Programs On Popular Programming Languages


OpenGIS is a term used by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards organization to describe their open standards for the storage and exchange of geographic data...


Tivoli Identity Manager, now called Security Identity Manager, is an identity management solution that provides password management, user provisioning, and auditing capabilities across the enterprise...


Error 2013: Lost Connection To Mysql Server During Query..


Anything related to iris recognition techniques, i.e. those techniques allowing a machine to attest the identity of a human user by analyzing the image of his/her iris. This is usually employed in high security environments as a factor in user authentication...


jQote is a templating library available in Javascript...


KissFFT is a lightweight FFT implementation in C. The emphasis was put on making the code small, and able to be implemented quickly. It isn't the fastest computationally, but the time lost crunching numbers is more than made up for by how easy it is to use...


LibGDX is an open-source cross-platform Java game development framework based on OpenGL (ES) that works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS and WebGL enabled browsers...


HTML Agility Pack is an open-source HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports Linq, plain XPATH or XSLT...


JSR 233: J2EE Mobile Device Management and Monitoring Specification..


LLDB is a debugger built as a set of reusable components which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM Project, such as the Clang expression parser and LLVM disassembler...


An Android Overlay for drawing the user's current location (and accuracy) on the map, and/or a compass-rose inset...


PCX is an images file format that stands for Personal Computer eXchange. It uses run length encoding to achieve lossless compression...


phpwebsocket is a server-side implementation of a WebSocket server using the PHP language. WebSocket is an API and a protocol for bi-directional, full-duplex communication that is closely associated with HTML5 and implemented in recent versions of most web browsers...


Kryo is a fast and efficient object graph serialization framework for Java. The goals of the project are speed, efficiency, and an easy to use API. The project is useful any time objects need to be persisted, whether to a file, database, or over the network...


Apache Zeta Components are a high quality, general purpose library of loosly coupled components for development of applications based on PHP 5. Beside typical modules for web application development, like a Template engine, Database tools and an MVC component, Apache Zeta Components contain command line tools, a chart rendering library, a WebDAV server, a universal document conversion component and many more tools to ease developers live...


The LayoutParams is a helper class that stores various layout information related to the Android view for which it is used...


BlackBerry PlayBook, a tablet computer running QNX OS...


Emacs major mode for editing Lua code. Provides syntax highlighting, auto-indent, interactive Lua shell, paren and brace matching and more..


CppCMS is an open source, high performance, model-view-controller, C++ web development framework...


BlueJ is a popular Java IDE aimed at teaching the principles of object oriented programming...


open source POP3 client and MIME parser written in C#..


Jasmine is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript code. Jasmine has no external dependencies and does not require a DOM...


A modern ruby gem for file uploads in Rails and other frameworks, similar to paperclip and attachment_fu..


MiniMagick is a Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick command line...


Acquia is a hosting company specializing in hosting Drupal websites..


BoxLayout is a Java Swing layout manager that allows multiple components to be laid out either vertically or horizontally...


install4j is a multi-platform installer builder for Java-based applications. It is developed by ej-technologies GmbH...


ServiceStack is Fast, Simple and Versatile message-based Web Services and MQ Framework for .NET and .NET Core..


PLEASE NOTE : THIS API HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED BY YAHOO. Yahoo! Finance is a service from Yahoo! that provides financial information. It is the top financial news and research website in the United States...


OCaml Batteries included is a community-driven effort to standardize on a consistent, documented, and comprehensive development platform for the OCaml programming language. Use with [tag:ocaml] and optionally [tag:standard-library] if the question might be related to other standard-libraries, or the concept of standard libraries in general, as well..


OmniThreadLibrary is a Delphi library meant to ease threading...


Use this tag for question related to the creation and usage of plugins for the Symfony PHP Framework...


Jedis is a small free client for Redis, written in and for Java...


The EditText is the standard text entry widget in Android apps. If the user needs to enter text into an app, this is the primary way for them to do that...


Javolution is a hard-real-time collections library...


Typically it refers to a feature of Lua which allows a programmer to change the behaviour of tables. The meaning may be dependant on other tags used with it...


The API for Dropbox, a file syncing, sharing, and backup service...


A program to distribute builds of C, C++, Objective C or Objective C++ code across several machines on a network..


a Java library for the automatic stimulation and testing of web applications..


Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool written in Java, that has packages for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. The project was forked from Hudson...


Core Motion is a framework within Apple's iOS SDK used to access all kind of motion sensor data. Introduced in version 4.0 it is the recommended way of accessing gyroscope or accelerometer data, and since version 5.0 magnetometer (compass) data as well...


The UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java is a fast, powerful, user-friendly, and completely free Java API for communicating with LDAPv3 directory servers...


ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified..

COBOL implementations for the .NET Framework...


From Microsoft: The Visual Studio Async CTP (Version 3) extends Visual Studio 2010, providing a new, streamlined syntax for asynchronous development...


For questions about Eclipse Virgo which is a Java application server based the Eclipse Equinox OSGi runtime. It allows modular application development using OSGi primitives as well as offering a smooth transition path for traditional Web Applications...


Colorspace where each color component is multiplied by alpha value. This makes alpha blending faster and prevents color distortion when blending semitransparent colors together...


Visiblox is a company that develops a WPF Chart component. It's available at


A set of techniques to write a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file from a data source. CSV files store data in plain-text form, allowing great usability and they often are used as a way to exchange data from information systems..


Binary weaving of aspects when a class is loaded...


The Apache Commons CLI library provides an API for parsing command line options passed to programs. It's also able to print help messages detailing the options available for a command line tool...

ASP.NET Web Pages is a page-centric lightweight development framework from Microsoft for building dynamic web sites...


Cinch may refer to an open source MVVM framework for .NET available in a WPF and Silverlight flavor or a ruby based IRC bot framework...