Just for reference, here is an example Singleton implementation of Jack Wu/hpique's Nested Struct implementation. The implementation also shows how archiving could work, as well as some accompanying functions. I couldn't find this complete of an example, so hopefully this helps somebody!
import Foundation
class ItemStore: NSObject {
class var sharedStore : ItemStore {
struct Singleton {
// lazily initiated, thread-safe from "let"
static let instance = ItemStore()
return Singleton.instance
var _privateItems = Item[]()
// The allItems property can't be changed by other objects
var allItems: Item[] {
return _privateItems
init() {
let path = itemArchivePath
// Returns "nil" if there is no file at the path
let unarchivedItems : AnyObject! = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithFile(path)
// If there were archived items saved, set _privateItems for the shared store equal to that
if unarchivedItems {
_privateItems = unarchivedItems as Array<Item>
delayOnMainQueueFor(numberOfSeconds: 0.1, action: {
assert(self === ItemStore.sharedStore, "Only one instance of ItemStore allowed!")
func createItem() -> Item {
let item = Item.randomItem()
return item
func removeItem(item: Item) {
for (index, element) in enumerate(_privateItems) {
if element === item {
// Delete an items image from the image store when the item is
// getting deleted
func moveItemAtIndex(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {
_privateItems.moveObjectAtIndex(fromIndex, toIndex: toIndex)
var itemArchivePath: String {
// Create a filepath for archiving
let documentDirectories = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true)
// Get the one document directory from that list
let documentDirectory = documentDirectories[0] as String
// append with the items.archive file name, then return
return documentDirectory.stringByAppendingPathComponent("items.archive")
func saveChanges() -> Bool {
let path = itemArchivePath
// Return "true" on success
return NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(_privateItems, toFile: path)
And if you didn't recognize some of those functions, here is a little living Swift utility file I've been using:
import Foundation
import UIKit
typealias completionBlock = () -> ()
extension Array {
func contains(#object:AnyObject) -> Bool {
return self.bridgeToObjectiveC().containsObject(object)
func indexOf(#object:AnyObject) -> Int {
return self.bridgeToObjectiveC().indexOfObject(object)
mutating func moveObjectAtIndex(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {
if ((fromIndex == toIndex) || (fromIndex > self.count) ||
(toIndex > self.count)) {
// Get object being moved so it can be re-inserted
let object = self[fromIndex]
// Remove object from array
// Insert object in array at new location
self.insert(object, atIndex: toIndex)
func delayOnMainQueueFor(numberOfSeconds delay:Double, action closure:()->()) {
Int64(delay * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))
dispatch_get_main_queue()) {