Programs & Examples On #Rcpp

Rcpp provides seamless integration of C++ code in R.

Error: package or namespace load failed for ggplot2 and for data.table

I tried all the listed solutions above but nothing worked. This is what worked for me.

  1. Look at the complete error message which you get when you use library(ggplot2).
  2. It lists a couple of packages which are missing or have errors.
  3. Uninstall and reinstall them.
  4. ggplot should work now with a warning for version.

How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?

I found a slight variation on #6 package is out of date from the excellent solution by @Richie Cotton.

Sometimes the package maintainer may show R version gaps that it does not support. In that case, you have at least two options: 1) upgrade your R version to the next one the target package already supports, 2) install the most recent version from the older ones available that would work with your R version.

A concrete example: the latest CRAN version of package rattle for data mining, 5.3.0, does not support R version 3.4 because it had a big update between package versions 5.2.0 (R >= 2.13.0) and 5.3.0 (R >=3.5).

In a case like this, the alternative to upgrading the R installation is the solution already mentioned. Install the package devtools if you don't have it (it includes package remotes) and then install the specific version that will work in your current R. You can look up that information on the CRAN page for the specific package archives.

install_version("rattle", version = "5.2.0", repos = "")

How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr?

More generally, I think you might want to get "top" of the rows that are sorted within a given group.

For the case of where a single value is max'd out, you have essentially sorted by only one column. However, it's often useful to hierarchically sort by multiple columns (for example: a date column and a time-of-day column).

# Answering the question of getting row with max "value".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the top 1 value
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

# Answering an extension of the question of 
# getting row with the max value of the lowest "C".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in ascending order by C, and then within that by 
  # descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( C, desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the one top row based on the sort
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

Select row on click react-table

Another mechanism for dynamic styling is to define it in the JSX for your component. For example, the following could be used to selectively style the current step in the React tic-tac-toe tutorial (one of the suggested extra credit enhancements:

  return (
    <li key={move}>
      <button style={{fontWeight:(move === this.state.stepNumber ? 'bold' : '')}} onClick={() => this.jumpTo(move)}>{desc}</button>

Granted, a cleaner approach would be to add/remove a 'selected' CSS class but this direct approach might be helpful in some cases.

How can I loop through all rows of a table? (MySQL)

Since the suggestion of a loop implies the request for a procedure type solution. Here is mine.

Any query which works on any single record taken from a table can be wrapped in a procedure to make it run through each row of a table like so:

First delete any existing procedure with the same name, and change the delimiter so your SQL doesn't try to run each line as you're trying to write the procedure.


Then here's the procedure as per your example (table_A and table_B used for clarity)

SET i=0;
  SET i = i + 1;

Then dont forget to reset the delimiter


And run the new procedure


You can do whatever you like at the "INSERT INTO" line which I simply copied from your example request.

Note CAREFULLY that the "INSERT INTO" line used here mirrors the line in the question. As per the comments to this answer you need to ensure that your query is syntactically correct for which ever version of SQL you are running.

In the simple case where your ID field is incremented and starts at 1 the line in the example could become:


Replacing the "SELECT COUNT" line with

SET n=10;

Will let you test your query on the first 10 record in table_A only.

One last thing. This process is also very easy to nest across different tables and was the only way I could carry out a process on one table which dynamically inserted different numbers of records into a new table from each row of a parent table.

If you need it to run faster then sure try to make it set based, if not then this is fine. You could also rewrite the above in cursor form but it may not improve performance. eg:


  DECLARE cursor_ID INT;
  OPEN cursor_i;
  read_loop: LOOP
    FETCH cursor_i INTO cursor_ID, cursor_VAL;
    IF done THEN
      LEAVE read_loop;
    END IF;
    INSERT INTO table_B(ID, VAL) VALUES(cursor_ID, cursor_VAL);
  CLOSE cursor_i;

Remember to declare the variables you will use as the same type as those from the queried tables.

My advise is to go with setbased queries when you can, and only use simple loops or cursors if you have to.

How can I convert spaces to tabs in Vim or Linux?

To use Vim to retab a set of files (e.g. all the *.ts files in a directory hierarchy) from say 2 spaces to 4 spaces you can try this from the command line:

find . -name '*.ts' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 vim -e '+set ts=2 noet | retab! | set ts=4 et | retab | wq'

What this is doing is using find to pass all the matching files to xargs (the -print0 option on find works with the -0 option to xargs in order to handle files w/ spaces in the name).

xargs runs vim in ex mode (-e) on each file executing the given ex command which is actually several commands, to change the existing leading spaces to tabs, resetting the tab stop and changing the tabs back to spaces and finally saving and exiting.

Running in ex mode prevents this: Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal for each file.

Marker content (infoWindow) Google Maps

We've solved this, although we didn't think having the addListener outside of the for would make any difference, it seems to. Here's the answer:

Create a new function with your information for the infoWindow in it:

function addInfoWindow(marker, message) {

            var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: message

            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
      , marker);

Then call the function with the array ID and the marker you want to create:

addInfoWindow(marker, hotels[i][3]);

How to get a enum value from string in C#?

baseKey choice;
if (Enum.TryParse("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", out choice)) {
     uint value = (uint)choice;

     // `value` is what you're looking for

} else { /* error: the string was not an enum member */ }

Before .NET 4.5, you had to do the following, which is more error-prone and throws an exception when an invalid string is passed:

(uint)Enum.Parse(typeof(baseKey), "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")

Each for object?

for(var key in object) {

How can I style a PHP echo text?

Echo inside an HTML element with class and style the element:

echo "<span class='name'>" . $ip['cityName'] . "</span>";

MVC [HttpPost/HttpGet] for Action

Let's say you have a Login action which provides the user with a login screen, then receives the user name and password back after the user submits the form:

public ActionResult Login() {
    return View();

public ActionResult Login(string userName, string password) {
    // do login stuff
    return View();

MVC isn't being given clear instructions on which action is which, even though we can tell by looking at it. If you add [HttpGet] to the first action and [HttpPost] to the section action, MVC clearly knows which action is which.

Why? See Request Methods. Long and short: When a user views a page, that's a GET request and when a user submits a form, that's usually a POST request. HttpGet and HttpPost just restrict the action to the applicable request type.

public ActionResult Login() {
    return View();

public ActionResult Login(string userName, string password) {
    // do login stuff
    return View();

You can also combine the request method attributes if your action serves requests from multiple verbs:

[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get | HttpVerbs.Post)].

Reporting Services permissions on SQL Server R2 SSRS

in my case this error resolved by adding permission level to root folder .

i previously only granted permission in 2 place. one in site setting and one in a new folder that has custom permission .

but the user permission to browse the root folder was also required. Note The "Folder setting" in root folder

another time i had similar problem and adding users in the following windows group SQLServerReportServerUser$servername$MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER and running IE as Administrator or turning off UAC resolved my problem .

How to fix: "HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode"

if you are running Intel processor make sure HAXM (Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager) installer is install via SDK Manager by checking this option in SDK Manager. and then run the HAXM installer ext via the path below


also check the ram size allocated while doing HAX installation so it fits the ram size of your emulator.

This video shows all the required steps which may help you to solve the problem.

This video will also help you if you face problem after installing HAXM.

How to convert a NumPy array to PIL image applying matplotlib colormap

  • input = numpy_image
  • np.unit8 -> converts to integers
  • convert('RGB') -> converts to RGB
  • Image.fromarray -> returns an image object

    from PIL import Image
    import numpy as np
    PIL_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(numpy_image)).convert('RGB')
    PIL_image = Image.fromarray(numpy_image.astype('uint8'), 'RGB')

How to properly add include directories with CMake

I had the same problem.

My project directory was like this:

    -----.h and .c files

And what I used to include the files in all those folders:

    file(GLOB source_files

    add_executable(Server ${source_files})

And it totally worked.

SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import

If you go one level up in running the script in the command line of your bash shell, the issue will be resolved. To do this, use cd .. command to change the working directory in which your script will be running. The result should look like this:

[username@localhost myProgram]$

rather than this:

[username@localhost app]$

Once you are there, instead of running the script in the following format:


Change it to this:

python3 app/

This process can be repeated once again one level up depending on the structure of your Tree diagram. Please also include the compilation command line that is giving you that mentioned error message.

Bash: Echoing a echo command with a variable in bash

echo "echo "we are now going to work with ${ser}" " >> $servfile

Escape all " within quotes with \. Do this with variables like \$servicetest too:

echo "echo \"we are now going to work with \${ser}\" " >> $servfile    
echo "read -p \"Please enter a service: \" ser " >> $servfile
echo "if [ \$servicetest > /dev/null ];then " >> $servfile

Why does Eclipse Java Package Explorer show question mark on some classes?

In a enabled project the small question mark (?) indicates that your file is not yet added to the SVN repository.

The small orange rectangle is an indication that your file is committed in the repository.

An asterisk (*) indicates a local change.

Sending XML data using HTTP POST with PHP

you can use cURL library for posting data:

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://websiteURL");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "XML=".$xmlcontent."&password=".$password."&etc=etc");

where postfield contains XML you need to send - you will need to name the postfield the API service (Clickatell I guess) expects

Javascript/Jquery Convert string to array

Assuming, as seems to be the case, ${triningIdArray} is a server-side placeholder that is replaced with JS array-literal syntax, just lose the quotes. So:

var traingIds = ${triningIdArray};


var traingIds = "${triningIdArray}";

How do I pass parameters into a PHP script through a webpage?

$argv[0]; // the script name
$argv[1]; // the first parameter
$argv[2]; // the second parameter

If you want to all the script to run regardless of where you call it from (command line or from the browser) you'll want something like the following:

if ($_GET) {
    $argument1 = $_GET['argument1'];
    $argument2 = $_GET['argument2'];
} else {
    $argument1 = $argv[1];
    $argument2 = $argv[2];

To call from command line chmod 755 /var/www/webroot/index.php and use

/usr/bin/php /var/www/webroot/index.php arg1 arg2

To call from the browser, use

How to make a Qt Widget grow with the window size?

You need to change the default layout type of top level QWidget object from Break layout type to other layout types (Vertical Layout, Horizontal Layout, Grid Layout, Form Layout). For example: enter image description here

To something like this:

enter image description here

Compare dates with javascript

The best way is,

var first = '2012-11-21';
var second = '2012-11-03';

if (new Date(first) > new Date(second) {

How to compile and run C files from within Notepad++ using NppExec plugin?

Here's a procedure for Perl, just adapt it for C. Hope it helps.

  • Open Notepad++
  • Type F6 to open the execute window
  • Write the following commands:
    • npp_save <-- Saves the current document
    • CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory
    • perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c = compile -w = warnings)
  • Click on Save
  • Type a name to save the script (e.g. "Perl Compile")
  • Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item (Note: this is right BELOW 'Menu Items *')
  • In the combobox titled 'Associated Script' select the script recently created in its dropdown menu, select Add/Modify and click OK -> OK
  • Restart Notepad++
  • Go to Settings -> Shortcut mapper -> Plugins -> search for the script name
  • Select the shortcut to use (ie Ctrl + 1), click OK
  • Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.

How to sort findAll Doctrine's method?

This works for me:

$entities = $em->getRepository('MyBundle:MyTable')->findBy(array(),array('name' => 'ASC'));

Keeping the first array empty fetches back all data, it worked in my case.

jQuery "on create" event for dynamically-created elements

As mentioned in several other answers, mutation events have been deprecated, so you should use MutationObserver instead. Since nobody has given any details on that yet, here it goes...

Basic JavaScript API

The API for MutationObserver is fairly simple. It's not quite as simple as the mutation events, but it's still okay.

function callback(records) {_x000D_
  records.forEach(function (record) {_x000D_
    var list = record.addedNodes;_x000D_
    var i = list.length - 1;_x000D_
 for ( ; i > -1; i-- ) {_x000D_
   if (list[i].nodeName === 'SELECT') {_x000D_
     // Insert code here..._x000D_
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);_x000D_
var targetNode = document.body;_x000D_
observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  // For testing_x000D_
  setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
    var $el = document.createElement('select');_x000D_
  }, 500);_x000D_

Let's break that down.

var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);

This creates the observer. The observer isn't watching anything yet; this is just where the event listener gets attached.

observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });

This makes the observer start up. The first argument is the node that the observer will watch for changes on. The second argument is the options for what to watch for.

  • childList means I want to watch for child elements being added or removed.
  • subtree is a modifier that extends childList to watch for changes anywhere in this element's subtree (otherwise, it would just look at changes directly within targetNode).

The other two main options besides childList are attributes and characterData, which mean about what they sound like. You must use one of those three.

function callback(records) {
  records.forEach(function (record) {

Things get a little tricky inside the callback. The callback receives an array of MutationRecords. Each MutationRecord can describe several changes of one type (childList, attributes, or characterData). Since I only told the observer to watch for childList, I won't bother checking the type.

var list = record.addedNodes;

Right here I grab a NodeList of all the child nodes that were added. This will be empty for all the records where nodes aren't added (and there may be many such records).

From there on, I loop through the added nodes and find any that are <select> elements.

Nothing really complex here.


...but you asked for jQuery. Fine.

(function($) {

  var observers = [];

  $.event.special.domNodeInserted = {

    setup: function setup(data, namespaces) {
      var observer = new MutationObserver(checkObservers);

      observers.push([this, observer, []]);

    teardown: function teardown(namespaces) {
      var obs = getObserverData(this);


      observers = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
        return item !== obs;

    remove: function remove(handleObj) {
      var obs = getObserverData(this);

      obs[2] = obs[2].filter(function(event) {
        return event[0] !== handleObj.selector && event[1] !== handleObj.handler;

    add: function add(handleObj) {
      var obs = getObserverData(this);

      var opts = $.extend({}, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

      obs[1].observe(this, opts);

      obs[2].push([handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler]);

  function getObserverData(element) {
    var $el = $(element);

    return $.grep(observers, function(item) {
      return $[0]);

  function checkObservers(records, observer) {
    var obs = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
      return item[1] === observer;

    var triggers = obs[2];

    var changes = [];

    records.forEach(function(record) {
      if (record.type === 'attributes') {
        if (changes.indexOf( === -1) {


      $(record.addedNodes).toArray().forEach(function(el) {
        if (changes.indexOf(el) === -1) {

    triggers.forEach(function checkTrigger(item) {
      changes.forEach(function(el) {
        var $el = $(el);

        if ($[0])) {


This creates a new event called domNodeInserted, using the jQuery special events API. You can use it like so:

$(document).on("domNodeInserted", "select", function () {

I would personally suggest looking for a class because some libraries will create select elements for testing purposes.

Naturally, you can also use .off("domNodeInserted", ...) or fine-tune the watching by passing in data like this:

$(document.body).on("domNodeInserted", "select.test", {
  attributes: true,
  subtree: false
}, function () {

This would trigger checking for the appearance of a select.test element whenever attributes changed for elements directly inside the body.

You can see it live below or on jsFiddle.

(function($) {_x000D_
  $(document).on("domNodeInserted", "select", function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  // For testing_x000D_
  setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
    var $el = document.createElement('select');_x000D_
  }, 500);_x000D_
  (function($) {_x000D_
    var observers = [];_x000D_
    $.event.special.domNodeInserted = {_x000D_
      setup: function setup(data, namespaces) {_x000D_
        var observer = new MutationObserver(checkObservers);_x000D_
        observers.push([this, observer, []]);_x000D_
      teardown: function teardown(namespaces) {_x000D_
        var obs = getObserverData(this);_x000D_
        observers = $.grep(observers, function(item) {_x000D_
          return item !== obs;_x000D_
      remove: function remove(handleObj) {_x000D_
        var obs = getObserverData(this);_x000D_
        obs[2] = obs[2].filter(function(event) {_x000D_
          return event[0] !== handleObj.selector && event[1] !== handleObj.handler;_x000D_
      add: function add(handleObj) {_x000D_
        var obs = getObserverData(this);_x000D_
        var opts = $.extend({}, {_x000D_
          childList: true,_x000D_
          subtree: true_x000D_
        obs[1].observe(this, opts);_x000D_
        obs[2].push([handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler]);_x000D_
    function getObserverData(element) {_x000D_
      var $el = $(element);_x000D_
      return $.grep(observers, function(item) {_x000D_
        return $[0]);_x000D_
    function checkObservers(records, observer) {_x000D_
      var obs = $.grep(observers, function(item) {_x000D_
        return item[1] === observer;_x000D_
      var triggers = obs[2];_x000D_
      var changes = [];_x000D_
      records.forEach(function(record) {_x000D_
        if (record.type === 'attributes') {_x000D_
          if (changes.indexOf( === -1) {_x000D_
        $(record.addedNodes).toArray().forEach(function(el) {_x000D_
          if (changes.indexOf(el) === -1) {_x000D_
      triggers.forEach(function checkTrigger(item) {_x000D_
        changes.forEach(function(el) {_x000D_
          var $el = $(el);_x000D_
          if ($[0])) {_x000D_


This jQuery code is a fairly basic implementation. It does not trigger in cases where modifications elsewhere make your selector valid.

For example, suppose your selector is .test select and the document already has a <select>. Adding the class test to <body> will make the selector valid, but because I only check and record.addedNodes, the event would not fire. The change has to happen to the element you wish to select itself.

This could be avoided by querying for the selector whenever mutations happen. I chose not to do that to avoid causing duplicate events for elements that had already been handled. Properly dealing with adjacent or general sibling combinators would make things even trickier.

For a more comprehensive solution, see, as mentioned in Damien Ó Ceallaigh's answer. However, the author of that library has announced that the library is old and suggests that you shouldn't use jQuery for this.

XMLHttpRequest (Ajax) Error

The problem is likely to lie with the line:

window.onload = onPageLoad();

By including the brackets you are saying onload should equal the return value of onPageLoad(). For example:

/*Example function*/
function onPageLoad()
    return "science";
/*Set on load*/
window.onload = onPageLoad()

If you print out the value of window.onload to the console it will be:


The solution is remove the brackets:

window.onload = onPageLoad;

So, you're using onPageLoad as a reference to the so-named function.

Finally, in order to get the response value you'll need a readystatechange listener for your XMLHttpRequest object, since it's asynchronous:

xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML;
parser = new DOMParser(); // This code is untested as it doesn't run this far.

Here you add the listener:

xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if(this.readyState == 4) {
        // Do something

'readline/readline.h' file not found

This command helped me on linux mint when i had exact same problem

gcc filename.c -L/usr/include -lreadline -o filename

You could use alias if you compile it many times Forexample:

alias compilefilename='gcc filename.c -L/usr/include -lreadline -o filename'

Use different Python version with virtualenv

Surprised that no one has mentioned conda so far. I have found this is a lot more straightforward than the other methods mentioned here. Let's say I have python 3.9 and python 2.7 and a project I am working on was python 3.5.4, I could simply create the isolated virtual env for 3.5.4 with the conda command without downloading anything else.

To see a list of available python versions first, use the command

conda search "^python$"

To create the virtual environment for python version x.y.z, use the command

conda create -n yourenvname python=x.y.z

Activate venv with

conda activate yourenvname

Deactivate with

conda deactivate

To delete the virtual environment when done, use the command

conda remove -n yourenvname --all

How to know if other threads have finished?

Look at the Java documentation for the Thread class. You can check the thread's state. If you put the three threads in member variables, then all three threads can read each other's states.

You have to be a bit careful, though, because you can cause race conditions between the threads. Just try to avoid complicated logic based on the state of the other threads. Definitely avoid multiple threads writing to the same variables.

How do I get an apk file from an Android device?

I really liked all these answers. Most scripts to export and rename all of them were written in Bash. I made a small Perl script which does the same (which should work both in Perl for windows and linux, only tested on Ubuntu).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Automatically export all available installed APK's using adb
use strict;
print "Connect your device...\n";
system("adb", "wait-for-device");
open(my $OUT, '-|', 'adb', 'shell', 'pm', 'list', 'package', '-f');
my $count = 0;
while(my $line = <$OUT>) {
        $line =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
        my ($type, $path, $package) = $line =~ /^(.*?):(.*)=(.*)$/ ? ($1,$2,$3) : die('invalid line: '.$line);
        my $category = $path =~ /^\/(.*?)\// ? $1 : 'unknown';
        my $baseFile = $path =~ /\/([^\/]*)$/ ? $1 : die('Unknown basefile in path: '.$path);
        my $targetFile = "$category-$package.apk";
        print "$type $category $path $package $baseFile >> $targetFile\n";
        system("adb", "pull", $path);
        rename $baseFile, $targetFile;
  1. Make sure adb(.exe) is in your path or same directory
  2. Connect your phone
  3. Run

The output is something similar to:

# ./
Connect your device...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
package system /system/app/YouTube/YouTube.apk YouTube.apk >>
5054 KB/s (11149871 bytes in 2.154s)
package data /data/app/com.ghostsq.commander-1/base.apk com.ghostsq.commander base.apk >> data-com.ghostsq.commander.apk
3834 KB/s (1091570 bytes in 0.278s)
package data /data/app/de.blinkt.openvpn-2/base.apk de.blinkt.openvpn base.apk >> data-de.blinkt.openvpn.apk
5608 KB/s (16739178 bytes in 2.914s)

How to use both onclick and target="_blank"

Just use'Prosjektplan.pdf')

Anyway, what guys are saying on comments is true. You better use <a target="_blank"> instead of click events.

How to force uninstallation of windows service

Refreshing the service list always did it for me. If the services window is open, it will hold some memory of it existing for some reason. F5 and I'm reinstalling again!

How to find the most recent file in a directory using .NET, and without looping?

it's a bit late but...

your code will not work, because of list<FileInfo> lastUpdateFile = null; and later lastUpdatedFile.Add(file); so NullReference exception will be thrown. Working version should be:

private List<FileInfo> GetLastUpdatedFileInDirectory(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
    FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles();
    List<FileInfo> lastUpdatedFile = new List<FileInfo>();
    DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
    foreach (FileInfo file in files)
        if (file.LastAccessTime > lastUpdate)
            lastUpdate = file.LastAccessTime;

    return lastUpdatedFile;


What use is find_package() if you need to specify CMAKE_MODULE_PATH anyway?

Command find_package has two modes: Module mode and Config mode. You are trying to use Module mode when you actually need Config mode.

Module mode

Find<package>.cmake file located within your project. Something like this:


CMakeLists.txt content:


add_executable(Bar Bar.hpp Bar.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Bar ${FOO_LIBRARIES} ${BOO_LIBRARIES})

Note that CMAKE_MODULE_PATH has high priority and may be usefull when you need to rewrite standard Find<package>.cmake file.

Config mode (install)

<package>Config.cmake file located outside and produced by install command of other project (Foo for example).

foo library:

> cat CMakeLists.txt 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

add_library(foo Foo.hpp Foo.cpp)
install(FILES Foo.hpp DESTINATION include)
install(TARGETS foo DESTINATION lib)
install(FILES FooConfig.cmake DESTINATION lib/cmake/Foo)

Simplified version of config file:

> cat FooConfig.cmake 
add_library(foo STATIC IMPORTED)

By default project installed in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory:

> cmake -H. -B_builds
> cmake --build _builds --target install
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/Foo.hpp
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libfoo.a
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/cmake/Foo/FooConfig.cmake

Config mode (use)

Use find_package(... CONFIG) to include FooConfig.cmake with imported target foo:

> cat CMakeLists.txt 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# import library target `foo`
find_package(Foo CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(boo Boo.cpp Boo.hpp)
target_link_libraries(boo foo)
> cmake --build _builds
Linking CXX executable Boo
/usr/bin/c++ ... -o Boo /usr/local/lib/libfoo.a

Note that imported target is highly configurable. See my answer.


How to hide elements without having them take space on the page?

display:none to hide and set display:block to show.

Easiest way to parse a comma delimited string to some kind of object I can loop through to access the individual values?

Use Linq, it is a very quick and easy way.

string mystring = "0, 10, 20, 30, 100, 200";

var query = from val in mystring.Split(',')
            select int.Parse(val);
foreach (int num in query)

ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 30470400 into shape (50,1104,104)

It seems that there is a typo, since 1104*1104*50=60940800 and you are trying to reshape to dimensions 50,1104,104. So it seems that you need to change 104 to 1104.

How to compare values which may both be null in T-SQL

Equals comparison:


Not Equal To comparison: Just negate the Equals comparison above.


Is it verbose? Yes, it is. However it's efficient since it doesn't call any function. The idea is to use short circuit in predicates to make sure the equal operator (=) is used only with non-null values, otherwise null would propagate up in the expression tree.

Javascript to display the current date and time

var today = new Date(); 
    var dd = today.getDate(); 
    var mm = today.getMonth()+1;//January is 0! 
    var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); 
    var h = today.getHours();
       var m = today.getMinutes();
       var s = today.getSeconds();
    onload = function(){ 
        $scope.currentTime=+dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy+' '+h+':'+m+':'+s;

How to load json into my angular.js ng-model?

I use following code, found somewhere in the internet don't remember the source though.

    var allText;
    var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", file, false);
    rawFile.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (rawFile.readyState === 4) {
            if (rawFile.status === 200 || rawFile.status == 0) {
                allText = rawFile.responseText;
    return JSON.parse(allText);

Bootstrap 3 navbar active li not changing background-color

in my case just removing background-image from nav-bar item solved the problem

.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {

    background-image: none;

How do I align a number like this in C?

Looking at the edited question, you need to find the number of digits in the largest number to be presented, and then generate the printf() format using sprintf(), or using %*d with the number of digits being passed as an int for the * and then the value. Once you've got the biggest number (and you have to determine that in advance), you can determine the number of digits with an 'integer logarithm' algorithm (how many times can you divide by 10 before you get to zero), or by using snprintf() with the buffer length of zero, the format %d and null for the string; the return value tells you how many characters would have been formatted.

If you don't know and cannot determine the maximum number ahead of its appearance, you are snookered - there is nothing you can do.

Compare two files and write it to "match" and "nomatch" files

In Eztrieve it's really easy, below is an example how you could code it:

//STEP01   EXEC PGM=EZTPA00                                        
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                             
//            SPACE=(CYL,(100,50),RLSE),                           
//            UNIT=PRMDA,                                          
//            DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=5200,BLKSIZE=0)                  
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SRTMSG   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SYSIN    DD *                                                    
 FILE FILEA                                                        
   FA-KEY       1   7 A                                         
   FA-REC1      8  10 A
   FA-REC2     18   5 A

 FILE FILEB                                                        
   FB-KEY       1   7 A                                         
   FB-REC1      8  10 A                                         
   FB-REC2     18   5 A                                         

 FILE FILEC                                                        

 FILE FILED                                                        
   FD-KEY       1   7 A                                         
   FD-REC1      8  10 A                                         
   FD-REC2     18   5 A                                         

   IF MATCHED            
      FD-KEY   =  FB-KEY                                      
      FD-REC1  =  FA-REC1
      FD-REC2  =  FB-REC2
      IF FILEA
         PUT FILEC FROM FILEA                                         

What are some examples of commonly used practices for naming git branches?

My personal preference is to delete the branch name after I’m done with a topic branch.

Instead of trying to use the branch name to explain the meaning of the branch, I start the subject line of the commit message in the first commit on that branch with “Branch:” and include further explanations in the body of the message if the subject does not give me enough space.

The branch name in my use is purely a handle for referring to a topic branch while working on it. Once work on the topic branch has concluded, I get rid of the branch name, sometimes tagging the commit for later reference.

That makes the output of git branch more useful as well: it only lists long-lived branches and active topic branches, not all branches ever.

Static linking vs dynamic linking

1/ I've been on projects where dynamic linking vs static linking was benchmarked and the difference wasn't determined small enough to switch to dynamic linking (I wasn't part of the test, I just know the conclusion)

2/ Dynamic linking is often associated with PIC (Position Independent Code, code which doesn't need to be modified depending on the address at which it is loaded). Depending on the architecture PIC may bring another slowdown but is needed in order to get benefit of sharing a dynamically linked library between two executable (and even two process of the same executable if the OS use randomization of load address as a security measure). I'm not sure that all OS allow to separate the two concepts, but Solaris and Linux do and ISTR that HP-UX does as well.

3/ I've been on other projects which used dynamic linking for the "easy patch" feature. But this "easy patch" makes the distribution of small fix a little easier and of complicated one a versioning nightmare. We often ended up by having to push everything plus having to track problems at customer site because the wrong version was token.

My conclusion is that I'd used static linking excepted:

  • for things like plugins which depend on dynamic linking

  • when sharing is important (big libraries used by multiple processes at the same time like C/C++ runtime, GUI libraries, ... which often are managed independently and for which the ABI is strictly defined)

If one want to use the "easy patch", I'd argue that the libraries have to be managed like the big libraries above: they must be nearly independent with a defined ABI that must not to be changed by fixes.

jQuery $(document).ready and UpdatePanels?

I would use one of the following approaches:

  1. Encapsulate the event binding in a function and run it every time you update the page. You can always contain the event binding to specific elements so as not to bind events multiple times to the same elements.

  2. Use the livequery plug-in, which basically performs method one for you auto-magically. Your preference may vary depending on the amount of control you want to have on the event binding.

How do I generate sourcemaps when using babel and webpack?

On Webpack 2 I tried all 12 devtool options. The following options link to the original file in the console and preserve line numbers. See the note below re: lines only.

devtool best dev options

                                build   rebuild      quality                       look
eval-source-map                 slow    pretty fast  original source               worst
inline-source-map               slow    slow         original source               medium
cheap-module-eval-source-map    medium  fast         original source (lines only)  worst
inline-cheap-module-source-map  medium  pretty slow  original source (lines only)  best

lines only

Source Maps are simplified to a single mapping per line. This usually means a single mapping per statement (assuming you author is this way). This prevents you from debugging execution on statement level and from settings breakpoints on columns of a line. Combining with minimizing is not possible as minimizers usually only emit a single line.


On a large project I find ... eval-source-map rebuild time is ~3.5s ... inline-source-map rebuild time is ~7s

Missing artifact

You can also create a project repository. It's useful if more developers are working on the same project, and the library must be included in the project.

  • First, create a repository structure in your project's lib directory, and then copy the library into it. The library must have following name-format: <artifactId>-<version>.jar


  • Create pom file next to the library file, and put following information into it:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  • At this point, you should have this directory structure:

    <your_project_dir>/lib/com/microsoft/sqlserver/sqljdbc4/4.2/sqljdbc4-4.2.jar <your_project_dir>/lib/com/microsoft/sqlserver/sqljdbc4/4.2/sqljdbc4-4.2.pom

  • Go to your project's pom file and add new repository:

             <id>Project repository</id>
  • Finally, add a dependency on the library:


Update 2017-03-04

It seems like the library can be obtained from publicly available repository. @see nirmal's and Jacek Grzelaczyk's answers for more details.

Update 2020-11-04

Currently Maven has a convenient target install which allow you to deploy an existing package into a project / file repository without the need of creating POM files manually. It will generate those files for you.

mvn install:install-file \
    -Dfile=sqljdbc4.jar \ \
    -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 \
    -Dversion=4.2 \
    -Dpackaging=jar \

Best practices for API versioning?

Versioning your REST API is analogous to the versioning of any other API. Minor changes can be done in place, major changes might require a whole new API. The easiest for you is to start from scratch every time, which is when putting the version in the URL makes most sense. If you want to make life easier for the client you try to maintain backwards compatibility, which you can do with deprecation (permanent redirect), resources in several versions etc. This is more fiddly and requires more effort. But it's also what REST encourages in "Cool URIs don't change".

In the end it's just like any other API design. Weigh effort against client convenience. Consider adopting semantic versioning for your API, which makes it clear for your clients how backwards compatible your new version is.

How do I parse JSON in Android?

I've coded up a simple example for you and annotated the source. The example shows how to grab live json and parse into a JSONObject for detail extraction:

    // Create a new HTTP Client
    DefaultHttpClient defaultClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    // Setup the get request
    HttpGet httpGetRequest = new HttpGet("http://example.json");

    // Execute the request in the client
    HttpResponse httpResponse = defaultClient.execute(httpGetRequest);
    // Grab the response
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));
    String json = reader.readLine();

    // Instantiate a JSON object from the request response
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);

} catch(Exception e){
    // In your production code handle any errors and catch the individual exceptions

Once you have your JSONObject refer to the SDK for details on how to extract the data you require.

How can I get the current contents of an element in webdriver

I know when you said "contents" you didn't mean this, but if you want to find all the values of all the attributes of a webelement this is a pretty nifty way to do that with javascript in python:

everything = b.execute_script(
    'var element = arguments[0];'
    'var attributes = {};'
    'for (index = 0; index < element.attributes.length; ++index) {'
    '    attributes[element.attributes[index].name] = element.attributes[index].value };'
    'var properties = [];'
    'properties[0] = attributes;'
    'var element_text = element.textContent;'
    'properties[1] = element_text;'
    'var styles = getComputedStyle(element);'
    'var computed_styles = {};'
    'for (index = 0; index < styles.length; ++index) {'
    '    var value_ = styles.getPropertyValue(styles[index]);'
    '    computed_styles[styles[index]] = value_ };'
    'properties[2] = computed_styles;'
    'return properties;', element)

you can also get some extra data with element.__dict__.

I think this is about all the data you'd ever want to get from a webelement.

PHP date() format when inserting into datetime in MySQL

Here's an alternative solution: if you have the date in PHP as a timestamp, bypass handling it with PHP and let the DB take care of transforming it by using the FROM_UNIXTIME function.

mysql> insert into a_table values(FROM_UNIXTIME(1231634282));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from a_table;

| a_date              |
| 2009-01-10 18:38:02 |

Peak detection in a 2D array

It seems you can cheat a bit using jetxee's algorithm. He is finding the first three toes fine, and you should be able to guess where the fourth is based off that.

How to get week numbers from dates?

Actually, I think you may have discovered a bug in the week(...) function, or at least an error in the documentation. Hopefully someone will jump in and explain why I am wrong.

Looking at the code:

> week
function (x) 
yday(x)%/%7 + 1
<environment: namespace:lubridate>

The documentation states:

Weeks is the number of complete seven day periods that have occured between the date and January 1st, plus one.

But since Jan 1 is the first day of the year (not the zeroth), the first "week" will be a six day period. The code should (??) be

(yday(x)-1)%/%7 + 1

NB: You are using week(...) in the data.table package, which is the same code as lubridate::week except it coerces everything to integer rather than numeric for efficiency. So this function has the same problem (??).

1067 error on attempt to start MySQL

One more thing that prevents the mysqld windows service from running is if you have mysqld.exe already running (but not as a service) and occupying port 3306. When the service tries to start and sees that port 3306 is already taken, it fails.

Just open up the windows task manager and look for "mysqld.exe" under the Processes tab. If you see it, kill it and then try to start the service again.

c:\> net start [servicename]

example: c:\> net start MySQL

javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000183: Unable to load 'javax.el.ExpressionFactory'

Regarding the Hibernate validator documentation page, you have to define a dependency to a JSR-341 implementation:


How to end C++ code

Beyond calling exit(error_code) - which calls atexit handlers, but not RAII destructors, etc. - more and more I am using exceptions.

More and more my main program looks like

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    try {
        exit( secondary_main(argc, argv );
    catch(...) {
        // optionally, print something like "unexpected or unknown exception caught by main"

where secondary_main in where all the stuff that was originally is put -- i.e. the original main is renamed secondary_main, and the stub main above is added. This is just a nicety, so that there isn't too much code between the tray and catch in main.

If you want, catch other exception types.
I quite like catching string error types, like std::string or char*, and printing those in the catch handler in main.

Using exceptions like this at least allows RAII destructors to be called, so that they can do cleanup. Which can be pleasant and useful.

Overall, C error handling - exit and signals - and C++ error handling - try/catch/throw exceptions - play together inconsistently at best.

Then, where you detect an error

throw "error message"

or some more specific exception type.

How can I use UserDefaults in Swift?

ref: NSUserdefault objectTypes

Swift 3 and above


UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "Key") //Bool
UserDefaults.standard.set(1, forKey: "Key")  //Integer
UserDefaults.standard.set("TEST", forKey: "Key") //setObject


 UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "Key")
 UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "Key")
 UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "Key")


 UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "Key")

Remove all Keys

 if let appDomain = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier {
UserDefaults.standard.removePersistentDomain(forName: appDomain)

Swift 2 and below


NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(newValue, forKey: "yourkey")


  var returnValue: [NSString]? = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("yourkey") as? [NSString]




registerDefaults: adds the registrationDictionary to the last item in every search list. This means that after NSUserDefaults has looked for a value in every other valid location, it will look in registered defaults, making them useful as a "fallback" value. Registered defaults are never stored between runs of an application, and are visible only to the application that registers them.

Default values from Defaults Configuration Files will automatically be registered.

for example detect the app from launch , create the struct for save launch

struct DetectLaunch {
static let keyforLaunch = "validateFirstlunch"
static var isFirst: Bool {
    get {
        return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: keyforLaunch)
    set {
        UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: keyforLaunch)

Register default values on app launch:

UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [
        DetectLaunch.isFirst: true

remove the value on app termination:

func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {
    DetectLaunch.isFirst = false


and check the condition as

if DetectLaunch.isFirst {
  // app launched from first

UserDefaults suite name

another one property suite name, mostly its used for App Groups concept, the example scenario I taken from here :

The use case is that I want to separate my UserDefaults (different business logic may require Userdefaults to be grouped separately) by an identifier just like Android's SharedPreferences. For example, when a user in my app clicks on logout button, I would want to clear his account related defaults but not location of the the device.

let user = UserDefaults(suiteName:"User")

use of userDefaults synchronize, the detail info has added in the duplicate answer.

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

If you're looking for "in-place" editing of a ListView's contents (specifically the subitems of a ListView in details view mode), you'll need to implement this yourself, or use a third-party control.

By default, the best you can achieve with a "standard" ListView is to set it's LabelEdit property to true to allow the user to edit the text of the first column of the ListView (assuming you want to allow a free-format text edit).

Some examples (including full source-code) of customized ListView's that allow "in-place" editing of sub-items are:

C# Editable ListView
In-place editing of ListView subitems

A regex for version number parsing

Specifying XSD elements:

    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}(\..*)?"/>

Difference between jQuery’s .hide() and setting CSS to display: none

To use both is a nice answer; it's not a question of either or.

The advantage of using both is that the CSS will hide the element immediately when the page loads. The jQuery .hide will flash the element for a quarter of a second then hide it.

In the case when we want to have the element not shown when the page loads we can use CSS and set display:none & use the jQuery .hide(). If we plan to toggle the element we can use jQuery toggle.

How to add percent sign to NSString

The code for percent sign in NSString format is %%. This is also true for NSLog() and printf() formats.

Python: Find a substring in a string and returning the index of the substring

Ideally you would use str.find or str.index like demented hedgehog said. But you said you can't ...

Your problem is your code searches only for the first character of your search string which(the first one) is at index 2.

You are basically saying if char[0] is in s, increment index until ch == char[0] which returned 3 when I tested it but it was still wrong. Here's a way to do it.

def find_str(s, char):
    index = 0

    if char in s:
        c = char[0]
        for ch in s:
            if ch == c:
                if s[index:index+len(char)] == char:
                    return index

            index += 1

    return -1

print(find_str("Happy birthday", "py"))
print(find_str("Happy birthday", "rth"))
print(find_str("Happy birthday", "rh"))

It produced the following output:


Error: org.testng.TestNGException: Cannot find class in classpath: EmpClass

include the package name with class. It will remove your name. I also got the same issue but adding the package name with class fixed this issue.

How to add "Maven Managed Dependencies" library in build path eclipse?

If Maven->Update Project doesn't work for you? These are the steps I religiously follow. Remove the project from eclipse (do not delete it from workspace) Close Eclipse go to command line and run these commands.

mvn eclipse:clean
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0

Open Eclipse import existing Maven project. You will see the maven dependency in our project.

Hope this works.

How to Fill an array from user input C#?


array[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.Readline());

You might also want to use double.TryParse() to make sure that the user didn't enter bogus text and handle that somehow.

How to set True as default value for BooleanField on Django?

from django.db import models

class Foo(models.Model):
    any_field = models.BooleanField(default=True)

Rails params explained?

On the Rails side, params is a method that returns an ActionController::Parameters object. See

How to find difference between two columns data?

Yes, you can select the data, calculate the difference, and insert all values in the other table:

insert into #temp2 (Difference)
select previous - Present
from #TEMP1

How to close <img> tag properly?

Actually, only the first one is valid in HTML5

<img src='stackoverflow.png'>  

Only the last two are valid in XHTML

<img src='stackoverflow.png'></img>  
<img src='stackoverflow.png' />

(Though not stricly required, an alt attribute _usually_ should also be included).

That said, your HTML5 page will probably display as intended because browsers will rewrite or interpret your html to what it thinks you meant. That may mean it turns a tag, for example, from
<div /> into <div></div>. Or maybe it just ignores the final slash on <img ... />.
see 2016: Serve HTML5 as XHTML 5.0 for legacy validation.
see: 2011 discussion and additional links here, though over time some bits may have changed

Partly this is because browsers try very hard to error correct. Also, because there has much confusion about self-closing tags, and void tags. Finally, The spec has changed, or hasn't always been clear, and browsers try to be backwards compatible.

So, while you can probably get away with any of the three options,
only the first adheres to the HTML5 standard, and is guaranteed to pass a HTML5 validator.

A sound strategy might be to:

  • Write new code without the closing slash.
  • When re-factoring code, update nearby image tags, as you run across them.
  • Not overly worry about tags in legacy files that you do not touch, unless a particular need arises.

Here is a list of tags that should not be closed in HTML5:

 <br>    <hr>    <input>       
 <img>  <link>   <source>  
 <col>  <area>   <base>
 <meta> <embed>  <param>  
<track>  <wbr>   <keygen> (HTML 5.2 Draft removed)

How to convert a file to utf-8 in Python?

This is a Python3 function for converting any text file into the one with UTF-8 encoding. (without using unnecessary packages)

def correctSubtitleEncoding(filename, newFilename, encoding_from, encoding_to='UTF-8'):
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding_from) as fr:
        with open(newFilename, 'w', encoding=encoding_to) as fw:
            for line in fr:

You can use it easily in a loop to convert a list of files.

UITextView that expands to text using auto layout

An important thing to note:

Since UITextView is a subclass of UIScrollView, it is subject to the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets property of UIViewController.

If you are setting up the layout and the TextView is the the first subview in a UIViewControllers hierarchy, it will have its contentInsets modified if automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets is true sometimes causing unexpected behaviour in auto layout.

So if you're having problems with auto layout and text views, try setting automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false on the view controller or moving the textView forward in the hierarchy.

Create dataframe from a matrix

Using dplyr and tidyr:


df <- as_data_frame(mat) %>%      # convert the matrix to a data frame
  gather(name, val, C_0:C_1) %>%  # convert the data frame from wide to long
  select(name, time, val)         # reorder the columns

# A tibble: 6 x 3
   name  time   val
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1   C_0   0.0   0.1
2   C_0   0.5   0.2
3   C_0   1.0   0.3
4   C_1   0.0   0.3
5   C_1   0.5   0.4
6   C_1   1.0   0.5

Passing data between different controller action methods

HTTP and redirects

Let's first recap how ASP.NET MVC works:

  1. When an HTTP request comes in, it is matched against a set of routes. If a route matches the request, the controller action corresponding to the route will be invoked.
  2. Before invoking the action method, ASP.NET MVC performs model binding. Model binding is the process of mapping the content of the HTTP request, which is basically just text, to the strongly typed arguments of your action method

Let's also remind ourselves what a redirect is:

An HTTP redirect is a response that the webserver can send to the client, telling the client to look for the requested content under a different URL. The new URL is contained in a Location header that the webserver returns to the client. In ASP.NET MVC, you do an HTTP redirect by returning a RedirectResult from an action.

Passing data

If you were just passing simple values like strings and/or integers, you could pass them as query parameters in the URL in the Location header. This is what would happen if you used something like

return RedirectToAction("ActionName", "Controller", new { arg = updatedResultsDocument });

as others have suggested

The reason that this will not work is that the XDocument is a potentially very complex object. There is no straightforward way for the ASP.NET MVC framework to serialize the document into something that will fit in a URL and then model bind from the URL value back to your XDocument action parameter.

In general, passing the document to the client in order for the client to pass it back to the server on the next request, is a very brittle procedure: it would require all sorts of serialisation and deserialisation and all sorts of things could go wrong. If the document is large, it might also be a substantial waste of bandwidth and might severely impact the performance of your application.

Instead, what you want to do is keep the document around on the server and pass an identifier back to the client. The client then passes the identifier along with the next request and the server retrieves the document using this identifier.

Storing data for retrieval on the next request

So, the question now becomes, where does the server store the document in the meantime? Well, that is for you to decide and the best choice will depend upon your particular scenario. If this document needs to be available in the long run, you may want to store it on disk or in a database. If it contains only transient information, keeping it in the webserver's memory, in the ASP.NET cache or the Session (or TempData, which is more or less the same as the Session in the end) may be the right solution. Either way, you store the document under a key that will allow you to retrieve the document later:

int documentId = _myDocumentRepository.Save(updatedResultsDocument);

and then you return that key to the client:

return RedirectToAction("UpdateConfirmation", "ApplicationPoolController ", new { id = documentId });

When you want to retrieve the document, you simply fetch it based on the key:

 public ActionResult UpdateConfirmation(int id)
      XDocument doc = _myDocumentRepository.GetById(id);

      ConfirmationModel model = new ConfirmationModel(doc);

      return View(model);

How to add item to the beginning of List<T>?

Use Insert method of List<T>:

List.Insert Method (Int32, T): Inserts an element into the List at the specified index.

var names = new List<string> { "John", "Anna", "Monica" };
names.Insert(0, "Micheal"); // Insert to the first element

DateTime.ToString() format that can be used in a filename or extension?

Using interpolation string & format specifier:

var filename = $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy.dd.M HH-mm-ss}"

Example Output for January 1st, 2020 at 10:40:45AM:

2020.28.01 10-40-45

Or if you want a standard date format:

var filename = $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy.M.dd HH-mm-ss}"

2020.01.28 10-40-45

Note: this feature is available in C# 6 and later versions of the language.

PHP Pass variable to next page

Passing data in the request

You could either embed it as a hidden field in your form, or add it your forms action URL

 echo '<input type="hidden" name="myVariable" value="'.


echo '<form method="POST" action="Page2.php?myVariable='.

Note this also illustrates the use of htmlentities and urlencode when passing data around.

Passing data in the session

If the data doesn't need to be passed to the client side, then sessions may be more appropriate. Simply call session_start() at the start of each page, and you can get and set data into the $_SESSION array.


Since you state your value is actually a filename, you need to be aware of the security ramifications. If the filename has arrived from the client side, assume the user has tampered with the value. Check it for validity! What happens when the user passes the path to an important system file, or a file under their control? Can your script be used to "probe" the server for files that do or do not exist?

As you are clearly just getting started here, its worth reminding that this goes for any data which arrives in $_GET, $_POST or $_COOKIE - assume your worst enemy crafted the contents of those arrays, and code accordingly!

Summarizing count and conditional aggregate functions on the same factor

Assuming that your original dataset is similar to the one you created (i.e. with NA as character. You could specify na.strings while reading the data using read.table. But, I guess NAs would be detected automatically.

The price column is factor which needs to be converted to numeric class. When you use as.numeric, all the non-numeric elements (i.e. "NA", FALSE) gets coerced to NA) with a warning.

df %>%
     mutate(price=as.numeric(as.character(price))) %>%  
     group_by(company, year, product) %>%
               max.price=max(price, na.rm=TRUE))


I am using the same dataset (except the ... row) that was showed.

df = tbl_df(data.frame(company=c("Acme", "Meca", "Emca", "Acme", "Meca","Emca"),
 year=c("2011", "2010", "2009", "2011", "2010", "2013"), product=c("Wrench", "Hammer",
 "Sonic Screwdriver", "Fairy Dust", "Kindness", "Helping Hand"), price=c("5.67",
 "7.12", "12.99", "10.99", "NA",FALSE)))

Configure DataSource programmatically in Spring Boot

If you want more datesource configs e.g.

spring.datasource.validation-query=select 1

you could use below code

public DataSource dataSource() {
    DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); // org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource;
    return dataSource;

refer: Spring boot jdbc Connection

python requests file upload

Client Upload

If you want to upload a single file with Python requests library, then requests lib supports streaming uploads, which allow you to send large files or streams without reading into memory.

with open('massive-body', 'rb') as f:'http://some.url/streamed', data=f)

Server Side

Then store the file on the side such that save the stream into file without loading into the memory. Following is an example with using Flask file uploads.

@app.route("/upload", methods=['POST'])
def upload_file():
    from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
    FileStorage(['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
    return 'OK', 200

Or use werkzeug Form Data Parsing as mentioned in a fix for the issue of "large file uploads eating up memory" in order to avoid using memory inefficiently on large files upload (s.t. 22 GiB file in ~60 seconds. Memory usage is constant at about 13 MiB.).

@app.route("/upload", methods=['POST'])
def upload_file():
    def custom_stream_factory(total_content_length, filename, content_type, content_length=None):
        import tempfile
        tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+', prefix='flaskapp', suffix='.nc')"start receiving file ... filename => " + str(
        return tmpfile

    import werkzeug, flask
    stream, form, files = werkzeug.formparser.parse_form_data(flask.request.environ, stream_factory=custom_stream_factory)
    for fil in files.values():" ".join(["saved form name",, "submitted as", fil.filename, "to temporary file",]))
        # Do whatever with stored file at ``
    return 'OK', 200

How do I count the number of occurrences of a char in a String?

Inspired by Jon Skeet, a non-loop version that wont blow your stack. Also useful starting point if you want to use the fork-join framework.

public static int countOccurrences(CharSequeunce haystack, char needle) {
    return countOccurrences(haystack, needle, 0, haystack.length);

// Alternatively String.substring/subsequence use to be relatively efficient
//   on most Java library implementations, but isn't any more [2013].
private static int countOccurrences(
    CharSequence haystack, char needle, int start, int end
) {
    if (start == end) {
        return 0;
    } else if (start+1 == end) {
        return haystack.charAt(start) == needle ? 1 : 0;
    } else {
        int mid = (end+start)>>>1; // Watch for integer overflow...
            countOccurrences(haystack, needle, start, mid) +
            countOccurrences(haystack, needle, mid, end);

(Disclaimer: Not tested, not compiled, not sensible.)

Perhaps the best (single-threaded, no surrogate-pair support) way to write it:

public static int countOccurrences(String haystack, char needle) {
    int count = 0;
    for (char c : haystack.toCharArray()) {
        if (c == needle) {
    return count;

What is the default access modifier in Java?

Default access modifier - If a class has no modifier (the default, also known as package-private), it is visible only within its own package (packages are named groups of related classes).

Getting number of days in a month

Use System.DateTime.DaysInMonth, from code sample:

const int July = 7;
const int Feb = 2;

// daysInJuly gets 31.
int daysInJuly = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(2001, July);

// daysInFeb gets 28 because the year 1998 was not a leap year.
int daysInFeb = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(1998, Feb);

// daysInFebLeap gets 29 because the year 1996 was a leap year.
int daysInFebLeap = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(1996, Feb);

Cleanest Way to Invoke Cross-Thread Events

I've always wondered how costly it is to always assume that invoke is required...

private void OnCoolEvent(CoolObjectEventArgs e)
  BeginInvoke((o,e) => /*do work here*/,this, e);

How do you create a REST client for Java?

OkHttp is lightweight and powerful when combined with Retrofit as well. This works well for general Java use as well as on Android.


public static final MediaType JSON
    = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String post(String url, String json) throws IOException {
  RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, json);
  Request request = new Request.Builder()
  Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
  return response.body().string();


public interface GitHubService {
  Call<List<Repo>> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

How to make a div fill a remaining horizontal space?

I wonder that no one used position: absolute with position: relative

So, another solution would be:


  <div id="left"><input type="text"></div>
  <div id="right">Menu1 Menu2 Menu3</div>


header { position: relative;  }
#left {
    width: 160px;
    height: 25px;
#right {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    left: 160px;
    right: 0px;
    height: 25px;

Jsfiddle example

How to compare DateTime in C#?

MuSTaNG's answer says it all, but I am still adding it to make it a little more elaborate, with links and all.

The conventional operators

are available for DateTime since .NET Framework 1.1. Also, addition and subtraction of DateTime objects are also possible using conventional operators + and -.

One example from MSDN:

System.DateTime april19 = new DateTime(2001, 4, 19);
System.DateTime otherDate = new DateTime(1991, 6, 5);

// areEqual gets false.
bool areEqual = april19 == otherDate;

otherDate = new DateTime(2001, 4, 19);
// areEqual gets true.
areEqual = april19 == otherDate;

Other operators can be used likewise.

Here is the list all operators available for DateTime.

Select Specific Columns from Spark DataFrame

i liked dehasis approach, because it allowed me to select, rename and convert columns in one step. However I had to adjust it to make it work for me in PySpark:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
      .where('_c2.isNotNull && '_c3.isNotNull && '_c2 =!= 0.0 && '_c3 =!= 0.0)

How to check if an element is off-screen

I know this is kind of late but this plugin should work.

$('p.inview').bind('inview', function (event, visible) {
if (visible) {
  $(this).text('You can see me!');
} else {
  $(this).text('Hidden again');

Where to get "UTF-8" string literal in Java?

This constant is available (among others as: UTF-16, US-ASCII, etc.) in the class org.apache.commons.codec.CharEncoding as well.

Declare and assign multiple string variables at the same time

Fairly old question but incase someone goes back.
This isn't as compact as the other answers above, but fairly readable and easier to type using Visual Studio Multi-Line selection shortcut [Alt+ Shift + ?] (or other directions)

string Camnr = string.Empty;
string Klantnr = string.Empty;

Type out all variable names on new lines. Multi-Select in front of them an type "string". Multi-Select behind them and type "= string.Empty;".

Reusing output from last command in Bash

Very Simple Solution

One that I've used for years.

Script (add to your .bashrc or .bash_profile)

# capture the output of a command so it can be retrieved with ret
cap () { tee /tmp/capture.out}

# return the output of the most recent command that was captured by cap
ret () { cat /tmp/capture.out }


$ find . -name 'filename' | cap

$ ret

I tend to add | cap to the end of all of my commands. This way when I find I want to do text processing on the output of a slow running command I can always retrieve it with res.

Django - iterate number in for loop of a template

Django provides it. You can use either:

  • {{ forloop.counter }} index starts at 1.
  • {{ forloop.counter0 }} index starts at 0.

In template, you can do:

{% for item in item_list %}
    {{ forloop.counter }} # starting index 1
    {{ forloop.counter0 }} # starting index 0

    # do your stuff
{% endfor %}

More info at: for | Built-in template tags and filters | Django documentation

Change grid interval and specify tick labels in Matplotlib

There are several problems in your code.

First the big ones:

  1. You are creating a new figure and a new axes in every iteration of your loop ? put fig = plt.figure and ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) outside of the loop.

  2. Don't use the Locators. Call the functions ax.set_xticks() and ax.grid() with the correct keywords.

  3. With plt.axes() you are creating a new axes again. Use ax.set_aspect('equal').

The minor things: You should not mix the MATLAB-like syntax like plt.axis() with the objective syntax. Use ax.set_xlim(a,b) and ax.set_ylim(a,b)

This should be a working minimal example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

# Major ticks every 20, minor ticks every 5
major_ticks = np.arange(0, 101, 20)
minor_ticks = np.arange(0, 101, 5)

ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)

# And a corresponding grid

# Or if you want different settings for the grids:
ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2)
ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5)

Output is this:


HTML/CSS font color vs span style

<span style="color:#ffffff; font-size:18px; line-height:35px; font-family: Calibri;">Our Activities </span>

This works for me well:) As it has been already mentioned above "The font tag has been deprecated, at least in XHTML. It always safe to use span tag. font may not give you desire results, at least in my case it didn't.

How do you unit test private methods?

I use PrivateObject class. But as mentioned previously better to avoid testing private methods.

Class target = new Class();
PrivateObject obj = new PrivateObject(target);
var retVal = obj.Invoke("PrivateMethod");

Reverting to a specific commit based on commit id with Git?

I think, bwawok's answer is wrong at some point:

if you do

git reset --soft c14809fa

It will make your local files changed to be like they were then, but leave your history etc. the same.

According to manual: git-reset, "git reset --soft"...

does not touch the index file nor the working tree at all (but resets the head to <commit>, just like all modes do). This leaves all your changed files "Changes to be committed", as git status would put it.

So it will "remove" newer commits from the branch. This means, after looking at your old code, you cannot go to the newest commit in this branch again, easily. So it does the opposide as described by bwawok: Local files are not changed (they look exactly as before "git reset --soft"), but the history is modified (branch is truncated after the specified commit).

The command for bwawok's answer might be:

git checkout <commit>

You can use this to peek at old revision: How did my code look yesterday?

(I know, I should put this in comments to this answer, but stackoverflow does not allow me to do so! My reputation is too low.)

'dispatch' is not a function when argument to mapToDispatchToProps() in Redux

I solved it by interchanging the arguments, I was using

export default connect(mapDispatchToProps, mapStateToProps)(Checkbox)

which is wrong. The mapStateToProps has to be the first argument:

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Checkbox)

It sounds obvious now, but might help someone.

jQuery Data vs Attr?

You can use data-* attribute to embed custom data. The data-* attributes gives us the ability to embed custom data attributes on all HTML elements.

jQuery .data() method allows you to get/set data of any type to DOM elements in a way that is safe from circular references and therefore from memory leaks.

jQuery .attr() method get/set attribute value for only the first element in the matched set.


<span id="test" title="foo" data-kind="primary">foo</span>

$("#test").data("value", "bar");

Spring expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency

If there is an interface anywhere in the ThreadProvider hierarchy try putting the name of the Interface as the type of your service provider, eg. if you have say this structure:

public class ThreadProvider implements CustomInterface{

Then in your controller try this:

public class ChiusuraController {

    private CustomInterface chiusuraProvider;

The reason why this is happening is, in your first case when you DID NOT have ChiusuraProvider extend ThreadProvider Spring probably was underlying creating a CGLIB based proxy for you(to handle the @Transaction).

When you DID extend from ThreadProvider assuming that ThreadProvider extends some interface, Spring in that case creates a Java Dynamic Proxy based Proxy, which would appear to be an implementation of that interface instead of being of ChisuraProvider type.

If you absolutely need to use ChisuraProvider you can try AspectJ as an alternative or force CGLIB based proxy in the case with ThreadProvider also this way:

<aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/>

Here is some more reference on this from the Spring Reference site:

Java SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match

In httpclient-4.3.3.jar, there is another HttpClient to use:

public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
    // org.apache.http.client.HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    org.apache.http.client.HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    System.out.println("HttpClient = " + client.getClass().toString());
    org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost post = new HttpPost("");
    org.apache.http.HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); is = response.getEntity().getContent(); rd = new;
    String line;
    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { 

This HttpClientBuilder.create().build() will return org.apache.http.impl.client.InternalHttpClient. It can handle the this hostname in certificate didn't match issue.

ToList()-- does it create a new list?

In the case where the source object is a true IEnumerable (i.e. not just a collection packaged an as enumerable), ToList() may NOT return the same object references as in the original IEnumerable. It will return a new List of objects, but those objects may not be the same or even Equal to the objects yielded by the IEnumerable when it is enumerated again

How to use UIVisualEffectView to Blur Image?

I prefer creating Visual Effects via Storyboard - no code used for creating or maintaining UI Elements. It gives me full landscape support, too. I have made a little demo of using UIVisualEffects with Blur and also Vibrancy.

Demo on Github

Using await outside of an async function

you can do top level await since typescript 3.8
From the post:
This is because previously in JavaScript (along with most other languages with a similar feature), await was only allowed within the body of an async function. However, with top-level await, we can use await at the top level of a module.

const response = await fetch("...");
const greeting = await response.text();

// Make sure we're a module
export {};

Note there’s a subtlety: top-level await only works at the top level of a module, and files are only considered modules when TypeScript finds an import or an export. In some basic cases, you might need to write out export {} as some boilerplate to make sure of this.

Top level await may not work in all environments where you might expect at this point. Currently, you can only use top level await when the target compiler option is es2017 or above, and module is esnext or system. Support within several environments and bundlers may be limited or may require enabling experimental support.

C: convert double to float, preserving decimal point precision

float and double don't store decimal places. They store binary places: float is (assuming IEEE 754) 24 significant bits (7.22 decimal digits) and double is 53 significant bits (15.95 significant digits).

Converting from double to float will give you the closest possible float, so rounding won't help you. Goining the other way may give you "noise" digits in the decimal representation.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    double orig = 12345.67;
    float f = (float) orig;
    printf("%.17g\n", f); // prints 12345.669921875
    return 0;

To get a double approximation to the nice decimal value you intended, you can write something like:

double round_to_decimal(float f) {
    char buf[42];
    sprintf(buf, "%.7g", f); // round to 7 decimal digits
    return atof(buf);

React.js: Identifying different inputs with one onChange handler

Hi have improved ssorallen answer. You don't need to bind function because you can access to the input without it.

var Hello = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        var total = this.state.input1 + this.state.input2;
        return (
                  <input type="text" 
                    onChange={this.handleChange} />
                 <input type="text" 
                    onChange={this.handleChange} />
   handleChange: function (name, value) {
       var change = {};
       change[name] = value;

React.renderComponent(<Hello />, document.getElementById('content'));

iOS 10 - Changes in asking permissions of Camera, microphone and Photo Library causing application to crash

Please find below codes for ios 10 request permission sample for info.plist.
You can modify for your custom message.

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Camera Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} BluetoothPeripheral</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Calendar Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Contact fetch</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Health Description</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Health Updates</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} HomeKit Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Use location always</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Location Updates</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} WhenInUse Location</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Music Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Microphone Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Motion Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} MediaLibrary Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} PhotoLibrary Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Reminder Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Siri Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Speech Recognition Usage</string>

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Video Subscribe Usage</string>

iOS 11 and plus, If you want to add photo/image to your library then you must add this key

    <string>${PRODUCT_NAME} library Usage</string>

html button to send email

You can use an anchor to attempt to open the user's default mail client, prepopulated, with mailto:, but you cannot send the actual email. *Apparently it is possible to do this with a form action as well, but browser support is varied and unreliable, so I do not suggest it.

HTML cannot send mail, you need to use a server side language like php, which is another topic. There are plently of good resources on how to do this here on SO or elsewhere on the internet.

If you are using php, I see SwiftMailer suggested quite a bit.

Where is svn.exe in my machine?

TortoiseSVN 1.7 has an option for installing the command line tools.

It isn't checked by default, but you can run the installer again and select it. It will also automatically update your PATH environment variable.

Git Ignores and Maven targets

add following lines in gitignore, from all undesirable files


### STS ###

### IntelliJ IDEA ###

### NetBeans ###

What is the purpose of class methods?

A class defines a set of instances, of course. And the methods of a class work on the individual instances. The class methods (and variables) a place to hang other information that is related to the set of instances over all.

For example if your class defines a the set of students you might want class variables or methods which define things like the set of grade the students can be members of.

You can also use class methods to define tools for working on the entire set. For example Student.all_of_em() might return all the known students. Obviously if your set of instances have more structure than just a set you can provide class methods to know about that structure. Students.all_of_em(grade='juniors')

Techniques like this tend to lead to storing members of the set of instances into data structures that are rooted in class variables. You need to take care to avoid frustrating the garbage collection then.

curl: (35) SSL connect error

curl 7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.19.1 Basic ECC zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2

You are using a very old version of curl. My guess is that you run into the bug described 6 years ago. Fix is to update your curl.

Have a fixed position div that needs to scroll if content overflows

Generally speaking, fixed section should be set with width, height and top, bottom properties, otherwise it won't recognise its size and position.

If the used box is direct child for body and has neighbours, then it makes sense to check z-index and top, left properties, since they could overlap each other, which might affect your mouse hover while scrolling the content.

Here is the solution for a content box (a direct child of body tag) which is commonly used along with mobile navigation.

.fixed-content {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;

    width: 100vw; /* viewport width */
    height: 100vh; /* viewport height */
    overflow-y: scroll;
    overflow-x: hidden;

Hope it helps anybody. Thank you!

IndexError: too many indices for array

The message that you are getting is not for the default Exception of Python:

For a fresh python list, IndexError is thrown only on index not being in range (even docs say so).

>>> l = []
>>> l[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

If we try passing multiple items to list, or some other value, we get the TypeError:

>>> l[1, 2]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple

>>> l[float('NaN')]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float

However, here, you seem to be using matplotlib that internally uses numpy for handling arrays. On digging deeper through the codebase for numpy, we see:

static NPY_INLINE npy_intp
unpack_tuple(PyTupleObject *index, PyObject **result, npy_intp result_n)
    npy_intp n, i;
    n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(index);
    if (n > result_n) {
                        "too many indices for array");
        return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        result[i] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(index, i);
    return n;

where, the unpack method will throw an error if it the size of the index is greater than that of the results.

So, Unlike Python which raises a TypeError on incorrect Indexes, Numpy raises the IndexError because it supports multidimensional arrays.

On Windows, running "import tensorflow" generates No module named "_pywrap_tensorflow" error

The problem was the cuDNN Library for me - for whatever reason cudnn-8.0-windows10-x64-v6.0 was NOT working - I used cudnn-8.0-windows10-x64-v5.1 - ALL GOOD!

My setup working with Win10 64 and the Nvidia GTX780M:

  • Be sure you have the lib MSVCP140.DLL by checking your system/path - if not get it here
  • Run the windows installer for python 3.5.3-amd64 from here - DO NOT try newer versions as they probably won't work
  • Get the cuDNN v5.1 for CUDA 8.0 from here - put it under your users folder or in another known location (you will need this in your path)
  • Get CUDA 8.0 x86_64 from here
  • Set PATH vars as expected to point at the cuDNN libs and python (the python path should be added during the python install)
  • Make sure that ".DLL" is included in your PATHEXT variable
  • If you are using tensorflow 1.3 then you want to use cudnn64_6.dll

If you run Windows 32 be sure to get the 32 bit versions of the files mentioned above.

How would I check a string for a certain letter in Python?

Use the in keyword without is.

if "x" in dog:
    print "Yes!"

If you'd like to check for the non-existence of a character, use not in:

if "x" not in dog:
    print "No!"

Calculate a Running Total in SQL Server

In SQL Server 2012 you can use SUM() with the OVER() clause.

select id,
       sum(somevalue) over(order by somedate rows unbounded preceding) as runningtotal
from TestTable

SQL Fiddle

could not extract ResultSet in hibernate

The @JoinColumn annotation specifies the name of the column being used as the foreign key on the targeted entity.

On the Product class above, the name of the join column is set to ID_CATALOG.

private Catalog catalog;

However, the foreign key on the Product table is called catalog_id

`catalog_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

You'll need to change either the column name on the table or the name you're using in the @JoinColumn so that they match. See

How to use a variable from a cursor in the select statement of another cursor in pl/sql

You can certainly do something like

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  begin
  2    for d in (select * from dept)
  3    loop
  4      for e in (select * from emp where deptno=d.deptno)
  5      loop
  6        dbms_output.put_line( 'Employee ' || e.ename ||
  7                              ' in department ' || d.dname );
  8      end loop;
  9    end loop;
 10* end;
SQL> /
Employee CLARK in department ACCOUNTING
Employee KING in department ACCOUNTING
Employee MILLER in department ACCOUNTING
Employee smith in department RESEARCH
Employee JONES in department RESEARCH
Employee SCOTT in department RESEARCH
Employee ADAMS in department RESEARCH
Employee FORD in department RESEARCH
Employee ALLEN in department SALES
Employee WARD in department SALES
Employee MARTIN in department SALES
Employee BLAKE in department SALES
Employee TURNER in department SALES
Employee JAMES in department SALES

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Or something equivalent using explicit cursors.

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    cursor dept_cur
  3        is select *
  4             from dept;
  5    d dept_cur%rowtype;
  6    cursor emp_cur( p_deptno IN dept.deptno%type )
  7        is select *
  8             from emp
  9            where deptno = p_deptno;
 10    e emp_cur%rowtype;
 11  begin
 12    open dept_cur;
 13    loop
 14      fetch dept_cur into d;
 15      exit when dept_cur%notfound;
 16      open emp_cur( d.deptno );
 17      loop
 18        fetch emp_cur into e;
 19        exit when emp_cur%notfound;
 20        dbms_output.put_line( 'Employee ' || e.ename ||
 21                              ' in department ' || d.dname );
 22      end loop;
 23      close emp_cur;
 24    end loop;
 25    close dept_cur;
 26* end;
 27  /
Employee CLARK in department ACCOUNTING
Employee KING in department ACCOUNTING
Employee MILLER in department ACCOUNTING
Employee smith in department RESEARCH
Employee JONES in department RESEARCH
Employee SCOTT in department RESEARCH
Employee ADAMS in department RESEARCH
Employee FORD in department RESEARCH
Employee ALLEN in department SALES
Employee WARD in department SALES
Employee MARTIN in department SALES
Employee BLAKE in department SALES
Employee TURNER in department SALES
Employee JAMES in department SALES

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

However, if you find yourself using nested cursor FOR loops, it is almost always more efficient to let the database join the two results for you. After all, relational databases are really, really good at joining. I'm guessing here at what your tables look like and how they relate based on the code you posted but something along the lines of

            FROM all_users,
           WHERE length(all_users.username) = 3
             AND all_users.username = org.username )
  <<do something>>

Upload video files via PHP and save them in appropriate folder and have a database entry

"Could you suggest a simpler code main thing is uploading the file Data base entry is secondary"

^--- As per OP's request. ---^

Image and video uploading code (tested with PHP Version 5.4.17)

HTML form

<!DOCTYPE html>



<form action="upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="file"><span>Filename:</span></label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" /> 
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />


PHP handler (upload_file.php)

Change upload folder to preferred name. Presently saves to upload/


$allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "mp3", "mp4", "wma");
$extension = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "video/mp4")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "audio/mp3")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "audio/wma")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg"))

&& ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 20000)
&& in_array($extension, $allowedExts))

  if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
    echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";
    echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";
    echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";
    echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";
    echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] . "<br />";

    if (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]))
      echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
      "upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
      echo "Stored in: " . "upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
  echo "Invalid file";

jQuery - how to check if an element exists?

Mostly, I prefer to use this syntax :

if ($('#MyId')!= null) {
    // dostuff

Even if this code is not commented, the functionality is obvious.

Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface?

Interfaces are concerned with polymorphism which is inherently tied to object instances, not classes. Therefore static doesn't make sense in the context of an interface.

Textarea to resize based on content length

A jquery solution has been implemented, and source code is available in github at: .

Can I make dynamic styles in React Native?

If you still want to take advantage of StyleSheet.create and also have dynamic styles, try this out:

const Circle = ({initial}) => {

const initial = user.pending ?[0] : user.firstName[0];

    const colorStyles = {
        backgroundColor: randomColor()

    return (
        <View style={[, colorStyles]}>
            <Text style={styles.text}>{initial.toUpperCase()}</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    circle: {
        height: 40,
        width: 40,
        borderRadius: 30,
        overflow: 'hidden'
    text: {
        fontSize: 12,
        lineHeight: 40,
        color: '#fff',
        textAlign: 'center'

Notice how the style property of the View is set as an array that combines your stylesheet with your dynamic styles.

How to create an object property from a variable value in JavaScript?

You cannot use a variable to access a property via dot notation, instead use the array notation.

var obj= {
     'name' : 'jroi'
var a = 'name';
alert(obj.a); //will not work
alert(obj[a]); //should work and alert jroi'

Update Jenkins from a war file

You can overwrite the existing jenkins.war file with the new one and then restart Jenkins.

This file is usually located in /usr/share/jenkins.

If this is not the case for your system, in Manage Jenkins -> System Information, it will display the path to the .war file under executable-war.

jQuery append() - return appended elements

I think you could do something like this:

var $child = $("#parentId").append("<div></div>").children("div:last-child");

The parent #parentId is returned from the append, so add a jquery children query to it to get the last div child inserted.

$child is then the jquery wrapped child div that was added.

How to set order of repositories in Maven settings.xml

As far as I know, the order of the repositories in your pom.xml will also decide the order of the repository access.

As for configuring repositories in settings.xml, I've read that the order of repositories is interestingly enough the inverse order of how the repositories will be accessed.

Here a post where someone explains this curiosity:

What is the point of "Initial Catalog" in a SQL Server connection string?

This is the initial database of the data source when you connect.

Edited for clarity:

If you have multiple databases in your SQL Server instance and you don't want to use the default database, you need some way to specify which one you are going to use.

Histogram with Logarithmic Scale and custom breaks

It's not entirely clear from your question whether you want a logged x-axis or a logged y-axis. A logged y-axis is not a good idea when using bars because they are anchored at zero, which becomes negative infinity when logged. You can work around this problem by using a frequency polygon or density plot.

Why doesn't logcat show anything in my Android?

Close logcat and then reopen it from Window>Show View>Others

Press enter in textbox to and execute button command

If you're just gonna click the button when Enter was pressed how about this?

private void textbox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)

Best way to check if a character array is empty

if (!*text) {}  

The above dereferences the pointer 'text' and checks to see if it's zero. alternatively:

if (*text == 0) {} 

Is it possible to use std::string in a constexpr?

No, and your compiler already gave you a comprehensive explanation.

But you could do this:

constexpr char constString[] = "constString";

At runtime, this can be used to construct a std::string when needed.

How can I ping a server port with PHP?

You don't need any exec or shell_exec hacks to do that, it is possible to do it in PHP. The book 'You want to do WHAT with PHP?' by Kevin Schroeder, show's how.

It uses sockets and the pack() function which lets you read and write binary protocols. What you need to do is to create an ICMP packet, which you can do by using the 'CCnnnA*' format to create your packet.

How to get Android GPS location

The initial issue is solved by changing lat and lon to double.

I want to add comment to solution with Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(bestProvider); It works to find out last known location when other app was lisnerning for that. If, for example, no app did that since device start, the code will return zeros (spent some time myself recently to figure that out).

Also, it's a good practice to stop listening when there is no need for that by locationManager.removeUpdates(this);

Also, even with permissions in manifest, the code works when location service is enabled in Android settings on a device.

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

this fails:

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 SET @nPortalUID = CAST(@vPortalUID AS uniqueidentifier)
 PRINT @nPortalUID

this works

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 PRINT @nPortalUID

the difference is NVARCHAR(36), your input parameter is too small!

How do you get total amount of RAM the computer has?

You could use WMI. Found a snippit.

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ 
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2") 
Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each objComputer in colComputer 
  strMemory = objComputer.TotalPhysicalMemory

How to delete a cookie using jQuery?

What you are doing is correct, the problem is somewhere else, e.g. the cookie is being set again somehow on refresh.

Android: failed to convert @drawable/picture into a drawable

If you have the naming conventions right, then just go to File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart..

And press Invalidate Caches / Restart..

This helped in my case.

How to stop C++ console application from exiting immediately?

simply put this at the end of your code:

while(1){ }

this function will keep going on forever(or until you close the console) and will keep the console it from closing on its own.

AngularJS - difference between pristine/dirty and touched/untouched

This is a late answer but hope this might help.

Scenario 1: You visited the site for first time and did not touch any field. The state of form is

ng-untouched and ng-pristine

Scenario 2: You are currently entering the values in a particular field in the form. Then the state is

ng-untouched and ng-dirty

Scenario 3: You are done with entering the values in the field and moved to next field

ng-touched and ng-dirty

Scenario 4: Say a form has a phone number field . You have entered the number but you have actually entered 9 digits but there are 10 digits required for a phone number.Then the state is ng-invalid

In short:

ng-untouched:When the form field has not been visited yet

ng-touched: When the form field is visited AND the field has lost focus

ng-pristine: The form field value is not changed

ng-dirty: The form field value is changed

ng-valid : When all validations of form fields are successful

ng-invalid: When all validations of form fields are not successful

How to view the roles and permissions granted to any database user in Azure SQL server instance?

Building on @tmullaney 's answer, you can also left join in the sys.objects view to get insight when explicit permissions have been granted on objects. Make sure to use the LEFT join:

SELECT DISTINCT pr.principal_id, AS [UserName], pr.type_desc AS [User_or_Role], pr.authentication_type_desc AS [Auth_Type], pe.state_desc,
    pe.permission_name, pe.class_desc, o.[name] AS 'Object' 
    FROM sys.database_principals AS pr 
    JOIN sys.database_permissions AS pe ON pe.grantee_principal_id = pr.principal_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS o on (o.object_id = pe.major_id)

TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable

You do cls.isFilled = True. That overwrites the method called isFilled and replaces it with the value True. That method is now gone and you can't call it anymore. So when you try to call it again you get an error, since it's not there anymore.

The solution is use a different name for the variable than you do for the method.

AWS Lambda import module error in python

Make sure that you are zipping all dependencies in a folder structure as python/[Your All Dependencies] to make it work as per this documentation.

PHP if not statements

I think this is the best and easiest way to do it:

if (!(isset($action) && ($action == "add" || $action == "delete")))

How to make one Observable sequence wait for another to complete before emitting?

Here's yet another, but I feel more straightforward and intuitive (or at least natural if you're used to Promises), approach. Basically, you create an Observable using Observable.create() to wrap one and two as a single Observable. This is very similar to how Promise.all() may work.

var first = someObservable.take(1);
var second = Observable.create((observer) => {
  return first.subscribe(
    function onNext(value) {
      /* do something with value like: */
    function onError(error) {
    function onComplete() {
        function onNext(value) {
        function onError(error) {
        function onComplete() {

So, what's going on here? First, we create a new Observable. The function passed to Observable.create(), aptly named onSubscription, is passed the observer (built from the parameters you pass to subscribe()), which is similar to resolve and reject combined into a single object when creating a new Promise. This is how we make the magic work.

In onSubscription, we subscribe to the first Observable (in the example above, this was called one). How we handle next and error is up to you, but the default provided in my sample should be appropriate generally speaking. However, when we receive the complete event, which means one is now done, we can subscribe to the next Observable; thereby firing the second Observable after the first one is complete.

The example observer provided for the second Observable is fairly simple. Basically, second now acts like what you would expect two to act like in the OP. More specifically, second will emit the first and only the first value emitted by someOtherObservable (because of take(1)) and then complete, assuming there is no error.


Here is a full, working example you can copy/paste if you want to see my example working in real life:

var someObservable = Observable.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var someOtherObservable = Observable.from([6, 7, 8, 9]);

var first = someObservable.take(1);
var second = Observable.create((observer) => {
  return first.subscribe(
    function onNext(value) {
      /* do something with value like: */;
    function onError(error) {
    function onComplete() {
        function onNext(value) {
        function onError(error) {
        function onComplete() {
  function onNext(value) {
  function onError(error) {
  function onComplete() {

If you watch the console, the above example will print:




How do you declare an object array in Java?

It's the other way round:

Vehicle[] car = new Vehicle[N];

This makes more sense, as the number of elements in the array isn't part of the type of car, but it is part of the initialization of the array whose reference you're initially assigning to car. You can then reassign it in another statement:

car = new Vehicle[10]; // Creates a new array

(Note that I've changed the type name to match Java naming conventions.)

For further information about arrays, see section 10 of the Java Language Specification.

How to indent/format a selection of code in Visual Studio Code with Ctrl + Shift + F

  • you can also indent a whole section by selecting it and clicking TAB
  • and also indent backward using Shift+TAB

And of course for auto indentation and formatting, following the language you're using, you can see which good extensions do the good job, and which formatters to install or which parameters settings to enable or set for each language and its available tools. Just make sure to read well the documentation of the extension, to install and set all what it need.

Up to now the indentation problem bothers me with Python when copy pasting a block of code. If that's the case, here is how you solve that: Visual Studio Code indentation for Python

Declare variable in table valued function

There are two flavors of table valued functions. One that is just a select statement and one that can have more rows than just a select statement.

This can not have a variable:

create function Func() returns table
select 10 as ColName

You have to do like this instead:

create function Func()
returns @T table(ColName int)
  declare @Var int
  set @Var = 10
  insert into @T(ColName) values (@Var)

How can I make a program wait for a variable change in javascript?

I would recommend a wrapper that will handle value being changed. For example you can have JavaScript function, like this:

?function Variable(initVal, onChange)
    this.val = initVal;          //Value to be stored in this object
    this.onChange = onChange;    //OnChange handler

    //This method returns stored value
    this.GetValue = function()  
        return this.val;

    //This method changes the value and calls the given handler       
    this.SetValue = function(value)
        this.val = value;


And then you can make an object out of it that will hold value that you want to monitor, and also a function that will be called when the value gets changed. For example, if you want to be alerted when the value changes, and initial value is 10, you would write code like this:

var myVar = new Variable(10, function(){alert("Value changed!");});

Handler function(){alert("Value changed!");} will be called (if you look at the code) when SetValue() is called.

You can get value like so:


You can set value like so:


And immediately after, an alert will be shown on the screen. See how it works:

Get changes from master into branch in Git

Scenario :

  • I created a branch from master say branch-1 and pulled it to my local.
  • My Friend created a branch from master say branch-2.
  • He committed some code changes to master.
  • Now I want to take those changes from master branch to my local branch.


git stash // to save all existing changes in local branch
git checkout master // Switch to master branch from branch-1
git pull // take changes from the master
git checkout branch-1 // switchback to your own branch
git rebase master // merge all the changes and move you git head  forward
git stash apply // reapply all you saved changes 

You can find conflicts on your file after executing "git stash apply". You need to fix it manually and now you are ready to push.

MongoDB - admin user not authorized

I know this answer is coming really late on in this thread but I hope you check it out.

The reason you get that error is based on the specific role that you granted to the user, which you have gathered by now, and yes giving that user the role root will solve your problem but you must first understand what these roles do exactly before granting them to users.

In tutorial you granted the user the userAdminAnyDatabase role which basically give the user the ability to manage users of all your databases. What you were trying to do with your user was outside its role definition.

The root role has this role included in it definition as well as the readWriteAnyDatabase, dbAdminAnyDatabase and other roles making it a superuser (basically because you can do anything with it).

You can check out the role definitions to see which roles you will need to give you users to complete certain tasks. Its not advisable to make all your users super ones :)

Selenium using Python - Geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH

If you want to add the driver paths on Windows 10:

  1. Right click on the "This PC" icon and select "Properties"

    Enter image description here

  2. Click on “Advanced System Settings”

  3. Click on “Environment Variables” at the bottom of the screen

  4. In the “User Variables” section highlight “Path” and click “Edit”

  5. Add the paths to your variables by clicking “New” and typing in the path for the driver you are adding and hitting enter.

  6. Once you done entering in the path, click “OK”

  7. Keep clicking “OK” until you have closed out all the screens

What is __future__ in Python used for and how/when to use it, and how it works

__future__ is a pseudo-module which programmers can use to enable new language features which are not compatible with the current interpreter. For example, the expression 11/4 currently evaluates to 2. If the module in which it is executed had enabled true division by executing:

from __future__ import division

the expression 11/4 would evaluate to 2.75. By importing the __future__ module and evaluating its variables, you can see when a new feature was first added to the language and when it will become the default:

  >>> import __future__
  >>> __future__.division
  _Feature((2, 2, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 8192)

Redirect to new Page in AngularJS using $location

$location won't help you with external URLs, use the $window service instead:

$window.location.href = '';

Note that you could use the window object, but it is bad practice since $window is easily mockable whereas window is not.

How to create dispatch queue in Swift 3

 let newQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "newname")
 newQueue.sync { 

 // your code


VBA EXCEL Multiple Nested FOR Loops that Set two variable for expression

I can't get to your google docs file at the moment but there are some issues with your code that I will try to address while answering

Sub stituterangersNEW()
Dim t As Range
Dim x As Range
Dim dify As Boolean
Dim difx As Boolean
Dim time2 As Date
Dim time1 As Date

    'You said time1 doesn't change, so I left it in a singe cell.
    'If that is not correct, you will have to play with this some more.
    time1 = Range("A6").Value

    'Looping through each of our output cells.
    For Each t In Range("B7:E9") 'Change these to match your real ranges.

        'Looping through each departure date/time.
        '(Only one row in your example. This can be adjusted if needed.)
        For Each x In Range("B2:E2") 'Change these to match your real ranges.
            'Check to see if our dep time corresponds to
            'the matching column in our output
            If t.Column = x.Column Then
                'If it does, then check to see what our time value is
                If x > 0 Then
                    time2 = x.Value
                    'Apply the change to the output cell.
                    t.Value = time1 - time2
                    'Exit out of this loop and move to the next output cell.
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
            'If the columns don't match, or the x value is not a time
            'then we'll move to the next dep time (x)
        Next x
    Next t

End Sub


I changed you worksheet to play with (see above for the new Sub). This probably does not suite your needs directly, but hopefully it will demonstrate the conept behind what I think you want to do. Please keep in mind that this code does not follow all the coding best preactices I would recommend (e.g. validating the time is actually a TIME and not some random other data type).

     A                      B                   C                   D                  E
1    LOAD_NUMBER            1                   2                   3                  4
2    DEPARTURE_TIME_DATE    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 20:00                
4    Dry_Refrig 7585.1  0   10099.8 16700
6    1/4/2012 19:30

Using the sub I got this output:

    A           B             C             D             E
7   Friday      1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00
8   Saturday    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00
9   Thursday    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00

How can I make a float top with CSS?

<div class="block blockLeft">...</div>
<div class="block blockRight">...</div>
<div class="block blockLeft">...</div>
<div class="block blockRight">...</div>
<div class="block blockLeft">...</div>
<div class="block blockRight">...</div>

block {width:300px;}
blockLeft {float:left;}
blockRight {float:right;}

But if the number of div's elements is not fixed or you don't know how much it could be, you still need JS. use jQuery :even, :odd

how to draw a rectangle in HTML or CSS?

In the HTML page you have to to put your css code between the tags, while in the body a div which has as id rectangle. Here the code:

   all your css code
<div id="rectangle"></div>

How do you use "git --bare init" repository?

The general practice is to have the central repository to which you push as a bare repo.

If you have SVN background, you can relate an SVN repo to a Git bare repo. It doesn't have the files in the repo in the original form. Whereas your local repo will have the files that form your "code" in addition.

You need to add a remote to the bare repo from your local repo and push your "code" to it.

It will be something like:

git remote add central <url> # url will be ssh based for you
git push --all central

What is the instanceof operator in JavaScript?

I think it's worth noting that instanceof is defined by the use of the "new" keyword when declaring the object. In the example from JonH;

var color1 = new String("green");
color1 instanceof String; // returns true
var color2 = "coral";
color2 instanceof String; // returns false (color2 is not a String object)

What he didn't mention is this;

var color1 = String("green");
color1 instanceof String; // returns false

Specifying "new" actually copied the end state of the String constructor function into the color1 var, rather than just setting it to the return value. I think this better shows what the new keyword does;

function Test(name){
    this.test = function(){
        return 'This will only work through the "new" keyword.';
    return name;

var test = new Test('test');
test.test(); // returns 'This will only work through the "new" keyword.'
test // returns the instance object of the Test() function.

var test = Test('test');
test.test(); // throws TypeError: Object #<Test> has no method 'test'
test // returns 'test'

Using "new" assigns the value of "this" inside the function to the declared var, while not using it assigns the return value instead.

What is the use of ByteBuffer in Java?

The ByteBuffer class is important because it forms a basis for the use of channels in Java. ByteBuffer class defines six categories of operations upon byte buffers, as stated in the Java 7 documentation:

  • Absolute and relative get and put methods that read and write single bytes;

  • Relative bulk get methods that transfer contiguous sequences of bytes from this buffer into an array;

  • Relative bulk put methods that transfer contiguous sequences of bytes from a byte array or some other byte buffer into this buffer;

  • Absolute and relative get and put methods that read and write values of other primitive types, translating them to and from sequences of bytes in a particular byte order;

  • Methods for creating view buffers, which allow a byte buffer to be viewed as a buffer containing values of some other primitive type; and

  • Methods for compacting, duplicating, and slicing a byte buffer.

Example code : Putting Bytes into a buffer.

    // Create an empty ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
    ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);

    // Get the buffer's capacity
    int capacity = bbuf.capacity(); // 10

    // Use the absolute put(int, byte).
    // This method does not affect the position.
    bbuf.put(0, (byte)0xFF); // position=0

    // Set the position

    // Use the relative put(byte)

    // Get the new position
    int pos = bbuf.position(); // 6

    // Get remaining byte count
    int rem = bbuf.remaining(); // 4

    // Set the limit
    bbuf.limit(7); // remaining=1

    // This convenience method sets the position to 0
    bbuf.rewind(); // remaining=7

How to change the button text for 'Yes' and 'No' buttons in the MessageBox.Show dialog?

I didn't think it would be that simple! go to this link:

Download the source. Take the MessageBoxManager.cs file, add it to your project. Now just register it once in your code (for example in the Main() method inside your Program.cs file) and it will work every time you call MessageBox.Show():

    MessageBoxManager.OK = "Alright";
    MessageBoxManager.Yes = "Yep!";
    MessageBoxManager.No = "Nope";

See this answer for the source code here for MessageBoxManager.cs.

accessing a docker container from another container

You will have to access db through the ip of host machine, or if you want to access it via localhost:1521, then run webserver like -

docker run --net=host --name oracle-wls wls-image:latest

See here

Hidden Features of Java

Actually, what I love about Java is how few hidden tricks there are. It's a very obvious language. So much so that after 15 years, almost every one I can think of is already listed on these few pages.

Perhaps most people know that Collections.synchronizedList() adds synchronization to a list. What you can't know unless you read the documentation is that you can safely iterate on the elements of that list by synchronizing on the list object itself.

CopyOnWriteArrayList might be unknown to some, and Future represents an interesting way to abstract multithreaded result access.

You can attach to VMs (local or remote), get information on GC activity, memory use, file descriptors and even object sizes through the various management, agent and attach APIs.

Although TimeUnit is perhaps better than long, I prefer Wicket's Duration class.

How to print Boolean flag in NSLog?

Note that in Swift, you can just do

let testBool: Bool = true
NSLog("testBool = %@", testBool.description)

This will log testBool = true

What happens when a duplicate key is put into a HashMap?

By definition, the put command replaces the previous value associated with the given key in the map (conceptually like an array indexing operation for primitive types).

The map simply drops its reference to the value. If nothing else holds a reference to the object, that object becomes eligible for garbage collection. Additionally, Java returns any previous value associated with the given key (or null if none present), so you can determine what was there and maintain a reference if necessary.

More information here: HashMap Doc

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

There is a another best/effective way to solve this error,

for example, let's take a loop which counts till 10 thousand, here you may get the error Out of memory, do to solve it you can give the computer time to recover.

So, you can sleep for 400-500ms before you're loop counts the next number :

new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    sleep(550); // 550 ms (milli seconds)
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

By doing this, will make you're program slower but you don't get any error till the heap space is full again, so by waiting some ms, you can prevent that error.

You can apply this method other than loop.

Hope it helped you, :D

Error Importing SSL certificate : Not an X.509 Certificate

This seems like an old thread, but I'll add my experience here. I tried to install a cert as well and got that error. I then opened the cer file with a txt editor, and noticed that there is an extra space (character) at the end of each line. Removing those lines allowed me to import the cert.

Hope this is worth something to someone else.

The builds tools for v120 (Platform Toolset = 'v120') cannot be found

In my case, I have double-clicked a Visual 2013 sln file and Visual 2012 opened (instead of Visual 2013). Trying to compile with Visual 2012, a project that has the Platform Toolset set to "v120" showed the error above mentioned. However, reopening the sln with Visual 2013, the Platform Toolset was set to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)" - please note the complete name this time -, actually did the job for me. The project compiles well now.

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList'

You can replace IList<DzieckoAndOpiekun> resultV with var resultV.

Counting inversions in an array

Use mergesort, in merge step incremeant counter if the number copied to output is from right array.

Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

In Django this is trivial (and actually works, I had issues with a number of the solutions not correctly returning negatives for latitude).

For instance, let's say you are using django-geopostcodes (of which I am the author).

from django.contrib.gis.geos import MultiPoint
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import Distance
from django_geopostcodes.models import Locality

qs = Locality.objects.anything_icontains('New York')
points = [locality.point for locality in qs]
multipoint = MultiPoint(*points)
point = multipoint.centroid

point is a Django Point instance that can then be used to do things such as retrieve all objects that are within 10km of that centre point;

Locality.objects.filter(point__distance_lte=(point, D(km=10)))\
    .annotate(distance=Distance('point', point))\

Changing this to raw Python is trivial;

from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, MultiPoint

points = [
    Point((145.137075, -37.639981)),
    Point((144.137075, -39.639981)),
multipoint = MultiPoint(*points)
point = multipoint.centroid

Under the hood Django is using GEOS - more details at

Git push hangs when pushing to Github?

I had the same problem. All the git commands accessing remote git repository are hanging. I forgot that I changed my VM network settings. Once I changed it back to NAT (as before) then they started working. It is not an issue with the git but with the network itself.

Display only 10 characters of a long string?

Creating own answer, as nobody has considered that the split might not happened (shorter text). In that case we don't want to add '...' as suffix.

Ternary operator will sort that out:

var text = "blahalhahkanhklanlkanhlanlanhak";
var count = 35;

var result = text.slice(0, count) + (text.length > count ? "..." : "");

Can be closed to function:

function fn(text, count){
    return text.slice(0, count) + (text.length > count ? "..." : "");

console.log(fn("aognaglkanglnagln", 10));

And expand to helpers class so You can even choose if You want the dots or not:

function fn(text, count, insertDots){
    return text.slice(0, count) + (((text.length > count) && insertDots) ? "..." : "");

console.log(fn("aognaglkanglnagln", 10, true));
console.log(fn("aognaglkanglnagln", 10, false));

C++ - Decimal to binary converting

An int variable is not in decimal, it's in binary. What you're looking for is a binary string representation of the number, which you can get by applying a mask that filters individual bits, and then printing them:

for( int i = sizeof(value)*CHAR_BIT-1; i>=0; --i)
    cout << value & (1 << i) ? '1' : '0';

That's the solution if your question is algorithmic. If not, you should use the std::bitset class to handle this for you:

bitset< sizeof(value)*CHAR_BIT > bits( value );
cout << bits.to_string();

How do I connect to an MDF database file?

string sqlCon = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;" +
                Integrated Security=True;
                Connect Timeout=30;
                User Instance=True";
SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(sqlCon);

The filepath should have |DataDirectory| which actually links to "current project directory\App_Data\" or "current project directory" and get the .mdf file.....Place the .mdf in either of these places and should work in visual studio 2010.And when you use the standalone application on production system, then the current path where the executable file is, should have the .mdf file.

Dynamically allocating an array of objects

I'd recommend using std::vector: something like

typedef std::vector<int> A;
typedef std::vector<A> AS;

There's nothing wrong with the slight overkill of STL, and you'll be able to spend more time implementing the specific features of your app instead of reinventing the bicycle.

How to fast-forward a branch to head?


git checkout master
git pull origin

will fetch and merge the origin/master branch (you may just say git pull as origin is the default).

Field 'id' doesn't have a default value?

Since mysql 5.6, there is a new default that makes sure you are explicitly inserting every field that doesn't have a default value set in the table definition.

to disable and test this: see this answer here: mysql error 1364 Field doesn't have a default values

I would recommend you test without it, then reenable it and make sure all your tables have default values for fields you are not explicitly passing in every INSERT query.

If a third party mysql viewer is giving this error, you are probably limited to the fix in that link.

PHP : send mail in localhost

It is possible to send Emails without using any heavy libraries I have included my example here.

lightweight SMTP Email sender for PHP

Tested in both environments production and development.

and most importantly emails will not go to spam unless your IP is blacklisted by the server.


jQuery bind/unbind 'scroll' event on $(window)

You need to:


At the moment you are not specifying the event to unbind.

How can I check if a command exists in a shell script?

which <cmd>

also see options which supports for aliases if applicable to your case.


$ which foobar
which: no foobar in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/PC Connectivity Solution:/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/cygdrive/d/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz 2.28/bin:/cygdrive/d/Program Files (x86)/GNU/GnuPG
$ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "foobar is found in PATH"; else echo "foobar is NOT found in PATH, of course it does not mean it is not installed."; fi
foobar is NOT found in PATH, of course it does not mean it is not installed.

PS: Note that not everything that's installed may be in PATH. Usually to check whether something is "installed" or not one would use installation related commands relevant to the OS. E.g. rpm -qa | grep -i "foobar" for RHEL.

How to edit the size of the submit button on a form?

just use style attribute with height and width option

<input type="submit" id="search" value="Search"  style="height:50px; width:50px" />

How can I convert a DOM element to a jQuery element?

What about constructing the element using jQuery? e.g.


creates a new div element, ready to be added to the page. Can be shortened further to


then you can chain on commands that you need, set up event handlers and append it to the DOM. For example

$('<div id="myid">Div Content</div>')
    .bind('click', function(e) { /* event handler here */ })

Change Schema Name Of Table In SQL


TRANSFER dbo.Employees

Java file path in Linux

Looks like you are missing a leading slash. Perhaps try:

Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("/home/me/java/ex.txt"));

(as to where it looks for files by default, it is where the JVM is run from for relative paths like the one you have in your question)

How to move certain commits to be based on another branch in git?

The simplest thing you can do is cherry picking a range. It does the same as the rebase --onto but is easier for the eyes :)

git cherry-pick quickfix1..quickfix2

orderBy multiple fields in Angular

There are 2 ways of doing AngularJs filters, one in the HTML using {{}} and one in actual JS files...

You can solve you problem by using :

{{ Expression | orderBy : expression : reverse}}

if you use it in the HTML or use something like:

$filter('orderBy')(yourArray, yourExpression, reverse)

The reverse is optional at the end, it accepts a boolean and if it's true, it will reverse the Array for you, very handy way to reverse your Array...

Passing an array of data as an input parameter to an Oracle procedure

If the types of the parameters are all the same (varchar2 for example), you can have a package like this which will do the following:


   TYPE assoc_array_varchar2_t IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

   PROCEDURE your_proc(p_parm IN assoc_array_varchar2_t);

END test_pkg;


   PROCEDURE your_proc(p_parm IN assoc_array_varchar2_t) AS
      FOR i IN p_parm.first .. p_parm.last
      END LOOP;


END test_pkg;

Then, to call it you'd need to set up the array and pass it:

  l_array testuser.test_pkg.assoc_array_varchar2_t;
  l_array(0) := 'hello';
  l_array(1) := 'there';  


What is the meaning of <> in mysql query?

<> means NOT EQUAL TO, != also means NOT EQUAL TO. It's just another syntactic sugar. both <> and != are same.

The below two examples are doing the same thing. Query publisher table to bring results which are NOT EQUAL TO <> != USA.

SELECT pub_name,country,pub_city,estd FROM publisher WHERE country <> "USA";

SELECT pub_name,country,pub_city,estd FROM publisher WHERE country != "USA";

not finding android sdk (Unity)

I have same problem.

I fixed by android sdk tool version downgrade.

The steps.

  1. Delete android sdk "tools" folder : [Your Android SDK root]/tools -> tools

  2. Download SDK Tools:

  3. Extract that to Android SDK root

  4. Build your project

Extending the User model with custom fields in Django

This is what i do and it's in my opinion simplest way to do this. define an object manager for your new customized model then define your model.

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import PermissionsMixin, AbstractBaseUser, BaseUserManager

class User_manager(BaseUserManager):
    def create_user(self, username, email, gender, nickname, password):
        email = self.normalize_email(email)
        user = self.model(username=username, email=email, gender=gender, nickname=nickname)
        return user

    def create_superuser(self, username, email, gender, password, nickname=None):
        user = self.create_user(username=username, email=email, gender=gender, nickname=nickname, password=password)
        user.is_superuser = True
        user.is_staff = True
        return user

  class User(PermissionsMixin, AbstractBaseUser):
    username = models.CharField(max_length=32, unique=True, )
    email = models.EmailField(max_length=32)
    gender_choices = [("M", "Male"), ("F", "Female"), ("O", "Others")]
    gender = models.CharField(choices=gender_choices, default="M", max_length=1)
    nickname = models.CharField(max_length=32, blank=True, null=True)

    is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
    is_staff = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    REQUIRED_FIELDS = ["email", "gender"]
    USERNAME_FIELD = "username"
    objects = User_manager()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.username

Dont forget to add this line of code in your

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'YourApp.User'

This is what i do and it always works.

How to do a Jquery Callback after form submit?

For MVC here was an even easier approach. You need to use the Ajax form and set the AjaxOptions

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("UploadTrainingMedia", "CreateTest", new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "POST", OnComplete = "displayUploadMediaMsg" }, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", id = "frmUploadTrainingMedia" }))
  ... html for form

here is the submission code, this is in the document ready section and ties the onclick event of the button to to submit the form


here is the callback referenced in the AjaxOptions

function displayUploadMediaMsg(d){
    var rslt = $.parseJSON(d.responseText);
    if (rslt.statusCode == 200){
        $().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", rslt.status);
        $().toastmessage("showErrorToast", rslt.status);

in the controller method for MVC it looks like this

public JsonResult UploadTrainingMedia(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
    if (files != null)
        foreach (var file in files)
            // there is only one file  ... do something with it
        return Json(new
            statusCode = 200,
            status = "File uploaded",
            file = "",
        }, "text/html");
        return Json(new
            statusCode = 400,
            status = "Unable to upload file",
            file = "",
        }, "text/html");

Translating touch events from Javascript to jQuery

jQuery 'fixes up' events to account for browser differences. When it does so, you can always access the 'native' event with event.originalEvent (see the Special Properties subheading on this page).

How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner?

I have had LOTS of issues with the spinner firing of when I didn't want to, and all the answers here are unreliable. They work - but only sometimes. You will eventually run into scenarios where they will fail and introduce bugs into your code.

What worked for me was to store the last selected index in a variable and evaluate it in the listener. If it is the same as the new selected index do nothing and return, else continue with the listener. Do this:

//Declare a int member variable and initialize to 0 (at the top of your class)
private int mLastSpinnerPosition = 0;

//then evaluate it in your listener
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {

  if(mLastSpinnerPosition == i){
        return; //do nothing

  mLastSpinnerPosition = i;
  //do the rest of your code now


Trust me when I say this, this is by far the most reliable solution. A hack, but it works!

How do I create a nice-looking DMG for Mac OS X using command-line tools?

Don't go there. As a long term Mac developer, I can assure you, no solution is really working well. I tried so many solutions, but they are all not too good. I think the problem is that Apple does not really document the meta data format for the necessary data.

Here's how I'm doing it for a long time, very successfully:

  1. Create a new DMG, writeable(!), big enough to hold the expected binary and extra files like readme (sparse might work).

  2. Mount the DMG and give it a layout manually in Finder or with whatever tools suits you for doing that (see FileStorm link at the bottom for a good tool). The background image is usually an image we put into a hidden folder (".something") on the DMG. Put a copy of your app there (any version, even outdated one will do). Copy other files (aliases, readme, etc.) you want there, again, outdated versions will do just fine. Make sure icons have the right sizes and positions (IOW, layout the DMG the way you want it to be).

  3. Unmount the DMG again, all settings should be stored by now.

  4. Write a create DMG script, that works as follows:

    • It copies the DMG, so the original one is never touched again.
    • It mounts the copy.
    • It replaces all files with the most up to date ones (e.g. latest app after build). You can simply use mv or ditto for that on command line. Note, when you replace a file like that, the icon will stay the same, the position will stay the same, everything but the file (or directory) content stays the same (at least with ditto, which we usually use for that task). You can of course also replace the background image with another one (just make sure it has the same dimensions).
    • After replacing the files, make the script unmount the DMG copy again.
    • Finally call hdiutil to convert the writable, to a compressed (and such not writable) DMG.

This method may not sound optimal, but trust me, it works really well in practice. You can put the original DMG (DMG template) even under version control (e.g. SVN), so if you ever accidentally change/destroy it, you can just go back to a revision where it was still okay. You can add the DMG template to your Xcode project, together with all other files that belong onto the DMG (readme, URL file, background image), all under version control and then create a target (e.g. external target named "Create DMG") and there run the DMG script of above and add your old main target as dependent target. You can access files in the Xcode tree using ${SRCROOT} in the script (is always the source root of your product) and you can access build products by using ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} (is always the directory where Xcode creates the build results).

Result: Actually Xcode can produce the DMG at the end of the build. A DMG that is ready to release. Not only you can create a relase DMG pretty easy that way, you can actually do so in an automated process (on a headless server if you like), using xcodebuild from command line (automated nightly builds for example).

Regarding the initial layout of the template, FileStorm is a good tool for doing it. It is commercial, but very powerful and easy to use. The normal version is less than $20, so it is really affordable. Maybe one can automate FileStorm to create a DMG (e.g. via AppleScript), never tried that, but once you have found the perfect template DMG, it's really easy to update it for every release.

Error: cannot open display: localhost:0.0 - trying to open Firefox from CentOS 6.2 64bit and display on Win7

In my case the issue was caused due to mismatch in .Xauthority file. Which initially showed up with "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1" error and then "Error: cannot open display: :0.0" afterwards

Regenerating the .Xauthorityfile from the user under which I am running the vncserver and resetting the password with a restart of the vnc service and dbus service fixed the issue for me.

Generating random, unique values C#

You can use basic Random Functions of C#

Random ran = new Random();
int randomno = ran.Next(0,100);

you can now use the value in the randomno in anything you want but keep in mind that this will generate a random number between 0 and 100 Only and you can extend that to any figure.

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    die("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));

You got the order of the arguments to mysqli_select_db() backwards. And mysqli_error() requires you to provide a connection argument. mysqli_XXX is not like mysql_XXX, these arguments are no longer optional.

Note also that with mysqli you can specify the DB in mysqli_connect():

$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
if (!$connection) {
  die("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error();

You must use mysqli_connect_error(), not mysqli_error(), to get the error from mysqli_connect(), since the latter requires you to supply a valid connection.