[makefile] How to write loop in a Makefile?

Although the GNUmake table toolkit has a true while loop (whatever that means in GNUmake programming with its two or three phases of execution), if the thing which is needed is an iterative list, there is a simple solution with interval. For the fun of it, we convert the numbers to hex too:

include gmtt/gmtt.mk

# generate a list of 20 numbers, starting at 3 with an increment of 5
NUMBER_LIST := $(call interval,3,20,5)

# convert the numbers in hexadecimal (0x0 as first operand forces arithmetic result to hex) and strip '0x'
NUMBER_LIST_IN_HEX := $(foreach n,$(NUMBER_LIST),$(call lstrip,$(call add,0x0,$(n)),0x))

# finally create the filenames with a simple patsubst
FILE_LIST := $(patsubst %,./a%.out,$(NUMBER_LIST_IN_HEX))

$(info $(FILE_LIST))


./a3.out ./a8.out ./ad.out ./a12.out ./a17.out ./a1c.out ./a21.out ./a26.out ./a2b.out ./a30.out ./a35.out ./a3a.out ./a3f.out ./a44.out ./a49.out ./a4e.out ./a53.out ./a58.out ./a5d.out ./a62.out