The number of inversions can be found by analyzing the merge process in merge sort :
When copying a element from the second array to the merge array (the 9 in this exemple), it keeps its place relatively to other elements. When copying a element from the first array to the merge array (the 5 here) it is inverted with all the elements staying in the second array (2 inversions with the 3 and the 4). So a little modification of merge sort can solve the problem in O(n ln n).
For exemple, just uncomment the two # lines in the mergesort python code below to have the count.
def merge(l1,l2):
l = []
# global count
while l1 and l2:
if l1[-1] <= l2[-1]:
# count += len(l2)
return l1 + l2 + l
def sort(l):
t = len(l) // 2
return merge(sort(l[:t]), sort(l[t:])) if t > 0 else l
print(sort([5,1,2,4,9,3]), count)
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9] 6
The same task can be achieved with a stable version of quick sort, known to be slightly faster :
def part(l):
small,big = [],[]
count = big_count = 0
for x in l:
if x <= pivot:
count += big_count
big_count += 1
return count,small,big
def quick_count(l):
if len(l)<2 : return 0
count,small,big = part(l)
return count + quick_count(small) + quick_count(big)
Choosing pivot as the last element, inversions are well counted, and execution time 40% better than merge one above.
For performance in python, a numpy & numba version :
First the numpy part, which use argsort O (n ln n) :
def count_inversions(a):
n = a.size
counts = np.arange(n) & -np.arange(n) # The BIT
ags = a.argsort(kind='mergesort')
return BIT(ags,counts,n)
And the numba part for the efficient BIT approach :
def BIT(ags,counts,n):
res = 0
for x in ags :
i = x
while i:
res += counts[i]
i -= i & -i
i = x+1
while i < n:
counts[i] -= 1
i += i & -i
return res