Programs & Examples On #Html generation

How to position the form in the center screen?

If you use NetBeans IDE right click form then

Properties ->Code -> check out Generate Center

In Java, how do I convert a byte array to a string of hex digits while keeping leading zeros?

I found Integer.toHexString to be a little slow. If you are converting many bytes, you may want to consider building an array of Strings containing "00".."FF" and use the integer as the index. I.e.

hexString.append(hexArray[0xFF & messageDigest[i]]);

This is faster and ensures the correct length. Just requires the array of strings:

String[] hexArray = {

Get all rows from SQLite

Update queueAll() method as below:

public Cursor queueAll() {

     String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + MYDATABASE_TABLE;
     Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);

     return cursor;

Update readFileFromSQLite() method as below:

public ArrayList<String> readFileFromSQLite() {

    fileName = new ArrayList<String>();

    fileSQLiteAdapter = new FileSQLiteAdapter(FileChooser.this);

    cursor = fileSQLiteAdapter.queueAll();

    if (cursor != null) {
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(FileSQLiteAdapter.KEY_CONTENT1));
            } while (cursor.moveToNext());


    return fileName;

How to support placeholder attribute in IE8 and 9

You could use this jQuery plugin:

But your link seems to be also a good solution.

Where do I get servlet-api.jar from?

You can find a recent servlet-api.jar in Tomcat 6 or 7 lib directory. If you don't have Tomcat on your machine, download the binary distribution of version 6 or 7 from

VBA: Conditional - Is Nothing

Based on your comment to Issun:

Thanks for the explanation. In my case, The object is declared and created prior to the If condition. So, How do I use If condition to check for < No Variables> ? In other words, I do not want to execute My_Object.Compute if My_Object has < No Variables>

You need to check one of the properties of the object. Without telling us what the object is, we cannot help you.

I did test several common objects and found that an instantiated Collection with no items added shows <No Variables> in the watch window. If your object is indeed a collection, you can check for the <No Variables> condition using the .Count property:

Sub TestObj()
Dim Obj As Object
    Set Obj = New Collection
    If Obj Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "Object not instantiated"
        If Obj.Count = 0 Then
            Debug.Print "<No Variables> (ie, no items added to the collection)"
            Debug.Print "Object instantiated and at least one item added"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

It is also worth noting that if you declare any object As New then the Is Nothing check becomes useless. The reason is that when you declare an object As New then it gets created automatically when it is first called, even if the first time you call it is to see if it exists!

Dim MyObject As New Collection
If MyObject Is Nothing Then  ' <--- This check always returns False

This does not seem to be the cause of your specific problem. But, since others may find this question through a Google search, I wanted to include it because it is a common beginner mistake.

Insert all values of a table into another table in SQL

From here:

INTO new_table_name [IN externaldatabase] 
FROM old_tablename

What is Domain Driven Design?

I do not want to repeat others' answers, so, in short I explain some common misunderstanding

  • It is a methodology for complicated business systems. It takes all the technical matters out when communicating with business experts
  • It provides an extensive understanding of (simplified and distilled model of) business across the whole dev team.
  • it keeps business model in sync with code model by using ubiquitous language (the language understood by the whole dev team, business experts, business analysts, ...), which is used for communication within the dev team or dev with other teams
  • It has nothing to do with Project Management. Although it can be perfectly used in project management methods like Agile.
  • You should avoid using it all across your project

    DDD stresses the need to focus the most effort on the core subdomain. The core subdomain is the area of your product that will be the difference between it being a success and it being a failure. It’s the product’s unique selling point, the reason it is being built rather than bought.

    Basically, it is because it takes too much time and effort. So, it is suggested to break down the whole domain into subdomain and just apply it in those with high business value. (ex not in generic subdomain like email, ...)

  • It is not object oriented programming. It is mostly problem solving approach and (sometimes) you do not need to use OO patterns (such as Gang of Four) in your domain models. Simply because it can not be understood by Business Experts (they do not know much about Factory, Decorator, ...). There are even some patterns in DDD (such as The Transaction Script, Table Module) which are not 100% in line with OO concepts.

How to move mouse cursor using C#?

Take a look at the Cursor.Position Property. It should get you started.

private void MoveCursor()
   // Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   // and set its clipping rectangle to the form. 

   this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
   Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - 50, Cursor.Position.Y - 50);
   Cursor.Clip = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);

How can I fix assembly version conflicts with JSON.NET after updating NuGet package references in a new ASP.NET MVC 5 project?

I found to delete this section from the project file fix the problem.

<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json">

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

With VisualStudio 2012 there is a way to handle subj without publish profiles. You can pass output folder using parameters. It works both with absolute and relative path in 'publishUrl' parameter. You can use VS100COMNTOOLS, however you need to override VisualStudioVersion to use target 'WebPublish' from %ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets. With VisualStudioVersion 10.0 this script will succeed with no outputs :)

Update: I've managed to use this method on a build server with just Windows SDK 7.1 installed (no Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 on a machine). But I had to follow these steps to make it work:

  1. Make Windows SDK 7.1 current on a machine using Simmo answer (
  2. Setting Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\10.0 to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\" (use your path as appropriate)
  3. Copying folder %ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0 from my developer machine to build server


set WORK_DIR=%~dp0
pushd %WORK_DIR%
set OUTPUTS=%WORK_DIR%..\Outputs
set CONFIG=%~1
if "%CONFIG%"=="" set CONFIG=Release
if %VSTOOLS%=="" set "PATH=%PATH%;%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" && goto skipvsinit
call "%VSTOOLS:~1,-1%vsvars32.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto end
msbuild.exe Project.csproj /t:WebPublish /p:Configuration=%CONFIG% /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0 /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:publishUrl=%OUTPUTS%\Project
if errorlevel 1 goto end
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%

Truncate a string straight JavaScript

Yes, substring works great:

stringTruncate('Hello world', 5); //output "Hello..."
stringTruncate('Hello world', 20);//output "Hello world"

var stringTruncate = function(str, length){
  var dots = str.length > length ? '...' : '';
  return str.substring(0, length)+dots;

How can I convert an Int to a CString?

If you want something more similar to your example try _itot_s. On Microsoft compilers _itot_s points to _itoa_s or _itow_s depending on your Unicode setting:

CString str;
_itot_s( 15, str.GetBufferSetLength( 40 ), 40, 10 );

it should be slightly faster since it doesn't need to parse an input format.

Why is Visual Studio 2010 not able to find/open PDB files?

For VS2013 users who find themselves here as I did:

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols

You'll see that the Cache symbols in this directory: field is empty; you can either browse/enter the path yourself or just go ahead and click the Load all symbols button. An alert window will appear saying "Since you haven't selected a symbol-cache directory the default will be used". You'll now see C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\SymbolCache in the previously empty path-field. Click Load all symbols a second time and you should be set. Hit ok, and just for the sake of diligence, clean and rebuild your solution.

How to check if a file exists in the Documents directory in Swift?

Nowadays (2016) Apple recommends more and more to use the URL related API of NSURL, NSFileManager etc.

To get the documents directory in iOS and Swift 2 use

let documentDirectoryURL = try! NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, 
                                 inDomain: .UserDomainMask, 
                        appropriateForURL: nil, 
                                   create: true)

The try! is safe in this case because this standard directory is guaranteed to exist.

Then append the appropriate path component for example an sqlite file

let databaseURL = documentDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("MyDataBase.sqlite")

Now check if the file exists with checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError of NSURL.

let fileExists = databaseURL.checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError(nil)

If you need the error pass the NSError pointer to the parameter.

var error : NSError?
let fileExists = databaseURL.checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError(&error)
if !fileExists { print(error) }

Swift 3+:

let documentDirectoryURL = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, 
                                in: .userDomainMask, 
                    appropriateFor: nil, 
                            create: true)

let databaseURL = documentDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("MyDataBase.sqlite")

checkResourceIsReachable is marked as can throw

do {
    let fileExists = try databaseURL.checkResourceIsReachable()
    // handle the boolean result
} catch let error as NSError {

To consider only the boolean return value and ignore the error use the nil-coalescing operator

let fileExists = (try? databaseURL.checkResourceIsReachable()) ?? false

PHP "php://input" vs $_POST

Simple example of how to use it

     if(!isset($_POST) || empty($_POST)) { 
        <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> 
          <input type="text" name="textfield"><br /> 
          <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="submit"> 
        } else { 
        $example = file_get_contents("php://input");
        echo $example;  }  

Installing jQuery?

There are two ways to load jQuery in your application:

1) Add jQuery from your own site.

For this, you need to add jQuery reference in <Head> section of your page with correct src path:

<script src="script/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

But this create an additional load to your server for download a file to client

2) ther other way to load jQuery from any other server like Google, Microsoft or jQuery itself.

As stated here:

it provides several advantages.

  1. You always use the latest jQuery framework.
  2. It reduces the load from your server.
  3. It saves bandwidth. jQuery framework will load faster from these CDN.
  4. The most important benefit is it will be cached, if the user has visited any site which is using jQuery framework from any of these CDN.

Here is the link by which you can load jQuery from Microsoft. Follow this url, it may be helpful.

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java

12 to 24 hour time conversion and can be reversed if change time formate in output and input SimpleDateFormat class parameter

Test Data Input:

String input = "07:05:45PM"; timeCoversion12to24(input);



 public static String timeCoversion12to24(String twelveHoursTime) throws ParseException {

        //Date/time pattern of input date (12 Hours format - hh used for 12 hours)
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ssaa");

        //Date/time pattern of desired output date (24 Hours format HH - Used for 24 hours)
        DateFormat outputformat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
        Date date = null;
        String output = null;

        //Returns Date object
        date = df.parse(twelveHoursTime);

        //old date format to new date format
        output = outputformat.format(date);

        return output;

Authentication failed for

I suddenly started receiving this error when attempting to push changes from VS2017 to a VSTS Git repository. This functionality had worked the day before.

I checked my git.log file and saw a different exception :-

19:43:57.116665 ...zureAuthority.cs:184 trace: [ValidateCredentials] server returned: 'Unable to connect to the remote server.

I downloaded the latest Git CredentialManager source from Gits Credential Manager repo and debugged it.

Once authenticated, the following exception occurred :-

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I then realised that I had recently setup Fiddler to act as a proxy for all services as per the article

Once I ran Fiddler, I was able to successfully connect.

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

I agree that it isn't sufficient to Select *, if that one you don't need, as mentioned elsewhere, is a BLOB, you don't want to have that overhead creep in.

I would create a view with the required data, then you can Select * in comfort --if the database software supports them. Else, put the huge data in another table.

ggplot with 2 y axes on each side and different scales

I acknowledge and agree with hadley (and others), that separate y-scales are "fundamentally flawed". Having said that – I often wish ggplot2 had the feature – particularly, when the data is in wide-format and I quickly want to visualise or check the data (i.e. for personal use only).

While the tidyverse library makes it fairly easy to convert the data to long-format (such that facet_grid() will work), the process is still not trivial, as seen below:

df.wide %>%
    # Select only the columns you need for the plot.
    select(date, column1, column2, column3) %>%
    # Create an id column – needed in the `gather()` function.
    mutate(id = n()) %>%
    # The `gather()` function converts to long-format. 
    # In which the `type` column will contain three factors (column1, column2, column3),
    # and the `value` column will contain the respective values.
    # All the while we retain the `id` and `date` columns.
    gather(type, value, -id, -date) %>%
    # Create the plot according to your specifications
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value)) +
        geom_line() +
        # Create a panel for each `type` (ie. column1, column2, column3).
        # If the types have different scales, you can use the `scales="free"` option.
        facet_grid(type~., scales = "free")

How do I setup the InternetExplorerDriver so it works

Another way to resolve this problem is:

Let's assume:

path_to_driver_directory = C:\Work\drivers\

driver = IEDriverServer.exe

When getting messsage about path you can always add path_to_driver_directory containing driver to the PATH environment variable. Check:

Then simply check in cmd window if driver is available - just run cmd in any location and type name of driver.

If everything works fine then you get:

Started InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)
Listening on port 5555

Thats it.

how to avoid extra blank page at end while printing?

Chrome seems to have a bug where in certain situations, hiding elements post-load with display:none, leaves a lot of extra space behind. I would guess they are calculating document height before the document is done rendering. Chrome also fires 2 media change events, and doesn't support onbeforeprint, etc. They are basically being the ie of printing. Here's my workaround:

@media print {
    body {
        display: none;

body.printing {
    display: block;

You give body class="printing" on doc ready, and that enables the print styles. This system allows for modularization of print styles, and in-browser print preview.

Oracle JDBC intermittent Connection Issue

There is a solution provided to this problem in some of the OTN forums ( But, the root cause of the problem is not explained. Following is my attempt to explain the root cause of the problem.

The Oracle JDBC drivers communicate with the Oracle server in a secure way. The drivers use the class to gather entropy for securing the communication. This class relies on the native platform support for gathering the entropy.

Entropy is the randomness collected/generated by an operating system or application for use in cryptography or other uses that require random data. This randomness is often collected from hardware sources, either from the hardware noises, audio data, mouse movements or specially provided randomness generators. The kernel gathers the entropy and stores it is an entropy pool and makes the random character data available to the operating system processes or applications through the special files /dev/random and /dev/urandom.

Reading from /dev/random drains the entropy pool with requested amount of bits/bytes, providing a high degree of randomness often desired in cryptographic operations. In case, if the entropy pool is completely drained and sufficient entropy is not available, the read operation on /dev/random blocks until additional entropy is gathered. Due to this, applications reading from /dev/random may block for some random period of time.

In contrast to the above, reading from the /dev/urandom does not block. Reading from /dev/urandom, too, drains the entropy pool but when short of sufficient entropy, it does not block but reuses the bits from the partially read random data. This is said to be susceptible to cryptanalytical attacks. This is a theorotical possibility and hence it is discouraged to read from /dev/urandom to gather randomness in cryptographic operations.

The class, by default, reads from the /dev/random file and hence sometimes blocks for random period of time. Now, if the read operation does not return for a required amount of time, the Oracle server times out the client (the jdbc drivers, in this case) and drops the communication by closing the socket from its end. The client when tries to resume the communication after returning from the blocking call encounters the IO exception. This problem may occur randomly on any platform, especially, where the entropy is gathered from hardware noises.

As suggested in the OTN forum, the solution to this problem is to override the default behaviour of class to use the non-blocking read from /dev/urandom instead of the blocking read from /dev/random. This can be done by adding the following system property to the JVM. Though this is a good solution for the applications like the JDBC drivers, it is discouraged for applications that perform core cryptographic operations like crytographic key generation.

Other solutions could be to use different random seeder implementations available for the platform that do not rely on hardware noises for gathering entropy. With this, you may still require to override the default behaviour of

Increasing the socket timeout on the Oracle server side can also be a solution but the side effects should be assessed from the server point of view before attempting this.

How to insert data using wpdb

Just use wpdb->insert(tablename, coloumn, format) and wp will prepare that's query

global $wpdb;
$wpdb->insert("wp_submitted_form", array(
   "name" => $name,
   "email" => $email,
   "phone" => $phone,
   "country" => $country,
   "course" => $course,
   "message" => $message,
   "datesent" => $now ,

Draw in Canvas by finger, Android

In addition to Ishan's answer, if you want to draw programatically without user interaction, you can edit the class just a little like this.

public class DrawingCanvas extends View {

private Paint mPaint;
private Path mPath;
private boolean isUserInteractionEnabled = false;

public DrawingCanvas(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    mPaint = new Paint();
    mPath = new Path();

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    if (isUserInteractionEnabled) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                mPath.moveTo(event.getX(), event.getY());
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                mPath.lineTo(event.getX(), event.getY());
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:

    return true;

public void moveCursorTo(float x, float y) {
    mPath.moveTo(x, y);

public void makeLine(float toX, float toY) {
    mPath.lineTo(toX, toY);

public void setUserInteractionEnabled(boolean userInteractionEnabled) {
    isUserInteractionEnabled = userInteractionEnabled;

And then use it like

drawingCanvas.setUserInteractionEnabled(true) // to enable user interaction
drawingCanvas.setUserInteractionEnabled(true) // to disable user interaction

To Draw programatically

drawingCanvas.moveCursorTo(70f, 70f) // Move the cursor (Define starting point)
drawingCanvas.makeLine(200f, 200f) // End point (To where you need to draw)

Creating a simple login form

Check it - You can try this code for your login form design as you ask thank you.

Explain css -

First, we define property font style and width And after that I have defined form id to set background image and the border And after that I have to define the header text in tag and after that I have added new and define by.New to set background properties and width. Thanks

Create a file index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
      <div id="login_form">
         <div class="new"><span>enter login details</span></div>
         <!-- This is your header text-->
         <form name="f1" method="post" action="login.php" id="f1">
                  <td class="f1_label">User Name :</td>
                  <!-- This is your first Input Box Label-->
                     <input type="text" name="username" value="" /><!-- This is your first Input Box-->
                  <td class="f1_label">Password  :</td>
                  <!-- This is your Second Input Box Label-->
                     <input type="password" name="password" value=""  /><!-- This is your Second Input Box -->
                     <input type="submit" name="login" value="Log In" style="font-size:18px; " /><!-- This is your submit button -->

Create css file style.css

body {
    font-style: italic;
    width: 50%;
    margin: 0px auto;

#login_form {}

#f1 {
    background-color: #FFF;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
    padding: 23px 1px 20px 114px;

.f1_label {
    white-space: nowrap;

span {
    color: white;

.new {
    background: black;
    text-align: center;

Decoding UTF-8 strings in Python

It's an encoding error - so if it's a unicode string, this ought to fix it:


If it's a plain string, you'll need an extra step:


Both of these will give you a unicode string.

By the way - to discover how a piece of text like this has been mangled due to encoding issues, you can use chardet:

>>> import chardet
>>> chardet.detect(u"And the Hip’s coming, too")
{'confidence': 0.5, 'encoding': 'windows-1252'}

What is "406-Not Acceptable Response" in HTTP?

You can also receive a 406 response when invalid cookies are stored or referenced in the browser - for example, when running a Rails server in Dev mode locally.

If you happened to run two different projects on the same port, the browser might reference a cookie from a different localhost session.

This has happened to me...tripped me up for a minute. Looking in browser > Developer Mode > Network showed it.

Select info from table where row has max date

SELECT group,MAX(date) as max_date
FROM table
WHERE checks>0
GROUP BY group

That works to get the max date..join it back to your data to get the other columns:

Select group,max_date,checks
from table t
inner join 
(SELECT group,MAX(date) as max_date
FROM table
WHERE checks>0
GROUP BY group)a
on = and a.max_date = date

Inner join functions as the filter to get the max record only.

FYI, your column names are horrid, don't use reserved words for columns (group, date, table).

Laravel PHP Command Not Found

type on terminal:

nano ~/.bash_profile 

then paste:

export PATH="/Users/yourusername/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"

then save (press ctrl+c, press Y, press enter)

now you are ready to use "laravel" on your terminal

SSH Port forwarding in a ~/.ssh/config file?

You can use the LocalForward directive in your host yam section of ~/.ssh/config:

LocalForward 5901

What is the difference between HTTP status code 200 (cache) vs status code 304?

For your last question, why ? I'll try to explain with what I know

A brief explanation of those three status codes in layman's terms.

  • 200 - success (browser requests and get file from server)

If caching is enabled in the server

  • 200 (from memory cache) - file found in browser, so browser is not going request from server
  • 304 - browser request a file but it is rejected by server

For some files browser is deciding to request from server and for some it's deciding to read from stored (cached) files. Why is this ? Every files has an expiry date, so

If a file is not expired then the browser will use from cache (200 cache).

If file is expired, browser requests server for a file. Server check file in both places (browser and server). If same file found, server refuses the request. As per protocol browser uses existing file.

look at this nginx configuration

location / {
    add_header Cache-Control must-revalidate;
    expires     60;
    etag on;


Here the expiry is set to 60 seconds, so all static files are cached for 60 seconds. So if u request a file again within 60 seconds browser will read from memory (200 memory). If u request after 60 seconds browser will request server (304).

I assumed that the file is not changed after 60 seconds, in that case you would get 200 (ie, updated file will be fetched from server).

So, if the servers are configured with different expiring and caching headers (policies), the status may differ.

In your case you are using cdn, the main purpose of cdn is high availability and fast delivery. Therefore they use multiple servers. Even though it seems like files are in same directory, cdn might use multiple servers to provide u content, if those servers have different configurations. Then these status can change. Hope it helps.

XAMPP permissions on Mac OS X?

Make sure the XAMPP app is running then:

  1. Under General Tab, in XAMPP app, click Open Terminal
  2. A terminal will be launched with something like, root@debian:~#, on the terminal shell
  3. on that terminal shell, type, chmod -R 0777 /opt/lampp/htdocs/ and enter
  4. Exit, the terminal and you be good to go

Convert HTML to NSAttributedString in iOS

Swift 3.0 Xcode 8 Version

func htmlAttributedString() -> NSAttributedString? {
    guard let data = String.Encoding.utf16, allowLossyConversion: false) else { return nil }
    guard let html = try? NSMutableAttributedString(data: data, options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType], documentAttributes: nil) else { return nil }
    return html

MySQL joins and COUNT(*) from another table

       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM group_members
        WHERE member_id = AS memberCount
FROM groups

What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

  1. What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

The connection timeout is the timeout in making the initial connection; i.e. completing the TCP connection handshake. The read timeout is the timeout on waiting to read data1. If the server (or network) fails to deliver any data <timeout> seconds after the client makes a socket read call, a read timeout error will be raised.

  1. What does connection timeout set to "infinity" mean? In what situation can it remain in an infinitive loop? and what can trigger that the infinity-loop dies?

It means that the connection attempt can potentially block for ever. There is no infinite loop, but the attempt to connect can be unblocked by another thread closing the socket. (A Thread.interrupt() call may also do the trick ... not sure.)

  1. What does read timeout set to "infinity" mean? In what situation can it remain in an infinite loop? What can trigger that the infinite loop to end?

It means that a call to read on the socket stream may block for ever. Once again there is no infinite loop, but the read can be unblocked by a Thread.interrupt() call, closing the socket, and (of course) the other end sending data or closing the connection.

1 - It is not ... as one commenter thought ... the timeout on how long a socket can be open, or idle.

'cannot open git-upload-pack' error in Eclipse when cloning or pushing git repository

i've had the same issue on Spring Tool Suite (STS) and turns out, all i had to do was update my proxy settings in STS network config.

window > preferences > General > Network Connections and on the dropdown select "Manual" from "Native".

Here, just add your proxy url, port and your credentials for http and https by clicking on edit. Apply and close.

Hope it works for you.

Preprocessing in scikit learn - single sample - Depreciation warning

I faced the same issue and got the same deprecation warning. I was using a numpy array of [23, 276] when I got the message. I tried reshaping it as per the warning and end up in nowhere. Then I select each row from the numpy array (as I was iterating over it anyway) and assigned it to a list variable. It worked then without any warning.

array = []

Then you can use the python list object (here 'array') as an input to sk-learn functions. Not the most efficient solution, but worked for me.

How to print to console when using Qt

What variables do you want to print? If you mean QStrings, those need to be converted to c-Strings. Try:

std::cout << myString.toAscii().data();

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING

Setting this attribute to ObjectMapper instance works,


How to do URL decoding in Java?

I use apache commons

String decodedUrl = new URLCodec().decode(url);

The default charset is UTF-8

How to find the array index with a value?

For objects array use map with indexOf:

var imageList = [_x000D_
   {value: 100},_x000D_
   {value: 200},_x000D_
   {value: 300},_x000D_
   {value: 400},_x000D_
   {value: 500}_x000D_
var index = (img) { return img.value; }).indexOf(200);_x000D_

In modern browsers you can use findIndex:

var imageList = [_x000D_
   {value: 100},_x000D_
   {value: 200},_x000D_
   {value: 300},_x000D_
   {value: 400},_x000D_
   {value: 500}_x000D_
var index = imageList.findIndex(img => img.value === 200);_x000D_

Its part of ES6 and supported by Chrome, FF, Safari and Edge

Set the location in iPhone Simulator

Open iOS Simulator application from Debug Menu -> Location ->

  1. None
  2. Custom Location
  3. Apple Stores ...

Mime type for WOFF fonts?

Reference for adding font mime types to .NET/IIS

via web.config

     <!-- remove first in case they are defined in IIS already, which would cause a runtime error -->
     <remove fileExtension=".woff" />
     <remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
     <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="font/woff" />
     <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="font/woff2" />

via IIS Manager

screenshot of adding woff mime types to IIS

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

If you want to compile with Visual Studio C++ instead of mingw...

  1. Run python.exe to display which version of VC++ it was compiled with (example shown below).

    It is important to use the corresponding version of the Visual C++ compiler that Python was compiled with since distilutils's get_build_version prevents mixing versions (per Piotr's warning).

    • Yellow (top) is Python 2.7, compiled with MSC v.1500 (Visual Studio C++ 2008)
    • Red (bottom) is Python 3.4.1, compiled with MSC v.1600 (Visual Studio C++ 2010)

    Example from the command line showing Python 2.7 compiled with MSC v.1500 and Python 3.4.1 compiled with MSC v.1600

  2. Use the table below[1] to match the internal VC++ version with the corresponding Visual Studio release:

    MSC v.1000 -> Visual C++ 4.x        
    MSC v.1100 -> Visual C++ 5          
    MSC v.1200 -> Visual C++ 6          
    MSC v.1300 -> Visual C++ .NET       
    MSC v.1310 -> Visual C++ .NET 2003  
    MSC v.1400 -> Visual C++ 2005  (8.0)
    MSC v.1500 -> Visual C++ 2008  (9.0)
    MSC v.1600 -> Visual C++ 2010 (10.0)
    MSC v.1700 -> Visual C++ 2012 (11.0)
    MSC v.1800 -> Visual C++ 2013 (12.0)
    MSC v.1900 -> Visual C++ 2015 (14.0)
    MSC v.1910 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.0)
    MSC v.1911 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.3)
    MSC v.1912 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.5)
    MSC v.1913 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.6)
    MSC v.1914 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.7)
    MSC v.1915 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.8)
    MSC v.1916 -> Visual C++ 2017 (15.9)   
  3. Download and install the corresponding version of Visual Studio C++ from the previous step.
    Additional notes for specific versions of VC++ are listed below.

    Notes for Visual Studio C++ 2008

    For only the 32-bit compilers, download Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express Edition.

    For the 64-bit compilers[2][3], download Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

    • Uncheck everything except Developer Tools >> Visual C++ Compilers to save time and disk space from installing SDK tools you otherwise don't need.

    Notes for Visual Studio C++ 2010

    According to Microsoft, if you installed Visual Studio 2010 SP1, it may have removed the compilers and libraries for VC++.
    If that is the case, download Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Compiler Update.

    Notes for Visual Studio C++ 2015

    If you don't need the Visual Studio IDE, download Visual Studio C++ 2015 Build Tools.

    Notes for Visual Studio C++ 2017

    If you don't need the Visual Studio IDE, download Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017.

    Suggestion: If you have both a 32- and 64-bit Python installation, you may also want to use virtualenv to create separate Python environments so you can use one or the other at a time without messing with your path to choose which Python version to use.

According to @srodriguex, you may be able to skip manually loading the batch file (Steps 4-6) by instead copying a few batch files to where Python is searching by following this answer. If that doesn't work, here are the following steps that originally worked for me.

  1. Open up a cmd.exe

  2. Before you try installing something which requires C extensions, run the following batch file to load the VC++ compiler's environment into the session (i.e. environment variables, the path to the compiler, etc).


    • 32-bit Compilers:

      Note: 32-bit Windows installs will only have C:\Program Files\ as expected

      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"

    • 64-bit Compilers:

      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars64.bat"

      Note: Yes, the native 64-bit compilers are in Program Files (x86). Don't ask me why.
      Additionally, if you are wondering what the difference between vcvars64.bat and vcvarsx86_amd64.bat or more importantly the difference between amd64 and x86_amd64, the former are for the native 64-bit compiler tools and the latter are the 64-bit cross compilers that can run on a 32-bit Windows installation.

    If for some reason you are getting error: ... was unexpected at this time. where the ... is some series of characters, then you need to check that you path variable does not have any extraneous characters like extra quotations or stray characters. The batch file is not going to be able to update your session path if it can't make sense of it in the first place.

  3. If that went well, you should get one of the following messages depending on which version of VC++ and which command you ran:

    For the 32-bit compiler tools:
    Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx x86 tools.

    For the 64-bit compiler tools:
    Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx x64 tools.

  4. Now, run the setup via python install or pip install pkg-name

  5. Hope and cross your fingers that the planets are aligned correctly for VC++ to cooperate.

ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View

I actually use notifyDataSetChanged() on ViewPager and CirclePageIndicator and after that I call destroyDrawingCache() on ViewPager and it works.. None of the other solutions worked for me.

Daemon Threads Explanation

Chris already explained what daemon threads are, so let's talk about practical usage. Many thread pool implementations use daemon threads for task workers. Workers are threads which execute tasks from task queue.

Worker needs to keep waiting for tasks in task queue indefinitely as they don't know when new task will appear. Thread which assigns tasks (say main thread) only knows when tasks are over. Main thread waits on task queue to get empty and then exits. If workers are user threads i.e. non-daemon, program won't terminate. It will keep waiting for these indefinitely running workers, even though workers aren't doing anything useful. Mark workers daemon threads, and main thread will take care of killing them as soon as it's done handling tasks.

Write bytes to file

If I understand you correctly, this should do the trick. You'll need add using System.IO at the top of your file if you don't already have it.

public bool ByteArrayToFile(string fileName, byte[] byteArray)
        using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            fs.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
            return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception caught in process: {0}", ex);
        return false;

How can I convert the "arguments" object to an array in JavaScript?

 function x(){
   var rest = [...arguments]; console.log(rest);return     

I tried simple destructing technique

How do I disable TextBox using JavaScript?

With the help of jquery it can be done as follows.

$("#color").prop('disabled', true);

How to rearrange Pandas column sequence?

You could also do something like this:

df = df[['x', 'y', 'a', 'b']]

You can get the list of columns with:

cols = list(df.columns.values)

The output will produce something like this:

['a', 'b', 'x', 'y']

...which is then easy to rearrange manually before dropping it into the first function

How to use mod operator in bash?

You must put your mathematical expressions inside $(( )).


for i in {1..600}; do wget$(($i % 5)); done;

Multiple lines:

for i in {1..600}; do
    wget$(($i % 5))

EXCEL VBA, inserting blank row and shifting cells

If you want to just shift everything down you can use:

Rows(1).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown

Similarly to shift everything over:

Columns(1).Insert shift:=xlShiftRight

How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP


//PHP 5.3

function searchNestedArray(array $array, $search, $mode = 'value') {

    foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($array)) as $key => $value) {
        if ($search === ${${"mode"}})
            return true;
    return false;

$data = array(
    array('abc', 'ddd'),
    array('aaa', array('yyy', 'mp' => 555))

var_dump(searchNestedArray($data, 555));

How to check ASP.NET Version loaded on a system?

Here is some code that will return the installed .NET details:

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System.IO" %>
Dim cmnNETver, cmnNETdiv, aspNETver, aspNETdiv As Object
Dim winOSver, cmnNETfix, aspNETfil(2), aspNETtxt(2), aspNETpth(2), aspNETfix(2) As String

winOSver = Environment.OSVersion.ToString
cmnNETver = Environment.Version.ToString
cmnNETdiv = cmnNETver.Split(".")
cmnNETfix = "v" & cmnNETdiv(0) & "." & cmnNETdiv(1) & "." & cmnNETdiv(2)

For filndx As Integer = 0 To 2
  aspNETfil(0) = "ngen.exe"
  aspNETfil(1) = "clr.dll"
  aspNETfil(2) = "KernelBase.dll"

  If filndx = 2   
    aspNETpth(filndx) = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), aspNETfil(filndx))
    aspNETpth(filndx) = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows), "Microsoft.NET\Framework64", cmnNETfix, aspNETfil(filndx))
  End If

  If File.Exists(aspNETpth(filndx)) Then
    aspNETver = Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(aspNETpth(filndx))
    aspNETtxt(filndx) = aspNETver.FileVersion.ToString
    aspNETdiv = aspNETtxt(filndx).Split(" ")
    aspNETfix(filndx) = aspNETdiv(0)
    aspNETfix(filndx) = "Path not found... No version found..."
  End If

Response.Write("Common MS.NET Version (raw): " & cmnNETver & "<br>")
Response.Write("Common MS.NET path: " & cmnNETfix & "<br>")
Response.Write("Microsoft.NET full path: " & aspNETpth(0) & "<br>")
Response.Write("Microsoft.NET Version (raw): " & aspNETtxt(0) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<b>Microsoft.NET Version: " & aspNETfix(0) & "</b><br>")
Response.Write("ASP.NET full path: " & aspNETpth(1) & "<br>")
Response.Write("ASP.NET Version (raw): " & aspNETtxt(1) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<b>ASP.NET Version: " & aspNETfix(1) & "</b><br>")
Response.Write("OS Version (system): " & winOSver & "<br>")
Response.Write("OS Version full path: " & aspNETpth(2) & "<br>")
Response.Write("OS Version (raw): " & aspNETtxt(2) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<b>OS Version: " & aspNETfix(2) & "</b><br>")

Here is the new output, cleaner code, more output:

Common MS.NET Version (raw): 4.0.30319.42000
Common MS.NET path: v4.0.30319
Microsoft.NET full path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe
Microsoft.NET Version (raw): 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2
Microsoft.NET Version: 4.6.1586.0
ASP.NET full path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll
ASP.NET Version (raw): 4.7.2110.0 built by: NET47REL1LAST
ASP.NET Version: 4.7.2110.0
OS Version (system): Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
OS Version full path: C:\Windows\system32\KernelBase.dll
OS Version (raw): 10.0.14393.1715 (rs1_release_inmarket.170906-1810)
OS Version: 10.0.14393.1715

How Exactly Does @param Work - Java

@param is a special format comment used by javadoc to generate documentation. it is used to denote a description of the parameter (or parameters) a method can receive. there's also @return and @see used to describe return values and related information, respectively:

has, among other things, this:

 * Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen. 
 * The url argument must specify an absolute {@link URL}. The name
 * argument is a specifier that is relative to the url argument. 
 * <p>
 * This method always returns immediately, whether or not the 
 * image exists. When this applet attempts to draw the image on
 * the screen, the data will be loaded. The graphics primitives 
 * that draw the image will incrementally paint on the screen. 
 * @param  url  an absolute URL giving the base location of the image
 * @param  name the location of the image, relative to the url argument
 * @return      the image at the specified URL
 * @see         Image
 public Image getImage(URL url, String name) {

Moment.js get day name from date


var mydate = "2017-06-28T00:00:00";
var weekDayName =  moment(mydate).format('dddd');

mydate is the input date. The variable weekDayName get the name of the day. Here the output is



var mydate = "2017-08-30T00:00:00";_x000D_
console.log('Day in number[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]: '+moment(mydate).format('d'));_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(android.view.View$OnClickListener)' on a null object reference

Make sure that while using : Button "varName" =findViewById("btID"); you put in the right "btID". I accidentally put in the id of a button from another similar activity and it showed the same error. Hope it helps.

HttpWebRequest-The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request

Are you sure you should be using POST not PUT?

POST is usually used with application/x-www-urlencoded formats. If you are using a REST API, you should maybe be using PUT? If you are uploading a file you probably need to use multipart/form-data. Not always, but usually, that is the right thing to do..

Also you don't seem to be using the credentials to log in - you need to use the Credentials property of the HttpWebRequest object to send the username and password.

Fastest way to update 120 Million records

In general, recommendation are next:

  1. Remove or just Disable all INDEXES, TRIGGERS, CONSTRAINTS on the table;
  2. Perform COMMIT more often (e.g. after each 1000 records that were updated);
  3. Use select ... into.

But in particular case you should choose the most appropriate solution or their combination.

Also bear in mind that sometime index could be useful e.g. when you perform update of non-indexed column by some condition.

How to change my Git username in terminal?

usually the user name resides under git config

git config --global "first last"

although if you still see above doesn't work you could edit .gitconfig under your user directory of mac and update

        name = gitusername
        email = [email protected]

How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?

You can use the ESCAPE keyword with LIKE. Simply prepend the desired character (e.g. '!') to each of the existing % signs in the string and then add ESCAPE '!' (or your character of choice) to the end of the query.

For example:

FROM prices
WHERE discount LIKE '%80!% off%'

This will make the database treat 80% as an actual part of the string to search for and not 80(wildcard).

MSDN Docs for LIKE

Java Serializable Object to Byte Array

code example with java 8+:

public class Person implements Serializable {

private String lastName;
private String firstName;

public Person() {

public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;

public String getFirstName() {
    return firstName;

public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;

public void setLastName(String lastName) {
    this.lastName = lastName;

public String toString() {
    return "firstName: " + firstName + ", lastName: " + lastName;

public interface PersonMarshaller {
default Person fromStream(InputStream inputStream) {
    try (ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) {
        Person person= (Person) objectInputStream.readObject();
        return person;
    } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
        return null;

default OutputStream toStream(Person person) {
    try (OutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
        ObjectOutput objectOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
        return outputStream;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;



How to center the text in a JLabel?

String text = "In early March, the city of Topeka, Kansas," + "<br>" +
              "temporarily changed its name to Google..." + "<br>" + "<br>" +
              " an attempt to capture a spot" + "<br>" +
              "in Google's new broadband/fiber-optics project." + "<br>" + "<br>" +"<br>" +
JLabel label = new JLabel("<html><div style='text-align: center;'>" + text + "</div></html>");

How do I set a textbox's text to bold at run time?

Depending on your application, you'll probably want to use that Font assignment either on text change or focus/unfocus of the textbox in question.

Here's a quick sample of what it could look like (empty form, with just a textbox. Font turns bold when the text reads 'bold', case-insensitive):

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void RegisterEvents()
        _tboTest.TextChanged += new EventHandler(TboTest_TextChanged);

    private void TboTest_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Change the text to bold on specified condition
        if (_tboTest.Text.Equals("Bold", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            _tboTest.Font = new Font(_tboTest.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
            _tboTest.Font = new Font(_tboTest.Font, FontStyle.Regular);

Execute cmd command from VBScript

Can also invoke oShell.Exec in order to be able to read STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR responses. Perfect for error checking which it seems you're doing with your sanity .BAT.

How do you decrease navbar height in Bootstrap 3?

Instead of <nav class="navbar ... use <nav class="navbar navbar-xs...

and add these 3 line of css

.navbar-xs { min-height:28px; height: 28px; }
.navbar-xs .navbar-brand{ padding: 0px 12px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 28px; }
.navbar-xs .navbar-nav > li > a {  padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; line-height: 28px; }

Output :

enter image description here

Hash function for a string

Use boost::hash

#include <boost\functional\hash.hpp>


std::string a = "ABCDE";
size_t b = boost::hash_value(a);

TortoiseGit save user authentication / credentials

[open git settings (TortoiseGit ? Settings ? Git)][1]

[In GIt: click to edit global .gitconfig][2]

config username and password

What does ||= (or-equals) mean in Ruby?

a ||= b

Signifies if any value is present in 'a' and you dont want to alter it the keep using that value, else if 'a' doesnt have any value, use value of 'b'.

Simple words, if left hand side if not null, point to existing value, else point to value at right side.

Replace all spaces in a string with '+'

You can also do it like:

str = str.replace(/\s/g, "+");

Have a look at this fiddle.

c# regex matches example

So you're trying to grab numeric values that are preceded by the token "%download%#"?

Try this pattern:


That should work. I don't think # or % are special characters in .NET Regex, but you'll have to either escape the backslash like \\ or use a verbatim string for the whole pattern:

var regex = new Regex(@"(?<=%download%#)\d+");
return regex.Matches(strInput);

Tested here:

NOTE: The lookbehind assertion (?<=...) is important because you don't want to include %download%# in your results, only the numbers after it. However, your example appears to require it before each string you want to capture. The lookbehind group will make sure it's there in the input string, but won't include it in the returned results. More on lookaround assertions here.

How to apply a patch generated with git format-patch?

First you should take a note about difference between git am and git apply

When you are using git am you usually wanna to apply many patches. Thus should use:

git am *.patch

or just:

git am

Git will find patches automatically and apply them in order ;-)

Here you can find how to generate such patches

show loading icon until the page is load?

HTML page

<div id="overlay">
<img src="<?php echo base_url()?>assest/website/images/loading1.gif" alt="Loading" />



how to merge 200 csv files in Python

Over the solution that made @Adders and later on improved by @varun, I implemented some little improvement too leave the whole merged CSV with only the main header:

from glob import glob

filename = 'main.csv'

with open(filename, 'a') as singleFile:
    first_csv = True
    for csv in glob('*.csv'):
        if csv == filename:
            header = True
            for line in open(csv, 'r'):
                if first_csv and header:
                    first_csv = False
                    header = False
                elif header:
                    header = False

Best regards!!!

How to replace item in array?

Here is the basic answer made into a reusable function:

function arrayFindReplace(array, findValue, replaceValue){
    while(array.indexOf(findValue) !== -1){
        let index = array.indexOf(findValue);
        array[index] = replaceValue;

Configuring diff tool with .gitconfig

Refer to Microsoft vscode-tips-and-tricks. Just run these commands in your terminal:

git config --global merge.tool code

But firstly you need add code command to your PATH. enter image description here

How to run server written in js with Node.js

Just try

node server

from cmd prompt in that directory

How to add (vertical) divider to a horizontal LinearLayout?

Your divider may not be showing due to too large dividerPadding. You set 22dip, that means the divider is truncated by 22dip from top and by 22dip from bottom. If your layout height is less than or equal 44dip then no divider is visible.

What's the algorithm to calculate aspect ratio?

Im assuming your talking about video here, in which case you may also need to worry about pixel aspect ratio of the source video. For example.

PAL DV comes in a resolution of 720x576. Which would look like its 4:3. Now depending on the Pixel aspect ratio (PAR) the screen ratio can be either 4:3 or 16:9.

For more info have a look here

You can get Square pixel Aspect Ratio, and a lot of web video is that, but you may want to watch out of the other cases.

Hope this helps


How to change already compiled .class file without decompile?

Use a bytecode editor, like:

Be careful because you need a very good knowledge of the Java bytecode.

You can also change the class at runtime with bytecode weaving (like AspectJ).

How do I remove a substring from the end of a string in Python?

This is a perfect use for regular expressions:

>>> import re
>>> re.match(r"(.*)\.com", "").group(1)

Convert String into a Class Object


How to get the path of src/test/resources directory in JUnit?

With Spring, you can use this:


// Don't worry when use a not existed directory or a empty directory
// It can be used in @before
String dir = new ClassPathResource(".").getFile().getAbsolutePath()+"/"+"Your Path";

Examples of Algorithms which has O(1), O(n log n) and O(log n) complexities

O(1) - Deleting an element from a doubly linked list. e.g.

typedef struct _node {
    struct _node *next;
    struct _node *prev;
    int data;
} node;

void delete(node **head, node *to_delete)

Ansible: create a user with sudo privileges

To create a user with sudo privileges is to put the user into /etc/sudoers, or make the user a member of a group specified in /etc/sudoers. And to make it password-less is to additionally specify NOPASSWD in /etc/sudoers.

Example of /etc/sudoers:

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL

## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       ALL

## Same thing without a password
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

And instead of fiddling with /etc/sudoers file, we can create a new file in /etc/sudoers.d/ directory since this directory is included by /etc/sudoers by default, which avoids the possibility of breaking existing sudoers file, and also eliminates the dependency on the content inside of /etc/sudoers.

To achieve above in Ansible, refer to the following:

- name: sudo without password for wheel group
    content: '%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
    dest: /etc/sudoers.d/wheel_nopasswd
    mode: 0440

You may replace %wheel with other group names like %sudoers or other user names like deployer.

Sort collection by multiple fields in Kotlin

Use sortedWith to sort a list with Comparator.

You can then construct a comparator using several ways:

  • compareBy, thenBy construct the comparator in a chain of calls:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy<Person> { it.age }.thenBy { }.thenBy { it.address })
  • compareBy has an overload which takes multiple functions:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.age }, { }, { it.address }))

Get OS-level system information

Hey you can do this with java/com integration. By accessing WMI features you can get all the information.

What are some reasons for jquery .focus() not working?

The problem in my case was that I entered a value IN THE LAST NOT DISABLED ELEMENT of the site and used tab to raise the onChange-Event. After that there is no next element to get the focus, so the "browser"-Focus switches to the browser-functionality (tabs, menu, and so on) and is not any longer inside the html-content.

To understand that, place a displayed, not disabled dummy-textbox at the end of your html-code. In that you can "park" the focus for later replacing. Should work. In my case. All other tries didnt work, also the setTimeout-Version.

Checked this out for about an hour, because it made me insane :)


How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

The problem with the currently selected answer is that you're not actually creating a new instance of the custom plugin for every element in the selector like you think you're doing... you're actually only creating a single instance and passing in the selector itself as the scope.

View this fiddle for a deeper explanation.

Instead, you'll need to loop through the selector using jQuery.each and instantiate a new instance of the custom plugin for every element in the selector.

Here's how:

(function($) {

    var CustomPlugin = function($el, options) {

        this._defaults = {
            randomizer: Math.random()

        this._options = $.extend(true, {}, this._defaults, options);

        this.options = function(options) {
            return (options) ?
                $.extend(true, this._options, options) :

        this.move = function() {
            $el.css('margin-left', this._options.randomizer * 100);


    $.fn.customPlugin = function(methodOrOptions) {

        var method = (typeof methodOrOptions === 'string') ? methodOrOptions : undefined;

        if (method) {
            var customPlugins = [];

            function getCustomPlugin() {
                var $el          = $(this);
                var customPlugin = $'customPlugin');



            var args    = (arguments.length > 1) ?, 1) : undefined;
            var results = [];

            function applyMethod(index) {
                var customPlugin = customPlugins[index];

                if (!customPlugin) {
                    console.warn('$.customPlugin not instantiated yet');

                if (typeof customPlugin[method] === 'function') {
                    var result = customPlugin[method].apply(customPlugin, args);
                } else {
                    console.warn('Method \'' + method + '\' not defined in $.customPlugin');


            return (results.length > 1) ? results : results[0];
        } else {
            var options = (typeof methodOrOptions === 'object') ? methodOrOptions : undefined;

            function init() {
                var $el          = $(this);
                var customPlugin = new CustomPlugin($el, options);

                $'customPlugin', customPlugin);

            return this.each(init);



And a working fiddle.

You'll notice how in the first fiddle, all divs are always moved to the right the exact same number of pixels. That is because only one options object exists for all elements in the selector.

Using the technique written above, you'll notice that in the second fiddle, each div is not aligned and is randomly moved (excluding the first div as it's randomizer is always set to 1 on line 89). That is because we are now properly instantiating a new custom plugin instance for every element in the selector. Every element has its own options object and is not saved in the selector, but in the instance of the custom plugin itself.

This means that you'll be able to access the methods of the custom plugin instantiated on a specific element in the DOM from new jQuery selectors and aren't forced to cache them, as you would be in the first fiddle.

For example, this would return an array of all options objects using the technique in the second fiddle. It would return undefined in the first.

$('div').customPlugin('options'); // would return an array of all options objects

This is how you would have to access the options object in the first fiddle, and would only return a single object, not an array of them:

var divs = $('div').customPlugin();
divs.customPlugin('options'); // would return a single options object

// would return undefined, since it's not a cached selector

I'd suggest using the technique above, not the one from the currently selected answer.

Showing line numbers in IPython/Jupyter Notebooks

To turn line numbers on by default in all cells at startup I recommend this link. I quote:

  1. Navigate to your jupyter config directory, which you can find by typing the following at the command line:

    jupyter --config-dir
  2. From there, open or create the custom folder.

  3. In that folder, you should find a custom.js file. If there isn’t one, you should be able to create one. Open it in a text editor and add this code:

        function(IPython, events) {
                function () {
                    IPython.Cell.options_default.cm_config.lineNumbers = true;

Disable/Enable button in Excel/VBA

I'm using excel 2010 and below VBA code worked fine for a Form Button. It removes the assigned macro from the button and assign in next command.

To disable:

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").OnAction = Empty
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").DrawingObject.Font.ColorIndex = 16

To enable:

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").OnAction = ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!Macro function Name with _Click"
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").DrawingObject.Font.ColorIndex = 1

Pls note "ActiveWorkbook.Name" stays as it is. Do not insert workbook name instead of "Name".

ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

if you got two version of python, maybe my situation could help you

this is my situation

1-> mac osx

2-> i have two version python , (1) system default version 2.7 (2) manually installed version 3.6

3-> i have install the beautifulsoup4 with sudo pip install beautifulsoup4

4-> i run the python file with python3 /XXX/XX/

so this situation 3 and 4 are the key part, i have install beautifulsoup4 with "pip" but this module was installed for python verison 2.7, and i run the python file with "python3". so you should install beautifulsoup4 for the python 3.6;

with the sudo pip3 install beautifulsoup4 you can install the module for the python 3.6

Set attribute without value

You can do it without jQuery!


document.querySelector('button').setAttribute('disabled', '');
<button>My disabled button!</button>

To set the value of a Boolean attribute, such as disabled, you can specify any value. An empty string or the name of the attribute are recommended values. All that matters is that if the attribute is present at all, regardless of its actual value, its value is considered to be true. The absence of the attribute means its value is false. By setting the value of the disabled attribute to the empty string (""), we are setting disabled to true, which results in the button being disabled.

From MDN Element.setAttribute()

How do I send a POST request with PHP?

You could use cURL:

//The url you wish to send the POST request to
$url = $file_name;

//The data you want to send via POST
$fields = [
    '__VIEWSTATE '      => $state,
    '__EVENTVALIDATION' => $valid,
    'btnSubmit'         => 'Submit'

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//So that curl_exec returns the contents of the cURL; rather than echoing it
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

How to create a css rule for all elements except one class?

Wouldn't setting a css rule for all tables, and then a subsequent one for tables where class="dojoxGrid" work? Or am I missing something?

Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

Probably you have a sub project folder within the project folder which is not configured as virtual directory. Setup the project to run in IIS.

ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher() vs ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher()

I think you will understand it through these examples below.

Source code structure:


Context is: TestApp
So the entry point: http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp

Forward to RELATIVE path:

Using servletRequest.getRequestDispatcher("sample.jsp"):

http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/subdir/fwdServlet  ==> \subdir\sample.jsp
http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/fwdServlet ==> /sample.jsp

Using servletContext.getRequestDispatcher("sample.jsp"):

http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/subdir/fwdServlet ==> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path sample.jsp does not start with a "/" character
http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/fwdServlet ==> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path sample.jsp does not start with a "/" character

Forward to ABSOLUTE path:

Using servletRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/sample.jsp"):

http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/subdir/fwdServlet  ==> /sample.jsp
http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/fwdServlet ==> /sample.jsp

Using servletContext.getRequestDispatcher("/sample.jsp"):

http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/subdir/fwdServlet ==> /sample.jsp
http://yourhostname-and-port/TestApp/fwdServlet ==> /sample.jsp

How can I see all the "special" characters permissible in a varchar or char field in SQL Server?

EDIT based on comments:

If you have line breaks in your result set and want to remove them, make your query this way:

    REPLACE(REPLACE(YourColumn1,CHAR(13),' '),CHAR(10),' ')
   ,REPLACE(REPLACE(YourColumn2,CHAR(13),' '),CHAR(10),' ')
   ,REPLACE(REPLACE(YourColumn3,CHAR(13),' '),CHAR(10),' ')
   --^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   --only add the above code to strings that are having line breaks, not to numbers or dates
   FROM YourTable...
   WHERE ...

This will replace all the line breaks with a space character.

Run this to "get" all characters permitted in a char() and varchar():

;WITH AllNumbers AS
    SELECT 1 AS Number
    SELECT Number+1
        FROM AllNumbers
        WHERE Number+1<256
SELECT Number AS ASCII_Value,CHAR(Number) AS ASCII_Char FROM AllNumbers


----------- ----------


33          !
34          "
35          #
36          $
37          %
38          &
39          '
40          (
41          )
42          *
43          +
44          ,
45          -
46          .
47          /
48          0
49          1
50          2
51          3
52          4
53          5
54          6
55          7
56          8
57          9
58          :
59          ;
60          <
61          =
62          >
63          ?
64          @
65          A
66          B
67          C
68          D
69          E
70          F
71          G
72          H
73          I
74          J
75          K
76          L
77          M
78          N
79          O
80          P
81          Q
82          R
83          S
84          T
85          U
86          V
87          W
88          X
89          Y
90          Z
91          [
92          \
93          ]
94          ^
95          _
96          `
97          a
98          b
99          c
100         d
101         e
102         f
103         g
104         h
105         i
106         j
107         k
108         l
109         m
110         n
111         o
112         p
113         q
114         r
115         s
116         t
117         u
118         v
119         w
120         x
121         y
122         z
123         {
124         |
125         }
126         ~
128         €
130         ‚
131         ƒ
132         „
133         …
134         †
135         ‡
136         ˆ
137         ‰
138         Š
139         ‹
140         Œ
142         Ž
145         ‘
146         ’
147         “
148         ”
149         •
150         –
151         —
152         ˜
153         ™
154         š
155         ›
156         œ
158         ž
159         Ÿ
161         ¡
162         ¢
163         £
164         ¤
165         ¥
166         ¦
167         §
168         ¨
169         ©
170         ª
171         «
172         ¬
173         ­
174         ®
175         ¯
176         °
177         ±
178         ²
179         ³
180         ´
181         µ
182         ¶
183         ·
184         ¸
185         ¹
186         º
187         »
188         ¼
189         ½
190         ¾
191         ¿
192         À
193         Á
194         Â
195         Ã
196         Ä
197         Å
198         Æ
199         Ç
200         È
201         É
202         Ê
203         Ë
204         Ì
205         Í
206         Î
207         Ï
208         Ð
209         Ñ
210         Ò
211         Ó
212         Ô
213         Õ
214         Ö
215         ×
216         Ø
217         Ù
218         Ú
219         Û
220         Ü
221         Ý
222         Þ
223         ß
224         à
225         á
226         â
227         ã
228         ä
229         å
230         æ
231         ç
232         è
233         é
234         ê
235         ë
236         ì
237         í
238         î
239         ï
240         ð
241         ñ
242         ò
243         ó
244         ô
245         õ
246         ö
247         ÷
248         ø
249         ù
250         ú
251         û
252         ü
253         ý
254         þ
255         ÿ

(255 row(s) affected)

How to make an "alias" for a long path?

There is a shell option cdable_vars:

If this is set, an argument to the cd builtin command that is not a directory is assumed to be the name of a variable whose value is the directory to change to.

You could add this to your .bashrc:

shopt -s cdable_vars
export myFold=$HOME/Files/Scripts/Main

Notice that I've replaced the tilde with $HOME; quotes prevent tilde expansion and Bash would complain that there is no directory ~/Files/Scripts/Main.

Now you can use this as follows:

cd myFold

No $ required. That's the whole point, actually – as shown in other answers, cd "$myFold" works without the shell option. cd myFold also works if the path in myFold contains spaces, no quoting required.

This usually even works with tab autocompletion as the _cd function in bash_completion checks if cdable_vars is set – but not every implementation does it in the same manner, so you might have to source bash_completion again in your .bashrc (or edit /etc/profile to set the shell option).

Other shells have similar options, for example Zsh (cdablevars).

How to enumerate an enum

Three ways:

  1. Enum.GetValues(type) // Since .NET 1.1, not in Silverlight or .NET Compact Framework
  2. type.GetEnumValues() // Only on .NET 4 and above
  3. type.GetFields().Where(x => x.IsLiteral).Select(x => x.GetValue(null)) // Works everywhere

I am not sure why GetEnumValues was introduced on type instances. It isn't very readable at all for me.

Having a helper class like Enum<T> is what is most readable and memorable for me:

public static class Enum<T> where T : struct, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
    public static IEnumerable<T> GetValues()
        return (T[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetNames()
        return Enum.GetNames(typeof(T));

Now you call:


// Or
Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)); // Pretty consistent style

One can also use some sort of caching if performance matters, but I don't expect this to be an issue at all.

public static class Enum<T> where T : struct, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
    // Lazily loaded
    static T[] values;
    static string[] names;

    public static IEnumerable<T> GetValues()
        return values ?? (values = (T[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)));

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetNames()
        return names ?? (names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(T)));

SQL Query for Logins

@allain, @GateKiller your query selects users not logins
To select logins you can use this query:

SELECT name FROM master..sysxlogins WHERE sid IS NOT NULL

In MSSQL2005/2008 syslogins table is used insted of sysxlogins

How to format dateTime in django template?

This is exactly what you want. Try this:

{{ wpis.entry.lastChangeDate|date:'Y-m-d H:i' }}

Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer

StringBuffer is synchronized, but StringBuilder is not. As a result, StringBuilder is faster than StringBuffer.

getting the error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ token

int main(void);

should be

int main(void)

Then I let you fix the next compilation errors of your program...

How to convert int to QString?

Yet another option is to use QTextStream and the << operator in much the same way as you would use cout in C++:

QPoint point(5,1);
QString str;
QTextStream(&str) << "Mouse click: (" << point.x() << ", " << point.y() << ").";

// Mouse click: (5, 1).

Because operator <<() has been overloaded, you can use it for multiple types, not just int. QString::arg() is overloaded, for example arg(int a1, int a2), but there is no arg(int a1, QString a2), so using QTextStream() and operator << is convenient when formatting longer strings with mixed types.

Caution: You might be tempted to use the sprintf() facility to mimic C style printf() statements, but it is recommended to use QTextStream or arg() because they support Unicode strings.

jQuery - select all text from a textarea

Better way, with solution to tab and chrome problem and new jquery way

$("#element").on("focus keyup", function(e){

        var keycode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which ? e.which : e.charCode;
        if(keycode === 9 || !keycode){
            // Hacemos select
            var $this = $(this);

            // Para Chrome's que da problema
            $this.on("mouseup", function() {
                // Unbindeamos el mouseup
                return false;

Get current value selected in dropdown using jQuery

Check it Out-->

For getting text


For getting value


HashMap with multiple values under the same key

String key= "services_servicename"

ArrayList<String> data;

for(int i = 0; i lessthen data.size(); i++) {
    HashMap<String, String> servicesNameHashmap = new HashMap<String, String>();

I have got the Best Results.

You just have to create new HashMap like

HashMap<String, String> servicesNameHashmap = new HashMap<String, String>();

in your for loop. It will have same effect like same key and multiple values.

TLS 1.2 in .NET Framework 4.0

Make the following changes in your Registry and it should work:

1.) .NET Framework strong cryptography registry keys



2.) Secure Channel (Schannel) TLS 1.2 registry keys

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server]

Run javascript script (.js file) in mongodb including another file inside js

Use Load function


You can directly call any .js file from the mongo shell, and mongo will execute the JavaScript.

Example : mongo localhost:27017/mydb myfile.js

This executes the myfile.js script in mongo shell connecting to mydb database with port 27017 in localhost.

For loading external js you can write


Suppose we have two js file myFileOne.js and myFileTwo.js


print('From file 1');
load('myFileTwo.js');     // Load other js file .


print('From file 2');


>mongo myFileOne.js


From file 1
From file 2

How to set an iframe src attribute from a variable in AngularJS

It is the $sce service that blocks URLs with external domains, it is a service that provides Strict Contextual Escaping services to AngularJS, to prevent security vulnerabilities such as XSS, clickjacking, etc. it's enabled by default in Angular 1.2.

You can disable it completely, but it's not recommended

angular.module('myAppWithSceDisabledmyApp', [])
   .config(function($sceProvider) {

for more info$sce

Changing position of the Dialog on screen android

I used this code to show the dialog at the bottom of the screen:

Dialog dlg = <code to create custom dialog>;

Window window = dlg.getWindow();
WindowManager.LayoutParams wlp = window.getAttributes();

wlp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
wlp.flags &= ~WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND;

This code also prevents android from dimming the background of the dialog, if you need it. You should be able to change the gravity parameter to move the dialog about

private void showPictureialog() {
    final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this,

    // Setting dialogview
    Window window = dialog.getWindow();

    window.setLayout(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);

you can customize you dialog based on gravity and layout parameters change gravity and layout parameter on the basis of your requirenment

How to prevent a dialog from closing when a button is clicked

To prevent Dialog box from closing when clicked and it should only close when the internet is available

I am trying to do the same thing, as I don't want the dialog box to be closed until and unless the internet is connected.

Here is my code:

AlertDialog.Builder builder=new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this); builder.setTitle("Internet Not Connected");

        Toast.makeText(this, "Connected or not", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        builder.setPositiveButton("Retry", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
        }).setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {


And here is my Connectivity manager code:

 private boolean ifConnected()
    ConnectivityManager connectivityManager= (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo networkInfo=connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
   return networkInfo!=null && networkInfo.isConnected();

How do I access my SSH public key?

If you only have your private key available, you can generate the public key from it:

ssh-keygen -y


ssh-keygen -y -f path/to/private_key

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center

yet another solution which will set a valid position for each visible modal on window.resize event and on

(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    function centerModal() {
        $(this).css('display', 'block');
        var $dialog  = $(this).find(".modal-dialog"),
            offset       = ($(window).height() - $dialog.height()) / 2,
            bottomMargin = parseInt($dialog.css('marginBottom'), 10);

        // Make sure you don't hide the top part of the modal w/ a negative margin if it's longer than the screen height, and keep the margin equal to the bottom margin of the modal
        if(offset < bottomMargin) offset = bottomMargin;
        $dialog.css("margin-top", offset);

    $(document).on('', '.modal', centerModal);
    $(window).on("resize", function () {


Is quitting an application frowned upon?

All of my applications have quit buttons... and I quite frequently get positive comments from users because of it. I don't care if the platform was designed in a fashion that applications shouldn't need them. Saying "don't put them there" is kind of ridiculous. If the user wants to quit... I provide them the access to do exactly that. I don't think it reduces how Android operates at all and seems like a good practice. I understand the life cycle... and my observation has been that Android doesn't do a good job at handling it.... and that is a basic fact.

PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?

Also if you want selected field from table and aggregated then as array .

SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('data_a',a,
))  from t;

The result will come .


Multiple select in Visual Studio?

MixEdit extension for Visual Studio allows you to do multiediting in the way you are describing. It supports multiple carets and multiple selections.

How to create a String with carriage returns?

Do this: Step 1: Your String

String str = ";;;;;;\n" +
            "Name, number, address;;;;;;\n" + 
             "01.01.12-16.02.12;;;;;;\n" + 
             ";;;;;;\n" + 

Step 2: Just replace all "\n" with "%n" the result looks like this

String str = ";;;;;;%n" +
             "Name, number, address;;;;;;%n" + 
             "01.01.12-16.02.12;;;;;;%n" + 
            ";;;;;;%n" + 

Notice I've just put "%n" in place of "\n"

Step 3: Now simply call format()


That's all you have to do.

how to call service method from ng-change of select in angularjs?

You have at least two issues in your code:

  • ng-change="getScoreData(Score)

    Angular doesn't see getScoreData method that refers to defined service

  • getScoreData: function (Score, callback)

    We don't need to use callback since GET returns promise. Use then instead.

Here is a working example (I used random address only for simulation):


<select ng-model="score"
        ng-options="score as for score in  scores"></select>


var fessmodule = angular.module('myModule', ['ngResource']);

fessmodule.controller('fessCntrl', function($scope, ScoreDataService) {

    $scope.scores = [{
        name: 'Bukit Batok Street 1',
        URL: ', SG, Singapore, 153 Bukit Batok Street 1&sensor=true'
    }, {
        name: 'London 8',
        URL: ', SG, Singapore, London 8&sensor=true'

    $scope.getScoreData = function(score) {
        ScoreDataService.getScoreData(score).then(function(result) {
            $scope.ScoreData = result;
        }, function(result) {
            alert("Error: No data returned");


fessmodule.$inject = ['$scope', 'ScoreDataService'];

fessmodule.factory('ScoreDataService', ['$http', '$q', function($http) {

    var factory = {
        getScoreData: function(score) {
            var data = $http({
                method: 'GET',
                url: score.URL

            return data;
    return factory;

Demo Fiddle

Encoding Error in Panda read_csv

Try calling read_csv with encoding='latin1', encoding='iso-8859-1' or encoding='cp1252' (these are some of the various encodings found on Windows).

Gradle: Execution failed for task ':processDebugManifest'

In my case I had written the tag twice. That was my only mistake It was before code`

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>

<application tools:targetApi="28" tools:ignore="GoogleAppIndexingWarning" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/react_native_config" />

<application application tools:targetApi="28" tools:ignore="GoogleAppIndexingWarning" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/react_native_config" >



Just removing the application tag solved my problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>

    <application tools:targetApi="28" tools:ignore="GoogleAppIndexingWarning" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/react_native_config" />


The points you should have only one tag; can have more than one and , but one tag. That's what I know at this moment :)

What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?

SQL - Structured Query Language. It is declarative computer language aimed at querying relational databases.

MySQL is a relational database - a piece of software optimized for data storage and retrieval. There are many such databases - Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite and many others are examples of such.

PHP Get Highest Value from Array

Find highest number, including negative:

return max([abs(max($array)),abs(min($array))]);

Why is it said that "HTTP is a stateless protocol"?

HTTP is called as a stateless protocol because each request is executed independently, without any knowledge of the requests that were executed before it, which means once the transaction ends the connection between the browser and the server is also lost.

What makes the protocol stateless is that in its original design, HTTP is a relatively simple file transfer protocol:

  1. make a request for a file named by a URL,
  2. get the file in response,
  3. disconnect.

There was no relationship maintained between one connection and another, even from the same client. This simplifies the contract between client and server, and in many cases minimizes the amount of data that needs to be transferred.

How to subtract days from a plain Date?

I noticed that the getDays+ X doesn't work over day/month boundaries. Using getTime works as long as your date is not before 1970.

var todayDate = new Date(), weekDate = new Date();

Maximum length of HTTP GET request

You are asking two separate questions here:

What's the maximum length of an HTTP GET request?

As already mentioned, HTTP itself doesn't impose any hard-coded limit on request length; but browsers have limits ranging on the 2 KB - 8 KB (255 bytes if we count very old browsers).

Is there a response error defined that the server can/should return if it receives a GET request exceeds this length?

That's the one nobody has answered.

HTTP 1.1 defines status code 414 Request-URI Too Long for the cases where a server-defined limit is reached. You can see further details on RFC 2616.

For the case of client-defined limits, there isn't any sense on the server returning something, because the server won't receive the request at all.

Why does Git say my master branch is "already up to date" even though it is not?

Just a friendly reminder if you have files locally that aren't in github and yet your git status says

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean

It can happen if the files are in .gitignore

Try running

cat .gitignore 

and seeing if these files show up there. That would explain why git doesn't want to move them to the remote.

Hyphen, underscore, or camelCase as word delimiter in URIs?

Short Answer:

lower-cased words with a hyphen as separator

Long Answer:

What is the purpose of a URL?

If pointing to an address is the answer, then a shortened URL is also doing a good job. If we don't make it easy to read and maintain, it won't help developers and maintainers alike. They represent an entity on the server, so they must be named logically.

Google recommends using hyphens

Consider using punctuation in your URLs. The URL is much more useful to us than We recommend that you use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) in your URLs.

Coming from a programming background, camelCase is a popular choice for naming joint words.

But RFC 3986 defines URLs as case-sensitive for different parts of the URL. Since URLs are case sensitive, keeping it low-key (lower cased) is always safe and considered a good standard. Now that takes a camel case out of the window.


How do you get a timestamp in JavaScript?

To get time, month, day, year separately this will work

var currentTime = new Date();
var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1;
var day = currentTime.getDate();
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();

How to Call a Function inside a Render in React/Jsx

The fix was at the accepted answer. Yet if someone wants to know why it worked and why the implementation in the SO question didn't work,

First, functions are first class objects in JavaScript. That means they are treated like any other variable. Function can be passed as an argument to other functions, can be returned by another function and can be assigned as a value to a variable. Read more here.

So we use that variable to invoke the function by adding parentheses () at the end.

One thing, If you have a function that returns a funtion and you just need to call that returned function, you can just have double paranthesis when you call the outer function ()().

How can I render HTML from another file in a React component?

You can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to do this:

import React from 'react';
function iframe() {
    return {
        __html: '<iframe src="./Folder/File.html" width="540" height="450"></iframe>'

export default function Exercises() {
    return (
            <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={iframe()} />

HTML files must be in the public folder

How to initialize an array in one step using Ruby?

You can use an array literal:

array = [ '1', '2', '3' ]

You can also use a range:

array = ('1'..'3').to_a  # parentheses are required
# or
array = *('1'..'3')      # parentheses not required, but included for clarity

For arrays of whitespace-delimited strings, you can use Percent String syntax:

array = %w[ 1 2 3 ]

You can also pass a block to to determine what the value for each entry will be:

array = { |i| (i+1).to_s }

Finally, although it doesn't produce the same array of three strings as the other answers above, note also that you can use enumerators in Ruby 1.8.7+ to create arrays; for example:

array = 1.step(17,3).to_a
#=> [1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16]

how to find 2d array size in c++

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    int arr[6][5] = {
    int rows = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    int cols = sizeof(arr[0])/sizeof(arr[0][0]);
    cout<<rows<<" "<<cols<<endl;
    return 0;

Output: 6 5

How can I get argv[] as int?

Basic usage

The "string to long" (strtol) function is standard for this ("long" can hold numbers much larger than "int"). This is how to use it:

#include <stdlib.h>

long arg = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
// string to long(string, endpointer, base)

Since we use the decimal system, base is 10. The endpointer argument will be set to the "first invalid character", i.e. the first non-digit. If you don't care, set the argument to NULL instead of passing a pointer, as shown.

Error checking (1)

If you don't want non-digits to occur, you should make sure it's set to the "null terminator", since a \0 is always the last character of a string in C:

#include <stdlib.h>

char* p;
long arg = strtol(argv[1], &p, 10);
if (*p != '\0') // an invalid character was found before the end of the string

Error checking (2)

As the man page mentions, you can use errno to check that no errors occurred (in this case overflows or underflows).

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>

char* p;
errno = 0; // not 'int errno', because the '#include' already defined it
long arg = strtol(argv[1], &p, 10);
if (*p != '\0' || errno != 0) {
    return 1; // In main(), returning non-zero means failure

// Everything went well, print it as 'long decimal'
printf("%ld", arg);

Convert to integer

So now we are stuck with this long, but we often want to work with integers. To convert a long into an int, we should first check that the number is within the limited capacity of an int. To do this, we add a second if-statement, and if it matches, we can just cast it.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>

char* p;
errno = 0; // not 'int errno', because the '#include' already defined it
long arg = strtol(argv[1], &p, 10);
if (*p != '\0' || errno != 0) {
    return 1; // In main(), returning non-zero means failure

if (arg < INT_MIN || arg > INT_MAX) {
    return 1;
int arg_int = arg;

// Everything went well, print it as a regular number
printf("%d", arg_int);

To see what happens if you don't do this check, test the code without the INT_MIN/MAX if-statement. You'll see that if you pass a number larger than 2147483647 (231), it will overflow and become negative. Or if you pass a number smaller than -2147483648 (-231-1), it will underflow and become positive. Values beyond those limits are too large to fit in an integer.

Full example

#include <stdio.h>  // for printf()
#include <stdlib.h> // for strtol()
#include <errno.h>  // for errno
#include <limits.h> // for INT_MIN and INT_MAX

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    char* p;
    errno = 0; // not 'int errno', because the '#include' already defined it
    long arg = strtol(argv[1], &p, 10);
    if (*p != '\0' || errno != 0) {
        return 1; // In main(), returning non-zero means failure

    if (arg < INT_MIN || arg > INT_MAX) {
        return 1;
    int arg_int = arg;

    // Everything went well, print it as a regular number plus a newline
    printf("Your value was: %d\n", arg_int);
    return 0;

In Bash, you can test this with:

cc code.c -o example  # Compile, output to 'example'
./example $((2**31-1))  # Run it
echo "exit status: $?"  # Show the return value, also called 'exit status'

Using 2**31-1, it should print the number and 0, because 231-1 is just in range. If you pass 2**31 instead (without -1), it will not print the number and the exit status will be 1.

Beyond this, you can implement custom checks: test whether the user passed an argument at all (check argc), test whether the number is in the range that you want, etc.

Syntax of for-loop in SQL Server

Try it, learn it:

DECLARE @F varchar(max) = ''
WHILE @i < @r

    DECLARE @j INT = 0
    DECLARE @o varchar(max) = ''
    WHILE @j < @r - @i - 1
        SET @o = @o + ' '
        SET @j += 1

    DECLARE @k INT = 0
    WHILE @k < @i + 1
        SET @o = @o + ' *'  -- '*'
        SET @k += 1
    SET @i += 1
    SET @F = @F + @o + CHAR(13)

With date:

DECLARE @d DATE = '2019-11-01'
    PRINT @d
    SET @d = DATEADD(DAY,1,@d)

How to detect a loop in a linked list?

 // To detect whether a circular loop exists in a linked list
public boolean findCircularLoop() {
    Node slower, faster;
    slower = head;
    faster =; // start faster one node ahead
    while (true) {

        // if the faster pointer encounters a NULL element
        if (faster == null || == null)
            return false;
        // if faster pointer ever equals slower or faster's next
        // pointer is ever equal to slower then it's a circular list
        else if (slower == faster || slower ==
            return true;
        else {
            // advance the pointers
            slower =;
            faster =;

What is a Maven artifact?

I know this is an ancient thread but I wanted to add a few nuances.

There are Maven artifacts, repository manager artifacts and then there are Maven Artifacts.

A Maven artifact is just as other commenters/responders say: it is a thing that is spat out by building a Maven project. That could be a .jar file, or a .war file, or a .zip file, or a .dll, or what have you.

A repository manager artifact is a thing that is, well, managed by a repository manager. A repository manager is basically a highly performant naming service for software executables and libraries. A repository manager doesn't care where its artifacts come from (maybe they came from a Maven build, or a local file, or an Ant build, or a by-hand compilation...).

A Maven Artifact is a Java class that represents the kind of "name" that gets dereferenced by a repository manager into a repository manager artifact. When used in this sense, an Artifact is just a glorified name made up of such parts as groupId, artifactId, version, scope, classifier and so on.

To put it all together:

  • Your Maven project probably depends on several Artifacts by way of its <dependency> elements.
  • Maven interacts with a repository manager to resolve those Artifacts into files by instructing the repository manager to send it some repository manager artifacts that correspond to the internal Artifacts.
  • Finally, after resolution, Maven builds your project and produces a Maven artifact. You may choose to "turn this into" a repository manager artifact by, in turn, using whatever tool you like, sending it to the repository manager with enough coordinating information that other people can find it when they ask the repository manager for it.

Hope that helps.

How to print environment variables to the console in PowerShell?

In addition to Mathias answer.

Although not mentioned in OP, if you also need to see the Powershell specific/related internal variables, you need to use Get-Variable:

$ Get-Variable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
$                              name
?                              True
^                              gci
args                           {}
ChocolateyTabSettings          @{AllCommands=False}
ConfirmPreference              High
DebugPreference                SilentlyContinue
EnabledExperimentalFeatures    {}
Error                          {System.Management.Automation.ParseException: At line:1 char:1...
ErrorActionPreference          Continue
ErrorView                      NormalView
ExecutionContext               System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics
false                          False
FormatEnumerationLimit         4

These also include stuff you may have set in your profile startup script.

How can I find out what version of git I'm running?

In a command prompt:

$ git --version

Better/Faster to Loop through set or list?

While a set may be what you want structure-wise, the question is what is faster. A list is faster. Your example code doesn't accurately compare set vs list because you're converting from a list to a set in set_loop, and then you're creating the list you'll be looping through in list_loop. The set and list you iterate through should be constructed and in memory ahead of time, and simply looped through to see which data structure is faster at iterating:

ids_list = range(1000000)
ids_set = set(ids)
def f(x):
    for i in x:

%timeit f(ids_set)
#1 loops, best of 3: 214 ms per loop
%timeit f(ids_list)
#1 loops, best of 3: 176 ms per loop

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel after long inactivity in ASP.Net app

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

Is the database letting you know that the network connection is no more. This could be because:

  1. A network issue - faulty connection, or firewall issue
  2. The server process on the database that is servicing you died unexpectedly.

For 1) (firewall) search for SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME. This is a sqlnet.ora parameter that will regularly send a network packet at a configurable interval ie: setting this will make the firewall believe that the connection is live.

For 1) (network) speak to your network admin (connection could be unreliable)

For 2) Check the alert.log for errors. If the server process failed there will be an error message. Also a trace file will have been written to enable support to identify the issue. The error message will reference the trace file.

Support issues can be raised at with a suitable Customer Service Identifier (CSI)

Android failed to load JS bundle

Running on device

I have found another answer.

  • adb reverse: only work on Android 5.0+ (API 21).
  • Another: Open the Developer menu by shaking the device, go to Dev Settings, Go to Debug server host for device, type in your machine's IP address and the port of the local dev server

How to convert View Model into JSON object in ASP.NET MVC?

I found it to be pretty nice to do it like this (usage in the view):

    @Html.HiddenJsonFor(m => m.TrackingTypes)

Here is the according helper method Extension class:

public static class DataHelpers
    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenJsonFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
        return HiddenJsonFor(htmlHelper, expression, (IDictionary<string, object>) null);

    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenJsonFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, object htmlAttributes)
        return HiddenJsonFor(htmlHelper, expression, HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes));

    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenJsonFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes)
        var name = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression);
        var metadata = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression(expression, htmlHelper.ViewData);

        var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("input");
        tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", name);
        tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("type", "hidden");

        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata.Model);

        tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", json);

        return MvcHtmlString.Create(tagBuilder.ToString());

It is not super-sofisticated, but it solves the problem of where to put it (in Controller or in view?) The answer is obviously: neither ;)

Android: Storing username and password?

You can also look at the SampleSyncAdapter sample from the SDK. It may help you.

What datatype to use when storing latitude and longitude data in SQL databases?

We use float, but any flavor of numeric with 6 decimal places should also work.

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF?

Looking at the code always helps too. That is, you can actually take a look at the generated partial class (that calls LoadComponent) by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Solution Explorer pane in the Visual Studio solution that you are interested in.
  2. There is a button in the tool bar of the Solution Explorer titled 'Show All Files'. Toggle that button.
  3. Now, expand the obj folder and then the Debug or Release folder (or whatever configuration you are building) and you will see a file titled YourClass.g.cs.

The YourClass.g.cs ... is the code for generated partial class. Again, if you open that up you can see the InitializeComponent method and how it calls LoadComponent ... and much more.

How to show DatePickerDialog on Button click?

Following code works..

datePickerButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {
    return new DatePickerDialog(this, datePickerListener, year, month, day);

private DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener datePickerListener = new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {
    public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int selectedYear,
                          int selectedMonth, int selectedDay) {
        day = selectedDay;
        month = selectedMonth;
        year = selectedYear;
        datePickerButton.setText(selectedDay + " / " + (selectedMonth + 1) + " / "
                + selectedYear);

Set date input field's max date to today

You will need Javascript to do this:


<input id="datefield" type='date' min='1899-01-01' max='2000-13-13'></input>


var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();

today = yyyy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd;
document.getElementById("datefield").setAttribute("max", today);

JSFiddle demo

AngularJS - value attribute for select

Try it as below:

var scope = $(this).scope();

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

GNU Make also allows you to specify the default make target using a special variable called .DEFAULT_GOAL. You can even unset this variable in the middle of the Makefile, causing the next target in the file to become the default target.

Ref: The Gnu Make manual - Special Variables

How do I connect to a terminal to a serial-to-USB device on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)?

I just got my GUC232A cable with a molded-in PL2302 converter chip.

In addition to adding myself and br to group dialout, I found this helpful tip in the README.Debian file in /usr/share/doc/bottlerocket:

This package uses debconf to configure the /dev/firecracker symlink, should you need to change the symlink in the future run this command:

dpkg-reconfigure -pmedium bottlerocket

That will then prompt you for your new serial port and modify the symlink. This is required for proper use of bottlerocket.

I did that and voila! bottlerocket is able to communicate with my X-10 devices.

How do I install a Python package with a .whl file?

First, make sure you have updated pip to enable wheel support:

pip install --upgrade pip

Then, to install from wheel, give it the directory where the wheel is downloaded. For example, to install package_name.whl:

pip install --use-wheel --no-index --find-links=/where/its/downloaded package_name

How to add 30 minutes to a JavaScript Date object?

I feel many of the answers here are lacking a creative component, very much needed for time travel computations. I present my solution for a temporal translation of 30 minutes.

(jsfiddle here)

function fluxCapacitor(n) {
    var delta,sigma=0,beta="ge";

            switch(b.shift()) {
                case'3':return z('0',a,c,b.shift(),1);
                case'0':return z('3',a,c,b.pop());
                case'5':return z('2',a,c,b[0],1);
                case'1':return z('4',a,c,b.shift());
                case'2':return z('5',a,c,b.pop());
                case'4':return z('1',a,c,b.pop(),1);
    return new Date (sigma+(new Date( delta.join(':')))[beta]());

Accept function as parameter in PHP

According to @zombat's answer, it's better to validate the Anonymous Functions first:

function exampleMethod($anonFunc) {
    //execute anonymous function
    if (is_callable($anonFunc)) {

Or validate argument type since PHP 5.4.0:

function exampleMethod(callable $anonFunc) {}

This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play

This will happen if you use a different version of the apk than the one in the google play.

Django 1.7 throws django.core.exceptions.AppRegistryNotReady: Models aren't loaded yet

If you get this error in a context of creating ForeignKey relations between models. Example below raises AppRegistryNotReady: Models aren't loaded yet error.

from my_app.models import Workspace

workspace = models.ForeignKey(Workspace)

Then please try to reffer to a model as a string.

from my_app.models import Workspace

# One of these two lines might fix the problem.
workspace = models.ForeignKey('Workspace')
workspace = models.ForeignKey('my_app.Workspace')

What is a C++ delegate?

Very simply, a delegate provides functionality for how a function pointer SHOULD work. There are many limitations of function pointers in C++. A delegate uses some behind-the-scenes template nastyness to create a template-class function-pointer-type-thing that works in the way you might want it to.

ie - you can set them to point at a given function and you can pass them around and call them whenever and wherever you like.

There are some very good examples here:

Maximum filename length in NTFS (Windows XP and Windows Vista)?

I cannot create a file with the name+period+extnesion in WS 2012 Explorer longer than 224 characters. Don't shoot the messenger!

In the CMD of the same server I cannot create a longer than 235 character name:

The system cannot find the path specified.

The file with a 224 character name created in the Explorer cannot be opened in Notepad++ - it just comes up with a new file instead.

SQL Server Express CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'

What login are you connecting to SQL Server as? You need to connect with a login that has sufficient privileges to create a database. Network Service is probably not good enough, unless you go into SQL Server and add them as a login with sufficient rights.

Automated testing for REST Api

API test automation, up to once per minute, is a service available through theRightAPI. You create your test scenarios, and execute them. Once those tests do what you expect them to, you can then schedule them. Tests can be 'chained' together for scenarios that require authentication. For example, you can have a test that make an OAuth request to Twitter, and creates a shared token that can then be used by any other test. Tests can also have validation criteria attached to ensure http status codes, or even detailed inspection of the responses using javascript or schema validation. Once tests are scheduled, you can then have alerts notify you as soon as a particular test fails validation, or is behaving out of established ranges for response time or response size.

How to rename array keys in PHP?

class DataHelper{

    private static function __renameArrayKeysRecursive($map = [], &$array = [], $level = 0, &$storage = []) {
        foreach ($map as $old => $new) {
            $old = preg_replace('/([\.]{1}+)$/', '', trim($old));
            if ($new) {
                if (!is_array($new)) {
                    $array[$new] = $array[$old];
                    $storage[$level][$old] = $new;
                } else {
                    if (isset($array[$old])) {
                        static::__renameArrayKeysRecursive($new, $array[$old], $level + 1, $storage);
                    } else if (isset($array[$storage[$level][$old]])) {
                        static::__renameArrayKeysRecursive($new, $array[$storage[$level][$old]], $level + 1, $storage);

     * Renames array keys. (add "." at the end of key in mapping array if you want rename multidimentional array key).
     * @param type $map
     * @param type $array
    public static function renameArrayKeys($map = [], &$array = [])
        $storage = [];
        static::__renameArrayKeysRecursive($map, $array, 0, $storage);


    'a' => 'b',
    'abc.' => [
       'abcd' => 'dcba'
], $yourArray);

align images side by side in html

Here is how I would do it, (however I would use an external style sheet for this project and all others. just makes things easier to work with. Also this example is with html5.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
  .container {

  <div class="container">
    <img src="" height="200" width="200">
    <figcaption>This is image 1</figcaption>

    <img class="middle-img" src=""/ height="200" width="200">
    <figcaption>This is image 2</figcaption>

    <img src="" height="200" width="200">
    <figcaption>This is image 3</figcaption>


Error "can't use subversion command line client : svn" when opening android project checked out from svn

If you are using ubuntu, check weather subversion is installed or not.

If not then install through command line as

sudo apt-get install subversion

and check following configurations are selected

enter image description here

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at

The use-case for CORS is simple. Imagine the site has some data that the site wants to access. This type of request traditionally wouldn’t be allowed under the browser’s same origin policy. However, by supporting CORS requests, can add a few special response headers that allows to access the data. In order to understand it well, please visit this nice tutorial.. How to solve the issue of CORS

Are duplicate keys allowed in the definition of binary search trees?

I just want to add some more information to what @Robert Paulson answered.

Let's assume that node contains key & data. So nodes with the same key might contain different data.
(So the search must find all nodes with the same key)

  1. left <= cur < right
  1. left < cur <= right
  1. left <= cur <= right
  1. left < cur < right && cur contain sibling nodes with the same key.
  1. left < cur < right, such that no duplicate keys exist.

1 & 2. works fine if the tree does not have any rotation-related functions to prevent skewness.
But this form doesn't work with AVL tree or Red-Black tree, because rotation will break the principal.
And even if search() finds the node with the key, it must traverse down to the leaf node for the nodes with duplicate key.
Making time complexity for search = theta(logN)

3. will work well with any form of BST with rotation-related functions.
But the search will take O(n), ruining the purpose of using BST.
Say we have the tree as below, with 3) principal.

       /    \
     10     20
    /  \    /
   9   11  12 
      /      \
    10       12

If we do search(12) on this tree, even tho we found 12 at the root, we must keep search both left & right child to seek for the duplicate key.
This takes O(n) time as I've told.

4. is my personal favorite. Let's say sibling means the node with the same key.
We can change above tree into below.

         12 - 12 - 12
       /    \
10 - 10     20
    /  \
   9   11

Now any search will take O(logN) because we don't have to traverse children for the duplicate key.
And this principal also works well with AVL or RB tree.

WPF Button with Image

<Button x:Name="myBtn_DetailsTab_Save" FlowDirection="LeftToRight"  HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="835,544,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"  Width="143" Height="53" BorderBrush="#FF0F6287" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" FontFamily="B Titr" FontSize="15" FontWeight="Bold" BorderThickness="2" Click="myBtn_DetailsTab_Save_Click">
    <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="#FF1FB3F5" Cursor="Hand" >
        <Image HorizontalAlignment="Left"  Source="image/bg/Save.png" Height="36" Width="124" />
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="84" Height="22" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0,-31,-58,0" Text="??? ?????" />

Press enter in textbox to and execute button command

    private void textbox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
            //cod for run

    private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        textbox1_KeyDown(sender, new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter));

Throwing exceptions from constructors

Although I have not worked C++ at a professional level, in my opinion, it is OK to throw exceptions from the constructors. I do that(if needed) in .Net. Check out this and this link. It might be of your interest.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libpng16.16.dylib with anything php related

It's because there's no symlinks for libpng. You need to link libpng again.

brew unlink libpng && brew link libpng

And you may get some error. I fixed that error by correcting permission. Maybe it's because of uninstalled macports.

sudo chown -R yourid:staff /usr/local/share/man/

Create link again and it'll work.

How to set ssh timeout?

ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10  <hostName>

Where 10 is time in seconds. This Timeout applies only to the creation of the connection.

How to apply a function to two columns of Pandas dataframe

I suppose you don't want to change get_sublist function, and just want to use DataFrame's apply method to do the job. To get the result you want, I've wrote two help functions: get_sublist_list and unlist. As the function name suggest, first get the list of sublist, second extract that sublist from that list. Finally, We need to call apply function to apply those two functions to the df[['col_1','col_2']] DataFrame subsequently.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'ID':['1','2','3'], 'col_1': [0,2,3], 'col_2':[1,4,5]})
mylist = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']

def get_sublist(sta,end):
    return mylist[sta:end+1]

def get_sublist_list(cols):
    return [get_sublist(cols[0],cols[1])]

def unlist(list_of_lists):
    return list_of_lists[0]

df['col_3'] = df[['col_1','col_2']].apply(get_sublist_list,axis=1).apply(unlist)


If you don't use [] to enclose the get_sublist function, then the get_sublist_list function will return a plain list, it'll raise ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape (2), as @Ted Petrou had mentioned.

How to convert jsonString to JSONObject in Java

To convert String into JSONObject you just need to pass the String instance into Constructor of JSONObject.


JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject("your string");

How can I capitalize the first letter of each word in a string using JavaScript?

As of ECMA2017 or ES8

const titleCase = (string) => {_x000D_
  return string_x000D_
    .split(' ')_x000D_
    .map(word => word.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1,word.length))_x000D_
    .join(' ');_x000D_
let result = titleCase('test test test');_x000D_
1. First, we pass the string "test test test" to our function "titleCase".
2. We split a string on the space basis so the result of first function "split" will be ["test","test","test"]
3. As we got an array, we used map function for manipulation each word in the array. We capitalize the first character and add remaining character to it.
4. In the last, we join the array using space as we split the string by sapce.

How do I display local image in markdown?

You may find following the syntax similar to reference links in markdown handy, especially when you have a text with many displays of the same image:

![optional text description of the image][number]

[number]: URL

For example:


![This is an optional description][2]

[1]: /home/jerzy/ComputerScience/Parole/Screenshot_2020-10-13_11-53-29.png
[2]: /home/jerzy/ComputerScience/Parole/Screenshot_2020-10-13_11-53-30.png

Calling a Function defined inside another function in Javascript

The scoping is correct as you've noted. However, you are not calling the inner function anywhere.

You can do either:

function outer() { 

    // when you define it this way, the inner function will be accessible only from 
    // inside the outer function

    function inner() {
    inner(); // call it


function outer() { 
    this.inner = function() {

<input type="button" onclick="(new outer()).inner();" value="ACTION">?

Check if an image is loaded (no errors) with jQuery

Using this JavaScript code you can check image is successfully loaded or not.

document.onready = function(e) {
        var imageobj = new Image();
        imageobj.src = document.getElementById('img-id').src;
            alert(imageobj.src+"  -  Not Found");

Try out this

Easiest way to open a download window without navigating away from the page

After hours of trying, the function is born :) I had a scenario where I had to display loader in time while the file is preparing for download:

Working in Chrome, Safari and Firefox

function ajaxDownload(url, filename = 'file', method = 'get', data = {}, callbackSuccess = () => {}, callbackFail = () => {}) {
        url: url,
        method: 'GET',
        xhrFields: {
            responseType: 'blob'
        success: function (data) {
            // create link element
            let a = document.createElement('a'), 
                url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

            // initialize 
            a.href = url;
   = filename;

            // append element to the body, 
            // a must, due to Firefox

            // trigger download

            // delay a bit deletion of the element
            }, 100);

            // invoke callback if any 
        error: function (err) {
            // invoke fail callback if any

Count the Number of Tables in a SQL Server Database

You can use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES to retrieve information about your database tables.

As mentioned in the Microsoft Tables Documentation:

INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES returns one row for each table in the current database for which the current user has permissions.

The following query, therefore, will return the number of tables in the specified database:

USE MyDatabase

As of SQL Server 2008, you can also use sys.tables to count the the number of tables.

From the Microsoft sys.tables Documentation:

sys.tables returns a row for each user table in SQL Server.

The following query will also return the number of table in your database:

FROM sys.tables

Postgresql - select something where date = "01/01/11"

I think you want to cast your dt to a date and fix the format of your date literal:

FROM table
WHERE dt::date = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

Or the standard version:

FROM table
WHERE CAST(dt AS DATE) = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

The extract function doesn't understand "date" and it returns a number.

Why would a " Connection timed out" exception occur when URL is up?

The reason why this happened to me was that a remote server was allowing only certain IP addressed but not its own, and I was trying to render the images from the server's URLs... so everything would simply halt, displaying the timeout error that you had...

Make sure that either the server is allowing its own IP, or that you are rendering things from some remote URL that actually exists.

How to cut first n and last n columns?

You can cut using following ,
-d: delimiter ,-f for fields
\t used for tab separated fields

cut -d$'\t' -f 1-3,7-

How to check if command line tools is installed

To check if command line tools are installed run:

xcode-select --version

// if installed you will see the below with the version found in your system
// xcode-select version 1234.

If command line tools are not installed run:

xcode-select --install

Is it possible to insert HTML content in XML document?

Please see this.

Text inside a CDATA section will be ignored by the parser.

This is will help you to understand the basics about XML

"No X11 DISPLAY variable" - what does it mean?

you must enable X11 forwarding in you PuTTy

to do so open PuTTy, go to Connection => SSH => Tunnels and check mark the Enable X11 forwarding

Also sudo to server and export the below variable here IP is your local machine's IP

export DISPLAY=

enter image description here

How to restore PostgreSQL dump file into Postgres databases?

By using pg_restore command you can restore postgres database

First open terminal type

sudo su postgres

Create new database

createdb [database name] -O [owner]

createdb test_db [-O openerp]

pg_restore -d [Database Name] [path of dump file]

pg_restore -d test_db /home/sagar/Download/sample_dbump

Wait for completion of database restoring.

Remember that dump file should have read, write, execute access, so for that you can apply chmod command

How do I do a case-insensitive string comparison?

def insenStringCompare(s1, s2):
    """ Method that takes two strings and returns True or False, based
        on if they are equal, regardless of case."""
        return s1.lower() == s2.lower()
    except AttributeError:
        print "Please only pass strings into this method."
        print "You passed a %s and %s" % (s1.__class__, s2.__class__)

Static array vs. dynamic array in C++

It's important to have clear definitions of what terms mean. Unfortunately there appears to be multiple definitions of what static and dynamic arrays mean.

Static variables are variables defined using static memory allocation. This is a general concept independent of C/C++. In C/C++ we can create static variables with global, file, or local scope like this:

int x[10]; //static array with global scope
static int y[10]; //static array with file scope
foo() {
    static int z[10]; //static array with local scope

Automatic variables are usually implemented using stack-based memory allocation. An automatic array can be created in C/C++ like this:

foo() {
    int w[10]; //automatic array

What these arrays , x, y, z, and w have in common is that the size for each of them is fixed and is defined at compile time.

One of the reasons that it's important to understand the distinction between an automatic array and a static array is that static storage is usually implemented in the data section (or BSS section) of an object file and the compiler can use absolute addresses to access the arrays which is impossible with stack-based storage.

What's usually meant by a dynamic array is not one that is resizeable but one implemented using dynamic memory allocation with a fixed size determined at run-time. In C++ this is done using the new operator.

foo() {
   int *d = new int[n]; //dynamically allocated array with size n     

But it's possible to create an automatic array with a fixes size defined at runtime using alloca:

foo() {
    int *s = (int*)alloca(n*sizeof(int))

For a true dynamic array one should use something like std::vector in C++ (or a variable length array in C).

What was meant for the assignment in the OP's question? I think it's clear that what was wanted was not a static or automatic array but one that either used dynamic memory allocation using the new operator or a non-fixed sized array using e.g. std::vector.

Include files from parent or other directory

Here's something I wrote with that problem in mind:

function absolute_include($file)
         $file is the file url relative to the root of your site. would be passed as

         $folder_depth = substr_count($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] , "/");

         if($folder_depth == false)
            $folder_depth = 1;

         include(str_repeat("../", $folder_depth - 1) . $file);

hope it helps.

How to show form input fields based on select value?

You have a few issues with your code:

  1. you are missing an open quote on the id of the select element, so: <select name="dbType" id=dbType">

should be <select name="dbType" id="dbType">

  1. $('this') should be $(this): there is no need for the quotes inside the paranthesis.

  2. use .val() instead of .value() when you want to retrieve the value of an option

  3. when u initialize "selection" do it with a var in front of it, unless you already have done it at the beggining of the function

try this:

        if( $(this).val()==="other"){

UPDATE for use with switch:

     var selection = $(this).val();
    case "other":

UPDATE with links for jQuery and jQuery-UI:

<script src="//" ></script>
<script src="//"></script>??

How to delete last character from a string using jQuery?

This page comes first when you search on Google "remove last character jquery"

Although all previous answers are correct, somehow did not helped me to find what I wanted in a quick and easy way.

I feel something is missing. Apologies if i'm duplicating


  var text = $(this).html();
  text = text.substring(0, text.length-1);


  var text = $(this).html();
  text = text.slice(0,-1);

Eclipse Intellisense?

You don't have to press CTRL * space but maybe the delay is too big or you don't like the trigger (default is '.'). Go to

Window -> Preferences -> Java/Editor/Content Assist

And change the settings under Auto Activation to your likings.

If this does not work for windows users then see this answer.

Could not load file or assembly System.Net.Http, Version= with ASP.NET (MVC 4) Web API OData Prerelease

After modifying the References in the Web.config file as mentioned above, we resolved the references.

I was facing similar issue.

For us we have reference Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll and OData.dll and other assemblies from Program Files:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0

and version was 5.6.4.

Once I change the reference of both assemblies to C:\....Project\packages\Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.6.0 , the issue was resolved

DOS: find a string, if found then run another script

As the answer is marked correct then it's a Windows Dos prompt script and this will work too:

find "string" status.txt >nul && call "my batch file.bat"

PHP sessions that have already been started

Only if you want to destroy previous session :


or you can use

unset($_SESSION['variable_session _data'])

to destroy a particular session variable.

How to insert element as a first child?

Extending on what @vabhatia said, this is what you want in native JavaScript (without JQuery).

ParentNode.insertBefore(<your element>, ParentNode.firstChild);

Determine if map contains a value for a key?

amap.find returns amap::end when it does not find what you're looking for -- you're supposed to check for that.