[java] How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text?

I've seen questions on how to prefix zeros here in SO. But not the other way!

Can you guys suggest me how to remove the leading zeros in alphanumeric text? Are there any built-in APIs or do I need to write a method to trim the leading zeros?


01234 converts to 1234
0001234a converts to 1234a
001234-a converts to 1234-a
101234 remains as 101234
2509398 remains as 2509398
123z remains as 123z
000002829839 converts to 2829839

This question is related to java string alphanumeric

The answer is

To go with thelost's Apache Commons answer: using guava-libraries (Google's general-purpose Java utility library which I would argue should now be on the classpath of any non-trivial Java project), this would use CharMatcher:


If you don't want to use regex or external library. You can do with "for":

String input="0000008008451"
String output = input.trim();
for( ;output.length() > 1 && output.charAt(0) == '0'; output = output.substring(1));


Use Apache Commons StringUtils class:

StringUtils.strip(String str, String stripChars);

A clear way without any need of regExp and any external libraries.

public static String trimLeadingZeros(String source) {
    for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) {
        char c = source.charAt(i);
        if (c != '0') {
            return source.substring(i);
    return ""; // or return "0";

Use this:

String x = "00123".replaceAll("^0*", ""); // -> 123

If you are using Kotlin This is the only code that you need:


If you (like me) need to remove all the leading zeros from each "word" in a string, you can modify @polygenelubricants' answer to the following:

String s = "003 d0g 00ss 00 0 00";
s.replaceAll("\\b0+(?!\\b)", "");

which results in:

3 d0g ss 0 0 0

       String s="0000000000046457657772752256266542=56256010000085100000";      
    String removeString="";

    for(int i =0;i<s.length();i++){

    System.out.println("original string - "+s);

    System.out.println("after removing 0's -"+s.replaceFirst(removeString,""));

I think that it is so easy to do that. You can just loop over the string from the start and removing zeros until you found a not zero char.

int lastLeadZeroIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
  char c = str.charAt(i);
  if (c == '0') {
    lastLeadZeroIndex = i;
  } else {

str = str.subString(lastLeadZeroIndex+1, str.length());

You can use the StringUtils class from Apache Commons Lang like this:


You could replace "^0*(.*)" to "$1" with regex

Using Regexp with groups:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(0*)(.*)");
String result = "";
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content);
if (matcher.matches())
      // first group contains 0, second group the remaining characters
      // 000abcd - > 000, abcd
      result = matcher.group(2);

return result;

Using regex as some of the answers suggest is a good way to do that. If you don't want to use regex then you can use this code:

String s = "00a0a121";

while(s.length()>0 && s.charAt(0)=='0')
   s = s.substring(1); 

And what about just searching for the first non-zero character?


This regex finds the first digit between 1 and 9 followed by any number of digits, so for "00012345" it returns "12345". It can be easily adapted for alphanumeric strings.

How about the regex way:

String s = "001234-a";
s = s.replaceFirst ("^0*", "");

The ^ anchors to the start of the string (I'm assuming from context your strings are not multi-line here, otherwise you may need to look into \A for start of input rather than start of line). The 0* means zero or more 0 characters (you could use 0+ as well). The replaceFirst just replaces all those 0 characters at the start with nothing.

And if, like Vadzim, your definition of leading zeros doesn't include turning "0" (or "000" or similar strings) into an empty string (a rational enough expectation), simply put it back if necessary:

String s = "00000000";
s = s.replaceFirst ("^0*", "");
if (s.isEmpty()) s = "0";

You could just do: String s = Integer.valueOf("0001007").toString();

I made some benchmark tests and found, that the fastest way (by far) is this solution:

    private static String removeLeadingZeros(String s) {
      try {
          Integer intVal = Integer.parseInt(s);
          s = intVal.toString();
      } catch (Exception ex) {
          // whatever
      return s;

Especially regular expressions are very slow in a long iteration. (I needed to find out the fastest way for a batchjob.)

Without using Regex or substring() function on String which will be inefficient -

public static String removeZero(String str){
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(str);
        while (sb.length()>1 && sb.charAt(0) == '0')
        return sb.toString();  // return in String

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