[css-selectors] How can I select all children of an element except the last child?

How would I select all but the last child using CSS3 selectors?

For example, to get only the last child would be div:nth-last-child(1).

This question is related to css-selectors css

The answer is

Using nick craver's solution with selectivizr allows for a cross browser solution (IE6+)

There is a:not selector in css3. Use :not() with :last-child inside to select all children except last one. For example, to select all li in ul except last li, use following code.

ul li:not(:last-child){   }

Make it simple:

You can apply your style to all the div and re-initialize the last one with :last-child:

for example in CSS:

    border: 1px solid blue;
    border: 0;

or in SCSS:

    border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
        border: 0;
  • easy to read/remember
  • fast to execute
  • browser compatible (IE9+ since it's still CSS3)

Nick Craver's solution gave me what I needed but to make it explicit for those using CSS-in-JS:

const styles = {
  yourClass: {
    /* Styles for all elements with this class */
    '&:not(:last-child)': {
      /* Styles for all EXCEPT the last element with this class */

When IE9 comes, it will be easier. A lot of the time though, you can switch the problem to one requiring :first-child and style the opposite side of the element (IE7+).

.nav-menu li:not(:last-child){
    // write some style here

this code should apply the style to all

  • except the last child

  • How to select all children of an element except the last child using CSS?

    Answer: this code will work

    .parent *:not(:last-child) { 
    <div class='parent'>
      <p>this is paragraph</p>
      <h1>this is heading</h1>
      <b>text is bold</b>

    Nick Craver's solution works but you can also use this:

    :nth-last-child(n+2) { /* Your code here */ }

    Chris Coyier of CSS Tricks made a nice :nth tester for this.

    to find elements from last, use

    ul li:nth-last-of-type(3n){ color:#a94442}  /**/