[scala] How to convert rdd object to dataframe in spark

One needs to create a schema, and attach it to the Rdd.

Assuming val spark is a product of a SparkSession.builder...

    import org.apache.spark._
    import org.apache.spark.sql._       
    import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

    /* Lets gin up some sample data:
     * As RDD's and dataframes can have columns of differing types, lets make our
     * sample data a three wide, two tall, rectangle of mixed types.
     * A column of Strings, a column of Longs, and a column of Doubules 
    val arrayOfArrayOfAnys = Array.ofDim[Any](2,3)

    /* The way to convert an anything which looks rectangular, 
     * (Array[Array[String]] or Array[Array[Any]] or Array[Row], ... ) into an RDD is to 
     * throw it into sparkContext.parallelize.
     * http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.SparkContext shows
     * the parallelize definition as 
     *     def parallelize[T](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism)
     * so in our case our ArrayOfArrayOfAnys is treated as a sequence of ArraysOfAnys.
     * Will leave the numSlices as the defaultParallelism, as I have no particular cause to change it. 
    val rddOfArrayOfArrayOfAnys=spark.sparkContext.parallelize(arrayOfArrayOfAnys)

    /* We'll be using the sqlContext.createDataFrame to add a schema our RDD.
     * The RDD which goes into createDataFrame is an RDD[Row] which is not what we happen to have.
     * To convert anything one tall and several wide into a Row, one can use Row.fromSeq(thatThing.toSeq)
     * As we have an RDD[somethingWeDontWant], we can map each of the RDD rows into the desired Row type. 
    val rddOfRows=rddOfArrayOfArrayOfAnys.map(f=>

    /* Now to construct our schema. This needs to be a StructType of 1 StructField per column in our dataframe.
     * https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField shows the definition as
     *   case class StructField(name: String, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean = true, metadata: Metadata = Metadata.empty)
     * Will leave the two default values in place for each of the columns:
     *        nullability as true, 
     *        metadata as an empty Map[String,Any]

    val schema = StructType(
        StructField("colOfStrings", StringType) ::
        StructField("colOfLongs"  , LongType  ) ::
        StructField("colOfDoubles", DoubleType) ::

    val df=spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(rddOfRows,schema)
     *      +------------+----------+------------+
     *      |colOfStrings|colOfLongs|colOfDoubles|
     *      +------------+----------+------------+
     *      |     aString|         0|     3.14159|
     *      |     bString|9876543210|     2.71828|
     *      +------------+----------+------------+

Same steps, but with fewer val declarations:

    val arrayOfArrayOfAnys=Array(
        Array("aString",0L         ,3.14159),

    val rddOfRows=spark.sparkContext.parallelize(arrayOfArrayOfAnys).map(f=>Row.fromSeq(f.toSeq))

    /* If one knows the datatypes, for instance from JDBC queries as to RDBC column metadata:
     * Consider constructing the schema from an Array[StructField].  This would allow looping over 
     * the columns, with a match statement applying the appropriate sql datatypes as the second
     *  StructField arguments.   
    val sf=new Array[StructField](3)
    sf(1)=StructField("colOfLongs"  ,LongType  )
    val df=spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(rddOfRows,StructType(sf.toList))

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