Programs & Examples On #Nslocale

Locales encapsulate information about linguistic, cultural, and technological conventions and standards. Examples of information encapsulated by a locale include the symbol used for the decimal separator in numbers and the way dates are formatted. Locales are typically used to provide, format, and interpret information about and according to the user’s customs and preferences. They are frequently used in conjunction with formatters.

How to get current language code with Swift?

Locale.current.languageCode returns me wrong code, so I use these extensions:

extension Locale {
    static var preferredLanguageCode: String {
        let defaultLanguage = "en"
        let preferredLanguage = preferredLanguages.first ?? defaultLanguage
        return Locale(identifier: preferredLanguage).languageCode ?? defaultLanguage

    static var preferredLanguageCodes: [String] {
        return Locale.preferredLanguages.compactMap({Locale(identifier: $0).languageCode})

Getting current device language in iOS?

I tried to found out the right solution for myself. When I use Locale.preferredLanguages.first was returned the preferred language from your app settings.

If you want get to know language from user device settings, you should the use string below:

Swift 3

let currentDeviceLanguage = Locale.current.languageCode
// Will return the optional String

To unwrap and use look at the line below:

if let currentDeviceLanguage = Locale.current.languageCode {
    print("currentLanguage", currentDeviceLanguage)

    // For example
    if currentDeviceLanguage == "he" {
        UIView.appearance().semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
    } else {
        UIView.appearance().semanticContentAttribute = .forceLeftToRight

How do I view the SSIS packages in SQL Server Management Studio?

If you deployed the package to the "Integration Services Catalog" on SSMS you can retrieve the package using Visual studio.

enter image description here

add a string prefix to each value in a string column using Pandas

As an alternative, you can also use an apply combined with format (or better with f-strings) which I find slightly more readable if one e.g. also wants to add a suffix or manipulate the element itself:

df = pd.DataFrame({'col':['a', 0]})

df['col'] = df['col'].apply(lambda x: "{}{}".format('str', x))

which also yields the desired output:

0  stra
1  str0

If you are using Python 3.6+, you can also use f-strings:

df['col'] = df['col'].apply(lambda x: f"str{x}")

yielding the same output.

The f-string version is almost as fast as @RomanPekar's solution (python 3.6.4):

df = pd.DataFrame({'col':['a', 0]*200000})

%timeit df['col'].apply(lambda x: f"str{x}")
117 ms ± 451 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

%timeit 'str' + df['col'].astype(str)
112 ms ± 1.04 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Using format, however, is indeed far slower:

%timeit df['col'].apply(lambda x: "{}{}".format('str', x))
185 ms ± 1.07 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

CommandError: You must set settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS if DEBUG is False

Make sure it's not redefined again lower down in your The default settings has:


How to get the parent dir location

Use relative path with the pathlib module in Python 3.4+:

from pathlib import Path


You can use multiple calls to parent to go further in the path:


As an alternative to specifying parent twice, you can use:


Redirect stderr to stdout in C shell

I object the above answer and provide my own. csh DOES have this capability and here is how it's done:

xxx |& some_exec # will pipe merged output to your some_exec 


xxx |& cat > filename

or if you just want it to merge streams (to stdout) and not redirect to a file or some_exec:

xxx |& tee /dev/null

SQL error "ORA-01722: invalid number"

Oracle does automatic String2number conversion, for String column values! However, for the textual comparisons in SQL, the input must be delimited as a String explicitly: The opposite conversion number2String is not performed automatically, not on the SQL-query level.

I had this query:

select max(acc_num) from ACCOUNTS where acc_num between 1001000 and 1001999;

That one presented a problem: Error: ORA-01722: invalid number

I have just surrounded the "numerical" values, to make them 'Strings', just making them explicitly delimited:

select max(acc_num) from ACCOUNTS where acc_num between '1001000' and '1001999';

...and voilà: It returns the expected result.

edit: And indeed: the col acc_num in my table is defined as String. Although not numerical, the invalid number was reported. And the explicit delimiting of the string-numbers resolved the problem.

On the other hand, Oracle can treat Strings as numbers. So the numerical operations/functions can be applied on the Strings, and these queries work:

select max(string_column) from TABLE;

select string_column from TABLE where string_column between '2' and 'z';

select string_column from TABLE where string_column > '1';

select string_column from TABLE where string_column <= 'b';

Change <br> height using CSS

As the 'margin' doesn't work in Chrome, that's why I used 'border' instead.

br {
  display: block;
  content: "";
  border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; // Works in Chrome/Safari
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
  br {
    margin-bottom: 10px; // As 'border-bottom' doesn't work in firefox and 'margin-bottom' doesn't work in Chrome/Safari.

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

For windows, the default key for multi-line comment is Alt + Shift + A

For windows, the default key for single line comment is Ctrl + /

Reading string from input with space character?

NOTE: When using fgets(), the last character in the array will be '\n' at times when you use fgets() for small inputs in CLI (command line interpreter) , as you end the string with 'Enter'. So when you print the string the compiler will always go to the next line when printing the string. If you want the input string to have null terminated string like behavior, use this simple hack.

int main()
 int i,size;
 char a[100];
 size = strlen(a);

return 0;

Update: Updated with help from other users.

Javascript Audio Play on click

While several answers are similar, I still had an issue - the user would click the button several times, playing the audio over itself (either it was clicked by accident or they were just 'playing'....)

An easy fix:

var music = new Audio();
function playMusic(file) {
    music = new Audio(file);;

Setting up the audio on load allowed 'music' to be paused every time the function is called - effectively stopping the 'noise' even if they user clicks the button several times (and there is also no need to turn off the button, though for user experience it may be something you want to do).

Creating a list of objects in Python

Create a new instance each time, where each new instance has the correct state, rather than continually modifying the state of the same instance.

Alternately, store an explicitly-made copy of the object (using the hint at this page) at each step, rather than the original.

Java file path in Linux

Looks like you are missing a leading slash. Perhaps try:

Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("/home/me/java/ex.txt"));

(as to where it looks for files by default, it is where the JVM is run from for relative paths like the one you have in your question)

How do you unit test private methods?

Here's an example, first the method signature:

private string[] SplitInternal()
    return Regex.Matches(Format, @"([^/\[\]]|\[[^]]*\])+")
                        .Select(m => m.Value)
                        .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

Here's the test:

/// <summary>
///A test for SplitInternal
[DeploymentItem("Git XmlLib vs2008.dll")]
public void SplitInternalTest()
    string path = "pair[path/to/@Key={0}]/Items/Item[Name={1}]/Date";
    object[] values = new object[] { 2, "Martin" };
    XPathString xp = new XPathString(path, values);

    PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(xp);
    XPathString_Accessor target = new XPathString_Accessor(param0);
    string[] expected = new string[] {
    string[] actual;
    actual = target.SplitInternal();
    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Adding div element to body or document in JavaScript

You can make your div HTML code and set it directly into body(Or any element) with following code:

var divStr = '<div class="text-warning">Some html</div>';
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML += divStr;

A better way to check if a path exists or not in PowerShell

If you just want an alternative to the cmdlet syntax, specifically for files, use the File.Exists() .NET method:

    # file with path $path doesn't exist

If, on the other hand, you want a general purpose negated alias for Test-Path, here is how you should do it:

# Gather command meta data from the original Cmdlet (in this case, Test-Path)
$TestPathCmd = Get-Command Test-Path
$TestPathCmdMetaData = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata $TestPathCmd

# Use the static ProxyCommand.GetParamBlock method to copy 
# Test-Path's param block and CmdletBinding attribute
$Binding = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetCmdletBindingAttribute($TestPathCmdMetaData)
$Params  = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($TestPathCmdMetaData)

# Create wrapper for the command that proxies the parameters to Test-Path 
# using @PSBoundParameters, and negates any output with -not
$WrappedCommand = { 
    try { -not (Test-Path @PSBoundParameters) } catch { throw $_ }

# define your new function using the details above
$Function:notexists = '{0}param({1}) {2}' -f $Binding,$Params,$WrappedCommand

notexists will now behave exactly like Test-Path, but always return the opposite result:

PS C:\> Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows"
PS C:\> notexists -Path "C:\Windows"
PS C:\> notexists "C:\Windows" # positional parameter binding exactly like Test-Path

As you've already shown yourself, the opposite is quite easy, just alias exists to Test-Path:

PS C:\> New-Alias exists Test-Path
PS C:\> exists -Path "C:\Windows"

Git Clone from GitHub over https with two-factor authentication

As per @Nitsew's answer, Create your personal access token and use your token as your username and enter with blank password.

Later you won't need any credentials to access all your private repo(s).

Scroll to bottom of div?

Just as a bonus snippet. I'm using angular and was trying to scroll a message thread to the bottom when a user selected different conversations with users. In order to make sure that the scroll works after the new data had been loaded into the div with the ng-repeat for messages, just wrap the scroll snippet in a timeout.

    var messageThread = document.getElementById('message-thread-div-id');
    messageThread.scrollTop = messageThread.scrollHeight;

That will make sure that the scroll event is fired after the data has been inserted into the DOM.

Python: Adding element to list while iterating

You can do this.

bonus_rows = []
for a in myarr:
  if somecond(a):
myarr.extend( bonus_rows )

How to serve up a JSON response using Go?

You may use this package renderer, I have written to solve this kind of problem, it's a wrapper to serve JSON, JSONP, XML, HTML etc.

querySelector, wildcard element match?

There is a way by saying what is is not. Just make the not something it never will be. A good css selector reference: which shows the :not selector as follows:

:not(selector)  :not(p) Selects every element that is not a <p> element

Here is an example: a div followed by something (anything but a z tag)

div > :not(z){
 border:1px solid pink;

How to add option to select list in jQuery

Your code fails because you are executing a method (addOption) on the jQuery object (and this object does not support the method)

You can use the standard Javascript function like this:

$("#dropListBuilding")[0].options.add( new Option("My Text","My Value") )

Inner join vs Where

They're both joins and where that do the same thing.

Give a look at In MySQL queries, why use join instead of where?

programming a servo thru a barometer

You could define a mapping of air pressure to servo angle, for example:

def calc_angle(pressure, min_p=1000, max_p=1200):     return 360 * ((pressure - min_p) / float(max_p - min_p))  angle = calc_angle(pressure) 

This will linearly convert pressure values between min_p and max_p to angles between 0 and 360 (you could include min_a and max_a to constrain the angle, too).

To pick a data structure, I wouldn't use a list but you could look up values in a dictionary:

d = {1000:0, 1001: 1.8, ...}  angle = d[pressure] 

but this would be rather time-consuming to type out!

How to change text color and console color in code::blocks?

This is a function online, I created a header file with it, and I use Setcolor(); instead, I hope this helped! You can change the color by choosing any color in the range of 0-256. :) Sadly, I believe CodeBlocks has a later build of the window.h library...

#include <windows.h>            //This is the header file for windows.
#include <stdio.h>              //C standard library header file

void SetColor(int ForgC);

int main()
    printf("Test color");       //Here the text color is white
    SetColor(30);               //Function call to change the text color
    printf("Test color");       //Now the text color is green
    return 0;

void SetColor(int ForgC)
     WORD wColor;
     //This handle is needed to get the current background attribute

     HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
     //csbi is used for wAttributes word

     if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
          //To mask out all but the background attribute, and to add the color
          wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
          SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);

Query to convert from datetime to date mysql

Either Cybernate or OMG Ponies solution will work. The fundamental problem is that the DATE_FORMAT() function returns a string, not a date. When you wrote

(Select Date_Format(orders.date_purchased,'%m/%d/%Y')) As Date 

I think you were essentially asking MySQL to try to format the values in date_purchased according to that format string, and instead of calling that column date_purchased, call it "Date". But that column would no longer contain a date, it would contain a string. (Because Date_Format() returns a string, not a date.)

I don't think that's what you wanted to do, but that's what you were doing.

Don't confuse how a value looks with what the value is.

What is the python keyword "with" used for?

In python the with keyword is used when working with unmanaged resources (like file streams). It is similar to the using statement in VB.NET and C#. It allows you to ensure that a resource is "cleaned up" when the code that uses it finishes running, even if exceptions are thrown. It provides 'syntactic sugar' for try/finally blocks.

From Python Docs:

The with statement clarifies code that previously would use try...finally blocks to ensure that clean-up code is executed. In this section, I’ll discuss the statement as it will commonly be used. In the next section, I’ll examine the implementation details and show how to write objects for use with this statement.

The with statement is a control-flow structure whose basic structure is:

with expression [as variable]:

The expression is evaluated, and it should result in an object that supports the context management protocol (that is, has __enter__() and __exit__() methods).

Update fixed VB callout per Scott Wisniewski's comment. I was indeed confusing with with using.

Query to get the names of all tables in SQL Server 2008 Database

another way, will also work on MySQL and PostgreSQL


The smallest difference between 2 Angles

Arithmetical (as opposed to algorithmic) solution:

angle = Pi - abs(abs(a1 - a2) - Pi);

Send HTTP GET request with header

Here's a code excerpt we're using in our app to set request headers. You'll note we set the CONTENT_TYPE header only on a POST or PUT, but the general method of adding headers (via a request interceptor) is used for GET as well.

 * HTTP request types
public static final int POST_TYPE   = 1;
public static final int GET_TYPE    = 2;
public static final int PUT_TYPE    = 3;
public static final int DELETE_TYPE = 4;

 * HTTP request header constants
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE         = "Content-Type";
public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING      = "Accept-Encoding";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING     = "Content-Encoding";
public static final String ENCODING_GZIP        = "gzip";
public static final String MIME_FORM_ENCODED    = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String MIME_TEXT_PLAIN      = "text/plain";

private InputStream performRequest(final String contentType, final String url, final String user, final String pass,
    final Map<String, String> headers, final Map<String, String> params, final int requestType) 
            throws IOException {

    DefaultHttpClient client = HTTPClientFactory.newClient();

    client.getParams().setParameter(HttpProtocolParams.USER_AGENT, mUserAgent);

    // add user and pass to client credentials if present
    if ((user != null) && (pass != null)) {
        client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass));

    // process headers using request interceptor
    final Map<String, String> sendHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if ((headers != null) && (headers.size() > 0)) {
    if (requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.POST_TYPE || requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.PUT_TYPE ) {
        sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
    // request gzip encoding for response
    sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTPRequestHelper.ENCODING_GZIP);

    if (sendHeaders.size() > 0) {
        client.addRequestInterceptor(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {

            public void process(final HttpRequest request, final HttpContext context) throws HttpException,
                IOException {
                for (String key : sendHeaders.keySet()) {
                    if (!request.containsHeader(key)) {
                        request.addHeader(key, sendHeaders.get(key));

    //.... code omitted ....//


Git copy changes from one branch to another

Instead of merge, as others suggested, you can rebase one branch onto another:

git checkout BranchB
git rebase BranchA

This takes BranchB and rebases it onto BranchA, which effectively looks like BranchB was branched from BranchA, not master.

SVN- How to commit multiple files in a single shot

Use a changeset. You can add as many files as you like to the changeset, all at once, or over several commands; and then commit them all in one go.

What does the "no version information available" error from linux dynamic linker mean?

The "no version information available" means that the library version number is lower on the shared object. For example, if your major.minor.patch number is 7.15.5 on the machine where you build the binary, and the major.minor.patch number is 7.12.1 on the installation machine, ld will print the warning.

You can fix this by compiling with a library (headers and shared objects) that matches the shared object version shipped with your target OS. E.g., if you are going to install to RedHat 3.4.6-9 you don't want to compile on Debian 4.1.1-21. This is one of the reasons that most distributions ship for specific linux distro numbers.

Otherwise, you can statically link. However, you don't want to do this with something like PAM, so you want to actually install a development environment that matches your client's production environment (or at least install and link against the correct library versions.)

Advice you get to rename the .so files (padding them with version numbers,) stems from a time when shared object libraries did not use versioned symbols. So don't expect that playing with the .so.n.n.n naming scheme is going to help (much - it might help if you system has been trashed.)

You last option will be compiling with a library with a different minor version number, using a custom linking script:

To do this, you'll need to write a custom script, and you'll need a custom installer that runs ld against your client's shared objects, using the custom script. This requires that your client have gcc or ld on their production system.

Necessary to add link tag for favicon.ico?

Update Oct 2020:

So if you are on this page scratching your head why my favicon is not working , then read along. I tried all the things (which I supposedly thought I was doing right) yet favicon was not showing up on browser tabs.

Here is one line simple cracker code that worked flawlessly:

<link rel="icon" href="" size="16x16" type="image/jpg">

enter image description here


  1. Put the image in the ROOT folder ( In one of my unsuccessful attempts , I was not using root dir)
  2. Use direct favicon url link ( instead of href="images/bla123.jpg").
  3. I placed this tag just below the <title> tag in the <Header>
  4. I made the favicon size 64x64 px and size was 2.16 KB

I tested it on Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and opera. OS: Win 10, Mac OSX, ios and Android .Also I did not experience any cashing issues, worked pretty much as soon as I refreshed the page.

Convert list to array in Java


Foo[] array = list.toArray(new Foo[0]);


Foo[] array = new Foo[list.size()];
list.toArray(array); // fill the array

Note that this works only for arrays of reference types. For arrays of primitive types, use the traditional way:

List<Integer> list = ...;
int[] array = new int[list.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) array[i] = list.get(i);


It is recommended now to use list.toArray(new Foo[0]);, not list.toArray(new Foo[list.size()]);.

From JetBrains Intellij Idea inspection:

There are two styles to convert a collection to an array: either using a pre-sized array (like c.toArray(new String[c.size()])) or using an empty array (like c.toArray(new String[0]).

In older Java versions using pre-sized array was recommended, as the reflection call which is necessary to create an array of proper size was quite slow. However since late updates of OpenJDK 6 this call was intrinsified, making the performance of the empty array version the same and sometimes even better, compared to the pre-sized version. Also passing pre-sized array is dangerous for a concurrent or synchronized collection as a data race is possible between the size and toArray call which may result in extra nulls at the end of the array, if the collection was concurrently shrunk during the operation.

This inspection allows to follow the uniform style: either using an empty array (which is recommended in modern Java) or using a pre-sized array (which might be faster in older Java versions or non-HotSpot based JVMs).

What's the proper way to compare a String to an enum value?

Define enum:

public enum Gesture

Define a method to check enum content:

private boolean enumContainsValue(String value)
    for (Gesture gesture : Gesture.values())
        if (
            return true;

    return false;

And use it:

String gestureString = "PAPER";

if (enumContainsValue(gestureString))
    Gesture gestureId = Gesture.valueOf(gestureString);

    switch (gestureId)
        case ROCK:
            Log.i("TAG", "ROCK");

        case PAPER:
            Log.i("TAG", "PAPER");

        case SCISSORS:
            Log.i("TAG", "SCISSORS");

AWS S3 CLI - Could not connect to the endpoint URL

You should do the following on the CLI : 1. aws configure'
2. input the access key 3. input secret key 4. and then the region i.e : eu-west-1 (leave the a or b after the 1)

What port is a given program using?

TCPView can do what you asked for.

How to unpublish an app in Google Play Developer Console

The new version is hard to find. Select the app, then look for "3 dot menu" in upper right corner. enter image description here

init-param and context-param

<init-param> will be used if you want to initialize some parameter for a particular servlet. When request come to servlet first its init method will be called then doGet/doPost whereas if you want to initialize some variable for whole application you will need to use <context-param> . Every servlet will have access to the context variable.

matrix multiplication algorithm time complexity

Using linear algebra, there exist algorithms that achieve better complexity than the naive O(n3). Solvay Strassen algorithm achieves a complexity of O(n2.807) by reducing the number of multiplications required for each 2x2 sub-matrix from 8 to 7.

The fastest known matrix multiplication algorithm is Coppersmith-Winograd algorithm with a complexity of O(n2.3737). Unless the matrix is huge, these algorithms do not result in a vast difference in computation time. In practice, it is easier and faster to use parallel algorithms for matrix multiplication.

JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

Just in case somebody didn't understand the 6th time around:


String to HtmlDocument

Using Html Agility Pack as suggested by SLaks, this becomes very easy:

string html = webClient.DownloadString(url);
var doc = new HtmlDocument();

HtmlNode specificNode = doc.GetElementById("nodeId");
HtmlNodeCollection nodesMatchingXPath = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("x/path/nodes");

ElasticSearch: Unassigned Shards, how to fix?

In my case, when I create a new index then the default number_of_replicas is set as 1. And the number of nodes in my cluster was only one so there was no extra node to create the replica, so the health was turning to yellow. So when I created the index with settings property and set the number_of_replicas as 0. Then it worked fine. Hope this helps.

PUT /customer
    "settings": {
        "number_of_replicas": 0

What is the difference between "long", "long long", "long int", and "long long int" in C++?

While in Java a long is always 64 bits, in C++ this depends on computer architecture and operating system. For example, a long is 64 bits on Linux and 32 bits on Windows (this was done to keep backwards-compatability, allowing 32-bit programs to compile on 64-bit Windows without any changes).

It is considered good C++ style to avoid short int long ... and instead use:

std::int8_t   # exactly  8 bits
std::int16_t  # exactly 16 bits
std::int32_t  # exactly 32 bits
std::int64_t  # exactly 64 bits

std::size_t   # can hold all possible object sizes, used for indexing

These (int*_t) can be used after including the <cstdint> header. size_t is in <stdlib.h>.

Javascript Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

The error is here:


You are passing the first item of words, instead of the array.

Instead, pass the array to the function:


Problem solved!

Here's a breakdown of what the problem was:

I'm guessing in your browser (chrome throws a different error), words[] == words[0], so when you call hasLetter("a",words[]);, you are actually calling hasLetter("a",words[0]);. So, in essence, you are passing the first item of words to your function, not the array as a whole.

Of course, because words is just an empty array, words[0] is undefined. Therefore, your function call is actually:

hasLetter("a", undefined);

which means that, when you try to access d[ascii], you are actually trying to access undefined[0], hence the error.

SQL Error: ORA-00942 table or view does not exist

Issue could be with different table(might not exists or grant privilege is not for that table) mapped due to foreign key or synonym.

For me the issue was with a column in that table which had mapping with another schema-table, and it was missing.ex, public-synonym.

How to get cookie expiration date / creation date from javascript?

One possibility is to delete to cookie you are looking for the expiration date from and rewrite it. Then you'll know the expiration date.

make a header full screen (width) css

Live Demo

You can achieve the effect using a container element, then just set the containing elements margin to 0 auto and it will be centered.


<div id="header">
    <div id="headerContent">
        Header text


    background: url(yourimage);
    margin: 0 auto; width: 960px;

Disable F5 and browser refresh using JavaScript

This is the code I'm using to disable refresh on IE and firefox which works for the following key combinations:

F5   |   Ctrl + F5   |   Ctrl + R

//this code handles the F5/Ctrl+F5/Ctrl+R
document.onkeydown = checkKeycode
function checkKeycode(e) {
    var keycode;
    if (window.event)
        keycode = window.event.keyCode;
    else if (e)
        keycode = e.which;
    // Mozilla firefox
    if ($.browser.mozilla) {
        if (keycode == 116 ||(e.ctrlKey && keycode == 82)) {
            if (e.preventDefault)
    // IE
    else if ($.browser.msie) {
        if (keycode == 116 || (window.event.ctrlKey && keycode == 82)) {
            window.event.returnValue = false;
            window.event.keyCode = 0;
            window.status = "Refresh is disabled";

If you don't want to use useragent to detect what type of browser it is ($.browser uses navigator.userAgent to determine the platform), you can use

if('MozBoxSizing' in which returns true for firefox

maven compilation failure

I had the same issue (even though the project was compiling/working fine in Eclipse), it was not when using the command line build. The reason was that I wasn't using the correct folder structure for mvn: "src/main/java/com" etc. It is looking at these folders by default (I was using "/scr/main/com" etc. which caused issues).

Get the contents of a table row with a button click

The object of the exercise is to find the row that contains the information. When we get there, we can easily extract the required information.


$(".use-address").click(function() {
    var $item = $(this).closest("tr")   // Finds the closest row <tr> 
                       .find(".nr")     // Gets a descendent with class="nr"
                       .text();         // Retrieves the text within <td>

    $("#resultas").append($item);       // Outputs the answer


Now let's focus on some frequently asked questions in such situations.

How to find the closest row?

Using .closest():

var $row = $(this).closest("tr");

Using .parent():

You can also move up the DOM tree using .parent() method. This is just an alternative that is sometimes used together with .prev() and .next().

var $row = $(this).parent()             // Moves up from <button> to <td>
                  .parent();            // Moves up from <td> to <tr>

Getting all table cell <td> values

So we have our $row and we would like to output table cell text:

var $row = $(this).closest("tr"),       // Finds the closest row <tr> 
    $tds = $row.find("td");             // Finds all children <td> elements

$.each($tds, function() {               // Visits every single <td> element
    console.log($(this).text());        // Prints out the text within the <td>


Getting a specific <td> value

Similar to the previous one, however we can specify the index of the child <td> element.

var $row = $(this).closest("tr"),        // Finds the closest row <tr> 
    $tds = $row.find("td:nth-child(2)"); // Finds the 2nd <td> element

$.each($tds, function() {                // Visits every single <td> element
    console.log($(this).text());         // Prints out the text within the <td>


Useful methods

  • .closest() - get the first element that matches the selector
  • .parent() - get the parent of each element in the current set of matched elements
  • .parents() - get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements
  • .children() - get the children of each element in the set of matched elements
  • .siblings() - get the siblings of each element in the set of matched elements
  • .find() - get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements
  • .next() - get the immediately following sibling of each element in the set of matched elements
  • .prev() - get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the set of matched elements

header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); not doing anything

Another reason may be if you add any html tag before this redirect. Look carefully, you may left DOCTYPE or any html comment before this line.

Convert InputStream to JSONObject

Another solution: use flexjson.jar:

List<yourEntity> yourEntityList = deserializer.deserialize(new InputStreamReader(input));

Angular-cli from css to scss

Use command:

ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.styleext scss

How to change a TextView's style at runtime

TextView tvCompany = (TextView)findViewById(R.layout.tvCompany);

You an set it from code. Typeface

How can I print using JQuery

function printResult() {
    var DocumentContainer = document.getElementById('your_div_id');
    var WindowObject ='', "PrintWindow", "width=750,height=650,top=50,left=50,toolbars=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,resizable=yes");

What are the best practices for SQLite on Android?

Dmytro's answer works fine for my case. I think it's better to declare the function as synchronized. at least for my case, it would invoke null pointer exception otherwise, e.g. getWritableDatabase not yet returned in one thread and openDatabse called in another thread meantime.

public synchronized SQLiteDatabase openDatabase() {
    if(mOpenCounter.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
        // Opening new database
        mDatabase = mDatabaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    return mDatabase;

'Use of Unresolved Identifier' in Swift

Another place I've seen this error is when your project has multiple targets AND multiple bridging headers. If it's a shared class, make sure you add the resource to all bridging headers.

A good tip to is to look in the left Issue Navigator panel; the root object will show the target that is issuing the complaint.

Display tooltip on Label's hover?

You can use the css-property content and attr to display the content of an attribute in an :after pseudo element. You could either use the default title attribute (which is a semantic solution), or create a custom attribute, e.g. data-title.


<label for="male" data-title="Please, refer to Wikipedia!">Male</label>


  position: relative;
    font-size: 1rem;
    font-weight: normal;
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    left: -8em;
    bottom: 2em;
    content:  attr(data-title);
    background-color: white;
    width: 20em;
    text-aling: center;

Why is the use of alloca() not considered good practice?

Most answers here largely miss the point: there's a reason why using _alloca() is potentially worse than merely storing large objects in the stack.

The main difference between automatic storage and _alloca() is that the latter suffers from an additional (serious) problem: the allocated block is not controlled by the compiler, so there's no way for the compiler to optimize or recycle it.


while (condition) {
    char buffer[0x100]; // Chill.
    /* ... */


while (condition) {
    char* buffer = _alloca(0x100); // Bad!
    /* ... */

The problem with the latter should be obvious.

How to destroy a DOM element with jQuery?

Is $target.remove(); what you're looking for?

Twitter bootstrap modal-backdrop doesn't disappear

This Line of Code after many search solved my problem, that i wanted to close the modal on ajax success:

$("[data-dismiss=modal]").trigger({ type: "click" });

Many thanks, Manuel Fernando

Get UserDetails object from Security Context in Spring MVC controller

If you already know for sure that the user is logged in (in your example if /index.html is protected):

UserDetails userDetails =

To first check if the user is logged in, check that the current Authentication is not a AnonymousAuthenticationToken.

Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (!(auth instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken)) {
        // userDetails = auth.getPrincipal()

Credit card payment gateway in PHP?

Stripe has a PHP library to accept credit cards without needing a merchant account:

Check out the documentation and FAQ, and feel free to drop by our chatroom if you have more questions.

HTML5 video (mp4 and ogv) problems in Safari and Firefox - but Chrome is all good

Just need to change one letter:), rename 640x360.ogv to 640x360.ogg, it will work for all the 3 browers.

Force SSL/https using .htaccess and mod_rewrite

I'd just like to point out that Apache has the worst inheritance rules when using multiple .htaccess files across directory depths. Two key pitfalls:

  • Only the rules contained in the deepest .htaccess file will be performed by default. You must specify the RewriteOptions InheritDownBefore directive (or similar) to change this. (see question)
  • The pattern is applied to the file path relative to the subdirectory and not the upper directory containing the .htaccess file with the given rule. (see discussion)

This means the suggested global solution on the Apache Wiki does not work if you use any other .htaccess files in subdirectories. I wrote a modified version that does:

RewriteEngine On
# This will enable the Rewrite capabilities

RewriteOptions InheritDownBefore
# This prevents the rule from being overrided by .htaccess files in subdirectories.

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
# This checks to make sure the connection is not already HTTPS

RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [QSA,R,L]
# This rule will redirect users from their original location, to the same location but using HTTPS.
# i.e. to

Volatile Vs Atomic

Volatile and Atomic are two different concepts. Volatile ensures, that a certain, expected (memory) state is true across different threads, while Atomics ensure that operation on variables are performed atomically.

Take the following example of two threads in Java:

Thread A:

value = 1;
done = true;

Thread B:

if (done)

Starting with value = 0 and done = false the rule of threading tells us, that it is undefined whether or not Thread B will print value. Furthermore value is undefined at that point as well! To explain this you need to know a bit about Java memory management (which can be complex), in short: Threads may create local copies of variables, and the JVM can reorder code to optimize it, therefore there is no guarantee that the above code is run in exactly that order. Setting done to true and then setting value to 1 could be a possible outcome of the JIT optimizations.

volatile only ensures, that at the moment of access of such a variable, the new value will be immediately visible to all other threads and the order of execution ensures, that the code is at the state you would expect it to be. So in case of the code above, defining done as volatile will ensure that whenever Thread B checks the variable, it is either false, or true, and if it is true, then value has been set to 1 as well.

As a side-effect of volatile, the value of such a variable is set thread-wide atomically (at a very minor cost of execution speed). This is however only important on 32-bit systems that i.E. use long (64-bit) variables (or similar), in most other cases setting/reading a variable is atomic anyways. But there is an important difference between an atomic access and an atomic operation. Volatile only ensures that the access is atomically, while Atomics ensure that the operation is atomically.

Take the following example:

i = i + 1;

No matter how you define i, a different Thread reading the value just when the above line is executed might get i, or i + 1, because the operation is not atomically. If the other thread sets i to a different value, in worst case i could be set back to whatever it was before by thread A, because it was just in the middle of calculating i + 1 based on the old value, and then set i again to that old value + 1. Explanation:

Assume i = 0
Thread A reads i, calculates i+1, which is 1
Thread B sets i to 1000 and returns
Thread A now sets i to the result of the operation, which is i = 1

Atomics like AtomicInteger ensure, that such operations happen atomically. So the above issue cannot happen, i would either be 1000 or 1001 once both threads are finished.

MVVM: Tutorial from start to finish?

Some blogs/websites to check out:

Currently, Josh Smith has a "From Russia With Love" article that can be of some use to you.

Bi-directional Map in Java?

Creating a Guava BiMap and getting its inverted value is not so trivial.

A simple example:


public class BiMapTest {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create();

    biMap.put("k1", "v1");
    biMap.put("k2", "v2");

    System.out.println("k1 = " + biMap.get("k1"));
    System.out.println("v2 = " + biMap.inverse().get("v2"));

Android Studio Gradle project "Unable to start the daemon process /initialization of VM"

Open Android Studio then go to file and change the last line to


then go to

File>Invalidate Caches/Restart.

and the problem will be solved, it worked fine with me.

How do I write a batch script that copies one directory to another, replaces old files?

Have you considered using the "xcopy" command?

The xcopy command will do all that for you.

How to properly seed random number generator

OK why so complex!

package main

import (

func main() {
    rand.Seed( time.Now().UnixNano())
    var bytes int

    for i:= 0 ; i < 10 ; i++{ 
        bytes = rand.Intn(6)+1

This is based off the dystroy's code but fitted for my needs.

It's die six (rands ints 1 =< i =< 6)

func randomInt (min int , max int  ) int {
    var bytes int
    bytes = min + rand.Intn(max)
    return int(bytes)

The function above is the exactly same thing.

I hope this information was of use.

What is "not assignable to parameter of type never" error in typescript?

All you have to do is define your result as a string array, like the following:

const result : string[] = [];

Without defining the array type, it by default will be never. So when you tried to add a string to it, it was a type mismatch, and so it threw the error you saw.

addEventListener not working in IE8

You have to use attachEvent in IE versions prior to IE9. Detect whether addEventListener is defined and use attachEvent if it isn't:

//                         ^^ -- onclick, not click

Note that IE11 will remove attachEvent.

See also:

How to trap on UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints?

Followed Stephen's advice and tried to debug the code and whoa! it worked. The answer lies in the debug message itself.

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint NSLayoutConstraint:0x191f0920 H:[MPKnockoutButton:0x17a876b0]-(34)-[MPDetailSlider:0x17a8bc50](LTR)>

The line above tells you that the runtime worked by removing this constraint. May be you don't need Horizontal Spacing on your button (MPKnockoutButton). Once you clear this constraint, it won't complain at runtime & you would get the desired behaviour.

Node / Express: EADDRINUSE, Address already in use - Kill server

Reasons for this issues are:

  1. Any one application may be running on this port like Skype.
  2. Node may have crashed and port may not have been freed.
  3. You may have tried to start server more than one. To solve this problem, one can maintain a boolean to check whether server have been started or not. It should be started only if boolean return false or undefined;

Laravel - htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given

Laravel - htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given.

thank me latter.........................

when you send or get array from contrller or function but try to print as single value or single variable in laravel blade file so it throws an error

->use any think who convert array into string it work.

solution: 1)run the foreach loop and get single single value and print. 2)The implode() function returns a string from the elements of an array. {{ implode($your_variable,',') }}

implode is best way to do it and its 100% work.

Circle button css

.round-button {_x000D_
.round-button-circle {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 100%;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  border:10px solid #cfdcec;_x000D_
  background: #4679BD; _x000D_
  box-shadow: 0 0 3px gray;_x000D_
.round-button-circle:hover {_x000D_
.round-button a {_x000D_
<div class="round-button"><div class="round-button-circle"><a href="" class="round-button">Button!!</a></div></div>

or very simple for <a/>

.round-button {_x000D_
    border: 2px solid #f5f5f5;_x000D_
    border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
    background: #555777;_x000D_
    box-shadow: 0 0 3px gray;_x000D_
.round-button:hover {_x000D_
    background: #777555;_x000D_
<a href="" class="round-button">Button</a>

for jsfiddle reference click here

What does --net=host option in Docker command really do?

  1. you can create your own new network like --net="anyname"
  2. this is done to isolate the services from different container.
  3. suppose the same service are running in different containers, but the port mapping remains same, the first container starts well , but the same service from second container will fail. so to avoid this, either change the port mappings or create a network.

How do I test if a recordSet is empty? isNull?

RecordCount is what you want to use.

If Not temp_rst1.RecordCount > 0 ...

Fast way to discover the row count of a table in PostgreSQL

For SQL Server (2005 or above) a quick and reliable method is:

SELECT SUM (row_count)
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID('MyTableName')   
AND (index_id=0 or index_id=1);

Details about sys.dm_db_partition_stats are explained in MSDN

The query adds rows from all parts of a (possibly) partitioned table.

index_id=0 is an unordered table (Heap) and index_id=1 is an ordered table (clustered index)

Even faster (but unreliable) methods are detailed here.

Getting text from td cells with jQuery

You can use .map:

// array of text of each td

var texts = $("td").map(function() {
    return $(this).text();

Print directly from browser without print popup window

For IE browsers, the "VBScript solution" works.

But as mentioned by @purefusion at Bypass Printdialog in IE9, Use Print() rather than window.print()

Converting Date and Time To Unix Timestamp

You can use Date.getTime() function, or the Date object itself which when divided returns the time in milliseconds.

var d = new Date();

> 1510329641.84

> 1510329641.84

how to add new <li> to <ul> onclick with javascript

You have not appended your li as a child to your ul element

Try this

function function1() {
  var ul = document.getElementById("list");
  var li = document.createElement("li");

If you need to set the id , you can do so by

li.setAttribute("id", "element4");

Which turns the function into

function function1() {
  var ul = document.getElementById("list");
  var li = document.createElement("li");
  li.setAttribute("id", "element4"); // added line

Declaring abstract method in TypeScript

If you take Erics answer a little further you can actually create a pretty decent implementation of abstract classes, with full support for polymorphism and the ability to call implemented methods from the base class. Let's start with the code:

 * The interface defines all abstract methods and extends the concrete base class
interface IAnimal extends Animal {
    speak() : void;

 * The abstract base class only defines concrete methods & properties.
class Animal {

    private _impl : IAnimal;

    public name : string;

     * Here comes the clever part: by letting the constructor take an 
     * implementation of IAnimal as argument Animal cannot be instantiated
     * without a valid implementation of the abstract methods.
    constructor(impl : IAnimal, name : string) { = name;
        this._impl = impl;

        // The `impl` object can be used to delegate functionality to the
        // implementation class.
        console.log( + " is born!");

class Dog extends Animal implements IAnimal {
    constructor(name : string) {
        // The child class simply passes itself to Animal
        super(this, name);

    public speak() {

var dog = new Dog("Bob");
dog.speak(); //logs "bark"
console.log(dog instanceof Dog); //true
console.log(dog instanceof Animal); //true
console.log(; //"Bob"

Since the Animal class requires an implementation of IAnimal it's impossible to construct an object of type Animal without having a valid implementation of the abstract methods. Note that for polymorphism to work you need to pass around instances of IAnimal, not Animal. E.g.:

//This works
function letTheIAnimalSpeak(animal: IAnimal) {
    console.log( + " says:");
//This doesn't ("The property 'speak' does not exist on value of type 'Animal')
function letTheAnimalSpeak(animal: Animal) {
    console.log( + " says:");

The main difference here with Erics answer is that the "abstract" base class requires an implementation of the interface, and thus cannot be instantiated on it's own.

Functional programming vs Object Oriented programming

  1. If you're in a heavily concurrent environment, then pure functional programming is useful. The lack of mutable state makes concurrency almost trivial. See Erlang.

  2. In a multiparadigm language, you may want to model some things functionally if the existence of mutable state is must an implementation detail, and thus FP is a good model for the problem domain. For example, see list comprehensions in Python or std.range in the D programming language. These are inspired by functional programming.

What determines the monitor my app runs on?

Important note: If you remember the position of your application and shutdown and then start up again at that position, keep in mind that the user's monitor configuration may have changed while your application was closed.

Laptop users, for example, frequently change their display configuration. When docked there may be a 2nd monitor that disappears when undocked. If the user closes an application that was running on the 2nd monitor and the re-opens the application when the monitor is disconnected, restoring the window to the previous coordinates will leave it completely off-screen.

To figure out how big the display really is, check out GetSystemMetrics.

How to install XNA game studio on Visual Studio 2012?

Yes, it's possible with a bit of tweak. Unfortunately, you still have to have VS 2010 installed.

  1. First, install XNA Game Studio 4.0. The easiest way is to install the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 which contains everything required.

  2. Copy the XNA Game Extension from VS 10 to VS 11 by opening a command prompt 'as administrator' and executing the following (may vary if not x64 computer with defaults paths) :

    xcopy /e "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\XNA Game Studio 4.0" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\XNA Game Studio 4.0"

  3. Run notepad as administrator then open extension.vsixmanifest in the destination directory just created.

  4. Upgrade the Supported product version to match the new version (or duplicate the whole VisualStudio element and change the Version attribute, as @brainslugs83 said in comments):

      <VisualStudio Version="11.0">
  5. Don't forget to clear/delete your cache in %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Extensions.

  6. You may have to run the command to tells Visual Studio that new extensions are available. If you see an 'access denied' message, try launching the console as an administrator.

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /setup

This has been tested for Windows Games, but not WP7 or Xbox games.

[Edit] According Jowsty, this works also for XBox 360 Games.

[Edit for Visual Studio 2013 & Windows 8.1] See here for documentation on installing Windows Phone SDK 7.1 on Windows 8.1. Use VS version number 12.0 in place of 11.0 for all of these steps, and they will still work correctly.

Mapping many-to-many association table with extra column(s)

Since the SERVICE_USER table is not a pure join table, but has additional functional fields (blocked), you must map it as an entity, and decompose the many to many association between User and Service into two OneToMany associations : One User has many UserServices, and one Service has many UserServices.

You haven't shown us the most important part : the mapping and initialization of the relationships between your entities (i.e. the part you have problems with). So I'll show you how it should look like.

If you make the relationships bidirectional, you should thus have

class User {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
    private Set<UserService> userServices = new HashSet<UserService>();

class UserService {
    @JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
    private User user;

    @JoinColumn(name = "service_code")
    private Service service;

    @Column(name = "blocked")
    private boolean blocked;

class Service {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "service")
    private Set<UserService> userServices = new HashSet<UserService>();

If you don't put any cascade on your relationships, then you must persist/save all the entities. Although only the owning side of the relationship (here, the UserService side) must be initialized, it's also a good practice to make sure both sides are in coherence.

User user = new User();
Service service = new Service();
UserService userService = new UserService();



RegEx to make sure that the string contains at least one lower case char, upper case char, digit and symbol

You can match those three groups separately, and make sure that they all present. Also, [^\w] seems a bit too broad, but if that's what you want you might want to replace it with \W.

GitLab remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied and fatal Authentication

When I had the same problem,

I solved it by removing the file "passwd" in


After removing Sourcetree will prompt for the password.

OS Version : win10 
Sourcetree Version:  3.1

Find the division remainder of a number

We can solve this by using modulus operator (%)

26 % 7 = 5;

but 26 / 7 = 3 because it will give quotient but % operator will give remainder.

How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day?

This is actually quite tricky. A different total number of days can result in the same result. For example:

  • 19th June 2008 to 19th June 2010 = 2 years, but also 365 * 2 days

  • 19th June 2006 to 19th June 2008 = 2 years, but also 365 + 366 days due to leap years

You may well want to subtract years until you get to the point where you've got two dates which are less than a year apart. Then subtract months until you get to the point where you've got two dates which are less than a month apart.

Further confusion: subtracting (or adding) months is tricky when you might start with a date of "30th March" - what's a month earlier than that?

Even further confusion (may not be relevant): even a day isn't always 24 hours. Daylight saving anyone?

Even further confusion (almost certainly not relevant): even a minute isn't always 60 seconds. Leap seconds are highly confusing...

I don't have the time to work out the exact right way of doing this right now - this answer is mostly to raise the fact that it's not nearly as simple as it might sound.

EDIT: Unfortunately I'm not going to have enough time to answer this fully. I would suggest you start off by defining a struct representing a Period:

public struct Period
    private readonly int days;
    public int Days { get { return days; } }
    private readonly int months;
    public int Months { get { return months; } }
    private readonly int years;
    public int Years { get { return years; } }

    public Period(int years, int months, int days)
        this.years = years;
        this.months = months;
        this.days = days;

    public Period WithDays(int newDays)
        return new Period(years, months, newDays);

    public Period WithMonths(int newMonths)
        return new Period(years, newMonths, days);

    public Period WithYears(int newYears)
        return new Period(newYears, months, days);

    public static DateTime operator +(DateTime date, Period period)
        // TODO: Implement this!

    public static Period Difference(DateTime first, DateTime second)
        // TODO: Implement this!

I suggest you implement the + operator first, which should inform the Difference method - you should make sure that first + (Period.Difference(first, second)) == second for all first/second values.

Start with writing a whole slew of unit tests - initially "easy" cases, then move on to tricky ones involving leap years. I know the normal approach is to write one test at a time, but I'd personally brainstorm a bunch of them before you start any implementation work.

Allow yourself a day to implement this properly. It's tricky stuff.

Note that I've omitted weeks here - that value at least is easy, because it's always 7 days. So given a (positive) period, you'd have:

int years = period.Years;
int months = period.Months;
int weeks = period.Days / 7;
int daysWithinWeek = period.Days % 7;

(I suggest you avoid even thinking about negative periods - make sure everything is positive, all the time.)

Select and display only duplicate records in MySQL

Try this query:

SELECT id, COUNT( payer_email ) `tot`
FROM paypal_ipn_orders
HAVING `tot` >1

Does it help?

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'

Try setting 'clientCredentialType' to 'Windows' instead of 'Ntlm'.

I think that this is what the server is expecting - i.e. when it says the server expects "Negotiate,NTLM", that actually means Windows Auth, where it will try to use Kerberos if available, or fall back to NTLM if not (hence the 'negotiate')

I'm basing this on somewhat reading between the lines of: Selecting a Credential Type

HTML entity for check mark

There is HTML entity &#10003 but it doesn't work in some older browsers.

Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java

For me, the simplest way to do that is:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.setTime(new Date());
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

//Here you say to java the initial timezone. This is the secret
//Will print in UTC

//Here you set to your timezone
//Will print on your default Timezone

CardView background color always white


use this in your card view and you can change a color of your card view

Clear History and Reload Page on Login/Logout Using Ionic Framework

I tried many methods, but found this method is absolutely correct:


Hope this help others stuck for days like me with version: angular 1.5.5, ionic 1.2.4, angular-ui-router 1.0.0

How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

I'd suggest the question you should be asking is how to inject services into controllers. Fat services with skinny controllers is a good rule of thumb, aka just use controllers to glue your service/factory (with the business logic) into your views.

Controllers get garbage collected on route changes, so for example, if you use controllers to hold business logic that renders a value, your going to lose state on two pages if the app user clicks the browser back button.

var app = angular.module("testApp", ['']);

app.factory('methodFactory', function () {
    return { myMethod: function () {
            console.log("methodFactory - myMethod");

app.controller('TestCtrl1', ['$scope', 'methodFactory', function ($scope,methodFactory) {  //Comma was missing here.Now it is corrected.
    $scope.mymethod1 = methodFactory.myMethod();

app.controller('TestCtrl2', ['$scope', 'methodFactory', function ($scope, methodFactory) {
    $scope.mymethod2 = methodFactory.myMethod();

Here is a working demo of factory injected into two controllers

Also, I'd suggest having a read of this tutorial on services/factories.

How can I get (query string) parameters from the URL in Next.js?

For those looking for a solution that works with static exports, try the solution listed here:

In a nutshell, router.query works only with SSR applications, but router.asPath still works.

So can either configure the query pre-export in next.config.js with exportPathMap (not dynamic):

    return {
      '/': { page: '/' },
      '/about': { page: '/about', query: { title: 'about-us' } }

Or use router.asPath and parse the query yourself with a library like query-string:

import { withRouter } from "next/router";
import queryString from "query-string";

export const withPageRouter = Component => {
  return withRouter(({ router, ...props }) => {
    router.query = queryString.parse(router.asPath.split(/\?/)[1]);

    return <Component {...props} router={router} />;

How to overcome "'aclocal-1.15' is missing on your system" warning?

2018, yet another solution ...

in some cases simply running

$ autoreconf -f -i

and nothing else .... solves the problem.

You do that in the directory /pcre2-10.30 .

What a nightmare.

(This usually did not solve the problem in 2017, but now usually does seem to solve the problem - they fixed something. Also, it seems your Dockerfile should now usually start with "FROM ibmcom/swift-ubuntu" ; previously you had to give a certain version/dev-build to make it work.)

The view didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead

I had the same error using an UpdateView

I had this:

if form.is_valid() and form2.is_valid():
    return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

and I solved just doing:

if form.is_valid() and form2.is_valid():
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('adopcion:solicitud_listar'))

Understanding the Rails Authenticity Token

Methods Where authenticity_token is required

authenticity_token is required in case of idempotent methods like post, put and delete, Because Idempotent methods are affecting to data.

Why It is Required

It is required to prevent from evil actions. authenticity_token is stored in session, whenever a form is created on web pages for creating or updating to resources then a authenticity token is stored in hidden field and it sent with form on server. Before executing action user sent authenticity_token is cross checked with authenticity_token stored in session. If authenticity_token is same then process is continue otherwise it does not perform actions.

How do I change a PictureBox's image?

You can use the ImageLocation property of pictureBox1:

pictureBox1.ImageLocation = @"C:\Users\MSI\Desktop\MYAPP\Slider\Slider\bt1.jpg";

How can I use getSystemService in a non-activity class (LocationManager)?

Use this in Activity:

private Context context = this;

Utils.showToast(context, "toast");

in Utils:

public class Utils {

    public static boolean isInternetAvailable(Context context) {
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null && cm.getActiveNetworkInfo().isConnected();


How do I block or restrict special characters from input fields with jquery?

[User below code to restrict special character also    

$(h.txtAmount).keydown(function (event) {
        if (event.shiftKey) {
        if (event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8) {
        else {
            if (event.keyCode < 95) {
                if (event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) {
            else {
                if (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105) {


What does collation mean?

Reference is taken from this Article: A collation is a set of rules for comparing characters in a character set. It has also ruled for sorting of characters and proper order of two characters varies from language to language. A Collation compared two strings like, if a word is greater than another one, and sort accordingly.

If you are using “latin1” Character set, you can use “latin1_swedish_ci” Collation.

You have to choose right collation because wrong collation may affect your database performance.

How to tag docker image with docker-compose

you can try:

    container_name: hi_my
    build: .
    image: hi_my_nameis:v1.0.0

Docker error response from daemon: "Conflict ... already in use by container"

No issues with the latest kartoza/qgis-desktop

I ran

docker pull kartoza/qgis-desktop

followed by

docker run -it --rm --name "qgis-desktop-2-4" -v ${HOME}:/home/${USER} -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY kartoza/qgis-desktop:latest

I did try multiple times without the conflict error - you do have to exit the app beforehand. Also, please note the parameters do differ slightly.

.substring error: "is not a function"

you can also quote string


What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application?

It looks like there is a really good way to handle this:

WPF Single Instance Application

This provides a class you can add that manages all the mutex and messaging cruff to simplify the your implementation to the point where it's simply trivial.

How to map calculated properties with JPA and Hibernate

JPA doesn't offer any support for derived property so you'll have to use a provider specific extension. As you mentioned, @Formula is perfect for this when using Hibernate. You can use an SQL fragment:

private float finalPrice;

Or even complex queries on other tables:

@Formula("(select min(o.creation_date) from Orders o where o.customer_id = id)")
private Date firstOrderDate;

Where id is the id of the current entity.

The following blog post is worth the read: Hibernate Derived Properties - Performance and Portability.

Without more details, I can't give a more precise answer but the above link should be helpful.

See also:

Query to list all stored procedures

Unfortunately INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't contain info about the system procs.

  FROM sys.objects
 WHERE objectproperty(object_id, N'IsMSShipped') = 0
   AND objectproperty(object_id, N'IsProcedure') = 1

Bash: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

On my machine, if I run a script directly, the default is bash.

If I run it with sudo, the default is sh.

That’s why I was hitting this problem when I used sudo.

jQuery Mobile how to check if button is disabled?

What worked for me was this:


But I like tomwadley's answer a lot more.

Nevertheless, the is(':disabled') code does also not work for me which should be the best version. Don't know, why it does not work. :-(

Nginx no-www to www and www to no-www

location / { 
    if ($http_host !~ "^"){ 
        rewrite ^(.*)$ $scheme://$1 redirect; 

How to get URI from an asset File?

Try this out, it works:

InputStream in_s = 

If you get a Null Value Exception, try this (with class TopBrandData):

InputStream in_s1 =

Export DataBase with MySQL Workbench with INSERT statements

I had some problems to find this option in newer versions, so for Mysql Workbench 6.3, go to schemas and enter in your connection:

enter image description here

Go to Tools -> Data Export

enter image description here

Click on Advanced Options

enter image description here

Scroll down and uncheck extended-inserts

enter image description here

Then export the data you want and you will see the result file as this:

enter image description here

How can I make my layout scroll both horizontally and vertically?

I was able to find a simple way to achieve both scrolling behaviors.

Here is the xml for it:

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"

        android:layout_width="320px" android:layout_height="fill_parent">

            android:id="@+id/linlay" android:layout_width="320px"
            android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:stretchColumns="1"



Naming convention - underscore in C++ and C# variables

There's no particular single naming convention, but I've seen that for private members.

Is there a way to create key-value pairs in Bash script?

In bash version 4 associative arrays were introduced.

declare -A arr


arr+=( ["key2"]=val2 ["key3"]=val3 )

The arr array now contains the three key value pairs. Bash is fairly limited what you can do with them though, no sorting or popping etc.

for key in ${!arr[@]}; do
    echo ${key} ${arr[${key}]}

Will loop over all key values and echo them out.

Note: Bash 4 does not come with Mac OS X because of its GPLv3 license; you have to download and install it. For more on that see here

Reset auto increment counter in postgres

To get sequence id use

SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('tableName', 'ColumnName');

This will gives you sequesce id as tableName_ColumnName_seq

To Get Last seed number use

select currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('tableName', 'ColumnName'));

or if you know sequence id already use it directly.

select currval(tableName_ColumnName_seq);

It will gives you last seed number

To Reset seed number use

ALTER SEQUENCE tableName_ColumnName_seq RESTART WITH 45

Handle Guzzle exception and get HTTP body

Guzzle 6.x

Per the docs, the exception types you may need to catch are:

  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException for 400-level errors
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException for 500-level errors
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException for both (it's their superclass)

Code to handle such errors thus now looks something like this:

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client;
try {
catch (GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
    $response = $e->getResponse();
    $responseBodyAsString = $response->getBody()->getContents();

What is the point of WORKDIR on Dockerfile?

Before applying WORKDIR. Here the WORKDIR is at the wrong place and is not used wisely.

FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2
COPY --from=build-env /publish /publish
WORKDIR /publish
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "/publish/api.dll"]

We corrected the above code to put WORKDIR at the right location and optimised the following statements by removing /Publish

FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2
WORKDIR /publish
COPY --from=build-env /publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "api.dll"]

So it acts like a cd and sets the tone for the upcoming statements.

Postgresql : Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

The error you quote has nothing to do with pg_hba.conf; it's failing to connect, not failing to authorize the connection.

Do what the error message says:

Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

You haven't shown the command that produces the error. Assuming you're connecting on localhost port 5432 (the defaults for a standard PostgreSQL install), then either:

  • PostgreSQL isn't running

  • PostgreSQL isn't listening for TCP/IP connections (listen_addresses in postgresql.conf)

  • PostgreSQL is only listening on IPv4 ( or and you're connecting on IPv6 (::1) or vice versa. This seems to be an issue on some older Mac OS X versions that have weird IPv6 socket behaviour, and on some older Windows versions.

  • PostgreSQL is listening on a different port to the one you're connecting on

  • (unlikely) there's an iptables rule blocking loopback connections

(If you are not connecting on localhost, it may also be a network firewall that's blocking TCP/IP connections, but I'm guessing you're using the defaults since you didn't say).

So ... check those:

  • ps -f -u postgres should list postgres processes

  • sudo lsof -n -u postgres |grep LISTEN or sudo netstat -ltnp | grep postgres should show the TCP/IP addresses and ports PostgreSQL is listening on

BTW, I think you must be on an old version. On my 9.3 install, the error is rather more detailed:

$ psql -h localhost -p 12345
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 12345?

send Content-Type: application/json post with node.js

As the official documentation says:

body - entity body for PATCH, POST and PUT requests. Must be a Buffer, String or ReadStream. If json is true, then body must be a JSON-serializable object.

When sending JSON you just have to put it in body of the option.

var options = {
    uri: '',
    method: 'POST',
    json: true,
    body: {'my_date' : 'json'}
request(options, myCallback)

Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>

I had a column that did not allow nulls and I was inserting a null value.

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

A dictionary can be passed to format(), each key name will become a variable for each associated value.

dict = {'string1': 'go',
        'string2': 'now',
        'string3': 'great'}

multiline_string = '''I'm will {string1} there
I will go {string2}


Also a list can be passed to format(), the index number of each value will be used as variables in this case.

list = ['go',

multiline_string = '''I'm will {0} there
I will go {1}


Both solutions above will output the same:

I'm will go there
I will go now

Why Maven uses JDK 1.6 but my java -version is 1.7

I am late to this question, but I think the best way to handle JDK versions on MacOS is by using the script described at:

How to convert an int to string in C?

If you want to output your structure into a file there is no need to convert any value beforehand. You can just use the printf format specification to indicate how to output your values and use any of the operators from printf family to output your data.

Replace new lines with a comma delimiter with Notepad++?

USE Chrome's Search Bar

1-press CTRL F
2-paste the copied text in search bar
3-press CTRL A followed by CTRL C to copy the text again from search
4-paste in Notepad++
5-replace 'space' with ','

1-click for image
2-click for image

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open() in PHP

If your local installation is running XAMPP on Windows , That's enough : you can open the file "\xampp\php\php.ini" to activate the php exstension by removing the beginning semicolon at the line ";extension=php_imap.dll". It should be:




How to write loop in a Makefile?

Although the GNUmake table toolkit has a true while loop (whatever that means in GNUmake programming with its two or three phases of execution), if the thing which is needed is an iterative list, there is a simple solution with interval. For the fun of it, we convert the numbers to hex too:

include gmtt/

# generate a list of 20 numbers, starting at 3 with an increment of 5
NUMBER_LIST := $(call interval,3,20,5)

# convert the numbers in hexadecimal (0x0 as first operand forces arithmetic result to hex) and strip '0x'
NUMBER_LIST_IN_HEX := $(foreach n,$(NUMBER_LIST),$(call lstrip,$(call add,0x0,$(n)),0x))

# finally create the filenames with a simple patsubst
FILE_LIST := $(patsubst %,./a%.out,$(NUMBER_LIST_IN_HEX))

$(info $(FILE_LIST))


./a3.out ./a8.out ./ad.out ./a12.out ./a17.out ./a1c.out ./a21.out ./a26.out ./a2b.out ./a30.out ./a35.out ./a3a.out ./a3f.out ./a44.out ./a49.out ./a4e.out ./a53.out ./a58.out ./a5d.out ./a62.out

Chrome says "Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME type text/plain.", what gives?

Check your js files actually exist on the server. I had this problem and discovered the js files hadn't been uploaded to the server and the server was actually returning the html page instead - which was the default document configured on the server (eg default.html)

Python readlines() usage and efficient practice for reading

The short version is: The efficient way to use readlines() is to not use it. Ever.

I read some doc notes on readlines(), where people has claimed that this readlines() reads whole file content into memory and hence generally consumes more memory compared to readline() or read().

The documentation for readlines() explicitly guarantees that it reads the whole file into memory, and parses it into lines, and builds a list full of strings out of those lines.

But the documentation for read() likewise guarantees that it reads the whole file into memory, and builds a string, so that doesn't help.

On top of using more memory, this also means you can't do any work until the whole thing is read. If you alternate reading and processing in even the most naive way, you will benefit from at least some pipelining (thanks to the OS disk cache, DMA, CPU pipeline, etc.), so you will be working on one batch while the next batch is being read. But if you force the computer to read the whole file in, then parse the whole file, then run your code, you only get one region of overlapping work for the entire file, instead of one region of overlapping work per read.

You can work around this in three ways:

  1. Write a loop around readlines(sizehint), read(size), or readline().
  2. Just use the file as a lazy iterator without calling any of these.
  3. mmap the file, which allows you to treat it as a giant string without first reading it in.

For example, this has to read all of foo at once:

with open('foo') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:

But this only reads about 8K at a time:

with open('foo') as f:
    while True:
        lines = f.readlines(8192)
        if not lines:
        for line in lines:

And this only reads one line at a time—although Python is allowed to (and will) pick a nice buffer size to make things faster.

with open('foo') as f:
    while True:
        line = f.readline()
        if not line:

And this will do the exact same thing as the previous:

with open('foo') as f:
    for line in f:


but should the garbage collector automatically clear that loaded content from memory at the end of my loop, hence at any instant my memory should have only the contents of my currently processed file right ?

Python doesn't make any such guarantees about garbage collection.

The CPython implementation happens to use refcounting for GC, which means that in your code, as soon as file_content gets rebound or goes away, the giant list of strings, and all of the strings within it, will be freed to the freelist, meaning the same memory can be reused again for your next pass.

However, all those allocations, copies, and deallocations aren't free—it's much faster to not do them than to do them.

On top of that, having your strings scattered across a large swath of memory instead of reusing the same small chunk of memory over and over hurts your cache behavior.

Plus, while the memory usage may be constant (or, rather, linear in the size of your largest file, rather than in the sum of your file sizes), that rush of mallocs to expand it the first time will be one of the slowest things you do (which also makes it much harder to do performance comparisons).

Putting it all together, here's how I'd write your program:

for filename in os.listdir(input_dir):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        if filename.endswith(".gz"):
            f =
        words = (line.split(delimiter) for line in f)
        ... my logic ...  

Or, maybe:

for filename in os.listdir(input_dir):
    if filename.endswith(".gz"):
        f =, 'rb')
        f = open(filename, 'rb')
    with contextlib.closing(f):
        words = (line.split(delimiter) for line in f)
        ... my logic ...

How to validate array in Laravel?

Asterisk symbol (*) is used to check values in the array, not the array itself.

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
    "names"    => "required|array|min:3",
    "names.*"  => "required|string|distinct|min:3",

In the example above:

  • "names" must be an array with at least 3 elements,
  • values in the "names" array must be distinct (unique) strings, at least 3 characters long.

EDIT: Since Laravel 5.5 you can call validate() method directly on Request object like so:

$data = $request->validate([
    "name"    => "required|array|min:3",
    "name.*"  => "required|string|distinct|min:3",

Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

Just use the Invoke-Item cmdlet. For example, if you want to open a explorer window on the current directory you can do:

Invoke-Item .

Open File Dialog, One Filter for Multiple Excel Extensions?

If you want to merge the filters (eg. CSV and Excel files), use this formula:

OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog();
of.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx";

Or if you want to see XML or PDF files in one time use this:

of.Filter = @" XML or PDF |*.xml;*.pdf";

Changing datagridview cell color based on condition

Without looping it can be achived like below.

private void dgEvents_RowPrePaint(object sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs e)



private void FormatRow(DataGridViewRow myrow)
            if (Convert.ToString(myrow.Cells["LevelDisplayName"].Value) == "Error")
                myrow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red;
            else if (Convert.ToString(myrow.Cells["LevelDisplayName"].Value) == "Warning")
                myrow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
            else if (Convert.ToString(myrow.Cells["LevelDisplayName"].Value) == "Information")
                myrow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
        catch (Exception exception)
            onLogs?.Invoke(exception.Message, EventArgs.Empty);

Check if a string is a palindrome

Since a palindrome also includes numbers, words, sentences, and any combinations of these, and should ignore punctuation and case, (See Wikipedia Article) I propose this solution:

public class Palindrome
    static IList<int> Allowed = new List<int> {
        'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'h',
        'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',
        'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
        '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
    private static int[] GetJustAllowed(string text)
        List<int> characters = new List<int>();
        foreach (var c in text)
             characters.Add(c | 0x20); 

        return characters.Where(c => Allowed.Contains(c)).ToArray();
    public static bool IsPalindrome(string text)
        if(text == null || text.Length == 1)
             return true;

        int[] chars = GetJustAllowed(text);
        var length = chars.Length;

        while (length > 0)
            if (chars[chars.Length - length] != chars[--length])
                return false;

        return true;
    public static bool IsPalindrome(int number)
        return IsPalindrome(number.ToString());
    public static bool IsPalindrome(double number)
        return IsPalindrome(number.ToString());
    public static bool IsPalindrome(decimal number)
        return IsPalindrome(number.ToString());


Change Select List Option background colour on hover in html

No, it's not possible.

It's really, if not use native selects, if you create custom select widget from html elements, t.e. "li".

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView

To implement this the way you have started, you'll need to add an AnimationListener so that you can detect the beginning and ending of an animation. When onAnimationEnd() for the fade out is called, you can set the visibility of your ImageView object to View.INVISIBLE, switch the images and start your fade in animation - you'll need another AnimationListener here too. When you receive onAnimationEnd() for your fade in animation, set the ImageView to be View.VISIBLE and that should give you the effect you're looking for.

I've implemented a similar effect before, but I used a ViewSwitcher with 2 ImageViews rather than a single ImageView. You can set the "in" and "out" animations for the ViewSwitcher with your fade in and fade out so it can manage the AnimationListener implementation. Then all you need to do is alternate between the 2 ImageViews.

Edit: To be a bit more useful, here is a quick example of how to use the ViewSwitcher. I have included the full source at


        android:outAnimation="@anim/fade_out" >

            android:src="@drawable/sunset" />

            android:src="@drawable/clouds" />

    // Let the ViewSwitcher do the animation listening for you
    ((ViewSwitcher) findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            ViewSwitcher switcher = (ViewSwitcher) v;

            if (switcher.getDisplayedChild() == 0) {
            } else {

Add data to JSONObject

In order to have this result:


that holds the same data as:

    "aoColumnDefs": [
     { "aDataSort": [ 0, 1 ], "aTargets": [ 0 ] },
     { "aDataSort": [ 1, 0 ], "aTargets": [ 1 ] },
     { "aDataSort": [ 2, 3, 4 ], "aTargets": [ 2 ] }

you could use this code:

    JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
    Collection<JSONObject> items = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();

    JSONObject item1 = new JSONObject();
    item1.put("aDataSort", new JSONArray(0, 1));
    item1.put("aTargets", new JSONArray(0));
    JSONObject item2 = new JSONObject();
    item2.put("aDataSort", new JSONArray(1, 0));
    item2.put("aTargets", new JSONArray(1));
    JSONObject item3 = new JSONObject();
    item3.put("aDataSort", new JSONArray(2, 3, 4));
    item3.put("aTargets", new JSONArray(2));

    jo.put("aoColumnDefs", new JSONArray(items));


insert password into database in md5 format?

if you want to use md5 encryptioon you can do it in your php script

$pass = $_GET['pass'];

$newPass = md5($pass)

and then insert it into the database that way, however MD5 is a one way encryption method and is near on impossible to decrypt without difficulty

make: Nothing to be done for `all'

That is not an error; the make command in unix works based on the timestamps. I.e let's say if you have made certain changes to factorial.cpp and compile using make then make shows the information that only the cc -o factorial.cpp command is executed. Next time if you execute the same command i.e make without making any changes to any file with .cpp extension the compiler says that the output file is up to date. The compiler gives this information until we make certain changes to any file.cpp.

The advantage of the makefile is that it reduces the recompiling time by compiling the only files that are modified and by using the object (.o) files of the unmodified files directly.

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

This occurs if the password for the database is not given.

default="postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/DBname"

How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP

Here is a php4/php5 class that will sort one or more fields:

// a sorter class
//  php4 and php5 compatible
class Sorter {

  var $sort_fields;
  var $backwards = false;
  var $numeric = false;

  function sort() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    $array = $args[0];
    if (!$array) return array();
    $this->sort_fields = array_slice($args, 1);
    if (!$this->sort_fields) return $array();

    if ($this->numeric) {
      usort($array, array($this, 'numericCompare'));
    } else {
      usort($array, array($this, 'stringCompare'));
    return $array;

  function numericCompare($a, $b) {
    foreach($this->sort_fields as $sort_field) {
      if ($a[$sort_field] == $b[$sort_field]) {
      return ($a[$sort_field] < $b[$sort_field]) ? ($this->backwards ? 1 : -1) : ($this->backwards ? -1 : 1);
    return 0;

  function stringCompare($a, $b) {
    foreach($this->sort_fields as $sort_field) {
      $cmp_result = strcasecmp($a[$sort_field], $b[$sort_field]);
      if ($cmp_result == 0) continue;

      return ($this->backwards ? -$cmp_result : $cmp_result);
    return 0;

// usage examples

// some starting data
$start_data = array(
  array('first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Smith', 'age' => 10),
  array('first_name' => 'Joe', 'last_name' => 'Smith', 'age' => 11),
  array('first_name' => 'Jake', 'last_name' => 'Xample', 'age' => 9),

// sort by last_name, then first_name
$sorter = new Sorter();
print_r($sorter->sort($start_data, 'last_name', 'first_name'));

// sort by first_name, then last_name
$sorter = new Sorter();
print_r($sorter->sort($start_data, 'first_name', 'last_name'));

// sort by last_name, then first_name (backwards)
$sorter = new Sorter();
$sorter->backwards = true;
print_r($sorter->sort($start_data, 'last_name', 'first_name'));

// sort numerically by age
$sorter = new Sorter();
$sorter->numeric = true;
print_r($sorter->sort($start_data, 'age'));

including parameters in OPENQUERY

Simple example based off of @Tuan Zaidi's example above which seemed the easiest. Didn't know you can do the filter on the outside of OPENQUERY... so much easier!

However in my case I needed to stuff it in a variable so I created an additional Sub Query Level to return a single value.

SET @SFID = (SELECT T.Id FROM (SELECT Id,  Contact_ID_SQL__c  FROM OPENQUERY([TR-SF-PROD], 'SELECT Id,  Contact_ID_SQL__c FROM Contact') WHERE Contact_ID_SQL__c = @ContactID) T)

Check time difference in Javascript

I would use just getTime(); and for example to return difference in milliseconds:

 //specified date:

var oneDate = new Date("November 02, 2017 06:00:00");

//number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1 1970 till specified date

var oneDateMiliseconds = oneDate.getTime();

////number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1 1970 till now

var currentMiliseconds =; 

//return time difference in miliseconds


Eclipse error "ADB server didn't ACK, failed to start daemon"

I've already up-voted another answer here to this question, but just in case anyone was wondering, you don't need to restart Eclipse to get ADB running again. Just open a shell and run the command:

adb start-server

If you haven't set the path to ADB in your system properties then you must first go to the directory in which ADB exists(in Android\android-sdk\platform-tools....I'm running Windows, I don't know how the mac people do things).

How can I modify the size of column in a MySQL table?

Have you tried this?

ALTER TABLE <table_name> MODIFY <col_name> VARCHAR(65353);

This will change the col_name's type to VARCHAR(65353)

What does 'var that = this;' mean in JavaScript?

Here is an example `

$(document).ready(function() {
        var lastItem = null;
        $(".our-work-group > p > a").click(function(e) {

            var item = $(this).html(); //Here value of "this" is ".our-work-group > p > a"
            if (item == lastItem) {
                lastItem = null;
            } else {
                lastItem = item;
                $('.our-work-single-page').each(function() {
                    var imgAlt = $(this).find('img').attr('alt'); //Here value of "this" is '.our-work-single-page'. 
                    if (imgAlt != item) {
                    } else {


So you can see that value of this is two different values depending on the DOM element you target but when you add "that" to the code above you change the value of "this" you are targeting.

`$(document).ready(function() {
        var lastItem = null;
        $(".our-work-group > p > a").click(function(e) {
            var item = $(this).html(); //Here value of "this" is ".our-work-group > p > a"
            if (item == lastItem) {
                lastItem = null;
                var that = this;
            } else {
                lastItem = item;
                $('.our-work-single-page').each(function() {
                   ***$(that).css("background-color", "#ffe700");*** //Here value of "that" is ".our-work-group > p > a"....
                    var imgAlt = $(this).find('img').attr('alt'); 
                    if (imgAlt != item) {
                    } else {


.....$(that).css("background-color", "#ffe700"); //Here value of "that" is ".our-work-group > p > a" because the value of var that = this; so even though we are at "this"= '.our-work-single-page', still we can use "that" to manipulate previous DOM element.

python list in sql query as parameter

placeholders= ', '.join("'{"+str(i)+"}'" for i in range(len(l)))
query="select name from students where id (%s)"%placeholders

This should solve your problem.

How to coerce a list object to type 'double'

You can also use list subsetting to select the element you want to convert. It would be useful if your list had more than 1 element.


Checking Bash exit status of several commands efficiently

You can write a function that launches and tests the command for you. Assume command1 and command2 are environment variables that have been set to a command.

function mytest {
    local status=$?
    if (( status != 0 )); then
        echo "error with $1" >&2
    return $status

mytest "$command1"
mytest "$command2"

AND/OR in Python?

For the updated question, you can replace what you want with something like:

someList = filter(lambda x: x not in ("a", "á", "à", "ã", "â"), someList)

filter evaluates every element of the list by passing it to the lambda provided. In this lambda we check if the element is not one of the characters provided, because these should stay in the list.

Alternatively, if the items in someList should be unique, you can make someList a set and do something like this:

someList = list(set(someList)-set(("a", "á", "à", "ã", "â")))

This essentially takes the difference between the sets, which does what you want, but also makes sure every element occurs only once, which is different from a list. Note you could store someList as a set from the beginning in this case, it will optimize things a bit.

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Maybe this is what you mean to do:

import random

x = 0
z = input('Please Enter an integer: ')
z = int(z) # you need to capture the result of the expressioin: int(z) and assign it backk to z

def main():
    for i in range(x,z):
        n1 = random.randrange(1,3)
        n2 = random.randrange(1,3)
        t1 = n1+n2

  1. do z = int(z)
  2. Add the missing closing parenthesis on the last line of code in your listing.
  3. And have a for-loop that will iterate from x to z-1

Here's a link on the range() function:

How do I configure IIS for URL Rewriting an AngularJS application in HTML5 mode?

The IIS inbound rules as shown in the question DO work. I had to clear the browser cache and add the following line in the top of my <head> section of the index.html page:

<base href="/myApplication/app/" />

This is because I have more than one application in localhost and so requests to other partials were being taken to localhost/app/view1 instead of localhost/myApplication/app/view1

Hopefully this helps someone!

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

If this is related to docker, try stopping the erroneous container and starting a new container using docker run command from the same image.

Git blame -- prior commits?

As of Git 2.23 you can use git blame --ignore-rev

For the example given in the question this would be:

git blame -L10,+1 src/options.cpp --ignore-rev fe25b6d

(however it's a trick question because fe25b6d is the file's first revision!)

How do you add Boost libraries in CMakeLists.txt?

Adapting @LainIwakura's answer for modern CMake syntax with imported targets, this would be:

find_package(Boost 1.45.0 COMPONENTS filesystem regex) 

    add_executable(progname file1.cxx file2.cxx) 
    target_link_libraries(progname Boost::filesystem Boost::regex)

Note that it is not necessary anymore to specify the include directories manually, since it is already taken care of through the imported targets Boost::filesystem and Boost::regex.
regex and filesystem can be replaced by any boost libraries you need.

How to compile and run a C/C++ program on the Android system

if you have installed NDK succesfully then start with it sample application

if you are interested another ways of this then may this will help

I also want to know is it possible to push the compiled binary into android device or AVD and run using the terminal of the android device or AVD?

here you can see NestedVM

NestedVM provides binary translation for Java Bytecode. This is done by having GCC compile to a MIPS binary which is then translated to a Java class file. Hence any application written in C, C++, Fortran, or any other language supported by GCC can be run in 100% pure Java with no source changes.

Example: Cross compile Hello world C program and run it on android

Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk

Mine was caused by this problem (incompatibility between ADT and SDK), and was fixed thus:

  • Eclipse > Help
  • Install New Software
  • Add '' to 'Work With' section and press enter
  • After developer tools appears on the list, check it and click Next
  • Restart eclipse once download is finished

How to list files in a directory in a C program?

One tiny addition to JB Jansen's answer - in the main readdir() loop I'd add this:

  if (dir->d_type == DT_REG)
     printf("%s\n", dir->d_name);

Just checking if it's really file, not (sym)link, directory, or whatever.

NOTE: more about struct dirent in libc documentation.

Ruby: character to ascii from a string

puts "string".split('').map(&:ord).to_s

List only stopped Docker containers

Only stopped containers can be listed using:

docker ps --filter "status=exited"


docker ps -f "status=exited"

What is the difference between primary, unique and foreign key constraints, and indexes?

Primary key mainly prevent duplication and shows the uniqueness of columns Foreign key mainly shows relationship on two tables


If you want to know which is more effective, you should try looking at the estimated query plans, or the actual query plans after execution. It'll tell you the costs of the queries (I find CPU and IO cost to be interesting). I wouldn't be surprised much if there's little to no difference, but you never know. I've seen certain queries use multiple cores on our database server, while a rewritten version of that same query would only use one core (needless to say, the query that used all 4 cores was a good 3 times faster). Never really quite put my finger on why that is, but if you're working with large result sets, such differences can occur without your knowing about it.

Swift UIView background color opacity

You can set background color of view to the UIColor with alpha, and not affect view.alpha:

view.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)


view.backgroundColor =

What is Android keystore file, and what is it used for?

Android Market requires you to sign all apps you publish with a certificate, using a public/private key mechanism (the certificate is signed with your private key). This provides a layer of security that prevents, among other things, remote attackers from pushing malicious updates to your application to market (all updates must be signed with the same key).

From The App-Signing Guide of the Android Developer's site:

In general, the recommended strategy for all developers is to sign all of your applications with the same certificate, throughout the expected lifespan of your applications. There are several reasons why you should do so...

Using the same key has a few benefits - One is that it's easier to share data between applications signed with the same key. Another is that it allows multiple apps signed with the same key to run in the same process, so a developer can build more "modular" applications.

How do you execute an arbitrary native command from a string?

If you want to use the call operator, the arguments can be an array stored in a variable:

$prog = 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe'
$myargs = '/c','dir','/x'
& $prog $myargs

The call operator works with ApplicationInfo objects too.

$prog = get-command cmd
$myargs = -split '/c dir /x'
& $prog $myargs

How can I count the number of elements of a given value in a matrix?

this would be perfect cause we are doing operation on matrix, and the answer should be a single number


How do I get the first n characters of a string without checking the size or going out of bounds?

Kotlin: (If anyone needs)

var mText = text.substring(0, text.length.coerceAtMost(20))

Finding the index of elements based on a condition using python list comprehension

Another way:

>>> [i for i in range(len(a)) if a[i] > 2]
[2, 5]

In general, remember that while find is a ready-cooked function, list comprehensions are a general, and thus very powerful solution. Nothing prevents you from writing a find function in Python and use it later as you wish. I.e.:

>>> def find_indices(lst, condition):
...   return [i for i, elem in enumerate(lst) if condition(elem)]
>>> find_indices(a, lambda e: e > 2)
[2, 5]

Note that I'm using lists here to mimic Matlab. It would be more Pythonic to use generators and iterators.

HTTP Status 500 - Servlet.init() for servlet Dispatcher threw exception

You map your dispatcher on *.do:


but your controller is mapped on an url without .do:


Try changing this to:


read subprocess stdout line by line

You can also read lines w/o loop. Works in python3.6.

import os
import subprocess

process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
list_of_byte_strings = process.stdout.readlines()

Command to get latest Git commit hash from a branch

Try using git log -n 1 after doing a git checkout branchname. This shows the commit hash, author, date and commit message for the latest commit.

Perform a git pull origin/branchname first, to make sure your local repo matches upstream.

If perhaps you would only like to see a list of the commits your local branch is behind on the remote branch do this:

git fetch origin
git cherry localbranch remotebranch

This will list all the hashes of the commits that you have not yet merged into your local branch.

SQL Bulk Insert with FIRSTROW parameter skips the following line

Maybe check that the header has the same line-ending as the actual data rows (as specified in ROWTERMINATOR)?

Update: from MSDN:

The FIRSTROW attribute is not intended to skip column headers. Skipping headers is not supported by the BULK INSERT statement. When skipping rows, the SQL Server Database Engine looks only at the field terminators, and does not validate the data in the fields of skipped rows.

How to bind a List to a ComboBox?

For a backgrounder, there are 2 ways to use a ComboBox/ListBox

1) Add Country Objects to the Items property and retrieve a Country as Selecteditem. To use this you should override the ToString of Country.

2) Use DataBinding, set the DataSource to a IList (List<>) and use DisplayMember, ValueMember and SelectedValue

For 2) you will need a list of countries first

// not tested, schematic:
List<Country> countries = ...;
...; // fill 

comboBox1.DataSource = countries;

And then in the SelectionChanged,

if (comboBox1.Selecteditem != null)


Determine if $.ajax error is a timeout

If your error event handler takes the three arguments (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, and message) when a timeout happens, the status arg will be 'timeout'.

Per the jQuery documentation:

Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror".

You can handle your error accordingly then.

I created this fiddle that demonstrates this.

    url: "/ajax_json_echo/",
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    timeout: 1000,
    success: function(response) { alert(response); },
    error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, message) {
        if(textstatus==="timeout") {
            alert("got timeout");
        } else {

With jsFiddle, you can test ajax calls -- it will wait 2 seconds before responding. I put the timeout setting at 1 second, so it should error out and pass back a textstatus of 'timeout' to the error handler.

Hope this helps!

The Web Application Project [...] is configured to use IIS. The Web server [...] could not be found.

If you are connected via TFS, open your project.csproj.user file and check for


and change it to true.


Which JDK version (Language Level) is required for Android Studio?

Normally, I would go with what the documentation says but if the instructor explicitly said to stick with JDK 6, I'd use JDK 6 because you would want your development environment to be as close as possible to the instructors. It would suck if you ran into an issue and having the thought in the back of your head that maybe it's because you're on JDK 7 that you're having the issue. Btw, I haven't touched Android recently but I personally never ran into issues when I was on JDK 7 but mind you, I only code Android apps casually.

Scroll to element on click in Angular 4

You can achieve that by using the reference to an angular DOM element as follows:

Here is the example in stackblitz

the component template:

<div class="other-content">
      Other content
      <button (click)="element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' })">
        Click to scroll
    <div id="content" #element>
      Some text to scroll

How to rotate x-axis tick labels in Pandas barplot

Pass param rot=0 to rotate the xticks:

import matplotlib'ggplot')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({ 'celltype':["foo","bar","qux","woz"], 's1':[5,9,1,7], 's2':[12,90,13,87]})
df = df[["celltype","s1","s2"]]
df.plot(kind='bar',alpha=0.75, rot=0)

yields plot:

enter image description here

'const string' vs. 'static readonly string' in C#


public const string MyStr;

is a compile time constant (you can use it as the default parameter for a method parameter for example), and it will not be obfuscated if you use such technology

static readonly

public static readonly string MyStr;

is runtime constant. It means that it is evaluated when the application is launched and not before. This is why it can't be used as the default parameter for a method (compilation error) for example. The value stored in it can be obfuscated.

Sorting HashMap by values

As a kind of simple solution you can use temp TreeMap if you need just a final result:

TreeMap<String, Integer> sortedMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
    sortedMap.put((String) entry.getValue(), (Integer)entry.getKey());

This will get you strings sorted as keys of sortedMap.

How can I print a quotation mark in C?

Without a backslash, special characters have a natural special meaning. With a backslash they print as they appear.

\   -   escape the next character
"   -   start or end of string
’   -   start or end a character constant
%   -   start a format specification
\\  -   print a backslash
\"  -   print a double quote
\’  -   print a single quote
%%  -   print a percent sign

The statement

printf("  \"  "); 

will print you the quotes. You can also print these special characters \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t and \v with a (slash) preceeding it.

Insert line break inside placeholder attribute of a textarea?

I liked the work of Jason Gennaro and Denis Golomazov, but I wanted something that would be more globally useful. I have modified the concept so that it can be added to any page without repercussion.

<h1>Demo: 5 different textarea placeholder behaviors from a single JS</h1>

<h2>Modified behaviors</h2>

<!-- To get simulated placeholder with New Lines behavior,
     add the placeholdernl attribute -->

<textarea placeholdernl>    (click me to demo)
Johnny S. Fiddle
248 Fake St.
Atlanta, GA 30134</textarea>

<textarea placeholder='Address' placeholdernl>    (click me to demo)
Johnny S. Fiddle
248 Fake St.
Atlanta, GA 30134</textarea>

<h2>Standard behaviors</h2>

<textarea placeholder='Address'>    (delete me to demo)
Johnny S. Fiddle
248 Fake St.
Atlanta, GA 30134</textarea>

<textarea>    (delete me to demo)
Johnny S. Fiddle
248 Fake St.
Atlanta, GA 30134</textarea>

<textarea placeholder='Address'></textarea>

The javascript is very simple

var handleFocus = function(){
    var $this = $(this);
    if($this.val() === $this.attr('placeholdernl')){
        $this.attr('value', '');
        $this.css('color', '');

var handleBlur = function(){
    var $this = $(this);
    if($this.val() == ''){
        $this.attr('value', $this.attr('placeholdernl'))
        $this.css('color', 'gray');

    var $this = $(this),
        value = $this.attr('value'),
        placeholder = $this.attr('placeholder');
    $this.attr('placeholdernl', value ? value : placeholder);
    $this.attr('value', '');

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

Here are all the Rails 4 (ActiveRecord migration) datatypes:

  • :binary
  • :boolean
  • :date
  • :datetime
  • :decimal
  • :float
  • :integer
  • :bigint
  • :primary_key
  • :references
  • :string
  • :text
  • :time
  • :timestamp

These are the same as with Rails 3.

If you use PostgreSQL, you can also take advantage of these:

  • :hstore
  • :json
  • :jsonb
  • :array
  • :cidr_address
  • :ip_address
  • :mac_address

They are stored as strings if you run your app with a not-PostgreSQL database.

Edit, 2016-Sep-19:

There's a lot more postgres specific datatypes in Rails 4 and even more in Rails 5.

Math.random() versus Random.nextInt(int)

According to this example Random.nextInt(n) has less predictable output then Math.random() * n. According to [sorted array faster than an unsorted array][1] I think we can say Random.nextInt(n) is hard to predict.

usingRandomClass : time:328 milesecond.

usingMathsRandom : time:187 milesecond.

package javaFuction;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomFuction 
    static int array[] = new int[9999];
    static long sum = 0;
    public static void usingMathsRandom() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
         array[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];

    public static void usingRandomClass() {
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            array[i] = random.nextInt(256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingRandomClass " + (end - start));
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingMathsRandom " + (end - start));



Python urllib2: Receive JSON response from url

Be careful about the validation and etc, but the straight solution is this:

import json
the_dict = json.load(response)

python NameError: name 'file' is not defined

file is not defined in Python3, which you are using apparently. The package you're instaling is not suitable for Python 3, instead, you should install Python 2.7 and try again.


JQuery .on() method with multiple event handlers to one selector

If you want to use the same function on different events the following code block can be used

$('input').on('keyup blur focus', function () {
   //function block

Javascript seconds to minutes and seconds

Another fancy solution:

function fancyTimeFormat(duration)
    // Hours, minutes and seconds
    var hrs = ~~(duration / 3600);
    var mins = ~~((duration % 3600) / 60);
    var secs = ~~duration % 60;

    // Output like "1:01" or "4:03:59" or "123:03:59"
    var ret = "";

    if (hrs > 0) {
        ret += "" + hrs + ":" + (mins < 10 ? "0" : "");

    ret += "" + mins + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" : "");
    ret += "" + secs;
    return ret;

~~ is a shorthand for Math.floor, see this link for more info

Try online

How to use Jackson to deserialise an array of objects

First create an instance of ObjectReader which is thread-safe.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectReader objectReader = objectMapper.reader().forType(new TypeReference<List<MyClass>>(){});

Then use it :

List<MyClass> result = objectReader.readValue(inputStream);