I wrote this handy piece to sort by multiple columns / properties of an object. With each successive column click, the code stores the last column clicked and adds it to a growing list of clicked column string names, placing them in an array called sortArray. The built-in Angular "orderBy" filter simply reads the sortArray list and orders the columns by the order of column names stored there. So the last clicked column name becomes the primary ordered filter, the previous one clicked the next in precedence, etc. The reverse order affects all columns order at once and toggles ascending/descending for the complete array list set:
app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.sortArray = ['name'];
$scope.sortReverse1 = false;
$scope.searchProperty1 = '';
$scope.addSort = function (x) {
if ($scope.sortArray.indexOf(x) === -1) {
$scope.sortArray.splice(0,0,x);//add to front
else {
$scope.sortArray.splice($scope.sortArray.indexOf(x), 1, x);//remove
$scope.sortArray.splice(0, 0, x);//add to front again
$scope.sushi = [
{ name: 'Cali Roll', fish: 'Crab', tastiness: 2 },
{ name: 'Philly', fish: 'Tuna', tastiness: 2 },
{ name: 'Tiger', fish: 'Eel', tastiness: 7 },
{ name: 'Rainbow', fish: 'Variety', tastiness: 6 },
{ name: 'Salmon', fish: 'Misc', tastiness: 2 }
<table style="border: 2px solid #000;">
<td><a href="#" ng-click="addSort('name');sortReverse1=!sortReverse1">NAME<span ng-show="sortReverse1==false">▼</span><span ng-show="sortReverse1==true">▲</span></a></td>
<td><a href="#" ng-click="addSort('fish');sortReverse1=!sortReverse1">FISH<span ng-show="sortReverse1==false">▼</span><span ng-show="sortReverse1==true">▲</span></a></td>
<td><a href="#" ng-click="addSort('tastiness');sortReverse1=!sortReverse1">TASTINESS<span ng-show="sortReverse1==false">▼</span><span ng-show="sortReverse1==true">▲</span></a></td>
<tr ng-repeat="s in sushi | orderBy:sortArray:sortReverse1 | filter:searchProperty1">
<td>{{ s.name }}</td>
<td>{{ s.fish }}</td>
<td>{{ s.tastiness }}</td>