Programs & Examples On #Java me

Java Platform, Micro Edition, or Java ME, is a Java platform designed for embedded systems.

Extract source code from .jar file

Your JAR may contain source and javadoc, in which case you can simply use jar xf my.jar to extract them.

Otherwise you can use a decompiler as mentioned in adarshr's answer:

Use JD GUI. Open the application, drag and drop your JAR file into it.

How do I convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in Java?

Here is a function to convert UNICODE (ISO_8859_1) to UTF-8

public static String String_ISO_8859_1To_UTF_8(String strISO_8859_1) {
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < strISO_8859_1.length(); i++) {
  final char ch = strISO_8859_1.charAt(i);
  if (ch <= 127) 
      stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02x", (int)ch));
String s = stringBuilder.toString();
int len = s.length();
byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
    data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
                         + Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16));
String strUTF_8 =new String(data, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return strUTF_8;


String strA_ISO_8859_1_i = new String("??????".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);

System.out.println("ISO_8859_1 strA est = "+ strA_ISO_8859_1_i + "\n String_ISO_8859_1To_UTF_8 = " + String_ISO_8859_1To_UTF_8(strA_ISO_8859_1_i));


ISO_8859_1 strA est = اÙغÙا٠String_ISO_8859_1To_UTF_8 = ??????

Difference between volatile and synchronized in Java

synchronized is method level/block level access restriction modifier. It will make sure that one thread owns the lock for critical section. Only the thread,which own a lock can enter synchronized block. If other threads are trying to access this critical section, they have to wait till current owner releases the lock.

volatile is variable access modifier which forces all threads to get latest value of the variable from main memory. No locking is required to access volatile variables. All threads can access volatile variable value at same time.

A good example to use volatile variable : Date variable.

Assume that you have made Date variable volatile. All the threads, which access this variable always get latest data from main memory so that all threads show real (actual) Date value. You don't need different threads showing different time for same variable. All threads should show right Date value.

enter image description here

Have a look at this article for better understanding of volatile concept.

Lawrence Dol cleary explained your read-write-update query.

Regarding your other queries

When is it more suitable to declare variables volatile than access them through synchronized?

You have to use volatile if you think all threads should get actual value of the variable in real time like the example I have explained for Date variable.

Is it a good idea to use volatile for variables that depend on input?

Answer will be same as in first query.

Refer to this article for better understanding.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Java for a Complete Newbie?

I worked with some self-taught programmers who read stuff like "learn javascript in 0.01 days". Everyday was worth it's share of

Besides, at a job inteview you get asked "how much javascript experience do you have?", your answer "0.01 days".

so good luck but I hope our path won't cross before a few more years

Difference between Java SE/EE/ME?

Yes, you should start with Java SE. Java EE is for web applications and Java ME is for mobile applications--both of these build off of SE.

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations

J2ME Map Route Provider has a navigation service which can provide you route information in KML format.

To get kml file we need to form url with start and destination locations:

public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
                            double toLat, double toLon) {// connect to map web service
    StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer();
    urlString.append("&saddr=");// from
    urlString.append("&daddr=");// to
    return urlString.toString();

Next you will need to parse xml (implemented with SAXParser) and fill data structures:

public class Point {
    String mName;
    String mDescription;
    String mIconUrl;
    double mLatitude;
    double mLongitude;

public class Road {
    public String mName;
    public String mDescription;
    public int mColor;
    public int mWidth;
    public double[][] mRoute = new double[][] {};
    public Point[] mPoints = new Point[] {};

Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry, so you will have to first form url:

 public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
     double toLat, double toLon)

then create connection with this url and get InputStream.
Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure:

 public static Road getRoute(InputStream is) 

Full source code


class MapPathScreen extends MainScreen {
    MapControl map;
    Road mRoad = new Road();
    public MapPathScreen() {
        double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
        double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
        String url = RoadProvider.getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
        InputStream is = getConnection(url);
        mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);
        map = new MapControl();
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mName));
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mDescription));
    protected void onUiEngineAttached(boolean attached) {
        if (attached) {
    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        HttpConnection urlConnection = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            urlConnection = (HttpConnection);
            is = urlConnection.openInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteBlackBerryEx on Google Code


Android G1 screenshot

public class MapRouteActivity extends MapActivity {
    LinearLayout linearLayout;
    MapView mapView;
    private Road mRoad;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
                double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
                String url = RoadProvider
                        .getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
                InputStream is = getConnection(url);
                mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);

    Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
            TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
            textView.setText(mRoad.mName + " " + mRoad.mDescription);
            MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay(mRoad, mapView);
            List<Overlay> listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();

    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            URLConnection conn = new URL(url).openConnection();
            is = conn.getInputStream();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;
    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
        return false;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteAndroidEx on Google Code

How to get access to raw resources that I put in res folder?

InputStream in = getResources().openRawResource(resourceName);

This will work correctly. Before that you have to create the xml file / text file in raw resource. Then it will be accessible.

Some times com.andriod.R will be imported if there is any error in layout file or image names. So You have to import package correctly, then only the raw file will be accessible.

Convert a JSON string to object in Java ME?

I used a few of them and my favorite is,

The library is very small so it's perfect for J2ME.

You can parse JSON into Java object in one line like this,

JSONObject json = (JSONObject)new JSONParser().parse("{\"name\":\"MyNode\", \"width\":200, \"height\":100}");
System.out.println("name=" + json.get("name"));
System.out.println("width=" + json.get("width"));

Find all packages installed with easy_install/pip?

At least for Ubuntu (maybe also others) works this (inspired by a previous post in this thread):

printf "Installed with pip:";
pip list 2>/dev/null | gawk '{print $1;}' | while read; do pip show "${REPLY}" 2>/dev/null | grep 'Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages' >/dev/null; if (( $? == 0 )); then printf " ${REPLY}"; fi; done; echo

How do I pass multiple ints into a vector at once?

using vector::insert (const_iterator position, initializer_list il);

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
  std::vector<int> vec;
  return 0;

Algorithm to compare two images

It is indeed much less simple than it seems :-) Nick's suggestion is a good one.

To get started, keep in mind that any worthwhile comparison method will essentially work by converting the images into a different form -- a form which makes it easier to pick similar features out. Usually, this stuff doesn't make for very light reading ...

One of the simplest examples I can think of is simply using the color space of each image. If two images have highly similar color distributions, then you can be reasonably sure that they show the same thing. At least, you can have enough certainty to flag it, or do more testing. Comparing images in color space will also resist things such as rotation, scaling, and some cropping. It won't, of course, resist heavy modification of the image or heavy recoloring (and even a simple hue shift will be somewhat tricky).

Another example involves something called the Hough Transform. This transform essentially decomposes an image into a set of lines. You can then take some of the 'strongest' lines in each image and see if they line up. You can do some extra work to try and compensate for rotation and scaling too -- and in this case, since comparing a few lines is MUCH less computational work than doing the same to entire images -- it won't be so bad.

WebSockets and Apache proxy : how to configure mod_proxy_wstunnel?

With help from these answers, I finally got reverse proxy for Node-RED running on a Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu Mate and Apache2 working, using this Apache2 site config:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
    RewriteRule /(.*)           ws://localhost:1880/$1 [P,L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket [NC]
    RewriteRule /(.*)           http://localhost:1880/$1 [P,L]

I also had to enable modules like this:

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel

How to make div appear in front of another?

The black div will display the full 500px unless overflow:hidden is set on the 100px li

Automatic HTTPS connection/redirect with node.js/express

As of 0.4.12 we have no real clean way of listening for HTTP & HTTPS on the same port using Node's HTTP/HTTPS servers.

Some people have solved this issue by having having Node's HTTPS server (this works with Express.js as well) listen to 443 (or some other port) and also have a small http server bind to 80 and redirect users to the secure port.

If you absolutely have to be able to handle both protocols on a single port then you need to put nginx, lighttpd, apache, or some other web server on that port and have act as a reverse proxy for Node.

CSS Outside Border

Try the outline property W3Schools - CSS Outline

Outline will not interfere with widths and lenghts of the elements/divs!

Please click the link I provided at the bottom to see working demos of the the different ways you can make borders, and inner/inline borders, even ones that do not disrupt the dimensions of the element! No need to add extra divs every time, as mentioned in another answer!

You can also combine borders with outlines, and if you like, box-shadows (also shown via link)

   <style type="text/css" ref="stylesheet">
      div {
        outline:1px solid black;

Usually by default, 'border:' puts the border on the outside of the width, measurement, adding to the overall dimensions, unless you use the 'inset' value:

div {border: inset solid 1px black};

But 'outline:' is an extra border outside of the border, and of course still adds extra width/length to the element.

Hope this helps

PS: I also was inspired to make this for you : Using borders, outlines, and box-shadows

How to add a custom CA Root certificate to the CA Store used by pip in Windows?

On Windows, I solved it by creating a pip.ini file in %APPDATA%\pip\

e.g. C:\Users\asmith\AppData\Roaming\pip\pip.ini

In the pip.ini I put the path to my certificate:

cert=C:\Users\asmith\SSL\teco-ca.crt has more information about the configuration file.

Sending a JSON HTTP POST request from Android

Posting parameters Using POST:-

URL url;
URLConnection urlConn;
DataOutputStream printout;
DataInputStream  input;
url = new URL (getCodeBase().toString() + "env.tcgi");
urlConn = url.openConnection();
urlConn.setDoInput (true);
urlConn.setDoOutput (true);
urlConn.setUseCaches (false);
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Host", "");
//Create JSONObject here
JSONObject jsonParam = new JSONObject();
jsonParam.put("ID", "25");
jsonParam.put("description", "Real");
jsonParam.put("enable", "true");

The part which you missed is in the the following... i.e., as follows..

// Send POST output.
printout = new DataOutputStream(urlConn.getOutputStream ());
printout.flush ();
printout.close ();

The rest of the thing you can do it.

Angular 4 HttpClient Query Parameters

A more concise solution:

this._Http.get(`${API_URL}/api/v1/data/logs`, { 
    params: {
      logNamespace: logNamespace

MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap

In reply to Dimitrys answer but using Ajax.BeginForm the following works at least with MVC >5 (4 not tested).

  1. write a model as shown in the other answers,

  2. In the "parent view" you will probably use a table to show the data. Model should be an ienumerable. I assume, the model has an id-property. Howeverm below the template, a placeholder for the modal and corresponding javascript

    @foreach (var item in Model)
        <tr> <td id="[email protected]"> 
            @Html.Partial("dataRowView", item)
        </td> </tr>
    <div class="modal fade" id="editor-container" tabindex="-1" 
         role="dialog" aria-labelledby="editor-title">
        <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document">
            <div class="modal-content" id="editor-content-container"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            $('.editor-container').click(function () {
                var url = "/area/controller/MyEditAction";  
                var id = $(this).attr('data-id');  
                $.get(url + '/' + id, function (data) {
        function success(data,status,xhr) {
        function failure(xhr,status,error) {

note the "editor-success-id" in data table rows.

  1. The dataRowView is a partial containing the presentation of an model's item.

    @model ModelView
        var item = Model;
    <div class="row">
            // some data 
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger editor-container" data-id="@item.Id">Edit</button>
  2. Write the partial view that is called by clicking on row's button (via JS $('.editor-container').click(function () ... ).

    @model Model
    <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <h4 class="modal-title" id="editor-title">Title</h4>
    @using (Ajax.BeginForm("MyEditAction", "Controller", FormMethod.Post,
                        new AjaxOptions
                            InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                            HttpMethod = "POST",
                            UpdateTargetId = "editor-success-" + @Model.Id,
                            OnSuccess = "success",
                            OnFailure = "failure",
        @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Id)
        <div class="modal-body">
            <div class="form-horizontal">
                // Models input fields
        <div class="modal-footer">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>

This is where magic happens: in AjaxOptions, UpdateTargetId will replace the data row after editing, onfailure and onsuccess will control the modal.

This is, the modal will only close when editing was successful and there have been no errors, otherwise the modal will be displayed after the ajax-posting to display error messages, e.g. the validation summary.

But how to get ajaxform to know if there is an error? This is the controller part, just change response.statuscode as below in step 5:

  1. the corresponding controller action method for the partial edit modal

    public async Task<ActionResult> EditPartData(Guid? id)
        // Find the data row and return the edit form
        Model input = await db.Models.FindAsync(id);
        return PartialView("EditModel", input);
    [HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
    public async Task<ActionResult> MyEditAction([Bind(Include =
       "Id,Fields,...")] ModelView input)
        if (TryValidateModel(input))
            // save changes, return new data row  
            // status code is something in 200-range
            db.Entry(input).State = EntityState.Modified;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
            return PartialView("dataRowView", (ModelView)input);
        // set the "error status code" that will redisplay the modal
        Response.StatusCode = 400;
        // and return the edit form, that will be displayed as a 
        // modal again - including the modelstate errors!
        return PartialView("EditModel", (Model)input);

This way, if an error occurs while editing Model data in a modal window, the error will be displayed in the modal with validationsummary methods of MVC; but if changes were committed successfully, the modified data table will be displayed and the modal window disappears.

Note: you get ajaxoptions working, you need to tell your bundles configuration to bind jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js (may be installed by NuGet):

        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryajax").Include(

What is tail call optimization?

Tail-call optimization is where you are able to avoid allocating a new stack frame for a function because the calling function will simply return the value that it gets from the called function. The most common use is tail-recursion, where a recursive function written to take advantage of tail-call optimization can use constant stack space.

Scheme is one of the few programming languages that guarantee in the spec that any implementation must provide this optimization, so here are two examples of the factorial function in Scheme:

(define (fact x)
  (if (= x 0) 1
      (* x (fact (- x 1)))))

(define (fact x)
  (define (fact-tail x accum)
    (if (= x 0) accum
        (fact-tail (- x 1) (* x accum))))
  (fact-tail x 1))

The first function is not tail recursive because when the recursive call is made, the function needs to keep track of the multiplication it needs to do with the result after the call returns. As such, the stack looks as follows:

(fact 3)
(* 3 (fact 2))
(* 3 (* 2 (fact 1)))
(* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact 0))))
(* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1)))
(* 3 (* 2 1))
(* 3 2)

In contrast, the stack trace for the tail recursive factorial looks as follows:

(fact 3)
(fact-tail 3 1)
(fact-tail 2 3)
(fact-tail 1 6)
(fact-tail 0 6)

As you can see, we only need to keep track of the same amount of data for every call to fact-tail because we are simply returning the value we get right through to the top. This means that even if I were to call (fact 1000000), I need only the same amount of space as (fact 3). This is not the case with the non-tail-recursive fact, and as such large values may cause a stack overflow.

Disable EditText blinking cursor

The problem with setting cursor visibility to true and false may be a problem since it removes the cursor until you again set it again and at the same time field is editable which is not good user experience.

so instead of using


just do it like this


The above code removes the focus which in turn removes the cursor. And enables it again so that you can again touch it and able to edit it. Just like normal user experience.

Parse Error: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag

There is a rule in react that a JSX expression must have exactly one outermost element.


const para = (


const para = (

Is there a command to restart computer into safe mode?

In the command prompt, type the command below and press Enter.

bcdedit /enum

Under the Windows Boot Loader sections, make note of the identifier value.

To start in safe mode from command prompt :

bcdedit /set {identifier} safeboot minimal 

Then enter the command line to reboot your computer.

How can I count occurrences with groupBy?

I think you're just looking for the overload which takes another Collector to specify what to do with each group... and then Collectors.counting() to do the counting:

import java.util.*;

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();


        Map<String, Long> counted =
            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));



{Hello=2, World=1}

(There's also the possibility of using groupingByConcurrent for more efficiency. Something to bear in mind for your real code, if it would be safe in your context.)

How can I run a directive after the dom has finished rendering?

there is a ngcontentloaded event, I think you can use it

.directive('directiveExample', function(){
   return {
       restrict: 'A',
       link: function(scope, elem, attrs){

                $$window = $ $window

                init = function(){
                    contentHeight = elem.outerHeight()
                    //do the things



Comparing two joda DateTime instances

DateTime inherits its equals method from AbstractInstant. It is implemented as such

public boolean equals(Object readableInstant) {     // must be to fulfil ReadableInstant contract     if (this == readableInstant) {         return true;     }     if (readableInstant instanceof ReadableInstant == false) {         return false;     }     ReadableInstant otherInstant = (ReadableInstant) readableInstant;     return         getMillis() == otherInstant.getMillis() &&         FieldUtils.equals(getChronology(), otherInstant.getChronology()); } 

Notice the last line comparing chronology. It's possible your instances' chronologies are different.

Change Text Color of Selected Option in a Select Box


Just to register my experience, where I wanted to set only the color of the selected option to a specific one.

I first tried to set by css only the color of the selected option with no success.

Then, after trying some combinations, this has worked for me with SCSS:

select {
      color: white; // color of the selected option

      option {
        color: black; // color of all the other options

Take a look at a working example with only CSS:

select {_x000D_
  color: yellow; // color of the selected option_x000D_
select option {_x000D_
  color: black; // color of all the other options_x000D_
<select id="mySelect">_x000D_
    <option value="apple" >Apple</option>_x000D_
    <option value="banana" >Banana</option>_x000D_
    <option value="grape" >Grape</option>_x000D_

For different colors, depending on the selected option, you'll have to deal with js.

Recursively list files in Java

Example outputs *.csv files in directory recursive searching Subdirectories using Files.find() from java.nio:

String path = "C:/Daten/ibiss/ferret/";
    logger.debug("Path:" + path);
    try (Stream<Path> fileList = Files.find(Paths.get(path), Integer.MAX_VALUE,
            (filePath, fileAttr) -> fileAttr.isRegularFile() && filePath.toString().endsWith("csv"))) {
        List<String> someThingNew = fileList.sorted().map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());
        for (String t : someThingNew) {
            logger.debug("Filename:" + t);


Posting this example, as I had trouble understanding howto pass the filename parameter in the #1 example given by Bryan, using foreach on Stream-result -

Hope this helps.

How do I change the title of the "back" button on a Navigation Bar

For those using storyboards just select the parent (not the one that is holding target view) view controller frame (be sure you click right on the Navigation bar, then open attributes inspector, where you'll find three form inputs. The third one "back button" is that we are looking for.

How to create a trie in Python

from collections import defaultdict

Define Trie:

_trie = lambda: defaultdict(_trie)

Create Trie:

trie = _trie()
for s in ["cat", "bat", "rat", "cam"]:
    curr = trie
    for c in s:
        curr = curr[c]


def word_exist(trie, word):
    curr = trie
    for w in word:
        if w not in curr:
            return False
        curr = curr[w]
    return '_end' in curr


print(word_exist(trie, 'cam'))

How to get second-highest salary employees in a table

select MAX(Salary) from Employee WHERE Salary NOT IN (select MAX(Salary) from Employee );

How to add buttons like refresh and search in ToolBar in Android?

Add this line at the top:


and then use:


How does autowiring work in Spring?

Keep in mind that you must enable the @Autowired annotation by adding element <context:annotation-config/> into the spring configuration file. This will register the AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor which takes care the processing of annotation.

And then you can autowire your service by using the field injection method.

public class YourController{

 private UserService userService; 


I found this from the post Spring @autowired annotation

Integrating Dropzone.js into existing HTML form with other fields

I want to contribute an answer here as I too have faced the same issue - we want the $_FILES element available as part of the same post as another form. My answer is based on @mrtnmgs however notes the comments added to that question.

Firstly: Dropzone posts its data via ajax

Just because you use the formData.append option still means that you must tackle the UX actions - i.e. this all happens behind the scenes and isn't a typical form post. Data is posted to your url parameter.

Secondly: If you therefore want to mimic a form post you will need to store the posted data

This requires server side code to store your $_POST or $_FILES in a session which is available to the user on another page load as the user will not go to the page where the posted data is received.

Thirdly: You need to redirect the user to the page where this data is actioned

Now you have posted your data, stored it in a session, you need to display/action it for the user in an additional page. You need to send the user to that page as well.

So for my example:

[Dropzone code: Uses Jquery]

    url:        base_url+'admin/saveProject',
    maxFiles:   1,
    uploadMultiple: false,
    addRemoveLinks: true,
    init:       function(){
        dzClosure = this;

        $('#projectActionBtn').on('click',function(e) {
            dzClosure.processQueue(); /* My button isn't a submit */

        // My project only has 1 file hence not sendingmultiple
        dzClosure.on('sending', function(data, xhr, formData) {
            $('#add_user input[type="text"],#add_user textarea').each(function(){

            window.location.href = base_url+'admin/saveProject';

How to make connection to Postgres via Node.js

We can also use postgresql-easy. It is built on node-postgres and sqlutil. Note: pg_connection.js & your_handler.js are in the same folder. db.js is in the config folder placed.


const PgConnection = require('postgresql-easy');
const dbConfig = require('./config/db');
const pg = new PgConnection(dbConfig);
module.exports = pg;


module.exports =  {
  database: 'your db',
  host: 'your host',
  port: 'your port',
  user: 'your user',
  password: 'your pwd',


  const pg_conctn = require('./pg_connection');

  pg_conctn.getAll('your table')
    .then(res => {
    .catch(e => {

How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid

I spent the better part of a day fiddling with this problem. Turned out the RowBackground Property on the DataGrid - which I had set - was overriding all attempts to change it in . As soon as I deleted it, everything worked. (Same goes for Foreground set in DataGridTextColumn, by the way).

Running Groovy script from the command line

sed '1,2d' "$0"|$(which groovy) /dev/stdin; exit;


Where are static variables stored in C and C++?

The answer might very well depend on the compiler, so you probably want to edit your question (I mean, even the notion of segments is not mandated by ISO C nor ISO C++). For instance, on Windows an executable doesn't carry symbol names. One 'foo' would be offset 0x100, the other perhaps 0x2B0, and code from both translation units is compiled knowing the offsets for "their" foo.

Deleting an object in java?

Your C++ is showing.

There is no delete in java, and all objects are created on the heap. The JVM has a garbage collector that relies on reference counts.

Once there are no more references to an object, it becomes available for collection by the garbage collector.

myObject = null may not do it; for example:

Foo myObject = new Foo(); // 1 reference
Foo myOtherObject = myObject; // 2 references
myObject = null; // 1 reference

All this does is set the reference myObject to null, it does not affect the object myObject once pointed to except to simply decrement the reference count by 1. Since myOtherObject still refers to that object, it is not yet available to be collected.

Is there a CSS selector for the first direct child only?

CSS is called Cascading Style Sheets because the rules are inherited. Using the following selector, will select just the direct child of the parent, but its rules will be inherited by that div's children divs:

div.section > div { color: red }

Now, both that div and its children will be red. You need to cancel out whatever you set on the parent if you don't want it to inherit:

div.section > div { color: red }
div.section > div div { color: black }

Now only that single div that is a direct child of div.section will be red, but its children divs will still be black.

Replacing objects in array

Considering that the accepted answer is probably inefficient for large arrays, O(nm), I usually prefer this approach, O(2n + 2m):

function mergeArrays(arr1 = [], arr2 = []){
    //Creates an object map of id to object in arr1
    const arr1Map = arr1.reduce((acc, o) => {
        acc[] = o;
        return acc;
    }, {});
    //Updates the object with corresponding id in arr1Map from arr2, 
    //creates a new object if none exists (upsert)
    arr2.forEach(o => {
        arr1Map[] = o;

    //Return the merged values in arr1Map as an array
    return Object.values(arr1Map);

Unit test:

it('Merges two arrays using id as the key', () => {
   var arr1 = [{id:'124',name:'qqq'}, {id:'589',name:'www'}, {id:'45',name:'eee'}, {id:'567',name:'rrr'}];
   var arr2 = [{id:'124',name:'ttt'}, {id:'45',name:'yyy'}];
   const actual = mergeArrays(arr1, arr2);
   const expected = [{id:'124',name:'ttt'}, {id:'589',name:'www'}, {id:'45',name:'yyy'}, {id:'567',name:'rrr'}];
   expect(actual.sort((a, b) => ( < -1: 1)).toEqual(expected.sort((a, b) => ( < -1: 1));

dbms_lob.getlength() vs. length() to find blob size in oracle

length and dbms_lob.getlength return the number of characters when applied to a CLOB (Character LOB). When applied to a BLOB (Binary LOB), dbms_lob.getlength will return the number of bytes, which may differ from the number of characters in a multi-byte character set.

As the documentation doesn't specify what happens when you apply length on a BLOB, I would advise against using it in that case. If you want the number of bytes in a BLOB, use dbms_lob.getlength.

How to JUnit test that two List<E> contain the same elements in the same order?

For excellent code-readability, Fest Assertions has nice support for asserting lists

So in this case, something like:

Assertions.assertThat(returnedComponents).containsExactly("One", "Two", "Three");

Or make the expected list to an array, but I prefer the above approach because it's more clear.


iOS detect if user is on an iPad

Many ways to do that in Swift:

We check the model below (we can only do a case sensitive search here):

class func isUserUsingAnIpad() -> Bool {
    let deviceModel = UIDevice.currentDevice().model
    let result: Bool = NSString(string: deviceModel).containsString("iPad")
    return result

We check the model below (we can do a case sensitive/insensitive search here):

    class func isUserUsingAnIpad() -> Bool {
        let deviceModel = UIDevice.currentDevice().model
        let deviceModelNumberOfCharacters: Int = count(deviceModel)
        if deviceModel.rangeOfString("iPad",
                                     options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch,
                                     range: Range<String.Index>(start: deviceModel.startIndex,
                                                                end: advance(deviceModel.startIndex, deviceModelNumberOfCharacters)),
                                     locale: nil) != nil {
            return true
        } else {
            return false

UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom below only returns iPad if the app is for iPad or Universal. If it is an iPhone app being ran on an iPad then it won't. So you should instead check the model. :

    class func isUserUsingAnIpad() -> Bool {
        if UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad {
            return true
        } else {
            return false

This snippet below does not compile if the class does not inherit of an UIViewController, otherwise it works just fine. Regardless UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() only returns iPad if the app is for iPad or Universal. If it is an iPhone app being ran on an iPad then it won't. So you should instead check the model. :

class func isUserUsingAnIpad() -> Bool {
    if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

Disable button after click to prevent double clicking

You can do this with javascript. in your form tag, onsubmit="javascript:this.getElementById("submitButton").disabled='true';"

Why am I getting the error "connection refused" in Python? (Sockets)

try this command in terminal:

sudo ufw enable
ufw allow 12397

Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101. IE

wrap your entire code block in this:


//code here


also make sure to specify the type of script to be text/javascript

try that and let me know how it goes

Why is the <center> tag deprecated in HTML?

The Least Popular Answer

  1. A deprecated tag is not necessarily a bad tag;
  2. There are tags that deal with presentation logic, center is one of them;
  3. A center tag is not the same as a div with text-align:center;
  4. The fact that you have another way to do something doesn't make it invalid.

Let me explain because there are notorious downvoters here who will think I'm defending oldschool HTML4 or something. No I'm not. But the debate around center is simply a trend war, there is no real reason to ditch a tag that serves a valid purpose well.

So let's see the major arguments against it.

  • "It describes presentation, not semantics!"
    No. It describes a logical arrangement - and yes, it has a default appearance, just as other tags like <p> or <ul> do. But the point is the enclosed part's relation to its surroundings. Center says "this is something we separate by visually different positioning".

  • "It's not valid"
    Yes it is. It's just deprecated, as in, could be removed later. For 15+ years now. And it's not going anywhere, apparently. There are major sites (including that use this tag because it's very readable and to the point - and those are the same reasons we like HTML5 tags for.

  • "It's not supported in HTML5"
    It's one of the most widely supported tags, actually. MDN says "its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time" - good point, but that day may never come, to quote a classic. Center was already deprecated in like 2004 or so - it's still here and still useful.

  • "It's oldschool"
    Shoelaces are oldschool too. New methods don't invalidate the old. You want to feel progressive and modern: fine. But don't make it the law.

  • "It's stupid / awkward / lame / tells a story about you"
    None of these. It's like a hammer: one tool for a specific job. There are other tools for the same job and other jobs for the same tool; but it was created to solve a certain problem and that problem is still around so we might as well just use a dedicated solution.

  • "You shouldn't do this, because, CSS"
    Centering can absolutely be achieved by CSS but that's just one way, not the only one, let alone the only appropriate one. Anything that's supported, working and readable should be ok to use. Also, the same argument happened before flexboxes and CSS grids, which is funny because back then there was no CSS way to achieve what center did. No, text-align:center is not the same. No, margin:auto is not the same. Anyone who argued against center tags before flexbox simply didn't know enough about CSS.


The only reason not to use <center> is because people will hate you.

Add an index (numeric ID) column to large data frame

You can add a sequence of numbers very easily with

data$ID <-

If you are already using library(tidyverse), you can use

data <- tibble::rowid_to_column(data, "ID")

Using print statements only to debug

Use the logging built-in library module instead of printing.

You create a Logger object (say logger), and then after that, whenever you insert a debug print, you just put:

logger.debug("Some string")

You can use logger.setLevel at the start of the program to set the output level. If you set it to DEBUG, it will print all the debugs. Set it to INFO or higher and immediately all of the debugs will disappear.

You can also use it to log more serious things, at different levels (INFO, WARNING and ERROR).

Passing arguments to "make run"

Here's another solution that could help with some of these use cases:

    $(PYTHON) $@

In other words, pick some prefix (test- in this case), and then pass the target name directly to the program/runner. I guess this is mostly useful if there is some runner script involved that can unwrap the target name into something useful for the underlying program.

Making a drop down list using swift?

(Swift 3) Add text box and uipickerview to the storyboard then add delegate and data source to uipickerview and add delegate to textbox. Follow video for assistance

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource, UITextFieldDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var textBox: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var dropDown: UIPickerView!

    var list = ["1", "2", "3"]

    public func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int{
        return 1

    public func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int{

        return list.count

    func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {

        return list[row]

    func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {

        self.textBox.text = self.list[row]
        self.dropDown.isHidden = true

    func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {

        if textField == self.textBox {
            self.dropDown.isHidden = false
            //if you don't want the users to se the keyboard type:


Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer

It's been pointed out that the last d digits of a perfect square can only take on certain values. The last d digits (in base b) of a number n is the same as the remainder when n is divided by bd, ie. in C notation n % pow(b, d).

This can be generalized to any modulus m, ie. n % m can be used to rule out some percentage of numbers from being perfect squares. The modulus you are currently using is 64, which allows 12, ie. 19% of remainders, as possible squares. With a little coding I found the modulus 110880, which allows only 2016, ie. 1.8% of remainders as possible squares. So depending on the cost of a modulus operation (ie. division) and a table lookup versus a square root on your machine, using this modulus might be faster.

By the way if Java has a way to store a packed array of bits for the lookup table, don't use it. 110880 32-bit words is not much RAM these days and fetching a machine word is going to be faster than fetching a single bit.

Unix command to check the filesize

I hope ls -lah will do the job. Also if you are new to unix environment please go to

How can I count the occurrences of a string within a file?

The number of string occurrences (not lines) can be obtained using grep with -o option and wc (word count):

$ echo "echo 1234 echo" | grep -o echo
$ echo "echo 1234 echo" | grep -o echo | wc -l

So the full solution for your problem would look like this:

$ grep -o "echo" FILE | wc -l

Check if a string has white space

With additions to the language it is much easier, plus you can take advantage of early return:

// Use includes method on string
function hasWhiteSpace(s) {
  const whitespaceChars = [' ', '\t', '\n'];
  return whitespaceChars.some(char => s.includes(char));

// Use character comparison
function hasWhiteSpace(s) {
  const whitespaceChars = [' ', '\t', '\n'];
  return Array.from(s).some(char => whitespaceChars.includes(char));

const withSpace = "Hello World!";
const noSpace = "HelloWorld!";



I did not run performance benchmark but these should be faster than regex but for small text snippets there won't be that much difference anyway.

How to get old Value with onchange() event in text box

element.defaultValue will give you the original value.

Please note that this only works on the initial value.

If you are needing this to persist the "old" value every time it changes, an expando property or similar method will meet your needs

Get the index of a certain value in an array in PHP


echo $position;

Powershell's Get-date: How to get Yesterday at 22:00 in a variable?

I see this topic, but in my case I was looking for a way to improve the format. Using UFormat and adding -1 day

(get-date (get-date).addDays(-1) -UFormat "%Y%m%d-%H%M")

How to change indentation mode in Atom?

Tab Control gives nice control in a similar manner to that described in your question.

Also nice, for JavaScript developers, is ESLint Tab Length for using ESLint config.

Or if you're using an .editorconfig for defining project-specific indentation rules, there is EditorConfig

Run Python script at startup in Ubuntu


  • Copy the python file to /bin:

    sudo cp -i /path/to/ /bin

  • Add A New Cron Job:

    sudo crontab -e

    Scroll to the bottom and add the following line (after all the #'s):

    @reboot python /bin/ &

    The “&” at the end of the line means the command is run in the background and it won’t stop the system booting up.

  • Test it:

    sudo reboot

Practical example:

  • Add this file to your Desktop: (run it to check that it works for you)

    from os.path import expanduser
    import datetime
    file = open(expanduser("~") + '/Desktop/HERE.txt', 'w')
    file.write("It worked!\n" + str(
  • Run the following commands:

    sudo cp -i ~/Desktop/ /bin

    sudo crontab -e

  • Add the following line and save it:

    @reboot python /bin/ &

  • Now reboot your computer and you should find a new file on your Desktop: HERE.txt

How to format a Java string with leading zero?

 StringUtils.leftPad(yourString, 8, '0');

This is from commons-lang. See javadoc

Use 'import module' or 'from module import'?

I was answering a similar question post but the poster deleted it before i could post. Here is one example to illustrate the differences.

Python libraries may have one or more files (modules). For exmaples,




We can define python functions or classes inside any of the files based design requirements.

Let's define

  1. func1() in under mylibrary1, and
  2. foo() in under mylibrary2.

We can access func1() using one of these methods

import package1



import package1 as my



from package1 import func1



from package1 import *


We can use one of these methods to access foo():

import package2.module2


import package2.module2 as mod2


from package2 import module2


from package2 import module2 as mod2


from package2.module2 import *


Aligning rotated xticklabels with their respective xticks

If you dont want to modify the xtick labels, you can just use:


Trying to get Laravel 5 email to work

My .env file configuration is like this for laravel 5.1

[email protected]

here most important thing is that I created gmail application specific password(16 digit).

I need to reveal one more thing since no luck for any of configuration. That is, whenever I changed .env file need to run this command

php artisan config:cache

And this is most most most important because without this command laravel executes previous settings from it's cache. It's required me more than 10 hours to figure out.

Change color inside strings.xml

You do not set such attributes in strings.xml type of files. You need to set it in your code. or (which is better solution) create style with colors you want and apply to your TextView

Laravel eloquent update record without loading from database

You can also use firstOrCreate OR firstOrNew

// Retrieve the Post by the attributes, or create it if it doesn't exist...
$post = Post::firstOrCreate(['id' => 3]);
// OR
// Retrieve the Post by the attributes, or instantiate a new instance...
$post = Post::firstOrNew(['id' => 3]); 

// update record
$post->title = "Updated title";

Hope it will help you :)

What are Covering Indexes and Covered Queries in SQL Server?

Page 178, High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition

An index that contains (or "covers") all the data needed to satisfy a query is called a covering index.

When you issue a query that is covered by an index (an indexed-covered query), you'll see "Using Index" in the Extra column in EXPLAIN.

Create line after text with css

I am not experienced at all so feel free to correct things. However, I tried all these answers, but always had a problem in some screen. So I tried the following that worked for me and looks as I want it in almost all screens with the exception of mobile.

<div class="wrapper">
   <div id="Section-Title">
     <div id="h2"> YOUR TITLE
        <div id="line"><hr></div>


margin:20px auto;
padding:50px 5%;}

margin: 2% auto;
overflow: hidden;}

font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#h2 #line {

#Section-Title:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }
.wrapper:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }

JavaScript object: access variable property by name as string

You don't need a function for it - simply use the bracket notation:

var side = columns['right'];

This is equal to dot notation, var side = columns.right;, except the fact that right could also come from a variable, function return value, etc., when using bracket notation.

If you NEED a function for it, here it is:

function read_prop(obj, prop) {
    return obj[prop];

To answer some of the comments below that aren't directly related to the original question, nested objects can be referenced through multiple brackets. If you have a nested object like so:

var foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: {x: 999, y:998, z: 997}};

you can access property x of c as follows:

var cx = foo['c']['x']

If a property is undefined, an attempt to reference it will return undefined (not null or false):

foo['c']['q'] === null
// returns false

foo['c']['q'] === false
// returns false

foo['c']['q'] === undefined
// returns true

How to have Ellipsis effect on Text

<Text ellipsizeMode='tail' numberOfLines={2} style={{width:100}}>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at cursus 

Result: Lorem ipsum...

How to create materialized views in SQL Server?

You might need a bit more background on what a Materialized View actually is. In Oracle these are an object that consists of a number of elements when you try to build it elsewhere.

An MVIEW is essentially a snapshot of data from another source. Unlike a view the data is not found when you query the view it is stored locally in a form of table. The MVIEW is refreshed using a background procedure that kicks off at regular intervals or when the source data changes. Oracle allows for full or partial refreshes.

In SQL Server, I would use the following to create a basic MVIEW to (complete) refresh regularly.

First, a view. This should be easy for most since views are quite common in any database Next, a table. This should be identical to the view in columns and data. This will store a snapshot of the view data. Then, a procedure that truncates the table, and reloads it based on the current data in the view. Finally, a job that triggers the procedure to start it's work.

Everything else is experimentation.

Capture close event on Bootstrap Modal

I was having this same problem in a web app using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, Asp.Net 3.1 and Bootstrap 4.5. I had a modal form open to add a new staff person (only a few input fields) and the Add Staff button would invoke an ajax call to create the staff records in the database. Upon successful return the code would refresh the partial razor page of staff (so the new staff person would appear in the list).

Just before the refresh I would close the Add Staff modal and display a Please Wait modal which only had a bootstrap spinner button on it. What happened is that the Please Wait modal would stay displayed and not close after the staff refresh and the modal('hide') function on this modal was called. Some times the modal would disappear but the modal backdrop would remain effectively locking the Staff List form.

Since Bootstrap has issues with multiple modals open at once, I thought maybe the Add Staff modal was still open when the Please Wait modal was displayed and this was causing problems. I made a function to display the Please Wait modal and do the refresh, and called it using the Javascript function setTimeout() to wait 1/2 second after closing/hiding the Add Staff modal:

//hide the modal form
setTimeout(RefreshStaffListAfterAddingStaff, 500); //wait for 1/2 second

Here is the code for the refresh function:

function RefreshStaffListAfterAddingStaff() {
    // refresh the staff list in our partial view

    //show the please wait message

    //refresh the partial view
        function (data, status, jqXGR) {

            //hide the wait modal
            // enable all the fields on our form
            $("#StaffAccountsForm :input").prop("disabled", false);

            //scroll to the top of the staff list window
                top: 0,
                left: 0,
                behavior: 'smooth'


This seems to have totally solved my problem!

How to simulate POST request?

Simple way is to use curl from command-line, for example:

curl --data "$DATA" --request POST --header "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | python -m json.tool

or here is example how to send raw POST request using Bash shell (JSON request):

exec 3<> /dev/tcp/

DATA='{"email": "[email protected]"}'
LEN=$(printf "$DATA" | wc -c)

cat >&3 << EOF
POST /api/retrieveInfo HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Bash
Accept: */*
Content-Length: $LEN
Connection: close


# Read response.
while read line <&3; do
   echo $line

static function in C

Making a function static hides it from other translation units, which helps provide encapsulation.


int f1(int);        /* prototype */
static int f2(int); /* prototype */

int f1(int foo) {
    return f2(foo); /* ok, f2 is in the same translation unit */
                    /* (basically same .c file) as f1         */

int f2(int foo) {
    return 42 + foo;


int f1(int); /* prototype */
int f2(int); /* prototype */

int main(void) {
    f1(10); /* ok, f1 is visible to the linker */
    f2(12); /* nope, f2 is not visible to the linker */
    return 0;

php: Get html source code with cURL

I found a tool in Github that could possibly be a solution to this question. I hope that will be useful

ssl.SSLError: tlsv1 alert protocol version

The only thing you have to do is to install requests[security] in your virtualenv. You should not have to use Python 3 (it should work in Python 2.7). Moreover, if you are using a recent version of macOS, you don't have to use homebrew to separately install OpenSSL either.

$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python tempenv  # uses system python
$ . tempenv/bin/activate
$ pip install requests
$ python
>>> import ssl
'OpenSSL 0.9.8zh 14 Jan 2016'  # this is the built-in openssl
>>> import requests
>>> requests.get('')
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /users/octocat/orgs (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, u'[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert protocol version (_ssl.c:590)'),))
$ pip install 'requests[security]'
$ python  # install requests[security] and try again
>>> import requests
>>> requests.get('')
<Response [200]>

requests[security] allows requests to use the latest version of TLS when negotiating the connection. The built-in openssl on macOS supports TLS v1.2.

Before you install your own version of OpenSSL, ask this question: how is Google Chrome loading

Dynamically Dimensioning A VBA Array?

You need to use a constant.

CONST NumberOfZombies = 20000
Dim Zombies(NumberOfZombies) As Zombies

or if you want to use a variable you have to do it this way:

Dim NumberOfZombies As Integer
NumberOfZombies = 20000

Dim Zombies() As Zombies

ReDim Zombies(NumberOfZombies)

Multiple line comment in Python

Try this

This is a multiline
comment. I can type here whatever I want.

Python does have a multiline string/comment syntax in the sense that unless used as docstrings, multiline strings generate no bytecode -- just like #-prepended comments. In effect, it acts exactly like a comment.

On the other hand, if you say this behavior must be documented in the official docs to be a true comment syntax, then yes, you would be right to say it is not guaranteed as part of the language specification.

In any case your editor should also be able to easily comment-out a selected region (by placing a # in front of each line individually). If not, switch to an editor that does.

Programming in Python without certain text editing features can be a painful experience. Finding the right editor (and knowing how to use it) can make a big difference in how the Python programming experience is perceived.

Not only should the editor be able to comment-out selected regions, it should also be able to shift blocks of code to the left and right easily, and should automatically place the cursor at the current indentation level when you press Enter. Code folding can also be useful.

How to update and order by using ms sql

You can do a subquery where you first get the IDs of the top 10 ordered by priority and then update the ones that are on that sub query:

UPDATE  messages 
SET status=10 
             FROM Table 
             WHERE status=0 
             ORDER BY priority DESC);

How to configure robots.txt to allow everything?

If you want to allow every bot to crawl everything, this is the best way to specify it in your robots.txt:

User-agent: *

Note that the Disallow field has an empty value, which means according to the specification:

Any empty value, indicates that all URLs can be retrieved.

Your way (with Allow: / instead of Disallow:) works, too, but Allow is not part of the original robots.txt specification, so it’s not supported by all bots (many popular ones support it, though, like the Googlebot). That said, unrecognized fields have to be ignored, and for bots that don’t recognize Allow, the result would be the same in this case anyway: if nothing is forbidden to be crawled (with Disallow), everything is allowed to be crawled.
However, formally (per the original spec) it’s an invalid record, because at least one Disallow field is required:

At least one Disallow field needs to be present in a record.

Use Fieldset Legend with bootstrap

That's because Bootstrap by default sets the width of the legend element to 100%. You can fix this by changing your legend.scheduler-border to also use:

legend.scheduler-border {
    width:inherit; /* Or auto */
    padding:0 10px; /* To give a bit of padding on the left and right */

JSFiddle example.

You'll also need to ensure your custom stylesheet is being added after Bootstrap to prevent Bootstrap overriding your styling - although your styles here should have higher specificity.

You may also want to add margin-bottom:0; to it as well to reduce the gap between the legend and the divider.

Make anchor link go some pixels above where it's linked to

i was facing the similar issue and i resolved by using following code

$(document).on('click', '', function(event) {
        var $anchor = $(this);
        var desiredHeight = $(window).height() - 577;
        $('html, body').stop().animate({
            scrollTop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top - desiredHeight
        }, 1500, 'easeInOutExpo');

I get "Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error" instead of actual error message in Angular

For me it was a browser issue, since my requests were working fine in Postman.

Turns out that for some reason, Firefox and Chrome blocked requests going to port 6000, once I changed the ASP.NET API port to 4000, the error changed to a known CORS error which I could fix.

Chrome at least showed me ERR_UNSAFE_PORT which gave me a clue about what could be wrong.

LINQ select one field from list of DTO objects to array

In the case you're interested in extremely minor, almost immeasurable performance increases, add a constructor to your Line class, giving you such:

public class Line
    public Line(string sku, int qty)
        this.Sku = sku;
        this.Qty = qty;

    public string Sku { get; set; }
    public int Qty    { get; set; }

Then create a specialized collection class based on List<Line> with one new method, Add:

public class LineList : List<Line>
    public void Add(string sku, int qty)
        this.Add(new Line(sku, qty));

Then the code which populates your list gets a bit less verbose by using a collection initializer:

LineList myLines = new LineList
    { "ABCD1", 1 },
    { "ABCD2", 1 },
    { "ABCD3", 1 }

And, of course, as the other answers state, it's trivial to extract the SKUs into a string array with LINQ:

string[] mySKUsArray = myLines.Select(myLine => myLine.Sku).ToArray();

LINQ .Any VS .Exists - What's the difference?

TLDR; Performance-wise Any seems to be slower (if I have set this up properly to evaluate both values at almost same time)

        var list1 = Generate(1000000);
        var forceListEval = list1.SingleOrDefault(o => o == "0123456789012");
        if (forceListEval != "sdsdf")
            var s = string.Empty;
            var start2 = DateTime.Now;
            if (!list1.Exists(o => o == "0123456789012"))
                var end2 = DateTime.Now;
                s += " Exists: " + end2.Subtract(start2);

            var start1 = DateTime.Now;
            if (!list1.Any(o => o == "0123456789012"))
                var end1 = DateTime.Now;
                s +=" Any: " +end1.Subtract(start1);

            if (!s.Contains("sdfsd"))


testing list generator:

private List<string> Generate(int count)
        var list = new List<string>();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            list.Add( new string(
            Enumerable.Repeat("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 13)
                .Select(s =>
                    var cryptoResult = new byte[4];
                    new RNGCryptoServiceProvider().GetBytes(cryptoResult);
                    return s[new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(cryptoResult, 0)).Next(s.Length)];

        return list;

With 10M records

" Any: 00:00:00.3770377 Exists: 00:00:00.2490249"

With 5M records

" Any: 00:00:00.0940094 Exists: 00:00:00.1420142"

With 1M records

" Any: 00:00:00.0180018 Exists: 00:00:00.0090009"

With 500k, (I also flipped around order in which they get evaluated to see if there is no additional operation associated with whichever runs first.)

" Exists: 00:00:00.0050005 Any: 00:00:00.0100010"

With 100k records

" Exists: 00:00:00.0010001 Any: 00:00:00.0020002"

It would seem Any to be slower by magnitude of 2.

Edit: For 5 and 10M records I changed the way it generates the list and Exists suddenly became slower than Any which implies there's something wrong in the way I am testing.

New testing mechanism:

private static IEnumerable<string> Generate(int count)
        var cripto = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
        Func<string> getString = () => new string(
            Enumerable.Repeat("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 13)
                .Select(s =>
                    var cryptoResult = new byte[4];
                    return s[new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(cryptoResult, 0)).Next(s.Length)];

        var list = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
        var x = Parallel.For(0, count, o => list.Add(getString()));
        return list;

    private static void Test()
        var list = Generate(10000000);
        var list1 = list.ToList();
        var forceListEval = list1.SingleOrDefault(o => o == "0123456789012");
        if (forceListEval != "sdsdf")
            var s = string.Empty;

            var start1 = DateTime.Now;
            if (!list1.Any(o => o == "0123456789012"))
                var end1 = DateTime.Now;
                s += " Any: " + end1.Subtract(start1);

            var start2 = DateTime.Now;
            if (!list1.Exists(o => o == "0123456789012"))
                var end2 = DateTime.Now;
                s += " Exists: " + end2.Subtract(start2);

            if (!s.Contains("sdfsd"))


Edit2: Ok so to eliminate any influence from generating test data I wrote it all to file and now read it from there.

 private static void Test()
        var list1 = File.ReadAllLines("test.txt").Take(500000).ToList();
        var forceListEval = list1.SingleOrDefault(o => o == "0123456789012");
        if (forceListEval != "sdsdf")
            var s = string.Empty;
            var start1 = DateTime.Now;
            if (!list1.Any(o => o == "0123456789012"))
                var end1 = DateTime.Now;
                s += " Any: " + end1.Subtract(start1);

            var start2 = DateTime.Now;
            if (!list1.Exists(o => o == "0123456789012"))
                var end2 = DateTime.Now;
                s += " Exists: " + end2.Subtract(start2);

            if (!s.Contains("sdfsd"))


" Any: 00:00:00.1640164 Exists: 00:00:00.0750075"


" Any: 00:00:00.0810081 Exists: 00:00:00.0360036"


" Any: 00:00:00.0190019 Exists: 00:00:00.0070007"


" Any: 00:00:00.0120012 Exists: 00:00:00.0040004"

enter image description here

How do I create/edit a Manifest file?

In Visual Studio 2019 WinForm Projects, it is available under

Project Properties -> Application -> View Windows Settings (button)

enter image description here

What determines the monitor my app runs on?

It's not exactly the answer to this question but I dealt with this problem with the Shift + Win + [left,right] arrow keys shortcut. You can move the currently active window to another monitor with it.

Is it possible to have a default parameter for a mysql stored procedure?

SET myParam = IFNULL(myParam, 0);

Explanation: IFNULL(expression_1, expression_2)

The IFNULL function returns expression_1 if expression_1 is not NULL; otherwise it returns expression_2. The IFNULL function returns a string or a numeric based on the context where it is used.

Where is after pip install?

in my case: /home/username/.local/bin/

How to combine date from one field with time from another field - MS SQL Server

To combine date from a datetime column and time from another datetime column this is the best fastest solution for you:

select cast(cast(DateColumn as date) as datetime) + cast(TimeColumn as datetime) from YourTable

How to get table list in database, using MS SQL 2008?

This query will get you all the tables in the database

USE [DatabaseName];

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;

Convert a String to Modified Camel Case in Java or Title Case as is otherwise called

You can easily write the method to do that :

  public static String toCamelCase(final String init) {
    if (init == null)
        return null;

    final StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(init.length());

    for (final String word : init.split(" ")) {
        if (!word.isEmpty()) {
        if (!(ret.length() == init.length()))
            ret.append(" ");

    return ret.toString();

How do I change the number of open files limit in Linux?

If some of your services are balking into ulimits, it's sometimes easier to put appropriate commands into service's init-script. For example, when Apache is reporting

[alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

Try to put ulimit -s unlimited into /etc/init.d/httpd. This does not require a server reboot.

What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?

Follow Difference Between Sql Server VARCHAR and NVARCHAR Data Type. Here you could see in a very descriptive way.

In generalnvarchar stores data as Unicode, so, if you're going to store multilingual data (more than one language) in a data column you need the N variant.

How to use mysql JOIN without ON condition?

See some example in

You can use 'USING' instead of 'ON' as in the query

SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 USING (id);

String representation of an Enum

Use object Enum.Parse(System.Type enumType, string value, bool ignoreCase); got it from

Getting Class type from String

You can get the Class reference of any class during run time through the Java Reflection Concept.

Check the Below Code. Explanation is given below

Here is one example that uses returned Class to create an instance of AClass:

package com.xyzws;
class AClass {
    public AClass() {
        System.out.println("AClass's Constructor"); 
    static {   
        System.out.println("static block in AClass");  
public class Program {   
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {       
            System.out.println("The first time calls forName:");   
            Class c = Class.forName("com.xyzws.AClass");      
            AClass a = (AClass)c.newInstance();    
            System.out.println("The second time calls forName:");  
            Class c1 = Class.forName("com.xyzws.AClass"); 
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
            // ...
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {  
            // ...
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { 
            // ...

The printed output is

    The first time calls forName:
    static block in AClass
    AClass's Constructor
    The second time calls forName:

The class has already been loaded so there is no second "static block in AClass"

The Explanation is below

Class.ForName is called to get a Class Object

By Using the Class Object we are creating the new instance of the Class.

Any doubts about this let me know

Solution to "subquery returns more than 1 row" error

= can be used when the subquery returns only 1 value.

When subquery returns more than 1 value, you will have to use IN:

select * 
from table
where id IN (multiple row query);

For example:

FROM Students
WHERE Marks = (SELECT MAX(Marks) FROM Students)   --Subquery returns only 1 value

FROM Students
      (SELECT Marks 
       FROM Students 
       ORDER BY Marks DESC
       LIMIT 10)                       --Subquery returns 10 values

Why doesn't logcat show anything in my Android?

I have the same problem on/off and the way I solved is by File>>Restart (restart the eclipse)

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (Error Number: 233)

For SQL2008,

  • open Management Studio
  • Rt click on instance
  • go to properties
  • select Security
  • Under Server Authentication, check SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode
  • hit OK

Restart the server using configuration manager.

async for loop in node.js

Node.js introduced async await in 7.6 so this makes Javascript more beautiful.

var results = [];
var config = JSON.parse(queries);
for (var key in config) {
  var query = config[key].query;
  results.push(await search(query));
res.writeHead( ... );

For this to work search fucntion has to return a promise or it has to be async function

If it is not returning a Promise you can help it to return a Promise

function asyncSearch(query) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

Then replace this line await search(query); by await asyncSearch(query);

How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot?

Dummy data (you should supply this for us)

visual1 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))
visual2 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))


visuals = rbind(visual1,visual2)
visuals$vis=c(rep("visual1",100),rep("visual2",100)) # 100 points of each flavour

Now do:

 ggplot(visuals, aes(ISSUE_DATE,COUNTED,group=vis,col=vis)) + 
   geom_point() + geom_smooth()

and adjust colours etc to taste.

enter image description here

Checking whether a string starts with XXXX

In case you want to match multiple words to your magic word, you can pass the words to match as a tuple:

>>> magicWord = 'zzzTest'
>>> magicWord.startswith(('zzz', 'yyy', 'rrr'))

startswith takes a string or a tuple of strings.

Is there a NumPy function to return the first index of something in an array?

You can also convert a NumPy array to list in the air and get its index. For example,

l = [1,2,3,4,5] # Python list
a = numpy.array(l) # NumPy array
i = a.tolist().index(2) # i will return index of 2
print i

It will print 1.

How to use bootstrap datepicker

You should include bootstrap-datepicker.js after bootstrap.js and you should bind the datepicker to your control.

      format: 'mm-dd-yyyy'

Add (insert) a column between two columns in a data.frame

You would like to add column z to the old data frame (old.df) defined by columns x and y.

z = rbinom(1000, 5, 0.25)
old.df <- data.frame(x = c(1:1000), y = rnorm(1:1000))

Define a new data frame called new.df

new.df <- data.frame(x = old.df[,1], z, y = old.df[,2])

Debugging Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2008

One requirement for remote debugging is that the windows account used to run SSMS be part of the sysadmin role. See this MSDN link:

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

I had been facing this problem for two days and I found that the directory you create in Oracle also needs to created first on your physical disk.

I didn't find this point mentioned anywhere i tried to look up the solution to this.


If you created a directory, let's say, 'DB_DIR'.


Then you need to ensure that DB_WORKS exists in your E:\ drive and also file system level Read/Write permissions are available to the Oracle process.

My understanding of UTL_FILE from my experiences is given below for this kind of operation.

UTL_FILE is an object under SYS user. GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.UTL_FILE TO PUBLIC; needs to given while logged in as SYS. Otherwise, it will give declaration error in procedure. Anyone can create a directory as shown:- CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DB_DIR AS 'E:\DBWORKS'; But CREATE DIRECTORY permission should be in place. This can be granted as shown:- GRANT CREATE ALL DIRECTORY TO user; while logged in as SYS user. However, if this needs to be used by another user, grants need to be given to that user otherwise it will throw error. GRANT READ, WRITE, EXECUTE ON DB_DIR TO user; while loggedin as the user who created the directory. Then, compile your package. Before executing the procedure, ensure that the Directory exists physically on your Disk. Otherwise it will throw 'Invalid File Operation' error. (V. IMPORTANT) Ensure that Filesystem level Read/Write permissions are in place for the Oracle process. This is separate from the DB level permissions granted.(V. IMPORTANT) Execute procedure. File should get populated with the result set of your query.

Difference between matches() and find() in Java Regex

matches tries to match the expression against the entire string and implicitly add a ^ at the start and $ at the end of your pattern, meaning it will not look for a substring. Hence the output of this code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d\\d\\d");
    Matcher m = p.matcher("a123b");

    p = Pattern.compile("^\\d\\d\\d$");
    m = p.matcher("123");

/* output:

123 is a substring of a123b so the find() method outputs true. matches() only 'sees' a123b which is not the same as 123 and thus outputs false.

How to extract numbers from a string in Python?

I am just adding this answer because no one added one using Exception handling and because this also works for floats

a = []
line = "abcd 1234 efgh 56.78 ij"
for word in line.split():
    except ValueError:

Output :

[1234.0, 56.78]

ldap query for group members

The query should be:

(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=Distribution Groups,OU=Mybusiness,DC=mydomain.local,DC=com))

You missed & and ()

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

If you are experiencing the OP's problem where your cookies have been set using JavaScript - for example:

document.cookie = "my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value; expires=Thu, 11 Jun 2070 11:11:11 UTC; path=/";

you could instead use:

document.cookie = "my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value; expires=Thu, 11 Jun 2070 11:11:11 UTC; path=/; SameSite=None; Secure";

It worked for me. More info here.

Docker compose, running containers in net:host

Just print

network_mode: "host"

The import cannot be resolved

andorid-support-v4.jar is an external jar file that you have to import into your project.

This is how you do it in Android Studio:

Go to File -> Project Structure enter image description here

Go to "Dependencies" Tab -> Click on the Plus sign -> Go to "Library dependency" enter image description here

Select the support library "support-v4 (" enter image description here

Now to go your "build.gradle" file in your app and make sure the android support library has been added to your dependencies. Alternatively, you could've also just typed compile '' directly into your dependencies{} instead of doing it through the GUI.

enter image description here

Rebuild your project and now everything should work. enter image description here

Hashmap does not work with int, char

Generic parameters can only bind to reference types, not primitive types, so you need to use the corresponding wrapper types. Try HashMap<Character, Integer> instead.

However, I'm having trouble figuring out why HashMap fails to be able to deal with primitive data types.

This is due to type erasure. Java didn't have generics from the beginning so a HashMap<Character, Integer> is really a HashMap<Object, Object>. The compiler does a bunch of additional checks and implicit casts to make sure you don't put the wrong type of value in or get the wrong type out, but at runtime there is only one HashMap class and it stores objects.

Other languages "specialize" types so in C++, a vector<bool> is very different from a vector<my_class> internally and they share no common vector<?> super-type. Java defines things though so that a List<T> is a List regardless of what T is for backwards compatibility with pre-generic code. This backwards-compatibility requirement that there has to be a single implementation class for all parameterizations of a generic type prevents the kind of template specialization which would allow generic parameters to bind to primitives.

OpenSSL: PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE

I had the same issue using Windows, got if fixed by opening it in Notepad++ and changing the encoding from "UCS-2 LE BOM" to "UTF-8".

How to safely open/close files in python 2.4

No need to close the file according to the docs if you use with:

It is good practice to use the with keyword when dealing with file objects. This has the advantage that the file is properly closed after its suite finishes, even if an exception is raised on the way. It is also much shorter than writing equivalent try-finally blocks:

>>> with open('workfile', 'r') as f:
...     read_data =
>>> f.closed

More here:

Error: invalid operands of types ‘const char [35]’ and ‘const char [2]’ to binary ‘operator+’

Consider this:

std::string str = "Hello " + "world"; // bad!

Both the rhs and the lhs for operator + are char*s. There is no definition of operator + that takes two char*s (in fact, the language doesn't permit you to write one). As a result, on my compiler this produces a "cannot add two pointers" error (yours apparently phrases things in terms of arrays, but it's the same problem).

Now consider this:

std::string str = "Hello " + std::string("world"); // ok

There is a definition of operator + that takes a const char* as the lhs and a std::string as the rhs, so now everyone is happy.

You can extend this to as long a concatenation chain as you like. It can get messy, though. For example:

std::string str = "Hello " + "there " + std::string("world"); // no good!

This doesn't work because you are trying to + two char*s before the lhs has been converted to std::string. But this is fine:

std::string str = std::string("Hello ") + "there " + "world"; // ok

Because once you've converted to std::string, you can + as many additional char*s as you want.

If that's still confusing, it may help to add some brackets to highlight the associativity rules and then replace the variable names with their types:

((std::string("Hello ") + "there ") + "world");
((string + char*) + char*)

The first step is to call string operator+(string, char*), which is defined in the standard library. Replacing those two operands with their result gives:

((string) + char*)

Which is exactly what we just did, and which is still legal. But try the same thing with:

((char* + char*) + string)

And you're stuck, because the first operation tries to add two char*s.

Moral of the story: If you want to be sure a concatenation chain will work, just make sure one of the first two arguments is explicitly of type std::string.

Serialize Class containing Dictionary member

Instead of using XmlSerializer you can use a System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer. This can serialize dictionaries and interfaces no sweat.

Here is a link to a full example,

HTML embed autoplay="false", but still plays automatically

None of the video settings posted above worked in modern browsers I tested (like Firefox) using the embed or object elements in HTML5. For video or audio elements they did stop autoplay. For embed and object they did not.

I tested this using the embed and object elements using several different media types as well as HTML attributes (like autostart and autoplay). These videos always played regardless of any combination of settings in several browsers. Again, this was not an issue using the newer HTML5 video or audio elements, just when using embed and object.

It turns out the new browser settings for video "autoplay" have changed. Firefox will now ignore the autoplay attributes on these tags and play videos anyway unless you explicitly set to "block audio and video" autoplay in your browser settings.

To do this in Firefox I have posted the settings below:

  1. Open up your Firefox Browser, click the menu button, and select "Options"
  2. Select the "Privacy & Security" panel and scroll down to the "Permissions" section
  3. Find "Autoplay" and click the "Settings" button. In the dropdown change it to block audio and video. The default is just audio.

Your videos will NOT autoplay now when displaying videos in web pages using object or embed elements.

does linux shell support list data structure?

It supports lists, but not as a separate data structure (ignoring arrays for the moment).

The for loop iterates over a list (in the generic sense) of white-space separated values, regardless of how that list is created, whether literally:

for i in 1 2 3; do
    echo "$i"

or via parameter expansion:

listVar="1 2 3"
for i in $listVar; do
    echo "$i"

or command substitution:

for i in $(echo 1; echo 2; echo 3); do
    echo "$i"

An array is just a special parameter which can contain a more structured list of value, where each element can itself contain whitespace. Compare the difference:

array=("item 1" "item 2" "item 3")
for i in "${array[@]}"; do   # The quotes are necessary here
    echo "$i"

list='"item 1" "item 2" "item 3"'
for i in $list; do
    echo $i
for i in "$list"; do
    echo $i
for i in ${array[@]}; do
    echo $i

The listener supports no services

You need to add your ORACLE_HOME definition in your listener.ora file. Right now its not registered with any ORACLE_HOME.

Sample listener.ora

abc =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

SID_LIST_abc =
    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME= /abc/DbTier/11.2.0)
      (SID_NAME = abc)

The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD. Laravel

If you are using a Route::group, with a vendor plugin like LaravelLocalization (from MCAMARA), you need to put POST routes outside of this group. I've experienced problems with POST routes using this plugin and I did solved right now by putting these routes outside Route::group..

Change the project theme in Android Studio?

Note : This answer is now out-of-date. This changes the theme in "preview" only as @imjohnking and @john-ktejik pointed out. As @Shahzeb mentioned, theme can modified in res>values>styles

Android Studio 0.8.2 provides a slightly easier way to change the theme. In the preview window, you can select the theme of "Holo.Light.DarkActionBar" by clicking on the theme combo box just above the phone.enter image description here

Or do a ctrl + click on the @style/AppTheme in the Android manifest file. It will open styles.xml file where you can change the parent attribute of the style tag.

  • Theme.Holo for a "dark" theme.
  • Theme.Holo.Light for a "light" theme.

When using the Support Library, you must instead use the Theme.AppCompat themes:

  • Theme.AppCompat for the "dark" theme.
  • Theme.AppCompat.Light for the "light" theme.
  • Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar for the light theme with a dark action bar.


What is The Rule of Three?

The Rule of Three is a rule of thumb for C++, basically saying

If your class needs any of

  • a copy constructor,
  • an assignment operator,
  • or a destructor,

defined explictly, then it is likely to need all three of them.

The reasons for this is that all three of them are usually used to manage a resource, and if your class manages a resource, it usually needs to manage copying as well as freeing.

If there is no good semantic for copying the resource your class manages, then consider to forbid copying by declaring (not defining) the copy constructor and assignment operator as private.

(Note that the forthcoming new version of the C++ standard (which is C++11) adds move semantics to C++, which will likely change the Rule of Three. However, I know too little about this to write a C++11 section about the Rule of Three.)

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

I got the same error (TypeError: 'int' object is not callable)

def xlim(i,k,s1,s2):
   xl=x*(1-s2*x-s1*(1-x)) / (1-s2*x**2-2*s1*x(1-x))
   return xl 
... ... ... ... 

>>> xlim(1,100,0,0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 3, in xlim
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

after reading this post I realized that I forgot a multiplication sign * so

def xlim(i,k,s1,s2):
   xl=x*(1-s2*x-s1*(1-x)) / (1-s2*x**2-2*s1*x * (1-x))
   return xl 



Access non-numeric Object properties by index?

You can use the Object.values() method if you dont want to use the Object.keys().

As opposed to the Object.keys() method that returns an array of a given object's own enumerable properties, so for instance:

const object1 = {
 a: 'somestring',
 b: 42,
 c: false


Would print out the following array:

[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

The Object.values() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values.

So if you have the same object but use values instead,

const object1 = {
 a: 'somestring',
 b: 42,
 c: false


You would get the following array:

[ 'somestring', 42, false ]

So if you wanted to access the object1.b, but using an index instead you could use:

Object.values(object1)[1] === 42

You can read more about this method here.

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration basically just means that the developer's working copies are synchronized with a shared mainline several times a day.

Or more than several times per day. As often as any given discrete task is completed, basically. Consider for example a team of developers working on a single business application. In many environments, the following may happen:

  • One or two developers keep local changes for a few days because "it's not ready yet".
  • One or two developers create branches in the source control so they can work on their feature(s) "without being bothered by other people's changes".

These can lead to problems. Poor code/task organization leads to branching, branching leads to merging, merging... leads to suffering. Continuous integration as a practice addresses this by encouraging everybody to work from the same shared source. Individual work items should be discrete enough to be completed in a short amount of time (hours at most).

Basically the general idea is that integrating a small change in a small amount of work. Integrating a large change is a disproportionately large amount of work. The aggregate of integration work is smaller if done in constant small steps. This allows developers to spend more time working on business-visible features instead of development process overhead.

Continuous Delivery is described as the logical evolution of continuous integration: Always be able to put a product into production!

This follows the same idea of discrete, well defined work items. If there's a single master codebase which is only ever adjusted in small increments by complete, tested, known working features then that codebase is always stable. Automated testing is key here to be able to prove that stability at the push of a button.

The less stabilization work that needs to be done (which, again, is development process overhead and should be eliminated), the more often that codebase can be pushed to any given environment. In a lot of companies a deployment can be a pretty grueling process. Even a week-long all-hands-on-deck operation. This is expensive and produces no business value. By employing good work item definitions, effective automated testing, and continuous integration a team can be in a position to automate the codebase's delivery to any given environment.

Continuous Deployment is described as the logical next step after continuous delivery: Automatically deploy the product into production whenever it passes QA!

You'll rarely see this happen in a business environment, and it's quite a joy when it's encountered. If the codebase can be automatically tested and automatically deployed to any given environment then, well, production is an environment like any other. So if the team has built up to this point then there's a potential for significant value to the business by always being able to deploy updates to production.

Defect fixes are sent to customers faster, new features reach the market faster, new ideas are tested against the market in smaller increments to allow for redirection of priorities, etc.

For example, let's say a company has a big idea for a new feature in their software-based product or service. They've done some research, they know the market, and they believe this idea will result in a strong new line of revenue. Now consider two options for delivering that feature:

  1. Spend months developing the whole thing in a one-off branch. Spend weeks integrating it back into the main codebase. Spend days testing it. Spend a day deploying it. And only then start tracking actual revenue in the production system.
  2. Implement small parts of the feature, one at a time. Each week release a new piece of it. Each week get more data on actual revenue.

In the first scenario, if the feature doesn't have the desired market effect then a lot of money is wasted on something customers don't actually want. In the second scenario the fact that customers don't want it is determined much, much earlier and the rest of the work is de-prioritized.

Ultimately these "continuous things" are all about removing development process overhead. If a company's line of revenue is a particular service offering then ideally all of their costs should go into that offering. Development process overhead (merging code, re-testing the same features after a merge, manual deployment tasks, etc.) don't actually contribute to the value of the service, so these concepts seek to remove those costs from the process.

WPF Binding to parent DataContext

Because of things like this, as a general rule of thumb, I try to avoid as much XAML "trickery" as possible and keep the XAML as dumb and simple as possible and do the rest in the ViewModel (or attached properties or IValueConverters etc. if really necessary).

If possible I would give the ViewModel of the current DataContext a reference (i.e. property) to the relevant parent ViewModel

public class ThisViewModel : ViewModelBase
    TypeOfAncestorViewModel Parent { get; set; }

and bind against that directly instead.

<TextBox Text="{Binding Parent}" />


try this:

select convert(varchar, dob2, 101)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 102)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 103)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 104)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 105)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 106)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 107)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 108)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 109)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 110)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 111)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 112)
select convert(varchar, dob2, 113)


SQL Server dynamic PIVOT query?

The below code provides the results which replaces NULL to zero in the output.

Table creation and data insertion:

create table test_table
 date nvarchar(10),
 category char(3),
 amount money

 insert into test_table values ('1/1/2012','ABC',1000.00)
 insert into test_table values ('2/1/2012','DEF',500.00)
 insert into test_table values ('2/1/2012','GHI',800.00)
 insert into test_table values ('2/10/2012','DEF',700.00)
 insert into test_table values ('3/1/2012','ABC',1100.00)

Query to generate the exact results which also replaces NULL with zeros:

@PivotColumnNames AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
@PivotSelectColumnNames AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

--Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column
SELECT @PivotColumnNames= ISNULL(@PivotColumnNames + ',','')
+ QUOTENAME(category)
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT category FROM test_table) AS cat

--Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column with isnull
SELECT @PivotSelectColumnNames 
= ISNULL(@PivotSelectColumnNames + ',','')
+ 'ISNULL(' + QUOTENAME(category) + ', 0) AS '
+ QUOTENAME(category)
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT category FROM test_table) AS cat

--Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic 
SET @DynamicPivotQuery = 
N'SELECT date, ' + @PivotSelectColumnNames + '
FROM test_table
pivot(sum(amount) for category in (' + @PivotColumnNames + ')) as pvt';

--Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query
EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicPivotQuery


enter image description here

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops

Try this regexp


I removed the wrapping \( \) around (?P=balanced) and moved the * to behind the any not paren sequence. I have had this work with boost xpressive, and rechecked that website (Xpressive) to refresh my memory.

How to provide animation when calling another activity in Android?

Since API 16 you can supply an activity options bundle when calling Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle) or related methods. It is created via the ActivityOptions builder:

Intent myIntent = new Intent(context, MyActivity.class);
ActivityOptions options = 
   ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation(context, R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out);
context.startActivity(myIntent, options.toBundle());

Don't forget to check out the other methods of the ActivityOptions builder and the ActivityOptionsCompat if you are using the Support Library.

API 5+:

For apps targeting API level 5+ there is the Activities overridePendingTransition method. It takes two resource IDs for the incoming and outgoing animations. An id of 0 will disable the animations. Call this immediately after the startActivity call.


startActivity(new Intent(this, MyActivity.class));
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out);

API 3+:

You can prevent the default animation (Slide in from the right) with the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION flag in your intent.


Intent myIntent = new Intent(context, MyActivity.class);

then in your Activity you simply have to specify your own animation.

This also works for the 1.5 API (Level 3).

Java. Implicit super constructor Employee() is undefined. Must explicitly invoke another constructor

Any constructor for any class as you know creates an object. So, the constructor should contain proper initialization code for its class. But if you have some class which extends another one (lets call it "parent") then constructor for the class cannot contain all the code needed for the initialization by definition (for example, you cannot define private fields of the parent). That's why constructor of the class has to call constructor of its parent. If you do not call it explicitly then the default parent constructor is called (which is without any parameter).

So, in your case, you can either implement default constructor in parent or directly call any constructor in the class.

How to prevent favicon.ico requests?

Sometimes this error comes, when HTML has some commented code and browser is trying to look for something. Like in my case I had commented code for a web form in flask and I was getting this.

After spending 2 hours I fixed it in the following ways:

1) I created a new python environment and then it threw an error on the commented HTML line, before this I was only thrown error 'GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404'

2) Sometimes, when I had a duplicate code, like python file existing with the same name, then also I saw this error, try removing those too

Path to Powershell.exe (v 2.0)

I think $PsHome has the information you're after?

PS .> $PsHome

PS .> Get-Help about_automatic_variables

    about_Automatic_Variables ...

Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code?

Instead of having a fat APK file, I would like to use just the armeabi files and remove the armeabi-v7a folder.

The opposite is a much better strategy. If you have minSdkVersion to 14 and upload your apk to the play store, you'll notice you'll support the same number of devices whether you support armeabi or not. Therefore, there are no devices with Android 4 or higher which would benefit from armeabi at all.

This is probably why the Android NDK doesn't even support armeabi anymore as per revision r17b. [source]

How can I check if a directory exists in a Bash shell script?

This answer wrapped up as a shell script


$ is_dir ~                           

$ is_dir /tmp                        

$ is_dir ~/bin                       

$ mkdir '/tmp/test me'

$ is_dir '/tmp/test me'

$ is_dir /asdf/asdf                  

# Example of calling it in another script
if [ $(is_dir $DIR) == "NO" ]
  echo "Folder doesnt exist: $DIR";


function show_help()
  IT=$(CAT <<EOF

  usage: DIR
  output: YES or NO, depending on whether or not the directory exists.

  echo "$IT"

if [ "$1" == "help" ]
if [ -z "$1" ]

if [ -d $DIR ]; then 
   echo "YES";
echo "NO";

DataGridView - Focus a specific cell

I had a similar problem. I've hidden some columns and afterwards I tried to select the first row. This didn't really work:

datagridview1.Rows[0].Selected = true;

So I tried selecting cell[0,0], but it also didn't work, because this cell was not displayed. Now my final solution is working very well:

datagridview1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;    
datagridview1.CurrentCell = datagridview1.FirstDisplayedCell;

So this selects the complete first row.

Why is php not running?

One big gotcha is that PHP is disabled in user home directories by default, so if you are testing from ~/public_html it doesn't work. Check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf

# Running PHP scripts in user directories is disabled by default
# To re-enable PHP in user directories comment the following lines
# (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it
# prevents .htaccess files from disabling it.
#<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
#    <Directory /home/*/public_html>
#        php_admin_flag engine Off
#    </Directory>

Other than that installing in Ubuntu is real easy, as all the stuff you used to have to put in httpd.conf is done automatically.

Selecting data frame rows based on partial string match in a column

I notice that you mention a function %like% in your current approach. I don't know if that's a reference to the %like% from "data.table", but if it is, you can definitely use it as follows.

Note that the object does not have to be a data.table (but also remember that subsetting approaches for data.frames and data.tables are not identical):

mtcars[rownames(mtcars) %like% "Merc", ]
iris[iris$Species %like% "osa", ]

If that is what you had, then perhaps you had just mixed up row and column positions for subsetting data.

If you don't want to load a package, you can try using grep() to search for the string you're matching. Here's an example with the mtcars dataset, where we are matching all rows where the row names includes "Merc":

mtcars[grep("Merc", rownames(mtcars)), ]
             mpg cyl  disp  hp drat   wt qsec vs am gear carb
# Merc 240D   24.4   4 146.7  62 3.69 3.19 20.0  1  0    4    2
# Merc 230    22.8   4 140.8  95 3.92 3.15 22.9  1  0    4    2
# Merc 280    19.2   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.3  1  0    4    4
# Merc 280C   17.8   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.44 18.9  1  0    4    4
# Merc 450SE  16.4   8 275.8 180 3.07 4.07 17.4  0  0    3    3
# Merc 450SL  17.3   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.73 17.6  0  0    3    3
# Merc 450SLC 15.2   8 275.8 180 3.07 3.78 18.0  0  0    3    3

And, another example, using the iris dataset searching for the string osa:

irisSubset <- iris[grep("osa", iris$Species), ]
#   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
# 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
# 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
# 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
# 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

For your problem try:

selectedRows <- conservedData[grep("hsa-", conservedData$miRNA), ]

Open source face recognition for Android

Here are some links that I found on face recognition libraries.

Image Identification links:

PHP cURL vs file_get_contents

This is old topic but on my last test on one my API, cURL is faster and more stable. Sometimes file_get_contents on larger request need over 5 seconds when cURL need only from 1.4 to 1.9 seconds what is double faster.

I need to add one note on this that I just send GET and recive JSON content. If you setup cURL properly, you will have a great response. Just "tell" to cURL what you need to send and what you need to recive and that's it.

On your exampe I would like to do this setup:

$ch =  curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json'));
$result = curl_exec($ch);

This request will return data in 0.10 second max

Android: Changing Background-Color of the Activity (Main View)

i don't know if it's the answer to your question but you can try setting the background color in the xml layout like this. It is easy, it always works

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""













You can also do more fancy things with backgrounds by creating an xml background file with gradients which are cool and semi transparent, and refer to it for other use see example below:

the background.xml layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
            android:type="linear" />

your layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""













If two cells match, return value from third

All you have to do is write an IF condition in the column d like this:

=IF(A1=C1;B1;" ")

After that just apply this formula to all rows above that one.

Display PNG image as response to jQuery AJAX request

Method 1

You should not make an ajax call, just put the src of the img element as the url of the image.

This would be useful if you use GET instead of POST

<script type="text/javascript" > 

  $(document).ready( function() { 
      $('.div_imagetranscrits').html('<img src="" />')
  } );


Method 2

If you want to POST to that image and do it the way you do (trying to parse the contents of the image on the client side, you could try something like this:

You'll need to encode the data to base64, then you could put data:[<MIME-type>][;charset=<encoding>][;base64],<data> into the img src

as example:

<img src="" alt="Red dot img" />

To encode to base64:

Row count with PDO

Have a look at this link: It is not recommended to use rowCount() in SELECT statements!

MySQL maximum memory usage

If you are looking for optimizing your docker mysql container then the below command may help. I was able to run mysql docker container from a default 480mb to mere 100 mbs

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=tooor -e MYSQL_USER=test -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=test -v /mysql:/var/lib/mysql --name mysqldb mysql --table_definition_cache=100 --performance_schema=0 --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

Model Binding to a List MVC 4

A clean solution could be create a generic class to handle the list, so you don't need to create a different class each time you need it.

public class ListModel<T>
    public List<T> Items { get; set; }

    public ListModel(List<T> list) {
        Items = list;

and when you return the View you just need to simply do:

List<customClass> ListOfCustomClass = new List<customClass>();
//Do as needed...
return View(new ListModel<customClass>(ListOfCustomClass));

then define the list in the model:

@model ListModel<customClass>

and ready to go:

@foreach(var element in Model.Items) {
  //do as needed...

How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner?

After having had the same problem, I came to this solutions using tags. The idea behind it is simple: Whenever the spinner is changed programatically, make sure the tag reflects the selected position. In the listener then you check if the selected position equals the tag. If it does, the spinner selection was changed programatically.

Below is my new "spinner proxy" class:

package com.samplepackage;

import com.samplepackage.R;
import android.widget.Spinner;

public class SpinnerFixed {

    private Spinner mSpinner;

    public SpinnerFixed(View spinner) {
         mSpinner = (Spinner)spinner;
         mSpinner.setTag(, -2);

    public boolean isUiTriggered() {
         int tag = ((Integer)mSpinner.getTag(;
         int pos = mSpinner.getSelectedItemPosition();
         mSpinner.setTag(, pos);
         return (tag != -2 && tag != pos);

    public void setSelection(int position) {
        mSpinner.setTag(, position);

    public void setSelection(int position, boolean animate) {
        mSpinner.setTag(, position);
        mSpinner.setSelection(position, animate);

    // If you need to proxy more methods, use "Generate Delegate Methods"
    // from the context menu in Eclipse.

You will also need an XML file with the tag setup in your Values directory. I named my file spinner_tag.xml, but that's up to you. It looks like this:

<resources xmlns:android="">
  <item name="spinner_pos" type="id" />

Now replace

Spinner myspinner;
myspinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;

in your code with

SpinnerFixed myspinner;
myspinner = new SpinnerFixed(findViewById(;

And make your handler somewhat look like this:

myspinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {

    public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
        if (myspinner.isUiTriggered()) {
            // Code you want to execute only on UI selects of the spinner

    public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) {

The function isUiTriggered() will return true if and only if the spinner has been changed by the user. Note that this function has a side effect - it will set the tag, so a second call in the same listener call will always return false.

This wrapper will also handle the problem with the listener being called during layout creation.

Have fun, Jens.

Extracting the top 5 maximum values in excel

Put the data into a Pivot Table and do a top n filter on it

Excel Demo

Android WebView progress bar

I have just found a really good example of how to do this here: . You just need to change the setprogress from:

activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);


activity.setProgress(progress * 100);

Is it possible to change the content HTML5 alert messages?

You can use customValidity

$(function(){     var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("input");     for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {         elements[i].oninvalid = function(e) {   "This can't be left blank!");         };     } }); 

I think that will work on at least Chrome and FF, I'm not sure about other browsers

error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll) C:\something\LIBCMT.lib(setlocal.obj)

You are mixing code that was compiled with /MD (use DLL version of CRT) with code that was compiled with /MT (use static CRT library). That cannot work, all source code files must be compiled with the same setting. Given that you use libraries that were pre-compiled with /MD, almost always the correct setting, you must compile your own code with this setting as well.

Project + Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library.

Beware that these libraries were probably compiled with an earlier version of the CRT, msvcr100.dll is quite new. Not sure if that will cause trouble, you may have to prevent the linker from generating a manifest. You must also make sure to deploy the DLLs you need to the target machine, including msvcr100.dll

angular-cli server - how to specify default port

In Angular 2 [email protected],

To run a new project on the different port, one way is to specify the port while you run ng serve command.

ng serve --port 4201

or the other way, you can edit your package.json file scripts part and attached the port to your start variable like I mentioned below and then simply run "npm start"

 "scripts": {

    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve --port 4201",
    ... : ...,
    ... : ....

this way is much better where you don't need to define port explicitly every time.

Flutter: how to make a TextField with HintText but no Underline?

I was using the TextField flutter control.I got the user typed input using below methods.


Removing leading and trailing spaces from a string

Example for trimming leading and trailing spaces

std::string aString("    This is a string to be trimmed   ");
auto start = aString.find_first_not_of(' ');
auto end = aString.find_last_not_of(' ');
std::string trimmedString;
trimmedString = aString.substr(start, (end - start) + 1);


trimmedSring = aString.substr(aString.find_first_not_of(' '), (aString.find_last_not_of(' ') - aString.find_first_not_of(' ')) + 1);

Extract directory path and filename

bash to get file name

filename="${fspec##*/}"  # get filename
dirname="${fspec%/*}" # get directory/path name

other ways


$ echo $fspec | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}'


$ echo $fspec | sed 's/.*\///'

using IFS

$ IFS="/"
$ set -- $fspec
$ eval echo \${${#@}}

android: how to use getApplication and getApplicationContext from non activity / service class

Sending your activity context to other classes could cause memoryleaks because holding that context alive is the reason that the GC can't dispose the object

How do I get the coordinates of a mouse click on a canvas element?

In Prototype, use cumulativeOffset() to do the recursive summation as mentioned by Ryan Artecona above.

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

For generating the publish output provide one more parameter. msbuild example.sln /p:publishprofile=profilename /p:deployonbuild=true /p:configuration=debug/or any

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC

You should build your own Authorize-filter attribute.

Here's mine to study ;)

Public Class RequiresRoleAttribute : Inherits ActionFilterAttribute
    Private _role As String

    Public Property Role() As String
            Return Me._role
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me._role = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Overrides Sub OnActionExecuting(ByVal filterContext As System.Web.Mvc.ActionExecutingContext)
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.Role) Then
            If Not filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
                Dim redirectOnSuccess As String = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsolutePath
                Dim redirectUrl As String = String.Format("?ReturnUrl={0}", redirectOnSuccess)
                Dim loginUrl As String = FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl + redirectUrl

                filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Redirect(loginUrl, True)
                Dim hasAccess As Boolean = filterContext.HttpContext.User.IsInRole(Me.Role)
                If Not hasAccess Then
                    Throw New UnauthorizedAccessException("You don't have access to this page. Only " & Me.Role & " can view this page.")
                End If
            End If
            Throw New InvalidOperationException("No Role Specified")
        End If

    End Sub
End Class

bower automatically update bower.json

from bower help, save option has a capital S

-S, --save  Save installed packages into the project's bower.json dependencies

For loop for HTMLCollection elements

you can add this two lines:

HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;

HTMLCollection is return by getElementsByClassName and getElementsByTagName

NodeList is return by querySelectorAll

Like this you can do a forEach:

var selections = document.getElementsByClassName('myClass');

/* alternative :
var selections = document.querySelectorAll('.myClass');

selections.forEach(function(element, i){
//do your stuffs

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

To be short, use:

write-output "your text" | out-file -append -encoding utf8 "filename"

How to set layout_gravity programmatically?

If you want to change the layou_gravity of an existing view do this:

((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams()).gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;

Remember to use the right LayoutParams based on the Layout type your view is in. Ex:


How to split a comma-separated string?

A small improvement: above solutions will not remove leading or trailing spaces in the actual String. It's better to call trim before calling split. Instead of this,

 String[] animalsArray = animals.split("\\s*,\\s*");


 String[] animalsArray = animals.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*");

ssh remote host identification has changed

Simply clear the known_hosts which is present in /home/{username}/.ssh/known_hosts

vi /home/{username}/.ssh/known_hosts 

remove every line inside known hosts and exit after that you will be able to login.


run this command

ssh-keygen -R "hostname/ip_address" 

SQL: How to perform string does not equal

The strcomp function may be appropriate here (returns 0 when strings are identical):

 SELECT * from table WHERE Strcmp(user, testername) <> 0;

Safely override C++ virtual functions

In MSVC, you can use the CLR override keyword even if you're not compiling for CLR.

In g++, there's no direct way of enforcing that in all cases; other people have given good answers on how to catch signature differences using -Woverloaded-virtual. In a future version, someone might add syntax like __attribute__ ((override)) or the equivalent using the C++0x syntax.

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

Both node.js and MongoChef force me to convert to ObjectId. This is what I use to grab a list of users from the DB and fetch a few properties. Mind the type conversion on line 8.

// this will complement the list with userName and userPhotoUrl based on userId field in each item
augmentUserInfo = function(list, callback){
        var userIds = [];
        var users = [];         // shortcut to find them faster afterwards
        for (l in list) {       // first build the search array
            var o = list[l];
            if (o.userId) {
                userIds.push( new mongoose.Types.ObjectId( o.userId ) );           // for the Mongo query
                users[o.userId] = o;                                // to find the user quickly afterwards
        db.collection("users").find( {_id: {$in: userIds}} ).each(function(err, user) {
            if (err) callback( err, list);
            else {
                if (user && user._id) {
                    users[user._id].userName = user.fName;
                    users[user._id].userPhotoUrl = user.userPhotoUrl;
                } else {                        // end of list
                    callback( null, list );

What's the fastest way to do a bulk insert into Postgres?

It mostly depends on the (other) activity in the database. Operations like this effectively freeze the entire database for other sessions. Another consideration is the datamodel and the presence of constraints,triggers, etc.

My first approach is always: create a (temp) table with a structure similar to the target table (create table tmp AS select * from target where 1=0), and start by reading the file into the temp table. Then I check what can be checked: duplicates, keys that already exist in the target, etc.

Then I just do a "do insert into target select * from tmp" or similar.

If this fails, or takes too long, I abort it and consider other methods (temporarily dropping indexes/constraints, etc)

unix - count of columns in file

This is usually what I use for counting the number of fields:

head -n 1 | awk -F'|' '{print NF; exit}'

How do change the color of the text of an <option> within a <select>?

I was recently having trouble with this same thing and I found a really simple solution.

All you have to do is set the first option to disabled and selected. Like this:

<select id="select">_x000D_
    <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">select one option</option>_x000D_

This will display the first option (grayed out) when the page is loaded. It also prevents the user from being able to select it once they click on the list.

How to configure "Shorten command line" method for whole project in IntelliJ

If you use JDK version from 9+, you should select

Run > Edit Configurations... > Select JUnit template.

Then, select @argfile (Java 9+) as in the image below. Please try it. Good luck friends.

enter image description here

Soft Edges using CSS?

It depends on what type of fading you are looking for.

But with shadow and rounded corners you can get a nice result. Rounded corners because the bigger the shadow, the weirder it will look in the edges unless you balance it out with rounded corners.


Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page

Update to Davids answer to even detect browsers that do not support pushstate:

if (history.pushState) {
  window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", "/new-url");
} else {
  document.location.href = "/new-url";

Replace text in HTML page with jQuery

var replaced = $("body").html().replace(/-1o9-2202/g,'The ALL new string');

for variable:

var replaced = $("body").html().replace(new RegExp("-1o9-2202", "igm"),'The ALL new string');

How to use Oracle's LISTAGG function with a unique filter?

create table demotable(group_id number, name varchar2(100));
insert into demotable values(1,'David');
insert into demotable values(1,'John');
insert into demotable values(1,'Alan');
insert into demotable values(1,'David');
insert into demotable values(2,'Julie');
insert into demotable values(2,'Charles');

select group_id, 
       (select listagg(column_value, ',') within group (order by column_value) from table(coll_names)) as names
from (
  select group_id, collect(distinct name) as coll_names 
    from demotable
    group by group_id 

1   Alan,David,John
2   Charles,Julie

Countdown timer in React

The one downside with setInterval is that it can slow down the main thread. You can do a countdown timer using requestAnimationFrame instead to prevent this. For example, this is my generic countdown timer component:

class Timer extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // here, getTimeRemaining is a helper function that returns an 
    // object with { total, seconds, minutes, hours, days }
    this.state = { timeLeft: getTimeRemaining(props.expiresAt) }

  // Wait until the component has mounted to start the animation frame
  componentDidMount() {

  // Clean up by cancelling any animation frame previously scheduled
  componentWillUnmount() {

  start = () => {
    this.frameId = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)

  tick = () => {
    const timeLeft = getTimeRemaining(this.props.expiresAt)
    if ( <= 0) {
      // ...any other actions to do on expiration
    } else {
        { timeLeft },
        () => this.frameId = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)

  stop = () => {

  render() {...}

How to construct a REST API that takes an array of id's for the resources,id2,id3,id4,id5[]=id1&ids[]=id2&ids[]=id3&ids[]=id4&ids[]=id5

IMO, above calls does not looks RESTful, however these are quick and efficient workaround (y). But length of the URL is limited by webserver, eg tomcat.

RESTful attempt:


      method : "GET",
      headers : [..],
      url : "/users/id1"
      method : "GET",
      headers : [..],
      url : "/users/id2"

Server will reply URI of newly created batchtask resource.

201 Created
Location: ""

Now client can fetch batch response or task progress by polling


This is how others attempted to solve this issue:

iOS for VirtualBox

Additional to the above - the QEMU website has good documentation about setting up an ARM based emulator:

Vagrant stuck connection timeout retrying

One thing to double check is if Hardware Virtualisation is enabled in your machine's BIOS.

My problem is the same string of timeouts but I could only see a black screen in the GUI.

A laptop which I was just setting up kept showing the same problem. After hours of searching I finally found a tip to see if the BIOS had Hardware Virtualisation was enabled.

Here's the content of the post I found:

I see there are still some users who are experiencing this issue. So, I will attempt to summarise a list below of some possible solutions to the SSH timeout problem:

  • Make sure your firewall or antivirus is not blocking the program (which I doubt will happen often)
  • Give your vagrant machine some time for timeouts to happen. If you dont have a very fast PC / Mac, the VM will take while to boot into an SSH ready state, so timeouts will happen.
  • Therefore, first try to let vagrant timeout COMPLETELY before concluding that there is a fault.
  • If vagrant times out completely then increase the timeout limit in the vagrant file to a few min and try again.
  • If that still doesnt work, then try to clean boot your vagrant machine through the VirtualBox interface and enable the GUI of the machine beforehand. If the GUI doesn't show anything happening (ie. just blackscreen, no text) while it is booting, then your vagrant machine has got problems.
  • Destroy the entire machine through the VB interface and reinstall.
  • Delete the ubuntu image files in the Vagrant Images folder in the user folder and redownload and install.
  • Do you even have an intel processor that supports 64bit hardware virtualisation? Google it. If you do, make sure there is no setting in your Bios disabling this feature.
  • Disable hyper-v feature if you are running windows 7 or 8. Google how to disable.
  • Make sure you are running through an SSH enabled client. Use Git bash. Download:
  • Install a 32bit version of ubuntu like trusty32 or precise32. Just change the version in the vagrant file and reinstall vagrant in new directory.
  • Make sure you are using the latest vagrant and virtualbox versions. Last resorts: Format your computer, reinstall windows and buy an intel core isomething processor.

Hope that helps.

Calling variable defined inside one function from another function

Yes, you should think of defining both your functions in a Class, and making word a member. This is cleaner :

class Spam:
    def oneFunction(self,lists):

    def anotherFunction(self):
        for letter in self.word:              
            print("_", end=" ")

Once you make a Class you have to Instantiate it to an Object and access the member functions

s = Spam()

Another approach would be to make oneFunction return the word so that you can use oneFunction instead of word in anotherFunction

>>> def oneFunction(lists):
        return random.choice(lists[category])

>>> def anotherFunction():
        for letter in oneFunction(lists):              
            print("_", end=" ")

And finally, you can also make anotherFunction, accept word as a parameter which you can pass from the result of calling oneFunction

>>> def anotherFunction(words):
        for letter in words:              
            print("_",end=" ")
>>> anotherFunction(oneFunction(lists))

How to get a file or blob from an object URL?

Using fetch for example like below:

 fetch(<"yoururl">, {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + <your access token if need>
.then((response) => response.blob())
.then((blob) => {
// 2. Create blob link to download
 const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([blob]));
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.setAttribute('download', `sample.xlsx`);
 // 3. Append to html page
 // 4. Force download;
 // 5. Clean up and remove the link

You can paste in on Chrome console to test. the file with download with 'sample.xlsx' Hope it can help!

Exit while loop by user hitting ENTER key

user_input=input("ENTER SOME POSITIVE INTEGER : ")
if((not user_input) or (int(user_input)<=0)):    
   import sys        #import
   sys.exit(0)       #exit program 
#(not user_input) checks if user has pressed enter key without entering  
# number.
#(int(user_input)<=0) checks if user has entered any number less than or 
#equal to zero.

List all liquibase sql types

I've found the liquibase.database.typeconversion.core.AbstractTypeConverter class. It lists all types that can be used:

protected DataType getDataType(String columnTypeString, Boolean autoIncrement, String dataTypeName, String precision, String additionalInformation) {
    // Translate type to database-specific type, if possible
    DataType returnTypeName = null;
    if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("BIGINT")) {
        returnTypeName = getBigIntType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER") || dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMERIC")) {
        returnTypeName = getNumberType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("BLOB")) {
        returnTypeName = getBlobType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("BOOLEAN")) {
        returnTypeName = getBooleanType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR")) {
        returnTypeName = getCharType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("CLOB")) {
        returnTypeName = getClobType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("CURRENCY")) {
        returnTypeName = getCurrencyType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("DATE") || dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase(getDateType().getDataTypeName())) {
        returnTypeName = getDateType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("DATETIME") || dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase(getDateTimeType().getDataTypeName())) {
        returnTypeName = getDateTimeType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
        returnTypeName = getDoubleType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
        returnTypeName = getFloatType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) {
        returnTypeName = getIntType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER")) {
        returnTypeName = getIntType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("LONGBLOB")) {
        returnTypeName = getLongBlobType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("LONGVARBINARY")) {
        returnTypeName = getBlobType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("LONGVARCHAR")) {
        returnTypeName = getClobType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("SMALLINT")) {
        returnTypeName = getSmallIntType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("TEXT")) {
        returnTypeName = getClobType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("TIME") || dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase(getTimeType().getDataTypeName())) {
        returnTypeName = getTimeType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.toUpperCase().contains("TIMESTAMP")) {
        returnTypeName = getDateTimeType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("TINYINT")) {
        returnTypeName = getTinyIntType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("UUID")) {
        returnTypeName = getUUIDType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR")) {
        returnTypeName = getVarcharType();
    } else if (dataTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("NVARCHAR")) {
        returnTypeName = getNVarcharType();
    } else {
        return new CustomType(columnTypeString,0,2);

SQL grouping by all the columns

No because this fundamentally means that you will not be grouping anything. If you group by all columns (and have a properly defined table w/ a unique index) then SELECT * FROM table is essentially the same thing as SELECT * FROM table GROUP BY *.

Create a button with rounded border

If you don't want to use OutlineButton and want to stick to normal RaisedButton, you can wrap your button in ClipRRect or ClipOval like:

  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(40),
  child: RaisedButton(
    child: Text("Button"),
    onPressed: () {},

How to repair a serialized string which has been corrupted by an incorrect byte count length?

You can fix broken serialize string using following function, with multibyte character handling.

function repairSerializeString($value)

    $regex = '/s:([0-9]+):"(.*?)"/';

    return preg_replace_callback(
        $regex, function($match) {
            return "s:".mb_strlen($match[2]).":\"".$match[2]."\""; 

Setting up and using environment variables in IntelliJ Idea

In addition to the above answer and restarting the IDE didn't do, try restarting "Jetbrains Toolbox" if you use it, this did it for me

Jackson - Deserialize using generic class

Just write a static method in Util class. I am reading a Json from a file. you can give String also to readValue

public static <T> T convertJsonToPOJO(String filePath, Class<?> target) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        return objectMapper.readValue(new File(filePath), objectMapper .getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, Class.forName(target.getName())));


List<TaskBean> list =  Util.<List<TaskBean>>convertJsonToPOJO("E:/J2eeWorkspaces/az_workspace_svn/az-client-service/dir1/dir2/filename.json", TaskBean.class);

How to Force New Google Spreadsheets to refresh and recalculate?

None of the existing answers worked for me, but this approach did.

The problem

I was seeing lots of cells say #REF!. These are cells in a sheet that I copied from another Google Sheet doc using "Copy to > Existing Worksheet". If I press Enter in any cell, it recalculates correctly, But I don't want to do that for millions of cells.

My answer

I ran this recalcSheet() script. It takes almost 0.5 seconds per cell, which is very slow but is faster than manually fixing each cell.

function recalcSheet(){  
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("put_your_sheet_name_here");  //
  // var range = sheet.getSelection().getActiveRange();
  // var range = sheet.getRange('A6:D6');
  var range = sheet.getDataRange();  
  recalcRange(range, spreadsheet);

function recalcRange(range, spreadsheet){
  // following structure of
  Logger.log('Range: ' + range.getA1Notation());
  var numRows = range.getNumRows();
  var numCols = range.getNumColumns();
  var startRow = range.getRow();
  var startCol = range.getColumn();
  Logger.log('row: ' + startRow);
  Logger.log('col: ' + startCol);
  Logger.log('numRows: ' + numRows);
  Logger.log('numCols: ' + numCols);

  for (var r = 1; r <= numRows; r+=1) {
    for (var c = 1; c <= numCols; c+=1) {
      var originalFormula = range.getCell(r, c).getFormula(); //
      Logger.log(`r,c ${r}, ${c}; originalFormula: ${originalFormula}`);
        range.getCell(r, c).setFormula('');
        //SpreadsheetApp.flush(); //
        range.getCell(r, c).setFormula(originalFormula);
  spreadsheet.toast('Each cell in the range has been recalculated.', "Finished!"); //

Getting 400 bad request error in Jquery Ajax POST

Finally, I got the mistake and the reason was I need to stringify the JSON data I was sending. I have to set the content type and datatype in XHR object. So the correct version is here:

  type: 'POST',
  url: "http://localhost:8080/project/server/rest/subjects",
  data: JSON.stringify({
    "subject:title":"Test Name",
    "subject:description":"Creating test subject to check POST method API",
    "sub:tags": ["facebook:work", "facebook:likes"],
    "sampleSize" : 10,
    "values": ["science", "machine-learning"]
  error: function(e) {
  dataType: "json",
  contentType: "application/json"

May be it will help someone else.

Is it possible to hide/encode/encrypt php source code and let others have the system?

You could just split the frontend and backend. The frontend is hosted on the customers server with an API that makes calls to the backend on your server. This keeps all of the proprietary code proprietary and forces users to sign up / pay for subscriptions.

cursor.fetchall() vs list(cursor) in Python

A (MySQLdb/PyMySQL-specific) difference worth noting when using a DictCursor is that list(cursor) will always give you a list, while cursor.fetchall() gives you a list unless the result set is empty, in which case it gives you an empty tuple. This was the case in MySQLdb and remains the case in the newer PyMySQL, where it will not be fixed for backwards-compatibility reasons. While this isn't a violation of Python Database API Specification, it's still surprising and can easily lead to a type error caused by wrongly assuming that the result is a list, rather than just a sequence.

Given the above, I suggest always favouring list(cursor) over cursor.fetchall(), to avoid ever getting caught out by a mysterious type error in the edge case where your result set is empty.

Strange problem with Subversion - "File already exists" when trying to recreate a directory that USED to be in my repository

  1. rename the new path to temp
  2. revert the new path (not temp!) so svn does not try to commit it
  3. commit the rest of your changes
  4. copy the path inside the repository: svn copy -m "copied path" -r
  5. update your working copy
  6. mv all files from temp to the new path, which comes from the update
  7. commit your local changes since revision
  8. Have a nice Day including history ;-)

How to find the remainder of a division in C?

You can use the % operator to find the remainder of a division, and compare the result with 0.


if (number % divisor == 0)
    //code for perfect divisor
    //the number doesn't divide perfectly by divisor

Which rows are returned when using LIMIT with OFFSET in MySQL?

OFFSET is nothing but a keyword to indicate starting cursor in table

SELECT column FROM table LIMIT 18 OFFSET 8 -- fetch 18 records, begin with record 9 (OFFSET 8)

you would get the same result form

SELECT column FROM table LIMIT 8, 18

visual representation (R is one record in the table in some order)

 OFFSET        LIMIT          rest of the table
 __||__   _______||_______   __||__
/      \ /                \ /
             your result

AngularJS - $ send data as json

i think the most proper way is to use the same piece of code angular use when doing a "get" request using you $httpParamSerializer will have to inject it to your controller so you can simply do the following without having to use Jquery at all , $,$httpParamSerializer({param:val}))


Groovy String to Date

The first argument to parse() is the expected format. You have to change that to Date.parse("E MMM dd H:m:s z yyyy", testDate) for it to work. (Note you don't need to create a new Date object, it's a static method)

If you don't know in advance what format, you'll have to find a special parsing library for that. In Ruby there's a library called Chronic, but I'm not aware of a Groovy equivalent. Edit: There is a Java port of the library called jChronic, you might want to check it out.

Java 8 Distinct by property

I recommend using Vavr, if you can. With this library you can do the following:

                       .toJavaSet() // or any another Java 8 Collection

SQL query to find Nth highest salary from a salary table

MySQL query to find Nth highest salary from a salary table(100% true)

SELECT Salary FROM Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC LIMIT N-1,1;

Peak detection in a 2D array

Interesting problem. The solution I would try is the following.

  1. Apply a low pass filter, such as convolution with a 2D gaussian mask. This will give you a bunch of (probably, but not necessarily floating point) values.

  2. Perform a 2D non-maximal suppression using the known approximate radius of each paw pad (or toe).

This should give you the maximal positions without having multiple candidates which are close together. Just to clarify, the radius of the mask in step 1 should also be similar to the radius used in step 2. This radius could be selectable, or the vet could explicitly measure it beforehand (it will vary with age/breed/etc).

Some of the solutions suggested (mean shift, neural nets, and so on) probably will work to some degree, but are overly complicated and probably not ideal.

Open a link in browser with java button?

try {
    Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URL("").toURI());
} catch (Exception e) {}

note: you have to include necessary imports from