[javascript] Clearing input in vuejs form

I had a situation where i was working with a custom component and i needed to clear the form data.

But only if the page was in 'create' form state, and if the page was not being used to edit an existing item. So I made a method.

I called this method inside a watcher on custom component file, and not the vue page that uses the custom component. If that makes sense.

The entire form $ref was only available to me on the Base Custom Component.

<!-- Custom component HTML -->
  <v-form ref="form" v-model="valid" @submit.prevent>
    <slot v-bind="{ formItem, formState, valid }"></slot>

watch: {
  value() {
    // Some other code here
    // Some other code here too
... some other stuff ....

methods: {
  clearFormDataIfNotEdit(objct) {
    if (objct.formstate === 'create' && objct.formItem.id === undefined) {

Basically i checked to see if the form data had an ID, if it did not, and the state was on create, then call the obj.$ref.form.reset() if i did this directly in the watcher, then it would be this.$ref.form.reset() obvs.

But you can only call the $ref from the page which it's referenced. Which is what i wanted to call out with this answer.

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