[javascript] Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101. IE

Possible Duplicate:
Ajax request problem: error 80020101

I am using JQuery-1.64 and this is my code to reset timer

var message="Logged in";
var myTimeout = setTimeout("timerDone()",1000 * 1440);
function timerDone()
    message="Logged out";   
function timerReset()

    myTimeout = setTimeout("timerDone()", 1000 * 1440);

But it gives me an error, only in IE, when I am trying to do clearTimeout. Any Idea????

This question is related to javascript internet-explorer

The answer is

wrap your entire code block in this:


//code here


also make sure to specify the type of script to be text/javascript

try that and let me know how it goes

when do you call timerReset()? Perhaps you get that error when trying to call it after setTimeout() has already done its thing?

wrap it in

if (window.myTimeout) { 
  myTimeout = setTimeout("timerDone()", 1000 * 1440);

edit: Actually, upon further reflection, since you did mention jQuery (and yet don't have any actual jQuery code here... I wonder if you have this nested within some jQuery (like inside a $(document).ready(.. and this is a matter of variable scope. If so, try this:

window.message="Logged in";
window.myTimeout = setTimeout("timerDone()",1000 * 1440);
function timerDone()
    window.message="Logged out";   
function timerReset()

    window.myTimeout = setTimeout("timerDone()", 1000 * 1440);

All the error 80020101 means is that there was an error, of some sort, while evaluating JavaScript. If you load that JavaScript via Ajax, the evaluation process is particularly strict.

Sometimes removing // will fix the issue, but the inverse is not true... the issue is not always caused by //.

Look at the exact JavaScript being returned by your Ajax call and look for any issues in that script. For more details see a great writeup here


Switch off compatibility view if you use IE9.