[python] Easiest way to develop simple GUI in Python

I'm done with my class project which I coded using Python. I'm working on the extra credit part i.e. GUI development - Windows platform.

I need something simple, easy to use, possibly drag-and-drop GUI development tool for Python. GUI needs to look somewhat like google, since all my project does is:

input: Company name
output: Ethical or Unethical

So, all I need is:

  • An attractive image
  • Input textbox
  • Search button
  • Output box

This question is related to python user-interface

The answer is

I prefer PyQT although it is pretty big. It has all the features that normal QT has, and that's why it's very usable. I think you can use QML with it too.

I would recommend wxpython. It's very easy to use and the documentation is pretty good.

Tkinter is simple but is too ugly. PyQT can do everything you want but is too big. Perhaps IronPython will be good for you. Take a look at this: Python guis

Try with Kivy! kivy.org It's quite easy, multi platform and a really good documentation

EasyGUI for very easy GUI Development