[oauth] What is the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token exactly?

According to RFC6750-The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage, the bearer token is:

A security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (a "bearer") can use the token in any way that any other party in possession of it can.

To me this definition is vague and I can't find any specification.

  • Suppose I am implementing an authorization provider, can I supply any kind of string for the bearer token?
  • Can it be a random string?
  • Does it have to be a base64 encoding of some attributes?
    Should it be hashed?
  • And does the service provider need to query the authorization provider in order to validate this token?

Thank you for any pointer.

This question is related to oauth bearer-token

The answer is

As I read your question, I have tried without success to search on the Internet how Bearer tokens are encrypted or signed. I guess bearer tokens are not hashed (maybe partially, but not completely) because in that case, it will not be possible to decrypt it and retrieve users properties from it.

But your question seems to be trying to find answers on Bearer token functionality:

Suppose I am implementing an authorization provider, can I supply any kind of string for the bearer token? Can it be a random string? Does it has to be a base64 encoding of some attributes? Should it be hashed?

So, I'll try to explain how Bearer tokens and Refresh tokens work:

When user requests to the server for a token sending user and password through SSL, the server returns two things: an Access token and a Refresh token.

An Access token is a Bearer token that you will have to add in all request headers to be authenticated as a concrete user.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

An Access token is an encrypted string with all User properties, Claims and Roles that you wish. (You can check that the size of a token increases if you add more roles or claims). Once the Resource Server receives an access token, it will be able to decrypt it and read these user properties. This way, the user will be validated and granted along with all the application.

Access tokens have a short expiration (ie. 30 minutes). If access tokens had a long expiration it would be a problem, because theoretically there is no possibility to revoke it. So imagine a user with a role="Admin" that changes to "User". If a user keeps the old token with role="Admin" he will be able to access till the token expiration with Admin rights. That's why access tokens have a short expiration.

But, one issue comes in mind. If an access token has short expiration, we have to send every short period the user and password. Is this secure? No, it isn't. We should avoid it. That's when Refresh tokens appear to solve this problem.

Refresh tokens are stored in DB and will have long expiration (example: 1 month).

A user can get a new Access token (when it expires, every 30 minutes for example) using a refresh token, that the user had received in the first request for a token. When an access token expires, the client must send a refresh token. If this refresh token exists in DB, the server will return to the client a new access token and another refresh token (and will replace the old refresh token by the new one).

In case a user Access token has been compromised, the refresh token of that user must be deleted from DB. This way the token will be valid only till the access token expires because when the hacker tries to get a new access token sending the refresh token, this action will be denied.

A bearer token is like a currency note e.g 100$ bill . One can use the currency note without being asked any/many questions.

Bearer Token A security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (a "bearer") can use the token in any way that any other party in possession of it can. Using a bearer token does not require a bearer to prove possession of cryptographic key material (proof-of-possession).

Please read the example in rfc6749 sec 7.1 first.

The bearer token is a type of access token, which does NOT require PoP(proof-of-possession) mechanism.

PoP means kind of multi-factor authentication to make access token more secure. ref

Proof-of-Possession refers to Cryptographic methods that mitigate the risk of Security Tokens being stolen and used by an attacker. In contrast to 'Bearer Tokens', where mere possession of the Security Token allows the attacker to use it, a PoP Security Token cannot be so easily used - the attacker MUST have both the token itself and access to some key associated with the token (which is why they are sometimes referred to 'Holder-of-Key' (HoK) tokens).

Maybe it's not the case, but I would say,

  • access token = payment methods
  • bearer token = cash
  • access token with PoP mechanism = credit card (signature or password will be verified, sometimes need to show your ID to match the name on the card)

BTW, there's a draft of "OAuth 2.0 Proof-of-Possession (PoP) Security Architecture" now.

Bearer token is one or more repetition of alphabet, digit, "-" , "." , "_" , "~" , "+" , "/" followed by 0 or more "=".

RFC 6750 2.1. Authorization Request Header Field (Format is ABNF (Augmented BNF))

The syntax for Bearer credentials is as follows:

     b64token    = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT /
                       "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "+" / "/" ) *"="
     credentials = "Bearer" 1*SP b64token

It looks like Base64 but according to Should the token in the header be base64 encoded?, it is not.

Digging a bit deeper in to "HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication"**, however, I see that b64token is just an ABNF syntax definition allowing for characters typically used in base64, base64url, etc.. So the b64token doesn't define any encoding or decoding but rather just defines what characters can be used in the part of the Authorization header that will contain the access token.

This fully addresses the first 3 items in the OP question's list. So I'm extending this answer to address the 4th question, about whether the token must be validated, so @mon feel free to remove or edit:

The authorizer is responsible for accepting or rejecting the http request. If the authorizer says the token is valid, it's up to you to decide what this means:

  • Does the authorizer have a way of inspecting the URL, identifying the operation, and looking up some role-based access control database to see if it is allowed? If yes and the request comes through, the service can assume it is allowed, and does not need to verify.
  • Is the token an all-or-nothing, so if the token is correct, all operations are allowed? Then the service doesn't need to verify.
  • Does the token mean "this request is allowed, but here is the UUID for the role, you check whether the operation is allowed". Then it's up to the service to look up that role, and see if the operation is allowed.
