[mongodb] MongoDB - admin user not authorized

I know this answer is coming really late on in this thread but I hope you check it out.

The reason you get that error is based on the specific role that you granted to the user, which you have gathered by now, and yes giving that user the role root will solve your problem but you must first understand what these roles do exactly before granting them to users.

In tutorial you granted the user the userAdminAnyDatabase role which basically give the user the ability to manage users of all your databases. What you were trying to do with your user was outside its role definition.

The root role has this role included in it definition as well as the readWriteAnyDatabase, dbAdminAnyDatabase and other roles making it a superuser (basically because you can do anything with it).

You can check out the role definitions to see which roles you will need to give you users to complete certain tasks. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/built-in-roles/ Its not advisable to make all your users super ones :)