Programs & Examples On #Abtest

A controlled comparison of the effectiveness of variants of a website, email, or other commercial product. Usually, a novel or treatment condition is compared against a baseline or control condition to determine the effect of the treatment condition.

Non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context

Static fields and methods are connected to the class itself and not its instances. If you have a class A, a 'normal' method b, and a static method c, and you make an instance a of your class A, the calls to A.c() and a.b() are valid. Method c() has no idea which instance is connected, so it cannot use non-static fields.

The solution for you is that you either make your fields static or your methods non-static. You main could look like this then:

class Programm {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Programm programm = new Programm();

    public void start() {
        // can now access non-static fields

Excel - find cell with same value in another worksheet and enter the value to the left of it

Assuming employee numbers are in the first column and their names are in the second:

=VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet2!A:B, 2,false)

How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr?

You can use top_n

df %>% group_by(A, B) %>% top_n(n=1)

This will rank by the last column (value) and return the top n=1 rows.

Currently, you can't change the this default without causing an error (See

AngularJS + JQuery : How to get dynamic content working in angularjs

You need to call $compile on the HTML string before inserting it into the DOM so that angular gets a chance to perform the binding.

In your fiddle, it would look something like this.

    "<button ng-click='count = count + 1' ng-init='count=0'>Increment</button><span>count: {{count}} </span>"

Obviously, $compile must be injected into your controller for this to work.

Read more in the $compile documentation.

Detecting an undefined object property

Here is my situation:

I am using the result of a REST call. The result should be parsed from JSON to a JavaScript object.

There is one error I need to defend. If the arguments to the REST call were incorrect as far as the user specifying the arguments wrong, the REST call comes back basically empty.

While using this post to help me defend against this, I tried this:

if( typeof[0] === "undefined" ) { throw  "Some error"; }

For my situation, if[0] === "object", then I can safely start inspecting the rest of the members. If undefined then throw the error as above.

What I am saying is that for my situation, all the previous suggestions in this post did not work. I'm not saying I'm right and everyone is wrong. I am not a JavaScript master at all, but hopefully this will help someone.

How do you print in a Go test using the "testing" package?

In case your using testing.M and associated setup/teardown; -v is valid here as well.

package g 

import (

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {

func setup() {
    fmt.Println("setting up")

func teardown() {
    fmt.Println("tearing down")

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    result := m.Run()
$ go test -v g_test.go 
setting up
=== RUN   TestSomething
    g_test.go:10: later
--- SKIP: TestSomething (0.00s)
tearing down
ok      command-line-arguments  0.002s

C pass int array pointer as parameter into a function

The argument of func is accepting double-pointer variable. Hope this helps...

#include <stdio.h>

int func(int **B){


int main(void){

    int *B[10];


    return 0;

Apply a theme to an activity in Android?

To set it programmatically in

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


  setTheme(; // (for Custom theme)
  setTheme(; // (for Android Built In Theme)


To set in Application scope in Manifest.xml (all activities):


To set in Activity scope in Manifest.xml (single activity):


To build a custom theme, you will have to declare theme in themes.xml file, and set styles in styles.xml file.

Build fails with "Command failed with a nonzero exit code"

I encountered this error when I was upgrading my project from Swift 4 to 5. I first updated all my pods to their latest versions. When I built, some pods showed this error.

The following steps resolved this issue for me:

  1. Removed all pods from Podfile
  2. Executed pod install to remove all installed pods
  3. Executed pod deintegrate to remove support for CocoaPods
  4. Deleted Podfile.lock and .xcworkspace from my project so no CocoaPods anymore
  5. Now my project is a pure Xcode project
  6. Opened my project from the regular .xcodeproj file
  7. Changed Swift Version of my project to Swift 5
  8. Cleaned the project (cmd+shift+K)
  9. Quitted Xcode
  10. Restored all pods to my Podfile
  11. Executed pod install to reintegrate CocoaPods and add my pods
  12. Opened the project from the .xcworkspace file
  13. Cleaned and rebuilt
  14. Some old pods that were still using Swift 4.0 (SlideMenuControllerSwift in my case) were set to Swift 5.0, caused many build errors in their code. I corrected it back to Swift 4.0 by opening the Pods project and selecting its target.
  15. Cleaned again, rebuilt.

Now I have only errors in my own project code related with difference in Swift version I made. My job now is to fix them.

Git blame -- prior commits?

Building on DavidN's answer and I want to follow renamed file:

LINE=8 FILE=Info.plist; for commit in $(git log --format='%h%%' --name-only --follow -- $FILE | xargs echo | perl -pe 's/\%\s/,/g'); do hash=$(echo $commit | cut -f1 -d ','); fileMayRenamed=$(echo $commit | cut -f2 -d ','); git blame -n -L$LINE,+1 $hash -- $fileMayRenamed; done | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'

ref: nicely display file rename history in git log

How to close form

You need the actual instance of the WindowSettings that's open, not a new one.

Currently, you are creating a new instance of WindowSettings and calling Close on that. That doesn't do anything because that new instance never has been shown.

Instead, when showing DialogSettingsCancel set the current instance of WindowSettings as the parent.

Something like this:

In WindowSettings:

private void showDialogSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var dialogSettingsCancel = new DialogSettingsCancel();
    dialogSettingsCancel.OwningWindowSettings = this;

In DialogSettingsCancel:

public WindowSettings OwningWindowSettings { get; set; }

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if(OwningWindowSettings != null)

This approach takes into account, that a DialogSettingsCancel could potentially be opened without a WindowsSettings as parent.

If the two are always connected, you should instead use a constructor parameter:

In WindowSettings:

private void showDialogSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var dialogSettingsCancel = new DialogSettingsCancel(this);

In DialogSettingsCancel:

WindowSettings _owningWindowSettings;

public DialogSettingsCancel(WindowSettings owningWindowSettings)
    if(owningWindowSettings == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("owningWindowSettings");

    _owningWindowSettings = owningWindowSettings;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Xcode warning: "Multiple build commands for output file"

Open the Frameworks folder in your project and make sure there are only frameworks inside. I added by mistake the whole Developer folder!

Jquery Setting Value of Input Field

change your jquery loading setting to onload in jsfiddle . . .it works . . .

Jquery Validate custom error message location

Add this code in your validate method:

 errorLabelContainer: '#errors'

and in your html, put simply this where you want to catch the error:

<div id="errors"></div>

All the errors will be held in the div, independently of your input box.

It worked very fine for me.

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

There is an easier way to fix this issue with Mac OS and Homebrew:

Install homebrew if it is not installed yet

$brew install libpng
$pngfix --strip=color --out=file2.png file.png

or to do it with every file in the current directory:

mkdir tmp; for f in ./*.png; do pngfix --strip=color --out=tmp/"$f" "$f"; done

It will create a fixed copy for each png file in the current directory and put it in the the tmp subdirectory. After that, if everything is OK, you just need to override the original files.

Another tip is to use the Keynote and Preview applications to create the icons. I draw them using Keynote, in the size of about 120x120 pixels, over a slide with a white background (the option to make polygons editable is great!). Before exporting to Preview, I draw a rectangle around the icon (without any fill or shadow, just the outline, with the size of about 135x135) and copy everything to the clipboard. After that, you just need to open it with the Preview tool using "New from Clipboard", select a 128x128 pixels area around the icon, copy, use "New from Clipboard" again, and export it to PNG. You won't need to run the pngfix tool.

How to cast Object to boolean?

If the object is actually a Boolean instance, then just cast it:

boolean di = (Boolean) someObject;

The explicit cast will do the conversion to Boolean, and then there's the auto-unboxing to the primitive value. Or you can do that explicitly:

boolean di = ((Boolean) someObject).booleanValue();

If someObject doesn't refer to a Boolean value though, what do you want the code to do?

Execution time of C program

(All answers here are lacking, if your sysadmin changes the systemtime, or your timezone has differing winter- and sommer-times. Therefore...)

On linux use: clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &time_variable); It's not affected if the system-admin changes the time, or you live in a country with winter-time different from summer-time, etc.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <unistd.h> /* for sleep() */

int main() {
    struct timespec begin, end;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &begin);

    sleep(1);      // waste some time

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &end);

    printf ("Total time = %f seconds\n",
            (end.tv_nsec - begin.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0 +
            (end.tv_sec  - begin.tv_sec));


man clock_gettime states:

              Clock  that  cannot  be set and represents monotonic time since some unspecified starting point.  This clock is not affected by discontinuous jumps in the system time
              (e.g., if the system administrator manually changes the clock), but is affected by the incremental adjustments performed by adjtime(3) and NTP.

What is the difference between dynamic programming and greedy approach?

I would like to cite a paragraph which describes the major difference between greedy algorithms and dynamic programming algorithms stated in the book Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition) by Cormen, Chapter 15.3, page 381:

One major difference between greedy algorithms and dynamic programming is that instead of first finding optimal solutions to subproblems and then making an informed choice, greedy algorithms first make a greedy choice, the choice that looks best at the time, and then solve a resulting subproblem, without bothering to solve all possible related smaller subproblems.

How to delete a row from GridView?

You're deleting the row from the gridview and then rebinding it to the datasource (which still contains the row). Either delete the row from the datasource, or don't rebind the gridview afterwards.

Using headers with the Python requests library's get method

According to the API, the headers can all be passed in using requests.get:

import requests
r=requests.get("", headers={"content-type":"text"})

Can two or more people edit an Excel document at the same time?

yes if it is SharePoint 2010 and above by using the Office feature co-authoring

What is the .idea folder?

When you use the IntelliJ IDE, all the project-specific settings for the project are stored under the .idea folder.

Project settings are stored with each specific project as a set of xml files under the .idea folder. If you specify the default project settings, these settings will be automatically used for each newly created project.

Check this documentation for the IDE settings and here is their recommendation on Source Control and an example .gitignore file.

Note: If you are using git or some version control system, you might want to set this folder "ignore". Example - for git, add this directory to .gitignore. This way, the application is not IDE-specific.

"ssl module in Python is not available" when installing package with pip3

I tried A LOT of ways to solve this problem and none solved. I'm currently on Windows 10.

The only thing that worked was:

  • Uninstall Anaconda
  • Uninstall Python (i was using version 3.7.3)
  • Install Python again (remember to check the option to automatically add to PATH)

Then I've downloaded all the libs I needed using PIP... and worked!

Don't know why, or if the problem was somehow related to Anaconda.

HTML input - name vs. id

If you are using JavaScript/CSS, you must use 'id' of control to apply any CSS/JavaScript stuff on it.

If you use name, CSS won't work for that control. As an example, if you use a JavaScript calendar attached to a textbox, you must use id of text control to assign it the JavaScript calendar.

Check if XML Element exists


Should do it (where doc is your XmlDocument object, obviously)

Alternatively you could use an XSD and validate against that

Perl read line by line

use utf8                       ;
use 5.10.1                     ;
use strict                     ;
use autodie                    ;
use warnings FATAL => q  ?all?;
binmode STDOUT     => q ?:utf8?;                  END {
close   STDOUT                 ;                     }
our    $FOLIO      =  q + SnPmaster.txt +            ;
open    FOLIO                  ;                 END {
close   FOLIO                  ;                     }
binmode FOLIO      => q{       :crlf
                               :encoding(CP-1252)    };
while (<FOLIO>)  { print       ;                     }
       continue  { ${.} ^015^  __LINE__  ||   exit   }
unlink  $FOLIO                 ;
unlink ~$HOME ||
  clri ~$HOME                  ;
reboot                         ;

How to enumerate an enum with String type?

enum Rank: Int {
    static let ranks = (Rank.Ace.rawValue ... Rank.King.rawValue).map{Rank(rawValue: $0)! }

enum Suit {
    static let suits = [Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs]

struct Card {
    static func fullDesk() -> [Card] {
        var desk: [Card] = []
        for suit in Suit.suits {
            for rank in Rank.ranks {
                desk.append(Card(rank: rank,suit: suit))
        return desk

How about this?

Div width 100% minus fixed amount of pixels

I had a similar issue where I wanted a banner across the top of the screen that had one image on the left and a repeating image on the right to the edge of the screen. I ended up resolving it like so:


.banner_left {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 131px;
height: 150px;
background-image: url("left_image.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;

.banner_right {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 131px;
right: 0px;
height: 150px;
background-image: url("right_repeating_image.jpg");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-position: top left;

The key was the right tag. I'm basically specifying that I want it to repeat from 131px in from the left to 0px from the right.

html/css buttons that scroll down to different div sections on a webpage

try this:

<input type="button" onClick="document.getElementById('middle').scrollIntoView();" />

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

A slightly cleaner version of DTB's solution.

    var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    var random = new Random();
    var list = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 8).Select(x=>chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]);
    return string.Join("", list);

Your style preferences may vary.

How to concatenate int values in java?


int result = a * 10000 + b * 1000 + c * 100 + d * 10 + e;
String s = Integer.toString(result);

will work.

Note: this will only work when a is greater than 0 and all of b, c, d and e are in [0, 9]. For example, if b is 15, Michael's method will get you the result you probably want.

How does java do modulus calculations with negative numbers?

The mod function is defined as the amount by which a number exceeds the largest integer multiple of the divisor that is not greater than that number. So in your case of

-13 % 64

the largest integer multiple of 64 that does not exceed -13 is -64. Now, when you subtract -13 from -64 it equals 51 -13 - (-64) = -13 + 64 = 51

Run jQuery function onclick

You can bind the mouseenter and mouseleave events and jQuery will emulate those where they are not native.

$("div.system_box").on('mouseenter', function(){
.on('mouseleave', function(){


note: do not use hover as that is deprecated

How to get json response using in c#?

You need to explicitly ask for the content type.

Add this line:

 request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
At the appropriate place

Remove Item in Dictionary based on Value

Dictionary<string, string> source
//functional programming - do not modify state - only create new state
Dictionary<string, string> result = source
  .Where(kvp => string.Compare(kvp.Value, "two", true) != 0)
  .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value)
// or you could modify state
List<string> keys = source
  .Where(kvp => string.Compare(kvp.Value, "two", true) == 0)
  .Select(kvp => kvp.Key)

foreach(string theKey in keys)

OpenCV TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'src' - What is this?

The following can be used from numpy:

import numpy as np 
image = np.array(image)

Disable keyboard on EditText

I found this solution which works for me. It also places the cursor, when clicked on EditText at the correct position.

EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(;
// set OnTouchListener to consume the touch event
editText.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            v.onTouchEvent(event);   // handle the event first
            InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)v.getContext().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
            if (imm != null) {
                imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);  // hide the soft keyboard 
            return true;

What order are the Junit @Before/@After called?

If you turn things around, you can declare your base class abstract, and have descendants declare setUp and tearDown methods (without annotations) that are called in the base class' annotated setUp and tearDown methods.

What's a decent SFTP command-line client for windows? - sftpc is a good command line client also.

How to allow only a number (digits and decimal point) to be typed in an input?

I wrote a working CodePen example to demonstrate a great way of filtering numeric user input. The directive currently only allows positive integers, but the regex can easily be updated to support any desired numeric format.

My directive is easy to use:

<input type="text" ng-model="employee.age" valid-number />

The directive is very easy to understand:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {

app.directive('validNumber', function() {
  return {
    require: '?ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
      if(!ngModelCtrl) {

      ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(function(val) {
        if (angular.isUndefined(val)) {
            var val = '';
        var clean = val.replace( /[^0-9]+/g, '');
        if (val !== clean) {
        return clean;

      element.bind('keypress', function(event) {
        if(event.keyCode === 32) {

I want to emphasize that keeping model references out of the directive is important.

I hope you find this helpful.

Big thanks to Sean Christe and Chris Grimes for introducing me to the ngModelController

Undefined reference to `pow' and `floor'

You need to compile with the link flag -lm, like this:

gcc fib.c -lm -o fibo

This will tell gcc to link your code against the math lib. Just be sure to put the flag after the objects you want to link.

How to bring view in front of everything?

Try FrameLayout, it gives you the possibility to put views one above another. You can create two LinearLayouts: one with the background views, and one with foreground views, and combine them using the FrameLayout. Hope this helps.

HTML: Image won't display?

If you put <img src="iwojimaflag.jpg"/> in html code then place iwojimaflag.jpg and html file in same folder.

If you put <img src="images/iwojimaflag.jpg"/> then you must create "images" folder and put image iwojimaflag.jpg in that folder.

Python's time.clock() vs. time.time() accuracy?

I use this code to compare 2 methods .My OS is windows 8 , processor core i5 , RAM 4GB

import time

def t_time():
    return (time.time()-start)

def t_clock():
    return (time.clock()-start)


for i in range(1,100):
    counter_time += t_time()

    for i in range(1,100):
        counter_clock += t_clock()

print "time() =",counter_time/100
print "clock() =",counter_clock/100


time() = 0.0993799996376

clock() = 0.0993572257367

How to change Java version used by TOMCAT?

On Linux, Tomcat7 has a configuration file located at:


... which is where server specific configurations should be made. You can set the JAVA_HOME env variable here w/o needing to create a profile.d/ script.

This worked for me.

Calling a Function defined inside another function in Javascript

You could make it into a module and expose your inner function by returning it in an Object.

function outer() { 
    function inner() {
    return {
        inner: inner
var foo = outer();

jQuery find and replace string

You could do something like this:

$("span, p").each(function() {
    var text = $(this).text();
    text = text.replace("lollypops", "marshmellows");

It will be better to mark all tags with text that needs to be examined with a suitable class name.

Also, this may have performance issues. jQuery or javascript in general aren't really suitable for this kind of operations. You are better off doing it server side.

Loop through a comma-separated shell variable

If you set a different field separator, you can directly use a for loop:

for v in $variable
   # things with "$v" ...

You can also store the values in an array and then loop through it as indicated in How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?:

IFS=, read -ra values <<< "$variable"
for v in "${values[@]}"
   # things with "$v"


$ variable="abc,def,ghij"
$ IFS=","
$ for v in $variable
> do
> echo "var is $v"
> done
var is abc
var is def
var is ghij

You can find a broader approach in this solution to How to iterate through a comma-separated list and execute a command for each entry.

Examples on the second approach:

$ IFS=, read -ra vals <<< "abc,def,ghij"
$ printf "%s\n" "${vals[@]}"
$ for v in "${vals[@]}"; do echo "$v --"; done
abc --
def --
ghij --

Adding values to Arraylist

You are getting the warning because ArrayList is part of java generics. Essentially, it's a way to catch your type errors at compile time. For example, if you declare your array list with types Integer (ArrrayList<Integer>) and then try to add Strings to it, you'll get an error at compile time - avoiding nasty crashes at runtime.

The first syntax is there for backward compatibility and should be avoided whenever possible (note that generics were not there in older versions of java).

Second and third examples are pretty much equivalent. As you need to pass an object and not a primitive type to add method, your 3 is internally converted to Integer(3). By writing a string in double-quotes you effectively are creating a String object. When calling String("ss") you are creating a new String object with value being the same as the parameter ("ss").

Unless you really do need to store different types in your List, I would suggest actually using a proper type declaration, e.g. ArrayList<Integer> = new ArrayList<Integer>() - it'll save you a lot of headache in the long run.

If you do need multiple datatypes in the list, then the second example is better.

How can I fix the form size in a C# Windows Forms application and not to let user change its size?

Properties -> FormBorderStyle -> FixedSingle

if you can not find your Properties tool. Go to View -> Properties Window

Where in an Eclipse workspace is the list of projects stored?

In Mac OS X, it is under


What does %s mean in a python format string?

The format method was introduced in Python 2.6. It is more capable and not much more difficult to use:

>>> "Hello {}, my name is {}".format('john', 'mike')
'Hello john, my name is mike'.

>>> "{1}, {0}".format('world', 'Hello')
'Hello, world'

>>> "{greeting}, {}".format('world', greeting='Hello')
'Hello, world'

>>> '%s' % name
"{'s1': 'hello', 's2': 'sibal'}"
>>> '%s' %name['s1']

Get Line Number of certain phrase in file Python

def get_line_number(phrase, file_name):
    with open(file_name) as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f, 1):
            if phrase in line:
                return i

Defining an abstract class without any abstract methods

yes you can do that.

declaring class abstract means that class will not be instantiated by any other class.

and there should be at least one abstract method inside that and meaning of that you can declare abstract method in that class if you are not declaring method than its ok.


public abstract class abs {

    protected int cx = 0, cy = 0;

    public void p() {

this will work for sure.

Convert IEnumerable to DataTable

I also came across this problem. In my case, I didn't know the type of the IEnumerable. So the answers given above wont work. However, I solved it like this:

public static DataTable CreateDataTable(IEnumerable source)
        var table = new DataTable();
        int index = 0;
        var properties = new List<PropertyInfo>();
        foreach (var obj in source)
            if (index == 0)
                foreach (var property in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) != null)
                    table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(property.Name, property.PropertyType));
            object[] values = new object[properties.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
                values[i] = properties[i].GetValue(obj);
        return table;

Keep in mind that using this method, requires at least one item in the IEnumerable. If that's not the case, the DataTable wont create any columns.

bad operand types for binary operator "&" java

You have to be more precise, using parentheses, otherwise Java will not use the order of operands that you want it to use.

if ((a[0] & 1 == 0) && (a[1] & 1== 0) && (a[2] & 1== 0)){


if (((a[0] & 1) == 0) && ((a[1] & 1) == 0) && ((a[2] & 1) == 0)){

UITextField border color

Update for swift 5.0

textField.layer.masksToBounds = true
textField.layer.borderColor =
textField.layer.borderWidth = 1.0

CSS border less than 1px

A pixel is the smallest unit value to render something with, but you can trick thickness with optical illusions by modifying colors (the eye can only see up to a certain resolution too).

Here is a test to prove this point:

div { border-color: blue; border-style: solid; margin: 2px; }

div.b1 { border-width: 1px; }
div.b2 { border-width: 0.1em; }
div.b3 { border-width: 0.01em; }
div.b4 { border-width: 1px; border-color: rgb(160,160,255); }
<div class="b1">Some text</div>
<div class="b2">Some text</div>
<div class="b3">Some text</div>
<div class="b4">Some text</div>


enter image description here

Which gives the illusion that the last DIV has a smaller border width, because the blue border blends more with the white background.

Edit: Alternate solution

Alpha values may also be used to simulate the same effect, without the need to calculate and manipulate RGB values.

.container {
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.border-100 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,1); }
.border-75 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.75); }
.border-50 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.5); }
.border-25 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.25); }
<div class="container border-100">Container 1 (alpha = 1)</div>
<div class="container border-75">Container 2 (alpha = 0.75)</div>
<div class="container border-50">Container 3 (alpha = 0.5)</div>
<div class="container border-25">Container 4 (alpha = 0.25)</div>

How to have css3 animation to loop forever

add this styles


.gitignore exclude folder but include specific subfolder

gitignore - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.

Example to exclude everything except a specific directory foo/bar (note the /* - without the slash, the wildcard would also exclude everything within foo/bar):

$ cat .gitignore
# exclude everything except directory foo/bar

Another example for WordPress:


More informations in here:

Class is inaccessible due to its protection level

First thing, try a full rebuild. Clean and build (or just use rebuild). Every once in a long while that resolves bizarre build issues for me.

Next, comment out the rest of the code that is not in your example you have posted. Compile. Does that work?

If so, start adding segments back until one breaks it.

If not, make all the classes public and try again.

If that still fails, maybe try putting the trimmed down classes in the same file and rebuilding. At that point, there would be absolutely no reason for access issues. If that still fails, take up carpentry.

How to add a ScrollBar to a Stackpanel

It works like this:

<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" Width="340" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,0,0,0">
        <StackPanel Name="stackPanel1" Width="311">


TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.TextChanged += new TextChangedEventHandler(TextBox_TextChanged);

SQL how to make null values come last when sorting ascending

I also just stumbled across this and the following seems to do the trick for me, on MySQL and PostgreSQL:


as found at

How to get ip address of a server on Centos 7 in bash

Bit late however I use

curl -4 

returns the server Primary IP address.

How to display scroll bar onto a html table

If you get to the point where all the mentioned solutions don't work (as it got for me), do this:

  • Create two tables. One for the header and another for the body
  • Give the two tables different parent containers/divs
  • Style the second table's div to allow vertical scroll of its contents.

Like this, in your HTML

<div class="table-header-class">
<div class="table-content-class">
            <td>I am the boss</td>
            <td>No, da-da is not the boss!</td>
            <td>Alexis, I am the boss, right?</td>

Then style the second table's parent to allow vertical scroll, in your CSS

    .table-content-class {
        overflow-y: scroll;    // use auto; or scroll; to allow vertical scrolling; 
        overflow-x: hidden;    // disable horizontal scroll 

Select specific row from mysql table

You can add an auto generated id field in the table and select by this id


Accessing AppDelegate from framework?

If you're creating a framework the whole idea is to make it portable. Tying a framework to the app delegate defeats the purpose of building a framework. What is it you need the app delegate for?

Prevent row names to be written to file when using write.csv

For completeness, write_csv() from the readr package is faster and never writes row names

# install.packages('readr', dependencies = TRUE)
write_csv(t, "t.csv")

If you need to write big data out, use fwrite() from the data.table package. It's much faster than both write.csv and write_csv

# install.packages('data.table')
fwrite(t, "t.csv")

Below is a benchmark that Edouard published on his site

microbenchmark(write.csv(data, "baseR_file.csv", row.names = F),
               write_csv(data, "readr_file.csv"),
               fwrite(data, "datatable_file.csv"),
               times = 10, unit = "s")

## Unit: seconds
##                                              expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval
##  write.csv(data, "baseR_file.csv", row.names = F) 13.8066424 13.8248250 13.9118324 13.8776993 13.9269675 14.3241311    10
##                 write_csv(data, "readr_file.csv")  3.6742610  3.7999409  3.8572456  3.8690681  3.8991995  4.0637453    10
##                fwrite(data, "datatable_file.csv")  0.3976728  0.4014872  0.4097876  0.4061506  0.4159007  0.4355469    10

wampserver doesn't go green - stays orange

Also in device manager, first click "show all processes", put a stop to HTTP

After this fix I got an IIS page issue on localhost which got solved when we did the step below:
Check your hosts file in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\ folder, if entry localhost is commented then uncomment it by removing the # in front of that line.

Bootstrap 3.0 Sliding Menu from left

Probably late but here is a plugin that can do the job :

Also v2 can use mobile gesture such as swipe ;)

Eclipse and Windows newlines

In addition to the Eclipse solutions and the tool mentioned in another answer, consider flip. It can 'flip' either way between normal and Windows linebreaks, and does nice things like preserve the file's timestamp and other stats.

You can use it like this to solve your problem:

find . -type f -not -path './.git/*' -exec flip -u {} \;

(I put in a clause to ignore your .git directory, in case you use git, but since flip ignores binary files by default, you mightn't need this.)

How to find if directory exists in Python

os provides you with a lot of these capabilities:

import os
os.path.isdir(dir_in) #True/False: check if this is a directory
os.listdir(dir_in)    #gets you a list of all files and directories under dir_in

the listdir will throw an exception if the input path is invalid.

How to resolve "git pull,fatal: unable to access '\': Empty reply from server"

I think the solution mentioned above to remove the git credentials from windows credentials manager works. Basically it would have sourced with other git credentials in the cache. Flushing out the old ones would pave way to override the new credentials.

How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?

These are the two ways to do it:

  1. Use back quote as here:

SELECT `from` FROM TableName

  1. You can mention with table name as:

SELECT TableName.from FROM TableName

When should null values of Boolean be used?

Use boolean rather than Boolean every time you can. This will avoid many NullPointerExceptions and make your code more robust.

Boolean is useful, for example

  • to store booleans in a collection (List, Map, etc.)
  • to represent a nullable boolean (coming from a nullable boolean column in a database, for example). The null value might mean "we don't know if it's true or false" in this context.
  • each time a method needs an Object as argument, and you need to pass a boolean value. For example, when using reflection or methods like MessageFormat.format().

Finding the handle to a WPF window

Well, instead of passing Application.Current.MainWindow, just pass a reference to whichever window it is you want: new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle and so on.

Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

The two examples you've given are very simple; they can be represented as a simple interval (the first being four days, the second being 14 days). How you model this will depend entirely on the complexity of your recurrences. If what you have above is truly that simple, then store a start date and the number of days in the repeat interval.

If, however, you need to support things like

Event A repeats every month on the 3rd of the month starting on March 3, 2011


Event A repeats second Friday of the month starting on March 11, 2011

Then that's a much more complex pattern.

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in

Mac OS X EL Capitan + MAMP Pro Do this

cd /var
sudo mkdir mysql
sudo chmod 755 mysql
cd mysql
sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock mysql.sock

Then do this

cd /tmp
sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock mysql.sock

Hope this saves you some time.

How to write hello world in assembler under Windows?

Flat Assembler does not need an extra linker. This makes assembler programming quite easy. It is also available for Linux.

This is hello.asm from the Fasm examples:

include ''


    invoke  MessageBox,HWND_DESKTOP,"Hi! I'm the example program!",invoke GetCommandLine,MB_OK
    invoke  ExitProcess,0

.end start

Fasm creates an executable:

>fasm hello.asm
flat assembler  version 1.70.03  (1048575 kilobytes memory)
4 passes, 1536 bytes.

And this is the program in IDA:

enter image description here

You can see the three calls: GetCommandLine, MessageBox and ExitProcess.

Java: Date from unix timestamp

Sometimes you need to work with adjustments.

Don't use cast to long! Use nanoadjustment.

For example, using Oanda Java API for trading you can get datetime as UNIX format.

For example: 1592523410.590566943

    System.out.println("instant with nano = " + Instant.ofEpochSecond(1592523410, 590566943));
    System.out.println("instant = " + Instant.ofEpochSecond(1592523410));

you get:

instant with nano = 2020-06-18T23:36:50.590566943Z
instant = 2020-06-18T23:36:50Z

Also, use:

 Date date = Date.from( Instant.ofEpochSecond(1592523410, 590566943) );

How to declare and use 1D and 2D byte arrays in Verilog?

In addition to Marty's excellent Answer, the SystemVerilog specification offers the byte data type. The following declares a 4x8-bit variable (4 bytes), assigns each byte a value, then displays all values:

module tb;

byte b [4];

initial begin
    foreach (b[i]) b[i] = 1 << i;
    foreach (b[i]) $display("Address = %0d, Data = %b", i, b[i]);


This prints out:

Address = 0, Data = 00000001
Address = 1, Data = 00000010
Address = 2, Data = 00000100
Address = 3, Data = 00001000

This is similar in concept to Marty's reg [7:0] a [0:3];. However, byte is a 2-state data type (0 and 1), but reg is 4-state (01xz). Using byte also requires your tool chain (simulator, synthesizer, etc.) to support this SystemVerilog syntax. Note also the more compact foreach (b[i]) loop syntax.

The SystemVerilog specification supports a wide variety of multi-dimensional array types. The LRM can explain them better than I can; refer to IEEE Std 1800-2005, chapter 5.

UITableViewCell Selected Background Color on Multiple Selection

By adding a custom view with the background color of your own you can have a custom selection style in table view.

let customBGColorView = UIView()
customBGColorView.backgroundColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FFF900")
cellObj.selectedBackgroundView = customBGColorView

Add this 3 line code in cellForRowAt method of TableView. I have used an extension in UIColor to add color with hexcode. Put this extension code at the end of any Class(Outside the class's body).

extension UIColor {    
convenience init(hexString: String) {
    let hex = hexString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted)
    var int = UInt32()
    Scanner(string: hex).scanHexInt32(&int)
    let a, r, g, b: UInt32
    switch hex.characters.count {
    case 3: // RGB (12-bit)
        (a, r, g, b) = (255, (int >> 8) * 17, (int >> 4 & 0xF) * 17, (int & 0xF) * 17)
    case 6: // RGB (24-bit)
        (a, r, g, b) = (255, int >> 16, int >> 8 & 0xFF, int & 0xFF)
    case 8: // ARGB (32-bit)
        (a, r, g, b) = (int >> 24, int >> 16 & 0xFF, int >> 8 & 0xFF, int & 0xFF)
        (a, r, g, b) = (255, 0, 0, 0)
    self.init(red: CGFloat(r) / 255, green: CGFloat(g) / 255, blue: CGFloat(b) / 255, alpha: CGFloat(a) / 255)

Inserting multiple rows in mysql

INSERT INTO test_b (price_sum)
  SELECT price
  FROM   test_a;
INSERT INTO test_c (price_summ) 
  SELECT price
FROM   test_a;

How to convert a String into an ArrayList?

Easier to understand is like this:

String s = "a,b,c,d,e";
String[] sArr = s.split(",");
List<String> sList = Arrays.asList(sArr);

How to update maven repository in Eclipse?

Right-click on your project and choose Maven > Update Snapshots. In addition to that you can set "update Maven projects on startup" in Window > Preferences > Maven

UPDATE: In latest versions of Eclipse: Maven > Update Project. Make sure "Force Update of Snapshots/Releases" is checked.

Get visible items in RecyclerView


The proposed functions findLast...Position() do not work correctly in a scenario with a collapsing toolbar while the toolbar is expanded.

It seems that the recycler view has a fixed height, and while the toolbar is expanded, the recycler is moved down, partially out of the screen. As a consequence the results of the proposed functions are too high. Example: The last visible item is told to be #9, but in fact item #7 is the last one that is on screen.

This behaviour is also the reason why my view often failed to scroll to the correct position, i.e. scrollToPosition() did not work correctly (I finally collapsed the toolbar programmatically).

A keyboard shortcut to comment/uncomment the select text in Android Studio

MAC QWERTY (US- keyboard layout) without numpad:

Line comment : ? + /
Block comment: ? + ? + /

MAC QWERTZ (e.g. German keyboard layout):

Android Studio Version ≥ 3.2:
Line comment : ? + Numpad /
Block comment: ? + ? + Numpad /

thx @Manuel

Android Studio Version ≤ 3.0:
Line comment : ? + -
Block comment: ? + Shift + -

Is Google Play Store supported in avd emulators?

It's not officially supported yet.

Edit: It's now supported in modern versions of Android Studio, at least on some platforms.

Old workarounds

If you're using an old version of Android Studio which doesn't support the Google Play Store, and you refuse to upgrade, here are two possible workarounds:

  1. Ask your favorite app's maintainers to upload a copy of their app into the Amazon Appstore. Next, install the Appstore onto your Android device. Finally, use the Appstore to install your favorite app.

  2. Or: Do a Web search to find a .apk file for the software you want. For example, if you want to install SleepBot in your Android emulator, you can do a Google Web search for [ SleepBot apk ]. Then use adb install to install the .apk file.

How to fix warning from date() in PHP"

You could also use this:


You should call this before calling any date function. It accepts the key as the first parameter to alter PHP settings during runtime and the second parameter is the value.

I had done these things before I figured out this:

  1. Changed the PHP.timezone to "Asia/Calcutta" - but did not work
  2. Changed the lat and long parameters in the ini - did not work
  3. Used date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Calcutta"); - did not work
  4. Used ini_alter() - IT WORKED
  5. Commented date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Calcutta"); - IT WORKED
  6. Reverted the changes made to the PHP.ini - IT WORKED

For me the init_alter() method got it all working.

I am running Apache 2 (pre-installed), PHP 5.3 on OSX mountain lion

Kill process by name?

If you have to consider the Windows case in order to be cross-platform, then try the following:

os.system('taskkill /f /im exampleProcess.exe')

How to customize listview using baseadapter

private class ObjectAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

    private Context context;
    private List<Object>objects;

    public ObjectAdapter(Context context, List<Object> objects) {
        this.context = context;
        this.objects = objects;

    public int getCount() {
        return objects.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return objects.get(position);

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        ViewHolder holder;

            holder = new ViewHolder();
            convertView = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, parent, false);
            holder.text = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
            holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();

        return convertView;

    class ViewHolder {
        TextView text;

"UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure." when plotting figure with pyplot on Pycharm

I too had this issue in PyCharm. This issue is because you don't have tkinter module in your machine.

To install follow the steps given below (select your appropriate os)

For ubuntu users

 sudo apt-get install python-tk


 sudo apt-get install python3-tk

For Centos users

 sudo yum install python-tkinter


 sudo yum install python3-tkinter

For Windows, use pip to install tk

After installing tkinter restart your Pycharm and run your code, it will work

Contain an image within a div?

#container img{

When to use If-else if-else over switch statements and vice versa

As with most things you should pick which to use based on the context and what is conceptually the correct way to go. A switch is really saying "pick one of these based on this variables value" but an if statement is just a series of boolean checks.

As an example, if you were doing:

int value = // some value
if (value == 1) {
} else if (value == 2) {
} else {

This would be much better represented as a switch as it then makes it immediately obviously that the choice of action is occurring based on the value of "value" and not some arbitrary test.

Also, if you find yourself writing switches and if-elses and using an OO language you should be considering getting rid of them and using polymorphism to achieve the same result if possible.

Finally, regarding switch taking longer to type, I can't remember who said it but I did once read someone ask "is your typing speed really the thing that affects how quickly you code?" (paraphrased)

How to add fixed button to the bottom right of page

You are specifying .fixedbutton in your CSS (a class) and specifying the id on the element itself.

Change your CSS to the following, which will select the id fixedbutton

#fixedbutton {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0px;
    right: 0px; 

Here's a jsFiddle courtesy of JoshC.

Return positions of a regex match() in Javascript?

function trimRegex(str, regex){
    return str.substr(str.match(regex).index).split('').reverse().join('').substr(str.match(regex).index).split('').reverse().join('');

let test = '||ab||cd||';
trimRegex(test, /[^|]/);
console.log(test); //output: ab||cd


function trimChar(str, trim, req){
    let regex = new RegExp('[^'+trim+']');
    return str.substr(str.match(regex).index).split('').reverse().join('').substr(str.match(regex).index).split('').reverse().join('');

let test = '||ab||cd||';
trimChar(test, '|');
console.log(test); //output: ab||cd

How can I get file extensions with JavaScript?

I know this is an old question, but I wrote this function with tests for extracting file extension, and her available with NPM, Yarn, Bit.
Maybe it will help someone.

function getFileExtension(path: string): string {
    var regexp = /\.([0-9a-z]+)(?:[\?#]|$)/i
    var extension = path.match(regexp)
    return extension && extension[1]

You can see the tests I wrote here.

PHP Array to JSON Array using json_encode();

json_encode() function will help you to encode array to JSON in php.

if you will use just json_encode function directly without any specific option, it will return an array. Like mention above question

$array = array(
  2 => array("Afghanistan",32,13),
  4 => array("Albania",32,12)
$out = array_values($array);
// [["Afghanistan",32,13],["Albania",32,12]]

Since you are trying to convert Array to JSON, Then I would suggest to use JSON_FORCE_OBJECT as additional option(parameters) in json_encode, Like below

echo json_encode($array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
// {"0":"apple","1":"orange","2":"banana","3":"strawberry"} 

Vendor code 17002 to connect to SQLDeveloper

I encountered same problem with ORACLE 11G express on Windows. After a long time waiting I got the same error message.

My solution is to make sure the hostname in tnsnames.ora (usually it's not "localhost") and the default hostname in sql developer(usually it's "localhost") same. You can either do this by changing it in the tnsnames.ora, or filling up the same in the sql developer.

Oh, of course you need to reboot all the oracle services (just to be safe).

Hope it helps.

I came across the similar problem again on another machine, but this time above solution doesn't work. After some trying, I found restarting all the oracle related services can fix the problem. Originally when the installation is done, connection can be made. Somehow after several reboot of computer, there is problem. I change all the oracle services with start time as auto. And once I could not connect, I restart them all over again (the core service should be restarted at last order), and works fine.

Some article says it might be due to the MTS problem. Microsoft's problem. Maybe!

How to serve up a JSON response using Go?

In framework I got it to work like this:

// say we are in some resource Show action
// some code is omitted
user := &models.User{}
if c.Request().Header.Get("Content-type") == "application/json" {
    return c.Render(200, r.JSON(user))
} else {
    // Make user available inside the html template
    c.Set("user", user)
    return c.Render(200, r.HTML("users/show.html"))

and then when I want to get JSON response for that resource I have to set "Content-type" to "application/json" and it works.

I think Rails has more convenient way to handle multiple response types, I didn't see the same in gobuffalo so far.

List of tables, db schema, dump etc using the Python sqlite3 API

I'm not familiar with the Python API but you can always use

SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;

JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory:

Try the following:

  • Remove \bin from JAVA_HOME path.
  • Open new command line window.
  • Run your command as an administrator.

Firefox 'Cross-Origin Request Blocked' despite headers

The files are self explanatory. Make a file, call it anything. In my case jq2.php.


<script src=""></script>
    // document is made ready so that the program starts when we load this page       

        // it tells that any key activity in the "subcat_search" filed will execute the query.

            // we assemble the get link for the direction to our engine "gs.php". 
            var link1 = "" + $("#subcat_search").val();

                url: link1,
                // ajax function is called sending the input string to "gs.php".
                success: function(result){
                    // result is stuffed in the label.



<!-- the input field for search string -->
<input type="text" id="subcat_search">
<!-- the output field for stuffing the output. -->
<label id="search_val"></label>


Now we will include an engine, make a file, call it anything you like. In my case it is gs.php.

$head = ""; //our head
$key = "your key here"; //your key
$hay = $_GET['needle'];

$hay = str_replace(" ", "+", $hay); //replacing the " " with "+" to design it as per the google's requirement 
$kill = $head . $hay . "&key=" . $key; //assembling the string in proper way . 
print file_get_contents($kill);

I have tried to keep the example as simple as possible. And because it executes the link on every keypress, the quota of your API will be consumed pretty fast.

Of course there is no end to things we can do, like putting the data into a table, sending to database and so on.

Make a link open a new window (not tab)

With pure HTML you can't influence this - every modern browser (= the user) has complete control over this behavior because it has been misused a lot in the past...

HTML option

You can open a new window (HTML4) or a new browsing context (HTML5). Browsing context in modern browsers is mostly "new tab" instead of "new window". You have no influence on that, and you can't "force" modern browsers to open a new window.

In order to do this, use the anchor element's attribute target[1]. The value you are looking for is _blank[2].

<a href="" target="_blank">link text</a>

JavaScript option

Forcing a new window is possible via javascript - see Ievgen's excellent answer below for a javascript solution.

(!) However, be aware, that opening windows via javascript (if not done in the onclick event from an anchor element) are subject to getting blocked by popup blockers!

[1] This attribute dates back to the times when browsers did not have tabs and using framesets was state of the art. In the meantime, the functionality of this attribute has slightly changed (see MDN Docu)

[2] There are some other values which do not make much sense anymore (because they were designed with framesets in mind) like _parent, _self or _top.

use Lodash to sort array of object by value

You can use lodash sortBy (

Your code could be like:

const myArray = [  
      "name":"Anakin Skywalker",
      "name":"Luke Skywalker",

const myOrderedArray = _.sortBy(myArray, o =>

.substring error: "is not a function"

try this code below :

var currentLocation = document.location;
muzLoc = String(currentLocation).substring(0,45);
prodLoc = String(currentLocation).substring(0,48); 
techLoc = String(currentLocation).substring(0,47);

ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError when creating new user

Alternatively you can use the Protected Attributes gem, however this defeats the purpose of requiring strong params. However if you're upgrading an older app, Protected Attributes does provide an easy pathway to upgrade until such time that you can refactor the attr_accessible to strong params.

How to initialize a two-dimensional array in Python?

from random import randint
l = []

for i in range(10):
    for j in range(10):
        a= randint(1,100)



b = []
for i in range(10):
    a = l[i][5]


Removing multiple classes (jQuery)

Separate classes by white space

$('element').removeClass('class1 class2');

VBA test if cell is in a range

Here is another option to see if a cell exists inside a range. In case you have issues with the Intersect solution as I did.

If InStr(range("NamedRange").Address, range("IndividualCell").Address) > 0 Then
    'The individual cell exists in the named range
    'The individual cell does not exist in the named range
End If

InStr is a VBA function that checks if a string exists within another string.

How to choose the id generation strategy when using JPA and Hibernate

The API Doc are very clear on this.

All generators implement the interface This is a very simple interface. Some applications can choose to provide their own specialized implementations, however, Hibernate provides a range of built-in implementations. The shortcut names for the built-in generators are as follows:


generates identifiers of type long, short or int that are unique only when no other process is inserting data into the same table. Do not use in a cluster.


supports identity columns in DB2, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Sybase and HypersonicSQL. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int.


uses a sequence in DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SAP DB, McKoi or a generator in Interbase. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int


uses a hi/lo algorithm to efficiently generate identifiers of type long, short or int, given a table and column (by default hibernate_unique_key and next_hi respectively) as a source of hi values. The hi/lo algorithm generates identifiers that are unique only for a particular database.


uses a hi/lo algorithm to efficiently generate identifiers of type long, short or int, given a named database sequence.


uses a 128-bit UUID algorithm to generate identifiers of type string that are unique within a network (the IP address is used). The UUID is encoded as a string of 32 hexadecimal digits in length.


uses a database-generated GUID string on MS SQL Server and MySQL.


selects identity, sequence or hilo depending upon the capabilities of the underlying database.


lets the application assign an identifier to the object before save() is called. This is the default strategy if no element is specified.


retrieves a primary key, assigned by a database trigger, by selecting the row by some unique key and retrieving the primary key value.


uses the identifier of another associated object. It is usually used in conjunction with a primary key association.


a specialized sequence generation strategy that utilizes a database sequence for the actual value generation, but combines this with JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys to return the generated identifier value as part of the insert statement execution. This strategy is only supported on Oracle 10g drivers targeted for JDK 1.4. Comments on these insert statements are disabled due to a bug in the Oracle drivers.

If you are building a simple application with not much concurrent users, you can go for increment, identity, hilo etc.. These are simple to configure and did not need much coding inside the db.

You should choose sequence or guid depending on your database. These are safe and better because the id generation will happen inside the database.

Update: Recently we had an an issue with idendity where primitive type (int) this was fixed by using warapper type (Integer) instead.

VB.Net Properties - Public Get, Private Set

One additional tweak worth mentioning: I'm not sure if this is a .NET 4.0 or Visual Studio 2010 feature, but if you're using both you don't need to declare the value parameter for the setter/mutator block of code:

Private _name As String

Public Property Name() As String
        Return _name
    End Get
    Private Set
        _name = value
    End Set
End Property

How to wrap text in LaTeX tables?

With the regular tabular environment, you want to use the p{width} column type, as marcog indicates. But that forces you to give explicit widths.

Another solution is the tabularx environment:

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ r X }
    right-aligned foo & long long line of blah blah that will wrap when the table fills the column width\\

All X columns get the same width. You can influence this by setting \hsize in the format declaration:

>{\setlength\hsize{.5\hsize}} X >{\setlength\hsize{1.5\hsize}} X

but then all the factors have to sum up to 1, I suppose (I took this from the LaTeX companion). There is also the package tabulary which will adjust column widths to balance row heights. For the details, you can get the documentation for each package with texdoc tabulary (in TeXlive).

How to create EditText with rounded corners?

Here is the same solution (with some extra bonus code) in just one XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--  res/drawable/edittext_rounded_corners.xml -->
<selector xmlns:android="">

<item android:state_pressed="true" android:state_focused="true">
        <solid android:color="#FF8000"/>
            android:color="#FF8000" />
            android:radius="15dp" />

<item android:state_pressed="true" android:state_focused="false">
        <solid android:color="#FF8000"/>
            android:color="#FF8000" />      
            android:radius="15dp" />       

<item android:state_pressed="false" android:state_focused="true">
        <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>
            android:color="#FF8000" />  
            android:radius="15dp" />                          

<item android:state_pressed="false" android:state_focused="false">
            android:color="#BDBDBD" /> 
            android:radius="15dp" />            

<item android:state_enabled="true">


You then just set the background attribute to edittext_rounded_corners.xml file:

<EditText  android:id="@+id/editText_name"

How to trigger a file download when clicking an HTML button or JavaScript

You can trigger a download with the HTML5 download attribute.

<a href="path_to_file" download="proposed_file_name">Download</a>


  • path_to_file is a path that resolves to an URL on the same origin. That means the page and the file must share the same domain, subdomain, protocol (HTTP vs. HTTPS), and port (if specified). Exceptions are blob: and data: (which always work), and file: (which never works).
  • proposed_file_name is the filename to save to. If it is blank, the browser defaults to the file's name.

Documentation: MDN, HTML Standard on downloading, HTML Standard on download, CanIUse

How do you truncate all tables in a database using TSQL?

Before truncating the tables you have to remove all foreign keys. Use this script to generate final scripts to drop and recreate all foreign keys in database. Please set the @action variable to 'CREATE' or 'DROP'.

batch file to check 64bit or 32bit OS

If you are running the script as an administrator, then the script can use the wmic command.

FOR /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%f IN ('wmic os get osarchitecture /value ^| find "="') DO SET "OS_ARCH=%%f"
IF "%OS_ARCH%"=="32-bit" GOTO :32bit
IF "%OS_ARCH%"=="64-bit" GOTO :64bit

ECHO OS Architecture %OS_ARCH% is not supported!

ECHO "32 bit Operating System"

ECHO "64 bit Operating System"


How to inflate one view with a layout

It's helpful to add to this, even though it's an old post, that if the child view that is being inflated from xml is to be added to a viewgroup layout, you need to call inflate with a clue of what type of viewgroup it is going to be added to. Like:

View child = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.child, item, false);

The inflate method is quite overloaded and describes this part of the usage in the docs. I had a problem where a single view inflated from xml wasn't aligning in the parent properly until I made this type of change.

How to get the root dir of the Symfony2 application?

If you are using this path to access parts of the projects which are not code (for example an upload directory, or a SQLite database) then it might be better to turn the path into a parameter, like this:

    database_path: '%kernel.root_dir%/../var/sqlite3.db'

This parameter can be injected everywhere you need it, so you don't have to mess around with paths in your code any more. Also, the parameter can be overridden at deployment time. Finally, every maintaining programmer will have a better idea what you are using it for.

Update: Fixed kernel.root_dir constant usage.

Convert NSNumber to int in Objective-C

A tested one-liner:

int number = ((NSNumber*)[dict objectForKey:@"integer"]).intValue;

WHERE clause on SQL Server "Text" data type

You can use LIKE instead of =. Without any wildcards this will have the same effect.

        (CastleType TEXT)


FROM   @Village
WHERE  [CastleType] LIKE 'foo' 

text is deprecated. Changing to varchar(max) will be easier to work with.

Also how large is the data likely to be? If you are going to be doing equality comparisons you will ideally want to index this column. This isn't possible if you declare the column as anything wider than 900 bytes though you can add a computed checksum or hash column that can be used to speed this type of query up.

Linking a qtDesigner .ui file to python/pyqt?

I found this article very helpful.

I'll briefly describe the actions to create and change .ui file to .py file, taken from that article.

  1. Start Qt Designer from your start menu.
  2. From "New Form" window, create "Main Window"
  3. From "Display Widgets" towards the bottom of your "Widget Box Menu" on the left hand side
    add a "Label Widget". (Click Drag and Drop)
  4. Double click on the newly added Label Widget to change its name to "Hello World"
  5. at this point you can use Control + R hotkey to see how it will look.
  6. Add buttons or text or other widgets by drag and drop if you want.
  7. Now save your form.. File->Save As-> "Hello World.ui" (Control + S will also bring up
    the "Save As" option) Keep note of the directory where you saved your "Hello World" .ui
    file. (I saved mine in (C:) for convenience)

The file is created and saved, now we will Generate the Python code from it using pyuic!

  1. From your start menu open a command window.
  2. Now "cd" into the directory where you saved your "Hello World.ui" For me i just had to "cd\" and was at my "C:>" prompt, where my "Hello World.ui" was saved to.
  3. When you get to the directory where your file is stored type the following.
  4. pyuic4 -x helloworld.ui -o
  5. Congratulations!! You now have a python Qt4 GUI application!!
  6. Double click your file to run it. ( I use pyscripter and upon double click
    it opens in pyscripter, then i "run" the file from there)

Hope this helps someone.

Nested objects in javascript, best practices

var defaultSettings = {
    ajaxsettings: {},
    uisettings: {}

Take a look at this site:

Also, you can try calling JSON.stringify() on one of your objects from the browser to see the json format. You'd have to do this in the console or a test page.

How to convert milliseconds into human readable form?

In java

public static String formatMs(long millis) {
    long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis);
    long mins = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis);
    long secs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis);
    return String.format("%dh %d min, %d sec",
            mins - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(hours),
            secs - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(mins)

Gives something like this:

12h 1 min, 34 sec

How to check if Receiver is registered in Android?

For me the following worked:

if (receiver.isOrderedBroadcast()) {

Extension gd is missing from your system - laravel composer Update

PHP 7.4.2 (cli) (built: Feb 5 2020 16:50:21) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.4.2, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

For Php 7.4.2

  1. sudo apt-get install php7.4-gd
  2. sudo phpenmod gd

Why would someone use WHERE 1=1 AND <conditions> in a SQL clause?

Just adding a example code to Greg's answer:

dim sqlstmt as new StringBuilder
sqlstmt.add("SELECT * FROM Products")
sqlstmt.add(" WHERE 1=1") 

''// From now on you don't have to worry if you must 
''// append AND or WHERE because you know the WHERE is there
If ProductCategoryID <> 0 then
  sqlstmt.AppendFormat(" AND ProductCategoryID = {0}", trim(ProductCategoryID))
end if
If MinimunPrice > 0 then
  sqlstmt.AppendFormat(" AND Price >= {0}", trim(MinimunPrice))
end if

Make selected block of text uppercase

I'm using the change-case extension and it works fine. I defined the shortcuts:

  "key": "ctrl+shift+u", 
  "command": "extension.changeCase.upper", 
  "when": "editorTextFocus" 
  "key": "ctrl+u",
  "command": "extension.changeCase.lower", 
  "when": "editorTextFocus" 

Giving UIView rounded corners


Short answer:

myView.layer.cornerRadius = 8
myView.layer.masksToBounds = true  // optional

Supplemental Answer

If you have come to this answer, you have probably already seen enough to solve your problem. I'm adding this answer to give a bit more visual explanation for why things do what they do.

If you start with a regular UIView it has square corners.

let blueView = UIView()
blueView.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50)
blueView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()

enter image description here

You can give it round corners by changing the cornerRadius property of the view's layer.

blueView.layer.cornerRadius = 8

enter image description here

Larger radius values give more rounded corners

blueView.layer.cornerRadius = 25

enter image description here

and smaller values give less rounded corners.

blueView.layer.cornerRadius = 3

enter image description here

This might be enough to solve your problem right there. However, sometimes a view can have a subview or a sublayer that goes outside of the view's bounds. For example, if I were to add a subview like this

let mySubView = UIView()
mySubView.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 100, height: 100)
mySubView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

or if I were to add a sublayer like this

let mySubLayer = CALayer()
mySubLayer.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 100, height: 100)
mySubLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor

Then I would end up with

enter image description here

Now, if I don't want things hanging outside of the bounds, I can do this

blueView.clipsToBounds = true

or this

blueView.layer.masksToBounds = true

which gives this result:

enter image description here

Both clipsToBounds and masksToBounds are equivalent. It is just that the first is used with UIView and the second is used with CALayer.

See also

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

here, my solution is different from the above. i haven't figured out how this problem happen, but i fixed it. a little unexpectedly.

now comes way:

$ git push origin  use_local_cache_v1_x000D_
Everything up-to-date_x000D_
$ git status_x000D_
On branch test_x000D_
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/use_local_cache_v1' by 4 commits._x000D_
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)_x000D_
$ git push_x000D_
fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match_x000D_
the name of your current branch.  To push to the upstream branch_x000D_
on the remote, use_x000D_
    git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache_v1_x000D_
To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use_x000D_
    git push origin test_x000D_
$ git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache_v1    _x000D_
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)_x000D_

the command that works for me is

$git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache

(hope you guys get out of this trouble as soon as possible)

How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit)

If you dont want to use $.browser, take a look at case 1, otherwise maybe case 2 and 3 can help you just to get informed because it is not recommended to use $.browser (the user agent can be spoofed using this). An alternative can be using that will detect feature support and not agent info.


If you insist on getting browser type (just Chrome or Safari) but not using $.browser, case 1 is what you looking for...

This fits your requirement:

Case 1: (No jQuery and no $.browser, just javascript)

Live Demo:

var isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);
var isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor);

if (isChrome) alert("You are using Chrome!");
if (isSafari) alert("You are using Safari!");

These cases I used in times before and worked well but they are not recommended...

Case 2: (Using jQuery and $.browser, this one is tricky)

Live Demo:


    /* Get browser */
    $ = /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());

    /* Detect Chrome */
        /* Do something for Chrome at this point */
        /* Finally, if it is Chrome then jQuery thinks it's 
           Safari so we have to tell it isn't */
        $.browser.safari = false;

    /* Detect Safari */
        /* Do something for Safari */


Case 3: (Using jQuery and $.browser, "elegant" solution)

Live Demo:

$ = $.browser.webkit && !!;
$.browser.safari = $.browser.webkit && !;

if ($ alert("You are using Chrome!");
if ($.browser.safari) alert("You are using Safari!");

How to delete or change directory of a cloned git repository on a local computer

  1. Go to working directory where you project folder (cloned folder) is placed.
  2. Now delete the folder.
  3. in windows just right click and do delete.
  4. in command line use rm -r "folder name"
  5. this worked for me

Download files from server php

Here is the code that will not download courpt files

$filename = "myfile.jpg";
$file = "/uploads/images/".$filename;

header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header("Content-Type: ".mime_content_type($file));
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
while (ob_get_level()) {

I have included mime_content_type which will return content type of file .

To prevent from corrupt file download i have added ob_get_level() and ob_end_clean();

Computed / calculated / virtual / derived columns in PostgreSQL

Well, not sure if this is what You mean but Posgres normally support "dummy" ETL syntax. I created one empty column in table and then needed to fill it by calculated records depending on values in row.

UPDATE table01
SET column03 = column01*column02; /*e.g. for multiplication of 2 values*/
  1. It is so dummy I suspect it is not what You are looking for.
  2. Obviously it is not dynamic, you run it once. But no obstacle to get it into trigger.

C++ compiling on Windows and Linux: ifdef switch

You can do:

#if MACRO0
#elif MACRO1

…where the identifier can be:

    __linux__       Defined on Linux
    __sun           Defined on Solaris
    __FreeBSD__     Defined on FreeBSD
    __NetBSD__      Defined on NetBSD
    __OpenBSD__     Defined on OpenBSD
    __APPLE__       Defined on Mac OS X
    __hpux          Defined on HP-UX
    __osf__         Defined on Tru64 UNIX (formerly DEC OSF1)
    __sgi           Defined on Irix
    _AIX            Defined on AIX
    _WIN32          Defined on Windows

Adding asterisk to required fields in Bootstrap 3

I modified the css, as i am using bootstrap 3.3.6

.form-group.required label:after{   
color: #d00;   
font-family: 'FontAwesome'; 
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 10px;
content: "\f069"; 
position: absolute;   
 margin-left: 8px;

the HTML

<div class="form-group required">
 <label for="return_notes"><?= _lang('notes') ?></label>
 <textarea class="form-control" name="return_notes" id="return_notes"  required="required"></textarea>

Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff.....'it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'font-src'

You would have used inline styles at many places, which CSP(Content Security Policy) prohibits because it could be dangerous.

Just try removing those inline styles and put it inside dedicated stylesheet.

How do you perform a left outer join using linq extension methods

Whilst the accepted answer works and is good for Linq to Objects it bugged me that the SQL query isn't just a straight Left Outer Join.

The following code relies on the LinkKit Project that allows you to pass expressions and invoke them to your query.

static IQueryable<TResult> LeftOuterJoin<TSource,TInner, TKey, TResult>(
     this IQueryable<TSource> source, 
     IQueryable<TInner> inner, 
     Expression<Func<TSource,TKey>> sourceKey, 
     Expression<Func<TInner,TKey>> innerKey, 
     Expression<Func<TSource, TInner, TResult>> result
    ) {
    return from a in source.AsExpandable()
            join b in inner on sourceKey.Invoke(a) equals innerKey.Invoke(b) into c
            from d in c.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select result.Invoke(a,d);

It can be used as follows

Table1.LeftOuterJoin(Table2, x => x.Key1, x => x.Key2, (x,y) => new { x,y});

C++ compile time error: expected identifier before numeric constant

Since your compiler probably doesn't support all of C++11 yet, which supports similar syntax, you're getting these errors because you have to initialize your class members in constructors:

Attribute() : name(5),val(5,0) {}

How to check if any flags of a flag combination are set?

You could just check if the value is not zero.

if ((Int32)(letter & Letters.AB) != 0) { }

But I would consider it a better solution to introduce a new enumeration value with value zero and compare agains this enumeration value (if possible because you must be able to modify the enumeration).

enum Letters
    None = 0,
    A    = 1,
    B    = 2,
    C    = 4,
    AB   =  A | B,
    All  = AB | C

if (letter != Letters.None) { }


Missread the question - fixed the first suggestion and just ignore the second suggestion.

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

The scalar product between (c-a) and (b-a) must be equal to the product of their lengths (this means that the vectors (c-a) and (b-a) are aligned and with the same direction). Moreover, the length of (c-a) must be less than or equal to that of (b-a). Pseudocode:

# epsilon = small constant

def isBetween(a, b, c):
    lengthca2  = (c.x - a.x)*(c.x - a.x) + (c.y - a.y)*(c.y - a.y)
    lengthba2  = (b.x - a.x)*(b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y)*(b.y - a.y)
    if lengthca2 > lengthba2: return False
    dotproduct = (c.x - a.x)*(b.x - a.x) + (c.y - a.y)*(b.y - a.y)
    if dotproduct < 0.0: return False
    if abs(dotproduct*dotproduct - lengthca2*lengthba2) > epsilon: return False 
    return True

PHP foreach change original array values

In PHP, passing by reference (&) is ... controversial. I recommend not using it unless you know why you need it and test the results.

I would recommend doing the following:

foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
    if ($field['required'] && strlen($_POST[$field['name']]) <= 0) {
        $fields[$key]['value'] = "Some error";

So basically use $field when you need the values, and $fields[$key] when you need to change the data.

Verifying that a string contains only letters in C#

Only letters:

Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$");

Only letters and numbers:

Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$");

Only letters, numbers and underscore:

Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$");

How do I free my port 80 on localhost Windows?

Skype likes to use port 80 and blocks IIS. That was my prob.

Selecting data from two different servers in SQL Server

Querying across 2 different databases is a distributed query. Here is a list of some techniques plus the pros and cons:

  1. Linked servers: Provide access to a wider variety of data sources than SQL Server replication provides
  2. Linked servers: Connect with data sources that replication does not support or which require ad hoc access
  3. Linked servers: Perform better than OPENDATASOURCE or OPENROWSET
  4. OPENDATASOURCE and OPENROWSET functions: Convenient for retrieving data from data sources on an ad hoc basis. OPENROWSET has BULK facilities as well that may/may not require a format file which might be fiddley
  5. OPENQUERY: Doesn't support variables
  6. All are T-SQL solutions. Relatively easy to implement and set up
  7. All are dependent on connection between source and destionation which might affect performance and scalability

Create array of regex matches

Java makes regex too complicated and it does not follow the perl-style. Take a look at MentaRegex to see how you can accomplish that in a single line of Java code:

String[] matches = match("aa11bb22", "/(\\d+)/g" ); // => ["11", "22"]

Test if numpy array contains only zeros

Check out numpy.count_nonzero.

>>> np.count_nonzero(np.eye(4))
>>> np.count_nonzero([[0,1,7,0,0],[3,0,0,2,19]])

'and' (boolean) vs '&' (bitwise) - Why difference in behavior with lists vs numpy arrays?

and tests whether both expressions are logically True while & (when used with True/False values) tests if both are True.

In Python, empty built-in objects are typically treated as logically False while non-empty built-ins are logically True. This facilitates the common use case where you want to do something if a list is empty and something else if the list is not. Note that this means that the list [False] is logically True:

>>> if [False]:
...    print 'True'

So in Example 1, the first list is non-empty and therefore logically True, so the truth value of the and is the same as that of the second list. (In our case, the second list is non-empty and therefore logically True, but identifying that would require an unnecessary step of calculation.)

For example 2, lists cannot meaningfully be combined in a bitwise fashion because they can contain arbitrary unlike elements. Things that can be combined bitwise include: Trues and Falses, integers.

NumPy objects, by contrast, support vectorized calculations. That is, they let you perform the same operations on multiple pieces of data.

Example 3 fails because NumPy arrays (of length > 1) have no truth value as this prevents vector-based logic confusion.

Example 4 is simply a vectorized bit and operation.

Bottom Line

  • If you are not dealing with arrays and are not performing math manipulations of integers, you probably want and.

  • If you have vectors of truth values that you wish to combine, use numpy with &.

Best way to strip punctuation from a string

string.punctuation is ASCII only! A more correct (but also much slower) way is to use the unicodedata module:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from unicodedata import category
s = u'String — with -  «punctation »...'
s = ''.join(ch for ch in s if category(ch)[0] != 'P')
print 'stripped', s

You can generalize and strip other types of characters as well:

''.join(ch for ch in s if category(ch)[0] not in 'SP')

It will also strip characters like ~*+§$ which may or may not be "punctuation" depending on one's point of view.

Export and Import all MySQL databases at one time

Why parsing formatted output while the mysql command can do directly what you want?

databases=`mysql -u $USER -p$PASSWORD --batch --skip-column-names -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | grep -E -v "(information|performance)_schema"`

Lists the database names and only this.

ICommand MVVM implementation

I've just created a little example showing how to implement commands in convention over configuration style. However it requires Reflection.Emit() to be available. The supporting code may seem a little weird but once written it can be used many times.


public class SampleViewModel: BaseViewModelStub
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public void HelloWorld()
        MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");

    public void Print()
        MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("Hello, ", Name, "!"), "SampleViewModel");

    public bool CanPrint()
        return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name);


UPDATE: now there seem to exist some libraries like that solve the problem of ICommand boilerplate code.

JavaScript "cannot read property "bar" of undefined

You can safeguard yourself either of these two ways:

function myFunc(thing) {
    if (thing && && {
        // safe to use here

function myFunc(thing) {
    try {
        var x =;
        // do something with x
    } catch(e) {
        // do whatever you want when didn't work

In the first example, you explicitly check all the possible elements of the variable you're referencing to make sure it's safe before using it so you don't get any unplanned reference exceptions.

In the second example, you just put an exception handler around it. You just access assuming it exists. If it does exist, then the code runs normally. If it doesn't exist, then it will throw an exception which you will catch and ignore. The end result is the same. If exists, your code using it executes. If it doesn't exist that code does not execute. In all cases, the function runs normally.

The if statement is faster to execute. The exception can be simpler to code and use in complex cases where there may be many possible things to protect against and your code is structured so that throwing an exception and handling it is a clean way to skip execution when some piece of data does not exist. Exceptions are a bit slower when the exception is thrown.

Update div with jQuery ajax response html

It's also possible to use jQuery's .load()

$('#submitform').click(function() {
  $('#showresults').load('getinfo.asp #showresults', {
    txtsearch: $('#appendedInputButton').val()
  }, function() {
    // alert('Load was performed.')
    // $('#showresults').slideDown('slow')

unlike $.get(), allows us to specify a portion of the remote document to be inserted. This is achieved with a special syntax for the url parameter. If one or more space characters are included in the string, the portion of the string following the first space is assumed to be a jQuery selector that determines the content to be loaded.

We could modify the example above to use only part of the document that is fetched:

$( "#result" ).load( "ajax/test.html #container" );

When this method executes, it retrieves the content of ajax/test.html, but then jQuery parses the returned document to find the element with an ID of container. This element, along with its contents, is inserted into the element with an ID of result, and the rest of the retrieved document is discarded.

Why check both isset() and !empty()

$a = 0;
if (isset($a)) { //$a is set because it has some value ,eg:0
    echo '$a has value';
if (!empty($a)) { //$a is empty because it has value 0
    echo '$a is not empty';
} else {
    echo '$a is empty';

The term 'ng' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

exit everything and run npm i -g @angular/cli in command prompt , and build your angular app there itself(do not build on powershell)

Hamcrest compare collections

List<Long> actual = Arrays.asList(1L, 2L);
List<Long> expected = Arrays.asList(2L, 1L);
assertThat(actual, containsInAnyOrder(expected.toArray()));

Shorter version of @Joe's answer without redundant parameters.

What is the meaning of polyfills in HTML5?

A polyfill is a shim which replaces the original call with the call to a shim.

For example, say you want to use the navigator.mediaDevices object, but not all browsers support this. You could imagine a library that provided a shim which you might use like this:

<script src="js/MediaShim.js"></script>

In this case, you are explicitly calling a shim instead of using the original object or method. The polyfill, on the other hand, replaces the objects and methods on the original objects.

For example:

<script src="js/adapter.js"></script>

In your code, it looks as though you are using the standard navigator.mediaDevices object. But really, the polyfill (adapter.js in the example) has replaced this object with its own one.

The one it has replaced it with is a shim. This will detect if the feature is natively supported and use it if it is, or it will work around it using other APIs if it is not.

So a polyfill is a sort of "transparent" shim. And this is what Remy Sharp (who coined the term) meant when saying "if you removed the polyfill script, your code would continue to work, without any changes required in spite of the polyfill being removed".

Rewrite all requests to index.php with nginx

Flat and simple config without rewrite, can work in some cases:

location / {
    fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/webuser/site/index.php;

printf formatting (%d versus %u)

%u prints unsigned integer

%d prints signed integer

to get a pointer address use %p

Other List of Formatting Escapes:

Here are the full list of formatting escapes. I am just giving a screen shot from this page

enter image description here

Removing duplicates from a list of lists

A bit of a background, I just started with python and learnt comprehensions.

k = [[1, 2], [4], [5, 6, 2], [1, 2], [3], [4]]
dedup = [elem.split('.') for elem in set(['.'.join(str(int_elem) for int_elem in _list) for _list in k])]

Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery

Take a look at that :


var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; //&& ua.indexOf("mobile");
if(isAndroid) {
  // Do something!
  // Redirect to Android-site?
  window.location = '';


$ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if(stripos($ua,'android') !== false) { // && stripos($ua,'mobile') !== false) {

Edit : As pointed out in some comments, this will work in 99% of the cases, but some edge cases are not covered. If you need a much more advanced and bulletproofed solution in JS, you should use platform.js :

Copy an entire worksheet to a new worksheet in Excel 2010

I really liked @brettdj's code, but then I found that when I added additional code to edit the copy, it overwrote my original sheet instead. I've tweaked his answer so that further code pointed at ws1 will affect the new sheet rather than the original.

Sub Test()
    Dim ws1 as Worksheet
    Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master (2)")
End Sub

curl posting with header application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Try something like:


$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
$result = curl_exec($ch);

echo $result;

Good ways to manage a changelog using git?

A more to-the-point CHANGELOG.

git log --since=1/11/2011 --until=28/11/2011 --no-merges --format=%B

Removing double quotes from variables in batch file creates problems with CMD environment

Spent a lot of time trying to do this in a simple way. After looking at FOR loop carefully, I realized I can do this with just one line of code:

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%Quoted%) DO SET Unquoted=%%I


SET Quoted="Test string"

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%Quoted%) DO SET Unquoted=%%I

ECHO %Quoted%
ECHO %Unquoted%


"Test string"
Test string

What does ||= (or-equals) mean in Ruby?

x ||= y


x || x = y

"if x is false or undefined, then x point to y"

How to insert new cell into UITableView in Swift

Here is your code for add data into both tableView:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {

    @IBOutlet weak var table1Text: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var table2Text: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var table1: UITableView!
    @IBOutlet weak var table2: UITableView!

    var table1Data = ["a"]
    var table2Data = ["1"]

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    @IBAction func addData(sender: AnyObject) {

        //add your data into tables array from textField

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
            //reload your tableView


    //delegate methods
    func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return 1
    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        if tableView == table1 {
            return table1Data.count
        }else if tableView == table2 {
            return table2Data.count
        return Int()

    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

        if tableView == table1 {
            let cell = table1.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! UITableViewCell

            let row = indexPath.row
            cell.textLabel?.text = table1Data[row]

            return cell
        }else if tableView == table2 {

            let cell = table2.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell1", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! UITableViewCell

            let row = indexPath.row
            cell.textLabel?.text = table2Data[row]

            return cell

        return UITableViewCell()

And your result will be:

enter image description here

How permission can be checked at runtime without throwing SecurityException?

This is another solution as well

PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
int hasPerm = pm.checkPermission(
if (hasPerm != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
   // do stuff

What's the difference between Sender, From and Return-Path?

The official RFC which defines this specification could be found here: (look at paragraph 2.1.2. and the following)

2.1.2. Header Field: From

    Mailbox of message author  
Related information:
    Specifies the author(s) of the message; that is, the mailbox(es)
    of the person(s) or system(s) responsible for the writing of the
    message. Defined as standard by RFC 822.

2.1.3. Header Field: Sender

    Mailbox of message sender  
Related information:
    Specifies the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual
    transmission of the message.  Defined as standard by RFC 822.

2.1.22. Header Field: Return-Path

    Message return path
Related information:
    Return path for message response diagnostics. See also RFC 2821
    [17]. Defined as standard by RFC 822.

Find the min/max element of an array in JavaScript

let array = [267, 306, 108] let longest = Math.max(...array);

Mongodb: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061

Under normal conditions, at least 3379 MB of disk space is needed. If you do not have that much space, to lower this requirement;

mongod.exe --smallfiles

This is not the only requirement. But this may be your problem.

Embed youtube videos that play in fullscreen automatically

This was pretty well answered over here: How to make a YouTube embedded video a full page width one?

If you add '?rel=0&autoplay=1' to the end of the url in the embed code (like this)

<iframe id="video" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

of the video it should play on load. Here's a demo over at jsfiddle.

Getting multiple values with scanf()

int a[1000] ;
for(int i = 0 ; i <= 3 , i++)
scanf("%d" , &a[i]) ;

__init__ and arguments in Python

In Python:

  • Instance methods: require the self argument.
  • Class methods: take the class as a first argument.
  • Static methods: do not require either the instance (self) or the class (cls) argument.

__init__ is a special function and without overriding __new__ it will always be given the instance of the class as its first argument.

An example using the builtin classmethod and staticmethod decorators:

import sys

class Num:
    max = sys.maxint

    def __init__(self,num):
        self.n = num

    def getn(self):
        return self.n

    def getone():
        return 1

    def getmax(cls):
        return cls.max

myObj = Num(3)
# with the appropriate decorator these should work fine

That said, I would try to use @classmethod/@staticmethod sparingly. If you find yourself creating objects that consist of nothing but staticmethods the more pythonic thing to do would be to create a new module of related functions.

How can I exit from a javascript function?

Use return statement anywhere you want to exit from function.


   return false;

How to define static constant in a class in swift

Adding to @Martin's answer...

If anyone planning to keep an application level constant file, you can group the constant based on their type or nature

struct Constants {
    struct MixpanelConstants {
        static let activeScreen = "Active Screen";
    struct CrashlyticsConstants {
        static let userType = "User Type";

Call : Constants.MixpanelConstants.activeScreen

UPDATE 5/5/2019 (kinda off topic but ???)

After reading some code guidelines & from personal experiences it seems structs are not the best approach for storing global constants for a couple of reasons. Especially the above code doesn't prevent initialization of the struct. We can achieve it by adding some boilerplate code but there is a better approach


The same can be achieved using an enum with a more secure & clear representation

enum Constants {
    enum MixpanelConstants: String {
        case activeScreen = "Active Screen";
    enum CrashlyticsConstants: String {
        case userType = "User Type";


Why dict.get(key) instead of dict[key]?

The purpose is that you can give a default value if the key is not found, which is very useful


WPF MVVM: How to close a window

In your current window xaml.cs file, call the below code:

var curWnd = Window.GetWindow(this); // passing current window context

This should do the thing.
It worked for me, hope will do the same for you )

How to make CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW work in SQL Server?

SQL Server 2016 Answer

With SQL Server 2016 you can now do (MSDN Source):


ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

In my case, I had a nested list as the series that I wanted to use as an input.

First check: If


outputs a list like [1,2,3], you have a nested list.

Then check if you still get the error when changing to input df['nestedList'][0].

Then your next step is probably to concatenate all nested lists into one unnested list, using

[item for sublist in df['nestedList'] for item in sublist]

This flattening of the nested list is borrowed from How to make a flat list out of list of lists?.

Credit card payment gateway in PHP?

If you need something quick and dirty, you can just use PayPal's "Buy" buttons and drop them on your pages. These will take people off-site to PayPal where they can pay with a PayPal account or a credit card. This is free and super easy to implement.

If you want something a bit nicer where people pay on-site with their credit card, then you would want to look into one of those 3rd part payment providers. None of them (that I'm aware of) are completely free. All will have a per-transaction fee, and most will have a monthly fee as well.

Personally I've worked with Authorize.NET and PayPal Website Payments Pro. Both have great APIs and sample code that you can hook into via PHP easily enough.

How to hide Bootstrap modal with javascript?

The Best form to hide and show a modal with bootstrap it's


HashMap allows duplicates?

m.put(null,null); // here key=null, value=null
m.put(null,a);    // here also key=null, and value=a

Duplicate keys are not allowed in hashmap.
However,value can be duplicated.

should use size_t or ssize_t

ssize_t is used for functions whose return value could either be a valid size, or a negative value to indicate an error. It is guaranteed to be able to store values at least in the range [-1, SSIZE_MAX] (SSIZE_MAX is system-dependent).

So you should use size_t whenever you mean to return a size in bytes, and ssize_t whenever you would return either a size in bytes or a (negative) error value.


Declaring an HTMLElement Typescript

Okay: weird syntax!

var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');

fixes the problem. I wonder why the example didn't do this in the first place?

complete code:

class Greeter {
    element: HTMLElement;
    span: HTMLElement;
    timerToken: number;

    constructor (element: HTMLElement) { 
        this.element = element;
        this.element.innerText += "The time is: ";
        this.span = document.createElement('span');
        this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString();

    start() {
        this.timerToken = setInterval(() => this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString(), 500);

    stop() {


window.onload = () => {
    var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');
    var greeter = new Greeter(el);

ASP.NET Core Identity - get current user

I have put something like this in my Controller class and it worked:

IdentityUser user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);

where userManager is an instance of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager class (with all weird setup that goes with it).

Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Cannot write to SD Card

Android changed how permissions work with Android 6.0 that's the reason for your errors. You have to actually request and check if the permission was granted by user to use. So permissions in manifest file will only work for api below 21. Check this link for a snippet of how permissions are requested in api23


If (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(MainActivity.this, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) !=
                PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(MainActivity.this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, STORAGE_PERMISSION_RC);

` @Override
    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
        if (requestCode == STORAGE_PERMISSION_RC) {
            if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                //permission granted  start reading
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(this, "No permission to read external storage.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long when running main() method

To fix this below error, I did enough research, not got any great solution, I prepared this script and it is working fine, thought to share to the public and make use of it and save there time.

CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long

If you are using the Gradle build tool, and the executable file is placed in build/libs directory of your application. -> create this file in the root directory of your project, and copy below script in it, then go to git bash and type then enter. Hope this helps!

#!/bin/bash dir_name=`pwd` if [ $# == 1 ] && [ $1 == "debug" ] then port=$RANDOM quit=0 echo "Finding free port for debugging" while [ "$quit" -ne 1 ]; do netstat -anp | grep $port >> /dev/null if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then quit=1 else port=`expr $port + 1` fi done echo "Starting in Debug Mode on "$port gradle clean bootjar jar_name="build/libs/"`ls -l ./build/libs/|grep jar|grep -v grep|awk '{print $NF}'` #java -jar -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=$port $jar_name elif [ $# == 1 ] && [ $1 == 'help' ] then echo "please use this commands" echo "------------------------" echo "Start in Debug Mode: sh debug" echo "Start in Run Mode: sh" echo "------------------------" else gradle clean bootjar word_count=`ls -l ./build/libs/|grep jar|grep -v grep|wc -w` jar_name=`ls -l ./build/libs/|grep jar|grep -v grep|awk '{print $NF}'`
jar_path=build/libs/$jar_name echo $jar_name #java -jar $jar_path fi

Hope this helps!!

How to delete duplicate lines in a file without sorting it in Unix?

An alternative way using Vim(Vi compatible):

Delete duplicate, consecutive lines from a file:

vim -esu NONE +'g/\v^(.*)\n\1$/d' +wq

Delete duplicate, nonconsecutive and nonempty lines from a file:

vim -esu NONE +'g/\v^(.+)$\_.{-}^\1$/d' +wq

How can I listen for keypress event on the whole page?

I think this does the best job

for instance in app.component

constructor(private eventManager: EventManager) {
    const removeGlobalEventListener = this.eventManager.addGlobalEventListener(
      (ev) => {
        console.log('ev', ev);

select2 - hiding the search box

.no-search .select2-search {

    dropdownCssClass : 'no-search'

How to create a directory in Java?

With Java 7, you can use Files.createDirectories().

For instance:


Shell script - remove first and last quote (") from a variable

If you're using jq and trying to remove the quotes from the result, the other answers will work, but there's a better way. By using the -r option, you can output the result with no quotes.

$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | jq '.foo'

$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | jq -r '.foo'

Query based on multiple where clauses in Firebase

var ref = new Firebase('');

Query query = ref.orderByChild('genre').equalTo('comedy');
query.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
    public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
        for (DataSnapshot movieSnapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
            Movie movie = dataSnapshot.getValue(Movie.class);
            if (movie.getLead().equals('Jack Nicholson')) {

    public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {


How to open an Excel file in C#?

It's easier to help you if you say what's wrong as well, or what fails when you run it.

But from a quick glance you've confused a few things.

The following doesn't work because of a couple of issues.

if (Directory("C:\\csharp\\error report1.xls") = "")

What you are trying to do is creating a new Directory object that should point to a file and then check if there was any errors.

What you are actually doing is trying to call a function named Directory() and then assign a string to the result. This won't work since 1/ you don't have a function named Directory(string str) and you cannot assign to the result from a function (you can only assign a value to a variable).

What you should do (for this line at least) is the following

FileInfo fi = new FileInfo("C:\\csharp\\error report1.xls");
    // Create the xl file here
    // Open file here

As to why the Excel code doesn't work, you have to check the documentation for the Excel library which google should be able to provide for you.

What is the difference between "#!/usr/bin/env bash" and "#!/usr/bin/bash"?

I find it useful, because when I didn't know about env, before I started to write script I was doing this:

type nodejs > scriptname.js #or any other environment

and then I was modifying that line in the file into shebang.
I was doing this, because I didn't always remember where is nodejs on my computer -- /usr/bin/ or /bin/, so for me env is very useful. Maybe there are details with this, but this is my reason