Programs & Examples On #Paypal subscriptions

Refers to PayPal Subscriptions and Recurring Payments. Supports automatically recurring subscriptions from websites, or other links.

Reverse a string without using reversed() or [::-1]?

All I did to achieve a reverse string is use the xrange function with the length of the string in a for loop and step back per the following:

myString = "ABC"

for index in xrange(len(myString),-1):
    print index

My output is "CBA"

What does 'var that = this;' mean in JavaScript?

This is a hack to make inner functions (functions defined inside other functions) work more like they should. In javascript when you define one function inside another this automatically gets set to the global scope. This can be confusing because you expect this to have the same value as in the outer function.

var car = {};
car.starter = {};

car.start = function(){
    var that = this;

    // you can access car.starter inside this method with 'this' = false;

    var activateStarter = function(){
        // 'this' now points to the global scope
        // 'this.starter' is undefined, so we use 'that' instead. = true;

        // you could also use car.starter, but using 'that' gives
        // us more consistency and flexibility



This is specifically a problem when you create a function as a method of an object (like car.start in the example) then create a function inside that method (like activateStarter). In the top level method this points to the object it is a method of (in this case, car) but in the inner function this now points to the global scope. This is a pain.

Creating a variable to use by convention in both scopes is a solution for this very general problem with javascript (though it's useful in jquery functions, too). This is why the very general sounding name that is used. It's an easily recognizable convention for overcoming a shortcoming in the language.

Like El Ronnoco hints at Douglas Crockford thinks this is a good idea.

How to fix Subversion lock error

Just Right Click on Project

  1. Click on Team

  2. Click Refresh/Cleaup

this will remove all the current lock files created by SVN

hope this will help !!!!

selecting unique values from a column

Use something like this in case you also want to output products details per date as JSON and the MySQL version does not support JSON functions.

SELECT `date`,
CONCAT('{',GROUP_CONCAT('{\"id\": \"',`product_id`,'\",\"name\": \"',`product_name`,'\"}'),'}') as `productsJSON`
FROM `buy` group by `date` 
order by `date` DESC

 product_id product_name     date  
|    1     |     azd    | 2011-12-12 |
|    2     |     xyz    | 2011-12-12 |
|    3     |     ase    | 2011-12-11 |
|    4     |     azwed  | 2011-12-11 |
|    5     |     wed    | 2011-12-10 |
|    6     |     cvg    | 2011-12-10 |
|    7     |     cvig   | 2011-12-09 |

       date                                productsJSON
2011-12-12T00:00:00Z    {{"id": "1","name": "azd"},{"id": "2","name": "xyz"}}
2011-12-11T00:00:00Z    {{"id": "3","name": "ase"},{"id": "4","name": "azwed"}}
2011-12-10T00:00:00Z    {{"id": "5","name": "wed"},{"id": "6","name": "cvg"}}
2011-12-09T00:00:00Z    {{"id": "7","name": "cvig"}}

Try it out in SQL Fiddle

If you are using a MySQL version that supports JSON functions then the above query could be re-written:

SELECT `date`,JSON_OBJECTAGG(CONCAT('product-',`product_id`),JSON_OBJECT('id', `product_id`, 'name', `product_name`)) as `productsJSON`
FROM `buy` group by `date`
order by `date` DESC;

Try both in DB Fiddle

How to create a directory in Java?

if you want to be sure its created then this:

final String path = "target/logs/";
final File logsDir = new File(path);
final boolean logsDirCreated = logsDir.mkdir();
if (!logsDirCreated) {
    final boolean logsDirExists = logsDir.exists();

beacuse mkDir() returns a boolean, and findbugs will cry for it if you dont use the variable. Also its not nice...

mkDir() returns only true if mkDir() creates it. If the dir exists, it returns false, so to verify the dir you created, only call exists() if mkDir() return false.

assertThat() will checks the result and fails if exists() returns false. ofc you can use other things to handle the uncreated directory.

AngularJS: Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module?

Try using No Wrap - In Head or No wrap - in body in your fiddle:

Working fiddle:


Angular begins compiling the DOM when the DOM is fully loaded. You register your code to run onLoad (onload option in fiddle) => it's too late to register your myApp module because angular begins compiling the DOM and angular sees that there is no module named myApp and throws an exception.

By using No Wrap - In Head, your code looks like this:


    <script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>
      //Your script.


Your script has a chance to run before angular begins compiling the DOM and myApp module is already created when angular starts compiling the DOM.

CSS flexbox not working in IE10

Flex layout modes are not (fully) natively supported in IE yet. IE10 implements the "tween" version of the spec which is not fully recent, but still works.

This CSS-Tricks article has some advice on cross-browser use of flexbox (including IE):

edit: after a bit more research, IE10 flexbox layout mode implemented current to the March 2012 W3C draft spec:

The most current draft is a year or so more recent:

Convert JSON String to JSON Object c#

string result = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); List _Resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List>(result); //List _objList = new List((IEnumerable)_Resp);

            IList usll = _Resp.Select(a => a.lttsdata).ToList();
            // List<ListViewClass> _objList = new List<ListViewClass>((IEnumerable<ListViewClass>)_Resp);
            //IList usll = _objList.OrderBy(a=> a.ReqID).ToList();
            Lv.ItemsSource = usll;

'setInterval' vs 'setTimeout'


It is a function that execute a JavaScript statement AFTER x interval.

setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000); // Execute something() 1 second later.


It is a function that execute a JavaScript statement EVERY x interval.

setInterval(function () {
}, 2000); // Execute somethingElse() every 2 seconds.

The interval unit is in millisecond for both functions.

How to print an exception in Python 3?

[In Python3]

Let's say you want to handle an IndexError and print the traceback, you can do the following:

from traceback import print_tb 
empty_list = [] 
    x = empty_list[100]
except IndexError as index_error: 

Note: You can use the format_tb function instead of print_tb to get the traceback as a string for logging purposes. Hope this helps.

Update all objects in a collection using LINQ

collection.ToList().ForEach(c => c.PropertyToSet = value);

How do I find the duplicates in a list and create another list with them?

I came across this question whilst looking in to something related - and wonder why no-one offered a generator based solution? Solving this problem would be:

>>> print list(getDupes_9([1,2,3,2,1,5,6,5,5,5]))
[1, 2, 5]

I was concerned with scalability, so tested several approaches, including naive items that work well on small lists, but scale horribly as lists get larger (note- would have been better to use timeit, but this is illustrative).

I included @moooeeeep for comparison (it is impressively fast: fastest if the input list is completely random) and an itertools approach that is even faster again for mostly sorted lists... Now includes pandas approach from @firelynx -- slow, but not horribly so, and simple. Note - sort/tee/zip approach is consistently fastest on my machine for large mostly ordered lists, moooeeeep is fastest for shuffled lists, but your mileage may vary.


  • very quick simple to test for 'any' duplicates using the same code


  • Duplicates should be reported once only
  • Duplicate order does not need to be preserved
  • Duplicate might be anywhere in the list

Fastest solution, 1m entries:

def getDupes(c):
        a, b = itertools.tee(sorted(c))
        next(b, None)
        r = None
        for k, g in itertools.izip(a, b):
            if k != g: continue
            if k != r:
                yield k
                r = k

Approaches tested

import itertools
import time
import random

def getDupes_1(c):
    for i in xrange(0, len(c)):
        if c[i] in c[:i]:
            yield c[i]

def getDupes_2(c):
    '''set len change'''
    s = set()
    for i in c:
        l = len(s)
        if len(s) == l:
            yield i

def getDupes_3(c):
    '''in dict'''
    d = {}
    for i in c:
        if i in d:
            if d[i]:
                yield i
                d[i] = False
            d[i] = True

def getDupes_4(c):
    '''in set'''
    s,r = set(),set()
    for i in c:
        if i not in s:
        elif i not in r:
            yield i

def getDupes_5(c):
    c = sorted(c)
    r = None
    for i in xrange(1, len(c)):
        if c[i] == c[i - 1]:
            if c[i] != r:
                yield c[i]
                r = c[i]

def getDupes_6(c):
    def multiple(x):
            return True
            return False
    for k, g in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: multiple(x[1]), itertools.groupby(sorted(c))):
        yield k

def getDupes_7(c):
    c = sorted(c)
    r = None
    for k, g in zip(c[:-1],c[1:]):
        if k == g:
            if k != r:
                yield k
                r = k

def getDupes_8(c):
    c = sorted(c)
    r = None
    for k, g in itertools.izip(c[:-1],c[1:]):
        if k == g:
            if k != r:
                yield k
                r = k

def getDupes_9(c):
    a, b = itertools.tee(sorted(c))
    next(b, None)
    r = None
    for k, g in itertools.izip(a, b):
        if k != g: continue
        if k != r:
            yield k
            r = k

def getDupes_a(l):
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    # adds all elements it doesn't know yet to seen and all other to seen_twice
    for x in l:
        if x in seen or seen_add(x):
            yield x

def getDupes_b(x):
    x = sorted(x)
    def _matches():
        for k,g in itertools.izip(x[:-1],x[1:]):
            if k == g:
                yield k
    for k, n in itertools.groupby(_matches()):
        yield k

def getDupes_c(a):
    import pandas as pd
    vc = pd.Series(a).value_counts()
    i = vc[vc > 1].index
    for _ in i:
        yield _

def hasDupes(fn,c):
        if fn(c).next(): return True    # Found a dupe
    except StopIteration:
    return False

def getDupes(fn,c):
    return list(fn(c))

    print 'Finding FIRST then ALL duplicates, single dupe of "nth" placed element in 1m element array'
    print 'Finding FIRST then ALL duplicates, single dupe of "n" included in randomised 1m element array'
for location in (50,250000,500000,750000,999999):
    for test in (getDupes_2, getDupes_3, getDupes_4, getDupes_5, getDupes_6,
                 getDupes_8, getDupes_9, getDupes_a, getDupes_b, getDupes_c):
        print 'Test %-15s:%10d - '%(test.__doc__ or test.__name__,location),
        deltas = []
        for FIRST in (True,False):
            for i in xrange(0, 5):
                c = range(0,1000000)
                if STABLE:
                    c[0] = location
                start = time.time()
                if FIRST:
                    print '.' if location == test(c).next() else '!',
                    print '.' if [location] == list(test(c)) else '!',
            print ' -- %0.3f  '%(sum(deltas)/len(deltas)),

The results for the 'all dupes' test were consistent, finding "first" duplicate then "all" duplicates in this array:

Finding FIRST then ALL duplicates, single dupe of "nth" placed element in 1m element array
Test set len change :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.264   . . . . .  -- 0.402  
Test in dict        :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.163   . . . . .  -- 0.250  
Test in set         :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.163   . . . . .  -- 0.249  
Test sort/adjacent  :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.159   . . . . .  -- 0.229  
Test sort/groupby   :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.860   . . . . .  -- 1.286  
Test sort/izip      :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.165   . . . . .  -- 0.229  
Test sort/tee/izip  :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.145   . . . . .  -- 0.206  *
Test moooeeeep      :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.149   . . . . .  -- 0.232  
Test iter*/sorted   :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.160   . . . . .  -- 0.221  
Test pandas         :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.493   . . . . .  -- 0.499  

When the lists are shuffled first, the price of the sort becomes apparent - the efficiency drops noticeably and the @moooeeeep approach dominates, with set & dict approaches being similar but lessor performers:

Finding FIRST then ALL duplicates, single dupe of "n" included in randomised 1m element array
Test set len change :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.321   . . . . .  -- 0.473  
Test in dict        :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.285   . . . . .  -- 0.360  
Test in set         :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.309   . . . . .  -- 0.365  
Test sort/adjacent  :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.756   . . . . .  -- 0.823  
Test sort/groupby   :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 1.459   . . . . .  -- 1.896  
Test sort/izip      :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.786   . . . . .  -- 0.845  
Test sort/tee/izip  :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.743   . . . . .  -- 0.804  
Test moooeeeep      :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.234   . . . . .  -- 0.311  *
Test iter*/sorted   :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.776   . . . . .  -- 0.840  
Test pandas         :    500000 -  . . . . .  -- 0.539   . . . . .  -- 0.540  

How to read from stdin line by line in Node

In my case the program (elinks) returned lines that looked empty, but in fact had special terminal characters, color control codes and backspace, so grep options presented in other answers did not work for me. So I wrote this small script in Node.js. I called the file tight, but that's just a random name.

#!/usr/bin/env node

function visible(a) {
    var R  =  ''
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] == '\b') {  R -= 1; continue; }  
        if (a[i] == '\u001b') {
            while (a[i] != 'm' && i < a.length) i++
            if (a[i] == undefined) break
        else R += a[i]
    return  R

function empty(a) {
    a = visible(a)
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] != ' ') return false
    return  true

var readline = require('readline')
var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false })

rl.on('line', function(line) {
    if (!empty(line)) console.log(line) 

Converting a list to a set changes element order

In Python 3.6, set() now should keep the order, but there is another solution for Python 2 and 3:

>>> x = [1, 2, 20, 6, 210]
>>> sorted(set(x), key=x.index)
[1, 2, 20, 6, 210]

Selecting non-blank cells in Excel with VBA

If you are looking for the last row of a column, use:

Sub SelectFirstColumn()
   SelectEntireColumn (1)
End Sub

Sub SelectSecondColumn()
    SelectEntireColumn (2)
End Sub

Sub SelectEntireColumn(columnNumber)
    Dim LastRow
    LastRow = ActiveSheet.Columns(columnNumber).SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, columnNumber), Cells(LastRow, columnNumber)).Select
End Sub

Other commands you will need to get familiar with are copy and paste commands:

Sub CopyOneToTwo()
    SelectEntireColumn (1)

    ActiveSheet.Range("B1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

Finally, you can reference worksheets in other workbooks by using the following syntax:

Dim book2
Set book2 = Workbooks.Open("C:\book2.xls")

convert streamed buffers to utf8-string

var fs = require("fs");

function readFileLineByLine(filename, processline) {
    var stream = fs.createReadStream(filename);
    var s = "";
    stream.on("data", function(data) {
        s += data.toString('utf8');
        var lines = s.split("\n");
        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++)
        s = lines[lines.length - 1];

    stream.on("end",function() {
        var lines = s.split("\n");
        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)

var linenumber = 0;
readFileLineByLine(filename, function(line) {
    console.log(++linenumber + " -- " + line);

How to clear form after submit in Angular 2?

Here's how I do it Angular 8:

Get a local reference of your form:

<form name="myForm" #myForm="ngForm"></form>
@ViewChild('myForm', {static: false}) myForm: NgForm;

And whenever you need to reset the form, call resetForm method:


You will need FormsModule from @angular/forms for it to work. Be sure to add it to your module imports.

port 8080 is already in use and no process using 8080 has been listed

If no other process is using the port 8080, Eventhough eclipse shows the port 8080 is used while starting the server in eclipse, first you have to stop the server by hitting the stop button in "Configure Tomcat"(which you can find in your start menu under tomcat folder), then try to start the server in eclipse then it will be started.

If any other process is using the port 8080 and as well as you no need to disturb it. then you can change the port.

ValueError: math domain error

Your code is doing a log of a number that is less than or equal to zero. That's mathematically undefined, so Python's log function raises an exception. Here's an example:

>>> from math import log
>>> log(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#59>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: math domain error

Without knowing what your newtonRaphson2 function does, I'm not sure I can guess where the invalid x[2] value is coming from, but hopefully this will lead you on the right track.

Correct way to initialize empty slice

Empty slice and nil slice are initialized differently in Go:

var nilSlice []int 
emptySlice1 := make([]int, 0)
emptySlice2 := []int{}

fmt.Println(nilSlice == nil)    // true
fmt.Println(emptySlice1 == nil) // false
fmt.Println(emptySlice2 == nil) // false

As for all three slices, len and cap are 0.

How to test whether a service is running from the command line

Just to add on to the list if you are using Powershell.

sc.exe query "ServiceName" | findstr RUNNING

The command below does not work because sc is an alias to Set-Content within Powershell.

sc query "ServiceName" | findstr RUNNING

find also does not work on Powershell for some reason unknown to me.

sc.exe query "ServiceName" | find RUNNING

In Python, how to check if a string only contains certain characters?

EDIT: Changed the regular expression to exclude A-Z

Regular expression solution is the fastest pure python solution so far

>>> timeit.Timer("reg.match('jsdlfjdsf12324..3432jsdflsdf')", "import re; reg=re.compile('^[a-z0-9\.]+$')").timeit()

Compared to other solutions:

>>> timeit.Timer("set('jsdlfjdsf12324..3432jsdflsdf') <= allowed", "import string; allowed = set(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '.')").timeit()
>>> timeit.Timer("all(c in allowed for c in 'jsdlfjdsf12324..3432jsdflsdf')", "import string; allowed = set(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '.')").timeit()

If you want to allow empty strings then change it to:


Under request I'm going to return the other part of the answer. But please note that the following accept A-Z range.

You can use isalnum

test_str.replace('.', '').isalnum()

>>> 'test123.3'.replace('.', '').isalnum()
>>> 'test123-3'.replace('.', '').isalnum()

EDIT Using isalnum is much more efficient than the set solution

>>> timeit.Timer("'jsdlfjdsf12324..3432jsdflsdf'.replace('.', '').isalnum()").timeit()

EDIT2 John gave an example where the above doesn't work. I changed the solution to overcome this special case by using encode

test_str.replace('.', '').encode('ascii', 'replace').isalnum()

And it is still almost 3 times faster than the set solution

timeit.Timer("u'ABC\u0131\u0661'.encode('ascii', 'replace').replace('.','').isalnum()", "import string; allowed = set(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '.')").timeit()

In my opinion using regular expressions is the best to solve this problem

Maximum packet size for a TCP connection

Generally, this will be dependent on the interface the connection is using. You can probably use an ioctl() to get the MTU, and if it is ethernet, you can usually get the maximum packet size by subtracting the size of the hardware header from that, which is 14 for ethernet with no VLAN.

This is only the case if the MTU is at least that large across the network. TCP may use path MTU discovery to reduce your effective MTU.

The question is, why do you care?

How to clear or stop timeInterval in angularjs?

    $scope.toggleRightDelayed = function(){
        var myInterval = $interval(function(){

Where do I call the BatchNormalization function in Keras?

It's almost become a trend now to have a Conv2D followed by a ReLu followed by a BatchNormalization layer. So I made up a small function to call all of them at once. Makes the model definition look a whole lot cleaner and easier to read.

def Conv2DReluBatchNorm(n_filter, w_filter, h_filter, inputs):
    return BatchNormalization()(Activation(activation='relu')(Convolution2D(n_filter, w_filter, h_filter, border_mode='same')(inputs)))

How do I make jQuery wait for an Ajax call to finish before it returns?

It should wait until get request completed. After that I'll return get request body from where function is called.

function foo() {
    var jqXHR = $.ajax({
        url: url,
        type: 'GET',
        async: false,
    return JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText);  

changing color of h2

Try CSS:

<h2 style="color:#069">Process Report</h2>

If you have more than one h2 tags which should have the same color add a style tag to the head tag like this:

<style type="text/css">
h2 {

Set max-height on inner div so scroll bars appear, but not on parent div

It might be easier to use JavaScript or jquery for this. Assuming that the height of the header and the footer is 200 then the code will be:

function SetHeight(){
    var h = $(window).height();


Normalizing a list of numbers in Python

Use scikit-learn:

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
data = np.array([1,2,3]).reshape(-1, 1)
scaler = MinMaxScaler()

typedef fixed length array

You want

typedef char type24[3];

C type declarations are strange that way. You put the type exactly where the variable name would go if you were declaring a variable of that type.

Why isn't my Pandas 'apply' function referencing multiple columns working?

If you just want to compute (column a) % (column b), you don't need apply, just do it directly:

In [7]: df['a'] % df['c']                                                                                                                                                        
0   -1.132022                                                                                                                                                                    
1   -0.939493                                                                                                                                                                    
2    0.201931                                                                                                                                                                    
3    0.511374                                                                                                                                                                    
4   -0.694647                                                                                                                                                                    
5   -0.023486                                                                                                                                                                    
Name: a

How to get a complete list of ticker symbols from Yahoo Finance?

I may be able to help with a list of ticker symbols for (U.S. and non-U.S.) stocks and for ETFs.

Yahoo provides an Earnings Calendar that lists all the stocks that announce earnings for a given day. This includes non-US stocks.

For example, here is today's:

the last part of the URL is the date (in YYYYMMDD format) for which you want the Earnings Calendar. You can loop through several days and scrape the Symbols of all stocks that reported earnings on those days.

There is no guarantee that yahoo has data for all stocks that report earnings, especially since some stocks no longer exist (bankruptcy, acquisition, etc.), but this is probably a decent starting point.

If you are familiar with R, you can use the qmao package to do this. (See this post) if you have trouble installing it.

ec <- getEarningsCalendar(from="2011-01-01", to="2012-07-01") #this may take a while
s <- unique(ec$Symbol)
#[1] 12223
head(s, 20) #look at the first 20 Symbols
# [1] "CVGW"    "ANGO"    "CAMP"    "LNDC"    "MOS"     "NEOG"    "SONC"   
# [8] "TISI"    "SHLM"    "FDO"     "FC"      "JPST.PK" "RECN"    "RELL"   
#[15] "RT"      "UNF"     "WOR"     "WSCI"    "ZEP"     "AEHR"   

This will not include any ETFs, futures, options, bonds, forex or mutual funds.

You can get a list of ETFs from yahoo here: That only shows the first 20. You need the URL of the "Show All" link at the bottom of that page. You can scrape the page to find out how many ETFs there are, then construct a URL.

L <- readLines("")
# Sorry for the ugly regex
n <- gsub("^(\\w+)\\s?(.*)$", "\\1", 
          gsub("(.*)(Showing 1 - 20 of )(.*)", "\\3",  
               L[grep("Showing 1 - 20", L)]))
URL <- paste0("", n)

Now, you can extract the Tickers from the table on that page

tbl <- readHTMLTable(URL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
dat <- tbl[[tail(grep("Ticker", tbl), 1)]][-1, ]
colnames(dat) <- dat[1, ]
dat <- dat[-1, ]
etfs <- dat$Ticker # All ETF tickers from yahoo
#[1] 1442

That's about all the help I can offer, but you could do something similar to get some of the futures they offer by scraping these pages (These are only U.S. futures),,,,,,,

And, for U.S. and non-U.S. indices, you could scrape these pages,,,,,,,,,,

Markdown to create pages and table of contents?

Here's a useful method. Should produce clickable references in any MarkDown editor.

# Table of contents
1. [Introduction](#introduction)
2. [Some paragraph](#paragraph1)
    1. [Sub paragraph](#subparagraph1)
3. [Another paragraph](#paragraph2)

## This is the introduction <a name="introduction"></a>
Some introduction text, formatted in heading 2 style

## Some paragraph <a name="paragraph1"></a>
The first paragraph text

### Sub paragraph <a name="subparagraph1"></a>
This is a sub paragraph, formatted in heading 3 style

## Another paragraph <a name="paragraph2"></a>
The second paragraph text


Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Some paragraph
    1. Sub paragraph
  3. Another paragraph

This is the introduction

Some introduction text, formatted in heading 2 style

Some paragraph

The first paragraph text

Sub paragraph

This is a sub paragraph, formatted in heading 3 style

Another paragraph

The second paragraph text

How to convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp

@Chris Haas has explained very well how to use itextSharp to convert HTML to PDF, very helpful
my add is:
By using HtmlTextWriter I put html tags inside HTML table + inline CSS i got my PDF as I wanted without using XMLWorker .
Edit: adding sample code:
ASPX page:

<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="PendingOrdersPanel">
 <!-- to be shown on PDF-->
 <table style="border-spacing: 0;border-collapse: collapse;width:100%;display:none;" >
 <tr><td><img src="" style="display: none;" width="230" /></td></tr>
<tr style="line-height:10px;height:10px;"><td style="display:none;font-size:9px;color:#10466E;padding:0px;text-align:right;">blablabla.</td></tr>
 <tr style="line-height:10px;height:10px;"><td style="display:none;font-size:9px;color:#10466E;padding:0px;text-align:right;">blablabla.</td></tr>
 <tr style="line-height:10px;height:10px;"><td style="display:none;font-size:9px;color:#10466E;padding:0px;text-align:right;">blablabla</td></tr>
<tr style="line-height:10px;height:10px;"><td style="display:none;font-size:9px;color:#10466E;padding:0px;text-align:right;">blablabla</td></tr>
<tr style="line-height:10px;height:10px;"><td style="display:none;font-size:11px;color:#10466E;padding:0px;text-align:center;"><i>blablabla</i> Pending orders report<br /></td></tr>
<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="PendingOrdersGV" RowStyle-Wrap="false" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10" Width="100%" CssClass="Grid" AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="alt" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
   PagerStyle-CssClass="pgr" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" PagerStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" RowStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" DataKeyNames="Document#" 
      OnPageIndexChanging="PendingOrdersGV_PageIndexChanging" OnRowDataBound="PendingOrdersGV_RowDataBound" OnRowCommand="PendingOrdersGV_RowCommand">
   <EmptyDataTemplate><div style="text-align:center;">no records found</div></EmptyDataTemplate>
     <asp:ButtonField CommandName="PendingOrders_Details" DataTextField="Document#" HeaderText="Document #" SortExpression="Document#" ItemStyle-ForeColor="Black" ItemStyle-Font-Underline="true"/>
      <asp:BoundField DataField="Order#" HeaderText="order #" SortExpression="Order#"/>
     <asp:BoundField DataField="Order Date" HeaderText="Order Date" SortExpression="Order Date" DataFormatString="{0:d}"></asp:BoundField> 
    <asp:BoundField DataField="Status" HeaderText="Status" SortExpression="Status"></asp:BoundField>
    <asp:BoundField DataField="Amount" HeaderText="Amount" SortExpression="Amount" DataFormatString="{0:C2}"></asp:BoundField> 

C# code:

protected void PendingOrdersPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (PendingOrdersGV.Rows.Count > 0)
        //to allow paging=false & change style.
        PendingOrdersGV.HeaderStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
        PendingOrdersGV.BorderColor = Color.Gray;
        PendingOrdersGV.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
        PendingOrdersGV.DataSource = clsBP.get_PendingOrders(lbl_BP_Id.Text);
        PendingOrdersGV.AllowPaging = false;
        PendingOrdersGV.Columns[0].Visible = false; //export won't work if there's a link in the gridview

        //to PDF code --Sam
        string attachment = "attachment; filename=report.pdf";
        Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
        StringWriter stw = new StringWriter();
        HtmlTextWriter htextw = new HtmlTextWriter(stw);
        htextw.AddStyleAttribute("font-size", "8pt");
        htextw.AddStyleAttribute("color", "Grey");

        PendingOrdersPanel.RenderControl(htextw); //Name of the Panel
        Document document = new Document();
        document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 5, 5, 15, 5);
        FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", 50, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLUE);
        PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, Response.OutputStream);

        StringReader str = new StringReader(stw.ToString());
        HTMLWorker htmlworker = new HTMLWorker(document);


of course include iTextSharp Refrences to cs file

using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser;
using iTextSharp.tool.xml;

Hope this helps!
Thank you

Is there way to use two PHP versions in XAMPP?

It's possible to have multiple versions of PHP set up with a single XAMPP installation. The instructions below are working for Windows.

  1. Install the latest XAMPP version for Windows (in my case it was with PHP 7.1)
  2. Make sure that Apache is not running from XAMPP Control Panel
  3. Rename the php directory in XAMPP install directory, such as C:\xampp\php become C:\xampp\php-7.1.11.
  4. Download the version of PHP you'd like to run in addition (Eg: PHP 5.4.45)
  5. Move the php directory from the version you downloaded to XAMPP install directory. Rename it so it includes the PHP version. Such as C:\xampp\php-5.4.45.

Now you need to edit XAMPP and Apache configuration :

  1. In C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf, locate the XAMPP settings for PHP, you should change it to something such as :

Where you have to comment (with #) the other PHP versions so only one Include will be interpreted at the time.

#XAMPP settings PHP 7
Include "conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf.7.1"

#XAMPP settings PHP 5.4.45
#Include "conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf.5.4.45"
  1. Now in C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra directory rename httpd-xampp.conf to httpd-xampp.conf.7.1 and add a new configuration file for httpd-xampp.conf.5.4.45. In my case, I copied the conf file of another installation of XAMPP for php 5.5 as the syntax may be slightly different for each version.

  2. Edit httpd-xampp.conf.5.4.45 and httpd-xampp.conf.7.1 and replace there all the reference to the php directory with the new php-X.X version. There are at least 10 changes to be made here for each file.

  3. You now need to edit php.ini for the two versions. For example for php 7.1, edit C:\xampp\php-7.1.11\php.ini where you will replace the path of the php directory for include_path, browscap, error_log, extension_dir..

And that's it. You can now start Apache from XAMPP Control Panel. And to switch from a version to another, you need only to edit C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf and change the included PHP version before restarting Apache.

getFilesDir() vs Environment.getDataDirectory()


Returns the absolute path to the directory on the filesystem where files created with openFileOutput(String, int) are stored.


Return the user data directory.

How to check for an empty struct?

Here are 3 more suggestions or techniques:

With an Additional Field

You can add an additional field to tell if the struct has been populated or it is empty. I intentionally named it ready and not empty because the zero value of a bool is false, so if you create a new struct like Session{} its ready field will be automatically false and it will tell you the truth: that the struct is not-yet ready (it's empty).

type Session struct {
    ready bool

    playerId string
    beehive string
    timestamp time.Time

When you initialize the struct, you have to set ready to true. Your isEmpty() method isn't needed anymore (although you can create one if you want to) because you can just test the ready field itself.

var s Session

if !s.ready {
    // do stuff (populate s)

Significance of this one additional bool field increases as the struct grows bigger or if it contains fields which are not comparable (e.g. slice, map and function values).

Using the Zero Value of an Existing Field

This is similar to the previous suggestion, but it uses the zero value of an existing field which is considered invalid when the struct is not empty. Usability of this is implementation dependant.

For example if in your example your playerId cannot be the empty string "", you can use it to test if your struct is empty like this:

var s Session

if s.playerId == "" {
    // do stuff (populate s, give proper value to playerId)

In this case it's worth incorporating this check into an isEmpty() method because this check is implementation dependant:

func (s Session) isEmpty() bool {
    return s.playerId == ""

And using it:

if s.isEmpty() {
    // do stuff (populate s, give proper value to playerId)

Use Pointer to your struct

The second suggestion is to use a Pointer to your struct: *Session. Pointers can have nil values, so you can test for it:

var s *Session

if s == nil {
    s = new(Session)
    // do stuff (populate s)

How to initialize a vector of vectors on a struct?

Like this:

#include <vector>

// ...

std::vector<std::vector<int>> A(dimension, std::vector<int>(dimension));

(Pre-C++11 you need to leave whitespace between the angled brackets.)

Encrypt and Decrypt text with RSA in PHP

If you are using PHP >= 7.2 consider using inbuilt sodium core extension for encrption.

It is modern and more secure. You can find more information here - and here -

Example PHP 7.2 sodium encryption class -


 * Simple sodium crypto class for PHP >= 7.2
 * @author MRK
class crypto {

     * @return type
    static public function create_encryption_key() {
        return base64_encode(sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen());

     * Encrypt a message
     * @param string $message - message to encrypt
     * @param string $key - encryption key created using create_encryption_key()
     * @return string
    static function encrypt($message, $key) {
        $key_decoded = base64_decode($key);
        $nonce = random_bytes(

        $cipher = base64_encode(
                $nonce .
                        $message, $nonce, $key_decoded
        return $cipher;

     * Decrypt a message
     * @param string $encrypted - message encrypted with safeEncrypt()
     * @param string $key - key used for encryption
     * @return string
    static function decrypt($encrypted, $key) {
        $decoded = base64_decode($encrypted);
        $key_decoded = base64_decode($key);
        if ($decoded === false) {
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the encoding failed');
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the message was truncated');
        $nonce = mb_substr($decoded, 0, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, '8bit');
        $ciphertext = mb_substr($decoded, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, null, '8bit');

        $plain = sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(
                $ciphertext, $nonce, $key_decoded
        if ($plain === false) {
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the message was tampered with in transit');
        return $plain;


Sample Usage -


$key = crypto::create_encryption_key();

$string = 'Sri Lanka is a beautiful country !';

echo $enc = crypto::encrypt($string, $key); 
echo crypto::decrypt($enc, $key);

What is a .pid file and what does it contain?

To understand pid files, refer this DOC

Some times there are certain applications that require additional support of extra plugins and utilities. So it keeps track of these utilities and plugin process running ids using this pid file for reference.

That is why whenever you restart an application all necessary plugins and dependant apps must be restarted since the pid file will become stale.

How to filter WooCommerce products by custom attribute

You can use the WooCommerce Layered Nav widget, which allows you to use different sets of attributes as filters for products. Here's the "official" description:

Shows a custom attribute in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of products when viewing product categories.

If you look into plugins/woocommerce/widgets/widget-layered_nav.php, you can see the way it operates with the attributes in order to set filters. The URL then looks like this:

... and the digits are actually the id-s of the different attribute values, that you want to set.

Add number of days to a date

Use this addDate() function to add or subtract days, month or years (you will need the auxiliar function reformatDate() as well)

 * $date self explanatory
 * $diff the difference to add or subtract: e.g. '2 days' or '-1 month'
 * $format the format for $date
    function addDate($date = '', $diff = '', $format = "d/m/Y") {
        if (empty($date) || empty($diff))
            return false;
        $formatedDate = reformatDate($date, $format, $to_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $newdate = strtotime($diff, strtotime($formatedDate));
        return date($format, $newdate);
    //Aux function
    function reformatDate($date, $from_format = 'd/m/Y', $to_format = 'Y-m-d') {
        $date_aux = date_create_from_format($from_format, $date);
        return date_format($date_aux,$to_format);

Note: only for php >=5.3

fs: how do I locate a parent folder?

You can use

path.join(__dirname, '../..');

"The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" when running app in Xcode 6 Beta 4

What I did is here:

  • I deleted VALIDARCHS from Project
  • I deleted VALIDARCHS from Target
  • Build Active Architecture Only = YES (for Debug) Architectures
  • Standard Architectures $(ARCHS_STANDARD)

Also, File -> Project/Workspace Settings == New Build System

Xcode Version 12.0 (12A7209)

How to get the file path from HTML input form in Firefox 3

For preview in Firefox works this - attachment is object of attachment element in first example:

           if (attachment.files)
             previewImage.src = attachment.files.item(0).getAsDataURL();
             previewImage.src = attachment.value;

How do I split a string in Rust?

Use split()

let mut split = "some string 123 ffd".split("123");

This gives an iterator, which you can loop over, or collect() into a vector.

for s in split {
    println!("{}", s)
let vec = split.collect::<Vec<&str>>();
// OR
let vec: Vec<&str> = split.collect();

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

If you are writing this code as a script file then you will have to write it like this:

df = df.sort(['c1','c2'], ascending=[False,True])

Bringing a subview to be in front of all other views

Swift 2 version of Jere's answer:


Swift 3:

UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.bringSubview(toFront: YourViewHere)

Swift 4:


Hope it saves someone 10 seconds! ;)

Import mysql DB with XAMPP in command LINE

here is my try to import database from cmd in xampp server the correct command for me is this you can change it with your requirements.and i also attached Errors that i face first time importing db from command can see last command that i use and i paste it here also its working fro me.

mysql -h localhost -u root ovxsolut_windhs < C:\Users\eee\Downloads\ovxsolut_windhs.sql

d enter image description here

Pyinstaller setting icons don't change

That's error of a module in pyinstaller. The stuff would be sth like this, right:

File "c:\users\p-stu\appdata\local\programs\python\python38-32\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\utils\win32\", line 234, in CopyIcons
    except win32api.error as W32E:
AttrubuteError: module 'win32ctypes.pywin32.win32api' has no attribute 'error'

Left/Right float button inside div

You can use justify-content: space-between in .test like so:

.test {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  border: .1rem red solid;_x000D_
<div class="test">_x000D_

For those who want to use Bootstrap 4 can use justify-content-between:

div {_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  border: .1rem red solid;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">_x000D_

Select random lines from a file

Well According to a comment on the shuf answer he shuffed 78 000 000 000 lines in under a minute.

Challenge accepted...

EDIT: I beat my own record

powershuf did it in 0.047 seconds

$ time ./ -n 10 --file lines_78000000000.txt > /dev/null 
./ -n 10 --file lines_78000000000.txt > /dev/null  0.02s user 0.01s system 80% cpu 0.047 total

The reason it is so fast, well I don't read the whole file and just move the file pointer 10 times and print the line after the pointer.

Gitlab Repo

Old attempt

First I needed a file of lines:

seq 1 78 | xargs -n 1 -P 16 -I% seq 1 1000 | xargs -n 1 -P 16 -I% echo "" > lines_78000.txt
seq 1 1000 | xargs -n 1 -P 16 -I% cat lines_78000.txt > lines_78000000.txt
seq 1 1000 | xargs -n 1 -P 16 -I% cat lines_78000000.txt > lines_78000000000.txt

This gives me a a file with 78 Billion newlines ;-)

Now for the shuf part:

$ time shuf -n 10 lines_78000000000.txt

shuf -n 10 lines_78000000000.txt  2171.20s user 22.17s system 99% cpu 36:35.80 total

The bottleneck was CPU and not using multiple threads, it pinned 1 core at 100% the other 15 were not used.

Python is what I regularly use so that's what I'll use to make this faster:

import random
f = open("lines_78000000000.txt", "rt")
count = 0
while 1:
  buffer =
  if not buffer: break
  count += buffer.count('\n')

for i in range(10):
  f.readline(random.randint(1, count))

This got me just under a minute:

$ time ./         

./  42.57s user 16.19s system 98% cpu 59.752 total

I did this on a Lenovo X1 extreme 2nd gen with the i9 and Samsung NVMe which gives me plenty read and write speed.

I know it can get faster but I'll leave some room to give others a try.

Line counter source: Luther Blissett

Set a cookie to HttpOnly via Javascript

An HttpOnly cookie means that it's not available to scripting languages like JavaScript. So in JavaScript, there's absolutely no API available to get/set the HttpOnly attribute of the cookie, as that would otherwise defeat the meaning of HttpOnly.

Just set it as such on the server side using whatever server side language the server side is using. If JavaScript is absolutely necessary for this, you could consider to just let it send some (ajax) request with e.g. some specific request parameter which triggers the server side language to create an HttpOnly cookie. But, that would still make it easy for hackers to change the HttpOnly by just XSS and still have access to the cookie via JS and thus make the HttpOnly on your cookie completely useless.

Add days Oracle SQL

If you want to add N days to your days. You can use the plus operator as follows -


Creating executable files in Linux

It's really not that big of a deal. You could just make a script with the single command:

chmod a+x *.pl

And run the script after creating a perl file. Alternatively, you could open a file with a command like this:

touch && chmod a+x && vi # choose your favorite editor

Bitbucket git credentials if signed up with Google

Update as at September, 2019:

This whole process is now way easier than it used to be. It doesn't matter if your auth style is regular or Google-dependent, it works regardless. Follow these four easy steps:

  • Visit this link and enter your email.
  • Check your mail for the reactivation email and click the big blue button therein.
  • Change your password!

I hope this helps. Merry coding!

How to set custom JsonSerializerSettings for Json.NET in ASP.NET Web API?

You can specify JsonSerializerSettings for each JsonConvert, and you can set a global default.

Single JsonConvert with an overload:

// Option #1.
JsonSerializerSettings config = new JsonSerializerSettings { ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore };
this.json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(YourObject, Formatting.Indented, config);

// Option #2 (inline).
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(YourObject, Formatting.Indented,
    new JsonSerializerSettings() {
        ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

Global Setting with code in Application_Start() in Global.asax.cs:

JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings {
     Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented,
     ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore


Redirect on select option in select box

I'd strongly suggest moving away from inline JavaScript, to something like the following:

function redirect(goto){
    var conf = confirm("Are you sure you want to go elswhere?");
    if (conf && goto != '') {
        window.location = goto;

var selectEl = document.getElementById('redirectSelect');

selectEl.onchange = function(){
    var goto = this.value;


JS Fiddle demo (404 linkrot victim).
JS Fiddle demo via Wayback Machine.
Forked JS Fiddle for current users.

In the mark-up in the JS Fiddle the first option has no value assigned, so clicking it shouldn't trigger the function to do anything, and since it's the default value clicking the select and then selecting that first default option won't trigger the change event anyway.

The latest example's (2017-08-09) redirect URLs required swapping out due to errors regarding mixed content between JS Fiddle and both domains, as well as both domains requiring 'sameorigin' for framed content. - Albert

How To Inject AuthenticationManager using Java Configuration in a Custom Filter

Override method authenticationManagerBean in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to expose the AuthenticationManager built using configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) as a Spring bean:

For example:

   public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
       return super.authenticationManagerBean();

Understanding .get() method in Python

The get method of a dict (like for example characters) works just like indexing the dict, except that, if the key is missing, instead of raising a KeyError it returns the default value (if you call .get with just one argument, the key, the default value is None).

So an equivalent Python function (where calling myget(d, k, v) is just like d.get(k, v) might be:

def myget(d, k, v=None):
  try: return d[k]
  except KeyError: return v

The sample code in your question is clearly trying to count the number of occurrences of each character: if it already has a count for a given character, get returns it (so it's just incremented by one), else get returns 0 (so the incrementing correctly gives 1 at a character's first occurrence in the string).

How to get setuptools and easy_install?

Give this link a try -->

I'm assuming you're on Windows (could be wrong) but if you click the green Downloads button, it should take you to a table where you can choose to download a .exe version of setuptools appropriate for your version of Python. All that eggsetup stuff should be taken care of in the executable file.

Let me know if you need more help.

How to negate code in "if" statement block in JavaScript -JQuery like 'if not then..'

Try negation operator ! before $(this):

if (!$(this).parent().next().is('ul')){

CSS list-style-image size

Almost like cheating, I just went into an image editor and resized the image by half. Works like a charm for me.

'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Python3.exe is not defined in windows

Specify the path for required version of python when you need to used it by creating virtual environment for your project

Python 3

virtualenv --python=C:\PATH_TO_PYTHON\python.exe environment


virtualenv --python=C:\PATH_TO_PYTHON\python.exe environment

then activate the environment using


Convert an array into an ArrayList

As an ArrayList that line would be

import java.util.ArrayList;
ArrayList<Card> hand = new ArrayList<Card>();

To use the ArrayList you have do

hand.get(i); //gets the element at position i 
hand.add(obj); //adds the obj to the end of the list
hand.remove(i); //removes the element at position i
hand.add(i, obj); //adds the obj at the specified index
hand.set(i, obj); //overwrites the object at i with the new obj

Also read this

What is the easiest way to parse an INI File in C++?

If you are already using Qt

QSettings my_settings("filename.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);

Then read a value

my_settings.value("GroupName/ValueName", <<DEFAULT_VAL>>).toInt()

There are a bunch of other converter that convert your INI values into both standard types and Qt types. See Qt documentation on QSettings for more information.

How to locate the php.ini file (xampp)

i'm using xampp with PHP 7. you can trying looking for php.ini in


Boolean vs boolean in Java

Boolean wraps the boolean primitive type. In JDK 5 and upwards, Oracle (or Sun before Oracle bought them) introduced autoboxing/unboxing, which essentially allows you to do this

boolean result = Boolean.TRUE;


Boolean result = true; 

Which essentially the compiler does,

Boolean result = Boolean.valueOf(true);

So, for your answer, it's YES.

"commence before first target. Stop." error

Also, make sure you dont have a space after \ in previous line Else this is the error

How to add a WiX custom action that happens only on uninstall (via MSI)?

I used Custom Action separately coded in C++ DLL and used the DLL to call appropriate function on Uninstalling using this syntax :

<CustomAction Id="Uninstall" BinaryKey="Dll_Name" 
              DllEntry="Function_Name" Execute="deferred" />

Using the above code block, I was able to run any function defined in C++ DLL on uninstall. FYI, my uninstall function had code regarding Clearing current user data and registry entries.

How do I mount a host directory as a volume in docker compose

In docker-compose.yml you can use this format:

    - host directory:container directory

according to their documentation

Can a table have two foreign keys?

create table Table1
  id varchar(2),
  name varchar(2),

Create table Table1_Addr
  addid varchar(2),
  Address varchar(2),
  PRIMARY KEY (addid)

Create table Table1_sal
  salid varchar(2),`enter code here`
  addid varchar(2),
  id varchar(2),
  PRIMARY KEY (salid),
  FOREIGN KEY (addid) REFERENCES Table1_Addr(addid),

SSH Port forwarding in a ~/.ssh/config file?

You can use the LocalForward directive in your host yam section of ~/.ssh/config:

LocalForward 5901

Installing Apache Maven Plugin for Eclipse

For Eclipse (Helios) the following procedure works - I've tried it:

  1. Go to Help -> Install New software
  2. Add the following link:
  3. After results found unselect "sl4j... (optional)"
  4. Next

Show div #id on click with jQuery

The problem you're having is that the event-handlers are being bound before the elements are present in the DOM, if you wrap the jQuery inside of a $(document).ready() then it should work perfectly well:

        $("#music").click(function () {


An alternative is to place the <script></script> at the foot of the page, so it's encountered after the DOM has been loaded and ready.

To make the div hide again, once the #music element is clicked, simply use toggle():

        $("#music").click(function () {

JS Fiddle demo.

And for fading:

        $("#music").click(function () {

JS Fiddle demo.

JavaFX: How to get stage from controller during initialization?

Assign fx:id or declare variable to/of any node: anchorpane, button, etc. Then add event handler to it and within that event handler insert the given code below:

Stage stage = (Stage)((Node)((EventObject) eventVariable).getSource()).getScene().getWindow();

Hope, this works for you!!

How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

You can get the output after running a script using a pipe. We use pipes when we want the output of the child process.

int my_func() {
    char ch;
    FILE *fpipe;
    FILE *copy_fp;
    FILE *tmp;
    char *command = (char *)"/usr/bin/my_script my_arg";
    copy_fp = fopen("/tmp/output_file_path", "w");
    fpipe = (FILE *)popen(command, "r");
    if (fpipe) {
        while ((ch = fgetc(fpipe)) != EOF) {
            fputc(ch, copy_fp);
    else {
        if (copy_fp) {
            fprintf(copy_fp, "Sorry there was an error opening the file");
    return 0;

So here is the script, which you want to run. Put it in a command variable with the arguments your script takes (nothing if no arguments). And the file where you want to capture the output of the script, put it in copy_fp.

So the popen runs your script and puts the output in fpipe and then you can just copy everything from that to your output file.

In this way you can capture the outputs of child processes.

And another process is you can directly put the > operator in the command only. So if we will put everything in a file while we run the command, you won't have to copy anything.

In that case, there isn't any need to use pipes. You can use just system, and it will run the command and put the output in that file.

int my_func(){
    char *command = (char *)"/usr/bin/my_script my_arg > /tmp/my_putput_file";
    printf("everything saved in my_output_file");
    return 0;

You can read YoLinux Tutorial: Fork, Exec and Process control for more information.

Select all where [first letter starts with B]

SELECT author FROM lyrics WHERE author LIKE 'B%';

Make sure you have an index on author, though!

How to get URI from an asset File?

InputStream is = getResources().getAssets().open("terms.txt");
String textfile = convertStreamToString(is);
public static String convertStreamToString(InputStream is)
        throws IOException {

    Writer writer = new StringWriter();
    char[] buffer = new char[2048];

    try {
        Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));
        int n;
        while ((n = != -1) {
            writer.write(buffer, 0, n);
    } finally {

    String text = writer.toString();
    return text;

How do you make a HTTP request with C++?

Although a little bit late. You may prefer .

It allows you to do http call on mobile c++ development. Suitable for Mobile game developement

bcl::init(); // init when using

bcl::execute<std::string>([&](bcl::Request *req) {
    bcl::setOpts(req, CURLOPT_URL , "",
             CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &bcl::writeContentCallback,
             CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, req->dataPtr,
             CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "libcurl-agent/1.0",
             CURLOPT_RANGE, "0-200000"
}, [&](bcl::Response * resp) {
    std::string ret =  std::string(resp->getBody<std::string>()->c_str());
    printf("Sync === %s\n", ret.c_str());

bcl::cleanUp(); // clean up when no more using

flutter remove back button on appbar

The AppBar widget has a property called automaticallyImplyLeading. By default it's value is true. If you don't want flutter automatically build the back button for you then just make the property false.

appBar: AppBar(
  title: Text("YOUR_APPBAR_TITLE"), 
  automaticallyImplyLeading: false,

To add your custom back button

appBar: AppBar(
  title: Text("YOUR_APPBAR_TITLE"), 
  automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
  leading: YOUR_CUSTOM_WIDGET(),

PHP check if file is an image

Using file extension and getimagesize function to detect if uploaded file has right format is just the entry level check and it can simply bypass by uploading a file with true extension and some byte of an image header but wrong content.

for being secure and safe you may make thumbnail/resize (even with original image sizes) the uploaded picture and save this version instead the uploaded one. Also its possible to get uploaded file content and search it for special character like <?php to find the file is image or not.

Styling input buttons for iPad and iPhone

I had the same issue today using primefaces (primeng) and angular 7. Add the following to your style.css

p-button {
   -webkit-appearance: none !important;

i am also using a bit of bootstrap which has a reboot.css, that overrides it with (thats why i had to add !important)

button {
  -webkit-appearance: button;


What does git push -u mean?

This is no longer up-to-date!

Push.default is unset; its implicit value has changed in
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the traditional behavior, use:

  git config --global push.default matching

To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:

  git config --global push.default simple

When push.default is set to 'matching', git will push local branches
to the remote branches that already exist with the same name.

Since Git 2.0, Git defaults to the more conservative 'simple'
behavior, which only pushes the current branch to the corresponding
remote branch that 'git pull' uses to update the current branch.

How do I change the font size of a UILabel in Swift?

In Swift 3 again...

myLabel.font = myLabel.font.withSize(18)

How to both read and write a file in C#

var fs = File.Open("", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
var sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
var sr = new StreamReader(fs);


//or sw.Close();

The key thing is to open the file with the FileAccess.ReadWrite flag. You can then create whatever Stream/String/Binary Reader/Writers you need using the initial FileStream.

error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier

If the only file you include is iostream and it still says undefined, then maybe iostream doesn't contain what it's supposed to. Is it possible that you have an empty file coincidentally named "iostream" in your project?

select unique rows based on single distinct column

Quick one in TSQL

FROM emails a
  (SELECT email,
    MIN(id) as id
  FROM emails 
  GROUP BY email 
) AS b
  ON = 
  AND =;

Does 'position: absolute' conflict with Flexbox?

No, absolutely positioning does not conflict with flex containers. Making an element be a flex container only affects its inner layout model, that is, the way in which its contents are laid out. Positioning affects the element itself, and can alter its outer role for flow layout.

That means that

  • If you add absolute positioning to an element with display: inline-flex, it will become block-level (like display: flex), but will still generate a flex formatting context.

  • If you add absolute positioning to an element with display: flex, it will be sized using the shrink-to-fit algorithm (typical of inline-level containers) instead of the fill-available one.

That said, absolutely positioning conflicts with flex children.

As it is out-of-flow, an absolutely-positioned child of a flex container does not participate in flex layout.

Installing Python library from WHL file

From How do I install a Python package with a .whl file? [sic], How do I install a Python package USING a .whl file ?

For all Windows platforms:

1) Download the .WHL package install file.

2) Make Sure path [C:\Progra~1\Python27\Scripts] is in the system PATH string. This is for using both [pip.exe] and [easy-install.exe].

3) Make sure the latest version of pip.EXE is now installed. At this time of posting:

pip.EXE --version

  pip 9.0.1 from C:\PROGRA~1\Python27\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)

4) Run pip.EXE in an Admin command shell.

 - Open an Admin privileged command shell.

 > easy_install.EXE --upgrade  pip

 - Check the pip.EXE version:
 > pip.EXE --version

 pip 9.0.1 from C:\PROGRA~1\Python27\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)

 > pip.EXE install --use-wheel --no-index 
     --find-links="X:\path to wheel file\DownloadedWheelFile.whl"

Be sure to double-quote paths or path\filenames with embedded spaces in them ! Alternatively, use the MSW 'short' paths and filenames.

How to create a link to a directory

Symbolic or soft link (files or directories, more flexible and self documenting)

#     Source                             Link
ln -s /home/jake/doc/test/2000/something /home/jake/xxx

Hard link (files only, less flexible and not self documenting)

#   Source                             Link
ln /home/jake/doc/test/2000/something /home/jake/xxx

More information: man ln

/home/jake/xxx is like a new directory. To avoid "is not a directory: No such file or directory" error, as @trlkly comment, use relative path in the target, that is, using the example:

  1. cd /home/jake/
  2. ln -s /home/jake/doc/test/2000/something xxx

Converting List<String> to String[] in Java

List.toArray() necessarily returns an array of Object. To get an array of String, you need to use the casting syntax:

String[] strarray = strlist.toArray(new String[0]);

See the javadoc for java.util.List for more.

How to dismiss keyboard for UITextView with return key?

Add an observer in viewDidLoad

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(textViewKeyPressed:) name: UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification object: nil];

and then use the selector to check for "\n"

-(void) textViewKeyPressed: (NSNotification*) notification {

  if ([[[notification object] text] hasSuffix:@"\n"])
    [[notification object] resignFirstResponder];

It does use "\n" and not specifically check for a return key, but I think this is OK.


See ribto's answer below which uses [NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet] in place of \n

How to access the php.ini from my CPanel?

Cpanel 60.0.26 (Latest Version) Php.ini moved under Software > Select PHP Version > Switch to Php Options > Change Value > save.

Best way to remove duplicate entries from a data table

This post is regarding fetching only Distincts rows from Data table on basis of multiple Columns.

Public coid removeDuplicatesRows(DataTable dt)
  DataTable uniqueCols = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "RNORFQNo", "ManufacturerPartNo",  "RNORFQId", "ItemId", "RNONo", "Quantity", "NSNNo", "UOMName", "MOQ", "ItemDescription");

You need to call this method and you need to assign value to datatable. In Above code we have RNORFQNo , PartNo,RFQ id,ItemId, RNONo, QUantity, NSNNO, UOMName,MOQ, and Item Description as Column on which we want distinct values.

Creating threads - Task.Factory.StartNew vs new Thread()

There is a big difference. Tasks are scheduled on the ThreadPool and could even be executed synchronous if appropiate.

If you have a long running background work you should specify this by using the correct Task Option.

You should prefer Task Parallel Library over explicit thread handling, as it is more optimized. Also you have more features like Continuation.

Open File Dialog, One Filter for Multiple Excel Extensions?

If you want to merge the filters (eg. CSV and Excel files), use this formula:

OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog();
of.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx";

Or if you want to see XML or PDF files in one time use this:

of.Filter = @" XML or PDF |*.xml;*.pdf";

Change url query string value using jQuery

If you only need to modify the page num you can replace it:

var newUrl = location.href.replace("page="+currentPageNum, "page="+newPageNum);

Default property value in React component using TypeScript

With Typescript 3.0 there is a new solution to this issue:

export interface Props {
    name: string;

export class Greet extends React.Component<Props> {
    render() {
        const { name } = this.props;
        return <div>Hello ${name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
    static defaultProps = { name: "world"};

// Type-checks! No type assertions needed!
let el = <Greet />

Note that for this to work you need a newer version of @types/react than 16.4.6. It works with 16.4.11.

How to start Apache and MySQL automatically when Windows 8 comes up

Go to the Config button (upper right) and select the Autostart for Apache:

Config button

Autostart modules

To start XAMPP at startup in Windows, paste a shortcut of the XAMPP control panel in this folder:

C:\Users\ USERNAME \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Selenium Error - The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver timed out after 60 seconds

In my case none of the answers above solved my problem completely. I ended up using the (no-sandbox) mode, the connection with extended timeout period (driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capability, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));) and the page load timeout (driver.Manage().Timeouts().PageLoad.Add(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));) so now my code looks like this:

    public IWebDriver GetRemoteChromeDriver(string downloadPath)
        ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
            "--no-sandbox", //this is the relevant other arguments came from solving other issues
        capability = chromeOptions.ToCapabilities();

        return driver;
    private void SetImplicitlyWait()

    private void SetRemoteWebDriver()
        driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capability, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));

But as I mentioned none of the above method solved my problem, I was continuously get the error, and multiple chromedriver.exe and chrome.exe processses were active (~10 of the chromedriver and ~50 of chrome).

So somewhere I read that after disposing the driver I should wait a few seconds before starting the next test, so I added the following line to dispose method:


With this sleep modification I have no longer get the timeout error and there is no unnecessarily opened chromedriver.exe and chrome.exe processses.

I hope I helped someone who struggles with this issue for that long as I did.

Avoiding NullPointerException in Java

Here is my approach ..

class MyObjectHandler
public static final int EXCEPTION = (-3);
public static final int INACCESSIBLE = (-2);

public static int doSomething (MyObject obj, MyObjectParameter [] input)
    int returnValue= 0;

        if (obj != null)
            returnValue = obj.doSomething(input);
            returnValue = MyObjectHandler.INACCESSIBLE;
    catch (Exception e)
        returnValue = MyObjectHandler.EXCEPTION;
        return returnValue;



Then your code will be just like:

import xx.xx.xx.MyObjectHandler;
import xx.xx.xx.MyObjectParameter;

class Test

    public static void main ()

        MyObject obj = null;

        MyObjectHandler.doSomething(obj, null);




How to use jQuery Plugin with Angular 4?

Install jQuery using NPM Jquery NPM

npm install jquery

Install the jQuery declaration file

npm install -D @types/jquery

Import jQuery inside .ts

import * as $ from 'jquery';

call inside class

export class JqueryComponent implements OnInit {

constructor() {

ngOnInit() {
    $(window).click(function () {


Change project name on Android Studio

You can change the name that is shown in the title bar in the file ".idea/.name".

Android Crop Center of Bitmap

enter image description here

This can be achieved with: Bitmap.createBitmap(source, x, y, width, height)

if (srcBmp.getWidth() >= srcBmp.getHeight()){

  dstBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(
     srcBmp.getWidth()/2 - srcBmp.getHeight()/2,


  dstBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(
     srcBmp.getHeight()/2 - srcBmp.getWidth()/2,

Set scroll position

Note that if you want to scroll an element instead of the full window, elements don't have the scrollTo and scrollBy methods. You should:

var el = document.getElementById("myel"); // Or whatever method to get the element

// To set the scroll
el.scrollTop = 0;
el.scrollLeft = 0;

// To increment the scroll
el.scrollTop += 100;
el.scrollLeft += 100;

You can also mimic the window.scrollTo and window.scrollBy functions to all the existant HTML elements in the webpage on browsers that don't support it natively:

Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "scrollTo", {
    value: function(x, y) {
        el.scrollTop = y;
        el.scrollLeft = x;
    enumerable: false

Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "scrollBy", {
    value: function(x, y) {
        el.scrollTop += y;
        el.scrollLeft += x;
    enumerable: false

so you can do:

var el = document.getElementById("myel"); // Or whatever method to get the element, again

// To set the scroll
el.scrollTo(0, 0);

// To increment the scroll
el.scrollBy(100, 100);

NOTE: Object.defineProperty is encouraged, as directly adding properties to the prototype is a breaking bad habit (When you see it :-).

Loop timer in JavaScript

setInterval(moveItem, 2000);

is the way to execute the function moveItem every 2 seconds. The main problem in your code is that you're calling setInterval inside of, rather than outside of, the callback. If I understand what you're trying to do, you can use this:

function moveItem() {
    jQuery('.stripTransmitter ul li a').trigger('click');

setInterval(moveItem, 2000);

N.B.:Don't pass strings to setTimeout or setInterval - best practice is to pass an anonymous function or a function identifier (as I did above). Also, be careful to not mix single and double quotes. Pick one and stick with it.

Convert a list to a string in C#

If you want something slightly more complex than a simple join you can use LINQ e.g.

var result = myList.Aggregate((total, part) => total + "(" + part.ToLower() + ")");

Will take ["A", "B", "C"] and produce "(a)(b)(c)"

Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?

I just wrote a util class, it include test methods, you can have a check ~

package eric.j2se.reflect;

import java.util.Set;

import org.reflections.Reflections;
import org.reflections.scanners.ResourcesScanner;
import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner;
import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper;
import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.reflections.util.FilterBuilder;

 * an util to iterate class in a package,
 * @author eric
 * @date Dec 10, 2013 12:36:46 AM
public class IteratePackageUtil {
     * <p>
     * Get set of all class in a specified package recursively. this only support lib
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * class of sub package will be included, inner class will be included,
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * could load class that use the same classloader of current class, can't load system packages,
     * </p>
     * @param pkg
     *            path of a package
     * @return
    public static Set<Class<? extends Object>> getClazzSet(String pkg) {
        // prepare reflection, include direct subclass of Object.class
        Reflections reflections = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder().setScanners(new SubTypesScanner(false), new ResourcesScanner())
                .setUrls(ClasspathHelper.forClassLoader(ClasspathHelper.classLoaders(new ClassLoader[0])))
                .filterInputsBy(new FilterBuilder().includePackage(pkg)));

        return reflections.getSubTypesOf(Object.class);

    public static void test() {
        String pkg = "org.apache.tomcat.util";

        Set<Class<? extends Object>> clazzSet = getClazzSet(pkg);
        for (Class<? extends Object> clazz : clazzSet) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

cut -c1

This is POSIX, and unlike case actually extracts the first char if you need it for later:

first_char="$(printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1)"
if [ "$first_char" = a ]; then
  echo 'starts with a'
  echo 'does not start with a'

awk substr is another POSIX but less efficient alternative:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | awk '{print substr ($0, 0, 1)}'

printf '%s' is to avoid problems with escape characters: e.g.:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1

outputs \ as expected.

${::} does not seem to be POSIX.

See also: How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

Node.js EACCES error when listening on most ports

I had a similar problem that it was denying to run on port 8080, but also any other.

Turns out, it was because the env.local file it read contained comments after the variable names like:

PORT=8080 # The port the server runs at

And it interpreted it like that, trying to use port "8080 # The port the server runs at", which is obviously an invalid port (-1). Removing the comments entirely solved it.

Using Windows 10 and Git Bash by the way.

I know it's not exactly the problem described here, but it might help someone out there. I landed on this question searching for the problem for my answer, so... maybe?

How do I find the value of $CATALINA_HOME?

Tomcat can tell you in several ways. Here's the easiest:

 $ /path/to/ version
Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/temp
Using JRE_HOME:        /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home
Using CLASSPATH:       /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.29
Server built:   Jul 3 2012 11:31:52
Server number:
OS Name:        Mac OS X
OS Version:     10.7.4
Architecture:   x86_64
JVM Version:    1.6.0_33-b03-424-11M3720
JVM Vendor:     Apple Inc.

If you don't know where is (or it never gets called), you can usually find it via ps:

$ ps aux | grep catalina
chris            930   0.0  3.1  2987336 258328 s000  S    Wed01PM   2:29.43 /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -Dnop -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/lib -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/endorsed -classpath /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/Users/chris/blah/blah -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

From the ps output, you can see both catalina.home and catalina.base. catalina.home is where the Tomcat base files are installed, and catalina.base is where the running configuration of Tomcat exists. These are often set to the same value unless you have configured your Tomcat for multiple (configuration) instances to be launched from a single Tomcat base install.

You can also interrogate the JVM directly if you can't find it in a ps listing:

$ jinfo -sysprops 930 | grep catalina
Attaching to process ID 930, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 20.8-b03-424
catalina.base = /Users/chris/blah/blah
catalina.home = /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.29

If you can't manage that, you can always try to write a JSP that dumps the values of the two system properties catalina.home and catalina.base.

Disable back button in android

I am using it.............

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "back press",      

    return false;
       // Disable back button..............

How do I determine k when using k-means clustering?

If you use MATLAB, any version since 2013b that is, you can make use of the function evalclusters to find out what should the optimal k be for a given dataset.

This function lets you choose from among 3 clustering algorithms - kmeans, linkage and gmdistribution.

It also lets you choose from among 4 clustering evaluation criteria - CalinskiHarabasz, DaviesBouldin, gap and silhouette.

With MySQL, how can I generate a column containing the record index in a table?

You can also use

SELECT @curRow := ifnull(@curRow,0) + 1 Row, ...

to initialise the counter variable.

How do I make a Windows batch script completely silent?

Copies a directory named html & all its contents to a destination directory in silent mode. If the destination directory is not present it will still create it.

@echo off
TITLE Copy Folder with Contents

set SOURCE=C:\labs
set DESTINATION=C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\html

xcopy %SOURCE%\html\* %DESTINATION%\* /s /e /i /Y >NUL

  1. /S Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones.

  2. /E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones. Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T.

  3. /I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory.

  4. /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

Node Multer unexpected field

We have to make sure the type= file with name attribute should be same as the parameter name passed in upload.single('attr')

var multer  = require('multer');
var upload = multer({ dest: 'upload/'});
var fs = require('fs');

/** Permissible loading a single file, 
    the value of the attribute "name" in the form of "recfile". **/
var type = upload.single('recfile');'/upload', type, function (req,res) {

  /** When using the "single"
      data come in "req.file" regardless of the attribute "name". **/
  var tmp_path = req.file.path;

  /** The original name of the uploaded file
      stored in the variable "originalname". **/
  var target_path = 'uploads/' + req.file.originalname;

  /** A better way to copy the uploaded file. **/
  var src = fs.createReadStream(tmp_path);
  var dest = fs.createWriteStream(target_path);
  src.on('end', function() { res.render('complete'); });
  src.on('error', function(err) { res.render('error'); });


How to really read text file from classpath in Java

Use File("src/test/resources/sample-data/fileName.txt"));

How to return a struct from a function in C++?

You have a scope problem. Define the struct before the function, not inside it.

How to get the width and height of an android.widget.ImageView?

my friend by this u are not getting height of image stored in db.but you are getting view height.for getting height of image u have to create bitmap from db,s image.and than u can fetch height and width of imageview

Get last 3 characters of string

The easiest way would be using Substring

string str = "AM0122200204";
string substr = str.Substring(str.Length - 3);

Using the overload with one int as I put would get the substring of a string, starting from the index int. In your case being str.Length - 3, since you want to get the last three chars.

Setting the default Java character encoding

Not clear on what you do and don't have control over at this point. If you can interpose a different OutputStream class on the destination file, you could use a subtype of OutputStream which converts Strings to bytes under a charset you define, say UTF-8 by default. If modified UTF-8 is suffcient for your needs, you can use DataOutputStream.writeUTF(String):

byte inbytes[] = new byte[1024];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("response.txt");;
String in = new String(inbytes, "UTF8");
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("response-2.txt"));
out.writeUTF(in); // no getBytes() here

If this approach is not feasible, it may help if you clarify here exactly what you can and can't control in terms of data flow and execution environment (though I know that's sometimes easier said than determined). Good luck.

Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

In some cases it is possible to define a method or a constructor of class B in the header file of class A to resolve circular dependencies involving definitions. In this way you can avoid having to put definitions in .cc files, for example if you want to implement a header only library.

// file: a.h
#include "b.h"
struct A {
  A(const B& b) : _b(b) { }
  B get() { return _b; }
  B _b;

// note that the get method of class B is defined in a.h
A B::get() {
  return A(*this);

// file: b.h
class A;
struct B {
  // here the get method is only declared
  A get();

// file:
#include "a.h"
int main(...) {
  B b;
  A a = b.get();

How to undo a git pull?

Or to make it more explicit than the other answer:

git pull 


git reset --keep HEAD@{1}

Versions of git older than 1.7.1 do not have --keep. If you use such version, you could use --hard - but that is a dangerous operation because it loses any local changes.

To the commenter

ORIG_HEAD is previous state of HEAD, set by commands that have possibly dangerous behavior, to be easy to revert them. It is less useful now that Git has reflog: HEAD@{1} is roughly equivalent to ORIG_HEAD (HEAD@{1} is always last value of HEAD, ORIG_HEAD is last value of HEAD before dangerous operation)

How can I split a shell command over multiple lines when using an IF statement?

The line-continuation will fail if you have whitespace (spaces or tab characters[1]) after the backslash and before the newline. With no such whitespace, your example works fine for me:

$ cat
if ! fab --fabfile=.deploy/ \
   --forward-agent \
   --disable-known-hosts deploy:$target; then
     echo failed
     echo succeeded

$ alias fab=true; . ./
$ alias fab=false; . ./

Some detail promoted from the comments: the line-continuation backslash in the shell is not really a special case; it is simply an instance of the general rule that a backslash "quotes" the immediately-following character, preventing any special treatment it would normally be subject to. In this case, the next character is a newline, and the special treatment being prevented is terminating the command. Normally, a quoted character winds up included literally in the command; a backslashed newline is instead deleted entirely. But otherwise, the mechanism is the same. Most importantly, the backslash only quotes the immediately-following character; if that character is a space or tab, you just get a literal space or tab, and any subsequent newline remains unquoted.

[1] or carriage returns, for that matter, as Czechnology points out. Bash does not get along with Windows-formatted text files, not even in WSL. Or Cygwin, but at least their Bash port has added a set -o igncr option that you can set to make it carriage-return-tolerant.

How can I set a cookie in react?

It appears that the functionality previously present in the react-cookie npm package has been moved to universal-cookie. The relevant example from the universal-cookie repository now is:

import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
const cookies = new Cookies();
cookies.set('myCat', 'Pacman', { path: '/' });
console.log(cookies.get('myCat')); // Pacman

Can not find the tag library descriptor for ""

I had the same problem even after I added jar files for jstl and standard. For me, it resolved after I added a Targeted runtime for my project.

Go to Project Properties > Targeted Runtimes and select the server you are using (Tomcat 7.0 for me).

Java Ordered Map

Is there an object that acts like a Map for storing and accessing key/value pairs, but can return an ordered list of keys and an ordered list of values, such that the key and value lists are in the same order?

You're looking for java.util.LinkedHashMap. You'll get a list of Map.Entry<K,V> pairs, which always get iterated in the same order. That order is the same as the order by which you put the items in. Alternatively, use the java.util.SortedMap, where the keys must either have a natural ordering or have it specified by a Comparator.

MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bill'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I had the same problem, but in my case the solution was solved by the comment by eggyal. I had an anonymous user as well, but removing it didn't solve the problem. The 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES' command worked though.

The surprising thing to me about this was that I created the user with MySQL Workbench and I would have expected that to perform all of the necessary functions to complete the task.

cannot find module "lodash"

I found deleting the contents of node_modules and performing npm install again worked for me.

Row count with PDO

To use variables within a query you have to use bindValue() or bindParam(). And do not concatenate the variables with " . $variable . "

$statement = "SELECT count(account_id) FROM account
                  WHERE email = ? AND is_email_confirmed;";
$preparedStatement = $this->postgreSqlHandler->prepare($statement);
$preparedStatement->bindValue(1, $account->getEmail());
$numberRows= $preparedStatement->fetchColumn();


ArrayList: how does the size increase?

Up to JDK 6 the the capacity grow with formula newCapacity = (oldCapacity * 3/2) + 1.

In JDK 7 and above the formula changes to newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1).

So if initial capacity is 10 then new capacity will be 16 in JDK6 and 15 in above JDK7

iloc giving 'IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds'

This error is caused by:

Y = Dataset.iloc[:,18].values

Indexing is out of bounds here most probably because there are less than 19 columns in your Dataset, so column 18 does not exist. The following code you provided doesn't use Y at all, so you can just comment out this line for now.

What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java?

Really consider why you need a singleton before writing it. There is a quasi-religious debate about using them which you can quite easily stumble over if you google singletons in Java.

Personally, I try to avoid singletons as often as possible for many reasons, again most of which can be found by googling singletons. I feel that quite often singletons are abused because they're easy to understand by everybody. They're used as a mechanism for getting "global" data into an OO design and they are used because it is easy to circumvent object lifecycle management (or really thinking about how you can do A from inside B). Look at things like inversion of control (IoC) or dependency injection (DI) for a nice middle ground.

If you really need one then Wikipedia has a good example of a proper implementation of a singleton.

Error type 3 Error: Activity class {} does not exist

I solved it by simply deleting the app -> build folder and then rebuilding the project. The build folder is automatically recreated after the project is built so there's no risk in deleting it.

Run command on the Ansible host

From the Ansible documentation:

Delegation This isn’t actually rolling update specific but comes up frequently in those cases.

If you want to perform a task on one host with reference to other hosts, use the ‘delegate_to’ keyword on a task. This is ideal for placing nodes in a load balanced pool, or removing them. It is also very useful for controlling outage windows. Be aware that it does not make sense to delegate all tasks, debug, add_host, include, etc always get executed on the controller. Using this with the ‘serial’ keyword to control the number of hosts executing at one time is also a good idea:


- hosts: webservers
  serial: 5


  - name: take out of load balancer pool
    command: /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

  - name: actual steps would go here
      name: acme-web-stack
      state: latest

  - name: add back to load balancer pool
    command: /usr/bin/add_back_to_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

These commands will run on, which is the machine running Ansible. There is also a shorthand syntax that you can use on a per-task basis: ‘local_action’. Here is the same playbook as above, but using the shorthand syntax for delegating to


# ...


  - name: take out of load balancer pool
    local_action: command /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

# ...

  - name: add back to load balancer pool
    local_action: command /usr/bin/add_back_to_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

A common pattern is to use a local action to call ‘rsync’ to recursively copy files to the managed servers. Here is an example:

# ...

  - name: recursively copy files from management server to target
    local_action: command rsync -a /path/to/files {{ inventory_hostname }}:/path/to/target/

Note that you must have passphrase-less SSH keys or an ssh-agent configured for this to work, otherwise rsync will need to ask for a passphrase.

Why should Java 8's Optional not be used in arguments

This advice is a variant of the "be as unspecific as possible regarding inputs and as specific as possible regarding outputs" rule of thumb.

Usually if you have a method that takes a plain non-null value, you can map it over the Optional, so the plain version is strictly more unspecific regarding inputs. However there are a bunch of possible reasons why you would want to require an Optional argument nonetheless:

  • you want your function to be used in conjunction with another API that returns an Optional
  • Your function should return something other than an empty Optional if the given value is empty
  • You think Optional is so awesome that whoever uses your API should be required to learn about it ;-)

Set order of columns in pandas dataframe

You could also do something like df = df[['x', 'y', 'a', 'b']]

import pandas as pd
frame = pd.DataFrame({'one thing':[1,2,3,4],'second thing':[0.1,0.2,1,2],'other thing':['a','e','i','o']})
frame = frame[['second thing', 'other thing', 'one thing']]
print frame
   second thing other thing  one thing
0           0.1           a          1
1           0.2           e          2
2           1.0           i          3
3           2.0           o          4

Also, you can get the list of columns with:

cols = list(df.columns.values)

The output will produce something like this:

['x', 'y', 'a', 'b']

Which is then easy to rearrange manually.

What is an Android PendingIntent?

A PendingIntent is a token that you give to a foreign application (e.g. NotificationManager, AlarmManager, Home Screen AppWidgetManager, or other 3rd party applications), which allows the foreign application to use your application's permissions to execute a predefined piece of code.

If you give the foreign application an Intent, it will execute your Intent with its own permissions. But if you give the foreign application a PendingIntent, that application will execute your Intent using your application's permission.

Using FileUtils in eclipse

Now selenium supports following code:

FileHandler.copy(src, dest);

IndexError: tuple index out of range ----- Python

A tuple consists of a number of values separated by commas. like

>>> t = 12345, 54321, 'hello!'
>>> t[0]

tuple are index based (and also immutable) in Python.

Here in this case x = rows[1][1] + " " + rows[1][2] have only two index 0, 1 available but you are trying to access the 3rd index.

No matching bean of type ... found for dependency

Multiple things can cause this, I didn't bother to check your entire repository, so I'm going out on a limb here.

First off, you could be missing an annotation (@Service or @Component) from the implementation of, if you're using annotations for configuration. If you're using (only) xml, you're probably missing the <bean> -definition for the UserService-implementation.

If you're using annotations and the implementation is annotated correctly, check that the package where the implementation is located in is scanned (check your <context:component-scan base-package= -value).

Angular 2 filter/search list

Currently ng2-search-filter simplify this works.

By directive

<tr *ngFor="let item of items | filter:searchText">

Or programmatically

let itemsFiltered = new Ng2SearchPipe().transform(items, searchText);

Practical example:

Bootstrap 4 multiselect dropdown

Because the bootstrap-select is a bootstrap component and therefore you need to include it in your code as you did for your V3

NOTE: this component only works in since version 1.13.0

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true">_x000D_

Angular2 use [(ngModel)] with [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" to link to a reference to model's property

Using @angular/forms when you use a <form> tag it automatically creates a FormGroup.

For every contained ngModel tagged <input> it will create a FormControl and add it into the FormGroup created above; this FormControl will be named into the FormGroup using attribute name.


<form #f="ngForm">
    <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="firstFieldVariable" name="firstField">
    <span>{{ f.controls['firstField']?.value }}</span>

Said this, the answer to your question follows.

When you mark it as standalone: true this will not happen (it will not be added to the FormGroup).


What's the best CRLF (carriage return, line feed) handling strategy with Git?

Using core.autocrlf=false stopped all the files from being marked updated as soon as I checked them out in my Visual Studio 2010 project. The other two members of the development team are also using Windows systems so a mixed environment didn't come into play, yet the default settings that came with the repository always marked all files as updated immediately after cloning.

I guess the bottom line is to find what CRLF setting works for your environment. Especially since in many other repositories on our Linux boxes setting autocrlf = true produces better results.

20+ years later and we're still dealing with line ending disparities between OSes... sad.

Call a PHP function after onClick HTML event

You don't need javascript for doing so. Just delete the onClick and write the php Admin.php file like this:

//If all the required fields are filled
if (!empty($GET_['fullname'])&&!empty($GET_['email'])&&!empty($GET_['name']))
function addNewContact()
    $new = '{';
    $new .= '"fullname":"' . $_GET['fullname'] . '",';
    $new .= '"email":"' . $_GET['email'] . '",';
    $new .= '"phone":"' . $_GET['phone'] . '",';
    $new .= '}';
    return $new;

function saveContact()
    $datafile = fopen ("data/data.json", "a+");
        echo "<script>alert('Data not existed!')</script>";
        $contact_list = $contact_list . addNewContact();
        file_put_contents("data/data.json", $contact_list);

// Call the function saveContact()
echo "Thank you for joining us";
else //If the form is not submited or not all the required fields are filled

{ ?>

        <legend>Add New Contact</legend>
        <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="First name and last name" required /> <br />
        <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="[email protected]" required /> <br />
        <input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Personal phone number: mobile, home phone etc." required /> <br />
        <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="Add Contact"/>
        <input type="button" name="cancel" class="button" value="Reset" />
<?php }
<!-- HTML ENDS -->

Thought I don't like the PHP bit. Do you REALLY want to create a file for contacts? It'd be MUCH better to use a mysql database. Also, adding some breaks to that file would be nice too...

Other thought, IE doesn't support placeholder.

How to convert a Bitmap to Drawable in android?

Having seen a large amount of issues with bitmaps incorrectly scaling when converted to a BitmapDrawable, the general way to convert should be:

Drawable d = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);

Without the Resources reference, the bitmap may not render properly, even when scaled correctly. There are numerous questions on here which would be solved simply by using this method rather than a straight call with only the bitmap argument.

Python BeautifulSoup extract text between element

You can use .contents:

>>> for hit in soup.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'MYCLASS'}):
...     print hit.contents[6].strip()

Under which circumstances textAlign property works in Flutter?

In Colum widget Text alignment will be centred automatically, so use crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start to align start.

    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, 
    children: <Widget>[ 

Prefer composition over inheritance?

If you understand the difference, it's easier to explain.

Procedural Code

An example of this is PHP without the use of classes (particularly before PHP5). All logic is encoded in a set of functions. You may include other files containing helper functions and so on and conduct your business logic by passing data around in functions. This can be very hard to manage as the application grows. PHP5 tries to remedy this by offering more object oriented design.


This encourages the use of classes. Inheritance is one of the three tenets of OO design (inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation).

class Person {
   String Title;
   String Name;
   Int Age

class Employee : Person {
   Int Salary;
   String Title;

This is inheritance at work. The Employee "is a" Person or inherits from Person. All inheritance relationships are "is-a" relationships. Employee also shadows the Title property from Person, meaning Employee.Title will return the Title for the Employee not the Person.


Composition is favoured over inheritance. To put it very simply you would have:

class Person {
   String Title;
   String Name;
   Int Age;

   public Person(String title, String name, String age) {
      this.Title = title;
      this.Name = name;
      this.Age = age;


class Employee {
   Int Salary;
   private Person person;

   public Employee(Person p, Int salary) {
       this.person = p;
       this.Salary = salary;

Person johnny = new Person ("Mr.", "John", 25);
Employee john = new Employee (johnny, 50000);

Composition is typically "has a" or "uses a" relationship. Here the Employee class has a Person. It does not inherit from Person but instead gets the Person object passed to it, which is why it "has a" Person.

Composition over Inheritance

Now say you want to create a Manager type so you end up with:

class Manager : Person, Employee {

This example will work fine, however, what if Person and Employee both declared Title? Should Manager.Title return "Manager of Operations" or "Mr."? Under composition this ambiguity is better handled:

Class Manager {
   public string Title;
   public Manager(Person p, Employee e)
      this.Title = e.Title;

The Manager object is composed as an Employee and a Person. The Title behaviour is taken from employee. This explicit composition removes ambiguity among other things and you'll encounter fewer bugs.

Check if a string is html or not

Here's a regex-less approach I used for my own project.

If you are trying to detect HTML string among other non-HTML strings, you can convert to HTML parser object and then back and see if the string lengths are different. I.e.:

def isHTML(string):
    string1 = string[:]
    soup = BeautifulSoup(string, 'html.parser')  # Can use other HTML parser like etree
    string2 = soup.text

    if string1 != string2:
        return True
    elif string1 == string2:
        return False

It worked on my sample of 2800 strings.

Select entries between dates in doctrine 2

Look how I format my date $jour in the parameters. It depends if you use a expr()->like or a expr()->lte

        ->from('LdbPlanningBundle:EventEntity', 'e')
                    $qb->expr()->like('e.start', ':jour1'),
                    $qb->expr()->like('e.end', ':jour1'),
                        $qb->expr()->lte('e.start', ':jour2'),
                        $qb->expr()->gte('e.end', ':jour2')
                $qb->expr()->eq('e.user', ':user')
        ->andWhere('e.user = :user ')
        ->setParameter('user', $user)
        ->setParameter('jour1', '%'.$jour->format('Y-m-d').'%')
        ->setParameter('jour2', $jour->format('Y-m-d'))

How do I calculate a point on a circle’s circumference?

Here is my implementation in C#:

    public static PointF PointOnCircle(float radius, float angleInDegrees, PointF origin)
        // Convert from degrees to radians via multiplication by PI/180        
        float x = (float)(radius * Math.Cos(angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180F)) + origin.X;
        float y = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180F)) + origin.Y;

        return new PointF(x, y);

How to restrict SSH users to a predefined set of commands after login?

Why don't you write your own login-shell? It would be quite simple to use Bash for this, but you can use any language.

Example in Bash

Use your favorite editor to create the file /root/ (this can be any name or path, but should be chown root:root and chmod 700):


commands=("man" "pwd" "ls" "whoami")
timestamp(){ date +'%Y-%m-%s %H:%M:%S'; }
log(){ echo -e "$(timestamp)\t$1\t$(whoami)\t$2" > /var/log/rbash.log; }
    # Provide an option to exit the shell
    if [[ "$ln" == "exit" ]] || [[ "$ln" == "q" ]]
    # You can do exact string matching for some alias:
    elif [[ "$ln" == "help" ]]
        echo "Type exit or q to quit."
        echo "Commands you can use:"
        echo "  help"
        echo "  echo"
        echo "${commands[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '{print "  " $0}'
    # You can use custom regular expression matching:
    elif [[ "$ln" =~ ^echo\ .*$ ]]
        echo "$ln" # Beware, these double quotes are important to prevent malicious injection
        # For example, optionally you can log this command
        log COMMAND "echo $ln"
    # Or you could even check an array of commands:
        for cmd in "${commands[@]}"
            if [[ "$cmd" == "$ln" ]]
        if $ok
            log DENIED "$cmd"

# Optionally show a friendly welcome-message with instructions since it is a custom shell
echo "$(timestamp) Welcome, $(whoami). Type 'help' for information."

# Optionally log the login
log LOGIN "$@"

# Optionally log the logout
trap "trap=\"\";log LOGOUT;exit" EXIT

# Optionally check for '-c custom_command' arguments passed directly to shell
# Then you can also use ssh user@host custom_command, which will execute /root/
if [[ "$1" == "-c" ]]
    trycmd "$@"
    while echo -n "> " && read ln
        trycmd "$ln"

All you have to do is set this executable as your login shell. For example, edit your /etc/passwd file, and replace your current login shell of that user /bin/bash with /root/

This is just a simple example, but you can make it as advanced as you want, the idea is there. Be careful to not lock yourself out by changing login shell of your own and only user. And always test weird symbols and commands to see if it is actually secure.

You can test it with: su -s /root/

Beware, make sure to match the whole command, and be careful with wildcards! Better exclude Bash-symbols such as ;, &, &&, ||, $, and backticks to be sure.

Depending on the freedom you give the user, it won't get much safer than this. I've found that often I only needed to make a user that has access to only a few relevant commands, and in that case this is really the better solution. However, do you wish to give more freedom, a jail and permissions might be more appropriate. Mistakes are easily made, and only noticed when it's already too late.

Have Excel formulas that return 0, make the result blank

Perhaps the easiest way is to add the text formatting condition to the formula, with a ? modifier. Thus:

(formula to grab values) becomes:

text((formula to grab values),"?")

Hope that helps.

Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters?

Unicode Property Escapes are among the features of ES2018.

Basic Usage

With Unicode Property Escapes, you can match a letter from any language with the following simple regular expression:


Or with the shorthand, even terser:


Matching Words

Regarding the question's concrete use case (matching words), note that you can use Unicode Property Escapes in character classes, making it easy to match letters together with other word-characters like hyphens:


Stitching it all together, you could match words of all[1] languages with this beautifully short RegEx:


Example (shamelessly plugged from the answer above):

'Düsseldorf, Köln, ??????, ???, ??????? !@#$'.match(/[\p{L}-]+/ug)

// ["Düsseldorf", "Köln", "??????", "???", "???????"]

[1] Note that I'm not an expert on languages. You may still want to do your own research regarding other characters that might be parts of words besides letters and hyphens.

Browser Support

This feature is available in all major evergreen browsers.


If support for older browsers is needed, Unicode Property Escapes can be transpiled to ES5 with a tool called regexpu. There's an online demo available here. As you can see in the demo, you can in fact match non-latin letters today with the following (horribly long) ES5 regular expression:


If you're using Babel, there's also a regexpu-powered plugin for that (Babel v6 plugin, Babel v7 plugin).

C# convert int to string with padding zeros?


int i=123;
string paddedI = i.ToString("D4");

PHP, pass array through POST

You could put it in the session:

$_SESSION['array_name'] = $array_name;

Or if you want to send it via a form you can serialize it:

<input type='hidden' name='input_name' value="<?php echo htmlentities(serialize($array_name)); ?>" />

$passed_array = unserialize($_POST['input_name']);

Note that to work with serialized arrays, you need to use POST as the form's transmission method, as GET has a size limit somewhere around 1024 characters.

I'd use sessions wherever possible.

Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

The whole point of JSON is that JSON strings can be converted to native objects without doing anything. Check this link

You can use either eval(string) or JSON.parse(string).

However, eval is risky. From

The eval function is very fast. However, it can compile and execute any JavaScript program, so there can be security issues. The use of eval is indicated when the source is trusted and competent. It is much safer to use a JSON parser. In web applications over XMLHttpRequest, communication is permitted only to the same origin that provide that page, so it is trusted. But it might not be competent. If the server is not rigorous in its JSON encoding, or if it does not scrupulously validate all of its inputs, then it could deliver invalid JSON text that could be carrying dangerous script. The eval function would execute the script, unleashing its malice.

Changing an element's ID with jQuery

Eran's answer is good, but I would append to that. You need to watch any interactivity that is not inline to the object (that is, if an onclick event calls a function, it still will), but if there is some javascript or jQuery event handling attached to that ID, it will be basically abandoned:

$("#myId").on("click", function() {});

If the ID is now changed to #myID123, the function attached above will no longer function correctly from my experience.

Node.js - How to send data from html to express

I'd like to expand on Obertklep's answer. In his example it is an NPM module called body-parser which is doing most of the work. Where he puts, I believe he/she is using body-parser to get the contents of the name attribute(s) received when the form is submitted.

If you do not want to use Express, use querystring which is a built-in Node module. See the answers in the link below for an example of how to use querystring.

It might help to look at this answer, which is very similar to your quest.

dataframe: how to groupBy/count then filter on count in Scala

When you pass a string to the filter function, the string is interpreted as SQL. Count is a SQL keyword and using count as a variable confuses the parser. This is a small bug (you can file a JIRA ticket if you want to).

You can easily avoid this by using a column expression instead of a String:

  .filter($"count" >= 2)

How to verify CuDNN installation?

Installing CuDNN just involves placing the files in the CUDA directory. If you have specified the routes and the CuDNN option correctly while installing caffe it will be compiled with CuDNN.

You can check that using cmake. Create a directory caffe/build and run cmake .. from there. If the configuration is correct you will see these lines:

-- Found cuDNN (include: /usr/local/cuda-7.0/include, library: /usr/local/cuda-7.0/lib64/

--   Target GPU(s)     :   Auto
--   GPU arch(s)       :   sm_30
--   cuDNN             :   Yes

If everything is correct just run the make orders to install caffe from there.

SQL Server - after insert trigger - update another column in the same table

It depends on the recursion level for triggers currently set on the DB.

If you do this:

SP_CONFIGURE 'nested_triggers',0

Or this:


That trigger above won't be called again, and you would be safe (unless you get into some kind of deadlock; that could be possible but maybe I'm wrong).

Still, I do not think this is a good idea. A better option would be using an INSTEAD OF trigger. That way you would avoid executing the first (manual) update over the DB. Only the one defined inside the trigger would be executed.

An INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger would be like this:

CREATE TRIGGER setDescToUpper ON part_numbers
    INSERT INTO part_numbers (
    ) SELECT
    ) FROM

This would automagically "replace" the original INSERT statement by this one, with an explicit UPPER call applied to the part_description field.

An INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger would be similar (and I don't advise you to create a single trigger, keep them separated).

Also, this addresses @Martin comment: it works for multirow inserts/updates (your example does not).

How do you handle a "cannot instantiate abstract class" error in C++?

The error means there are some methods of the class that aren't implemented. You cannot instantiate such a class, so there isn't anything you can do, other than implement all of the methods of the class.

On the other hand, a common pattern is to instantiate a concrete class and assign it to a pointer of an abstrate base class:

class Abstract { /* stuff */ 4};
class Derived : virtual public Abstract { /* implement Abstract's methods */ };

Abstract* pAbs = new Derived; // OK

Just an aside, to avoid memory management issues with the above line, you could consider using a smart pointer, such as an `std::unique_ptr:

std::unique_ptr<Abstract> pAbs(new Derived);

How to connect to remote Redis server?

redis-cli -h XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -p YYYY is the IP address and yyyy is the port

EXAMPLE from my dev environment

redis-cli -h -p 30000


Host, port, password and database By default redis-cli connects to the server at port 6379. As you can guess, you can easily change this using command line options. To specify a different host name or an IP address, use -h. In order to set a different port, use -p.

redis-cli -h -p 6390 ping

What Are Some Good .NET Profilers?

I've found plenty of problems in a big C# app using this.

Usually the problem occurs during startup or shutdown as plugins are being loaded, and big data structures are being created, destroyed, serialized, or deserialized. Often they are created and initialized more than once, and change handlers get added multiple times, further compounding the problem.

In cases like this, the program can be so sluggish that only 2 samples are sufficient to pinpoint the guilty method / function / property call sites.

How to update and delete a cookie?

update would just be resetting it using createCookie

function createCookie(name,value,days) {
    if (days) {
        var date = new Date();
        date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 *1000));
        var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
    } else {
        var expires = "";
    document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";

function readCookie(name) {
    var nameEQ = name + "=";
    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
    for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
        var c = ca[i];
        while (c.charAt(0)==' ') {
            c = c.substring(1,c.length);
        if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) {
            return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
    return null;

function eraseCookie(name) {

How to programmatically move, copy and delete files and directories on SD?

Function for moving files:

private void moveFile(File file, File dir) throws IOException {
    File newFile = new File(dir, file.getName());
    FileChannel outputChannel = null;
    FileChannel inputChannel = null;
    try {
        outputChannel = new FileOutputStream(newFile).getChannel();
        inputChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
        inputChannel.transferTo(0, inputChannel.size(), outputChannel);
    } finally {
        if (inputChannel != null) inputChannel.close();
        if (outputChannel != null) outputChannel.close();


How to disable Compatibility View in IE

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> 

should force your page to render in IE8 standards. The user may add the site to compatibility list but this tag will take precedence.

A quick way to check would be to load the page and type the following the address bar :


If you see IE7 in the string, it is loading in compatibility mode, otherwise not.

How to test if string exists in file with Bash?

Three methods in my mind:

1) Short test for a name in a path (I'm not sure this might be your case)

ls -a "path" | grep "name"

2) Short test for a string in a file

grep -R "string" "filepath"

3) Longer bash script using regex:


declare file="content.txt"
declare regex="\s+string\s+"

declare file_content=$( cat "${file}" )
if [[ " $file_content " =~ $regex ]] # please note the space before and after the file content
        echo "found"
        echo "not found"


This should be quicker if you have to test multiple string on a file content using a loop for example changing the regex at any cicle.

Mocking a class: Mock() or patch()?

Key points which explain difference and provide guidance upon working with unittest.mock

  1. Use Mock if you want to replace some interface elements(passing args) of the object under test
  2. Use patch if you want to replace internal call to some objects and imported modules of the object under test
  3. Always provide spec from the object you are mocking
    • With patch you can always provide autospec
    • With Mock you can provide spec
    • Instead of Mock, you can use create_autospec, which intended to create Mock objects with specification.

In the question above the right answer would be to use Mock, or to be more precise create_autospec (because it will add spec to the mock methods of the class you are mocking), the defined spec on the mock will be helpful in case of an attempt to call method of the class which doesn't exists ( regardless signature), please see some

from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import Mock, create_autospec, patch

class MyClass:
    def method(foo, bar):

def something(some_class: MyClass):
    arg = 1
    # Would fail becuase of wrong parameters passed to methd.
    return some_class.method(arg)

def second(some_class: MyClass):
    arg = 1
    return some_class.unexisted_method(arg)

class TestSomethingTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_something_with_autospec(self):
        mock = create_autospec(MyClass)
        mock.method.return_value = True
        # Fails because of signature misuse.
        result = something(mock)
    def test_something(self):
        mock = Mock()  # Note that Mock(spec=MyClass) will also pass, because signatures of mock don't have spec.
        mock.method.return_value = True
        result = something(mock)
    def test_second_with_patch_autospec(self):
        with patch(f'{__name__}.MyClass', autospec=True) as mock:
            # Fails because of signature misuse.
            result = second(mock)

class TestSecondTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_second_with_autospec(self):
        mock = Mock(spec=MyClass)
        # Fails because of signature misuse.
        result = second(mock)
    def test_second_with_patch_autospec(self):
        with patch(f'{__name__}.MyClass', autospec=True) as mock:
            # Fails because of signature misuse.
            result = second(mock)
    def test_second(self):
        mock = Mock()
        mock.unexisted_method.return_value = True
        result = second(mock)

The test cases with defined spec used fail because methods called from something and second functions aren't complaint with MyClass, which means - they catch bugs, whereas default Mock will display.

As a side note there is one more option: use patch.object to mock just the class method which is called with.

The good use cases for patch would be the case when the class is used as inner part of function:

def something():
    arg = 1
    return MyClass.method(arg)

Then you will want to use patch as a decorator to mock the MyClass.

Select columns from result set of stored procedure

If you are able to modify your stored procedure, you can easily put the required columns definitions as a parameter and use an auto-created temporary table:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetDiffDataExample
      @columnsStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) -- required columns statement (e.g. "field1, field2")
    SET @query = N'SELECT ' + @columnsStatement + N' INTO ##TempTable FROM dbo.TestTable'
    EXEC sp_executeSql @query
    SELECT * FROM ##TempTable
    DROP TABLE ##TempTable

In this case you don't need to create a temp table manually - it is created automatically. Hope this helps.

PostgreSQL JOIN data from 3 tables

Maybe the following is what you are looking for:

SELECT name, pathfilename
  FROM table1
  WHERE name = 'John';

Regular expression for URL validation (in JavaScript)

In the accepted answer bobince got it right: validating only the scheme name, ://, and spaces and double quotes is usually enough. Here is how the validation can be implemented in JavaScript:

var url = '';
var valid = /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/.test(url);
// true


var r = /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/;
// false


var url = '';
var r = new RegExp(/^(ftp|http|https):\/\/[^ "]+$/);
// false

References for syntax:

C pass int array pointer as parameter into a function

In the function declaration you have to type as

void fun(int *a[])
//in the function body we can use as

how to create dynamic two dimensional array in java?

Try to make Treemap < Integer, Treemap<Integer, obj> >

In java, Treemap is sorted map. And the number of item in row and col wont screw the 2D-index you want to set. Then you can get a col-row table like structure.

Calculate time difference in Windows batch file

If you do not mind using powershell within batch script:

@echo off
set start_date=%date% %time%
:: Simulate some type of processing using ping
set end_date=%date% %time%
powershell -command "&{$start_date1 = [datetime]::parse('%start_date%'); $end_date1 = [datetime]::parse('%date% %time%'); echo (-join('Duration in seconds: ', ($end_date1 - $start_date1).TotalSeconds)); }"

Cannot attach the file *.mdf as database

I had the same error. Weird thing was, I had one new project form scratch, there it worked perfectly and another, much bigger project, where I always ran into that error message.

The perfecrtly working project (nearly) always creates the database (indluding the files) automatically. It can be any command, read, write, update. The files get created. Of course it uses


There is only one case, when it gets troubled: IF the mdf is auto-created and you delete the mdf and log file. Then that was about it. Say good-bye to your autocreation...

The only way I found to fix it was like mentioned:

sqllocaldb stop v11.0 & sqllocaldb delete v11.0

After that, everything is back to normal (and all other Databases handled by LocalDB also gone!).

EDIT: That was not true. I just tried it and the v11.0 gets automatically recreated and all mdfs stay available. I have not tried with "non file based" LocalDBs.

The confusing thing is, I also got this error if something else was wrong. So my suggestion is, if you want to make sure your DB-Setup is sound and solid: Create a new solution/project from scratch, use the most basic DB commands (Add an entity, show all entities, delete all entities) and see if it works.

If YES, the problem is somewhere in the abyss of VS2013 config and versioning and nuget and stuff.

IF NO, you have a problem with your LocalDB installation.

For anyone who really wants to understand what's going on in EF (and I am still not sure if I do :-) )

P.S.: Nudge me if you need the running example project.

How to use multiple databases in Laravel

Laravel has inbuilt support for multiple database systems, you need to provide connection details in config/database.php file

return [
    'default' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),

    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''),
            'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
            'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
            'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
            'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
            'charset' => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix' => '',
            'strict' => false,
            'engine' => null,
'mysqlOne' => [
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'host' => env('DB_HOST_ONE', ''),
            'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
            'database' => env('DB_DATABASE_ONE', 'forge'),
            'username' => env('DB_USERNAME_ONE', 'forge'),
            'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD_ONE', ''),
            'charset' => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix' => '',
            'strict' => false,
            'engine' => null,

Once you have this you can create two base model class for each connection and define the connection name in those models

protected $connection = 'mysql';

protected $connection = 'mysqlOne';

You can extend these models to create more models for tables in each DB.

How can I use delay() with show() and hide() in Jquery

from jquery api

Added to jQuery in version 1.4, the .delay() method allows us to delay the execution of functions that follow it in the queue. It can be used with the standard effects queue or with a custom queue. Only subsequent events in a queue are delayed; for example this will not delay the no-arguments forms of .show() or .hide() which do not use the effects queue.

What happens when a duplicate key is put into a HashMap?

BTW, if you want some semantics such as only put if this key is not exist. you can use concurrentHashMap with putIfAbsent() function. Check this out:,%20V)

concurrentHashMap is thread safe with high performance since it uses "lock striping" mechanism to improve the throughput.

How to find Google's IP address?

I'm keeping the following list updated for a couple of years now:

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

Assume file is already created in the predefined directory with name "table.txt"

  • 1) change the ownership for file :

    sudo chown username:username table.txt
  • 2) change the mode of the file

    sudo chmod 777 table.txt

Now, try it should work!

Wait until flag=true

If you are allowed to use: async/await on your code, you can try this one:

const waitFor = async (condFunc: () => boolean) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    if (condFunc()) {
    else {
      setTimeout(async () => {
        await waitFor(condFunc);
      }, 100);

const myFunc = async () => {
  await waitFor(() => (window as any).goahead === true);
  console.log('hello world');


Demo here:

On the console, just copy/paste: goahead = true.

XSL substring and indexOf

Here is some one liner xpath 1.0 expressions for IndexOf( $text, $searchString ):

If you need the position of the FIRST character of the sought string, or 0 if it is not present:

contains($text,$searchString)*(1 + string-length(substring-before($text,$searchString)))

If you need the position of the first character AFTER the found string, or 0 if it is not present:

contains($text,$searchString)*(1 + string-length(substring-before($text,$searchString)) + string-length($searchString))

Alternatively if you need the position of the first character AFTER the found string, or length+1 if it is not present:

1 + string-length($right) - string-length(substring-after($right,$searchString))

That should cover most cases that you need.

Note: The multiplication by contains( ... ) causes the true or false result of the contains( ... ) function to be converted to 1 or 0, which elegantly provides the "0 when not found" part of the logic.

What is the difference between <html lang="en"> and <html lang="en-US">?

Well, the first question is easy. There are many ens (Englishes) but (mostly) only one US English. One would guess there are en-CN, en-GB, en-AU. Guess there might even be Austrian English but that's more yes you can than yes there is.

How to find files that match a wildcard string in Java?

Why not use do something like:

File myRelativeDir = new File("../../foo");
String fullPath = myRelativeDir.getCanonicalPath();
Sting wildCard = fullPath + File.separator + "*.txt";

// now you have a fully qualified path

Then you won't have to worry about relative paths and can do your wildcarding as needed.

How to color the Git console?

In Ubuntu or any other platform (yes, Windows too!); starting git1.8.4, which was released 2013-08-23, you won't have to do anything:

Many tutorials teach users to set "color.ui" to "auto" as the first thing after you set "" to introduce yourselves to Git. Now the variable defaults to "auto".

So you will see colors by default.

Can we locate a user via user's phone number in Android?

Quick answer: No, at least not with native SMS service.

Long answer: Sure, but the receiver's phone should have the correct setup first. An app that detects incoming sms, and if a keyword matches, reports its current location to your server, which then pushes that info to the sender.

Typescript input onchange

the correct way to use in TypeScript is

  handleChange(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
    // No longer need to cast to any - hooray for react!

  render() {
        <input value={temperature} onChange={this.handleChange} />

Follow the complete class, it's better to understand:

import * as React from "react";

const scaleNames = {
  c: 'Celsius',
  f: 'Fahrenheit'

interface TemperatureState {
   temperature: string;

interface TemperatureProps {
   scale: string;


class TemperatureInput extends React.Component<TemperatureProps, TemperatureState> {
  constructor(props: TemperatureProps) {
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.state = {temperature: ''};

  //  handleChange(e: { target: { value: string; }; }) {
  //    this.setState({temperature:});  
  //  }

  handleChange(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
    // No longer need to cast to any - hooray for react!

  render() {
    const temperature = this.state.temperature;
    const scale = this.props.scale;
    return (
        <legend>Enter temperature in {scaleNames[scale]}:</legend>
        <input value={temperature} onChange={this.handleChange} />

export default TemperatureInput;

When to favor ng-if vs. ng-show/ng-hide?

Depends on your use case but to summarise the difference:

  1. ng-if will remove elements from DOM. This means that all your handlers or anything else attached to those elements will be lost. For example, if you bound a click handler to one of child elements, when ng-if evaluates to false, that element will be removed from DOM and your click handler will not work any more, even after ng-if later evaluates to true and displays the element. You will need to reattach the handler.
  2. ng-show/ng-hide does not remove the elements from DOM. It uses CSS styles to hide/show elements (note: you might need to add your own classes). This way your handlers that were attached to children will not be lost.
  3. ng-if creates a child scope while ng-show/ng-hide does not

Elements that are not in the DOM have less performance impact and your web app might appear to be faster when using ng-if compared to ng-show/ng-hide. In my experience, the difference is negligible. Animations are possible when using both ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if, with examples for both in the Angular documentation.

Ultimately, the question you need to answer is whether you can remove element from DOM or not?

Is Android using NTP to sync time?

Not an exact answer to your question, but a bit of information: if your device does use NTP for time (eg. if it is a tablet with no 3G or GPS capabilities), the server can be configured in /system/etc/gps.conf - obviously this file can only be edited with root access, but is viewable on non-rooted devices.

Using ExcelDataReader to read Excel data starting from a particular cell

Very easy with ExcelReaderFactory 3.1 and up:

using (var openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "Excel Workbook|*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm", ValidateNames = true })
    if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        var fs = File.Open(openFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(fs);
        var dataSet = reader.AsDataSet(new ExcelDataSetConfiguration
            ConfigureDataTable = _ => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration
                UseHeaderRow = true // Use first row is ColumnName here :D
        if (dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
            var dtData = dataSet.Tables[0];
            // Do Something

Android - shadow on text?

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:padding="20dp" >

        android:text="Text Shadow Example1"
        android:textStyle="bold" />

        android:text="Text Shadow Example2"
        android:textStyle="bold" />


In the above XML layout code, the textview1 is given with Shadow effect in the layout. below are the configuration items are

android:shadowDx – specifies the X-axis offset of shadow. You can give -/+ values, where -Dx draws a shadow on the left of text and +Dx on the right

android:shadowDy – it specifies the Y-axis offset of shadow. -Dy specifies a shadow above the text and +Dy specifies below the text.

android:shadowRadius – specifies how much the shadow should be blurred at the edges. Provide a small value if shadow needs to be prominent. android:shadowColor – specifies the shadow color

Shadow Effect on Android TextView pragmatically

Use below code snippet to get the shadow effect on the second TextView pragmatically.

TextView textv = (TextView) findViewById(;
textv.setShadowLayer(30, 0, 0, Color.RED);        

Output :

enter image description here

Load image with jQuery and append it to the DOM

after you get the image path, try either of following ways

  1. (as you need to set more attr than just the src) build the html and replace to the target region

    $('#target_div').html('<img src="'+ imgPaht +'" width=100 height=100 alt="Hello Image" />');
  2. you may need to add some delay if changing the "SRC" attr

    setTimeout(function(){///this function fire after 1ms delay
    }, 1);

Disable double-tap "zoom" option in browser on touch devices

Note (as of 2020-08-04): this solution does not appear to work in iOS Safari v12+. I will update this answer and delete this note once I find a clear solution that covers iOS Safari.

CSS-only solution

Add touch-action: manipulation to any element on which you want to disable double tap zoom, like with the following disable-dbl-tap-zoom class:

.disable-dbl-tap-zoom {
  touch-action: manipulation;

From the touch-action docs (emphasis mine):


Enable panning and pinch zoom gestures, but disable additional non-standard gestures such as double-tap to zoom.

This value works on Android and on iOS.

Double quotes within php script echo

You can just forgo the quotes for alphanumeric attributes:

echo "<font color=red> XHTML is not a thing anymore. </font>";
echo "<div class=editorial-note> There, I said it. </div>";

Is perfectly valid in HTML, and though still shunned, absolutely en vogue since HTML5.