I had been facing this problem for two days and I found that the directory you create in Oracle also needs to created first on your physical disk.
I didn't find this point mentioned anywhere i tried to look up the solution to this.
If you created a directory, let's say, 'DB_DIR
Then you need to ensure that DB_WORKS
exists in your E:\
drive and also file system level Read/Write permissions are available to the Oracle process.
My understanding of UTL_FILE from my experiences is given below for this kind of operation.
UTL_FILE is an object under SYS user. GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.UTL_FILE TO PUBLIC; needs to given while logged in as SYS. Otherwise, it will give declaration error in procedure. Anyone can create a directory as shown:- CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DB_DIR AS 'E:\DBWORKS'; But CREATE DIRECTORY permission should be in place. This can be granted as shown:- GRANT CREATE ALL DIRECTORY TO user; while logged in as SYS user. However, if this needs to be used by another user, grants need to be given to that user otherwise it will throw error. GRANT READ, WRITE, EXECUTE ON DB_DIR TO user; while loggedin as the user who created the directory. Then, compile your package. Before executing the procedure, ensure that the Directory exists physically on your Disk. Otherwise it will throw 'Invalid File Operation' error. (V. IMPORTANT) Ensure that Filesystem level Read/Write permissions are in place for the Oracle process. This is separate from the DB level permissions granted.(V. IMPORTANT) Execute procedure. File should get populated with the result set of your query.