Programs & Examples On #Boxlayout

BoxLayout is a Java Swing layout manager that allows multiple components to be laid out either vertically or horizontally.

How to Disable GUI Button in Java

You should put the statement btnConvertDocuments.setEnabled(false); in the actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) method. Your conditional above only get call once in the constructor when IPGUI object is being instantiated.

if (command.equals("w")) {
    FileConverter fc = new FileConverter();
    btn1Clicked = true;

How to set the component size with GridLayout? Is there a better way?

Don't use GridLayout for something it wasn't meant to do. It sounds to me like GridBagLayout would be a better fit for you, either that or MigLayout (though you'll have to download that first since it's not part of standard Java). Either that or combine layout managers such as BoxLayout for the lines and GridLayout to hold all the rows.

For example, using GridBagLayout:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class LayoutEg1 extends JPanel{
    private static final int ROWS = 10;

    public LayoutEg1() {
        setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
        for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
            GridBagConstraints gbc = makeGbc(0, i);
            JLabel label = new JLabel("Row Label " + (i + 1));
            add(label, gbc);

            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            panel.add(new JCheckBox("check box"));
            panel.add(new JTextField(10));
            panel.add(new JButton("Button"));
            gbc = makeGbc(1, i);
            add(panel, gbc);

    private GridBagConstraints makeGbc(int x, int y) {
        GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
        gbc.gridwidth = 1;
        gbc.gridheight = 1;
        gbc.gridx = x;
        gbc.gridy = y;
        gbc.weightx = x;
        gbc.weighty = 1.0;
        gbc.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
        gbc.anchor = (x == 0) ? GridBagConstraints.LINE_START : GridBagConstraints.LINE_END;
        gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        return gbc;

    private static void createAndShowUI() {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Layout Eg1");
        frame.getContentPane().add(new LayoutEg1());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

Auto-expanding layout with Qt-Designer

After creating your QVBoxLayout in Qt Designer, right-click on the background of your widget/dialog/window (not the QVBoxLayout, but the parent widget) and select Lay Out -> Lay Out in a Grid from the bottom of the context-menu. The QVBoxLayout should now stretch to fit the window and will resize automatically when the entire window is resized.

How can I align all elements to the left in JPanel?

You should use setAlignmentX(..) on components you want to align, not on the container that has them..

JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));


How can I set size of a button?

The following bit of code does what you ask for. Just make sure that you assign enough space so that the text on the button becomes visible

JFrame frame = new JFrame("test");
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4,4,4,4));

for(int i=0 ; i<16 ; i++){
    JButton btn = new JButton(String.valueOf(i));
    btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));

The X and Y (two first parameters of the GridLayout constructor) specify the number of rows and columns in the grid (respectively). You may leave one of them as 0 if you want that value to be unbounded.


I've modified the provided code and I believe it now conforms to what is desired:

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Colored Trails");

JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

JPanel firstPanel = new JPanel();
firstPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 4));
firstPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
JButton btn;
for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) {
    for (int j=1; j<=4; j++) {
        btn = new JButton();
        btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100));

JPanel secondPanel = new JPanel();
secondPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 13));
secondPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(520, 200));
for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) {
    for (int j=1; j<=13; j++) {
        btn = new JButton();
        btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));


frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(520,600));

Basically I now set the preferred size of the panels and a minimum size for the frame.

Why do I get "Exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown" when I try to compile my Java code?

In actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) you call encrypt(), which is declared to throw Exception. However, actionPerformed neither catches this Exception (with try/catch around the call to encrypt()) nor declares that it throws Exception itself.

Your encrypt method, however, does not truly throw Exception. It swallows all Exceptions without even as much as logging a complaint. (Bad practice and bad style!)

Also, your encrypt method does the following:

public static byte[] encrypt(String toEncrypt) throws Exception {
    return encrypted; // HERE YOU CORRECTLY RETURN A VALUE
  } catch(Exception e) {

That is, if you do catch any Exception, you discard it silently and then fall off the bottom of your encrypt method without actually returning anything. This won't compile (as you see), because a method that is declared to return a value must either return a value or throw an Exception for every single possible code path.

Oracle client and networking components were not found

1.Go to My Computer Properties
2.Then click on Advance setting.
3.Go to Environment variable
4.Set the path to


change your drive and folder depending on your requirement...

Enter key in textarea

My scenario is when the user strikes the enter key while typing in textarea i have to include a line break.I achieved this using the below code......Hope it may helps somebody......

function CheckLength()
    var keyCode = event.keyCode
    if (keyCode == 13)
        document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_id_txt_Suggestions').value = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_id_txt_Suggestions').value + "\n<br>";

Redirect on Ajax Jquery Call

For ExpressJs router:'/login', async(req, res) => {
    return res.send({redirect: '/yoururl'});


    success: function (response) {
        if (response.redirect) {
            window.location = response.redirect

Converting double to integer in Java

Double perValue = 96.57;
int roundVal= (int) Math.round(perValue);

Solved my purpose.

Could not find method android() for arguments

guys. I had the same problem before when I'm trying import a .aar package into my project, and unfortunately before make the .aar package as a module-dependence of my project, I had two modules (one about ROS-ANDROID-CV-BRIDGE, one is OPENCV-FOR-ANDROID) already. So, I got this error as you guys meet:

Error:Could not find method android() for arguments [org.ros.gradle_plugins.RosAndroidPlugin$_apply_closure2_closure4@7e550e0e] on project ‘:xxx’ of type org.gradle.api.Project.

So, it's the painful gradle-structure caused this problem when you have several modules in your project, and worse, they're imported in different way or have different types (.jar/.aar packages or just a project of Java library). And it's really a headache matter to make the configuration like compile-version, library dependencies etc. in each subproject compatible with the main-project.

I solved my problem just follow this steps:

? Copy .aar package in app/libs.

? Add this in app/build.gradle file:

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs' //this way we can find the .aar file in libs folder

? Add this in your add build.gradle file of the module which you want to apply the .aar dependence (in my situation, just add this in my app/build.gradle file):

dependencies {
    compile(name:'package_name', ext:'aar')

So, if it's possible, just try export your module-dependence as a .aar package, and then follow this way import it to your main-project. Anyway, I hope this can be a good suggestion and would solve your problem if you have the same situation with me.

ImportError: No module named mysql.connector using Python2

use the command below

python -m pip install mysql-connector 

How to create a signed APK file using Cordova command line interface?

On Mac (osx), I generated two .sh files, one for the first publication and another one for updating :

echo "Ionic to Signed APK ---- [email protected] // Benjamin Rathelot\n"
printf "Project dir : "
read DIR
printf "Project key alias : "
read ALIAS
cd $DIR/
cordova build --release android
cd platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias $ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore android-release-unsigned.apk $ALIAS
zipalign -v 4 android-release-unsigned.apk signedApk.apk

And to update your app:

echo "Ionic to Signed APK ---- [email protected] // Benjamin Rathelot\n"
printf "Project dir : "
read DIR
printf "Project key alias : "
read ALIAS
cd $DIR/
cordova build --release android
cd platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/
rm signedApk.apk
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore android-release-unsigned.apk $ALIAS
zipalign -v 4 android-release-unsigned.apk signedApk.apk

Assuming you're in your home folder or a folder topping your apps folders. Make sure to set correctly chmod to use this script. Then :

./ # or whatever depending of the name of your file, in CLI

Your signed apk will be in Your App folder/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/ as SignedApk.apk Make sure to use the correct key alias and password defined with the first script

get data from mysql database to use in javascript

To do with javascript you could do something like this:

<script type="Text/javascript">
var text = <?= $text_from_db; ?>

Then you can use whatever you want in your javascript to put the text var into the textbox.

how to mysqldump remote db from local machine

mysqldump from remote server use SSL

1- Security with SSL - remote server - local server

Remore server

CREATE USER 'backup_remote_2'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY '3333333' REQUIRE SSL;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'backup_remote_2'@'';



Local server

sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump \
 --databases test_1 \
 --host= \
 --user=backup_remote_2 \
 --password=3333333 \
 --master-data \
 --set-gtid-purged \
 --events \
 --triggers \
 --routines \
 --verbose \
 --ssl-mode=REQUIRED \


2 - Security with SSL (REQUIRE X509) - remote server - local server

Remore server

CREATE USER 'backup_remote'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY '1111111' REQUIRE X509;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'backup_remote'@'';



Local server

sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump \
 --databases test_1 \
 --host= \
 --user=backup_remote \
 --password=1111111 \
 --events \
 --triggers \
 --routines \
 --verbose \
 --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA \
 --ssl-ca=/usr/local/mysql/data/ssl/ca.pem \
 --ssl-cert=/usr/local/mysql/data/ssl/client-cert.pem \
 --ssl-key=/usr/local/mysql/data/ssl/client-key.pem \


On local server


-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 ca-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 ca.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 client-cert.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 client-key.pem

Copy this files from remote server for (REQUIRE X509) or if SSL without (REQUIRE X509) do not copy

On remote server


-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28  ca-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28  ca.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28  client-cert.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28  client-key.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28  private_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql  451 Apr 16 22:28  public_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28  server-cert.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28  server-key.pem



Increase Password Security

Why must wait() always be in synchronized block

The problem it may cause if you do not synchronize before wait() is as follows:

  1. If the 1st thread goes into makeChangeOnX() and checks the while condition, and it is true (x.metCondition() returns false, means x.condition is false) so it will get inside it. Then just before the wait() method, another thread goes to setConditionToTrue() and sets the x.condition to true and notifyAll().
  2. Then only after that, the 1st thread will enter his wait() method (not affected by the notifyAll() that happened few moments before). In this case, the 1st thread will stay waiting for another thread to perform setConditionToTrue(), but that might not happen again.

But if you put synchronized before the methods that change the object state, this will not happen.

class A {

    private Object X;

        while (! x.getCondition()){
        // Do the change

        x.condition = true; 

        x.condition = false;
    bool getCondition(){
        return x.condition;

How to tell CRAN to install package dependencies automatically?

On your own system, try

install.packages("foo", dependencies=...)

with the dependencies= argument is documented as

dependencies: logical indicating to also install uninstalled packages
      which these packages depend on/link to/import/suggest (and so
      on recursively).  Not used if ‘repos = NULL’.  Can also be a
      character vector, a subset of ‘c("Depends", "Imports",
      "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")’.

      Only supported if ‘lib’ is of length one (or missing), so it
      is unambiguous where to install the dependent packages.  If
      this is not the case it is ignored, with a warning.

      The default, ‘NA’, means ‘c("Depends", "Imports",

      ‘TRUE’ means (as from R 2.15.0) to use ‘c("Depends",
      "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests")’ for ‘pkgs’ and
      ‘c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")’ for added
      dependencies: this installs all the packages needed to run
      ‘pkgs’, their examples, tests and vignettes (if the package
      author specified them correctly).

so you probably want a value TRUE.

In your package, list what is needed in Depends:, see the Writing R Extensions manual which is pretty clear on this.

Why does SSL handshake give 'Could not generate DH keypair' exception?

Here is my solution (java 1.6), also would be interested why I had to do this:

I noticed from the, that sometimes the used cipher suite is TLS_DHE_... and sometime it is TLS_ECDHE_.... The later would happen if I added BouncyCastle. If TLS_ECDHE_ was selected, MOST OF the time it worked, but not ALWAYS, so adding even BouncyCastle provider was unreliable (failed with same error, every other time or so). I guess somewhere in the Sun SSL implementation sometimes it choose DHE, sometimes it choose ECDHE.

So the solution posted here relies on removing TLS_DHE_ ciphers completely. NOTE: BouncyCastle is NOT required for the solution.

So create the server certification file by:

echo |openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 |sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p'

Save this as it will be referenced later, than here is the solution for an SSL http get, excluding the TLS_DHE_ cipher suites.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class SSLExcludeCipherConnectionHelper {

    private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SSLExcludeCipherConnectionHelper.class);

    private String[] exludedCipherSuites = {"_DHE_","_DH_"};

    private String trustCert = null;

    private TrustManagerFactory tmf;

    public void setExludedCipherSuites(String[] exludedCipherSuites) {
        this.exludedCipherSuites = exludedCipherSuites;

    public SSLExcludeCipherConnectionHelper(String trustCert) {
        this.trustCert = trustCert;
        //Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {

    private void initTrustManager() throws Exception {
        CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
        InputStream caInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(trustCert));
        Certificate ca = null;
        try {
            ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput);
            logger.debug("ca=" + ((X509Certificate) ca).getSubjectDN());
        } finally {

        // Create a KeyStore containing our trusted CAs
        KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("jks");
        keyStore.load(null, null);
        keyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", ca);

        // Create a TrustManager that trusts the CAs in our KeyStore
        String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
        tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm);

    public String get(URL url) throws Exception {
        // Create an SSLContext that uses our TrustManager
        SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
        SSLParameters params = context.getSupportedSSLParameters();
        List<String> enabledCiphers = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String cipher : params.getCipherSuites()) {
            boolean exclude = false;
            if (exludedCipherSuites != null) {
                for (int i=0; i<exludedCipherSuites.length && !exclude; i++) {
                    exclude = cipher.indexOf(exludedCipherSuites[i]) >= 0;
            if (!exclude) {
        String[] cArray = new String[enabledCiphers.size()];

        // Tell the URLConnection to use a SocketFactory from our SSLContext
        HttpsURLConnection urlConnection =
        SSLSocketFactory sf = context.getSocketFactory();
        sf = new DOSSLSocketFactory(sf, cArray);
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream()));
        String inputLine;
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 

        return buffer.toString();

    private class DOSSLSocketFactory extends {

        private SSLSocketFactory sf = null;
        private String[] enabledCiphers = null;

        private DOSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sf, String[] enabledCiphers) {
            this.sf = sf;
            this.enabledCiphers = enabledCiphers;

        private Socket getSocketWithEnabledCiphers(Socket socket) {
            if (enabledCiphers != null && socket != null && socket instanceof SSLSocket)

            return socket;

        public Socket createSocket(Socket s, String host, int port,
                boolean autoClose) throws IOException {
            return getSocketWithEnabledCiphers(sf.createSocket(s, host, port, autoClose));

        public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() {
            return sf.getDefaultCipherSuites();

        public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {
            if (enabledCiphers == null)
                return sf.getSupportedCipherSuites();
                return enabledCiphers;

        public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException,
                UnknownHostException {
            return getSocketWithEnabledCiphers(sf.createSocket(host, port));

        public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port)
                throws IOException {
            return getSocketWithEnabledCiphers(sf.createSocket(address, port));

        public Socket createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress localAddress,
                int localPort) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
            return getSocketWithEnabledCiphers(sf.createSocket(host, port, localAddress, localPort));

        public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port,
                InetAddress localaddress, int localport) throws IOException {
            return getSocketWithEnabledCiphers(sf.createSocket(address, port, localaddress, localport));


Finally here is how it is used (certFilePath if the path of the certificate saved from openssl):

try {
            URL url = new URL("");            
            SSLExcludeCipherConnectionHelper sslExclHelper = new SSLExcludeCipherConnectionHelper(certFilePath);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

How to insert a text at the beginning of a file?

Another solution with aliases. Add to your init rc/ env file:

addtail () { find . -type f ! -path "./.git/*" -exec sh -c "echo $@ >> {}" \; }
addhead () { find . -type f ! -path "./.git/*" -exec sh -c  "sed -i '1s/^/$@\n/' {}" \; }


addtail "string to add at the beginning of file"
addtail "string to add at the end of file"

Referencing value in a closed Excel workbook using INDIRECT?

In Excel 2016 at least, you can use INDIRECT with a full path reference; the entire reference (including sheet name) needs to be enclosed by ' characters.

So this should work for you:

= INDIRECT("'C:\data\[myExcelFile.xlsm]" & C13 & "'!$A$1")

Note the closing ' in the last string (ie '!$A$1 surrounded by "")

Removing page title and date when printing web page (with CSS?)

Try this;

@media print{ @page { margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;}}

align text center with android

Or check this out this will help align all the elements at once.


Python Decimals format

Only first part of Justin's answer is correct. Using "%.3g" will not work for all cases as .3 is not the precision, but total number of digits. Try it for numbers like 1000.123 and it breaks.

So, I would use what Justin is suggesting:

>>> ('%.4f' % 12340.123456).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> ('%.4f' % -400).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> ('%.4f' % 0).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> ('%.4f' % .1).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

What is cURL in PHP?

Firstly let us understand the concepts of curl, libcurl and PHP/cURL.

  1. curl: A command line tool for getting or sending files using URL syntax.

  2. libcurl: a library created by Daniel Stenberg, that allows you to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols. libcurl currently supports the http, https, ftp, gopher, telnet, dict, file, and ldap protocols. libcurl also supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading (this can also be done with PHP's ftp extension), HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, and user+password authentication.

  3. PHP/cURL: The module for PHP that makes it possible for PHP programs to use libcurl.

How to use it:

step1: Initialize a curl session use curl_init().

step2: Set option for CURLOPT_URL. This value is the URL which we are sending the request to.Append a search term "curl" using parameter "q=".Set option CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true will tell curl to return the string instead ofprint it out. Set option for CURLOPT_HEADER, false will tell curl to ignore the header in the return value.

step3: Execute the curl session using curl_exec().

step4: Close the curl session we have created.

step5: Output the return string.

Make DEMO :

You will need to create two PHP files and place them into a folder that your web server can serve PHP files from. In my case I put them into /var/www/ for simplicity.

1. helloservice.php and 2. demo.php

helloservice.php is very simple and essentially just echoes back any data it gets:

  // Here is the data we will be sending to the service
  $some_data = array(
    'message' => 'Hello World', 
    'name' => 'Anand'

  $curl = curl_init();
  // You can also set the URL you want to communicate with by doing this:
  // $curl = curl_init('http://localhost/echoservice');

  // We POST the data
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  // Set the url path we want to call
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://localhost/demo.php');  
  // Make it so the data coming back is put into a string
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  // Insert the data
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $some_data);

  // You can also bunch the above commands into an array if you choose using: curl_setopt_array

  // Send the request
  $result = curl_exec($curl);

  // Get some cURL session information back
  $info = curl_getinfo($curl);  
  echo 'content type: ' . $info['content_type'] . '<br />';
  echo 'http code: ' . $info['http_code'] . '<br />';

  // Free up the resources $curl is using

  echo $result;

2.demo.php page, you can see the result:

   //content type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
   //http code: 200
   //Array ( [message] => Hello World [name] => Anand )

How to zoom in/out an UIImage object when user pinches screen?

Keep in mind that you're NEVER zooming in on a UIImage. EVER.

Instead, you're zooming in and out on the view that displays the UIImage.

In this particular case, you chould choose to create a custom UIView with custom drawing to display the image, a UIImageView which displays the image for you, or a UIWebView which will need some additional HTML to back it up.

In all cases, you'll need to implement touchesBegan, touchesMoved, and the like to determine what the user is trying to do (zoom, pan, etc.).

How to use DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(sql, params) with stored procedure? EF Code First CTP5

Most answers are brittle because they rely on the order of the SP's parameters. Better to name the Stored Proc's params and give parameterized values to those.

In order to use Named params when calling your SP, without worrying about the order of parameters

Using SQL Server named parameters with ExecuteStoreQuery and ExecuteStoreCommand

Describes the best approach. Better than Dan Mork's answer here.

  • Doesn't rely on concatenating strings, and doesn't rely on the order of parameters defined in the SP.


var cmdText = "[DoStuff] @Name = @name_param, @Age = @age_param";
var sqlParams = new[]{
   new SqlParameter("name_param", "Josh"),
   new SqlParameter("age_param", 45)

context.Database.SqlQuery<myEntityType>(cmdText, sqlParams)

Returning null in a method whose signature says return int?

int is a primitive, null is not a value that it can take on. You could change the method return type to return java.lang.Integer and then you can return null, and existing code that returns int will get autoboxed.

Nulls are assigned only to reference types, it means the reference doesn't point to anything. Primitives are not reference types, they are values, so they are never set to null.

Using the object wrapper java.lang.Integer as the return value means you are passing back an Object and the object reference can be null.

xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported

As noted in the release email, linked to from the release tweet and noted in large orange warning that appears on the front page of the documentation, and less orange, but still present, in the readme on the repository and the release on pypi:

xlrd has explicitly removed support for anything other than xls files.

In your case, the solution is to:

  • make sure you are on a recent version of Pandas, at least 1.0.1, and preferably the latest release. 1.2 will make his even clearer.
  • install openpyxl:
  • change your Pandas code to be:
    df1 = pd.read_excel(
         os.path.join(APP_PATH, "Data", "aug_latest.xlsm"),

Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www

RewriteEngine on
# if host value starts with "www."
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
# redirect the request to "non-www"
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [NE,L,R]

If you want to remove www on both http and https , use the following :

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s ^on(s)|offs
RewriteRule ^ http%1://{REQUEST_URI} [NE,L,R]

This redirects Non ssl




on apache 2.4.* you can accomplish this using a Redirect with if directive,

<if "%{HTTP_HOST} ==''">
Redirect /

How to concatenate two numbers in javascript?


var value = "" + 5 + 6;

to force it to strings.

SUM of grouped COUNT in SQL Query

After the query, run below to get the total row count

select @@ROWCOUNT

How to empty a list?

it turns out that with python 2.5.2, del l[:] is slightly slower than l[:] = [] by 1.1 usec.

$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];del b[:]"
10000 loops, best of 3: 29.8 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];b[:] = []"
10000 loops, best of 3: 28.7 usec per loop
$ python -V
Python 2.5.2

Entity Framework: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command

It is not about closing connection. EF manages connection correctly. My understanding of this problem is that there are multiple data retrieval commands executed on single connection (or single command with multiple selects) while next DataReader is executed before first one has completed the reading. The only way to avoid the exception is to allow multiple nested DataReaders = turn on MultipleActiveResultSets. Another scenario when this always happens is when you iterate through result of the query (IQueryable) and you will trigger lazy loading for loaded entity inside the iteration.

Mysql password expired. Can't connect

I went through the same issue recently while installing mysql on mac os x capitan. I did not find the correct answer here, so adding this answer.

MySql in current versions, generates a temporary password when you install mysql. Use this password to set a new password using the mysqladmin utility as below;

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p'<your temp password>' password '<your new password>'

Hope it helps you and others.

instantiate a class from a variable in PHP?

How to pass dynamic constructor parameters too

If you want to pass dynamic constructor parameters to the class, you can use this code:

$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($className);

$module = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($arrayOfConstructorParameters);

More information on dynamic classes and parameters

PHP >= 5.6

As of PHP 5.6 you can simplify this even more by using Argument Unpacking:

// The "..." is part of the language and indicates an argument array to unpack.
$module = new $className(...$arrayOfConstructorParameters);

Thanks to DisgruntledGoat for pointing that out.

Get a list of all threads currently running in Java

Get a handle to the root ThreadGroup, like this:

ThreadGroup rootGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
ThreadGroup parentGroup;
while ((parentGroup = rootGroup.getParent()) != null) {
    rootGroup = parentGroup;

Now, call the enumerate() function on the root group repeatedly. The second argument lets you get all threads, recursively:

Thread[] threads = new Thread[rootGroup.activeCount()];
while (rootGroup.enumerate(threads, true ) == threads.length) {
    threads = new Thread[threads.length * 2];

Note how we call enumerate() repeatedly until the array is large enough to contain all entries.

String method cannot be found in a main class method

It seem like your Resort method doesn't declare a compareTo method. This method typically belongs to the Comparable interface. Make sure your class implements it.

Additionally, the compareTo method is typically implemented as accepting an argument of the same type as the object the method gets invoked on. As such, you shouldn't be passing a String argument, but rather a Resort.

Alternatively, you can compare the names of the resorts. For example

if (resortList[mid].getResortName().compareTo(resortName)>0)  

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)

If to summ up what people say here, json_decode/encode seems faster than serialize/unserialize BUT If you do var_dump the type of the serialized object is changed. If for some reason you want to keep the type, go with serialize!

(try for example stdClass vs array)


Array cache:
array (size=2)
  'a' => string '1' (length=1)
  'b' => int 2
Object cache:
  public 'field1' => int 123
This cache:
  protected 'view' => 

json encode/decode

Array cache:
  public 'a' => string '1' (length=1)
  public 'b' => int 2
Object cache:
  public 'field1' => int 123
This cache:

As you can see the json_encode/decode converts all to stdClass, which is not that good, object info lost... So decide based on needs, especially if it is not only arrays...

numpy: most efficient frequency counts for unique values in an array

Old question, but I'd like to provide my own solution which turn out to be the fastest, use normal list instead of np.array as input (or transfer to list firstly), based on my bench test.

Check it out if you encounter it as well.

def count(a):
    results = {}
    for x in a:
        if x not in results:
            results[x] = 1
            results[x] += 1
    return results

For example,

>>>timeit count([1,1,1,2,2,2,5,25,1,1]) would return:

100000 loops, best of 3: 2.26 µs per loop

>>>timeit count(np.array([1,1,1,2,2,2,5,25,1,1]))

100000 loops, best of 3: 8.8 µs per loop

>>>timeit count(np.array([1,1,1,2,2,2,5,25,1,1]).tolist())

100000 loops, best of 3: 5.85 µs per loop

While the accepted answer would be slower, and the scipy.stats.itemfreq solution is even worse.

A more indepth testing did not confirm the formulated expectation.

from zmq import Stopwatch
aZmqSTOPWATCH = Stopwatch()

aDataSETasARRAY = ( 100 * abs( np.random.randn( 150000 ) ) ).astype( )
aDataSETasLIST  = aDataSETasARRAY.tolist()

import numba
def numba_bincount( anObject ):
    np.bincount(    anObject )

aZmqSTOPWATCH.start();np.bincount(    aDataSETasARRAY );aZmqSTOPWATCH.stop()

aZmqSTOPWATCH.start();numba_bincount( aDataSETasARRAY );aZmqSTOPWATCH.stop()

aZmqSTOPWATCH.start();count(          aDataSETasLIST  );aZmqSTOPWATCH.stop()

Ref. comments below on cache and other in-RAM side-effects that influence a small dataset massively repetitive testing results.

Create a new RGB OpenCV image using Python?

The new cv2 interface for Python integrates numpy arrays into the OpenCV framework, which makes operations much simpler as they are represented with simple multidimensional arrays. For example, your question would be answered with:

import cv2  # Not actually necessary if you just want to create an image.
import numpy as np
blank_image = np.zeros((height,width,3), np.uint8)

This initialises an RGB-image that is just black. Now, for example, if you wanted to set the left half of the image to blue and the right half to green , you could do so easily:

blank_image[:,0:width//2] = (255,0,0)      # (B, G, R)
blank_image[:,width//2:width] = (0,255,0)

If you want to save yourself a lot of trouble in future, as well as having to ask questions such as this one, I would strongly recommend using the cv2 interface rather than the older cv one. I made the change recently and have never looked back. You can read more about cv2 at the OpenCV Change Logs.

From io.Reader to string in Go


Since 1.10, strings.Builder exists. Example:

buf := new(strings.Builder)
n, err := io.Copy(buf, r)
// check errors


The short answer is that it it will not be efficient because converting to a string requires doing a complete copy of the byte array. Here is the proper (non-efficient) way to do what you want:

buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
s := buf.String() // Does a complete copy of the bytes in the buffer.

This copy is done as a protection mechanism. Strings are immutable. If you could convert a []byte to a string, you could change the contents of the string. However, go allows you to disable the type safety mechanisms using the unsafe package. Use the unsafe package at your own risk. Hopefully the name alone is a good enough warning. Here is how I would do it using unsafe:

buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
b := buf.Bytes()
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))

There we go, you have now efficiently converted your byte array to a string. Really, all this does is trick the type system into calling it a string. There are a couple caveats to this method:

  1. There are no guarantees this will work in all go compilers. While this works with the plan-9 gc compiler, it relies on "implementation details" not mentioned in the official spec. You can not even guarantee that this will work on all architectures or not be changed in gc. In other words, this is a bad idea.
  2. That string is mutable! If you make any calls on that buffer it will change the string. Be very careful.

My advice is to stick to the official method. Doing a copy is not that expensive and it is not worth the evils of unsafe. If the string is too large to do a copy, you should not be making it into a string.

import .css file into .less file

If you want to import a css file that should be treaded as less use this line:

.ie {
  @import (less) 'ie.css';


To answer the first part of your question:

LPCSTR is a pointer to a const string (LP means Long Pointer)

LPCTSTR is a pointer to a const TCHAR string, (TCHAR being either a wide char or char depending on whether UNICODE is defined in your project)

LPTSTR is a pointer to a (non-const) TCHAR string

In practice when talking about these in the past, we've left out the "pointer to a" phrase for simplicity, but as mentioned by lightness-races-in-orbit they are all pointers.

This is a great codeproject article describing C++ strings (see 2/3 the way down for a chart comparing the different types)

How to consume REST in Java

Working example, try this:

package restclient;

public class NetClientGet {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {

            URL url = new URL("http://localhost:3002/RestWebserviceDemo/rest/json/product/dynamicData?size=5");//your url i.e fetch data from .
            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
            if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP Error code : "
                        + conn.getResponseCode());
            InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream());
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(in);
            String output;
            while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception in NetClientGet:- " + e);

Consistency of hashCode() on a Java string

Another (!) issue to worry about is the possible change of implementation between early/late versions of Java. I don't believe the implementation details are set in stone, and so potentially an upgrade to a future Java version could cause problems.

Bottom line is, I wouldn't rely on the implementation of hashCode().

Perhaps you can highlight what problem you're actually trying to solve by using this mechanism, and that will highlight a more suitable approach.

How to compare two date values with jQuery

var startDate = $('#start_date').val().replace(/-/g,'/');
var endDate = $('#end_date').val().replace(/-/g,'/');

if(startDate > endDate){
   // do your stuff here...

Finding the length of a Character Array in C

Provided the char array is null terminated,

char chararray[10] = { 0 };
size_t len = strlen(chararray);

What is the difference between public, private, and protected?

Variables in PHP are cast in three different type:

Public : values of this variable types are available in all scope and call on execution of you code. declare as: public $examTimeTable;

Private: Values of this type of variable are only available on only to the class it belongs to. private $classRoomComputers;

Protected: Values of this class only and only available when Access been granted in a form of inheritance or their child class. generally used :: to grant access by parent class

protected $familyWealth;

Restore DB — Error RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

This error can be caused by the permissions to the file, which you should check, however recently I noticed that the same is thrown if the file has been transferred and windows has marked the file as 'Encrypt Contents to Secure Data'.

You can find this by bringing up the .bak file properties and clicking the advanced button, it appears as the last check box on the dialog.

Hope that helps someone!

Java 8, Streams to find the duplicate elements

the creating of an additional map or stream is time- and space-consuming…

Set<Integer> duplicates = Collectors.collectingAndThen(
  Collectors.groupingBy( Function.identity(), Collectors.counting() ),
  map -> {
    map.values().removeIf( cnt -> cnt < 2 );
    return( map.keySet() );
  } ) );  // [1, 4]

…and for the question of which is claimed to be a [duplicate]

public static int[] getDuplicatesStreamsToArray( int[] input ) {
  return( IntStream.of( input ).boxed().collect( Collectors.collectingAndThen(
      Collectors.groupingBy( Function.identity(), Collectors.counting() ),
      map -> {
        map.values().removeIf( cnt -> cnt < 2 );
        return( map.keySet() );
      } ) ).stream().mapToInt( i -> i ).toArray() );

Get a random item from a JavaScript array

// 1. Random shuffle items
items.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})

// 2. Get first item
var item = items[0]


var item = items.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})[0];

SHOW PROCESSLIST in MySQL command: sleep

It's not a query waiting for connection; it's a connection pointer waiting for the timeout to terminate.

It doesn't have an impact on performance. The only thing it's using is a few bytes as every connection does.

The really worst case: It's using one connection of your pool; If you would connect multiple times via console client and just close the client without closing the connection, you could use up all your connections and have to wait for the timeout to be able to connect again... but this is highly unlikely :-)

See MySql Proccesslist filled with "Sleep" Entries leading to "Too many Connections"? and for more information.

If file exists then delete the file

fileExists() is a method of FileSystemObject, not a global scope function.

You also have an issue with the delete, DeleteFile() is also a method of FileSystemObject.

Furthermore, it seems you are moving the file and then attempting to deal with the overwrite issue, which is out of order. First you must detect the name collision, so you can choose the rename the file or delete the collision first. I am assuming for some reason you want to keep deleting the new files until you get to the last one, which seemed implied in your question.

So you could use the block:

if NOT fso.FileExists(newname) Then  

    file.move fso.buildpath(OUT_PATH, newname)           


    fso.DeleteFile newname
    file.move fso.buildpath(OUT_PATH, newname)  

end if 

Also be careful that your string comparison with the = sign is case sensitive. Use strCmp with vbText compare option for case insensitive string comparison.

Maximize a window programmatically and prevent the user from changing the windows state

Change the property WindowState to System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized, in some cases if the older answers doesn't works.

So the window will be maximized, and the other parts are in the other answers.

Swift - how to make custom header for UITableView?

The best working Solution of adding Custom header view in UITableView for section in swift 4 is --

1 first Use method ViewForHeaderInSection as below -

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
        let headerView = UIView.init(frame: CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: tableView.frame.width, height: 50))

        let label = UILabel()
        label.frame = CGRect.init(x: 5, y: 5, width: headerView.frame.width-10, height: headerView.frame.height-10)
        label.text = "Notification Times"
        label.font = UIFont().futuraPTMediumFont(16) // my custom font
        label.textColor = UIColor.charcolBlackColour() // my custom colour


        return headerView

2 Also Don't forget to set Height of the header using heightForHeaderInSection UITableView method -

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
        return 50

and you're all set Check it here in image

How to do a batch insert in MySQL

Load data infile query is much better option but some servers like godaddy restrict this option on shared hosting so , only two options left then one is insert record on every iteration or batch insert , but batch insert has its limitaion of characters if your query exceeds this number of characters set in mysql then your query will crash , So I suggest insert data in chunks withs batch insert , this will minimize number of connections established with of luck guys

how to get a list of dates between two dates in java

One solution would be to create a Calendar instance, and start a cycle, increasing it's Calendar.DATE field until it reaches the desired date. Also, on each step you should create a Date instance (with corresponding parameters), and put it to your list.

Some dirty code:

    public List<Date> getDatesBetween(final Date date1, final Date date2) {
    List<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>();

    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar() {{
        set(Calendar.YEAR, date1.getYear());
        set(Calendar.MONTH, date1.getMonth());
        set(Calendar.DATE, date1.getDate());

    while (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) != date2.getYear() && calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) != date2.getMonth() && calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) != date2.getDate()) {
        calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
        dates.add(new Date(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), calendar.get(Calendar.DATE)));

    return dates;

Passing capturing lambda as function pointer

A shortcut for using a lambda with as a C function pointer is this:

"auto fun = +[](){}"

Using Curl as exmample (curl debug info)

auto callback = +[](CURL* handle, curl_infotype type, char* data, size_t size, void*){ //add code here :-) };
curl_easy_setopt(curlHande, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);

Why does only the first line of this Windows batch file execute but all three lines execute in a command shell?

It should be that the particular mvn command execs and does not return, thereby not executing the rest of the commands.

Laravel Eloquent Join vs Inner Join?

I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish this, but one solution would be to use join through the Query Builder.

If you have tables set up something like this:



votes, comments and status_updates (3 tables)

In your User model:

class User extends Eloquent {
    public function friends()
        return $this->hasMany('Friend');

In your Friend model:

class Friend extends Eloquent {
    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo('User');

Then, to gather all the votes for the friends of the user with the id of 1, you could run this query:

$user = User::find(1);
$friends_votes = $user->friends()
    ->with('user') // bring along details of the friend
    ->join('votes', 'votes.user_id', '=', 'friends.friend_id')
    ->get(['votes.*']); // exclude extra details from friends table

Run the same join for the comments and status_updates tables. If you would like votes, comments, and status_updates to be in one chronological list, you can merge the resulting three collections into one and then sort the merged collection.


To get votes, comments, and status updates in one query, you could build up each query and then union the results. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work if we use the Eloquent hasMany relationship (see comments for this question for a discussion of that problem) so we have to modify to queries to use where instead:

$friends_votes = 
    ->join('votes', 'votes.user_id', '=', 'friends.friend_id');

$friends_comments = 
    ->join('comments', 'comments.user_id', '=', 'friends.friend_id');

$friends_status_updates = 
    ->join('friends', 'status_updates.user_id', '=', 'friends.friend_id');

$friends_events = 

At this point, though, our query is getting a bit hairy, so a polymorphic relationship with and an extra table (like DefiniteIntegral suggests below) might be a better idea.

Reading JSON POST using PHP

you can put your json in a parameter and send it instead of put only your json in header:

$post_string= 'json_param=' . json_encode($data);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://webservice.local/');  // Set the url path we want to call

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($curl);

//see the results

on the service side you can get your json string as a parameter:

$json_string = $_POST['json_param'];
$obj = json_decode($json_string);

then you can use your converted data as object.

How are software license keys generated?

There are also DRM behaviors that incorporate multiple steps to the process. One of the most well known examples is one of Adobe's methods for verifying an installation of their Creative Suite. The traditional CD Key method discussed here is used, then Adobe's support line is called. The CD key is given to the Adobe representative and they give back an activation number to be used by the user.

However, despite being broken up into steps, this falls prey to the same methods of cracking used for the normal process. The process used to create an activation key that is checked against the original CD key was quickly discovered, and generators that incorporate both of the keys were made.

However, this method still exists as a way for users with no internet connection to verify the product. Going forward, it's easy to see how these methods would be eliminated as internet access becomes ubiquitous.

HTML5 Form Input Pattern Currency Format

I like to give the users a bit of flexibility and trust, that they will get the format right, but I do want to enforce only digits and two decimals for currency


Takes care of:

$ 1.
-$ 1.00
$ -1.0
-$ 1,000,000.0

Of course it will also match:

$$--$1,92,9,29.1 => anyway after cleanup => -192,929.10

Type datetime for input parameter in procedure

In this part of your SP:

IF @DateFirst <> '' and @DateLast <> ''
   set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
       + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + @DateFirst
       + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + @DateLast  

you are trying to concatenate strings and datetimes.

As the datetime type has higher priority than varchar/nvarchar, the + operator, when it happens between a string and a datetime, is interpreted as addition, not as concatenation, and the engine then tries to convert your string parts (' or convert (Date,DateLog) >= ''' and others) to datetime or numeric values. And fails.

That doesn't happen if you omit the last two parameters when invoking the procedure, because the condition evaluates to false and the offending statement isn't executed.

To amend the situation, you need to add explicit casting of your datetime variables to strings:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst)
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast)

You'll also need to add closing single quotes:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst) + ''''
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast) + ''''

GLYPHICONS - bootstrap icon font hex value

If you want to use glyph icons with bootstrap 2.3.2, Add the font files from bootstrap 3 to your project folder then copy this to your css file

 @font-face {
  font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
  src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot');
  src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg#glyphicons-halflingsregular') format('svg');

How to scroll to bottom in react?

react-scrollable-feed automatically scrolls down to the latest element if the user was already at the bottom of the scrollable section. Otherwise, it will leave the user at the same position. I think this is pretty useful for chat components :)

I think the other answers here will force scroll everytime no matter where the scrollbar was. The other issue with scrollIntoView is that it will scroll the whole page if your scrollable div was not in view.

It can be used like this :

import * as React from 'react'

import ScrollableFeed from 'react-scrollable-feed'

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const messages = ['Item 1', 'Item 2'];

    return (
        {, i) => <div key={i}>{message}</div>)}

Just make sure to have a wrapper component with a specific height or max-height

Disclaimer: I am the owner of the package

How to redirect the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to a file?

As a side note, remember that all this output is generated in the server side.

Using DBMS_OUTPUT, the text is generated in the server while it executes your query and stored in a buffer. It is then redirected to your client app when the server finishes the query data retrieval. That is, you only get this info when the query ends.

With UTL_FILE all the information logged will be stored in a file in the server. When the execution finishes you will have to navigate to this file to get the information.

Hope this helps.

chrome : how to turn off user agent stylesheet settings?

  1. Open Chrome dev tools
  2. Click gear icon on bottom right
  3. In General section, check or uncheck "Show user agent styles".

jQuery removeClass wildcard

I've written a plugin that does this called alterClass – Remove element classes with wildcard matching. Optionally add classes:

$( '#foo' ).alterClass( 'foo-* bar-*', 'foobar' )

Making TextView scrollable on Android

In kotlin for making the textview scrollable

myTextView.movementMethod= ScrollingMovementMethod()

and also add in xml this property

    android:scrollbars = "vertical"

plot is not defined

If you want to use a function form a package or module in python you have to import and reference them. For example normally you do the following to draw 5 points( [1,5],[2,4],[3,3],[4,2],[5,1]) in the space:

import matplotlib.pyplot

In your solution

from matplotlib import*

This imports the package matplotlib and "plot is not defined" means there is no plot function in matplotlib you can access directly, but instead if you import as

from matplotlib.pyplot import *

Now you can use any function in matplotlib.pyplot without referencing them with matplotlib.pyplot.

I would recommend you to name imports you have, in this case you can prevent disambiguation and future problems with the same function names. The last and clean version of above example looks like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

PHP Unset Session Variable

// set
$_SESSION['test'] = 1;

// destroy

unbound method f() must be called with fibo_ instance as first argument (got classobj instance instead)

fibo = f.fibo references the class itself. You probably wanted fibo = f.fibo() (note the parentheses) to make an instance of the class, after which fibo.f() should succeed correctly.

f.fibo.f() fails because you are essentially calling f(self, a=0) without supplying self; self is "bound" automatically when you have an instance of the class.

Get last n lines of a file, similar to tail

This may be quicker than yours. Makes no assumptions about line length. Backs through the file one block at a time till it's found the right number of '\n' characters.

def tail( f, lines=20 ):
    total_lines_wanted = lines

    BLOCK_SIZE = 1024, 2)
    block_end_byte = f.tell()
    lines_to_go = total_lines_wanted
    block_number = -1
    blocks = [] # blocks of size BLOCK_SIZE, in reverse order starting
                # from the end of the file
    while lines_to_go > 0 and block_end_byte > 0:
        if (block_end_byte - BLOCK_SIZE > 0):
            # read the last block we haven't yet read
            # file too small, start from begining
            # only read what was not read
        lines_found = blocks[-1].count('\n')
        lines_to_go -= lines_found
        block_end_byte -= BLOCK_SIZE
        block_number -= 1
    all_read_text = ''.join(reversed(blocks))
    return '\n'.join(all_read_text.splitlines()[-total_lines_wanted:])

I don't like tricky assumptions about line length when -- as a practical matter -- you can never know things like that.

Generally, this will locate the last 20 lines on the first or second pass through the loop. If your 74 character thing is actually accurate, you make the block size 2048 and you'll tail 20 lines almost immediately.

Also, I don't burn a lot of brain calories trying to finesse alignment with physical OS blocks. Using these high-level I/O packages, I doubt you'll see any performance consequence of trying to align on OS block boundaries. If you use lower-level I/O, then you might see a speedup.


for Python 3.2 and up, follow the process on bytes as In text files (those opened without a "b" in the mode string), only seeks relative to the beginning of the file are allowed (the exception being seeking to the very file end with seek(0, 2)).:

eg: f = open('C:/.../../apache_logs.txt', 'rb')

 def tail(f, lines=20):
    total_lines_wanted = lines

    BLOCK_SIZE = 1024, 2)
    block_end_byte = f.tell()
    lines_to_go = total_lines_wanted
    block_number = -1
    blocks = []
    while lines_to_go > 0 and block_end_byte > 0:
        if (block_end_byte - BLOCK_SIZE > 0):
        lines_found = blocks[-1].count(b'\n')
        lines_to_go -= lines_found
        block_end_byte -= BLOCK_SIZE
        block_number -= 1
    all_read_text = b''.join(reversed(blocks))
    return b'\n'.join(all_read_text.splitlines()[-total_lines_wanted:])

The system cannot find the file specified in java

In your IDE right click on the file you want to read and choose "copy path" then paste it into your code.

Note that windows hides the file extension so if you create a text file "myfile.txt" it might be actually saved as "myfile.txt.txt"

Style child element when hover on parent

Yes, you can do this use this below code it may help you.

margin : 25px;_x000D_
.parentDiv span{_x000D_
  display : block;_x000D_
  padding : 10px;_x000D_
  text-align : center;_x000D_
  border: 5px solid #000;_x000D_
  margin : 5px;_x000D_
.parentDiv div{_x000D_
border: 10px solid green;_x000D_
display : inline-block;_x000D_
align : cente;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.parentDiv:hover .childDiv1{_x000D_
border: 10px solid red;_x000D_
.parentDiv:hover .childDiv2{_x000D_
border: 10px solid yellow;_x000D_
} _x000D_
.parentDiv:hover .childDiv3{_x000D_
border: 10px solid orange;_x000D_
<div class="parentDiv">_x000D_
<span>Hover me to change Child Div colors</span>_x000D_
  <div class="childDiv1">_x000D_
    First Div Child_x000D_
  <div class="childDiv2">_x000D_
    Second Div Child_x000D_
  <div class="childDiv3">_x000D_
    Third Div Child_x000D_
  <div class="childDiv4">_x000D_
    Fourth Div Child_x000D_

How to get current moment in ISO 8601 format with date, hour, and minute?

Still, joda-time does only support the extended format: "2015-12-09T00:22:42.930Z" not the basic: "20151209T002242.930Z" ...we might be better off testing a list of formats with java SimpleDateFormat.

http://localhost:50070 does not work HADOOP

First, check that java processes that are running using "jps". If you are in a pseudo-distributed mode you must have the following proccesses:

  • Namenode
  • Jobtracker
  • Tasktracker
  • Datanode
  • SecondaryNamenode

If you are missing any, use the restart commands:


It can also be because you haven't open that port on the machine:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 50070 -j ACCEPT

How to trim white space from all elements in array?

Not knowing how the OP happened to have {" String", "Tom Selleck "," Fish "} in an array in the first place (6 years ago), I thought I'd share what I ended up with.

My array is the result of using split on a string which might have extra spaces around delimiters. My solution was to address this at the point of the split. My code follows. After testing, I put splitWithTrim() in my Utils class of my project. It handles my use case; you might want to consider what sorts of strings and delimiters you might encounter if you decide to use it.

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        test(" abc def  ghi   jkl ", " ");
        test("  abc; def  ;ghi  ; jkl; ", ";");

    public static void test(String str, String splitOn) {
        System.out.println("Splitting \"" + str + "\" on \"" + splitOn + "\"");
        String[] parts = splitWithTrim(str, splitOn);
        for (String part : parts) {
            System.out.println("(" + part + ")");

    public static String[] splitWithTrim(String str, String splitOn) {
        if (splitOn.equals(" ")) {
            return str.trim().split(" +");
        } else {
            return str.trim().split(" *" + splitOn + " *");

Output of running the test application is:

Splitting " abc def  ghi   jkl " on " "
Splitting "  abc; def  ;ghi  ; jkl; " on ";"

Using a dispatch_once singleton model in Swift

final class MySingleton {
     private init() {}
     static let shared = MySingleton()

Then call it;

let shared = MySingleton.shared

Determine if a cell (value) is used in any formula

On Excel 2010 try this:

  1. select the cell you want to check if is used somewhere in a formula;
  2. Formulas -> Trace Dependents (on Formula Auditing menu)

RS256 vs HS256: What's the difference?

There is a difference in performance.

Simply put HS256 is about 1 order of magnitude faster than RS256 for verification but about 2 orders of magnitude faster than RS256 for issuing (signing).

 640,251  91,464.3 ops/s
  86,123  12,303.3 ops/s (RS256 verify)
   7,046   1,006.5 ops/s (RS256 sign)

Don't get hung up on the actual numbers, just think of them with respect of each other.


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        foreach (var duration in new[] { 1, 3, 5, 7 })
            var t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);

            byte[] publicKey, privateKey;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
                publicKey = rsa.ExportCspBlob(false);
                privateKey = rsa.ExportCspBlob(true);

            byte[] key = new byte[64];

            using (var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())

            var s1 = new Stopwatch();
            var n1 = 0;

            using (var hs256 = new HMACSHA256(key))
                while (s1.Elapsed < t)
                    var hash = hs256.ComputeHash(privateKey);

            byte[] sign;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

                sign = rsa.SignData(privateKey, "SHA256");

            var s2 = new Stopwatch();
            var n2 = 0;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

                while (s2.Elapsed < t)
                    var success = rsa.VerifyData(privateKey, "SHA256", sign);

            var s3 = new Stopwatch();
            var n3 = 0;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

                while (s3.Elapsed < t)
                    rsa.SignData(privateKey, "SHA256");

            Console.WriteLine($"{s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0} {n1,7:N0} {n1 / s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,9:N1} ops/s");
            Console.WriteLine($"{s2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0} {n2,7:N0} {n2 / s2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,9:N1} ops/s");
            Console.WriteLine($"{s3.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0} {n3,7:N0} {n3 / s3.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,9:N1} ops/s");

            Console.WriteLine($"RS256 is {(n1 / s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) / (n2 / s2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds),9:N1}x slower (verify)");
            Console.WriteLine($"RS256 is {(n1 / s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) / (n3 / s3.Elapsed.TotalSeconds),9:N1}x slower (issue)");

            // RS256 is about 7.5x slower, but it can still do over 10K ops per sec.

Recursively add the entire folder to a repository

This worked for me:

git add . --force

VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished?

You need to tell the run to wait until the process is finished. Something like:

const DontWaitUntilFinished = false, ShowWindow = 1, DontShowWindow = 0, WaitUntilFinished = true
set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = "cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe <path>\myScript.vbs " & args
oShell.Run command, DontShowWindow, WaitUntilFinished

In the script itself, start Excel like so. While debugging start visible:

File = "c:\test\myfile.xls" """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE"" " & File, 1, true

Monitor the Graphics card usage

From Unix.SE: A simple command-line utility called gpustat now exists:

It is free software (MIT license) and is packaged in pypi. It is a wrapper of nvidia-smi.

Using atan2 to find angle between two vectors

Here a little program in Python that uses the angle between vectors to determine if a point is inside or outside a certain polygon

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from pprint import pprint

# Plot variables
x_min, x_max = -6, 12
y_min, y_max = -3, 8
tick_interval = 1
FIG_SIZE = (10, 10)
DELTA_ERROR = 0.00001
IN_BOX_COLOR = 'yellow'
OUT_BOX_COLOR = 'black'

def angle_between(v1, v2):
    """ Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2'
        The sign of the angle is dependent on the order of v1 and v2
        so acos(norm(dot(v1, v2))) does not work and atan2 has to be used, see:
    arg1 = np.cross(v1, v2)
    arg2 =, v2)
    angle = np.arctan2(arg1, arg2)
    return angle

def point_inside(point, border):
    """ Returns True if point is inside border polygon and False if not
        :point: x, y in shapely.geometry.Point type
        :border: [x1 y1, x2 y2, ... , xn yn] in shapely.geomettry.Polygon type
    assert len(border.exterior.coords) > 2,\
        'number of points in the polygon must be > 2'

    point = np.array(point)
    side1 = np.array(border.exterior.coords[0]) - point
    sum_angles = 0
    for border_point in border.exterior.coords[1:]:
        side2 = np.array(border_point) - point
        angle = angle_between(side1, side2)
        sum_angles += angle
        side1 = side2

    # if wn is 1 then the point is inside
    wn = sum_angles / 2 / np.pi
    if abs(wn - 1) < DELTA_ERROR:
        return True
        return False

class MainMap():

    def settings(cls, fig_size):
        # set the plot outline, including axes going through the origin
        cls.fig, = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size), x_max), y_max)
        tick_range_x = np.arange(round(x_min + (10*(x_max - x_min) % tick_interval)/10, 1),
            x_max + 0.1, step=tick_interval)
        tick_range_y = np.arange(round(y_min + (10*(y_max - y_min) % tick_interval)/10, 1), 
            y_max + 0.1, step=tick_interval)'both', which='major', labelsize=6)['left'].set_position('zero')['right'].set_color('none')['bottom'].set_position('zero')['top'].set_color('none')

    def get_ax(cls):

    def plot():

class PlotPointandRectangle(MainMap):

    def __init__(self, start_point, rectangle_polygon, tolerance=0):

        self.current_object = None
        self.currently_dragging = False
        self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key)
        self.plot_types = ['o', 'o-']
        self.plot_type = 1
        self.rectangle = rectangle_polygon

        # define a point that can be moved around
        self.point = patches.Circle((start_point.x, start_point.y), 0.10,
        if point_inside(start_point, self.rectangle):
            _color = IN_BOX_COLOR
            _color = OUT_BOX_COLOR
        cv_point = self.point.figure.canvas
        cv_point.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_release)
        cv_point.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick)
        cv_point.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion)


    def plot_rectangle(self):
        x = [point[0] for point in self.rectangle.exterior.coords]
        y = [point[1] for point in self.rectangle.exterior.coords]
        # y = self.rectangle.y
        self.rectangle_plot, =, y,
            self.plot_types[self.plot_type], color='r', lw=0.4, markersize=2)

    def on_release(self, event):
        self.current_object = None
        self.currently_dragging = False

    def on_pick(self, event):
        self.currently_dragging = True
        self.current_object = event.artist

    def on_motion(self, event):
        if not self.currently_dragging:
        if self.current_object == None:

        point = Point(event.xdata, event.ydata) = point.x, point.y
        if point_inside(point, self.rectangle):
            _color = IN_BOX_COLOR
            _color = OUT_BOX_COLOR


    def remove_rectangle_from_plot(self):
        except ValueError:

    def on_key(self, event):
        # with 'space' toggle between just points or points connected with
        # lines
        if event.key == ' ':
            self.plot_type = (self.plot_type + 1) % 2

def main(start_point, rectangle):

    plt_me = PlotPointandRectangle(start_point, rectangle)  #pylint: disable=unused-variable

if __name__ == "__main__":
        start_point = Point([float(val) for val in sys.argv[1].split()])
    except IndexError:
        start_point= Point(0, 0)

    border_points = [(-2, -2),
                     (1, 1),
                     (3, -1),
                     (3, 3.5),
                     (4, 1),
                     (5, 1),
                     (4, 3.5),
                     (5, 6),
                     (3, 4),
                     (3, 5),
                     (-0.5, 1),
                     (-3, 1),
                     (-1, -0.5),

    border_points_polygon = Polygon(border_points)
    main(start_point, border_points_polygon)

Can I convert a C# string value to an escaped string literal

Here is a little improvement for Smilediver's answer, it will not escape all no-ASCII chars but only these are really needed.

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;

public static class CodeHelper
    public static string ToLiteral(this string input)
        var literal = new StringBuilder(input.Length + 2);
        foreach (var c in input)
            switch (c)
                case '\'': literal.Append(@"\'"); break;
                case '\"': literal.Append("\\\""); break;
                case '\\': literal.Append(@"\\"); break;
                case '\0': literal.Append(@"\0"); break;
                case '\a': literal.Append(@"\a"); break;
                case '\b': literal.Append(@"\b"); break;
                case '\f': literal.Append(@"\f"); break;
                case '\n': literal.Append(@"\n"); break;
                case '\r': literal.Append(@"\r"); break;
                case '\t': literal.Append(@"\t"); break;
                case '\v': literal.Append(@"\v"); break;
                    if (Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c) != UnicodeCategory.Control)
        return literal.ToString();

SQL grouping by all the columns

The DISTINCT Keyword

I believe what you are trying to do is:


If you group by all columns, you are just requesting that duplicate data be removed.

For example a table with the following data:

 id |     value      
  1 | foo
  2 | bar
  1 | foo
  3 | something else

If you perform the following query which is essentially the same as SELECT * FROM MyFooTable GROUP BY * if you are assuming * means all columns:

SELECT * FROM MyFooTable GROUP BY id, value;

 id |     value      
  1 | foo
  3 | something else
  2 | bar

It removes all duplicate values, which essentially makes it semantically identical to using the DISTINCT keyword with the exception of the ordering of results. For example:


 id |     value      
  1 | foo
  2 | bar
  3 | something else

how to force maven to update local repo

try using -U (aka --update-snapshots) when you run maven

And make sure the dependency definition is correct

How to make a query with group_concat in sql server

    , A.maskname
    , A.schoolid
    , B.schoolname
    , STUFF((
          SELECT ',' + T.maskdetail
          FROM dbo.maskdetails T
          WHERE A.maskid = T.maskid
          FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') as maskdetail 
FROM dbo.tblmask A
JOIN B ON B.ID = A.schoolid
Group by  A.maskid
    , A.maskname
    , A.schoolid
    , B.schoolname

Mysql SELECT CASE WHEN something then return field

You are mixing the 2 different CASE syntaxes inappropriately.

Use this style (Searched)

  WHEN u.nnmu ='0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN u.nnmu ='1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

Or this style (Simple)

  CASE u.nnmu 
  WHEN '0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN '1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

Not This (Simple but with boolean search predicates)

  CASE u.nnmu 
  WHEN u.nnmu ='0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN u.nnmu ='1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

In MySQL this will end up testing whether u.nnmu is equal to the value of the boolean expression u.nnmu ='0' itself. Regardless of whether u.nnmu is 1 or 0 the result of the case expression itself will be 1

For example if nmu = '0' then (nnmu ='0') evaluates as true (1) and (nnmu ='1') evaluates as false (0). Substituting these into the case expression gives

  WHEN 1 THEN '0'
  WHEN 0 THEN '1'
 END as mesto_utovara

if nmu = '1' then (nnmu ='0') evaluates as false (0) and (nnmu ='1') evaluates as true (1). Substituting these into the case expression gives

  WHEN 0 THEN '0'
  WHEN 1 THEN '1'
 END as mesto_utovara

X close button only using css

Try This Cross In CSS

.close {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  right: 32px;_x000D_
  top: 32px;_x000D_
  width: 32px;_x000D_
  height: 32px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0.3;_x000D_
.close:hover {_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
.close:before, .close:after {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  left: 15px;_x000D_
  content: ' ';_x000D_
  height: 33px;_x000D_
  width: 2px;_x000D_
  background-color: #333;_x000D_
.close:before {_x000D_
  transform: rotate(45deg);_x000D_
.close:after {_x000D_
  transform: rotate(-45deg);_x000D_
<a href="#" class="close">

How to add an event after close the modal window?

Few answers that may be useful, especially if you have dynamic content.

$('#dialogueForm').live("dialogclose", function(){
   //your code to run on dialog close

Or, when opening the modal, have a callback.

$( "#dialogueForm" ).dialog({
              autoOpen: false,
              height: "auto",
              width: "auto",
              modal: true,
                my: "center",
                at: "center",
                of: window,
              close : function(){
                  // functionality goes here

Can I do Model->where('id', ARRAY) multiple where conditions?

WHERE AND SELECT Condition In Array Format Laravel

use DB;

$conditions = array(
    array('email', '=', '[email protected]')
$selected = array('id','name','email','mobile','created');
$result = DB::table('users')->select($selected)->where($conditions)->get();

Can I delete a git commit but keep the changes?

For those using zsh, you'll have to use the following:

git reset --soft HEAD\^

Explained here:

In case the URL becomes dead, the important part is:

Escape the ^ in your command

You can alternatively can use HEAD~ so that you don't have to escape it each time.

Identify duplicate values in a list in Python

I tried below code to find duplicate values from list

1) create a set of duplicate list

2) Iterated through set by looking in duplicate list.

glist=[1, 2, 3, "one", 5, 6, 1, "one"]
for c in x:


[1, 'one']

Now get the all index for duplicate element

glist=[1, 2, 3, "one", 5, 6, 1, "one"]
for c in x:
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(glist) if x == c]


[(1, [0, 6]), ('one', [3, 7])]

Hope this helps someone

Convert 24 Hour time to 12 Hour plus AM/PM indication Oracle SQL

For the 24-hour time, you need to use HH24 instead of HH.

For the 12-hour time, the AM/PM indicator is written as A.M. (if you want periods in the result) or AM (if you don't). For example:

SELECT invoice_date,
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Date 24Hr",
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') "Date 12Hr"
  FROM invoices

For more information on the format models you can use with TO_CHAR on a date, see

Angular JS: What is the need of the directive’s link function when we already had directive’s controller with scope?

Why controllers are needed

The difference between link and controller comes into play when you want to nest directives in your DOM and expose API functions from the parent directive to the nested ones.

From the docs:

Best Practice: use controller when you want to expose an API to other directives. Otherwise use link.

Say you want to have two directives my-form and my-text-input and you want my-text-input directive to appear only inside my-form and nowhere else.

In that case, you will say while defining the directive my-text-input that it requires a controller from the parent DOM element using the require argument, like this: require: '^myForm'. Now the controller from the parent element will be injected into the link function as the fourth argument, following $scope, element, attributes. You can call functions on that controller and communicate with the parent directive.

Moreover, if such a controller is not found, an error will be raised.

Why use link at all

There is no real need to use the link function if one is defining the controller since the $scope is available on the controller. Moreover, while defining both link and controller, one does need to be careful about the order of invocation of the two (controller is executed before).

However, in keeping with the Angular way, most DOM manipulation and 2-way binding using $watchers is usually done in the link function while the API for children and $scope manipulation is done in the controller. This is not a hard and fast rule, but doing so will make the code more modular and help in separation of concerns (controller will maintain the directive state and link function will maintain the DOM + outside bindings).

Representing Directory & File Structure in Markdown Syntax

There is an NPM module for this:

npm dree

It allows you to have a representation of a directory tree as a string or an object. Using it with the command line will allow you to save the representation in a txt file.


$ npm dree parse myDirectory --dest ./generated --name tree

How do you use colspan and rowspan in HTML tables?

<tr><td colspan="2" rowspan="2">1</td><td colspan="4">2</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">1</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>3</td></tr>

Need to navigate to a folder in command prompt

I prefer to use

pushd d:\windows\movie

because it requires no switches yet the working directory will change to the correct drive and path in one step.

Added plus:

  • also works with UNC paths if an unused drive letter is available for automatic drive mapping,
  • easy to go back to the previous working directory: just enter popd.

How do I find the index of a character within a string in C?

This should do it:

//Returns the index of the first occurence of char c in char* string. If not found -1 is returned.
int get_index(char* string, char c) {
    char *e = strchr(string, c);
    if (e == NULL) {
        return -1;
    return (int)(e - string);

string.split - by multiple character delimiter

Regex.Split("abc][rfd][5][,][.", @"\]\]");

IF a == true OR b == true statement

Comparison expressions should each be in their own brackets:

{% if (a == 'foo') or (b == 'bar') %}
{% endif %}

Alternative if you are inspecting a single variable and a number of possible values:

{% if a in ['foo', 'bar', 'qux'] %}
{% endif %}

Bootstrap 3 - Set Container Width to 940px Maximum for Desktops?

If you don't wish to compile bootstrap, copy the following and insert it in your custom css file. It's not recommended to change the original bootstrap css file. Also, you won't be able to modify the bootstrap original css if you are loading it from a cdn.

Paste this in your custom css file:

@media (min-width:992px)
@media (min-width:1200px)

I am here setting my container to 960px for anything that can accommodate it, and keeping the rest media sizes to default values. You can set it to 940px for this problem.

Setting Spring Profile variable

as System environment Variable:

Windows: Start -> type "envi" select environment variables and add a new: Name: spring_profiles_active Value: dev (or whatever yours is)

Linux: add following line to /etc/environment under PATH:

spring_profiles_active=prod (or whatever profile is)

then also export spring_profiles_active=prod so you have it in the runtime now.

How to wait for the 'end' of 'resize' event and only then perform an action?

You can store a reference id to any setInterval or setTimeout. Like this:

var loop = setInterval(func, 30);

// some time later clear the interval

To do this without a "global" variable you can add a local variable to the function itself. Ex:

$(window).resize(function() {
    clearTimeout(; = setTimeout(doneResizing, 500);

function doneResizing(){

How to declare a variable in SQL Server and use it in the same Stored Procedure

What's going wrong with what you have? What error do you get, or what result do or don't you get that doesn't match your expectations?

I can see the following issues with that SP, which may or may not relate to your problem:

  • You have an extraneous ) after @BrandName in your SELECT (at the end)
  • You're not setting @CategoryID or @BrandName to anything anywhere (they're local variables, but you don't assign values to them)

Edit Responding to your comment: The error is telling you that you haven't declared any parameters for the SP (and you haven't), but you called it with parameters. Based on your reply about @CategoryID, I'm guessing you wanted it to be a parameter rather than a local variable. Try this:

   @BrandName nvarchar(50),
   @CategoryID int
   DECLARE @BrandID int

   SELECT @BrandID = BrandID FROM tblBrand WHERE BrandName = @BrandName

   INSERT INTO tblBrandinCategory (CategoryID, BrandID) VALUES (@CategoryID, @BrandID)

You would then call this like this:

EXEC AddBrand 'Gucci', 23

...assuming the brand name was 'Gucci' and category ID was 23.

How to position the form in the center screen?

If you use NetBeans IDE right click form then

Properties ->Code -> check out Generate Center

Python: import cx_Oracle ImportError: No module named cx_Oracle error is thown

To access Oracle from python you need (additionally) the cx_Oracle module. The module must be located either in the system python path or you have to set the PYTHONPATH appropriate.

Reset select2 value and show placeholder

The accepted answer does not work in my case. I'm trying this, and it's working:

Define select2:

    placeholder: "Select a State",
    allowClear: true


    placeholder: "Select a State"

To reset:




How to concatenate strings in twig

Quick Answer (TL;DR)

  • Twig string concatenation may also be done with the format() filter

Detailed Answer


  • Twig 2.x
  • String building and concatenation


  • Scenario: DeveloperGailSim wishes to do string concatenation in Twig
    • Other answers in this thread already address the concat operator
    • This answer focuses on the format filter which is more expressive


  • Alternative approach is to use the format filter
  • The format filter works like the sprintf function in other programming languages
  • The format filter may be less cumbersome than the ~ operator for more complex strings


  • example00 string concat bare

    {{ "%s%s%s!"|format('alpha','bravo','charlie') }}
    --- result --


  • example01 string concat with intervening text

    {{ "The %s in %s falls mainly on the %s!"|format('alpha','bravo','charlie') }}
    --- result --
    The alpha in bravo falls mainly on the charlie!


  • example02 string concat with numeric formatting
  • follows the same syntax as sprintf in other languages

    {{ "The %04d in %04d falls mainly on the %s!"|format(2,3,'tree') }}
    --- result --
    The 0002 in 0003 falls mainly on the tree!

See also

What is token-based authentication?

When you register for a new website, often you are sent an email to activate your account. That email typically contains a link to click on. Part of that link, contains a token, the server knows about this token and can associate it with your account. The token would usually have an expiry date associated with it, so you may only have an hour to click on the link and activate your account. None of this would be possible with cookies or session variables, since its unknown what device or browser the customer is using to check emails.

How to find third or n?? maximum salary from salary table?

Subqueries always take more time:

use below query to get the any highest and lowest data:

Highest Data: select *from business order by id desc limit 3,1;

Lowest data: select *from business order by id asc limit 3,1;

Can use N in the place of 3 to get nth data.

SQL Server : fetching records between two dates?

try to use following query

select * 
from xxx 
where convert(date,dates) >= '2012-10-26' and convert(date,dates) <= '2012-10-27'

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

I'm not seeing it here, so I'd like to add that on Debian/Ubuntu you may need to enable the extension after installing the relative package. So:

sudo apt-get install php-zip
sudo phpenmod zip
sudo service apache2 restart

Is there a way to 'pretty' print MongoDB shell output to a file?

you can use this command to acheive it:

mongo admin -u <userName> -p <password> --quiet --eval "cursor = rs.status(); printjson(cursor)" > output.json

Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data

One-liner for your problem:

data = [json.loads(line) for line in open('tweets.json', 'r')]

ASP MVC in IIS 7 results in: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

Please also check, if you are running x64, that you have enabled 32-bit applications in the app pool settings

enter image description here

How to remove "rows" with a NA value?

dat <- data.frame(x1 = c(1,2,3, NA, 5), x2 = c(100, NA, 300, 400, 500))

  x1  x2
1  1 100
3  3 300
5  5 500

Forcing label to flow inline with input that they label

put them both inside a div with nowrap.

<div style="white-space:nowrap">
    <label for="id1">label1:</label>
    <input type="text" id="id1"/>

Use a list of values to select rows from a pandas dataframe

You can use isin method:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [5,6,3,4], 'B': [1,2,3,5]})

In [2]: df
   A  B
0  5  1
1  6  2
2  3  3
3  4  5

In [3]: df[df['A'].isin([3, 6])]
   A  B
1  6  2
2  3  3

And to get the opposite use ~:

In [4]: df[~df['A'].isin([3, 6])]
   A  B
0  5  1
3  4  5

How to create a bash script to check the SSH connection?

Complementing the response of @Adrià Cidre you can do:

status=$(ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 user@host echo ok 2>&1)

if [[ $status == ok ]] ; then
  echo auth ok, do something
elif [[ $status == "Permission denied"* ]] ; then
  echo no_auth
  echo other_error

How can I remove a child node in HTML using JavaScript?

You should be able to use the .RemoveNode method of the node or the .RemoveChild method of the parent node.

Spring jUnit Testing properties file

As for the testing, you should use from Spring 4.1 which will overwrite the properties defined in other places:


Test property sources have higher precedence than those loaded from the operating system's environment or Java system properties as well as property sources added by the application like @PropertySource

Altering user-defined table types in SQL Server

Here are simple steps that minimize tedium and don't require error-prone semi-automated scripts or pricey tools.

Keep in mind that you can generate DROP/CREATE statements for multiple objects from the Object Explorer Details window (when generated this way, DROP and CREATE scripts are grouped, which makes it easy to insert logic between Drop and Create actions):

Drop and Create To

  1. Back up you database in case anything goes wrong!
  2. Automatically generate the DROP/CREATE statements for all dependencies (or generate for all "Programmability" objects to eliminate the tedium of finding dependencies).
  3. Between the DROP and CREATE [dependencies] statements (after all DROP, before all CREATE), insert generated DROP/CREATE [table type] statements, making the changes you need with CREATE TYPE.
  4. Run the script, which drops all dependencies/UDTTs and then recreates [UDTTs with alterations]/dependencies.

If you have smaller projects where it might make sense to change the infrastructure architecture, consider eliminating user-defined table types. Entity Framework and similar tools allow you to move most, if not all, of your data logic to your code base where it's easier to maintain.

Change the background color of a pop-up dialog

To expand on @DaneWhite's answer, you don't have to rely on the built-in themes. You can easily supply your own style:

<style name="MyDialogTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
    <item name="android:background">@color/myColor</item>

and then apply it in the Builder constructor:


AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext(),


var alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(context,

This should work whether you are using or

This also works better than @DummyData's answer because you don't resize the dialog. If you set window's background drawable you overwrite some existing dimensional information and get a dialog that is not standard width.

If you set background on theme and the set the theme on dialog you'll end up with a dialog that is colored how you want but still the correct width.

Polymorphism vs Overriding vs Overloading

overloading is when you define 2 methods with the same name but different parameters

overriding is where you change the behavior of the base class via a function with the same name in a subclass.

So Polymorphism is related to overriding but not really overloading.

However if someone gave me a simple answer of "overriding" for the question "What is polymorphism?" I would ask for further explanation.

Git Clone from GitHub over https with two-factor authentication

If your repo have 2FA enabled. Highly suggest to use the app provided by Here is the link:

After you downloaded it and installed it. Follow the withard, the app will ask you to provide the one time password for login. Once you filled in the one time password, you could see your repo/projects now.

Can I use a case/switch statement with two variables?

I don't believe a switch/case is any faster than a series of if/elseif's. They do the same thing, but if/elseif's you can check multiple variables. You cannot use a switch/case on more than one value.

How to run vbs as administrator from vbs?

Nice article for elevation options -

Configuring Applications to Always Request Elevated Rights:

Programs can be configured to always request elevation on the user level via registry settings under HKCU. These registry settings are effective on the fly, so they can be set immediately prior to launching a particular application and even removed as soon as the application is launched, if so desired. Simply create a "String Value" under "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" for the full path to an executable with a value of "RUN AS ADMIN". Below is an example for CMD.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_Current_User\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]

Bootstrap: 'TypeError undefined is not a function'/'has no method 'tab'' when using bootstrap-tabs

We can try by using latest jQuery library. I got the same issue. I used jQuery-1.4.2.min before and getting the error. After that I used version 1.9.1 and it works. Thanks

MySQL IF ELSEIF in select query

For your question :

   IF(qty_1 <= '23', price,
   IF(('23' > qty_1 && qty_2 <= '23'), price_2,
   IF(('23' > qty_2 && qty_3 <= '23'), price_3,
   IF(('23' > qty_2 && qty_3<='23'), price_3,
   IF('23' > qty_3, price_4, 1))))) as total 
FROM product;

You can use the if - else control structure or the IF function in MySQL.


display Java.util.Date in a specific format

If you want to simply output a date, just use the following:

System.out.printf("Date: %1$te/%1$tm/%1$tY at %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS%n", new Date());

As seen here. Or if you want to get the value into a String (for SQL building, for example) you can use:

String formattedDate = String.format("%1$te/%1$tm/%1$tY", new Date());

You can also customize your output by following the Java API on Date/Time conversions.

Windows: XAMPP vs WampServer vs EasyPHP vs alternative

I generally install Apache + PHP + MySQL by-hand, not using any package like those you're talking about.

It's a bit more work, yes; but knowing how to install and configure your environment is great -- and useful.

The first time, you'll need maybe half a day or a day to configure those. But, at least, you'll know how to do so.

And the next times, things will be far more easy, and you'll need less time.

Else, you might want to take a look at Zend Server -- which is another package that bundles Apache + PHP + MySQL.

Or, as an alternative, don't use Windows.

If your production servers are running Linux, why not run Linux on your development machine?

And if you don't want to (or cannot) install Linux on your computer, use a Virtual Machine.

Propagation Delay vs Transmission delay

Because they're measuring different things.

Propagation delay is how long it takes one bit to travel from one end of the "wire" to the other (it's proportional to the length of the wire, crudely).

Transmission delay is how long it takes to get all the bits into the wire in the first place (it's packet_length/data_rate).

How to TryParse for Enum value?

Here is a custom implementation of EnumTryParse. Unlike other common implementations, it also supports enum marked with the Flags attribute.

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the string representation of an enum to its Enum equivalent value. A return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
    /// This method does not rely on Enum.Parse and therefore will never raise any first or second chance exception.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="type">The enum target type. May not be null.</param>
    /// <param name="input">The input text. May be null.</param>
    /// <param name="value">When this method returns, contains Enum equivalent value to the enum contained in input, if the conversion succeeded.</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false.
    /// </returns>
    public static bool EnumTryParse(Type type, string input, out object value)
        if (type == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

        if (!type.IsEnum)
            throw new ArgumentException(null, "type");

        if (input == null)
            value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            return false;

        input = input.Trim();
        if (input.Length == 0)
            value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            return false;

        string[] names = Enum.GetNames(type);
        if (names.Length == 0)
            value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            return false;

        Type underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type);
        Array values = Enum.GetValues(type);
        // some enums like System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes *are* flags but are not declared with Flags...
        if ((!type.IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), true)) && (input.IndexOfAny(_enumSeperators) < 0))
            return EnumToObject(type, underlyingType, names, values, input, out value);

        // multi value enum
        string[] tokens = input.Split(_enumSeperators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        if (tokens.Length == 0)
            value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
            return false;

        ulong ul = 0;
        foreach (string tok in tokens)
            string token = tok.Trim(); // NOTE: we don't consider empty tokens as errors
            if (token.Length == 0)

            object tokenValue;
            if (!EnumToObject(type, underlyingType, names, values, token, out tokenValue))
                value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                return false;

            ulong tokenUl;
            switch (Convert.GetTypeCode(tokenValue))
                case TypeCode.Int16:
                case TypeCode.Int32:
                case TypeCode.Int64:
                case TypeCode.SByte:
                    tokenUl = (ulong)Convert.ToInt64(tokenValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                //case TypeCode.Byte:
                //case TypeCode.UInt16:
                //case TypeCode.UInt32:
                //case TypeCode.UInt64:
                    tokenUl = Convert.ToUInt64(tokenValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            ul |= tokenUl;
        value = Enum.ToObject(type, ul);
        return true;

    private static char[] _enumSeperators = new char[] { ',', ';', '+', '|', ' ' };

    private static object EnumToObject(Type underlyingType, string input)
        if (underlyingType == typeof(int))
            int s;
            if (int.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(uint))
            uint s;
            if (uint.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(ulong))
            ulong s;
            if (ulong.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(long))
            long s;
            if (long.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(short))
            short s;
            if (short.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(ushort))
            ushort s;
            if (ushort.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(byte))
            byte s;
            if (byte.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        if (underlyingType == typeof(sbyte))
            sbyte s;
            if (sbyte.TryParse(input, out s))
                return s;

        return null;

    private static bool EnumToObject(Type type, Type underlyingType, string[] names, Array values, string input, out object value)
        for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
            if (string.Compare(names[i], input, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                value = values.GetValue(i);
                return true;

        if ((char.IsDigit(input[0]) || (input[0] == '-')) || (input[0] == '+'))
            object obj = EnumToObject(underlyingType, input);
            if (obj == null)
                value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                return false;
            value = obj;
            return true;

        value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        return false;

Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog

public class CustomProgressBar {
    private RelativeLayout rl;
    private ProgressBar mProgressBar;
    private Context mContext;
    private String color__ = "#FF4081";
    private ViewGroup layout;
    public CustomProgressBar (Context context, boolean isMiddle, ViewGroup layout) {
        initProgressBar(context, isMiddle, layout);

    public CustomProgressBar (Context context, boolean isMiddle) {
        try {
            layout = (ViewGroup) ((Activity) context).findViewById(;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        initProgressBar(context, isMiddle, layout);

    void initProgressBar(Context context, boolean isMiddle, ViewGroup layout) {
        mContext = context;
        if (layout != null) {
            int padding;
            if (isMiddle) {
                mProgressBar = new ProgressBar(context, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleSmall);
                // mProgressBar.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.pb_custom_progress);//Color.parseColor("#55000000")
                padding = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.padding);
            } else {
                padding = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.padding);
                mProgressBar = new ProgressBar(context, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleSmall);
            mProgressBar.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);
                try {
                    color__ = AppData.getTopColor(context);//UservaluesModel.getAppSettings().getSelectedColor();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    color__ = "#FF4081";
                int color = Color.parseColor(color__);
//                color=getContrastColor(color);
//                color__ = color__.replaceAll("#", "");//R.color.colorAccent

            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new
                    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
            rl = new RelativeLayout(context);
            if (!isMiddle) {
                int valueInPixels = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.padding);
                lp.setMargins(0, 0, 0, (int) (valueInPixels / 1.5));//(int) Utils.convertDpToPixel(valueInPixels, context));
            } else {

            layout.addView(rl, params);

    public void show() {
        if (mProgressBar != null)

    public void hide() {
        if (mProgressBar != null) {

And then call

customProgressBar = new CustomProgressBar (Activity, true);
customProgressBar .show();

How to import other Python files?

You do not have many complex methods to import a python file from one folder to another. Just create a file to declare this folder is a python package and then go to your host file where you want to import just type

from root.parent.folder.file import variable, class, whatever

Mac OS X and multiple Java versions

Manage multiple java version in MAC using jenv

  1. Install homebrew using following command

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  1. install jenv and activate jenv

brew install jenv

echo 'eval "$(jenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

  1. tap cask-versions

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions

  1. search available java version that can be installed

brew search java

  1. E.g. to install java6 use following command

brew install cask java6

  1. Add multiple versions of java in jenv

jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_231.jdk/Contents/Home

jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home

Note:- if you get error like “”ln: /Users//.jenv/versions/oracle64- No such file or directory, then run following:-

mkdir -p /Users//.jenv/versions/oracle64-

  1. Rehash jenv after adding jdk’s

jenv rehash

  1. List known versions of java to jenv

jenv versions

  1. Set default version

jenv global oracle64-

  1. Change java version for a project

jenv local oracle64-

  1. set JAVA_HOME with the same version as jenv

jenv exec bash


Getting the source HTML of the current page from chrome extension

Inject a script into the page you want to get the source from and message it back to the popup....


  "name": "Get pages source",
  "version": "1.0",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "description": "Get pages source from a popup",
  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "icon.png",
    "default_popup": "popup.html"
  "permissions": ["tabs", "<all_urls>"]


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html style=''>
<script src='popup.js'></script>
<body style="width:400px;">
<div id='message'>Injecting Script....</div>


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender) {
  if (request.action == "getSource") {
    message.innerText = request.source;

function onWindowLoad() {

  var message = document.querySelector('#message');

  chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {
    file: "getPagesSource.js"
  }, function() {
    // If you try and inject into an extensions page or the webstore/NTP you'll get an error
    if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
      message.innerText = 'There was an error injecting script : \n' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message;


window.onload = onWindowLoad;


// @author Rob W <>
// Demo: var serialized_html = DOMtoString(document);

function DOMtoString(document_root) {
    var html = '',
        node = document_root.firstChild;
    while (node) {
        switch (node.nodeType) {
        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            html += node.outerHTML;
        case Node.TEXT_NODE:
            html += node.nodeValue;
        case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
            html += '<![CDATA[' + node.nodeValue + ']]>';
        case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
            html += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
        case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
            // (X)HTML documents are identified by public identifiers
            html += "<!DOCTYPE " + + (node.publicId ? ' PUBLIC "' + node.publicId + '"' : '') + (!node.publicId && node.systemId ? ' SYSTEM' : '') + (node.systemId ? ' "' + node.systemId + '"' : '') + '>\n';
        node = node.nextSibling;
    return html;

    action: "getSource",
    source: DOMtoString(document)

When use getOne and findOne methods Spring Data JPA

I had a similar problem understanding why JpaRespository.getOne(id) does not work and throw an error.

I went and change to JpaRespository.findById(id) which requires you to return an Optional.

This is probably my first comment on StackOverflow.

Black transparent overlay on image hover with only CSS?

I'd suggest using a pseudo element in place of the overlay element. Because pseudo elements can't be added on enclosed img elements, you would still need to wrap the img element though.


<div class="image">
    <img src="" alt="" />

As for the CSS, set optional dimensions on the .image element, and relatively position it. If you are aiming for a responsive image, just omit the dimensions and this will still work (example). It's just worth noting that the dimensions must be on the parent element as opposed to the img element itself, see.

.image {
    position: relative;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;

Give the child img element a width of 100% of the parent and add vertical-align:top to fix the default baseline alignment issues.

.image img {
    width: 100%;
    vertical-align: top;

As for the pseudo element, set a content value and absolutely position it relative to the .image element. A width/height of 100% will ensure that this works with varying img dimensions. If you want to transition the element, set an opacity of 0 and add the transition properties/values.

.image:after {
    content: '\A';
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%; height:100%;
    top:0; left:0;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: all 1s;
    -webkit-transition: all 1s;

Use an opacity of 1 when hovering over the pseudo element in order to facilitate the transition:

.image:hover:after {
    opacity: 1;


If you want to add text on hover:

For the simplest approach, just add the text as the pseudo element's content value:


.image:after {
    content: 'Here is some text..';
    color: #fff;

    /* Other styling.. */

That should work in most instances; however, if you have more than one img element, you might not want the same text to appear on hover. You could therefore set the text in a data-* attribute and therefore have unique text for every img element.


.image:after {
    content: attr(data-content);
    color: #fff;

With a content value of attr(data-content), the pseudo element adds the text from the .image element's data-content attribute:

<div data-content="Text added on hover" class="image">
    <img src="" alt="" />

You can add some styling and do something like this:


In the above example, the :after pseudo element serves as the black overlay, while the :before pseudo element is the caption/text. Since the elements are independent of each other, you can use separate styling for more optimal positioning.

.image:after, .image:before {
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: all 0.5s;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s;
.image:after {
    content: '\A';
    width: 100%; height:100%;
    top: 0; left:0;
.image:before {
    content: attr(data-content);
    width: 100%;
    color: #fff;
    z-index: 1;
    bottom: 0;
    padding: 4px 10px;
    text-align: center;
    background: #f00;
    box-sizing: border-box;
.image:hover:after, .image:hover:before {
    opacity: 1;

Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++

In OpenGL you don't create objects, you just draw them. Once they are drawn, OpenGL no longer cares about what geometry you sent it.

glutSolidSphere is just sending drawing commands to OpenGL. However there's nothing special in and about it. And since it's tied to GLUT I'd not use it. Instead, if you really need some sphere in your code, how about create if for yourself?

#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>

// your framework of choice here

class SolidSphere
    std::vector<GLfloat> vertices;
    std::vector<GLfloat> normals;
    std::vector<GLfloat> texcoords;
    std::vector<GLushort> indices;

    SolidSphere(float radius, unsigned int rings, unsigned int sectors)
        float const R = 1./(float)(rings-1);
        float const S = 1./(float)(sectors-1);
        int r, s;

        vertices.resize(rings * sectors * 3);
        normals.resize(rings * sectors * 3);
        texcoords.resize(rings * sectors * 2);
        std::vector<GLfloat>::iterator v = vertices.begin();
        std::vector<GLfloat>::iterator n = normals.begin();
        std::vector<GLfloat>::iterator t = texcoords.begin();
        for(r = 0; r < rings; r++) for(s = 0; s < sectors; s++) {
                float const y = sin( -M_PI_2 + M_PI * r * R );
                float const x = cos(2*M_PI * s * S) * sin( M_PI * r * R );
                float const z = sin(2*M_PI * s * S) * sin( M_PI * r * R );

                *t++ = s*S;
                *t++ = r*R;

                *v++ = x * radius;
                *v++ = y * radius;
                *v++ = z * radius;

                *n++ = x;
                *n++ = y;
                *n++ = z;

        indices.resize(rings * sectors * 4);
        std::vector<GLushort>::iterator i = indices.begin();
        for(r = 0; r < rings; r++) for(s = 0; s < sectors; s++) {
                *i++ = r * sectors + s;
                *i++ = r * sectors + (s+1);
                *i++ = (r+1) * sectors + (s+1);
                *i++ = (r+1) * sectors + s;

    void draw(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)


        glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertices[0]);
        glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, &normals[0]);
        glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &texcoords[0]);
        glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &indices[0]);

SolidSphere sphere(1, 12, 24);

void display()
    int const win_width  = …; // retrieve window dimensions from
    int const win_height = …; // framework of choice here
    float const win_aspect = (float)win_width / (float)win_height;

    glViewport(0, 0, win_width, win_height);


    gluPerspective(45, win_aspect, 1, 10);


    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
    sphere.draw(0, 0, -5);


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // initialize and register your framework of choice here
    return 0;

Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows

;WITH tmp(SomeID, OtherID, DataItem, Data) as (
    SELECT SomeID, OtherID, LEFT(Data, CHARINDEX(',',Data+',')-1),
        STUFF(Data, 1, CHARINDEX(',',Data+','), '')
FROM Testdata
WHERE Data > ''
SELECT SomeID, OtherID, Data
FROM tmp

with only tiny little modification to above query...

Apache shutdown unexpectedly

That is because IIS is automatically running on your machine. IIS occupied both port 80 and 443.

I uninstalled IIS for using Apache httpd.

Link vs compile vs controller

A directive allows you to extend the HTML vocabulary in a declarative fashion for building web components. The ng-app attribute is a directive, so is ng-controller and all of the ng- prefixed attributes. Directives can be attributes, tags or even class names, comments.

How directives are born (compilation and instantiation)

Compile: We’ll use the compile function to both manipulate the DOM before it’s rendered and return a link function (that will handle the linking for us). This also is the place to put any methods that need to be shared around with all of the instances of this directive.

link: We’ll use the link function to register all listeners on a specific DOM element (that’s cloned from the template) and set up our bindings to the page.

If set in the compile() function they would only have been set once (which is often what you want). If set in the link() function they would be set every time the HTML element is bound to data in the object.

<div ng-repeat="i in [0,1,2]">
        <div>Inner content</div>

app.directive("simple", function(){
   return {
     restrict: "EA",
     template:"<div>{{label}}<div ng-transclude></div></div>",        
     compile: function(element, attributes){  
     return {
             pre: function(scope, element, attributes, controller, transcludeFn){

             post: function(scope, element, attributes, controller, transcludeFn){

     controller: function($scope){


Compile function returns the pre and post link function. In the pre link function we have the instance template and also the scope from the controller, but yet the template is not bound to scope and still don't have transcluded content.

Post link function is where post link is the last function to execute. Now the transclusion is complete, the template is linked to a scope, and the view will update with data bound values after the next digest cycle. The link option is just a shortcut to setting up a post-link function.

controller: The directive controller can be passed to another directive linking/compiling phase. It can be injected into other directices as a mean to use in inter-directive communication.

You have to specify the name of the directive to be required – It should be bound to same element or its parent. The name can be prefixed with:

? – Will not raise any error if a mentioned directive does not exist.
^ – Will look for the directive on parent elements, if not available on the same element.

Use square bracket [‘directive1', ‘directive2', ‘directive3'] to require multiple directives controller.

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $element) {

app.directive('parentDirective', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    template: '<child-directive></child-directive>',
    controller: function($scope, $element){
      this.variable = "Hi Vinothbabu"

app.directive('childDirective', function() {
  return {
    restrict:  'E',
    template: '<h1>I am child</h1>',
    replace: true,
    require: '^parentDirective',
    link: function($scope, $element, attr, parentDirectCtrl){
      //you now have access to parentDirectCtrl.variable

Add all files to a commit except a single file?

To keep the change in file but not to commit I did this

git add .

git reset -- main/dontcheckmein.txt

git commit -m "commit message"

to verify the file is excluded do

git status

SQL alias for SELECT statement

You could store this into a temporary table.

So instead of doing the CTE/sub query you would use a temp table.

Good article on these here

Recover from git reset --hard?

I just did git reset --hard and lost all my uncommitted changes. Luckily, I use an editor (IntelliJ) and I was able to recover the changes from the Local History. Eclipse should allow you to do the same.

Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

Right click Web.Config => Tab Security => Button Edit => Button Add => Button Advanced => Button Find Now = > In Search results select your group(in our case " IIS_IUSRS") => Ok => Ok=> Ok

JSON post to Spring Controller

Do the following thing if you want to use json as a http request and response. So we need to make changes in [context].xml

<!-- Configure to plugin JSON as request and response in method handler -->
<beans:bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter">
    <beans:property name="messageConverters">
            <beans:ref bean="jsonMessageConverter"/>
<!-- Configure bean to convert JSON to POJO and vice versa -->
<beans:bean id="jsonMessageConverter" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">

MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter to the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter messageConverters so that Jackson API kicks in and converts JSON to Java Beans and vice versa. By having this configuration, we will be using JSON in request body and we will receive JSON data in the response.

I am also providing small code snippet for controller part:

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.DUMMY_EMP, method = RequestMethod.GET)

    public @ResponseBody Employee getDummyEmployee() {"Start getDummyEmployee");
    Employee emp = new Employee();
    emp.setCreatedDate(new Date());
    empData.put(9999, emp);
    return emp;

So in above code emp object will directly convert into json as a response. same will happen for post also.

Convert Time DataType into AM PM Format:

In SQL 2012 you can use the Format() function.

Skip casting if the column type is (datetime).


SELECT FORMAT(StartTime,'hh:mm tt') AS StartTime

Datagrid binding in WPF

Without seeing said object list, I believe you should be binding to the DataGrid's ItemsSource property, not its DataContext.

<DataGrid x:Name="Imported" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding Source=list}"  AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="True">
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="ID" Binding="{Binding ID}"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Date" Binding="{Binding Date}"/>

(This assumes that the element [UserControl, etc.] that contains the DataGrid has its DataContext bound to an object that contains the list collection. The DataGrid is derived from ItemsControl, which relies on its ItemsSource property to define the collection it binds its rows to. Hence, if list isn't a property of an object bound to your control's DataContext, you might need to set both DataContext={Binding list} and ItemsSource={Binding list} on the DataGrid...)

Show or hide element in React

This can also be achieved like this (very easy way)

 class app extends Component {
   state = {
     show: false
 toggle= () => {
   var res =;
   this.setState({ show: !res });
render() {
   <button onClick={ this.toggle }> Toggle </button>
  { ? (<div> HELLO </div>) : null

How can I read the contents of an URL with Python?

from urllib.request import urlopen

# if has Chinese, apply decode()
html = urlopen("").read().decode('utf-8')

What are the ways to make an html link open a folder

Hope it will help someone someday. I was making a small POC and came across this. A button, onClick display contents of the folder. Below is the HTML,

<input type=button onClick="parent.location='file:///C:/Users/' " value='Users'>

What is the difference between, and localhost?

In current version of Jekyll, it defaults to
This is good, if you are connected to a network but do not want anyone else to access your application.

However it may happen that you want to see how your application runs on a mobile or from some other laptop/computer.

In that case, you can use

jekyll serve --host

This binds your application to the host & next use following to connect to it from some other host

http://host's IP adress/4000 

setting multiple column using one update

UPDATE some_table 
   SET this_column=x, that_column=y 
   WHERE something LIKE 'them'

Deleting rows with Python in a CSV file

You should have if row[2] != "0". Otherwise it's not checking to see if the string value is equal to 0.

How to truncate a foreign key constrained table?

As per mysql documentation, TRUNCATE cannot be used on tables with foreign key relationships. There is no complete alternative AFAIK.

Dropping the contraint still does not invoke the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE. The only solution I can ATM think of is to either:

  • delete all rows, drop the foreign keys, truncate, recreate keys
  • delete all rows, reset auto_increment (if used)

It would seem TRUNCATE in MySQL is not a complete feature yet (it also does not invoke triggers). See comment

Any way (or shortcut) to auto import the classes in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse?

Another option is to ask IDEA to behave like eclipse with eclipse shortcut keys. You can use all eclipse shortcuts by enabling this.

Here are the steps:

1- With IDEA open, press Control + `. Following options will be popped up.

enter image description here

2- Select Keymap. You will see another pop-up. Select Eclipse there.

enter image description here

3- Now press Ctrl + Shift + O. You are done!

Convert DataTable to List<T>

you can convert your datatable to list. check the following link

public static class Helper
    public static List<T> DataTableToList<T>(this DataTable dataTable) where T : new()
        var dataList = new List<T>();

        //Define what attributes to be read from the class
        const System.Reflection.BindingFlags flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;

        //Read Attribute Names and Types
        var objFieldNames = typeof(T).GetProperties(flags).Cast<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>().
            Select(item => new
                Name = item.Name,
                Type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(item.PropertyType) ?? item.PropertyType

        //Read Datatable column names and types
        var dtlFieldNames = dataTable.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().
            Select(item => new
                Name = item.ColumnName,
                Type = item.DataType

        foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.AsEnumerable().ToList())
            var classObj = new T();

            foreach (var dtField in dtlFieldNames)
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfos = classObj.GetType().GetProperty(dtField.Name);

                var field = objFieldNames.Find(x => x.Name == dtField.Name);

                if (field != null)

                    if (propertyInfos.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                        (classObj, convertToDateTime(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);
                    else if (propertyInfos.PropertyType == typeof(Nullable<DateTime>))
                        (classObj, convertToDateTime(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);
                    else if (propertyInfos.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                        (classObj, ConvertToInt(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);
                    else if (propertyInfos.PropertyType == typeof(long))
                        (classObj, ConvertToLong(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);
                    else if (propertyInfos.PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                        (classObj, ConvertToDecimal(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);
                    else if (propertyInfos.PropertyType == typeof(String))
                        if (dataRow[dtField.Name].GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                            (classObj, ConvertToDateString(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);
                            (classObj, ConvertToString(dataRow[dtField.Name]), null);

                            (classObj, Convert.ChangeType(dataRow[dtField.Name], propertyInfos.PropertyType), null);

        return dataList;

    private static string ConvertToDateString(object date)
        if (date == null)
            return string.Empty;

        return date == null ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(date).ConvertDate();

    private static string ConvertToString(object value)
        return Convert.ToString(ReturnEmptyIfNull(value));

    private static int ConvertToInt(object value)
        return Convert.ToInt32(ReturnZeroIfNull(value));

    private static long ConvertToLong(object value)
        return Convert.ToInt64(ReturnZeroIfNull(value));

    private static decimal ConvertToDecimal(object value)
        return Convert.ToDecimal(ReturnZeroIfNull(value));

    private static DateTime convertToDateTime(object date)
        return Convert.ToDateTime(ReturnDateTimeMinIfNull(date));

    public static string ConvertDate(this DateTime datetTime, bool excludeHoursAndMinutes = false)
        if (datetTime != DateTime.MinValue)
            if (excludeHoursAndMinutes)
                return datetTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            return datetTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
        return null;
    public static object ReturnEmptyIfNull(this object value)
        if (value == DBNull.Value)
            return string.Empty;
        if (value == null)
            return string.Empty;
        return value;
    public static object ReturnZeroIfNull(this object value)
        if (value == DBNull.Value)
            return 0;
        if (value == null)
            return 0;
        return value;
    public static object ReturnDateTimeMinIfNull(this object value)
        if (value == DBNull.Value)
            return DateTime.MinValue;
        if (value == null)
            return DateTime.MinValue;
        return value;

Git push error: Unable to unlink old (Permission denied)

This is an old question, but this may help Mac users.

If you are copying files from Time Machine manually, instead of restoring them through Time Machine, it'll add ACLs to everything, which can mess up your permissions.

For example, the section in this article that says "How to Fix Mac OS X File Permissions" shows that "everyone" has custom permissions, which messes it all up:

Bad permissions, from

You need to remove the ACLs from those directories/files. This Super User answer goes into it, but here's the command:

sudo chmod -RN .

Then you can make sure your directories and files have the proper permissions. I use 750 for directories and 644 for files.

Is there a way to get a textarea to stretch to fit its content without using PHP or JavaScript?

one line only

<textarea name="text" oninput=' = ""; = this.scrollHeight + "px"'></textarea>

Delete cookie by name?

In order to delete a cookie set the expires date to something in the past. A function that does this would be.

var delete_cookie = function(name) {
    document.cookie = name + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

Then to delete a cookie named roundcube_sessauth just do.


How to embed a YouTube channel into a webpage

In order to embed your channel, all you need to do is copy then paste the following code in another web-page.

<script src=""></script>

Make sure to replace the YourChannelName with your actual channel name.

For example: if your channel name were CaliChick94066 your channel embed code would be:

<script src=""></script>

Please look at the following links:

YouTube on your site

Embed YouTube Channel

You just have to name the URL to your channel name. Also you can play with the height and the border color and size. Hope it helps

ASP.NET email validator regex

For regex, I first look at this web site:

Is there an easy way to convert jquery code to javascript?

This will get you 90% of the way there ; )

window.$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)

For Ajax, the Fetch API is now supported on the current version of every major browser. For $.ready(), DOMContentLoaded has near universal support. You Might Not Need jQuery gives equivalent native methods for other common jQuery functions.

Zepto offers similar functionality but weighs in at 10K zipped. There are custom Ajax builds for jQuery and Zepto as well as some micro frameworks, but jQuery/Zepto have solid support and 10KB is only ~1 second on a 56K modem.

Trigger change event of dropdown

Try this:


Works for me.

On one line together with setting the value: $('#id').val(16).change();

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

If you need to print it and don't need a newline, you can use:

printf $(md5sum filename)

Retrieving the last record in each group - MySQL

  GROUP BY column1) 
ORDER BY column1 ;

Adobe Acrobat Pro make all pages the same dimension

  • Open the PDF in MacOS´ Preview App
  • Chose File menu –> Export as PDF
  • In the export dialog klick the Details button an select your page size
  • Click save

All pages of the resulting document will be scaled to that size. The resulting file size is nearly identical to the original PDF, so I conclude, that image resolutions/compressions are not changed.


  1. I am not sure whether the "Export as PDF" menu item is available by default or only if Adobe Acrobat is installed.

  2. My first trial was to use Preview App and print (!) into a new PDF, but this leads to additional margins around the page content.

IIS_IUSRS and IUSR permissions in IIS8

@EvilDr You can create an IUSR_[identifier] account within your AD environment and let the particular application pool run under that IUSR_[identifier] account:

"Application pool" > "Advanced Settings" > "Identity" > "Custom account"

Set your website to "Applicaton user (pass-through authentication)" and not "Specific user", in the Advanced Settings.

Now give that IUSR_[identifier] the appropriate NTFS permissions on files and folders, for example: modify on companydata.

What is the difference between "screen" and "only screen" in media queries?

To style for many smartphones with smaller screens, you could write:

@media screen and (max-width:480px) { … } 

To block older browsers from seeing an iPhone or Android phone style sheet, you could write:

@media only screen and (max-width: 480px;) { … } 

Read this article for more

Pandas read_csv from url

url = ""
c = pd.read_csv(url, sep = "\t")

Resetting a setTimeout

To reset the timer, you would need to set and clear out the timer variable

$time_out_handle = 0;
$time_out_handle = window.setTimeout( function(){---}, 60000 );

Get path from open file in Python

You can get it like this also.

filepath = os.path.abspath(

How to open an existing project in Eclipse?

If you are trying to import non maven project into eclipse follow the below steps, it worked for me.

first clone project into your machine and follow the below steps to import in eclipse.

Project Explorer -> import -> Git -> Projects from git -> Existing Local repository -> Add -> select project root directory -> (check box) import as general project -> next -> finish


Java SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") gives timezone as IST


The other Answers are outmoded as of Java 8.

Instant                           // Represent a moment in UTC. 
.parse( "2013-09-29T18:46:19Z" )  // Parse text in standard ISO 8601 format where the `Z` means UTC, pronounces “Zulu”.
.atZone(                          // Adjust from UTC to a time zone. 
    ZoneId.of( "Asia/Kolkata" )
)                                 // Returns a `ZonedDateTime` object. 

ISO 8601

Your string format happens to comply with the ISO 8601 standard. This standard defines sensible formats for representing various date-time values as text.


The old java.util.Date/.Calendar and java.text.SimpleDateFormat classes have been supplanted by the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. See Tutorial. Avoid the old classes as they have proven to be poorly designed, confusing, and troublesome.

Part of the poor design in the old classes has bitten you, where the toString method applies the JVM's current default time zone when generating a text representation of the date-time value that is actually in UTC (GMT); well-intentioned but confusing.

The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default when parsing/generating textual representations of date-time values. So no need to specify a parsing pattern.

An Instant is a moment on the timeline in UTC.

Instant instant = Instant.parse( "2013-09-29T18:46:19Z" );

You can apply a time zone as needed to produce a ZonedDateTime object.

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( zoneId );

Table of date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy

Parse query string into an array

This is the PHP code to split query in mysql & mssql

enter code here
function splitquery($strquery)


    echo 'select '.trim($arrquery[$i]);



select '.trim($arrquery[$i]);
        $stry=$stry.trim('select '.trim($arrquery[$i]));


return $stry;


Query before

select xx from xx select xx,(select xx) from xx where y=' cc' select xx from xx left join ( select xx) where (select top 1 xxx from xxx) oder by xxx desc ";

Query after

select xx from xx

select xx,(select xx) from xx where y=' cc'

select xx from xx left join (select xx) where (select top 1 xxx from xxx) oder by xxx desc

Thank you, from Indonesia

How to PUT a json object with an array using curl

Your command line should have a -d/--data inserted before the string you want to send in the PUT, and you want to set the Content-Type and not Accept.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '[JSON]' \

Using the exact JSON data from the question, the full command line would become:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT \
    -d '{"tags":["tag1","tag2"],
         "question":"Which band?",
                    {"id":"a1","answer":"answer2"}]}' \

Note: JSON data wrapped only for readability, not valid for curl request.

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /> Meaning

Modules Preconditions:

The IIS core engine uses preconditions to determine when to enable a particular module. Performance reasons, for example, might determine that you only want to execute managed modules for requests that also go to a managed handler. The precondition in the following example (precondition="managedHandler") only enables the forms authentication module for requests that are also handled by a managed handler, such as requests to .aspx or .asmx files:

<add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

If you remove the attribute precondition="managedHandler", Forms Authentication also applies to content that is not served by managed handlers, such as .html, .jpg, .doc, but also for classic ASP (.asp) or PHP (.php) extensions. See "How to Take Advantage of IIS Integrated Pipeline" for an example of enabling ASP.NET modules to run for all content.

You can also use a shortcut to enable all managed (ASP.NET) modules to run for all requests in your application, regardless of the "managedHandler" precondition.

To enable all managed modules to run for all requests without configuring each module entry to remove the "managedHandler" precondition, use the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests property in the <modules> section:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />    

When you use this property, the "managedHandler" precondition has no effect and all managed modules run for all requests.

Copied from IIS Modules Overview: Preconditions

add scroll bar to table body

If you don't want to wrap a table under any div:

  table-layout: fixed;
      display: block;
    overflow: auto;

plot data from CSV file with matplotlib

I'm guessing

x= data[:,0]
y= data[:,1]

JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize - how to change field names

Json.NET will do what you want (disclaimer: I'm the author of the package). It supports reading DataContract/DataMember attributes as well as its own to change the property names. Also there is the StringEnumConverter class for serializing enum values as the name rather than the number.

How can we stop a running java process through Windows cmd?

When I ran taskkill to stop the javaw.exe process it would say it had terminated but remained running. The jqs process (java qucikstart) needs to be stopped also. Running this batch file took care of the issue.

taskkill /f /im jqs.exe
taskkill /f /im javaw.exe
taskkill /f /im java.exe

phpMyAdmin ERROR: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'pma'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

consider changing host entry to localhost or even the IP address of the server.


How to get char from string by index?

This should further clarify the points:

a = int(raw_input('Enter the index'))
str1 = 'Example'
leng = len(str1)
if (a < (len-1)) and (a > (-len)):
    print str1[a]
    print('Index overflow')

Input 3 Output m

Input -3 Output p

Difference between View and ViewGroup in Android

in ViewGroup you can add some other Views as child. ViewGroup is the base class for layouts and view containers.

How to set selected value from Combobox?

Try this one.

cmbEmployeeStatus.SelectedIndex = cmbEmployeeStatus.FindString(employee.employmentstatus);

Hope that helps. :)

Use of #pragma in C

what i feel is #pragma is a directive where if you want the code to be location specific .say a situation where you want the program counter to read from the specific address where the ISR is written then you can specify ISR at that location using #pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR and followd by interrupt rotines name and its description

A child container failed during start java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException

This issue might also be caused by a broken Maven repository.

I observe the SEVERE: A child container failed during start message from time to time when working with Eclipse. My Eclipse workspace has several projects. Some of the projects have common external dependencies. If Maven repository is empty (or I add new dependencies into pom.xml files), Eclipse starts downloading libraries specified in pom.xml into Maven repository. And Eclipse does that in parallel for several projects in the workspace. It might happen that several Eclipse threads would be downloading the same file simultaneously into the same place in Maven repository. As a result, this file becomes corrupted.

So, this is how you could resolve the issue.

  1. Close your Eclipse.
  2. If you know which specific jar-file is broken in Maven repository, then delete that file.
  3. If you do not know which file is broken in Maven repository, then delete the whole repository (rm -rf $HOME/.m2).
  4. For each project, run mvn package in the command line. It is important to run the command for each project one-by-one, not in parallel; thus, you ensure that only one instance of Maven runs each time.
  5. Open your Eclipse.

How can I check if a MySQL table exists with PHP?

The cleanest way to achieve this in PHP is to simply use DESCRIBE statement.

if ( mysql_query( "DESCRIBE `my_table`" ) ) {
    // my_table exists

I'm not sure why others are posting complicated queries for a such a straight forward problem.


Using PDO

// assuming you have already setup $pdo
$sh = $pdo->prepare( "DESCRIBE `my_table`");
if ( $sh->execute() ) {
    // my_table exists
} else {
    // my_table does not exist    

Sum values from multiple rows using vlookup or index/match functions

You should use Ctrl+shift+enter when using the =SUM(VLOOKUP(A9,A1:D5,{2,3,4,},FALSE)) that results in {=SUM(VLOOKUP(A9,A1:D5,{2,3,4,},FALSE))} en also works.

Go back button in a page

onclick="history.go(-1)" Simply

Force a screen update in Excel VBA

Text boxes in worksheets are sometimes not updated when their text or formatting is changed, and even the DoEvent command does not help.

As there is no command in Excel to refresh a worksheet in the way a user form can be refreshed, it is necessary to use a trick to force Excel to update the screen.

The following commands seem to do the trick:

- ActiveSheet.Calculate    
- ActiveWindow.SmallScroll    
- Application.WindowState = Application.WindowState

Git merge errors

Change branch, discarding all local modifications

git checkout -f 9-sign-in-out 

Rename the current branch to master, discarding current master

git branch -M master 

Spin or rotate an image on hover

You can use CSS3 transitions with rotate() to spin the image on hover.

Rotating image :

img {_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .8s ease-in-out;_x000D_
          transition:         transform .8s ease-in-out;_x000D_
img:hover {_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);_x000D_
          transform: rotate(360deg);_x000D_
<img src="" width="100" height="100"/>

Here is a fiddle DEMO

More info and references :

  • a guide about CSS transitions on MDN
  • a guide about CSS transforms on MDN
  • browser support table for 2d transforms on
  • browser support table for transitions on

How to subtract one month using moment.js?

For substracting in moment.js:

moment().subtract(1, 'months').format('MMM YYYY');


Before version 2.8.0, the moment#subtract(String, Number) syntax was also supported. It has been deprecated in favor of moment#subtract(Number, String).

  moment().subtract('seconds', 1); // Deprecated in 2.8.0
  moment().subtract(1, 'seconds');

As of 2.12.0 when decimal values are passed for days and months, they are rounded to the nearest integer. Weeks, quarters, and years are converted to days or months, and then rounded to the nearest integer.

  moment().subtract(1.5, 'months') == moment().subtract(2, 'months')
  moment().subtract(.7, 'years') == moment().subtract(8, 'months') //.7*12 = 8.4, rounded to 8

$watch'ing for data changes in an Angular directive

My version for a directive that uses jqplot to plot the data once it becomes available:

    app.directive('lineChart', function() {
        $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;

        return function(scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.$watch(attrs.lineChart, function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if (newValue) {
                    // alert(scope.$eval(attrs.lineChart));
                    var plot = $.jqplot(element[0].id, scope.$eval(attrs.lineChart), scope.$eval(attrs.options));

forward declaration of a struct in C?

Try this

#include <stdio.h>

struct context;

struct funcptrs{
  void (*func0)(struct context *ctx);
  void (*func1)(void);

struct context{
    struct funcptrs fps;

void func1 (void) { printf( "1\n" ); }
void func0 (struct context *ctx) { printf( "0\n" ); }

void getContext(struct context *con){
    con->fps.func0 = func0;  
    con->fps.func1 = func1;  

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
 struct context c;
   c.fps.func0 = func0;
   c.fps.func1 = func1;
   return 0;

How to render an array of objects in React?

import React from 'react';

class RentalHome extends React.Component{
        this.state = {
                _id: 1,
                title: "Nice Shahghouse Biryani",
                city: "Hyderabad",
                category: "condo",
                image: "",
                numOfRooms: 4,
                shared: true,
                description: "Very nice apartment in center of the city.",
                dailyPrice: 43
                _id: 2,
                title: "Modern apartment in center",
                city: "Bangalore",
                category: "apartment",
                image: "",
                numOfRooms: 1,
                shared: false,
                description: "Very nice apartment in center of the city.",
                dailyPrice: 11
                _id: 3,
                title: "Old house in nature",
                city: "Patna",
                category: "house",
                image: "",
                numOfRooms: 5,
                shared: true,
                description: "Very nice apartment in center of the city.",
                dailyPrice: 23
        const {rentals} = this.state;
            <div className="card-list">
                <div className="container">
                    <h1 className="page-title">Your Home All Around the World</h1>
                    <div className="row">
                                    <div key={rental._id} className="col-md-3">
                                        <div className="card bwm-card">
                                        alt={rental.title} />
                                        <div className="card-body">
                                        <h6 className="card-subtitle mb-0 text-muted">
                                            {rental.shared} {rental.category} {}
                                        <h5 className="card-title big-font">
                                        <p className="card-text">
                                            ${rental.dailyPrice} per Night &#183; Free Cancelation

export default RentalHome;

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

I came across same old issue and found below code more understandable which is in a way per above solutions.

std::set<int*>::iterator beginIt = listOfInts.begin();
while(beginIt != listOfInts.end())
    // Use your member

    // delete the object
    delete (*beginIt);

    // erase item from vector
    listOfInts.erase(beginIt );

    // re-calculate the begin
    beginIt = listOfInts.begin();