[angularjs] Angular ng-repeat add bootstrap row every 3 or 4 cols

You can do it without a directive but i'm not sure it's the best way. To do this you must create array of array from the data you want to display in the table, and after that use 2 ng-repeat to iterate through the array.

to create the array for display use this function like that products.chunk(3)

Array.prototype.chunk = function(chunkSize) {
    var array=this;
    return [].concat.apply([],
        array.map(function(elem,i) {
            return i%chunkSize ? [] : [array.slice(i,i+chunkSize)];

and then do something like that using 2 ng-repeat

<div class="row" ng-repeat="row in products.chunk(3)">
  <div class="col-sm4" ng-repeat="item in row">

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