max" rule.

How to do encryption using AES in Openssl

I am trying to write a sample program to do AES encryption using Openssl.

This answer is kind of popular, so I'm going to offer something more up-to-date since OpenSSL added some modes of operation that will probably help you.

First, don't use AES_encrypt and AES_decrypt. They are low level and harder to use. Additionally, it's a software-only routine, and it will never use hardware acceleration, like AES-NI. Finally, its subject to endianess issues on some obscure platforms.

Instead, use the EVP_* interfaces. The EVP_* functions use hardware acceleration, like AES-NI, if available. And it does not suffer endianess issues on obscure platforms.

Second, you can use a mode like CBC, but the ciphertext will lack integrity and authenticity assurances. So you usually want a mode like EAX, CCM, or GCM. (Or you manually have to apply a HMAC after the encryption under a separate key.)

Third, OpenSSL has a wiki page that will probably interest you: EVP Authenticated Encryption and Decryption. It uses GCM mode.

Finally, here's the program to encrypt using AES/GCM. The OpenSSL wiki example is based on it.

#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/aes.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <string.h>   

int main(int arc, char *argv[])

    /* Set up the key and iv. Do I need to say to not hard code these in a real application? :-) */

    /* A 256 bit key */
    static const unsigned char key[] = "01234567890123456789012345678901";

    /* A 128 bit IV */
    static const unsigned char iv[] = "0123456789012345";

    /* Message to be encrypted */
    unsigned char plaintext[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

    /* Some additional data to be authenticated */
    static const unsigned char aad[] = "Some AAD data";

    /* Buffer for ciphertext. Ensure the buffer is long enough for the
     * ciphertext which may be longer than the plaintext, dependant on the
     * algorithm and mode
    unsigned char ciphertext[128];

    /* Buffer for the decrypted text */
    unsigned char decryptedtext[128];

    /* Buffer for the tag */
    unsigned char tag[16];

    int decryptedtext_len = 0, ciphertext_len = 0;

    /* Encrypt the plaintext */
    ciphertext_len = encrypt(plaintext, strlen(plaintext), aad, strlen(aad), key, iv, ciphertext, tag);

    /* Do something useful with the ciphertext here */
    printf("Ciphertext is:\n");
    BIO_dump_fp(stdout, ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
    printf("Tag is:\n");
    BIO_dump_fp(stdout, tag, 14);

    /* Mess with stuff */
    /* ciphertext[0] ^= 1; */
    /* tag[0] ^= 1; */

    /* Decrypt the ciphertext */
    decryptedtext_len = decrypt(ciphertext, ciphertext_len, aad, strlen(aad), tag, key, iv, decryptedtext);

    if(decryptedtext_len < 0)
        /* Verify error */
        printf("Decrypted text failed to verify\n");
        /* Add a NULL terminator. We are expecting printable text */
        decryptedtext[decryptedtext_len] = '\0';

        /* Show the decrypted text */
        printf("Decrypted text is:\n");
        printf("%s\n", decryptedtext);

    /* Remove error strings */

    return 0;

void handleErrors(void)
    unsigned long errCode;

    printf("An error occurred\n");
    while(errCode = ERR_get_error())
        char *err = ERR_error_string(errCode, NULL);
        printf("%s\n", err);

int encrypt(unsigned char *plaintext, int plaintext_len, unsigned char *aad,
            int aad_len, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
            unsigned char *ciphertext, unsigned char *tag)
    int len = 0, ciphertext_len = 0;

    /* Create and initialise the context */
    if(!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new())) handleErrors();

    /* Initialise the encryption operation. */
    if(1 != EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, NULL, NULL))

    /* Set IV length if default 12 bytes (96 bits) is not appropriate */
    if(1 != EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_IVLEN, 16, NULL))

    /* Initialise key and IV */
    if(1 != EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, NULL, NULL, key, iv)) handleErrors();

    /* Provide any AAD data. This can be called zero or more times as
     * required
    if(aad && aad_len > 0)
        if(1 != EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, NULL, &len, aad, aad_len))

    /* Provide the message to be encrypted, and obtain the encrypted output.
     * EVP_EncryptUpdate can be called multiple times if necessary
        if(1 != EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, ciphertext, &len, plaintext, plaintext_len))

        ciphertext_len = len;

    /* Finalise the encryption. Normally ciphertext bytes may be written at
     * this stage, but this does not occur in GCM mode
    if(1 != EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx, ciphertext + len, &len)) handleErrors();
    ciphertext_len += len;

    /* Get the tag */
    if(1 != EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG, 16, tag))

    /* Clean up */

    return ciphertext_len;

int decrypt(unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char *aad,
            int aad_len, unsigned char *tag, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
            unsigned char *plaintext)
    int len = 0, plaintext_len = 0, ret;

    /* Create and initialise the context */
    if(!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new())) handleErrors();

    /* Initialise the decryption operation. */
    if(!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, NULL, NULL))

    /* Set IV length. Not necessary if this is 12 bytes (96 bits) */

    /* Initialise key and IV */
    if(!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, NULL, NULL, key, iv)) handleErrors();

    /* Provide any AAD data. This can be called zero or more times as
     * required
    if(aad && aad_len > 0)
        if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, NULL, &len, aad, aad_len))

    /* Provide the message to be decrypted, and obtain the plaintext output.
     * EVP_DecryptUpdate can be called multiple times if necessary
        if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, plaintext, &len, ciphertext, ciphertext_len))

        plaintext_len = len;

    /* Set expected tag value. Works in OpenSSL 1.0.1d and later */
    if(!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, 16, tag))

    /* Finalise the decryption. A positive return value indicates success,
     * anything else is a failure - the plaintext is not trustworthy.
    ret = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx, plaintext + len, &len);

    /* Clean up */

    if(ret > 0)
        /* Success */
        plaintext_len += len;
        return plaintext_len;
        /* Verify failed */
        return -1;

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel after long inactivity in ASP.Net app

The article previously mentioned is good. (as far as it goes)

If this is not something that runs frequently (don't do it on your home page), you can turn off connection pooling.

There is one other "gotcha" that is not mentioned in the article. If the first thing you try to do with the connection is call a stored procedure, ODP will HANG!!!! You will not get back an error condition to manage, just a full bore HANG! The only way to fix it is to turn OFF connection pooling. Once we did that, all issues went away.

Pooling is good in some situations, but at the cost of increased complexity around the first statement of every connection.

If the error handling approach is so good, why don't they make it an option for ODP to handle it for us????

How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?

This is works for me. tyr this

exec(“php asyn.php”.” > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &“);

Remove all occurrences of char from string

I like using RegEx in this occasion:

str = str.replace(/X/g, '');

where g means global so it will go through your whole string and replace all X with ''; if you want to replace both X and x, you simply say:

str = str.replace(/X|x/g, '');

(see my fiddle here: fiddle)

URL encoding the space character: + or %20?

This confusion is because URLs are still 'broken' to this day.

Take "" for instance. This is a URL. A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator and is really a pointer to a web page (in most cases). URLs actually have a very well-defined structure since the first specification in 1994.

We can extract detailed information about the "" URL:

|      Part     |      Data         |
|  Scheme       | http              |
|  Host         |    |

If we look at a more complex URL such as:

"https://bob:[email protected]:8080/file;p=1?q=2#third"

we can extract the following information:

|        Part       |       Data          |
|  Scheme           | https               |
|  User             | bob                 |
|  Password         | bobby               |
|  Host             |    |
|  Port             | 8080                |
|  Path             | /file;p=1           |
|  Path parameter   | p=1                 |
|  Query            | q=2                 |
|  Fragment         | third               |

https://bob:[email protected]:8080/file;p=1?q=2#third
\___/   \_/ \___/ \______________/ \__/\_______/ \_/ \___/
  |      |    |          |          |      | \_/  |    |
Scheme User Password    Host       Port  Path |   | Fragment
        \_____________________________/       | Query
                       |               Path parameter

The reserved characters are different for each part.

For HTTP URLs, a space in a path fragment part has to be encoded to "%20" (not, absolutely not "+"), while the "+" character in the path fragment part can be left unencoded.

Now in the query part, spaces may be encoded to either "+" (for backwards compatibility: do not try to search for it in the URI standard) or "%20" while the "+" character (as a result of this ambiguity) has to be escaped to "%2B".

This means that the "blue+light blue" string has to be encoded differently in the path and query parts:


From there you can deduce that encoding a fully constructed URL is impossible without a syntactical awareness of the URL structure.

This boils down to:

You should have %20 before the ? and + after.


Submit form using <a> tag

Clean and simple:

  <form action="/myaction" method="post" target="_blank">
    <!-- other elements -->
    <a href="#" onclick="this.parentNode.submit();">Submit</a>

In case of opening form action url in a new tab (target="_blank"):

  <form action="/myaction" method="post" target="_blank">
    <!-- other elements -->
    <a href="#" onclick="this.parentNode.submit();">Submit</a>

What is "origin" in Git?


In Git, "origin" is a shorthand name for the remote repository that a project was originally cloned from. More precisely, it is used instead of that original repository's URL - and thereby makes referencing much easier.

Note that origin is by no means a "magical" name, but just a standard convention. Although it makes sense to leave this convention untouched, you could perfectly rename it without losing any functionality.

In the following example, the URL parameter to the "clone" command becomes the "origin" for the cloned local repository:

git clone

is there a post render callback for Angular JS directive?

None of the solutions worked for me accept from using a timeout. This is because I was using a template that was dynamically being created during the postLink.

Note however, there can be a timeout of '0' as the timeout adds the function being called to the browser's queue which will occur after the angular rendering engine as this is already in the queue.

Refer to this:

How to echo with different colors in the Windows command line

Put the following lines into a file called ColourText.bas on your desktop.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Module MyApplication  
Public Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetStdHandle" (ByVal nStdHandle As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SetConsoleTextAttribute Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetConsoleTextAttribute" (ByVal hConsoleOutput As Long, ByVal wAttributes As Long) As Long
Public Const STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12&
Public Const STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10&
Public Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11&

Sub Main()
    Dim hOut as Long
    Dim Ret as Long
    Dim Colour As Long
    Dim Colour1 As Long
    Dim Text As String
    hOut  = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
    Colour = CLng("&h" & Split(Command(), " ")(0))
    Colour1 = Clng("&h" & Split(Command(), " ")(1))
    Text = Mid(Command(), 7)
    Ret = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hOut,  Colour)
    Ret = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hOut, Colour1)
End Sub
End Module

Save it and type the following in a command prompt.

"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\vbc.exe" /target:exe /out:"%userprofile%\desktop\ColourText.exe" "%userprofile%\desktop\ColourText.bas" /verbose

A file called ColourText.exe will appear on your desktop. Move it to the Windows folder.

To use you must use two character codes to set colour eg 01 not 1.

ColourText ColourOfText ColourOfTextWhenFinished Text

EG To set blue on white by not passing any text, then red on white text, finishing with blue on grey.

ColourText F1 F1
ColourText F2 71 This is green on white


ColourText F1 F1
ColourText F4 F4
Echo Hello
Echo Hello today
ColourText F1 F1

Also the CLS command becomes interesting. Color command without parameters resets all colours to startup colours.

To get the colour code add the following numbers together. Use Calculator in programmers mode. These are hex numbers. They can be added together eg Red + Blue + FG Intensity = 13 = D. As 10+ wasn't used the background will be black. Colour codes MUST be two characters, eg 08 not 8.

FOREGROUND_RED = &H4     '  text color contains red.
FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = &H8     '  text color is intensified.
FOREGROUND_GREEN = &H2     '  text color contains green.
FOREGROUND_BLUE = &H1     '  text color contains blue.
BACKGROUND_BLUE = &H10    '  background color contains blue.
BACKGROUND_GREEN = &H20    '  background color contains green.
BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = &H80    '  background color is intensified.
BACKGROUND_RED = &H40    '  background color contains red.

using nth-child in tables tr td

Current css version still doesn't support selector find by content. But there is a way, by using css selector find by attribute, but you have to put some identifier on all of the <td> that have $ inside. Example: using nth-child in tables tr td


    <td data-rel='$'>$</td>


table tr td[data-rel='$'] {
    background-color: #333;
    color: white;

Please try these example.

table tr td[data-content='$'] {_x000D_
    background-color: #333;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_

Tkinter module not found on Ubuntu

The answer to your question is that Tkinter is renamed to tkinter in python3

that is with lowercase t

How to save .xlsx data to file as a blob

I've found a solution worked for me:

const handleDownload = async () => {
   const req = await axios({
     method: "get",
     url: `/companies/${}/data`,
     responseType: "blob",
   var blob = new Blob([], {
     type: req.headers["content-type"],
   const link = document.createElement("a");
   link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `report_${new Date().getTime()}.xlsx`;;

I just point a responseType: "blob"

Constraint Layout Vertical Align Center

May be i did not fully understand the problem, but, centering all view inside a ConstraintLayout seems very simple. This is what I used:

< xmlns:android=""

enter image description here

Last two lines did the trick!

Updating .class file in jar

A JAR file is just a .zip in disguise. The zipped folder contains .class files.

If you're on macOS:

  1. Rename the file to possess the '.zip' extension. e.g. myJar.jar ->
  2. Decompress the '.zip' (double click on it). A new folder called 'myJar' will appear
  3. Find and replace the .class file with your new .class file.
  4. Select all the contents of the folder 'myJar' and choose 'Compress x items'. DO NOT ZIP THE FOLDER ITSELF, ONLY ITS CONTENTS

Miscellaneous - Compiling a single .class file, with reference to a original jar, on macOS

  1. Make a file, containing your code.
  2. Open terminal from Spotlight.
  3. javac -classpath originalJar.jar This will create your compiled class called myClass.class.

From here, follow the steps above. You can also use Eclipse to compile it, simply reference the original jar by right clicking on the project, 'Build Path' -> 'Add External Archives'. From here you should be able to compile it as a jar, and use the zip technique above to retrieve the class from the jar.

POST string to ASP.NET Web Api application - returns null

([FromBody] IDictionary<string,object> data)

Why calling react setState method doesn't mutate the state immediately?

You could try using ES7 async/await. For instance using your example:

handleChange: async function(event) {
    await this.setState({value:});

How to hide the bar at the top of "youtube" even when mouse hovers over it?

This answer no longer works as YouTube has deprecated the showinfo parameter.

You can hide the embedded player's title bar by adding &showinfo=0. You cannot completely remove all the links to the original video. Here is the best you can do

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This code will remove the title bar, YouTube branding in controls, controls (optional, delete controls=0 if you need controls). But a white YouTube logo will be displayed on the video with the video link.

Update 1: Here is a new tool that I built to generate customized youtube embed player code- Advanced Youtube Embed Code Generator

How to get an element's top position relative to the browser's viewport?

Edit: Add some code to account for the page scrolling.

function findPos(id) {
    var node = document.getElementById(id);     
    var curtop = 0;
    var curtopscroll = 0;
    if (node.offsetParent) {
        do {
            curtop += node.offsetTop;
            curtopscroll += node.offsetParent ? node.offsetParent.scrollTop : 0;
        } while (node = node.offsetParent);

        alert(curtop - curtopscroll);

The id argument is the id of the element whose offset you want. Adapted from a quirksmode post.

JavaScript Loading Screen while page loads

You can wait until the body is ready:

function onReady(callback) {_x000D_
  var intervalId = window.setInterval(function() {_x000D_
    if (document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] !== undefined) {_x000D_
  }, 1000);_x000D_
function setVisible(selector, visible) {_x000D_
  document.querySelector(selector).style.display = visible ? 'block' : 'none';_x000D_
onReady(function() {_x000D_
  setVisible('.page', true);_x000D_
  setVisible('#loading', false);_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  background: #FFF url("") top left repeat-x;_x000D_
  font-family: 'Alex Brush', cursive !important;_x000D_
.page    { display: none; padding: 0 0.5em; }_x000D_
.page h1 { font-size: 2em; line-height: 1em; margin-top: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; }_x000D_
.page p  { font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.275em; margin-top: 0.15em; }_x000D_
#loading {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  z-index: 100;_x000D_
  width: 100vw;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.5);_x000D_
  background-image: url("");_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
  background-position: center;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">_x000D_
<div class="page">_x000D_
  <h1>The standard Lorem Ipsum passage</h1>_x000D_
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure_x000D_
    dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>_x000D_
<div id="loading"></div>

Here is a JSFiddle that demonstrates this technique.

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting

I caught this error a few days ago.

IN my case it was because I was using a Transaction on a Singleton.

.Net does not work well with Singleton as stated above.

My solution was this:

public class DbHelper : DbHelperCore
    public DbHelper()
        Connection = null;
        Transaction = null;

    public static DbHelper instance
            if (HttpContext.Current is null)
                return new DbHelper();
            else if (HttpContext.Current.Items["dbh"] == null)
                HttpContext.Current.Items["dbh"] = new DbHelper();

            return (DbHelper)HttpContext.Current.Items["dbh"];

    public override void BeginTransaction()
        Connection = new SqlConnection(Entity.Connection.getCon);
        if (Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
        Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();

I used HttpContext.Current.Items for my instance. This class DbHelper and DbHelperCore is my own class

How do I find out what is hammering my SQL Server?

This query uses DMV's to identify the most costly queries by CPU

    qs.total_worker_time AS Total_CPU,
    total_CPU_inSeconds = --Converted from microseconds
    average_CPU_inSeconds = --Converted from microseconds
        (qs.total_worker_time/1000000) / qs.execution_count,
    total_elapsed_time_inSeconds = --Converted from microseconds
    sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
    sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st
    sys.dm_exec_query_plan (qs.plan_handle) AS qp
    qs.total_worker_time DESC

For a complete explanation see: How to identify the most costly SQL Server queries by CPU

Android Studio SDK location

For Ubuntu users running:

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Select Android Studio -> Settings -> Android SDK or Android Studio -> Project structure -> SDK location or to open Project structure shortcut is (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s)
  3. Your SDK location will be specified on the upper right side of the screen under [Android SDK Location]

ipython notebook clear cell output in code

You can use the IPython.display.clear_output to clear the output as mentioned in cel's answer. I would add that for me the best solution was to use this combination of parameters to print without any "shakiness" of the notebook:

from IPython.display import clear_output

for i in range(10):
    print(i, flush=True)

Found a swap file by the name

More info... Some times .swp files might be holded by vm that was running in backgroung. You may see permission denied message when try to delete the files.

Check and kill process vm

Length of array in function argument

This is a old question, and the OP seems to mix C++ and C in his intends/examples. In C, when you pass a array to a function, it's decayed to pointer. So, there is no way to pass the array size except by using a second argument in your function that stores the array size:

void func(int A[]) 
// should be instead: void func(int * A, const size_t elemCountInA)

They are very few cases, where you don't need this, like when you're using multidimensional arrays:

void func(int A[3][whatever here]) // That's almost as if read "int* A[3]"

Using the array notation in a function signature is still useful, for the developer, as it might be an help to tell how many elements your functions expects. For example:

void vec_add(float out[3], float in0[3], float in1[3])

is easier to understand than this one (although, nothing prevent accessing the 4th element in the function in both functions):

void vec_add(float * out, float * in0, float * in1)

If you were to use C++, then you can actually capture the array size and get what you expect:

template <size_t N>
void vec_add(float (&out)[N], float (&in0)[N], float (&in1)[N])
    for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) 
        out[i] = in0[i] + in1[i];

In that case, the compiler will ensure that you're not adding a 4D vector with a 2D vector (which is not possible in C without passing the dimension of each dimension as arguments of the function). There will be as many instance of the vec_add function as the number of dimensions used for your vectors.

How to randomize two ArrayLists in the same fashion?

Wrap them in another class so that you can end up with a single array or List of those objects.

public class Data {
    private String txtFileName;
    private String imgFileName;

    // Add/generate c'tor, getter/setter, equals, hashCode and other boilerplate.

Usage example:

List<Data> list = new ArrayList<Data>();
list.add(new Data("H1.txt", "e1.jpg"));
list.add(new Data("H2.txt", "e2.jpg"));
// ...


SQL Server stored procedure Nullable parameter

You can/should set your parameter to value to DBNull.Value;

if (variable == "")
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@Param", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500).Value = DBNull.Value;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@Param", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500).Value = variable;

Or you can leave your server side set to null and not pass the param at all.

Plot two graphs in same plot in R

if you want to split the plot into two columns (2 plots next to each other), you can do it like this:




Reference Link

How to make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

Using execComand:

<input type="button" name="save" value="Save" onclick="javascript:document.execCommand('SaveAs','true','your_file.txt')">

In the next link: execCommand

Read a file in Node.js

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

exports.testDir = path.dirname(__filename);
exports.fixturesDir = path.join(exports.testDir, 'fixtures');
exports.libDir = path.join(exports.testDir, '../lib');
exports.tmpDir = path.join(exports.testDir, 'tmp');
exports.PORT = +process.env.NODE_COMMON_PORT || 12346;

// Read File
fs.readFile(exports.tmpDir+'/start.html', 'utf-8', function(err, content) {
  if (err) {
    got_error = true;
  } else {
    console.log('cat returned some content: ' + content);
    console.log('this shouldn\'t happen as the file doesn\'t exist...');
    //assert.equal(true, false);

MongoDB what are the default user and password?

In addition to previously provided answers, one option is to follow the 'localhost exception' approach to create the first user if your db is already started with access control (--auth switch). In order to do that, you need to have localhost access to the server and then run:

use admin
     user: "user_name",
     pwd: "user_pass",
     roles: [
           { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
           { role: "readWriteAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
           { role: "dbAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }

As stated in MongoDB documentation:

The localhost exception allows you to enable access control and then create the first user in the system. With the localhost exception, after you enable access control, connect to the localhost interface and create the first user in the admin database. The first user must have privileges to create other users, such as a user with the userAdmin or userAdminAnyDatabase role. Connections using the localhost exception only have access to create the first user on the admin database.

Here is the link to that section of the docs.

Build Eclipse Java Project from Command Line

To complete André's answer, an ant solution could be like the one described in Emacs, JDEE, Ant, and the Eclipse Java Compiler, as in:

           line="-warn:+unused -Xemacs"/>
        <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />

The compilerarg element also allows you to pass in additional command line args to the eclipse compiler.

You can find a full ant script example here which would be invoked in a command line with:

java -cp C:/eclipse-SDK-3.4-win32/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.100.v20080509-1800.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -data "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\workspace" -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile build.xml -verbose

BUT all that involves ant, which is not what Keith is after.

For a batch compilation, please refer to Compiling Java code, especially the section "Using the batch compiler"

The batch compiler class is located in the JDT Core plug-in. The name of the class is org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.batch.BatchCompiler. It is packaged into plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.4.0..jar. Since 3.2, it is also available as a separate download. The name of the file is ecj.jar.
Since 3.3, this jar also contains the support for jsr199 (Compiler API) and the support for jsr269 (Annotation processing). In order to use the annotations processing support, a 1.6 VM is required.

Running the batch compiler From the command line would give

java -jar org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.4.0<qualifier>.jar -classpath rt.jar


java -jar ecj.jar -classpath rt.jar

All java compilation options are detailed in that section as well.

The difference with the Visual Studio command line compilation feature is that Eclipse does not seem to directly read its .project and .classpath in a command-line argument. You have to report all information contained in the .project and .classpath in various command-line options in order to achieve the very same compilation result.

So, then short answer is: "yes, Eclipse kind of does." ;)

How to make android listview scrollable?

By default ListView is scrollable. Do not put ScrollView to the ListView

How to get the row number from a datatable?

Why don't you try this

for(int i=0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
  // u can use here the i

Check if all checkboxes are selected

$('.abc[checked!=true]').length == 0

How can I conditionally require form inputs with AngularJS?

There's no need to write a custom directive. Angular's documentation is good but not complete. In fact, there is a directive called ngRequired, that takes an Angular expression.

<input type='email'
       placeholder='[email protected]'
       ng-required='!' />

<input type='text'
       placeholder='(xxx) xxx-xxxx'
       ng-required='!' />  

Here's a more complete example:

How can I escape a single quote?

Represent it as a text entity (ASCII 39):

<input type='text' id='abc' value='hel&#39;lo'>

Linking static libraries to other static libraries

Alternatively to Link Library Dependencies in project properties there is another way to link libraries in Visual Studio.

  1. Open the project of the library (X) that you want to be combined with other libraries.
  2. Add the other libraries you want combined with X (Right Click, Add Existing Item...).
  3. Go to their properties and make sure Item Type is Library

This will include the other libraries in X as if you ran

lib /out:X.lib X.lib other1.lib other2.lib

fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree

You repository is bare, i.e. it does not have a working tree attached to it. You can clone it locally to create a working tree for it, or you could use one of several other options to tell Git where the working tree is, e.g. the --work-tree option for single commands, or the GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable. There is also the core.worktree configuration option but it will not work in a bare repository (check the man page for what it does).

# git --work-tree=/path/to/work/tree checkout master
# GIT_WORK_TREE=/path/to/work/tree git status

How do I move a file (or folder) from one folder to another in TortoiseSVN?

From the command line, you can type svn mv path1 path2. This will create an add and a delete operation, but there's not really a way around that - as far as I know - in Subversion.

Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

Instead of giving access to all IIS users like IIS_IUSRS you can also give access only to the Application Pool Identity using the site. This is the recommended approach by Microsoft and more information can be found here:


enter image description here

Start by looking at Config File parameter above to determine the location that needs access. The entire publish folder in this case needs access. Right click on the folder and select properties and then the Security tab.

enter image description here

Click on Edit... and then Add....

Now look at Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and Application Pools:

enter image description here

In my case my site runs under LocalTest Application Pool and then I enter the name IIS AppPool\LocalTest

enter image description here

Press Check Names and the user should be found.

enter image description here

Give the user the needed access (Default: Read & Execute, List folder contents and Read) and everything should work.

could not extract ResultSet in hibernate

I was using Spring Data JPA with PostgreSql and during UPDATE call it was showing errors-

  • 'could not extract ResultSet' and another one.
  • org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Executing an update/delete query; nested exception is javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: Executing an update/delete query. (Showing Transactional required.)

Actually, I was missing two required Annotations.

  • @Transactional and
  • @Modifying


@Query(vlaue = " UPDATE DB.TABLE SET Col1 = ?1 WHERE id = ?2 ", nativeQuery = true)
void updateCol1(String value, long id);

Compile/run assembler in Linux?

There is also FASM for Linux.

format ELF executable

segment readable executable

mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, hello_msg
mov edx, hello_size
int 80h

mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h

segment readable writeable

hello_msg db "Hello World!",10,0
hello_size = $-hello_msg

It comiles with

fasm hello.asm hello

Removing first x characters from string?

Example to show last 3 digits of account number.

x = '1234567890'   
x.replace(x[:7], '')

o/p: '890'

Round a floating-point number down to the nearest integer?

To get floating point result simply use:


It works for negative numbers as well.

Leave only two decimal places after the dot

double amount = 31.245678;
amount = Math.Floor(amount * 100) / 100;

Select2 doesn't work when embedded in a bootstrap modal

I had a similar problem and I fixed with

              dropdownParent: $('#AssetsModal')

and modal with select

    <div class="modal fade" id="AssetsModal" role="dialog" 
    aria-hidden="true"  style="overflow:hidden;" >
<div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document">
  <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
            <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLongTitle" >?????? ??????</h5>
            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
              <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
      <div class="modal-body">
          <form role="form" action="?action=dma_act_documents_assets_insert&Id=<?=$ID?>" 
                  method="post" name="dma_act_documents_assets_insert" 
            <div class="form-group col-sm-12">
                  <label for="recipient-name" class="col-form-label">?????:</label>
                  <span style="color: red">*</span>
                          <select class="form-control js-example-basic-single col-sm-12" 
                                 name="CompId" id="CompId">

but I don't know why the select menu is smaller than other fields enter image description here

and it starting like that when start using select2. When I remove it, all is ok.

Is there some one to share some experince about that.


Get 2 Digit Number For The Month



will do the job with two digit.

Left function in c#

It's the Substring method of String, with the first argument set to 0.


[The following was added by Almo; see Justin J Stark's comment. —Peter O.]

Warning: If the string's length is less than the number of characters you're taking, you'll get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

PowerShell: Create Local User Account

As of PowerShell 5.1 there cmdlet New-LocalUser which could create local user account.

Example of usage:

Create a user account

New-LocalUser -Name "User02" -Description "Description of this account." -NoPassword

or Create a user account that has a password

$Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString
New-LocalUser "User03" -Password $Password -FullName "Third User" -Description "Description of this account."

or Create a user account that is connected to a Microsoft account

New-LocalUser -Name "MicrosoftAccount\usr [email protected]" -Description "Description of this account." 

Is there a method that tells my program to quit?

See sys.exit. That function will quit your program with the given exit status.

How do I convert dmesg timestamp to custom date format?

For systems without "dmesg -T" such as RHEL/CentOS 6, I liked the "dmesg_with_human_timestamps" function provided by lucas-cimon earlier. It has a bit of trouble with some of our boxes with large uptime though. Turns out that kernel timestamps in dmesg are derived from an uptime value kept by individual CPUs. Over time this gets out of sync with the real time clock. As a result, the most accurate conversion for recent dmesg entries will be based on the CPU clock rather than /proc/uptime. For example, on a particular CentOS 6.6 box here:

# grep "\.clock" /proc/sched_debug  | head -1
  .clock                         : 32103895072.444568
# uptime
 15:54:05 up 371 days, 19:09,  4 users,  load average: 3.41, 3.62, 3.57
# cat /proc/uptime
32123362.57 638648955.00

Accounting for the CPU uptime being in milliseconds, there's an offset of nearly 5 1/2 hours here. So I revised the script and converted it to native bash in the process:

dmesg_with_human_timestamps () {
    FORMAT="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"

    now=$(date +%s)
    cputime_line=$(grep -m1 "\.clock" /proc/sched_debug)

    if [[ $cputime_line =~ [^0-9]*([0-9]*).* ]]; then
        cputime=$((BASH_REMATCH[1] / 1000))

    dmesg | while IFS= read -r line; do
        if [[ $line =~ ^\[\ *([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+\]\ (.*) ]]; then
            echo "[$(date +"${FORMAT}" --date=@${stamp})] ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
            echo "$line"

alias dmesgt=dmesg_with_human_timestamps

How can I schedule a job to run a SQL query daily?

I made an animated GIF of the steps in the accepted answer. This is from MSSQL Server 2012

Schedule SQL Job

Proper way to catch exception from JSON.parse

I am fairly new to Javascript. But this is what I understood: JSON.parse() returns SyntaxError exceptions when invalid JSON is provided as its first parameter. So. It would be better to catch that exception as such like as follows:

try {
    let sData = `
            "id": "1",
            "name": "UbuntuGod",
} catch (objError) {
    if (objError instanceof SyntaxError) {
    } else {

The reason why I made the words "first parameter" bold is that JSON.parse() takes a reviver function as its second parameter.

SQL Server: Make all UPPER case to Proper Case/Title Case

I think you will find that the following is more efficient:

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ProperCase') IS NOT NULL
    DROP FUNCTION dbo.ProperCase
    @str VARCHAR(8000))
    SET @str = ' ' + @str
    SET @str = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( @str, ' a', ' A'), ' b', ' B'), ' c', ' C'), ' d', ' D'), ' e', ' E'), ' f', ' F'), ' g', ' G'), ' h', ' H'), ' i', ' I'), ' j', ' J'), ' k', ' K'), ' l', ' L'), ' m', ' M'), ' n', ' N'), ' o', ' O'), ' p', ' P'), ' q', ' Q'), ' r', ' R'), ' s', ' S'), ' t', ' T'), ' u', ' U'), ' v', ' V'), ' w', ' W'), ' x', ' X'), ' y', ' Y'), ' z', ' Z')
    RETURN RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str) - 1)

The replace statement could be cut and pasted directly into a SQL query. It is ultra ugly, however by replacing @str with the column you are interested in, you will not pay a price for an implicit cursor like you will with the udfs thus posted. I find that even using my UDF it is much more efficient.

Oh and instead of generating the replace statement by hand use this:

-- Code Generator for expression
    @c  CHAR(1),
    @sql    VARCHAR(8000)
SET @x = 0
SET @sql = '@str' -- actual variable/column you want to replace
WHILE @x < 26
    SET @c = CHAR(ASCII('a') + @x)
    SET @sql = 'REPLACE(' + @sql + ', '' ' + @c+  ''', '' ' + UPPER(@c) + ''')'
    SET @x = @x + 1
PRINT @sql

Anyway it depends on the number of rows. I wish you could just do s/\b([a-z])/uc $1/, but oh well we work with the tools we have.

NOTE you would have to use this as you would have to use it as....SELECT dbo.ProperCase(LOWER(column)) since the column is in uppercase. It actually works pretty fast on my table of 5,000 entries (not even one second) even with the lower.

In response to the flurry of comments regarding internationalization I present the following implementation that handles every ascii character relying only on SQL Server's Implementation of upper and lower. Remember, the variables we are using here are VARCHAR which means that they can only hold ASCII values. In order to use further international alphabets, you have to use NVARCHAR. The logic would be similar but you would need to use UNICODE and NCHAR in place of ASCII AND CHAR and the replace statement would be much more huge....

-- Code Generator for expression
    @c  CHAR(1),
    @sql    VARCHAR(8000),
    @count  INT
SEt @x = 0
SET @count = 0
SET @sql = '@str' -- actual variable you want to replace
WHILE @x < 256
    SET @c = CHAR(@x)
    -- Only generate replacement expression for characters where upper and lowercase differ
    IF @x = ASCII(LOWER(@c)) AND @x != ASCII(UPPER(@c))
        SET @sql = 'REPLACE(' + @sql + ', '' ' + @c+  ''', '' ' + UPPER(@c) + ''')'
        SET @count = @count + 1
    SET @x = @x + 1
PRINT @sql
PRINT 'Total characters substituted: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), @count)

Basically the premise of the my method is trading pre-computing for efficiency. The full ASCII implementation is as follows:

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ProperCase') IS NOT NULL
    DROP FUNCTION dbo.ProperCase
    @str VARCHAR(8000))
    SET @str = ' ' + @str
SET @str =     REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@str, ' a', ' A'), ' b', ' B'), ' c', ' C'), ' d', ' D'), ' e', ' E'), ' f', ' F'), ' g', ' G'), ' h', ' H'), ' i', ' I'), ' j', ' J'), ' k', ' K'), ' l', ' L'), ' m', ' M'), ' n', ' N'), ' o', ' O'), ' p', ' P'), ' q', ' Q'), ' r', ' R'), ' s', ' S'), ' t', ' T'), ' u', ' U'), ' v', ' V'), ' w', ' W'), ' x', ' X'), ' y', ' Y'), ' z', ' Z'), ' š', ' Š'), ' œ', ' Œ'), ' ž', ' Ž'), ' à', ' À'), ' á', ' Á'), ' â', ' Â'), ' ã', ' Ã'), ' ä', ' Ä'), ' å', ' Å'), ' æ', ' Æ'), ' ç', ' Ç'), ' è', ' È'), ' é', ' É'), ' ê', ' Ê'), ' ë', ' Ë'), ' ì', ' Ì'), ' í', ' Í'), ' î', ' Î'), ' ï', ' Ï'), ' ð', ' Ð'), ' ñ', ' Ñ'), ' ò', ' Ò'), ' ó', ' Ó'), ' ô', ' Ô'), ' õ', ' Õ'), ' ö', ' Ö'), ' ø', ' Ø'), ' ù', ' Ù'), ' ú', ' Ú'), ' û', ' Û'), ' ü', ' Ü'), ' ý', ' Ý'), ' þ', ' Þ'), ' ÿ', ' Ÿ')
    RETURN RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str) - 1)

How to get values of selected items in CheckBoxList with foreach in ASP.NET C#?

Just in case you want to store the selected values in single column seperated by , then you can use below approach

string selectedItems = String.Join(",", CBLGold.Items.OfType<ListItem>().Where(r => r.Selected).Select(r => r.Value));

if you want to store Text not values then Change the r.Value to r.Text

How can I format a number into a string with leading zeros?

Rather simple:

Key = i.ToString("D2");

D stands for "decimal number", 2 for the number of digits to print.