[c] What do .c and .h file extensions mean to C?

It's all in the title; super-simple I reckon, but it's so hard to search for syntactical things anywhere.

These are two library files that I'm copying from CS50.net, and I'm wondering why they have two different extensions.

This question is related to c file-type cs50

The answer is

Of course, there is nothing that says the extension of a header file must be .h and the extension of a C source file must be .c. These are useful conventions.

E:\Temp> type my.interface

E:\Temp> type my.source
#include <stdio.h>

#include "my.interface"

int main(void) {
    char x[MYBUFFERSIZE] = {0};
    x[0] = 'a';
    return 0;

E:\Temp> gcc -x c my.source -o my.exe

E:\Temp> my

The .c files are source files which will be compiled. The .h files are used to expose the API of a program to either other part of that program or other program is you are creating a library.

For example, the program PizzaDelivery could have 1 .c file with the main program, and 1 .c file with utility functions. Now, for the main part of the program to be able to use the utility functions, you need to expose the API, via function prototype, into a .h file, this .h file being included by the main .c file.

The .c is the source file and .h is the header file.

.c : 'C' source code
.h : Header file

Usually, the .c files contain the implementation, and .h files contain the "interface" of an implementation.

They're not really library files. They're just source files. Like Stefano said, the .c file is the C source file which actually uses/defines the actual source of what it merely outlined in the .h file, the header file. The header file usually outlines all of the function prototypes and structures that will be used in the actual source file. Think of it like a reference/appendix. This is evident upon looking at the header file, as you will see :) So then when you want to use something that was written in these source files, you #include the header file, which contains the information that the compiler will need to know.