Here is a mechanism to generate a random alpha-numeric string (I use this to generate passwords and test data) without defining the alphabet and numbers,
CleanupBase64 will remove necessary parts in the string and keep adding random alpha-numeric letters recursively.
public static string GenerateRandomString(int length)
var numArray = new byte[length];
new RNGCryptoServiceProvider().GetBytes(numArray);
return CleanUpBase64String(Convert.ToBase64String(numArray), length);
private static string CleanUpBase64String(string input, int maxLength)
input = input.Replace("-", "");
input = input.Replace("=", "");
input = input.Replace("/", "");
input = input.Replace("+", "");
input = input.Replace(" ", "");
while (input.Length < maxLength)
input = input + GenerateRandomString(maxLength);
return input.Length <= maxLength ?
input.ToUpper() : //In my case I want capital letters
input.ToUpper().Substring(0, maxLength);