[android-studio] A keyboard shortcut to comment/uncomment the select text in Android Studio

How do I comment out several lines of text selected in the IDE with a control key combination?

I thought that Ctrl + Alt + C was the correct sequence, but that's not working.

This question is related to android-studio

The answer is

You can also use regions. See https://www.myandroidsolutions.com/2014/06/21/android-studio-intellij-idea-code-regions/

Select a block of code, then press Code > Surround With... (Ctrl + Alt + T) and select "region...endregion Comments" (2).

At least in Android Studio 2.2.3 with default key mapping, to comment or uncomment a select text, same hotkeys are used as Toggle. Using the hotkeys changes the state from comment to uncomment, and next time Uncomment to comment on next and vice versa.

1. Comment / uncomment a block of code

Comment sample: /* --- Code block ---- */

Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + "/"

Using the same key combinations again will "toggle" commenting or uncommenting the selection.

2. Comment / uncomment a line of code

Comment sample: // -- Code ---

Hotkey: Ctrl + "/"

Using the same key combinations again will "toggle" commenting or uncommenting the selection.

Note: Key mapping can be changed to different schemes like eclipse, visual studio... or to the custom hotkeys in File -> Settings -> Keymap

if you are findind keyboard shortcuts for Fix doc comment like this:

 * ...

you can do it by useing Live Template(setting - editor - Live Templates - add)

 * $comment$

I had the same problem, usually, you have found the shortcut but it doesn't work because you have not a NumPad. Actually, the only one issue I found is to set my own shortcut with the one I suppose should works.

First step, find the IDE shortcuts : cmd + shift + A enter shortcuts First step, find the IDE shortcuts : <code>cmd + shift + A</code> enter shortcuts

Second step : Find Comments Shortcut with the finder enter image description here

Third step : Set your custom shortcut (I suggest cmd + shift + / or cmd + : ) enter image description here

Now enjoy, it works on a macBook without NumPad

edit : cmd + shift + : has conflicts

Edit : this both works without conflicts enter image description hereIssue on MacBook

On Mac you need cmd + / to comment and uncomment.

MAC QWERTY (US- keyboard layout) without numpad:

Line comment : ? + /
Block comment: ? + ? + /

MAC QWERTZ (e.g. German keyboard layout):

Android Studio Version ≥ 3.2:
Line comment : ? + Numpad /
Block comment: ? + ? + Numpad /

thx @Manuel

Android Studio Version ≤ 3.0:
Line comment : ? + -
Block comment: ? + Shift + -

Windows 10 and Android Studio: Ctrl + / (on small num pad), don't use Ctrl + Shift-7!

From menu, Code -> Comment with Line Commment. So simple. enter image description here

Or, alternatively, add a shortcut as the following: enter image description here

enter image description here