[windows] Batch script: how to check for admin rights

A collection of the four seemingly most compatible methods from this page. The first one's really quite genius. Tested from XP up. Confusing though that there is no standard command available to check for admin rights. I guess they're simply focusing on PowerShell now, which is really useless for most of my own work.

I called the batch 'exit-if-not-admin.cmd' which can be called from other batches to make sure they don't continue execution if the required admin rights are not given.

rem Sun May 03, 2020

rem Methods for XP+ used herein based on:
rem https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4051883/batch-script-how-to-check-for-admin-rights
goto method1

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "dv==::"
if defined !dv! goto notadmin
goto admin

call fsutil dirty query %SystemDrive% >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto admin
goto notadmin

net session >nul 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto admin
goto notadmin

fltmc >nul 2>&1 && goto admin
goto notadmin

echo Administrator rights detected
goto end

echo ERROR: This batch must be run with Administrator privileges
exit /b
goto end


Examples related to windows

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Examples related to batch-file

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Examples related to cmd

'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file '' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file XCOPY: Overwrite all without prompt in BATCH VSCode Change Default Terminal How to install pandas from pip on windows cmd? 'ls' in CMD on Windows is not recognized Command to run a .bat file VMware Workstation and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible How do I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows? how to run python files in windows command prompt?

Examples related to admin

MongoDB - admin user not authorized How to run python script with elevated privilege on windows django admin - add custom form fields that are not part of the model Batch script: how to check for admin rights