[node.js] Why is Node.js single threaded?

In PHP (or Java/ASP.NET/Ruby) based webservers every client request is instantiated on a new thread. But in Node.js all the clients run on the same thread (they can even share the same variables!) I understand that I/O operations are event-based so they don't block the main thread loop.

What I don't understand is WHY the author of Node chose it to be single-threaded? It makes things difficult. For example, I can't run a CPU intensive function because it blocks the main thread (and new client requests are blocked) so I need to spawn a process (which means I need to create a separate JavaScript file and execute another node process on it). However, in PHP cpu intensive tasks do not block other clients because as I mentioned each client is on a different thread. What are its advantages compared to multi-threaded web servers?

Note: I've used clustering to get around this, but it's not pretty.

This question is related to node.js

The answer is

Long story short, node draws from V8, which is internally single-threaded. There are ways to work around the constraints for CPU-intensive tasks.

At one point (0.7) the authors tried to introduce isolates as a way of implementing multiple threads of computation, but were ultimately removed: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/nodejs/zLzuo292hX0/F7gqfUiKi2sJ

The issue with the "one thread per request" model for a server is that they don't scale well for several scenarios compared to the event loop thread model.

Typically, in I/O intensive scenarios the requests spend most of the time waiting for I/O to complete. During this time, in the "one thread per request" model, the resources linked to the thread (such as memory) are unused and memory is the limiting factor. In the event loop model, the loop thread selects the next event (I/O finished) to handle. So the thread is always busy (if you program it correctly of course).

The event loop model as all new things seems shiny and the solution for all issues but which model to use will depend on the scenario you need to tackle. If you have an intensive I/O scenario (like a proxy), the event base model will rule, whereas a CPU intensive scenario with a low number of concurrent processes will work best with the thread-based model.

In the real world most of the scenarios will be a bit in the middle. You will need to balance the real need for scalability with the development complexity to find the correct architecture (e.g. have an event base front-end that delegates to the backend for the CPU intensive tasks. The front end will use little resources waiting for the task result.) As with any distributed system it requires some effort to make it work.

If you are looking for the silver bullet that will fit with any scenario without any effort, you will end up with a bullet in your foot.