[javascript] Show or hide element in React

In some cases higher order component might be useful:

Create higher order component:

export var HidableComponent = (ComposedComponent) => class extends React.Component {
    render() {
        if ((this.props.shouldHide!=null && this.props.shouldHide()) || this.props.hidden)
            return null;
        return <ComposedComponent {...this.props}  />;

Extend your own component:

export const MyComp= HidableComponent(MyCompBasic);

Then you can use it like this:

<MyComp hidden={true} ... />
<MyComp shouldHide={this.props.useSomeFunctionHere} ... />

This reduces a bit boilerplate and enforces sticking to naming conventions, however please be aware of that MyComp will still be instantiated - the way to omit is was mentioned earlier:

{ !hidden && <MyComp ... /> }