I find this Java version manager called Jabba recently and the usage is very similar to version managers of other languages like rvm(ruby), nvm(node), pyenv(python), etc. Also it's cross platform so definitely it can be used on Mac.
After installation, it will create a dir in ~/.jabba to put all the Java versions you install. It "Supports installation of Oracle JDK (default) / Server JRE, Zulu OpenJDK (since 0.3.0), IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition (since 0.6.0) and from custom URLs.".
Basic usage is listed on their Github. A quick summary to start:
curl -sL https://github.com/shyiko/jabba/raw/master/install.sh | bash && . ~/.jabba/jabba.sh
# install Oracle JDK
jabba install 1.8 # "jabba use 1.8" will be called automatically
jabba install 1.7 # "jabba use 1.7" will be called automatically
# list all installed JDK's
jabba ls
# switch to a different version of JDK
jabba use 1.8