[javascript] Delete cookie by name?

How can I delete a specific cookie with the name roundcube_sessauth?

Shouldn't the following:

function del_cookie(name) {
    document.cookie = 'roundcube_sessauth' + 
    '=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT;';

And then:

<a href="javascript:del_cookie(name);">KILL</a>

Kill the roundcube_sessauth cookie?

This question is related to javascript cookies

The answer is

//if passed exMins=0 it will delete as soon as it creates it.

function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exMins) {
    var d = new Date();
    d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exMins*60*1000));
    var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();  
    document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";

setCookie('cookieNameToDelete','',0) // this will delete the cookie.

In order to delete a cookie set the expires date to something in the past. A function that does this would be.

var delete_cookie = function(name) {
    document.cookie = name + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

Then to delete a cookie named roundcube_sessauth just do.


In my case I used blow code for different environment.

  document.cookie = name +`=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;Domain=.${document.domain.split('.').splice(1).join('.')}`;

You can try this solution

var d = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = 'COOKIE_NAME' + "=" + "" + ";domain=domain.com;path=/;" + expires;

I'm not really sure if that was the situation with Roundcube version from May '12, but for current one the answer is that you can't delete roundcube_sessauth cookie from JavaScript, as it is marked as HttpOnly. And this means it's not accessible from JS client side code and can be removed only by server side script or by direct user action (via some browser mechanics like integrated debugger or some plugin).