Programs & Examples On #Assembly attributes

What are differences between AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion?

To keep this question current it is worth highlighting that AssemblyInformationalVersion is used by NuGet and reflects the package version including any pre-release suffix.

For example an AssemblyVersion of 1.0.3.* packaged with the core dotnet-cli

dotnet pack --version-suffix ci-7 src/MyProject

Produces a package with version 1.0.3-ci-7 which you can inspect with reflection using:


How do I update Anaconda?

Open "command or conda prompt" and run:

conda update conda
conda update anaconda

It's a good idea to run both command twice (one after the other) to be sure that all the basic files are updated.

This should put you back on the latest 'releases', which contains packages that are selected by the people at Continuum to work well together.

If you want the last version of each package run (this can lead to an unstable environment):

conda update --all 

Hope this helps.


When to use async false and async true in ajax function in jquery

  1. When async setting is set to false, a Synchronous call is made instead of an Asynchronous call.
  2. When the async setting of the jQuery AJAX function is set to true then a jQuery Asynchronous call is made. AJAX itself means Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and hence if you make it Synchronous by setting async setting to false, it will no longer be an AJAX call.
  3. for more information please refer this link

How to change an image on click using CSS alone?

some people have suggested the "visited", but the visited links remain in the browsers cache, so the next time your user visits the page, the link will have the second image.. i dont know it that's the desired effect you want. Anyway you coul mix JS and CSS:

<a href="" class="off" onclick="this.className='on';return false;">Foo</a>

using the onclick event, you can change (or toggle maybe?) the class name of the element. In this example i change the text color but you could also change the background image.

Good Luck

Regex to remove all special characters from string?

Depending on your definition of "special character", I think "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" would probably do the trick. That would find anything that is not a small letter, a capital letter, or a digit.

Removing element from array in component state

Here is a simple way to do it:

  const data = {}; //Duplicate state.
  delete data[key];                  //remove Item form stateCopy.
  this.setState({data});             //Set state as the modify one.

Hope it Helps!!!

Insert a row to pandas dataframe

Just assign row to a particular index, using loc:

 df.loc[-1] = [2, 3, 4]  # adding a row
 df.index = df.index + 1  # shifting index
 df = df.sort_index()  # sorting by index

And you get, as desired:

    A  B  C
 0  2  3  4
 1  5  6  7
 2  7  8  9

See in Pandas documentation Indexing: Setting with enlargement.

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch and Cors error

See's write-up on how CORS works.

You'll need your server to send back the proper response headers, something like:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://foo.example
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, PUT, GET, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization

Bear in mind you can use "*" for Access-Control-Allow-Origin that will only work if you're trying to pass Authentication data. In that case, you need to explicitly list the origin domains you want to allow. To allow multiple domains, see this post

How to prevent IFRAME from redirecting top-level window

By doing so you'd be able to control any action of the framed page, which you cannot. Same-domain origin policy applies.

Get current time in milliseconds using C++ and Boost

Try this: import headers as mentioned.. gives seconds and milliseconds only. If you need to explain the code read this link.

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void main()


   // GetLocalTime(&lt);

     printf("The system time is: %02d:%03d\n", st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
   //  printf("The local time is: %02d:%03d\n", lt.wSecond, lt.wMilliseconds);

} Trust anchor for certification path not found

My answer might not be solution to your question but it will surely help others looking for similar issue like this one: Chain validation failed

You just need to check your Android Device's Date and Time, it should be fix the issue. This resoled my problem.

in linux terminal, how do I show the folder's last modification date, taking its content into consideration?

If you have a version of find (such as GNU find) that supports -printf then there's no need to call stat repeatedly:

find /some/dir -printf "%T+\n" | sort -nr | head -n 1


find /some/dir -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT\n" | sort -nr | head -n 1

If you don't need recursion, though:

stat --printf="%y\n" *

Javascript replace with reference to matched group?

"hello _there_".replace(/_(.*?)_/, function(a, b){
    return '<div>' + b + '</div>';

Oh, or you could also:

"hello _there_".replace(/_(.*?)_/, "<div>$1</div>")

EDIT by Liran H: For six other people including myself, $1 did not work, whereas \1 did.

How to get numeric value from a prompt box?

JavaScript will "convert" numeric string to integer, if you perform calculations on it (as JS is weakly typed). But you can convert it yourself using parseInt or parseFloat.

Just remember to put radix in parseInt!

In case of integer inputs:

var x = parseInt(prompt("Enter a Value", "0"), 10);
var y = parseInt(prompt("Enter a Value", "0"), 10);

In case of float:

var x = parseFloat(prompt("Enter a Value", "0"));
var y = parseFloat(prompt("Enter a Value", "0"));

Escaping a forward slash in a regular expression

What context/language? Some languages use / as the pattern delimiter, so yes, you need to escape it, depending on which language/context. You escape it by putting a backward slash in front of it: \/ For some languages (like PHP) you can use other characters as the delimiter and therefore you don't need to escape it. But AFAIK in all languages, the only special significance the / has is it may be the designated pattern delimiter.

How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP

Here is solution:

$students['e1003']['birthplace'] = ("Mandaluyong <br>");
$students['ter1003']['birthplace'] = ("San Juan <br>");
$students['fgg1003']['birthplace'] = ("Quezon City <br>");
$students['bdf1003']['birthplace'] = ("Manila <br>");

$key = array_search('Delata Jona', array_column($students, 'name'));
echo $key;  


How to format date in angularjs

// $scope.dateField="value" in ctrl
<div ng-bind="dateField | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'"></div>

Android getting value from selected radiobutton

I have had problems getting radio buttons id's as well when the RadioButtons are dynamically generated. It does not seem to work if you try to manually set the ID's using RadioButton.setId(). What worked for me was to use View.getChildAt() and View.getParent() in order to iterate through the radio buttons and determine which one was checked. All you need is to first get the RadioGroup via findViewById( and then iterate through it's children. You'll know as you iterate through which button you are on, and you can simply use RadioButton.isChecked() to determine if that is the button that was checked.

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

Possible Duplicate Question

<@include> - The directive tag instructs the JSP compiler to merge contents of the included file into the JSP before creating the generated servlet code. It is the equivalent to cutting and pasting the text from your include page right into your JSP.

  • Only one servlet is executed at run time.
  • Scriptlet variables declared in the parent page can be accessed in the included page (remember, they are the same page).
  • The included page does not need to able to be compiled as a standalone JSP. It can be a code fragment or plain text. The included page will never be compiled as a standalone. The included page can also have any extension, though .jspf has become a conventionally used extension.
  • One drawback on older containers is that changes to the include pages may not take effect until the parent page is updated. Recent versions of Tomcat will check the include pages for updates and force a recompile of the parent if they're updated.
  • A further drawback is that since the code is inlined directly into the service method of the generated servlet, the method can grow very large. If it exceeds 64 KB, your JSP compilation will likely fail.

<jsp:include> - The JSP Action tag on the other hand instructs the container to pause the execution of this page, go run the included page, and merge the output from that page into the output from this page.

  • Each included page is executed as a separate servlet at run time.
  • Pages can conditionally be included at run time. This is often useful for templating frameworks that build pages out of includes. The parent page can determine which page, if any, to include according to some run-time condition.
  • The values of scriptlet variables need to be explicitly passed to the include page.
  • The included page must be able to be run on its own.
  • You are less likely to run into compilation errors due to the maximum method size being exceeded in the generated servlet class.

Depending on your needs, you may either use <@include> or <jsp:include>

How to cherry-pick from a remote branch?

After merging a development branch to master, I usually delete the development branch. However, if I want to cherry pick the commits in the development branch, I have to use the merge commit hash to avoid "bad object" error.

Best C# API to create PDF

I used PdfSharp. It's free, open source and quite convenient to use, but I can't say whether it is the best or not, because I haven't really used anything else.

Showing all session data at once?

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Display yet formatting then you can view properly.

Copy Paste Values only( xlPasteValues )

You may use this too

Sub CopyPaste()

col = 1
Do Until Sheet2.Cells(1, col) = ""
    col = col + 1

Sheet2.Cells(1, col).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub

How do I manage MongoDB connections in a Node.js web application?

Manage mongo connection pools in a single self contained module. This approach provides two benefits. Firstly it keeps your code modular and easier to test. Secondly your not forced to mix your database connection up in your request object which is NOT the place for a database connection object. (Given the nature of JavaScript I would consider it highly dangerous to mix in anything to an object constructed by library code). So with that you only need to Consider a module that exports two methods. connect = () => Promise and get = () => dbConnectionObject.

With such a module you can firstly connect to the database

// runs in boot.js or what ever file your application starts with
const db = require('./myAwesomeDbModule');
    .then(() => console.log('database connected'))
    .then(() => bootMyApplication())
    .catch((e) => {
        // Always hard exit on a database connection error

When in flight your app can simply call get() when it needs a DB connection.

const db = require('./myAwesomeDbModule');
db.get().find(...)... // I have excluded code here to keep the example  simple

If you set up your db module in the same way as the following not only will you have a way to ensure that your application will not boot unless you have a database connection you also have a global way of accessing your database connection pool that will error if you have not got a connection.

// myAwesomeDbModule.js
let connection = null;

module.exports.connect = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    MongoClient.connect(url, option, function(err, db) {
        if (err) { reject(err); return; };
        connection = db;

module.exports.get = () => {
    if(!connection) {
        throw new Error('Call connect first!');

    return connection;

Get current date in Swift 3?

You can do it in this way with Swift 3.0:

let date = Date()
let calendar = Calendar.current
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: date)

let year =  components.year
let month = components.month
let day =


Moving up one directory in Python

In Python 3.4 pathlib was introduced:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p = Path('/etc/usr/lib')
>>> p
>>> p.parent

It also comes with many other helpful features e.g. for joining paths using slashes or easily walking the directory tree.

For more information refer to the docs or this blog post, which covers the differences between os.path and pathlib.

addEventListener, "change" and option selection

You need a click listener which calls addActivityItem if less than 2 options exist:

var activities = document.getElementById("activitySelector");

activities.addEventListener("click", function() {
    var options = activities.querySelectorAll("option");
    var count = options.length;
    if(typeof(count) === "undefined" || count < 2)

activities.addEventListener("change", function() {
    if(activities.value == "addNew")

function addActivityItem() {
    // ... Code to add item here

A live demo is here on JSfiddle.

How can I show/hide a specific alert with twitter bootstrap?

I use this alert

function myFunction() {_x000D_
   setTimeout(function() { _x000D_
       $('#passwordsNoMatchRegister').fadeOut(1000); _x000D_
   }, 5000);_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">_x000D_
  <script src="//"></script>_x000D_
  <script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button> _x000D_
<div class="alert alert-danger" id="passwordsNoMatchRegister" style="display:none;">_x000D_
    <strong>Error!</strong> Looks like the passwords you entered don't match!_x000D_

PHP include relative path

While I appreciate you believe absolute paths is not an option, it is a better option than relative paths and updating the PHP include path.

Use absolute paths with an constant you can set based on environment.

if (is_production()) {
    define('ROOT_PATH', '/some/production/path');
else {
    define('ROOT_PATH', '/root');

include ROOT_PATH . '/connect.php';

As commented, ROOT_PATH could also be derived from the current path, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], etc.

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object, when I select a dropdown list


Issue happens because Microsoft Security Update MS11-100 limits number of keys in Forms collection during HTTP POST request. To alleviate this problem you need to increase that number.

This can be done in your application Web.Config in the <appSettings> section (create the section directly under <configuration> if it doesn’t exist). Add 2 lines similar to the lines below to the section:

<add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="2000" />
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="2000" />

The above example set the limit to 2000 keys. This will lift the limitation and the error should go away.

reading external sql script in python

according me, it is not possible


  1. import .sql file on mysql server

  2. after

    import mysql.connector
    import pandas as pd

    and then you use .sql file by convert to dataframe

Filtering Table rows using Jquery

I used Beetroot-Betroot's solution, but instead of using contains, I used containsNC, which makes it case insensitive.

$.extend($.expr[":"], {
"containsNC": function(elem, i, match, array) {
return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText ||
"").toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0;

MySQL SELECT only not null values

You can filter out rows that contain a NULL value in a specific column:

SELECT col1, col2, ..., coln
FROM yourtable
WHERE somecolumn IS NOT NULL

If you want to filter out rows that contain a null in any column then try this:

SELECT col1, col2, ..., coln
FROM yourtable
-- ...

Update: Based on your comments, perhaps you want this?

    SELECT col1 AS col FROM yourtable
    SELECT col2 AS col FROM yourtable
    -- ...
    SELECT coln AS col FROM yourtable
) T1

And I agre with Martin that if you need to do this then you should probably change your database design.

How to fix "Incorrect string value" errors?

I added binary before the column name and solve the charset error.

insert into tableA values(binary stringcolname1);

'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext' on SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync

I know this is old but this answer still applies to newer Core releases.

If by chance your DbContext implementation is in a different project than your startup project and you run ef migrations, you'll see this error because the command will not be able to invoke the application's startup code leaving your database provider without a configuration. To fix it, you have to let ef migrations know where they're at.

dotnet ef migrations add MyMigration [-p <relative path to DbContext project>, -s <relative path to startup project>]

Both -s and -p are optionals that default to the current folder.

How can I read the contents of an URL with Python?

from urllib.request import urlopen

# if has Chinese, apply decode()
html = urlopen("").read().decode('utf-8')

Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

Here's a quicker way than multi-layer menus without resorting to plug-ins:

Use the Quick Access tool at the upper left corner.

Type in "font", then, from the list that drops down, click on the link for "Preferences->Colors and Fonts->General->Appearance".

One click replaces the 4 needed to get there through menus. I do it so often, my Quick Access tool pulls it up as a previous choice right at the top of the list so I can just type "font" with a tap on the enter key and Boom!, I'm there.

If you want a keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+3 sets the focus to the Quick Access tool. Better yet, this even automatically brings up a list with your previous choices. The last one you chose will be on top, in which case a simple Ctrl+3 followed by enter would bring you straight there! I use this all the time to make it bigger during long typing or reading sessions to ease eye strain, or to make it smaller if I need more text on the screen at one time to make it easier to find something.

It's not quite as nice as zooming with the scroll wheel, but it's a lot better than navigating through the menus every time!

When to use malloc for char pointers

Everytime the size of the string is undetermined at compile time you have to allocate memory with malloc (or some equiviallent method). In your case you know the size of your strings at compile time (sizeof("something") and sizeof("something else")).

receiving json and deserializing as List of object at spring mvc controller

This is not possible the way you are trying it. The Jackson unmarshalling works on the compiled java code after type erasure. So your

public @ResponseBody ModelMap setTest(@RequestBody List<TestS> refunds, ModelMap map) 

is really only

public @ResponseBody ModelMap setTest(@RequestBody List refunds, ModelMap map) 

(no generics in the list arg).

The default type Jackson creates when unmarshalling a List is a LinkedHashMap.

As mentioned by @Saint you can circumvent this by creating your own type for the list like so:

class TestSList extends ArrayList<TestS> { }

and then modifying your controller signature to

public @ResponseBody ModelMap setTest(@RequestBody TestSList refunds, ModelMap map) {

Sort table rows In Bootstrap

These examples are minified because StackOverflow has a maximum character limit and links to external code are discouraged since links can break.

There are multiple plugins if you look: Bootstrap Sortable, Bootstrap Table or DataTables.

Bootstrap 3 with DataTables Example: Bootstrap Docs & DataTables Docs

$(document).ready(function() {
<link href= rel=stylesheet><link href= rel=stylesheet><div class=container><h1>Bootstrap 3 DataTables</h1><table cellspacing=0 class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped"id=example width=100%><thead><tr><th>Name<th>Position<th>Office<th>Salary<tbody><tr><td>Tiger Nixon<td>System Architect<td>Edinburgh<td>$320,800<tr><td>Garrett Winters<td>Accountant<td>Tokyo<td>$170,750<tr><td>Ashton Cox<td>Junior Technical Author<td>San Francisco<td>$86,000<tr><td>Cedric Kelly<td>Senior Javascript Developer<td>Edinburgh<td>$433,060<tr><td>Airi Satou<td>Accountant<td>Tokyo<td>$162,700<tr><td>Brielle Williamson<td>Integration Specialist<td>New York<td>$372,000<tr><td>Herrod Chandler<td>Sales Assistant<td>San Francisco<td>$137,500<tr><td>Rhona Davidson<td>Integration Specialist<td>Tokyo<td>$327,900<tr><td>Colleen Hurst<td>Javascript Developer<td>San Francisco<td>$205,500<tr><td>Sonya Frost<td>Software Engineer<td>Edinburgh<td>$103,600<tr><td>Jena Gaines<td>Office Manager<td>London<td>$90,560<tr><td>Quinn Flynn<td>Support Lead<td>Edinburgh<td>$342,000<tr><td>Charde Marshall<td>Regional Director<td>San Francisco<td>$470,600<tr><td>Haley Kennedy<td>Senior Marketing Designer<td>London<td>$313,500<tr><td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick<td>Regional Director<td>London<td>$385,750<tr><td>Michael Silva<td>Marketing Designer<td>London<td>$198,500<tr><td>Paul Byrd<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)<td>New York<td>$725,000<tr><td>Gloria Little<td>Systems Administrator<td>New York<td>$237,500<tr><td>Bradley Greer<td>Software Engineer<td>London<td>$132,000<tr><td>Dai Rios<td>Personnel Lead<td>Edinburgh<td>$217,500<tr><td>Jenette Caldwell<td>Development Lead<td>New York<td>$345,000<tr><td>Yuri Berry<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)<td>New York<td>$675,000<tr><td>Caesar Vance<td>Pre-Sales Support<td>New York<td>$106,450<tr><td>Doris Wilder<td>Sales Assistant<td>Sidney<td>$85,600<tr><td>Angelica Ramos<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)<td>London<td>$1,200,000<tr><td>Gavin Joyce<td>Developer<td>Edinburgh<td>$92,575<tr><td>Jennifer Chang<td>Regional Director<td>Singapore<td>$357,650<tr><td>Brenden Wagner<td>Software Engineer<td>San Francisco<td>$206,850<tr><td>Fiona Green<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)<td>San Francisco<td>$850,000<tr><td>Shou Itou<td>Regional Marketing<td>Tokyo<td>$163,000<tr><td>Michelle House<td>Integration Specialist<td>Sidney<td>$95,400<tr><td>Suki Burks<td>Developer<td>London<td>$114,500<tr><td>Prescott Bartlett<td>Technical Author<td>London<td>$145,000<tr><td>Gavin Cortez<td>Team Leader<td>San Francisco<td>$235,500<tr><td>Martena Mccray<td>Post-Sales support<td>Edinburgh<td>$324,050<tr><td>Unity Butler<td>Marketing Designer<td>San Francisco<td>$85,675<tr><td>Howard Hatfield<td>Office Manager<td>San Francisco<td>$164,500<tr><td>Hope Fuentes<td>Secretary<td>San Francisco<td>$109,850<tr><td>Vivian Harrell<td>Financial Controller<td>San Francisco<td>$452,500<tr><td>Timothy Mooney<td>Office Manager<td>London<td>$136,200<tr><td>Jackson Bradshaw<td>Director<td>New York<td>$645,750<tr><td>Olivia Liang<td>Support Engineer<td>Singapore<td>$234,500<tr><td>Bruno Nash<td>Software Engineer<td>London<td>$163,500<tr><td>Sakura Yamamoto<td>Support Engineer<td>Tokyo<td>$139,575<tr><td>Thor Walton<td>Developer<td>New York<td>$98,540<tr><td>Finn Camacho<td>Support Engineer<td>San Francisco<td>$87,500<tr><td>Serge Baldwin<td>Data Coordinator<td>Singapore<td>$138,575<tr><td>Zenaida Frank<td>Software Engineer<td>New York<td>$125,250<tr><td>Zorita Serrano<td>Software Engineer<td>San Francisco<td>$115,000<tr><td>Jennifer Acosta<td>Junior Javascript Developer<td>Edinburgh<td>$75,650<tr><td>Cara Stevens<td>Sales Assistant<td>New York<td>$145,600<tr><td>Hermione Butler<td>Regional Director<td>London<td>$356,250<tr><td>Lael Greer<td>Systems Administrator<td>London<td>$103,500<tr><td>Jonas Alexander<td>Developer<td>San Francisco<td>$86,500<tr><td>Shad Decker<td>Regional Director<td>Edinburgh<td>$183,000<tr><td>Michael Bruce<td>Javascript Developer<td>Singapore<td>$183,000<tr><td>Donna Snider<td>Customer Support<td>New York<td>$112,000</table></div><script src=></script><script src=></script><script src=></script>

Bootstrap 4 with DataTables Example: Bootstrap Docs & DataTables Docs

$(document).ready(function() {
<link href= rel=stylesheet><link href= rel=stylesheet><div class=container><h1>Bootstrap 4 DataTables</h1><table cellspacing=0 class="table table-bordered table-hover table-inverse table-striped"id=example width=100%><thead><tr><th>Name<th>Position<th>Office<th>Age<th>Start date<th>Salary<tfoot><tr><th>Name<th>Position<th>Office<th>Age<th>Start date<th>Salary<tbody><tr><td>Tiger Nixon<td>System Architect<td>Edinburgh<td>61<td>2011/04/25<td>$320,800<tr><td>Garrett Winters<td>Accountant<td>Tokyo<td>63<td>2011/07/25<td>$170,750<tr><td>Ashton Cox<td>Junior Technical Author<td>San Francisco<td>66<td>2009/01/12<td>$86,000<tr><td>Cedric Kelly<td>Senior Javascript Developer<td>Edinburgh<td>22<td>2012/03/29<td>$433,060<tr><td>Airi Satou<td>Accountant<td>Tokyo<td>33<td>2008/11/28<td>$162,700<tr><td>Brielle Williamson<td>Integration Specialist<td>New York<td>61<td>2012/12/02<td>$372,000<tr><td>Herrod Chandler<td>Sales Assistant<td>San Francisco<td>59<td>2012/08/06<td>$137,500<tr><td>Rhona Davidson<td>Integration Specialist<td>Tokyo<td>55<td>2010/10/14<td>$327,900<tr><td>Colleen Hurst<td>Javascript Developer<td>San Francisco<td>39<td>2009/09/15<td>$205,500<tr><td>Sonya Frost<td>Software Engineer<td>Edinburgh<td>23<td>2008/12/13<td>$103,600<tr><td>Jena Gaines<td>Office Manager<td>London<td>30<td>2008/12/19<td>$90,560<tr><td>Quinn Flynn<td>Support Lead<td>Edinburgh<td>22<td>2013/03/03<td>$342,000<tr><td>Charde Marshall<td>Regional Director<td>San Francisco<td>36<td>2008/10/16<td>$470,600<tr><td>Haley Kennedy<td>Senior Marketing Designer<td>London<td>43<td>2012/12/18<td>$313,500<tr><td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick<td>Regional Director<td>London<td>19<td>2010/03/17<td>$385,750<tr><td>Michael Silva<td>Marketing Designer<td>London<td>66<td>2012/11/27<td>$198,500<tr><td>Paul Byrd<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)<td>New York<td>64<td>2010/06/09<td>$725,000<tr><td>Gloria Little<td>Systems Administrator<td>New York<td>59<td>2009/04/10<td>$237,500<tr><td>Bradley Greer<td>Software Engineer<td>London<td>41<td>2012/10/13<td>$132,000<tr><td>Dai Rios<td>Personnel Lead<td>Edinburgh<td>35<td>2012/09/26<td>$217,500<tr><td>Jenette Caldwell<td>Development Lead<td>New York<td>30<td>2011/09/03<td>$345,000<tr><td>Yuri Berry<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)<td>New York<td>40<td>2009/06/25<td>$675,000<tr><td>Caesar Vance<td>Pre-Sales Support<td>New York<td>21<td>2011/12/12<td>$106,450<tr><td>Doris Wilder<td>Sales Assistant<td>Sidney<td>23<td>2010/09/20<td>$85,600<tr><td>Angelica Ramos<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)<td>London<td>47<td>2009/10/09<td>$1,200,000<tr><td>Gavin Joyce<td>Developer<td>Edinburgh<td>42<td>2010/12/22<td>$92,575<tr><td>Jennifer Chang<td>Regional Director<td>Singapore<td>28<td>2010/11/14<td>$357,650<tr><td>Brenden Wagner<td>Software Engineer<td>San Francisco<td>28<td>2011/06/07<td>$206,850<tr><td>Fiona Green<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)<td>San Francisco<td>48<td>2010/03/11<td>$850,000<tr><td>Shou Itou<td>Regional Marketing<td>Tokyo<td>20<td>2011/08/14<td>$163,000<tr><td>Michelle House<td>Integration Specialist<td>Sidney<td>37<td>2011/06/02<td>$95,400<tr><td>Suki Burks<td>Developer<td>London<td>53<td>2009/10/22<td>$114,500<tr><td>Prescott Bartlett<td>Technical Author<td>London<td>27<td>2011/05/07<td>$145,000<tr><td>Gavin Cortez<td>Team Leader<td>San Francisco<td>22<td>2008/10/26<td>$235,500<tr><td>Martena Mccray<td>Post-Sales support<td>Edinburgh<td>46<td>2011/03/09<td>$324,050<tr><td>Unity Butler<td>Marketing Designer<td>San Francisco<td>47<td>2009/12/09<td>$85,675<tr><td>Howard Hatfield<td>Office Manager<td>San Francisco<td>51<td>2008/12/16<td>$164,500<tr><td>Hope Fuentes<td>Secretary<td>San Francisco<td>41<td>2010/02/12<td>$109,850<tr><td>Vivian Harrell<td>Financial Controller<td>San Francisco<td>62<td>2009/02/14<td>$452,500<tr><td>Timothy Mooney<td>Office Manager<td>London<td>37<td>2008/12/11<td>$136,200<tr><td>Jackson Bradshaw<td>Director<td>New York<td>65<td>2008/09/26<td>$645,750<tr><td>Olivia Liang<td>Support Engineer<td>Singapore<td>64<td>2011/02/03<td>$234,500<tr><td>Bruno Nash<td>Software Engineer<td>London<td>38<td>2011/05/03<td>$163,500<tr><td>Sakura Yamamoto<td>Support Engineer<td>Tokyo<td>37<td>2009/08/19<td>$139,575<tr><td>Thor Walton<td>Developer<td>New York<td>61<td>2013/08/11<td>$98,540<tr><td>Finn Camacho<td>Support Engineer<td>San Francisco<td>47<td>2009/07/07<td>$87,500<tr><td>Serge Baldwin<td>Data Coordinator<td>Singapore<td>64<td>2012/04/09<td>$138,575<tr><td>Zenaida Frank<td>Software Engineer<td>New York<td>63<td>2010/01/04<td>$125,250<tr><td>Zorita Serrano<td>Software Engineer<td>San Francisco<td>56<td>2012/06/01<td>$115,000<tr><td>Jennifer Acosta<td>Junior Javascript Developer<td>Edinburgh<td>43<td>2013/02/01<td>$75,650<tr><td>Cara Stevens<td>Sales Assistant<td>New York<td>46<td>2011/12/06<td>$145,600<tr><td>Hermione Butler<td>Regional Director<td>London<td>47<td>2011/03/21<td>$356,250<tr><td>Lael Greer<td>Systems Administrator<td>London<td>21<td>2009/02/27<td>$103,500<tr><td>Jonas Alexander<td>Developer<td>San Francisco<td>30<td>2010/07/14<td>$86,500<tr><td>Shad Decker<td>Regional Director<td>Edinburgh<td>51<td>2008/11/13<td>$183,000<tr><td>Michael Bruce<td>Javascript Developer<td>Singapore<td>29<td>2011/06/27<td>$183,000<tr><td>Donna Snider<td>Customer Support<td>New York<td>27<td>2011/01/25<td>$112,000</table></div><script src=></script><script src=></script><script src=></script>

Bootstrap 3 with Bootstrap Table Example: Bootstrap Docs & Bootstrap Table Docs

<link href= rel=stylesheet><link href= rel=stylesheet><table data-sort-name=stargazers_count data-sort-order=desc data-toggle=table data-url=""><thead><tr><th data-field=name data-sortable=true>Name<th data-field=stargazers_count data-sortable=true>Stars<th data-field=forks_count data-sortable=true>Forks<th data-field=description data-sortable=true>Description</thead></table><script src=></script><script src=></script>

Bootstrap 3 with Bootstrap Sortable Example: Bootstrap Docs & Bootstrap Sortable Docs

function randomDate(t,e){return new Date(t.getTime()+Math.random()*(e.getTime()-t.getTime()))}function randomName(){return["Jack","Peter","Frank","Steven"][Math.floor(4*Math.random())]+" "+["White","Jackson","Sinatra","Spielberg"][Math.floor(4*Math.random())]}function newTableRow(){var t=moment(randomDate(new Date(2e3,0,1),new Date)).format("D.M.YYYY"),e=Math.round(Math.random()*Math.random()*100*100)/100,a=Math.round(Math.random()*Math.random()*100*100)/100,r=Math.round(Math.random()*Math.random()*100*100)/100;return"<tr><td>"+randomName()+"</td><td>"+e+"</td><td>"+a+"</td><td>"+r+"</td><td>"+Math.round(100*(e+a+r))/100+"</td><td data-dateformat='D-M-YYYY'>"+t+"</td></tr>"}function customSort(){alert("Custom sort.")}!function(t,e){"use strict";"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("tinysort",function(){return e}):t.tinysort=e}(this,function(){"use strict";function t(t,e){for(var a,r=t.length,o=r;o--;)e(t[a=r-o-1],a)}function e(t,e,a){for(var o in e)(a||t[o]===r)&&(t[o]=e[o]);return t}function a(t,e,a){u.push({prepare:t,sort:e,sortBy:a})}var r,o=!1,n=null,s=window,d=s.document,i=parseFloat,l=/(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*$/g,c=/(\d+\.?\d*)\s*$/g,u=[],f=0,h=0,p=String.fromCharCode(4095),m={selector:n,order:"asc",attr:n,data:n,useVal:o,place:"org",returns:o,cases:o,natural:o,forceStrings:o,ignoreDashes:o,sortFunction:n,useFlex:o,emptyEnd:o};return s.Element&&function(t){t.matchesSelector=t.matchesSelector||t.mozMatchesSelector||t.msMatchesSelector||t.oMatchesSelector||t.webkitMatchesSelector||function(t){for(var e=this,a=(e.parentNode||e.document).querySelectorAll(t),r=-1;a[++r]&&a[r]!=e;);return!!a[r]}}(Element.prototype),e(a,{loop:t}),e(function(a,s){function v(t){var a=!!t.selector,r=a&&":"===t.selector[0],o=e(t||{},m);E.push(e({hasSelector:a,hasAttr:!(o.attr===n||""===o.attr),!==n,hasFilter:r,sortReturnNumber:"asc"===o.order?1:-1},o))}function b(t,e,a){for(var r=a(t.toString()),o=a(e.toString()),n=0;r[n]&&o[n];n++)if(r[n]!==o[n]){var s=Number(r[n]),d=Number(o[n]);return s==r[n]&&d==o[n]?s-d:r[n]>o[n]?1:-1}return r.length-o.length}function g(t){for(var e,a,r=[],o=0,n=-1,s=0;e=(a=t.charAt(o++)).charCodeAt(0);){var d=46==e||e>=48&&57>=e;d!==s&&(r[++n]="",s=d),r[n]+=a}return r}function w(){return Y.forEach(function(t){F.appendChild(t.elm)}),F}function S(t){var e=t.elm,a=d.createElement("div");return t.ghost=a,e.parentNode.insertBefore(a,e),t}function y(t,e){var a=t.ghost,r=a.parentNode;r.insertBefore(e,a),r.removeChild(a),delete t.ghost}function C(t,e){var a,r=t.elm;return e.selector&&(e.hasFilter?r.matchesSelector(e.selector)||(r=n):r=r.querySelector(e.selector)),e.hasAttr?a=r.getAttribute(e.attr):e.useVal?a=r.value||r.getAttribute("value"):e.hasData?a=r.getAttribute("data-",M(a)&&(e.cases||(a=a.toLowerCase()),a=a.replace(/\s+/g," ")),null===a&&(a=p),a}function M(t){return"string"==typeof t}M(a)&&(a=d.querySelectorAll(a)),0===a.length&&console.warn("No elements to sort");var x,N,F=d.createDocumentFragment(),D=[],Y=[],$=[],E=[],k=!0,A=a.length&&a[0].parentNode,T=A.rootNode!==document,R=a.length&&(s===r||!1!==s.useFlex)&&!T&&-1!==getComputedStyle(A,null).display.indexOf("flex");return function(){0===arguments.length?v({}):t(arguments,function(t){v(M(t)?{selector:t}:t)}),f=E.length}.apply(n,,1)),t(a,function(t,e){N?N!==t.parentNode&&(k=!1):N=t.parentNode;var a=E[0],r=a.hasFilter,o=a.selector,n=!o||r&&t.matchesSelector(o)||o&&t.querySelector(o)?Y:$,s={elm:t,pos:e,posn:n.length};D.push(s),n.push(s)}),x=Y.slice(0),Y.sort(function(e,a){var n=0;for(0!==h&&(h=0);0===n&&f>h;){var s=E[h],d=s.ignoreDashes?c:l;if(t(u,function(t){var e=t.prepare;e&&e(s)}),s.sortFunction)n=s.sortFunction(e,a);else if("rand"==s.order)n=Math.random()<.5?1:-1;else{var p=o,m=C(e,s),v=C(a,s),w=""===m||m===r,S=""===v||v===r;if(m===v)n=0;else if(s.emptyEnd&&(w||S))n=w&&S?0:w?1:-1;else{if(!s.forceStrings){var y=M(m)?m&&m.match(d):o,x=M(v)?v&&v.match(d):o;y&&x&&m.substr(0,m.length-y[0].length)==v.substr(0,v.length-x[0].length)&&(p=!o,m=i(y[0]),v=i(x[0]))}n=m===r||v===r?0:s.natural&&(isNaN(m)||isNaN(v))?b(m,v,g):v>m?-1:m>v?1:0}}t(u,function(t){var e=t.sort;e&&(n=e(s,p,m,v,n))}),0==(n*=s.sortReturnNumber)&&h++}return 0===n&&(n=e.pos>a.pos?1:-1),n}),function(){var t=Y.length===D.length;if(k&&t)R?Y.forEach(function(t,e){}):N?N.appendChild(w()):console.warn("parentNode has been removed");else{var e=E[0].place,a="start"===e,r="end"===e,o="first"===e,n="last"===e;if("org"===e)Y.forEach(S),Y.forEach(function(t,e){y(x[e],t.elm)});else if(a||r){var s=x[a?0:x.length-1],d=s&&s.elm.parentNode,i=d&&(a&&d.firstChild||d.lastChild);i&&(i!==s.elm&&(s={elm:i}),S(s),r&&d.appendChild(s.ghost),y(s,w()))}else(o||n)&&y(S(x[o?0:x.length-1]),w())}}(),{return t.elm})},{plugin:a,defaults:m})}()),function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","tinysort","moment"],e):e(t.jQuery,t.tinysort,t.moment||void 0)}(this,function(t,e,a){var r,o,n,s=t(document);function d(e){var s=void 0!==a;r=e.sign?e.sign:"arrow","default"==e.customSort&&(e.customSort=c),o=e.customSort||o||c,n=e.emptyEnd,t("table.sortable").each(function(){var r=t(this),o=!0===e.applyLast;r.find("span.sign").remove(),r.find("> thead [colspan]").each(function(){for(var e=parseFloat(t(this).attr("colspan")),a=1;a<e;a++)t(this).after('<th class="colspan-compensate">')}),r.find("> thead [rowspan]").each(function(){for(var e=t(this),a=parseFloat(e.attr("rowspan")),r=1;r<a;r++){var o=e.parent("tr"),"tr"),s=o.children().index(e);n.children().eq(s).before('<th class="rowspan-compensate">')}}),r.find("> thead tr").each(function(e){t(this).find("th").each(function(a){var r=t(this);r.addClass("nosort").removeClass("up down"),r.attr("data-sortcolumn",a),r.attr("data-sortkey",a+"-"+e)})}),r.find("> thead .rowspan-compensate, .colspan-compensate").remove(),r.find("th").each(function(){var e=t(this);if(void 0!==e.attr("data-dateformat")&&s){var o=parseFloat(e.attr("data-sortcolumn"));r.find("td:nth-child("+(o+1)+")").each(function(){var r=t(this);r.attr("data-value",a(r.text(),e.attr("data-dateformat")).format("YYYY/MM/DD/HH/mm/ss"))})}else if(void 0!==e.attr("data-valueprovider")){o=parseFloat(e.attr("data-sortcolumn"));r.find("td:nth-child("+(o+1)+")").each(function(){var a=t(this);a.attr("data-value",new RegExp(e.attr("data-valueprovider")).exec(a.text())[0])})}}),r.find("td").each(function(){var e=t(this);void 0!==e.attr("data-dateformat")&&s?e.attr("data-value",a(e.text(),e.attr("data-dateformat")).format("YYYY/MM/DD/HH/mm/ss")):void 0!==e.attr("data-valueprovider")?e.attr("data-value",new RegExp(e.attr("data-valueprovider")).exec(e.text())[0]):void 0===e.attr("data-value")&&e.attr("data-value",e.text())});var n=l(r),d=n.bsSort;r.find('> thead th[data-defaultsort!="disabled"]').each(function(e){var a=t(this),r=a.closest("table.sortable");"sortTable",r);var s=a.attr("data-sortkey"),i=o?n.lastSort:-1;d[s]=o?d[s]:a.attr("data-defaultsort"),void 0!==d[s]&&o===(s===i)&&(d[s]="asc"===d[s]?"desc":"asc",u(a,r))})})}function i(e){var a=t(e),"sortTable")||a.closest("table.sortable");u(a,r)}function l(e){var"bootstrap-sortable-context");return void 0===a&&(a={bsSort:[],lastSort:void 0},e.find('> thead th[data-defaultsort!="disabled"]').each(function(e){var r=t(this),o=r.attr("data-sortkey");a.bsSort[o]=r.attr("data-defaultsort"),void 0!==a.bsSort[o]&&(a.lastSort=o)}),"bootstrap-sortable-context",a)),a}function c(t,a){e(t,a)}function u(e,a){a.trigger("before-sort");var s=parseFloat(e.attr("data-sortcolumn")),d=l(a),i=d.bsSort;if(e.attr("colspan")){var c=parseFloat("mainsort"))||0,f=parseFloat("sortkey").split("-").pop());if(a.find("> thead tr").length-1>f)return void u(a.find('[data-sortkey="'+(s+c)+"-"+(f+1)+'"]'),a);s+=c}var h=e.attr("data-defaultsign")||r;if(a.find("> thead th").each(function(){t(this).removeClass("up").removeClass("down").addClass("nosort")}),t.browser.mozilla){var p=a.find("> thead div.mozilla");void 0!==p&&(p.find(".sign").remove(),p.parent().html(p.html())),e.wrapInner('<div class="mozilla"></div>'),e.children().eq(0).append('<span class="sign '+h+'"></span>')}else a.find("> thead span.sign").remove(),e.append('<span class="sign '+h+'"></span>');var m=e.attr("data-sortkey"),v="desc"!==e.attr("data-firstsort")?"desc":"asc",b=i[m]||v;d.lastSort!==m&&void 0!==i[m]||(b="asc"===b?"desc":"asc"),i[m]=b,d.lastSort=m,"desc"===i[m]?(e.find("span.sign").addClass("up"),e.addClass("up").removeClass("down nosort")):e.addClass("down").removeClass("up nosort");var g=a.children("tbody").children("tr"),w=[];t(g.filter('[data-disablesort="true"]').get().reverse()).each(function(e,a){var r=t(a);w.push({index:g.index(r),row:r}),r.remove()});var S=g.not('[data-disablesort="true"]');if(0!=S.length){var y="asc"===i[m]&&n;o(S,{emptyEnd:y,selector:"td:nth-child("+(s+1)+")",order:i[m],data:"value"})}t(w.reverse()).each(function(t,e){0===e.index?a.children("tbody").prepend(e.row):a.children("tbody").children("tr").eq(e.index-1).after(e.row)}),a.find("> tbody > tr > td.sorted,> thead th.sorted").removeClass("sorted"),S.find("td:eq("+s+")").addClass("sorted"),e.addClass("sorted"),a.trigger("sorted")}if(t.bootstrapSortable=function(t){null==t?d({}):t.constructor===Boolean?d({applyLast:t}):void 0!==t.sortingHeader?i(t.sortingHeader):d(t)},s.on("click",'table.sortable>thead th[data-defaultsort!="disabled"]',function(t){i(this)}),!t.browser){t.browser={chrome:!1,mozilla:!1,opera:!1,msie:!1,safari:!1};var f=navigator.userAgent;t.each(t.browser,function(e){t.browser[e]=!!new RegExp(e,"i").test(f),t.browser.mozilla&&"mozilla"===e&&(t.browser.mozilla=!!new RegExp("firefox","i").test(f)),"safari"===e&&(t.browser.safari=!1)})}t(t.bootstrapSortable)}),function(){var t=$("table");t.append(newTableRow()),t.append(newTableRow()),$("button.add-row").on("click",function(){var e=$(this);t.append(newTableRow()),"sort")?$.bootstrapSortable(!0):$.bootstrapSortable(!1)}),$("button.change-sort").on("click",function(){$(this).data("custom")?$.bootstrapSortable(!0,void 0,customSort):$.bootstrapSortable(!0,void 0,"default")}),t.on("sorted",function(){alert("Table was sorted.")}),$("#event").on("change",function(){$(this).is(":checked")?t.on("sorted",function(){alert("Table was sorted.")})"sorted")}),$("input[name=sign]:radio").change(function(){$.bootstrapSortable(!0,$(this).val())})}();
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<link href= rel=stylesheet><link href= rel=stylesheet><div class=container><div class=hero-unit><h1>Bootstrap Sortable</h1></div><table class="sortable table table-bordered table-striped"><thead><tr><th style=width:20%;vertical-align:middle data-defaultsign=nospan class=az data-defaultsort=asc rowspan=2><i class="fa fa-fw fa-map-marker"></i>Name<th style=text-align:center colspan=4 data-mainsort=3>Results<th data-defaultsort=disabled><tr><th style=width:20% colspan=2 data-mainsort=1 data-firstsort=desc>Round 1<th style=width:20%>Round 2<th style=width:20%>Total<t

Executing <script> injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

I had a similiar post here, addEventListener load on ajax load WITHOUT jquery

How I solved it was to insert calls to functions within my stateChange function. The page I had setup was 3 buttons that would load 3 different pages into the contentArea. Because I had to know which button was being pressed to load page 1, 2 or 3, I could easily use if/else statements to determine which page is being loaded and then which function to run. What I was trying to do was register different button listeners that would only work when the specific page was loaded because of element IDs..


if (page1 is being loaded, pageload = 1) run function registerListeners1

then the same for page 2 or 3.

how to read certain columns from Excel using Pandas - Python

parse_cols is deprecated, use usecols instead

that is:

df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], usecols = "A,C:AA")

What does "zend_mm_heap corrupted" mean

I had this same issue and when I had an incorrect IP for session.save_path for memcached sessions. Changing it to the correct IP fixed the problem.

Interesting 'takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)' Python error

Am I getting it because the act of calling it via e.extractAll("th") also passes in self as an argument?

Yes, that's precisely it. If you like, the first parameter is the object name, e that you are calling it with.

And if so, by removing the self in the call, would I be making it some kind of class method that can be called like Extractor.extractAll("th")?

Not quite. A classmethod needs the @classmethod decorator, and that accepts the class as the first paramater (usually referenced as cls). The only sort of method that is given no automatic parameter at all is known as a staticmethod, and that again needs a decorator (unsurprisingly, it's @staticmethod). A classmethod is used when it's an operation that needs to refer to the class itself: perhaps instantiating objects of the class; a staticmethod is used when the code belongs in the class logically, but requires no access to class or instance.

But yes, both staticmethods and classmethods can be called by referencing the classname as you describe: Extractor.extractAll("th").

Dump a list in a pickle file and retrieve it back later

Pickling will serialize your list (convert it, and it's entries to a unique byte string), so you can save it to disk. You can also use pickle to retrieve your original list, loading from the saved file.

So, first build a list, then use pickle.dump to send it to a file...

Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 12:39:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> mylist = ['I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.', "Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?", "I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!", "No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting."]
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('parrot.pkl', 'wb') as f:
...   pickle.dump(mylist, f)

Then quit and come back later… and open with pickle.load...

Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 12:39:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('parrot.pkl', 'rb') as f:
...   mynewlist = pickle.load(f)
>>> mynewlist
['I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.', "Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?", "I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!", "No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting."]

Is it wrong to place the <script> tag after the </body> tag?

Google actually recommends this in regards to 'CSS Optimization'. They recommend in-lining critical above-fold styles and deferring the rest(css file).


    <div class="blue">
      Hello, world!
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="small.css"></noscript>


How to center a View inside of an Android Layout?

Updated answer: Constraint Layout

It seems that the trend in Android now is to use a Constraint layout. Although it is simple enough to center a view using a RelativeLayout (as other answers have shown), the ConstraintLayout is more powerful than the RelativeLayout for more complex layouts. So it is worth learning how do do now.

To center a view, just drag the handles to all four sides of the parent.

enter image description here

Bootstrap 3 - jumbotron background image effect

After inspecting the sample website you provided, I found that the author might achieve the effect by using a library called Stellar.js, take a look at the library site, cheers!

Check if a record exists in the database

The ExecuteScalar method should be used when you are really sure your query returns only one value like below:


If you want the whole row then the below code should more appropriate.

SqlCommand check_User_Name = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ([user] = @user)" , conn);
check_User_Name.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", txtBox_UserName.Text);
SqlDataReader reader = check_User_Name.ExecuteReader();
   //User Exists
   //User NOT Exists

Combining C++ and C - how does #ifdef __cplusplus work?

It's about the ABI, in order to let both C and C++ application use C interfaces without any issue.

Since C language is very easy, code generation was stable for many years for different compilers, such as GCC, Borland C\C++, MSVC etc.

While C++ becomes more and more popular, a lot things must be added into the new C++ domain (for example finally the Cfront was abandoned at AT&T because C could not cover all the features it needs). Such as template feature, and compilation-time code generation, from the past, the different compiler vendors actually did the actual implementation of C++ compiler and linker separately, the actual ABIs are not compatible at all to the C++ program at different platforms.

People might still like to implement the actual program in C++ but still keep the old C interface and ABI as usual, the header file has to declare extern "C" {}, it tells the compiler generate compatible/old/simple/easy C ABI for the interface functions if the compiler is C compiler not C++ compiler.

Moment.js - how do I get the number of years since a date, not rounded up?

There appears to be a difference function that accepts time intervals to use as well as an option to not round the result. So, something like

Math.floor(moment(new Date()).diff(moment("02/26/1978","MM/DD/YYYY"),'years',true)))

I haven't tried this, and I'm not completely familiar with moment, but it seems like this should get what you want (without having to reset the month).

How to recursively delete an entire directory with PowerShell 2.0?

Really simple:

remove-item -path <type in file or directory name>, press Enter

How do I programmatically get the GUID of an application in .NET 2.0

Or, just as easy:

string assyGuid = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttribute<GuidAttribute>().Value.ToUpper();

It works for me...

label or @html.Label MVC 4

In the case of your label snippet, it doesn't really matter. I would go for the simpler syntax (plain HTML).

Most helper methods also don't allow you to surround another element. This can be a consideration when choosing to use/not use one.

Strongly-Typed Equivalents

However, it's worth noting that what you use the @Html.[Element]For<T>() methods that you gain important features. Note the "For" at the end of the method name.


@Html.TextBoxFor( o => o.FirstName )

This will handle ID/Name creation based on object hierarchy (which is critical for model binding). It will also add unobtrusive validation attributes. These methods take an Expression as an argument which refers to a property within the model. The metadata of this property is obtained by the MVC framework, and as such it "knows" more about the property than its string-argument counterpart.

It also allows you to deal with UI code in a strongly-typed fashion. Visual Studio will highlight syntax errors, whereas it cannot do so with a string. Views can also be optionally compiled along with the solution, allowing for additional compile-time checks.

Other Considerations

Occasionally a HTML helper method will also perform additional tasks which are useful, such as Html.Checkbox and Html.CheckboxFor which also create a hidden field to go along with the checkbox. Another example are the URL-related methods (such as for a hyperlink) which are route-aware.

<!-- bad -->
<a href="/foo/bar/123">my link</a>

<!-- good -->
@Html.ActionLink( "my link", "foo", "bar", new{ id=123 } )

<!-- also fine (perhaps you want to wrap something with the anchor) -->
<a href="@Url.Action( "foo", "bar", new{ id=123 } )"><span>my link</span></a>

There is a slight performance benefit to using plain HTML versus code which must be executed whenever the view is rendered, although this should not be the deciding factor.

Generate random integers between 0 and 9

>>> import random
>>> random.randrange(10)
>>> random.randrange(10)

To get a list of ten samples:

>>> [random.randrange(10) for x in range(10)]
[9, 0, 4, 0, 5, 7, 4, 3, 6, 8]

Any way to Invoke a private method?

Let me provide complete code for execution protected methods via reflection. It supports any types of params including generics, autoboxed params and null values

public static <T> T executeSuperMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object... params) throws Exception {
    return executeMethod(instance.getClass().getSuperclass(), instance, methodName, params);

public static <T> T executeMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object... params) throws Exception {
    return executeMethod(instance.getClass(), instance, methodName, params);

public static <T> T executeMethod(Class clazz, Object instance, String methodName, Object... params) throws Exception {

    Method[] allMethods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();

    if (allMethods != null && allMethods.length > 0) {

        Class[] paramClasses = -> p != null ? p.getClass() : null).toArray(Class[]::new);

        for (Method method : allMethods) {
            String currentMethodName = method.getName();
            if (!currentMethodName.equals(methodName)) {
            Type[] pTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
            if (pTypes.length == paramClasses.length) {
                boolean goodMethod = true;
                int i = 0;
                for (Type pType : pTypes) {
                    if (!ClassUtils.isAssignable(paramClasses[i++], (Class<?>) pType)) {
                        goodMethod = false;
                if (goodMethod) {
                    return (T) method.invoke(instance, params);

        throw new MethodNotFoundException("There are no methods found with name " + methodName + " and params " +

    throw new MethodNotFoundException("There are no methods found with name " + methodName);

Method uses apache ClassUtils for checking compatibility of autoboxed params

How to run a PowerShell script without displaying a window?

Here is a working solution in windows 10 that does not include any third-party components. It works by wrapping the PowerShell script into VBScript.

Step 1: we need to change some windows features to allow VBScript to run PowerShell and to open .ps1 files with PowerShell by default.

-go to run and type "regedit". Click on ok and then allow it to run.

-paste this path "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell" and press enter.

-now open the entry on the right and change the value to 0.

-open PowerShell as an administrator and type "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned", press enter and confirm the change with "y" and then enter.

Step 2: Now we can start wrapping our script.

-save your Powershell script as a .ps1 file.

-create a new text document and paste this script.

Dim objShell,objFSO,objFile

Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'enter the path for your PowerShell Script
 strPath="c:\your script path\script.ps1"

'verify file exists
 If objFSO.FileExists(strPath) Then
   'return short path name
   set objFile=objFSO.GetFile(strPath)
   strCMD="powershell -nologo -command " & Chr(34) & "&{" &_
    objFile.ShortPath & "}" & Chr(34)
   'Uncomment next line for debugging
   'WScript.Echo strCMD

  'use 0 to hide window
   objShell.Run strCMD,0


  'Display error message
   WScript.Echo "Failed to find " & strPath

End If

-now change the file path to the location of your .ps1 script and save the text document.

-Now right-click on the file and go to rename. Then change the filename extension to .vbs and press enter and then click ok.

DONE! If you now open the .vbs you should see no console window while your script is running in the background.

make sure to upvote if this worked for you!

Is there a way I can retrieve sa password in sql server 2005


There is a way to retrieve the password by using Brute-Force attack, have a look at the following tool from codeproject Retrieve SQL Server Password

How to use the tool to retrieve the password

To Retrieve the password of SQL Server user,run the following query in SQL Query Analyzer

"Select Password from SysxLogins Where Name = 'XXXX'" Where XXXX is the user

name for which you want to retrieve password.Copy the password field (Hashed Code) and

paste here (in Hashed code Field) and click on start button to retrieve

I checked the tool on SQLServer 2000 and it's working fine.

How to get URL parameters with Javascript?

function getURLParameter(name) {
  return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;

So you can use:

myvar = getURLParameter('myvar');

JQuery create a form and add elements to it programmatically

Using Jquery

Rather than creating temp variables it can be written in a continuous flow pattern as follows:

$('</form>', { action: url, method: 'POST' }).append(
    $('<input>', {type: 'hidden', id: 'id_field_1', name: 'name_field_1', value: val_field_1}),
    $('<input>', {type: 'hidden', id: 'id_field_2', name: 'name_field_2', value: val_field_2}),

Using momentjs to convert date to epoch then back to date

There are a few things wrong here:

  • First, terminology. "Epoch" refers to the starting point of something. The "Unix Epoch" is Midnight, January 1st 1970 UTC. You can't convert an arbitrary "date string to epoch". You probably meant "Unix Time", which is often erroneously called "Epoch Time".

  • .unix() returns Unix Time in whole seconds, but the default moment constructor accepts a timestamp in milliseconds. You should instead use .valueOf() to return milliseconds. Note that calling .unix()*1000 would also work, but it would result in a loss of precision.

  • You're parsing a string without providing a format specifier. That isn't a good idea, as values like 1/2/2014 could be interpreted as either February 1st or as January 2nd, depending on the locale of where the code is running. (This is also why you get the deprecation warning in the console.) Instead, provide a format string that matches the expected input, such as:

    moment("10/15/2014 9:00", "M/D/YYYY H:mm")
  • .calendar() has a very specific use. If you are near to the date, it will return a value like "Today 9:00 AM". If that's not what you expected, you should use the .format() function instead. Again, you may want to pass a format specifier.

  • To answer your questions in comments, No - you don't need to call .local() or .utc().

Putting it all together:

var ts = moment("10/15/2014 9:00", "M/D/YYYY H:mm").valueOf();
var m = moment(ts);
var s = m.format("M/D/YYYY H:mm");
alert("Values are: ts = " + ts + ", s = " + s);

On my machine, in the US Pacific time zone, it results in:

Values are: ts = 1413388800000, s = 10/15/2014 9:00

Since the input value is interpreted in terms of local time, you will get a different value for ts if you are in a different time zone.

Also note that if you really do want to work with whole seconds (possibly losing precision), moment has methods for that as well. You would use .unix() to return the timestamp in whole seconds, and moment.unix(ts) to parse it back to a moment.

var ts = moment("10/15/2014 9:00", "M/D/YYYY H:mm").unix();
var m = moment.unix(ts);

Bash syntax error: unexpected end of file

Apparently, some versions of the shell can also emit this message when the final line of your script lacks a newline.

Switch case with conditions

Ok it is late but in case you or someone else still want to you use a switch or simply have a better understanding of how the switch statement works.

What was wrong is that your switch expression should match in strict comparison one of your case expression. If there is no match it will look for a default. You can still use your expression in your case with the && operator that makes Short-circuit evaluation.

Ok you already know all that. For matching the strict comparison you should add at the end of all your case expression && cnt.

Like follow:

case customEpression && mySwitchExpression: StatementList

var cnt = $("#div1 p").length;
switch (cnt) {
case (cnt >= 10 && cnt <= 20 && cnt):
case (cnt >= 21 && cnt <= 30 && cnt):
case (cnt >= 31 && cnt <= 40 && cnt):
<script src=""></script>
<div id="div1">
<p> p1</p>
<p> p2</p>
<p> p3</p>
<p> p3</p>
<p> p4</p>
<p> p5</p>
<p> p6</p>
<p> p7</p>
<p> p8</p>
<p> p9</p>
<p> p10</p>
<p> p11</p>
<p> p12</p>

Get size of an Iterable in Java

Why don't you simply use the size() method on your Collection to get the number of elements?

Iterator is just meant to iterate,nothing else.

Refresh Excel VBA Function Results

Public Sub UpdateMyFunctions()
    Dim myRange As Range
    Dim rng As Range

    'Considering The Functions are in Range A1:B10
    Set myRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B10")

    For Each rng In myRange
        rng.Formula = rng.Formula
End Sub

Getting Error - ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

You can solve the problem by checking if your date matches a REGEX pattern. If not, then NULL (or something else you prefer).

In my particular case it was necessary because I have >20 DATE columns saved as CHAR, so I don't know from which column the error is coming from.

Returning to your query:

1. Declare a REGEX pattern.
It is usually a very long string which will certainly pollute your code (you may want to reuse it as well).

define REGEX_DATE = "'your regex pattern goes here'"

Don't forget a single quote inside a double quote around your Regex :-)

A comprehensive thread about Regex date validation you'll find here.

2. Use it as the first CASE condition:

To use Regex validation in the SELECT statement, you cannot use REGEXP_LIKE (it's only valid in WHERE. It took me a long time to understand why my code was not working. So it's certainly worth a note.

Instead, use REGEXP_INSTR
For entries not found in the pattern (your case) use REGEXP_INSTR (variable, pattern) = 0 .

    DEFINE REGEX_DATE = "'your regex pattern goes here'"

    SELECT   c.contract_num,
            WHEN REGEXP_INSTR(c.event_dt, &REGEX_DATE) = 0 THEN NULL
            WHEN   (  MAX (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                    - MIN (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                 / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) < 32
            WHEN       (  MAX (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                        - MIN (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                     / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) >= 32
                 AND   (  MAX (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                        - MIN (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                     / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) < 91
FROM     ps_ca_bp_events c
GROUP BY c.contract_num;

HTML5 Canvas Rotate Image

As @markE mention in his answer

the alternative is to untranslate & unrotate after drawing

It is much faster than context save and restore.

Here is an example

// translate and rotate


// untranslate and unrotate
this.context.translate(x, y);

How to configure SMTP settings in web.config

I don't have enough rep to answer ClintEastwood, and the accepted answer is correct for the Web.config file. Adding this in for code difference.

When your mailSettings are set on Web.config, you don't need to do anything other than new up your SmtpClient and .Send. It finds the connection itself without needing to be referenced. You would change your C# from this:

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("", Convert.ToInt32(587));
System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
smtpClient.Credentials = credentials;

To this:

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

convert array into DataFrame in Python

In general you can use pandas rename function here. Given your dataframe you could change to a new name like this. If you had more columns you could also rename those in the dictionary. The 0 is the current name of your column

import pandas as pd    
import numpy as np   
e = np.random.normal(size=100)  
e_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(e)      

e_dataframe.rename(index=str, columns={0:'new_column_name'})

Calculate execution time of a SQL query?

Well, If you really want to do it in your DB there is a more accurate way as given in MSDN:


You can read this information from your application as well.

How to calculate a mod b in Python?

you can also try divmod(x, y) which returns a tuple (x // y, x % y)

How to add a right button to a UINavigationController?

For swift 2 :

self.title = "Your Title"

var homeButton : UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "LeftButtonTitle", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, target: self, action: Selector("yourMethod"))

var logButton : UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "RigthButtonTitle", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, target: self, action: Selector("yourMethod"))

self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = homeButton
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = logButton

Copying and pasting data using VBA code

'So from this discussion i am thinking this should be the code then.

Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim excel As excel.Application
    Dim wb As excel.Workbook
    Dim sht As excel.Worksheet
    Dim f As Object

    Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
    f.AllowMultiSelect = False

    Set excel = CreateObject("excel.Application")
    Set wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(f.SelectedItems(1))
    Set sht = wb.Worksheets("Data")

    Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

End Sub

'Let me know if this is correct or a step was missed. Thx.

Align <div> elements side by side

Beware float: left

…there are many ways to align elements side-by-side.

Below are the most common ways to achieve two elements side-by-side…

Demo: View/edit all the below examples on Codepen

Basic styles for all examples below…

Some basic css styles for parent and child elements in these examples:

.parent {
  background: mediumpurple;
  padding: 1rem;
.child {
  border: 1px solid indigo;
  padding: 1rem;


Using the float solution my have unintended affect on other elements. (Hint: You may need to use a clearfix.)


<div class='parent'>
  <div class='child float-left-child'>A</div>
  <div class='child float-left-child'>B</div>


.float-left-child {
  float: left;



<div class='parent'>
  <div class='child inline-block-child'>A</div>
  <div class='child inline-block-child'>B</div>


.inline-block-child {
  display: inline-block;

Note: the space between these two child elements can be removed, by removing the space between the div tags:

display:inline-block (no space)


<div class='parent'>
  <div class='child inline-block-child'>A</div><div class='child inline-block-child'>B</div>


.inline-block-child {
  display: inline-block;



<div class='parent flex-parent'>
  <div class='child flex-child'>A</div>
  <div class='child flex-child'>B</div>


.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
.flex-child {
  flex: 1;



<div class='parent inline-flex-parent'>
  <div class='child'>A</div>
  <div class='child'>B</div>


.inline-flex-parent {
  display: inline-flex;



<div class='parent grid-parent'>
  <div class='child'>A</div>
  <div class='child'>B</div>


.grid-parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr

Regular expression to match a dot

This expression,


might also work OK for those specific types of input strings.



import re

expression = r'(?<=^|\s)[^.\s]+\.[^.\s]+(?=@)'
string = '''
blah blah blah [email protected] blah blah
blah blah blah test.this blah blah
blah blah blah [email protected] blah blah

matches = re.findall(expression, string)




If you wish to simplify/modify/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.

Dynamic constant assignment

Your problem is that each time you run the method you are assigning a new value to the constant. This is not allowed, as it makes the constant non-constant; even though the contents of the string are the same (for the moment, anyhow), the actual string object itself is different each time the method is called. For example:

def foo
  p "bar".object_id

foo #=> 15779172
foo #=> 15779112

Perhaps if you explained your use case—why you want to change the value of a constant in a method—we could help you with a better implementation.

Perhaps you'd rather have an instance variable on the class?

class MyClass
  class << self
    attr_accessor :my_constant
  def my_method
    self.class.my_constant = "blah"

p MyClass.my_constant #=> nil

p MyClass.my_constant #=> "blah"

If you really want to change the value of a constant in a method, and your constant is a String or an Array, you can 'cheat' and use the #replace method to cause the object to take on a new value without actually changing the object:

class MyClass
  BAR = "blah"

  def cheat(new_bar)
    BAR.replace new_bar

p MyClass::BAR           #=> "blah" "whee"
p MyClass::BAR           #=> "whee"

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while plot showing

Take note of what is printed for x. You are trying to convert an array (basically just a list) into an int. length-1 would be an array of a single number, which I assume numpy just treats as a float. You could do this, but it's not a purely-numpy solution.

EDIT: I was involved in a post a couple of weeks back where numpy was slower an operation than I had expected and I realised I had fallen into a default mindset that numpy was always the way to go for speed. Since my answer was not as clean as ayhan's, I thought I'd use this space to show that this is another such instance to illustrate that vectorize is around 10% slower than building a list in Python. I don't know enough about numpy to explain why this is the case but perhaps someone else does?

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime

time_start =

# My original answer
def f(x):
    rebuilt_to_plot = []
    for num in x:
    return rebuilt_to_plot

for t in range(10000):
    x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, f(x))

time_end =

# Answer by ayhan
def f_1(x):

for t in range(10000):
    f2 = np.vectorize(f_1)
    x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, f2(x))

time_end_2 =

print time_end - time_start
print time_end_2 - time_end

Understanding `scale` in R

This is a late addition but I was looking for information on the scale function myself and though it might help somebody else as well.

To modify the response from Ricardo Saporta a little bit.
Scaling is not done using standard deviation, at least not in version 3.6.1 of R, I base this on "Becker, R. (2018). The new S language. CRC Press." and my own experimentation. <- X/sqrt(sum(X^2)/(length(X)-1))
X.aut.scaled <- scale(X, center = F)

The result of these rows are exactly the same, I show it without centering because of simplicity.

I would respond in a comment but did not have enough reputation.

Error parsing yaml file: mapping values are not allowed here

Or, if spacing is not the problem, it might want the parent directory name rather than the file name.

Not $ dev_appserver
But $ dev_appserver hello/

For example:

Johns-Mac:hello john$
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 82, in <module>
    _run_file(__file__, globals())
  File "/Applications/", line 212, in _GenerateEventParameters
    raise yaml_errors.EventListenerYAMLError(e)
google.appengine.api.yaml_errors.EventListenerYAMLError: mapping values are not allowed here
  in "", line 3, column 39


Johns-Mac:hello john$ cd ..
Johns-Mac:fbm john$ hello/
INFO     2014-09-15 11:44:27,828] Starting API server at: http://localhost:61049
INFO     2014-09-15 11:44:27,831] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:8080

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test

I had a similar problem, and the solution for me was quite different from what the other users posted.

The problem with me was related to the project I was working last year, which required a certain proxy on maven settings (located at <path to maven folder>\maven\conf\settings.xml and C:\Users\<my user>\.m2\settings.xml). The proxy was blocking the download of required external packages.

The solution was to put back the original file (settings.xml) on those places. Once things were restored, I was able to download the packages and everything worked.

Creating email templates with Django

From the docs, to send HTML e-mail you want to use alternative content-types, like this:

from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives

subject, from_email, to = 'hello', '[email protected]', '[email protected]'
text_content = 'This is an important message.'
html_content = '<p>This is an <strong>important</strong> message.</p>'
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")

You'll probably want two templates for your e-mail - a plain text one that looks something like this, stored in your templates directory under email.txt:

Hello {{ username }} - your account is activated.

and an HTMLy one, stored under email.html:

Hello <strong>{{ username }}</strong> - your account is activated.

You can then send an e-mail using both those templates by making use of get_template, like this:

from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.template import Context

plaintext = get_template('email.txt')
htmly     = get_template('email.html')

d = Context({ 'username': username })

subject, from_email, to = 'hello', '[email protected]', '[email protected]'
text_content = plaintext.render(d)
html_content = htmly.render(d)
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")

How to use `subprocess` command with pipes

You can try the pipe functionality in

import sh
print sh.grep("-ax"), "process_name")

to_string is not a member of std, says g++ (mingw)

to_string() is only present in c++11 so if c++ version is less use some alternate methods such as sprintf or ostringstream

What's the meaning of exception code "EXC_I386_GPFLT"?

I'm seeing this error code in rotation crashes on Xcode 12.0 Beta 6, only on the iOS 14 simulator. It doesn't crash on my real device running iOS 13 though! So if you're running beta stuff and seeing rotation crashes in the simulator, maybe you just need to run on a real device with a non-beta iOS version.

Failed to load JavaHL Library

My Understanding - Basically, svn client comes by default on Mac os. While installing in eclipse we should match svn plugin to the mac plugin and javaHL wont be missing. There is a lengthy process to update by installing xcode and then by using homebrew or macports which you can find after googling but if you are in hurry use simply the steps below.

1) on your mac terminal shell

$ svn --version

Note down the version e.g. 1.7.

2) open the link below

check which version of subclipse you need corresponding to it. e.g.

Subclipse Version SVN/JavaHL Version 1.8.x 1.7.x

3) ok, pick up url corresponding to 1.8.x from

and add to your eclipse => Install new Software under help

select whatever you need, svn client or subclipse or mylyn etc and it will ask for restart of STS/eclipse thats it you are done. worked for me.

NOTE: if you already have multiple versions installed inside your eclipse then its best to uninstall all subclipse or svn client versions from eclipse plugins and start fresh with steps listed above.

Difference between | and || or & and && for comparison

(Assuming C, C++, Java, JavaScript)

| and & are bitwise operators while || and && are logical operators. Usually you'd want to use || and && for if statements and loops and such (i.e. for your examples above). The bitwise operators are for setting and checking bits within bitmasks.

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

My issue was, i am unable to create a view with my "scott" user in oracle 11g edition. So here is my solution for this

Error in my case

SQL>create view v1 as select * from books where id=10;

insufficient privileges.


1)open your cmd and change your directory to where you install your oracle database. in my case i was downloaded in E drive so my location is E:\app\B_Amar\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN> after reaching in the position you have to type sqlplus sys as sysdba

E:\app\B_Amar\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>sqlplus sys as sysdba

2) Enter password: here you have to type that password that you give at the time of installation of oracle software.

3) Here in this step if you want create a new user then you can create otherwise give all the privileges to existing user.

for creating new user

SQL> create user abc identified by xyz;

here abc is user and xyz is password.

giving all the privileges to abc user

SQL> grant all privileges to abc;

 grant succeeded. 

if you are seen this message then all the privileges are giving to the abc user.

4) Now exit from cmd, go to your SQL PLUS and connect to the user i.e enter your username & password.Now you can happily create view.

In My case

in cmd E:\app\B_Amar\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>sqlplus sys as sysdba

SQL> grant all privileges to SCOTT;

grant succeeded.

Now I can create views.

What is the difference between background and background-color

background will supercede all previous background-color, background-image, etc. specifications. It's basically a shorthand, but a reset as well.

I will sometimes use it to overwrite previous background specifications in template customizations, where I would want the following:

background: white url(images/image1.jpg) top left repeat;

to be the following:

background: black;

So, all parameters (background-image, background-position, background-repeat) will reset to their default values.

Angular2: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

In Angular, there is the support elvis operator ?. to protect against a view render failure. They call it the safe navigation operator. Take the example below:

The current person name is {{nullObject?.name}}

Since it is trying to access name property of a null value, the whole view disappears and you can see the error inside the browser console. It works perfectly with long property paths such as a?.b?.c?.d. So I recommend you to use it everytime you need to access a property inside a template.

What does "Error: object '<myvariable>' not found" mean?

The error means that R could not find the variable mentioned in the error message.

The easiest way to reproduce the error is to type the name of a variable that doesn't exist. (If you've defined x already, use a different variable name.)

## Error: object 'x' not found

The more complex version of the error has the same cause: calling a function when x does not exist.

## Error in mean(x) : 
##   error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'mean': Error: object 'x' not found

Once the variable has been defined, the error will not occur.

x <- 1:5
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5     
## [1] 3

You can check to see if a variable exists using ls or exists.

ls()        # lists all the variables that have been defined
exists("x") # returns TRUE or FALSE, depending upon whether x has been defined.

Errors like this can occur when you are using non-standard evaluation. For example, when using subset, the error will occur if a column name is not present in the data frame to subset.

d <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5))
subset(d, b > 0)
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'b' not found

The error can also occur if you use custom evaluation.

get("var", "package:stats") #returns the var function
get("var", "package:utils")
## Error in get("var", "package:utils") : object 'var' not found

In the second case, the var function cannot be found when R looks in the utils package's environment because utils is further down the search list than stats.

In more advanced use cases, you may wish to read:

Open mvc view in new window from controller

You can use Tommy's method in forms as well:

@using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Get, new { target = "_blank" }))

Storage permission error in Marshmallow

Add below code to your OnCreate() function in MainAcitivity, which will display pop up to ask for permission:

if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(TestActivity.this,
else {
                            new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},

Excel VBA Run-time Error '32809' - Trying to Understand it

It seems that 32809 is a general error message. After struggling for some time, I found that I had not clicked on the "Enable Macros" security button at the below the workbook ribbon. Once I did this, everything worked fine.

How to verify that a specific method was not called using Mockito?

Both the verifyNoMoreInteractions() and verifyZeroInteractions() method internally have the same implementation as:

public static transient void verifyNoMoreInteractions(Object mocks[])

public static transient void verifyZeroInteractions(Object mocks[])

so we can use any one of them on mock object or array of mock objects to check that no methods have been called using mock objects.

How to set "value" to input web element using selenium?

driver.findElement("invoice_supplier_id")).setAttribute("value", "your value");

PHP Echo a large block of text

One option is to get out of the php block and just write HTML.

With your code, after the opening curly brace of your if statement, end the PHP:

if (is_single()) { ?>

Then remove the echo ' and the ';

After all your html and css, before the closing }, write:

<? } else {

If the text you want to write to the page is dynamic, it gets a little trickier, but for now this should work fine.

Call an angular function inside html

Yep, just add parenthesis (calling the function). Make sure the function is in scope and actually returns something.

<ul class="ui-listview ui-radiobutton" ng-repeat="meter in meters">
  <li class = "ui-divider">
    {{ meter.DESCRIPTION }}
    {{ htmlgeneration() }}

How can I use UIColorFromRGB in Swift?

solution for argb format:

//  UIColorExtensions.swift
import UIKit
extension UIColor {

    convenience init(argb: UInt) {
            red: CGFloat((argb & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0,
            green: CGFloat((argb & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0,
            blue: CGFloat(argb & 0x0000FF) / 255.0,
            alpha: CGFloat((argb & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0


var clearColor: UIColor = UIColor.init(argb: 0x00000000)
var redColor: UIColor = UIColor.init(argb: 0xFFFF0000)

C++ compile time error: expected identifier before numeric constant

Initializations with (...) in the class body is not allowed. Use {..} or = .... Unfortunately since the respective constructor is explicit and vector has an initializer list constructor, you need a functional cast to call the wanted constructor

vector<string> name = decltype(name)(5);
vector<int> val = decltype(val)(5,0);

As an alternative you can use constructor initializer lists

 Attribute():name(5), val(5, 0) {}

Getting the computer name in Java

The computer "name" is resolved from the IP address by the underlying DNS (Domain Name System) library of the OS. There's no universal concept of a computer name across OSes, but DNS is generally available. If the computer name hasn't been configured so DNS can resolve it, it isn't available.


String hostname = "Unknown";

    InetAddress addr;
    addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
    hostname = addr.getHostName();
catch (UnknownHostException ex)
    System.out.println("Hostname can not be resolved");

javaw.exe cannot find path

Make sure to download these from here:

enter image description here

Also create PATH enviroment variable on you computer like this (if it doesn't exist already):

  1. Right click on My Computer/Computer
  2. Properties
  3. Advanced system settings (or just Advanced)
  4. Enviroment variables
  5. If PATH variable doesn't exist among "User variables" click New (Variable name: PATH, Variable value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin; <-- please check out the right version, this may differ as Oracle keeps updating Java). ; in the end enables assignment of multiple values to PATH variable.
  6. Click OK! Done

enter image description here

To be sure that everything works, open CMD Prompt and type: java -version to check for Java version and javac to be sure that compiler responds.

enter image description here

I hope this helps. Good luck!

Convert a string to a datetime

You should have to use Date.ParseExact or Date.TryParseExact with correct format string.

 Dim edate = "10/12/2009"
 Dim expenddt As Date = Date.ParseExact(edate, "dd/MM/yyyy", 


 Dim format() = {"dd/MM/yyyy", "d/M/yyyy", "dd-MM-yyyy"}
 Dim expenddt As Date = Date.ParseExact(edate, format,  


Dim format() = {"dd/MM/yyyy", "d/M/yyyy", "dd-MM-yyyy"}
Dim expenddt As Date
Date.TryParseExact(edate, format, 
    Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, expenddt)

<xsl:variable> Print out value of XSL variable using <xsl:value-of>

Your main problem is thinking that the variable you declared outside of the template is the same variable being "set" inside the choose statement. This is not how XSLT works, the variable cannot be reassigned. This is something more like what you want:

<xsl:template match="class">
  <xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/></xsl:copy>
  <xsl:variable name="subexists">
      <xsl:when test="joined-subclass">true</xsl:when>
  subexists:      <xsl:value-of select="$subexists" />

And if you need the variable to have "global" scope then declare it outside of the template:

<xsl:variable name="subexists">
     <xsl:when test="/path/to/node/joined-subclass">true</xsl:when>

<xsl:template match="class">
   subexists:      <xsl:value-of select="$subexists" />

Text size of android design TabLayout tabs


<style name="tab">
    <item name="android:textSize">@dimen/_10ssp</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">#FFFFFF</item>



        android:text="TAB 1"

        android:text="TAB 2" />

        android:text="TAB 3" />

Auto-scaling input[type=text] to width of value?

You can do this the easy way by setting the size attribute to the length of the input contents:

function resizeInput() {
    $(this).attr('size', $(this).val().length);

    // event handler
    // resize on page load


This seems to add some padding on the right that I suspect is browser dependent. If you wanted it to be really tight to the input, you could use a technique like the one I describe in this related answer, using jQuery to calculate the pixel size of your text.

System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll?

Problem solved! I'm using Ctrl + Alt + E to open Exception Window, and I checked all throw checkbox. So the debuger can stop at the exactly the error code.

Setting the User-Agent header for a WebClient request

You can check the WebClient documentation for a C# sample that adds a User-Agent to your WebClient and here for a sample for Windows Phone.

This is the sample for C#:

WebClient client = new WebClient ();

// Add a user agent header in case the 
// requested URI contains a query.

client.Headers.Add ("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; " + 
                                  "Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)");

This is a sample for Windows Phone (Silverlight):

request.Headers["UserAgent"] = "appname";
// OR
request.UserAgent = "appname";

Get Category name from Post ID

function wp_get_post_categories( $post_id = 0, $args = array() )
   $post_id = (int) $post_id;
   $defaults = array('fields' => 'ids');
   $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
   $cats = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, 'category', $args);

   return $cats;

Here is the second argument of function wp_get_post_categories() which you can pass the attributes of receiving data.

$category_detail = get_the_category( '4',array( 'fields' => 'names' ) ); //$post->ID
foreach( $category_detail as $cd )
   echo $cd->name;

Remove border from buttons

This seems to work for me perfectly.

button:focus { outline: none; }

DECODE( ) function in SQL Server

In my Case I used it in a lot of places first example if you have 2 values for select statement like gender (Male or Female) then use the following statement:


If there is more than one condition like nationalities you can use it as the following statement:

SELECT CASE Nationality 
ELSE 6 END AS Nationality 

'Property does not exist on type 'never'

if you're receiving the error in parameter, so keep any or any[] type of input like below

getOptionLabel={(option: any) => option!.name}
    getOptionLabel={(option: any) => option!.name}

How to correctly set the ORACLE_HOME variable on Ubuntu 9.x?

Had the same problem,

All i had to do whas set the oracle shell variable:

. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/


What do all of Scala's symbolic operators mean?

One (good, IMO) difference between Scala and other languages is that it lets you name your methods with almost any character.

What you enumerate is not "punctuation" but plain and simple methods, and as such their behavior vary from one object to the other (though there are some conventions).

For example, check the Scaladoc documentation for List, and you'll see some of the methods you mentioned here.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Most of the times the A operator+equal B combination translates to A = A operator B, like in the ||= or ++= examples.

  • Methods that end in : are right associative, this means that A :: B is actually B.::(A).

You'll find most answers by browsing the Scala documentation. Keeping a reference here would duplicate efforts, and it would fall behind quickly :)

setState() inside of componentDidUpdate()

The componentDidUpdate signature is void::componentDidUpdate(previousProps, previousState). With this you will be able to test which props/state are dirty and call setState accordingly.


componentDidUpdate(previousProps, previousState) {
    if ( !== {

How can I split and parse a string in Python?

"2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_") gives a list of strings:

In [1]: "2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_")
Out[1]: ['2.7.0', 'bf4fda703454']

This splits the string at every underscore. If you want it to stop after the first split, use "2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_", 1).

If you know for a fact that the string contains an underscore, you can even unpack the LHS and RHS into separate variables:

In [8]: lhs, rhs = "2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_", 1)

In [9]: lhs
Out[9]: '2.7.0'

In [10]: rhs
Out[10]: 'bf4fda703454'

An alternative is to use partition(). The usage is similar to the last example, except that it returns three components instead of two. The principal advantage is that this method doesn't fail if the string doesn't contain the separator.

UTF-8 text is garbled when form is posted as multipart/form-data

I had the same problem. The only solution that worked for me was adding <property = "defaultEncoding" value = "UTF-8"> to multipartResoler in spring configurations file.

Get protocol + host name from URL

I know it's an old question, but I too encountered it today. Solved this with an one-liner:

import re
result = re.sub(r'(.*://)?([^/?]+).*', '\g<1>\g<2>', url)

Create a text file for download on-the-fly

No need to store it anywhere. Just output the content with the appropriate content type.

    header('Content-type: text/plain');
?>Hello, world.

Add content-disposition if you wish to trigger a download prompt.

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="default-filename.txt"');

How to loop through a JSON object with typescript (Angular2)

Assuming your json object from your GET request looks like the one you posted above simply do:

let list: string[] = [];

json.Results.forEach(element => {

Or am I missing something that prevents you from doing it this way?

get all the elements of a particular form

If you only want form elements that have a name attribute, you can filter the form elements.

const form = document.querySelector("your-form")
Array.from(form.elements).filter(e => e.getAttribute("name"))

How to correctly set Http Request Header in Angular 2

We can do it nicely using Interceptors. You dont have to set options in all your services neither manage all your error responses, just define 2 interceptors (one to do something before sending the request to server and one to do something before sending the server's response to your service)

  1. Define an AuthInterceptor class to do something before sending the request to the server. You can set the api token (retrieve it from localStorage, see step 4) and other options in this class.
  2. Define an responseInterceptor class to do something before sending the server response to your service (httpClient). You can manage your server response, the most comon use is to check if the user's token is valid (if not clear token from localStorage and redirect to login).
  3. In your app.module import HTTP_INTERCEPTORS from '@angular/common/http'. Then add to your providers the interceptors (AuthInterceptor and responseInterceptor). Doing this your app will consider the interceptors in all our httpClient calls.

  4. At login http response (use http service), save the token at localStorage.

  5. Then use httpClient for all your apirest services.

You can check some good practices on my github proyect here

enter image description here

How can I disable a specific LI element inside a UL?

Using CSS3:

If that's not an option for any reason, you could try giving the list items classes:

<li class="one"></li>
<li class="two"></li>
<li class="three"></li>

Then in your css:{display:none}/*hide first li*/
li.three{display:none}/*hide third li*/

Google Maps Api v3 - find nearest markers

First you have to add the eventlistener

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', find_closest_marker);

Then create a function that loops through the array of markers and uses the haversine formula to calculate the distance of each marker from the click.

function rad(x) {return x*Math.PI/180;}
function find_closest_marker( event ) {
    var lat =;
    var lng = event.latLng.lng();
    var R = 6371; // radius of earth in km
    var distances = [];
    var closest = -1;
    for( i=0;i<map.markers.length; i++ ) {
        var mlat = map.markers[i];
        var mlng = map.markers[i].position.lng();
        var dLat  = rad(mlat - lat);
        var dLong = rad(mlng - lng);
        var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
            Math.cos(rad(lat)) * Math.cos(rad(lat)) * Math.sin(dLong/2) * Math.sin(dLong/2);
        var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
        var d = R * c;
        distances[i] = d;
        if ( closest == -1 || d < distances[closest] ) {
            closest = i;


This keeps track of the closest markers and alerts its title.

I have my markers as an array on my map object

Floating divs in Bootstrap layout

I understand that you want the Widget2 sharing the bottom border with the contents div. Try adding

style="position: relative; bottom: 0px"

to your Widget2 tag. Also try:

style="position: absolute; bottom: 0px"

if you want to snap your widget to the bottom of the screen.

I am a little rusty with CSS, perhaps the correct style is "margin-bottom: 0px" instead "bottom: 0px", give it a try. Also the pull-right class seems to add a "float=right" style to the element, and I am not sure how this behaves with "position: relative" and "position: absolute", I would remove it.

C# Base64 String to JPEG Image

public Image Base64ToImage(string base64String)
   // Convert Base64 String to byte[]
    byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

    // Convert byte[] to Image
    ms.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
    Image image = Image.FromStream(ms, true);

    return image;

Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse?

The R.* classes are generated dynamically. I leave the "Build automatically" option on in the Project menu so that mine R.* classes are always up-to-date.

Additionally, when creating new Activities, I copy and rename old ones, especially if they are similar to the new Activity that I need because Eclipse renames everything for you.

Otherwise, as others have said, the File->New->Class command works well and will build your file for you including templates for required methods based on your class, its inheritance and interfaces.

What's the best practice using a settings file in Python?

Yaml and Json are the simplest and most commonly used file formats to store settings/config. PyYaml can be used to parse yaml. Json is already part of python from 2.5. Yaml is a superset of Json. Json will solve most uses cases except multi line strings where escaping is required. Yaml takes care of these cases too.

>>> import json
>>> config = {'handler' : '', 'timeoutsec' : 5 }
>>> json.dump(config, open('/tmp/config.json', 'w'))
>>> json.load(open('/tmp/config.json'))   
{u'handler': u'', u'timeoutsec': 5}

New Intent() starts new instance with Android: launchMode="singleTop"

What actually worked for me in the end was this:

Intent myIntent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), MainActivity.class);

How to change the name of an iOS app?

There are

  • Product name ($(PRODUCT_NAME)): defaults to Target name. This is useful for scheme to select the right target
  • Bundle display name (CFBundleDisplayName): defaults to Product name. This is what is displayed to your iOS user

HTML Entity Decode

To do it in pure javascript without jquery or predefining everything you can cycle the encoded html string through an elements innerHTML and innerText(/textContent) properties for every decode step that is required:

    <title>For every decode step, cycle through innerHTML and innerText </title>
function decode(str) {
  var d = document.createElement("div");
  d.innerHTML = str; 
  return typeof d.innerText !== 'undefined' ? d.innerText : d.textContent;
var encodedString = "&lt;p&gt;name&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=\"font-size:xx-small;\"&gt;ajde&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;da&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;";
    <input type=button onclick="document.body.innerHTML=decode(encodedString)"/>

How to export/import PuTTy sessions list?

How to transfer putty configuration and session configuration from one user account to another e.g. when created a new account and want to use the putty sessions/configurations from the old account

- Export registry key from old account into a file
- Import registry key from file into new account

Export reg key: (from OLD account)

  1. Login into the OLD account e.g. tomold
  2. Open normal 'command prompt' (NOT admin !)
  3. Type 'regedit'
  4. Navigate to registry section where the configuration is being stored e.g. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SimonTatham] and click on it
  5. Select 'Export' from the file menu or right mouse click (radio ctrl 'selected branch')
  6. Save into file and name it e.g. 'puttyconfig.reg'
  7. Logout again

Import reg key: (into NEW account)

  1. Login into NEW account e.g. tom

  2. Open normal 'command prompt' (NOT admin !)

  3. Type 'regedit'

  4. Select 'Import' from the menu

  5. Select the registry file to import e.g. 'puttyconfig.reg'

  6. Done

Do not use an 'admin command prompt' as settings are located under '[HKEY_CURRENT_USER...] 'and regedit would run as admin and show that section for the admin-user rather then for the user to transfer from and/or to.

SQL Last 6 Months


where datetime_column > curdate() - interval (dayofmonth(curdate()) - 1) day - interval 6 month

SQLFiddle demo

In SQL Server

where datetime_column > dateadd(m, -6, getdate() - datepart(d, getdate()) + 1)

SQLFiddle demo

Event listener for when element becomes visible?

Just to comment on the DOMAttrModified event listener browser support:

Cross-browser support

These events are not implemented consistently across different browsers, for example:

  • IE prior to version 9 didn't support the mutation events at all and does not implement some of them correctly in version 9 (for example, DOMNodeInserted)

  • WebKit doesn't support DOMAttrModified (see webkit bug 8191 and the workaround)

  • "mutation name events", i.e. DOMElementNameChanged and DOMAttributeNameChanged are not supported in Firefox (as of version 11), and probably in other browsers as well.


Best way to overlay an ESRI shapefile on google maps?

I like using (open source and gui friendly) Quantum GIS to convert the shapefile to kml.

Google Maps API supports only a subset of the KML standard. One limitation is file size.

To reduce your file size, you can Quantum GIS's "simplify geometries" function. This "smooths" polygons.

Then you can select your layer and do a "save as kml" on it.

If you need to process a bunch of files, the process can be batched with Quantum GIS's ogr2ogr command from osgeo4w shell.

Finally, I recommend zipping your kml (with your favorite compression program) for reduced file size and saving it as kmz.

How to set the text/value/content of an `Entry` widget using a button in tkinter

e= StringVar()
def fileDialog():
    filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select A 
    File",filetype = (("jpeg","*.jpg"),("png","*.png"),("All Files","*.*")))
la = Entry(self,textvariable = e,width = 30).place(x=230,y=330)

Get current user id in ASP.NET Identity 2.0

I had the same issue. I am currently using Core 2.2. I solved this problem with the following piece of code.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(User.Identity.Name);

I hope this will be useful to someone.

JavaScript string encryption and decryption?

 var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("Message", "Secret Passphrase");_x000D_
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted, "Secret Passphrase");_x000D_
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = encrypted;_x000D_
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = decrypted;_x000D_
document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML = decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
Full working sample actually is:_x000D_
    <script src="" integrity="sha256-/H4YS+7aYb9kJ5OKhFYPUjSJdrtV6AeyJOtTkw6X72o=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<div id="demo1"></div>_x000D_
<div id="demo2"></div>_x000D_
<label>Actual Message</label>_x000D_
<div id="demo3"></div>

How to check if a socket is connected/disconnected in C#?

The best way is simply to have your client send a PING every X seconds, and for the server to assume it is disconnected after not having received one for a while.

I encountered the same issue as you when using sockets, and this was the only way I could do it. The socket.connected property was never correct.

In the end though, I switched to using WCF because it was far more reliable than sockets.

How do I migrate an SVN repository with history to a new Git repository?

I´m on a windows machine and made a small Batch to transfer a SVN repo with history (but without branches) to a GIT repo by just calling


Perhaps anybody can use it. It creates a TMP-folder checks out the SVN repo there with git and adds the new origin and pushes it... and deletes the folder again.

@echo off 
SET TO=%2 
SET TMP=tmp_%random%

echo from:  %FROM% 
echo to:    %TO% 
echo tmp:   %TMP%


git svn clone  --no-metadata --authors-file=users.txt %FROM% %TMP%  
cd %TMP% 
git remote add origin %TO% 
git push --set-upstream origin master

cd .. 
echo delete %TMP% ... 

rmdir /s /q %TMP%

You still need the users.txt with your user-mappings like

User1 = User One <[email protected]>

How to set a border for an HTML div tag

p{border: 1px solid red}
div{border: 5px solid blue}

Call me Ishmael.

Just don't call me late for dinner.

Call me Ishmael.

Just don't call me late for dinner.

How to deploy a war file in Tomcat 7

You can access your application from: http://localhost:8080/sample

Deploying or redeploying of war files is automatic by default - after copying/overwriting the file sample.war, check your webapps folder for an extracted folder sample.

If it doesn't open properly, check the log files (e.g. tomcat/logs/catalina.out) for problems with deployment.

How is malloc() implemented internally?

The sbrksystem call moves the "border" of the data segment. This means it moves a border of an area in which a program may read/write data (letting it grow or shrink, although AFAIK no malloc really gives memory segments back to the kernel with that method). Aside from that, there's also mmap which is used to map files into memory but is also used to allocate memory (if you need to allocate shared memory, mmap is how you do it).

So you have two methods of getting more memory from the kernel: sbrk and mmap. There are various strategies on how to organize the memory that you've got from the kernel.

One naive way is to partition it into zones, often called "buckets", which are dedicated to certain structure sizes. For example, a malloc implementation could create buckets for 16, 64, 256 and 1024 byte structures. If you ask malloc to give you memory of a given size it rounds that number up to the next bucket size and then gives you an element from that bucket. If you need a bigger area malloc could use mmap to allocate directly with the kernel. If the bucket of a certain size is empty malloc could use sbrk to get more space for a new bucket.

There are various malloc designs and there is propably no one true way of implementing malloc as you need to make a compromise between speed, overhead and avoiding fragmentation/space effectiveness. For example, if a bucket runs out of elements an implementation might get an element from a bigger bucket, split it up and add it to the bucket that ran out of elements. This would be quite space efficient but would not be possible with every design. If you just get another bucket via sbrk/mmap that might be faster and even easier, but not as space efficient. Also, the design must of course take into account that "free" needs to make space available to malloc again somehow. You don't just hand out memory without reusing it.

If you're interested, the OpenSER/Kamailio SIP proxy has two malloc implementations (they need their own because they make heavy use of shared memory and the system malloc doesn't support shared memory). See:

Then you could also have a look at the GNU libc malloc implementation, but that one is very complicated, IIRC.

How to delete mysql database through shell command

You can remove database directly as:

$ mysqladmin -h [host] -u [user] -p drop [database_name]

[Enter Password]

Do you really want to drop the 'hairfree' database [y/N]: y

Convert a float64 to an int in Go

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
  var x float64 = 5.7
  var y int = int(x)
  fmt.Println(y)  // outputs "5"

Radio Buttons "Checked" Attribute Not Working

I could repro this by setting the name of input tag the same for two groups of input like below:

          <input type="radio" name="gender" id="male_1" value="male"> Male<br>
          <input type="radio" name="gender" id="female_1" value="female" checked="checked"> Female<br>
          <input type="submit" value="Submit">

          <input type="radio" name="gender" id="male_2" value="male"> Male<br>
          <input type="radio" name="gender" id="female_2" value="female" checked="checked"> Female<br>
          <input type="submit" value="Submit">

(To see this running, click here)

The following two solutions both fix the problem:

  1. Use different names for the inputs in the second group
  2. Use form tag instead of div tag for one of the groups (can't really figure out the real reason why this would solve the problem. Would love to hear some opinions on this!)

Get name of current script in Python

As of Python 3.5 you can simply do:

from pathlib import Path

See more here:

For example, I have a file under my user directory named with this inside:

from pathlib import Path


running this outputs:

>>> python3.6

How to use Bootstrap in an Angular project?

You can try to use Prettyfox UI library

This library use bootstrap 4 styles and not need jquery.

How to make an android app to always run in background?

You have to start a service in your Application class to run it always. If you do that, your service will be always running. Even though user terminates your app from task manager or force stop your app, it will start running again.

Create a service:

public class YourService extends Service {

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        // do your jobs here
        return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

Create an Application class and start your service:

public class App extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {

        startService(new Intent(this, YourService.class));

Add "name" attribute into the "application" tag of your AndroidManifest.xml


Also, don't forget to add your service in the "application" tag of your AndroidManifest.xml

<service android:name=".YourService"/>

And also this permission request in the "manifest" tag (if API level 28 or higher):

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>


After Android Oreo, Google introduced some background limitations. Therefore, this solution above won't work probably. When a user kills your app from task manager, Android System will kill your service as well. If you want to run a service which is always alive in the background. You have to run a foreground service with showing an ongoing notification. So, edit your service like below.

public class YourService extends Service {

    private static final int NOTIF_ID = 1;
    private static final String NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID = "Channel_Id";

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId){

        // do your jobs here

        return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

    private void startForeground() {
        Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);

        PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
                notificationIntent, 0);

        startForeground(NOTIF_ID, new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, 
                NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID) // don't forget create a notification channel first
                .setContentText("Service is running background")


Unfortunately, some OEMs (Xiaomi, OnePlus, Samsung, Huawei etc.) restrict background operations due to provide longer battery life. There is no proper solution for these OEMs. Users need to allow some special permissions that are specific for OEMs or they need to add your app into whitelisted app list by device settings. You can find more detail information from

If background operations are an obligation for you, you need to explain it to your users why your feature is not working and how they can enable your feature by allowing those permissions. I suggest you to use AutoStarter library ( in order to redirect your users regarding permissions page easily from your app.

By the way, if you need to run some periodic work instead of having continuous background job. You better take a look WorkManager (

Practical uses of different data structures

Few more Practical Application of data structures

Red-Black Trees (Used when there is frequent Insertion/Deletion and few searches) - K-mean Clustering using red black tree, Databases, Simple-minded database, searching words inside dictionaries, searching on web

AVL Trees (More Search and less of Insertion/Deletion) - Data Analysis and Data Mining and the applications which involves more searches

Min Heap - Clustering Algorithms

How to copy a string of std::string type in C++?

strcpy example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
  char str1[]="Sample string" ;
  char str2[40] ;
  strcpy (str2,str1) ;
  printf ("str1: %s\n",str1) ;
  return 0 ;

Output: str1: Sample string

Your case:

A simple = operator should do the job.

string str1="Sample string" ;
string str2 = str1 ;

Android get Current UTC time

System.currentTimeMillis() does give you the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. The reason you see local times might be because you convert a Date instance to a string before using it. You can use DateFormats to convert Dates to Strings in any timezone:

DateFormat df = DateFormat.getTimeInstance();
String gmtTime = df.format(new Date());

Also see this related question.

AngularJS UI Router - change url without reloading state

If you need only change url but prevent change state:

Change location with (add .replace if you want to replace in history):

this.$location.path([Your path]).replace();

Prevent redirect to your state:

$transitions.onBefore({}, function($transition$) {
 if ($transition$.$to().name === '[state name]') {
   return false;

How to create a button programmatically?

You can add UIButton,UIlable and UITextfield programmatically in this way.

UIButton code

// var button   = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as UIButton
let button = UIButton(type: .System) // let preferred over var here
button.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 50)
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()
button.setTitle("Button", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: "Action:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

UILabel Code

var label: UILabel = UILabel()
label.frame = CGRectMake(50, 50, 200, 21)
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
label.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
label.text = "test label"

UITextField code

var txtField: UITextField = UITextField()
txtField.frame = CGRectMake(50, 70, 200, 30)
txtField.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor()

Hope this is helpful for you.

WAMP Server doesn't load localhost

I faced a similar problem. I tried everything with ports, hosts and config files.But nothing helped.

I checked apache error logs. They showed the following error

(OS 10038)An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.  : AH00332: winnt_accept: getsockname error on listening socket, is IPv6 available?

Finally this is what solved my problem.

1) Goto command prompt and run it in administrative mode. In windows 7 you can do it by typing cmd in run and then pressing ctrl+shift+enter

2) run the following command: netsh winsock reset

3) Restart the system

Making a button invisible by clicking another button in HTML

  1. getElementById returns a single object for which you can specify the style.So, the above explanation is correct.

  2. getElementsByTagName returns multiple objects(array of objects and properties) for which we cannot apply the style directly.

Enum String Name from Value

you can just cast it

int dbValue = 2;
EnumDisplayStatus enumValue = (EnumDisplayStatus)dbValue;
string stringName = enumValue.ToString(); //Visible

ah.. kent beat me to it :)

How can I make git show a list of the files that are being tracked?

The files managed by git are shown by git ls-files. Check out its manual page.

How to change the button color when it is active using bootstrap?

CSS has different pseudo selector by which you can achieve such effect. In your case you can use

:active : if you want background color only when the button is clicked and don't want to persist.

:focus: if you want background color untill the focus is on the button.




JsFiddle Example

P.S.: Please don't give the number in Id attribute of html elements.

What is the difference between window, screen, and document in Javascript?

Window is the main JavaScript object root, aka the global object in a browser, also can be treated as the root of the document object model. You can access it as window

window.screen or just screen is a small information object about physical screen dimensions.

window.document or just document is the main object of the potentially visible (or better yet: rendered) document object model/DOM.

Since window is the global object you can reference any properties of it with just the property name - so you do not have to write down window. - it will be figured out by the runtime.

optional parameters in SQL Server stored proc?

2014 and above at least you can set a default and it will take that and NOT error when you do not pass that parameter. Partial Example: the 3rd parameter is added as optional. exec of the actual procedure with only the first two parameters worked fine

exec getlist 47,1,0

create procedure getlist
   @convId int,
   @SortOrder int,
   @contestantsOnly bit = 0

What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript?

so it's probably not for creating instances of object

It's used exactly for that. You define a function constructor like so:

function Person(name) { = name;

var john = new Person('John');

However the extra benefit that ECMAScript has is you can extend with the .prototype property, so we can do something like...

Person.prototype.getName = function() { return; }

All objects created from this constructor will now have a getName because of the prototype chain that they have access to.

Multiple distinct pages in one HTML file

Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. It generates a single html with multiples pages. Maybe it is not the right tool for you but it could be useful for someone else looking for something similar.

Mockito : doAnswer Vs thenReturn

doAnswer and thenReturn do the same thing if:

  1. You are using Mock, not Spy
  2. The method you're stubbing is returning a value, not a void method.

Let's mock this BookService

public interface BookService {
    String getAuthor();
    void queryBookTitle(BookServiceCallback callback);

You can stub getAuthor() using doAnswer and thenReturn.

BookService service = mock(BookService.class);
// or..
doAnswer(new Answer() {
    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        return "Joshua";

Note that when using doAnswer, you can't pass a method on when.

// Will throw UnfinishedStubbingException
doAnswer(invocation -> "Joshua").when(service.getAuthor());

So, when would you use doAnswer instead of thenReturn? I can think of two use cases:

  1. When you want to "stub" void method.

Using doAnswer you can do some additionals actions upon method invocation. For example, trigger a callback on queryBookTitle.

BookServiceCallback callback = new BookServiceCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(String bookTitle) {
        assertEquals("Effective Java", bookTitle);
doAnswer(new Answer() {
    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        BookServiceCallback callback = (BookServiceCallback) invocation.getArguments()[0];
        callback.onSuccess("Effective Java");
        // return null because queryBookTitle is void
        return null;
  1. When you are using Spy instead of Mock

When using when-thenReturn on Spy Mockito will call real method and then stub your answer. This can cause a problem if you don't want to call real method, like in this sample:

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
// Will throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Using doAnswer we can stub it safely.

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
doAnswer(invocation -> "java").when(spy).get(0);
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Actually, if you don't want to do additional actions upon method invocation, you can just use doReturn.

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Getting Error 800a0e7a "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."

You should use the provider available in your machine.

  1. Goto Control Panel
  2. Goto Administrator Tools
  3. Goto Data Sources (ODBC)
  4. Click the "Drivers" tab.
  5. Do you see something called "SQL Server Native Client"?

enter image description here

See the attached screen shot. Here my provider will be SQLNCLI11.0

In a unix shell, how to get yesterday's date into a variable?

If you don't have a version of date that supports --yesterday and you don't want to use perl, you can use this handy ksh script of mine. By default, it returns yesterday's date, but you can feed it a number and it tells you the date that many days in the past. It starts to slow down a bit if you're looking far in the past. 100,000 days ago it was 1/30/1738, though my system took 28 seconds to figure that out.

    #! /bin/ksh -p

    t=`date +%j`
    ago=${ago:=1} # in days
    y=`date +%Y`

    function build_year {
            set -A j X $( for m in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
                            cal $m $y | sed -e '1,2d' -e 's/^/ /' -e "s/ \([0-9]\)/ $m\/\1/g"
                    } )
            yeardays=$(( ${#j[*]} - 1 ))


    until [ $ago -lt $t ]
            (( y=y-1 ))
            (( ago = ago - t ))

    print ${j[$(( t - ago ))]}/$y

How do I write a bash script to restart a process if it dies?

The easiest way to do it is using flock on file. In Python script you'd do

lf = open('/tmp/script.lock','w')
if(fcntl.flock(lf, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) != 0): 
   sys.exit('other instance already running')

In shell you can actually test if it's running:

if [ `flock -xn /tmp/script.lock -c 'echo 1'` ]; then 
   echo 'it's not running'
   echo -n 'it's already running with PID '
   cat /tmp/script.lock

But of course you don't have to test, because if it's already running and you restart it, it'll exit with 'other instance already running'

When process dies, all it's file descriptors are closed and all locks are automatically removed.

onchange event for input type="number"

There may be a better solution, but this is what came to mind:

var value = $("#yourInput").val();
$("#yourInput").on('keyup change click', function () {
    if(this.value !== value) {
        value = this.value;
        //Do stuff

Here's a working example.

It simply binds an event handler to the keyup, change and click events. It checks whether or not the value has changed, and if so, stores the current value so it can check again next time. The check is required to deal with the click event.

How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?

You could use a subselect:

FROM table 
WHERE id=(
    SELECT max(id) FROM table

Note that if the value of max(id) is not unique, multiple rows are returned.

If you only want one such row, use @MichaelMior's answer,

SELECT row from table ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1

Can you run GUI applications in a Docker container?

With docker data volumes it's very easy to expose xorg's unix domain socket inside the container.

For example, with a Dockerfile like this:

FROM debian
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -qqy x11-apps
CMD xeyes

You could do the following:

$ docker build -t xeyes - < Dockerfile
$ XSOCK=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
$ docker run -v $XSOCK:$XSOCK xeyes

This of course is essentially the same as X-forwarding. It grants the container full access to the xserver on the host, so it's only recommended if you trust what's inside.

Note: If you are concerned about security, a better solution would be to confine the app with mandatory- or role-based-access control. Docker achieves pretty good isolation, but it was designed with a different purpose in mind. Use AppArmor, SELinux, or GrSecurity, which were designed to address your concern.

Apache Spark: map vs mapPartitions?


Map transformation.

The map works on a single Row at a time.

Map returns after each input Row.

The map doesn’t hold the output result in Memory.

Map no way to figure out then to end the service.

// map example

val dfList = (1 to 100) toList

val df = dfList.toDF()

val dfInt = => x.getInt(0)+2)



MapPartition transformation.

MapPartition works on a partition at a time.

MapPartition returns after processing all the rows in the partition.

MapPartition output is retained in memory, as it can return after processing all the rows in a particular partition.

MapPartition service can be shut down before returning.

// MapPartition example

Val dfList = (1 to 100) toList

Val df = dfList.toDF()

Val df1 = df.repartition(4).rdd.mapPartition((int) => Iterator(itr.length))



For more details, please refer to the Spark map vs mapPartitions transformation article.

Hope this is helpful!

How to get the file extension in PHP?

No need to use string functions. You can use something that's actually designed for what you want: pathinfo():

$path = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

In Python, how do I determine if an object is iterable?

has a built-in function like that:

from pandas.util.testing import isiterable

Ansible - Use default if a variable is not defined

You can use Jinja's default:

- name: Create user
    name: "{{ my_variable | default('default_value') }}"

Will iOS launch my app into the background if it was force-quit by the user?

The answer is YES, but shouldn't use 'Background Fetch' or 'Remote notification'. PushKit is the answer you desire.

In summary, PushKit, the new framework in ios 8, is the new push notification mechanism which can silently launch your app into the background with no visual alert prompt even your app was killed by swiping out from app switcher, amazingly you even cannot see it from app switcher.

PushKit reference from Apple:

The PushKit framework provides the classes for your iOS apps to receive pushes from remote servers. Pushes can be of one of two types: standard and VoIP. Standard pushes can deliver notifications just as in previous versions of iOS. VoIP pushes provide additional functionality on top of the standard push that is needed to VoIP apps to perform on-demand processing of the push before displaying a notification to the user.

To deploy this new feature, please refer to this tutorial: - I've tested it on my device and it works as expected.

Uppercase first letter of variable

The string to lower before Capitalizing the first letter.

(Both use Jquery syntax)

function CapitaliseFirstLetter(elementId) {
    var txt = $("#" + elementId).val().toLowerCase();
    $("#" + elementId).val(txt.replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g, function($1) {
    return $1.toUpperCase(); }));

In addition a function to Capitalise the WHOLE string:

function CapitaliseAllText(elementId) {
     var txt = $("#" + elementId).val();
     $("#" + elementId).val(txt.toUpperCase());

Syntax to use on a textbox's click event:

onClick="CapitaliseFirstLetter('TextId'); return false"

Unable to resolve host "<insert URL here>" No address associated with hostname

If you see this intermittently on wifi or LAN, but your mobile internet connection seems ok, it is most likely your ISP's cheap gateway router is experiencing high traffic load.

You should trap these errors and display a reminder to the user to close any other apps using the network.

Test by running a couple of HD youtube videos on your desktop to reproduce, or just go to a busy Starbucks.

How do I monitor the computer's CPU, memory, and disk usage in Java?

This works for me perfectly without any external API, just native Java hidden feature :)

OperatingSystemMXBean osBean = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(
// What % CPU load this current JVM is taking, from 0.0-1.0

// What % load the overall system is at, from 0.0-1.0

100% height minus header?

As mentioned in the comments height:100% relies on the height of the parent container being explicitly defined. One way to achieve what you want is to use absolute/relative positioning, and specifying the left/right/top/bottom properties to "stretch" the content out to fill the available space. I have implemented what I gather you want to achieve in jsfiddle. Try resizing the Result window and you will see the content resizes automatically.

The limitation of this approach in your case is that you have to specify an explicit margin-top on the parent container to offset its contents down to make room for the header content. You can make it dynamic if you throw in javascript though.

Best IDE for HTML5, Javascript, CSS, Jquery support with GUI building tools

Update for 2016

A lot of great editors have come out since my original answer. I currently use the following text editors: Sublime Text 3 (Mac/Windows), Visual Studio Code (Mac/Windows) and Atom (Mac/Windows). I also use the following IDEs: Visual Studio 2015 (Windows/Paid & Free Versions) and Jetrbrains WebStorm (Windows/Paid, tried the demo and liked it).

My preference is using Sublime Text 3.

Original Answer

Microsoft Web Matrix and Dreamweaver are great.

Visual Studio and Expression Web are also great but may be overkill for you.

For just plain text editors, Sublime Text 2 is really cool

Updating Python on Mac

Easiest way is

 brew update && brew upgrade python

Xcode Simulator: how to remove older unneeded devices?

In Xcode 6 and above, you can find and delete the simulators from the path /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes. Restart Xcode in order to take effect (may not be needed).

Unable to connect to SQL Server instance remotely

  1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager.... 2.Check wheather TCP and UDP are running or not.... 3.If not running , Please enable them and also check the SQL Server Browser is running or not.If not running turn it on.....

  2. Next you have to check which ports TCP and UDP is using. You have to open those ports from your windows firewall.....

5.Click here to see the steps to open a specific port in windows firewall....

  1. Now SQL Server is ready to access over LAN.......

  2. If you wan to access it remotely (over internet) , you have to do another job that is 'Port Forwarding'. You have open the ports TCP and UDP is using in SQL Server on your router. Now the configuration of routers are different. If you give me the details of your router (i. e name of the company and version ) , I can show you the steps how to forward a specific port.

Convert array values from string to int?

Input => '["3","6","16","120"]'

Type conversion I used => (int)$s;

function Str_Int_Arr($data){
    //$exp=str_replace( ",","", $arr);
    $exp=str_replace( "\"","", $arr);
    foreach (str_split($exp) as $k){
        if('0'<= $k && '9'>$k || $k =","){
            if('0' <= $k && '9' > $k){
    return $h;


array(4) {


Android and setting width and height programmatically in dp units

Looking at your requirement, there is alternate solution as well. It seems you know the dimensions in dp at compile time, so you can add a dimen entry in the resources. Then you can query the dimen entry and it will be automatically converted to pixels in this call:

final float inPixels= mActivity.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dimen_entry_in_dp);

And your dimens.xml will have:

<dimen name="dimen_entry_in_dp">72dp</dimen>

Extending this idea, you can simply store the value of 1dp or 1sp as a dimen entry and query the value and use it as a multiplier. Using this approach you will insulate the code from the math stuff and rely on the library to perform the calculations.

Compare string with all values in list

I assume you mean list and not array? There is such a thing as an array in Python, but more often than not you want a list instead of an array.

The way to check if a list contains a value is to use in:

if paid[j] in d:
    # ...

MySQL Join Where Not Exists

There are three possible ways to do that.

  1. Option

    SELECT  lt.* FROM    table_left lt
        table_right rt
    ON      rt.value = lt.value
    WHERE   rt.value IS NULL
  2. Option

    SELECT  lt.* FROM    table_left lt
    WHERE   lt.value NOT IN
    SELECT  value
    FROM    table_right rt
  3. Option

    SELECT  lt.* FROM    table_left lt
    FROM    table_right rt
    WHERE   rt.value = lt.value

How to fix Cannot find module 'typescript' in Angular 4?

If you don't have particular needs, I suggest to install Typescript locally.

NPM Installation Method

npm install --global typescript # Global installation
npm install --save-dev typescript # Local installation

Yarn Installation Method

yarn global add typescript # Global installation
yarn add --dev typescript # Local installation

Kill tomcat service running on any port, Windows

Based on all the info on the post, I created a little script to make the whole process easy.

netstat -aon |find /i "listening"

SET killport=
SET /P killport=Enter port: 
IF "%killport%"=="" GOTO Kill

netstat -aon |find /i "listening" | find "%killport%"

SET killpid=
SET /P killpid=Enter PID to kill: 
IF "%killpid%"=="" GOTO Error

ECHO Killing %killpid%!
taskkill /F /PID %killpid%

ECHO Nothing to kill! Bye bye!!


What online brokers offer APIs?

As of this posting it looks like TradeKing is working on an API. Not sure what the future of it is though.

Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

ld is trying to find libcrypto.sowhich is not present as seen in your locate output. You can make a copy of the and name it as Put this is your ld path. ( If you do not have root access then you can put it in a local path and specify the path manually )

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map?

Create a new immutable map:

scala> val m1 = Map("k0" -> "v0")   
m1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(k0 -> v0)

Add a new key/value pair to the above map (and create a new map, since they're both immutable):

scala> val m2 = m1 + ("k1" -> "v1")             
m2: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(k0 -> v0, k1 -> v1)

How do you get the string length in a batch file?

I prefer jeb's accepted answer - it is the fastest known solution and the one I use in my own scripts. (Actually there are a few additional optimizations bandied about on DosTips, but I don't think they are worth it)

But it is fun to come up with new efficient algorithms. Here is a new algorithm that uses the FINDSTR /O option:

@echo off
set "test=Hello world!"

:: Echo the length of TEST
call :strLen test

:: Store the length of TEST in LEN
call :strLen test len
echo len=%len%
exit /b

:strLen  strVar  [rtnVar]
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set len=0
if defined %~1 for /f "delims=:" %%N in (
  '"(cmd /v:on /c echo(!%~1!&echo()|findstr /o ^^"'
) do set /a "len=%%N-3"
endlocal & if "%~2" neq "" (set %~2=%len%) else echo %len%
exit /b

The code subtracts 3 because the parser juggles the command and adds a space before CMD /V /C executes it. It can be prevented by using (echo(!%~1!^^^).

For those that want the absolute fastest performance possible, jeb's answer can be adopted for use as a batch "macro" with arguments. This is an advanced batch technique devloped over at DosTips that eliminates the inherently slow process of CALLing a :subroutine. You can get more background on the concepts behind batch macros here, but that link uses a more primitive, less desirable syntax.

Below is an optimized @strLen macro, with examples showing differences between the macro and :subroutine usage, as well as differences in performance.

@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion

:: -------- Begin macro definitions ----------
set ^"LF=^
%= This creates a variable containing a single linefeed (0x0A) character =%
:: Define %\n% to effectively issue a newline with line continuation
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"

:: @strLen  StrVar  [RtnVar]
::   Computes the length of string in variable StrVar
::   and stores the result in variable RtnVar.
::   If RtnVar is is not specified, then prints the length to stdout.
set @strLen=for %%. in (1 2) do if %%.==2 (%\n%
  for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=, " %%1 in ("!argv!") do ( endlocal%\n%
    set "s=A!%%~1!"%\n%
    set "len=0"%\n%
    for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (%\n%
      if "!s:~%%P,1!" neq "" (%\n%
        set /a "len+=%%P"%\n%
        set "s=!s:~%%P!"%\n%
    for %%V in (!len!) do endlocal^&if "%%~2" neq "" (set "%%~2=%%V") else echo %%V%\n%
) else setlocal enableDelayedExpansion^&setlocal^&set argv=,

:: -------- End macro definitions ----------

:: Print out definition of macro
set @strLen

:: Demonstrate usage

set "testString=this has a length of 23"

echo Testing %%@strLen%% testString
%@strLen% testString

echo Testing call :strLen testString
call :strLen testString

echo Testing %%@strLen%% testString rtn
set "rtn="
%@strLen% testString rtn
echo rtn=%rtn%

echo Testing call :strLen testString rtn
set "rtn="
call :strLen testString rtn
echo rtn=%rtn%

echo Measuring %%@strLen%% time:
set "t0=%time%"
for /l %%N in (1 1 1000) do %@strlen% testString testLength
set "t1=%time%"
call :printTime

echo Measuring CALL :strLen time:
set "t0=%time%"
for /l %%N in (1 1 1000) do call :strLen testString testLength
set "t1=%time%"
call :printTime
exit /b

:strlen  StrVar  [RtnVar]
:: Computes the length of string in variable StrVar
:: and stores the result in variable RtnVar.
:: If RtnVar is is not specified, then prints the length to stdout.
  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  set "s=A!%~1!"
  set "len=0"
  for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
    if "!s:~%%P,1!" neq "" (
      set /a "len+=%%P"
      set "s=!s:~%%P!"
  if "%~2" equ "" (echo %len%) else set "%~2=%len%"
  exit /b

for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%t0: =0%") do set /a "t0=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%t1: =0%") do set /a "t1=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100
set /a tm=t1-t0
if %tm% lss 0 set /a tm+=24*60*60*100
echo %tm:~0,-2%.%tm:~-2% msec
exit /b

-- Sample Output --

@strLen=for %. in (1 2) do if %.==2 (
  for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=, " %1 in ("!argv!") do ( endlocal
    set "s=A!%~1!"
    set "len=0"
    for %P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
      if "!s:~%P,1!" neq "" (
        set /a "len+=%P"
        set "s=!s:~%P!"
    for %V in (!len!) do endlocal&if "%~2" neq "" (set "%~2=%V") else echo %V
) else setlocal enableDelayedExpansion&setlocal&set argv=,

Testing %@strLen% testString

Testing call :strLen testString

Testing %@strLen% testString rtn

Testing call :strLen testString rtn

Measuring %@strLen% time:
1.93 msec

Measuring CALL :strLen time:
7.08 msec

How to launch Safari and open URL from iOS app

In Swift 1.2, try this:

let pth = ""
    if let url = NSURL(string: pth){

How do I use Apache tomcat 7 built in Host Manager gui?

Just a note that all the above may not work for you with tomcat7 unless you've also done this:

sudo apt-get install tomcat7-admin

Best way to test if a row exists in a MySQL table

Suggest you not to use Count because count always makes extra loads for db use SELECT 1 and it returns 1 if your record right there otherwise it returns null and you can handle it.

Get the generated SQL statement from a SqlCommand object?

For logging purposes, I'm afraid there's no nicer way of doing this but to construct the string yourself:

string query = cmd.CommandText;

foreach (SqlParameter p in cmd.Parameters)
    query = query.Replace(p.ParameterName, p.Value.ToString());