if you're using scala and know the generic type at compile time, but don't want to manually pass TypeReference everywhere in all your api l ayers, you can use the following code (with jackson 2.9.5):
def read[T](entityStream: InputStream)(implicit typeTag: WeakTypeTag[T]): T = {
//nathang: all of this *crazy* scala reflection allows us to handle List[Seq[Map[Int,Value]]]] without passing
// new TypeReference[List[Seq[Map[Int,Value]]]]](){} to the function
def recursiveFindGenericClasses(t: Type): JavaType = {
val current = typeTag.mirror.runtimeClass(t)
if (t.typeArgs.isEmpty) {
val noSubtypes = Seq.empty[Class[_]]
factory.constructParametricType(current, noSubtypes:_*)
else {
val genericSubtypes: Seq[JavaType] = t.typeArgs.map(recursiveFindGenericClasses)
factory.constructParametricType(current, genericSubtypes:_*)
val javaType = recursiveFindGenericClasses(typeTag.tpe)
json.readValue[T](entityStream, javaType)
which can be used like this:
read[List[Map[Int, SomethingToSerialize]]](inputStream)