Wanted to comment on Alex's comment to Dale's answer. Not possible (first need how much "rep"? That wont happen very soon.. strange system.) So as an answer:
Backspace can be added by adding \b to the regex definition like this: [a-zA-Z0-9\b]. Or you simply allow the whole Latin range, including more or less anything "non exotic" characters (also control chars like backspace): ^[\u0000-\u024F\u20AC]+$
Only real unicode char outside latin there is the euro sign (20ac), add whatever you may need else.
To also handle input entered via copy&paste, simply also bind to the "change" event and check the input there too - deleting it or striping it / giving an error message like "not supported characters"..
if (!regex.test($j(this).val())) {
alert('your input contained not supported characters');
return false;