[forms] How can I conditionally require form inputs with AngularJS?

Suppose we're building an address book application (contrived example) with AngularJS.

We have a form for contacts that has inputs for email and phone number, and we want to require one or the other, but not both: We only want the email input to be required if the phone input is empty or invalid, and vice versa.

Angular has a required directive, but it's not clear from the documentation how to use it in this case. So how can we conditionally require a form field? Write a custom directive?

This question is related to forms validation angularjs

The answer is

if you want put a input required if other is written:

   <input type='text'

   <input type='text'
   ng-required='person.name' />  


In AngularJS (version 1.x), there is a build-in directive ngRequired

<input type='email'
       placeholder='[email protected]'
       ng-required='!user.phone' />

<input type='text'
       placeholder='(xxx) xxx-xxxx'
       ng-required='!user.email' /> 

In Angular2 or above

<input type='email'
       placeholder='[email protected]'
       [required]='!user.phone' />

<input type='text'
       placeholder='(xxx) xxx-xxxx'
       [required]='!user.email' /> 

For Angular2

<input type='email' 
    [required]='!contact.phone' >

Simple you can use angular validation like :

 <input type='text'

   <input type='text'
   ng-required='!person.name' /> 

You can now fill the value in only one text field. Either you can fill name or lastname. In this way you can use conditional required fill in AngularJs.

For Angular 2

<input [(ngModel)]='email' [required]='!phone' />
<input [(ngModel)]='phone' [required]='!email' /> 

Examples related to forms

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