[performance] Apache Spark: map vs mapPartitions?

Map :

  1. It processes one row at a time , very similar to map() method of MapReduce.
  2. You return from the transformation after every row.


  1. It processes the complete partition in one go.
  2. You can return from the function only once after processing the whole partition.
  3. All intermediate results needs to be held in memory till you process the whole partition.
  4. Provides you like setup() map() and cleanup() function of MapReduce

Map Vs mapPartitions http://bytepadding.com/big-data/spark/spark-map-vs-mappartitions/

Spark Map http://bytepadding.com/big-data/spark/spark-map/

Spark mapPartitions http://bytepadding.com/big-data/spark/spark-mappartitions/

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