[html] HTML: Image won't display?

I'm kind of new to HTML. I'm trying to display an image on my website but for some reason, it just shows a blue box with a question mark in it. I've looked everywhere on the internet, but none of the solutions seemed to work for me. I've tried:

<img src="iwojimaflag.jpg"/>

<img src="images/iwojimaflag.jpg"/>

<img src="Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Symfony/src/Acme/WebBundle/Resources/public/images/iwojimaflag.jpg"/>

This question is related to html image web

The answer is

I confess to not having read the whole thread. However when I faced a similar issue I found that checking carefully the case of the file name and correcting that in the HTML reference fixed a similar issue. So local preview on Windows worked but when I published to my server (hosted Linux) I had to make sure "mugshot.jpg" was changed to "mugshot.JPG". Part of the problem is the defaults in Windows hiding full file names behind file type indications.

Here are the most common reasons

  • Incorrect file paths

  • File names are misspelled

  • Wrong file extension

  • Files are missing

  • The read permission has not been set for the image(s)

Note: On *nix systems, consider using the following command to add read permission for an image:

chmod o+r imagedirectoryAddress/imageName.extension

or this command to add read permission for all images:

chmod o+r imagedirectoryAddress/*.extension

If you need more information, refer to this post.

I found that skipping the quotation marks "" around the file and location name displayed the image... I am doing this on MacBook....

Lets look at ways to reference the image.

Back a directory


Folder in a directory:


File in a directory


Now, lets combine them with the addresses you specified.


The first common directory referenced from the html file is three back:


It is in within two folders in that:


And you've reached the image:


Note: This is assuming you are accessing a page at domain.com/Resources/views/Default/index.html as you specified in your comment.

If you put <img src="iwojimaflag.jpg"/> in html code then place iwojimaflag.jpg and html file in same folder.

If you put <img src="images/iwojimaflag.jpg"/> then you must create "images" folder and put image iwojimaflag.jpg in that folder.

Just to expand niko's answer:

You can reference any image via its URL. No matter where it is, as long as it's accesible you can use it as the src. Example:

Relative location:

<img src="images/image.png">

The image is sought relative to the document's location. If your document is at http://example.com/site/document.html, then your images folder should be on the same directory where your document.html file is.

Absolute location:

<img src="/site/images/image.png">
<img src="http://example.com/site/images/image.png">


<img src="http://another-example.com/images/image.png">

In this case, your image will be sought from the document site's root, so, if your document.html is at http://example.com/site/document.html, the root would be at http://example.com/ (or it's respective directory on the server's filesystem, commonly www/). The first two examples are the same, since both point to the same host, Think of the first / as an alias for your server's root. In the second case, the image is located in another host, so you'd have to specify the complete URL of the image.

Regarding /, . and ..:

The / symbol will always return the root of a filesystem or site.

The single point ./ points to the same directory where you are.

And the double point ../ will point to the upper directory, or the one that contains the actual working directory.

So you can build relative routes using them.

Examples given the route http://example.com/dir/one/two/three/ and your calling document being inside three/:


or just


Will try to find a directory named pictures inside http://example.com/dir/one/two/three/.


Will try to find a directory named pictures inside http://example.com/dir/one/two/.


Will try to find a directory named pictures directly at / or example.com (which are the same), on the same level as directory.

img {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
<img src="https://image.ibb.co/gmmneK/children_593313_340.jpg"/>_x000D_
<img src="https://image.ibb.co/e0RLzK/entrepreneur_1340649_340.jpg"/>_x000D_
<img src="https://image.ibb.co/cks4Rz/typing_849806_340.jpg"/>

please see the above code.

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