Programs & Examples On #User feedback

How can I get href links from HTML using Python?

Using requests with BeautifulSoup and Python 3:

import requests 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

page = requests.get('')
bs = BeautifulSoup(page.content, features='lxml')
for link in bs.findAll('a'):

Calculating the SUM of (Quantity*Price) from 2 different tables

I had the same problem as Marko and come across a solution like this:

/*Create a Table*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Create a Stored Procedure*/

/*Delete the 'tableGrandTotal' table for another usage of the stored procedure*/
DROP TABLE tableGrandTotal

/*Create a new Table which will include just one column*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Insert the query which returns subtotal for each orderitem row into tableGrandTotal*/
INSERT INTO tableGrandTotal
    SELECT oi.Quantity * p.Price AS columnGrandTotal
        FROM OrderItem oi
        JOIN Product p ON oi.Id = p.Id

/*And return the sum of columnGrandTotal from the newly created table*/    
SELECT SUM(columnGrandTotal) as [Grand Total]
    FROM tableGrandTotal

And just simply use the GetGrandTotal Stored Procedure to retrieve the Grand Total :)

EXEC GetGrandTotal

Push method in React Hooks (useState)?

When you use useState, you can get an update method for the state item:

const [theArray, setTheArray] = useState(initialArray);

then, when you want to add a new element, you use that function and pass in the new array or a function that will create the new array. Normally the latter, since state updates are asynchronous and sometimes batched:

setTheArray(oldArray => [...oldArray, newElement]);

Sometimes you can get away without using that callback form, if you only update the array in handlers for certain specific user events like click (but not like mousemove):

setTheArray([...theArray, newElement]);

The events for which React ensures that rendering is flushed are the "discrete events" listed here.

Live Example (passing a callback into setTheArray):

const {useState, useCallback} = React;
function Example() {
    const [theArray, setTheArray] = useState([]);
    const addEntryClick = () => {
        setTheArray(oldArray => [...oldArray, `Entry ${oldArray.length}`]);
    return [
        <input type="button" onClick={addEntryClick} value="Add" />,
        <div>{ =>

    <Example />,
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Because the only update to theArray in there is the one in a click event (one of the "discrete" events), I could get away with a direct update in addEntry:

const {useState, useCallback} = React;
function Example() {
    const [theArray, setTheArray] = useState([]);
    const addEntryClick = () => {
        setTheArray([...theArray, `Entry ${theArray.length}`]);
    return [
        <input type="button" onClick={addEntryClick} value="Add" />,
        <div>{ =>

    <Example />,
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Creating a LINQ select from multiple tables

If the anonymous type causes trouble for you, you can create a simple data class:

public class PermissionsAndPages
     public ObjectPermissions Permissions {get;set}
     public Pages Pages {get;set}

and then in your query:

select new PermissionsAndPages { Permissions = op, Page = pg };

Then you can pass this around:

return queryResult.SingleOrDefault(); // as PermissionsAndPages

Making macOS Installer Packages which are Developer ID ready

Our example project has two build targets: and We make a component package for each and combine them into a product archive.

A component package contains payload to be installed by the OS X Installer. Although a component package can be installed on its own, it is typically incorporated into a product archive.

Our tools: pkgbuild, productbuild, and pkgutil

After a successful "Build and Archive" open $BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR in the Terminal.

$ cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.../InstallationBuildProductsLocation
$ pkgbuild --analyze --root ./ HelloWorldAppComponents.plist
$ pkgbuild --analyze --root ./ HelperAppComponents.plist

This give us the component-plist, you find the value description in the "Component Property List" section. pkgbuild -root generates the component packages, if you don't need to change any of the default properties you can omit the --component-plist parameter in the following command.

productbuild --synthesize results in a Distribution Definition.

$ pkgbuild --root ./ \
    --component-plist HelloWorldAppComponents.plist \
$ pkgbuild --root ./ \
    --component-plist HelperAppComponents.plist \
$ productbuild --synthesize \
    --package HelloWorld.pkg --package Helper.pkg \

In the Distribution.xml you can change things like title, background, welcome, readme, license, and so on. You turn your component packages and distribution definition with this command into a product archive:

$ productbuild --distribution ./Distribution.xml \
    --package-path . \

I recommend to take a look at iTunes Installers Distribution.xml to see what is possible. You can extract "Install iTunes.pkg" with:

$ pkgutil --expand "Install iTunes.pkg" "Install iTunes"

Lets put it together

I usually have a folder named Package in my project which includes things like Distribution.xml, component-plists, resources and scripts.

Add a Run Script Build Phase named "Generate Package", which is set to Run script only when installing:

VERSION=$(defaults read "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FULL_PRODUCT_NAME}/Contents/Info" CFBundleVersion)

PACKAGE_NAME=`echo "$PRODUCT_NAME" | sed "s/ /_/g"`

pkgbuild --root "${INSTALL_ROOT}" \
    --component-plist "./Package/HelloWorldAppComponents.plist" \
    --scripts "./Package/Scripts" \
    --identifier "com.test.pkg.HelloWorld" \
    --version "$VERSION" \
    --install-location "/" \
pkgbuild --root "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/" \
    --component-plist "./Package/HelperAppComponents.plist" \
    --identifier "com.test.pkg.Helper" \
    --version "$VERSION" \
    --install-location "/" \
productbuild --distribution "./Package/Distribution.xml"  \
    --package-path "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}" \
    --resources "./Package/Resources" \

pkgutil --expand "${TMP1_ARCHIVE}" "${TMP2_ARCHIVE}"
# Patches and Workarounds

pkgutil --flatten "${TMP2_ARCHIVE}" "${TMP3_ARCHIVE}"

productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: John Doe" \

If you don't have to change the package after it's generated with productbuild you could get rid of the pkgutil --expand and pkgutil --flatten steps. Also you could use the --sign paramenter on productbuild instead of running productsign.

Sign an OS X Installer

Packages are signed with the Developer ID Installer certificate which you can download from Developer Certificate Utility.

They signing is done with the --sign "Developer ID Installer: John Doe" parameter of pkgbuild, productbuild or productsign.

Note that if you are going to create a signed product archive using productbuild, there is no reason to sign the component packages.

Developer Certificate Utility

All the way: Copy Package into Xcode Archive

To copy something into the Xcode Archive we can't use the Run Script Build Phase. For this we need to use a Scheme Action.

Edit Scheme and expand Archive. Then click post-actions and add a New Run Script Action:

In Xcode 6:


PACKAGE_NAME=`echo "$PRODUCT_NAME" | sed "s/ /_/g"`

if [ -f "${PKG}" ]; then
    mkdir "${PACKAGES}"
    cp -r "${PKG}" "${PACKAGES}"

In Xcode 5, use this value for PKG instead:


In case your version control doesn't store Xcode Scheme information I suggest to add this as shell script to your project so you can simple restore the action by dragging the script from the workspace into the post-action.


There are two different kinds of scripting: JavaScript in Distribution Definition Files and Shell Scripts.

The best documentation about Shell Scripts I found in WhiteBox - PackageMaker How-to, but read this with caution because it refers to the old package format.

Apple Silicon

In order for the package to run as arm64, the Distribution file has to specify in its hostArchitectures section that it supports arm64 in addition to x86_64:

<options hostArchitectures="arm64,x86_64" />

Additional Reading

Known Issues and Workarounds

Destination Select Pane

The user is presented with the destination select option with only a single choice - "Install for all users of this computer". The option appears visually selected, but the user needs to click on it in order to proceed with the installation, causing some confusion.

Example showing the installer bug

Apples Documentation recommends to use <domains enable_anywhere ... /> but this triggers the new more buggy Destination Select Pane which Apple doesn't use in any of their Packages.

Using the deprecate <options rootVolumeOnly="true" /> give you the old Destination Select Pane. Example showing old Destination Select Pane

You want to install items into the current user’s home folder.

Short answer: DO NOT TRY IT!

Long answer: REALLY; DO NOT TRY IT! Read Installer Problems and Solutions. You know what I did even after reading this? I was stupid enough to try it. Telling myself I'm sure that they fixed the issues in 10.7 or 10.8.

First of all I saw from time to time the above mentioned Destination Select Pane Bug. That should have stopped me, but I ignored it. If you don't want to spend the week after you released your software answering support e-mails that they have to click once the nice blue selection DO NOT use this.

You are now thinking that your users are smart enough to figure the panel out, aren't you? Well here is another thing about home folder installation, THEY DON'T WORK!

I tested it for two weeks on around 10 different machines with different OS versions and what not, and it never failed. So I shipped it. Within an hour of the release I heart back from users who just couldn't install it. The logs hinted to permission issues you are not gonna be able to fix.

So let's repeat it one more time: We do not use the Installer for home folder installations!

RTFD for Welcome, Read-me, License and Conclusion is not accepted by productbuild.

Installer supported since the beginning RTFD files to make pretty Welcome screens with images, but productbuild doesn't accept them.

Workarounds: Use a dummy rtf file and replace it in the package by after productbuild is done.

Note: You can also have Retina images inside the RTFD file. Use multi-image tiff files for this: tiffutil -cat Welcome.tif Welcome_2x.tif -out FinalWelcome.tif. More details.

Starting an application when the installation is done with a BundlePostInstallScriptPath script:



if [ "${COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL}" = "" ]
    /bin/launchctl asuser "${LOGGED_IN_USER_ID}" /usr/bin/open -g PATH_OR_BUNDLE_ID

exit 0

It is important to run the app as logged in user, not as the installer user. This is done with launchctl asuser uid path. Also we only run it when it is not a command line installation, done with installer tool or Apple Remote Desktop.

How to use Utilities.sleep() function

Some Google services do not like to be used to much. Quite recently my account was locked because of script, which was sending two e-mails per second to the same user. Google considered it as a spam. So using sleep here is also justified to prevent such situations.

How can I put an icon inside a TextInput in React Native?

//This is an example code to show Image Icon in TextInput// 
import React, { Component } from 'react';
//import react in our code.

import { StyleSheet, View, TextInput, Image } from 'react-native';
//import all the components we are going to use. 

export default class App extends Component<{}> {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <View style={styles.SectionStyle}>
            //We are showing the Image from online

            //You can also show the image from you project directory like below

            //Image Style

            style={{ flex: 1 }}
            placeholder="Enter Your Name Here"
         <View style={styles.SectionStyle}>
            //We are showing the Image from online

            //You can also show the image from you project directory like below

            //Image Style

            style={{ flex: 1 }}
            placeholder="Enter Your Mobile No Here"

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    margin: 10,

  SectionStyle: {
    flexDirection: 'row',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    borderWidth: 0.5,
    borderColor: '#000',
    height: 40,
    borderRadius: 5,
    margin: 10,

  ImageStyle: {
    padding: 10,
    margin: 5,
    height: 25,
    width: 25,
    resizeMode: 'stretch',
    alignItems: 'center',


Why do I need an IoC container as opposed to straightforward DI code?

Because all the dependencies are clearly visible, it promotes creating components which are loosely coupled and at the same time easily accessible and reusable across the application.

Why am I getting this error: No mapping specified for the following EntitySet/AssociationSet - Entity1?

I ran into the same error, but I was not using model-first. It turned out that somehow my EDMX file contained a reference to a table even though it did not show up in the designer. Interestingly, when I did a text search for the table name in Visual Studio (2013) the table was not found.

To solve the issue, I used an external editor (Notepad++) to find the reference to the offending table in the EDMX file, and then (carefully) removed all references to the table. I am sorry to say that I do not know how the EDMX file got into this state in the first place.

How to solve "Connection reset by peer: socket write error"?

I've got the same exception and in my case the problem was in a renegotiation procecess. In fact my client closed a connection when the server tried to change a cipher suite. After digging it appears that in the jdk 1.6 update 22 renegotiation process is disabled by default. If your security constraints can effort this, try to enable the unsecure renegotiation by setting the system property to true. Here is some information about the process:

Session renegotiation is a mechanism within the SSL protocol that allows the client or the server to trigger a new SSL handshake during an ongoing SSL communication. Renegotiation was initially designed as a mechanism to increase the security of an ongoing SSL channel, by triggering the renewal of the crypto keys used to secure that channel. However, this security measure isn't needed with modern cryptographic algorithms. Additionally, renegotiation can be used by a server to request a client certificate (in order to perform client authentication) when the client tries to access specific, protected resources on the server.

Additionally there is the excellent post about this issue in details and written in (IMHO) understandable language.

Vertically align text within input field of fixed-height without display: table or padding?

Late to the party, but the current answers won't work if you have box-sizing: border-box set (which a lot of people do for form elements these days).

Just reset the box sizing for IE8 to box-sizing: content-box; then use one of the padding / height answer.

Upper memory limit?

You're reading the entire file into memory (line = u.readlines()) which will fail of course if the file is too large (and you say that some are up to 20 GB), so that's your problem right there.

Better iterate over each line:

for current_line in u:

is the recommended approach.

Later in your script, you're doing some very strange things like first counting all the items in a list, then constructing a for loop over the range of that count. Why not iterate over the list directly? What is the purpose of your script? I have the impression that this could be done much easier.

This is one of the advantages of high-level languages like Python (as opposed to C where you do have to do these housekeeping tasks yourself): Allow Python to handle iteration for you, and only collect in memory what you actually need to have in memory at any given time.

Also, as it seems that you're processing TSV files (tabulator-separated values), you should take a look at the csv module which will handle all the splitting, removing of \ns etc. for you.

Split string on whitespace in Python

The str.split() method without an argument splits on whitespace:

>>> "many   fancy word \nhello    \thi".split()
['many', 'fancy', 'word', 'hello', 'hi']

How to convert an integer to a character array using C

Use itoa, as is shown here.

char buf[5];
// Convert 123 to string [buf]
itoa(123, buf, 10);

buf will be a string array as you documented. You might need to increase the size of the buffer.

Get value from text area

Vanilla JS




Cannot do the other way round (it's always good to know what you're doing)

document.getElementById("textareaID").value() // --> TypeError: Property 'value' of object #<HTMLTextAreaElement> is not a function


$("#textareaID").value // --> undefined

How to set Oracle's Java as the default Java in Ubuntu?

to set Oracle's Java SE Development Kit as the system default Java just download the latest Java SE Development Kit from here then create a directory somewhere you like in your file system for example /usr/java now extract the files you just downloaded in that directory:

$ sudo tar xvzf jdk-8u5-linux-i586.tar.gz -C /usr/java

now to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable:

$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/java 20000
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/javac 20000

make sure the Oracle's java is set as default java by:

$ update-alternatives --config java

you get something like this:

There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                           Priority   Status
* 0            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     auto mode
  1            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java   1061      manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

pay attention to the asterisk before the numbers on the left and if the correct one is not set choose the correct one by typing the number of it and pressing enter. now test your java:

$ java -version

if you get something like the following, you are good to go:

java version "1.8.0_05"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_05-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.5-b02, mixed mode)

also note that you might need root permission or be in sudoers group to be able to do this. I've tested this solution on both ubuntu 12.04 and Debian wheezy and it works in both of them.

How to round 0.745 to 0.75 using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP?

Never construct BigDecimals from floats or doubles. Construct them from ints or strings. floats and doubles loose precision.

This code works as expected (I just changed the type from double to String):

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String doubleVal = "1.745";
  String doubleVal1 = "0.745";
  BigDecimal bdTest = new BigDecimal(  doubleVal);
  BigDecimal bdTest1 = new BigDecimal(  doubleVal1 );
  bdTest = bdTest.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
  bdTest1 = bdTest1.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
  System.out.println("bdTest:"+bdTest); //1.75
  System.out.println("bdTest1:"+bdTest1);//0.75, no problem

How to execute my SQL query in CodeIgniter

If the databases share server, have a login that has priveleges to both of the databases, and simply have a query run similiar to:

$query = $this->db->query("
SELECT t1.*,
FROM `database1`.`table1` AS t1, `database2`.`table2` AS t2

Otherwise I think you might have to run the 2 queries separately and fix the logic afterwards.

Repeat each row of data.frame the number of times specified in a column

old question, new verb in tidyverse:

library(tidyr) # version >= 0.8.0
df <- data.frame(var1=c('a', 'b', 'c'), var2=c('d', 'e', 'f'), freq=1:3)
df %>% 

    var1 var2
1      a    d
2      b    e
2.1    b    e
3      c    f
3.1    c    f
3.2    c    f

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value to data type int in sql

Try this one -

CREATE PROC [dbo].[getVoucherNo]

            @Prefix VARCHAR(10) = 'J'
          , @startFrom INT = 1
          , @maxCode VARCHAR(100)
          , @sCode INT

          SELECT 1 
          FROM dbo.Journal_Entry
     ) BEGIN

          SELECT @maxCode = CAST(MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(Voucher_No,LEN(@startFrom)+1,ABS(LEN(Voucher_No)- LEN(@Prefix))) AS INT)) AS varchar(100)) 
          FROM dbo.Journal_Entry;

          SELECT @Prefix + 
               CAST(LEN(LEFT(@maxCode, 10) + 1) AS VARCHAR(10)) + -- !!! possible problem here
               CAST(@maxCode AS VARCHAR(100))


          SELECT (@Prefix + CAST(@startFrom AS VARCHAR)) 



make a header full screen (width) css

Set the max-width:1250px; that is currently on your body on your #container. This way your header will be 100% of his parent (body) :)

How to use setInterval and clearInterval?

Use setTimeout(drawAll, 20) instead. That only executes the function once.

SQL Server: Null VS Empty String

if it's not a foreign key field, not using empty strings could save you some trouble. only allow nulls if you'll take null to mean something different than an empty string. for example if you have a password field, a null value could indicate that a new user has not created his password yet while an empty varchar could indicate a blank password. for a field like "address2" allowing nulls can only make life difficult. things to watch out for include null references and unexpected results of = and <> operators mentioned by Vagif Verdi, and watching out for these things is often unnecessary programmer overhead.

edit: if performance is an issue see this related question: Nullable vs. non-null varchar data types - which is faster for queries?

How to get row data by clicking a button in a row in an ASP.NET gridview

Is there any specific reason you would want your buttons in an item template.You can alternatively do it the following way , there by giving you the full power of the grid row editing event.You are also given a bonus of wiring easily the cancel and delete functionality.

Mark up

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Edit">
   <asp:ImageButton ID="EditImageButton" runat="server" CommandName="Edit"
    ImageUrl="~/images/Edit.png" Style="height: 16px" ToolTip="Edit" 
    CausesValidation="False"  />



                    <asp:LinkButton ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" CommandName="Update" 
                        Text="Update"  Visible="true" ImageUrl="~/images/saveHS.png" 
                   <asp:LinkButton ID="btnCancel" runat="server" CommandName="Cancel"   
                        ImageUrl="~/images/Edit_UndoHS.png"  />

                 <asp:LinkButton ID="btnDelete" runat="server" CommandName="Delete"   
                        ImageUrl="~/images/delete.png"  />


        <ControlStyle BackColor="Transparent" BorderStyle="None" />
               <FooterStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
           <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />

Code behind

 protected void GridView1_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)

    GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;

TextBox txtledName =   (TextBox) GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].FindControl("txtAccountName");

 //then do something with the retrieved textbox's text.


Change Project Namespace in Visual Studio

Right click properties, Application tab, then see the assembly name and default namespace

Google Gson - deserialize list<class> object? (generic type)

Refer to example 2 for 'Type' class understanding of Gson.

Example 1: In this deserilizeResturant we used Employee[] array and get the details

public static void deserializeResturant(){

       String empList ="[{\"name\":\"Ram\",\"empId\":1},{\"name\":\"Surya\",\"empId\":2},{\"name\":\"Prasants\",\"empId\":3}]";
       Gson gson = new Gson();
       Employee[] emp = gson.fromJson(empList, Employee[].class);
       int numberOfElementInJson = emp.length();
       System.out.println("Total JSON Elements" + numberOfElementInJson);
       for(Employee e: emp){

Example 2:

//Above deserilizeResturant used Employee[] array but what if we need to use List<Employee>
public static void deserializeResturantUsingList(){

    String empList ="[{\"name\":\"Ram\",\"empId\":1},{\"name\":\"Surya\",\"empId\":2},{\"name\":\"Prasants\",\"empId\":3}]";
    Gson gson = new Gson();

    // Additionally we need to se the Type then only it accepts List<Employee> which we sent here empTypeList
    Type empTypeList = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Employee>>(){}.getType();

    List<Employee> emp = gson.fromJson(empList, empTypeList);
    int numberOfElementInJson = emp.size();
    System.out.println("Total JSON Elements" + numberOfElementInJson);
    for(Employee e: emp){

How to export data to CSV in PowerShell?

simply use the Out-File cmd but DON'T forget to give an encoding type: -Encoding UTF8

so use it so:

$log | Out-File -Append C:\as\whatever.csv -Encoding UTF8

-Append is required if you want to write in the file more then once.

How to listen for changes to a MongoDB collection?

Actually, instead of watching output, why you dont get notice when something new is inserted by using middle-ware that was provided by mongoose schema

You can catch the event of insert a new document and do something after this insertion done

How to construct a relative path in Java from two absolute paths (or URLs)?

Matt B's solution gets the number of directories to backtrack wrong -- it should be the length of the base path minus the number of common path elements, minus one (for the last path element, which is either a filename or a trailing "" generated by split). It happens to work with /a/b/c/ and /a/x/y/, but replace the arguments with /m/n/o/a/b/c/ and /m/n/o/a/x/y/ and you will see the problem.

Also, it needs an else break inside the first for loop, or it will mishandle paths that happen to have matching directory names, such as /a/b/c/d/ and /x/y/c/z -- the c is in the same slot in both arrays, but is not an actual match.

All these solutions lack the ability to handle paths that cannot be relativized to one another because they have incompatible roots, such as C:\foo\bar and D:\baz\quux. Probably only an issue on Windows, but worth noting.

I spent far longer on this than I intended, but that's okay. I actually needed this for work, so thank you to everyone who has chimed in, and I'm sure there will be corrections to this version too!

public static String getRelativePath(String targetPath, String basePath, 
        String pathSeparator) {

    //  We need the -1 argument to split to make sure we get a trailing 
    //  "" token if the base ends in the path separator and is therefore
    //  a directory. We require directory paths to end in the path
    //  separator -- otherwise they are indistinguishable from files.
    String[] base = basePath.split(Pattern.quote(pathSeparator), -1);
    String[] target = targetPath.split(Pattern.quote(pathSeparator), 0);

    //  First get all the common elements. Store them as a string,
    //  and also count how many of them there are. 
    String common = "";
    int commonIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < target.length && i < base.length; i++) {
        if (target[i].equals(base[i])) {
            common += target[i] + pathSeparator;
        else break;

    if (commonIndex == 0)
        //  Whoops -- not even a single common path element. This most
        //  likely indicates differing drive letters, like C: and D:. 
        //  These paths cannot be relativized. Return the target path.
        return targetPath;
        //  This should never happen when all absolute paths
        //  begin with / as in *nix. 

    String relative = "";
    if (base.length == commonIndex) {
        //  Comment this out if you prefer that a relative path not start with ./
        //relative = "." + pathSeparator;
    else {
        int numDirsUp = base.length - commonIndex - 1;
        //  The number of directories we have to backtrack is the length of 
        //  the base path MINUS the number of common path elements, minus
        //  one because the last element in the path isn't a directory.
        for (int i = 1; i <= (numDirsUp); i++) {
            relative += ".." + pathSeparator;
    relative += targetPath.substring(common.length());

    return relative;

And here are tests to cover several cases:

public void testGetRelativePathsUnixy() 
    assertEquals("stuff/xyz.dat", FileUtils.getRelativePath(
            "/var/data/stuff/xyz.dat", "/var/data/", "/"));
    assertEquals("../../b/c", FileUtils.getRelativePath(
            "/a/b/c", "/a/x/y/", "/"));
    assertEquals("../../b/c", FileUtils.getRelativePath(
            "/m/n/o/a/b/c", "/m/n/o/a/x/y/", "/"));

public void testGetRelativePathFileToFile() 
    String target = "C:\\Windows\\Boot\\Fonts\\chs_boot.ttf";
    String base = "C:\\Windows\\Speech\\Common\\sapisvr.exe";

    String relPath = FileUtils.getRelativePath(target, base, "\\");
    assertEquals("..\\..\\..\\Boot\\Fonts\\chs_boot.ttf", relPath);

public void testGetRelativePathDirectoryToFile() 
    String target = "C:\\Windows\\Boot\\Fonts\\chs_boot.ttf";
    String base = "C:\\Windows\\Speech\\Common";

    String relPath = FileUtils.getRelativePath(target, base, "\\");
    assertEquals("..\\..\\Boot\\Fonts\\chs_boot.ttf", relPath);

public void testGetRelativePathDifferentDriveLetters() 
    String target = "D:\\sources\\recovery\\RecEnv.exe";
    String base   = "C:\\Java\\workspace\\AcceptanceTests\\Standard test data\\geo\\";

    //  Should just return the target path because of the incompatible roots.
    String relPath = FileUtils.getRelativePath(target, base, "\\");
    assertEquals(target, relPath);

App installation failed due to application-identifier entitlement

Even though I followed some few logical steps: uninstall app, rebuild project, the only solution that worked for me was: restart XCode. (XCode 8.1)

Insert Update trigger how to determine if insert or update

I like solutions that are "computer science elegant." My solution here hits the [inserted] and [deleted] pseudotables once each to get their statuses and puts the result in a bit mapped variable. Then each possible combination of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE can readily be tested throughout the trigger with efficient binary evaluations (except for the unlikely INSERT or DELETE combination).

It does make the assumption that it does not matter what the DML statement was if no rows were modified (which should satisfy the vast majority of cases). So while it is not as complete as Roman Pekar's solution, it is more efficient.

With this approach, we have the possibility of one "FOR INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE" trigger per table, giving us A) complete control over action order and b) one code implementation per multi-action-applicable action. (Obviously, every implementation model has its pros and cons; you will need to evaluate your systems individually for what really works best.)

Note that the "exists (select * from «inserted/deleted»)" statements are very efficient since there is no disk access (

use tempdb
create table dbo.TrigAction (asdf int)
create trigger dbo.TrigActionTrig
on dbo.TrigAction
declare @Action tinyint
-- Create bit map in @Action using bitwise OR "|"
set @Action = (-- 1: INSERT, 2: DELETE, 3: UPDATE, 0: No Rows Modified 
  (select case when exists (select * from inserted) then 1 else 0 end)
| (select case when exists (select * from deleted ) then 2 else 0 end))
-- 21 <- Binary bit values
-- 00 -> No Rows Modified
-- 01 -> INSERT -- INSERT and UPDATE have the 1 bit set
-- 11 -> UPDATE <
-- 10 -> DELETE -- DELETE and UPDATE have the 2 bit set

raiserror(N'@Action = %d', 10, 1, @Action) with nowait
if (@Action = 0) raiserror(N'No Data Modified.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- do things for INSERT only
if (@Action = 1) raiserror(N'Only for INSERT.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- do things for UPDATE only
if (@Action = 3) raiserror(N'Only for UPDATE.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- do things for DELETE only
if (@Action = 2) raiserror(N'Only for DELETE.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- do things for INSERT or UPDATE
if (@Action & 1 = 1) raiserror(N'For INSERT or UPDATE.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- do things for UPDATE or DELETE
if (@Action & 2 = 2) raiserror(N'For UPDATE or DELETE.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- do things for INSERT or DELETE (unlikely)
if (@Action in (1,2)) raiserror(N'For INSERT or DELETE.', 10, 1) with nowait
-- if already "return" on @Action = 0, then use @Action < 3 for INSERT or DELETE

set nocount on;

INSERT 0...', 10, 1) with nowait;
insert dbo.TrigAction (asdf) select top 0 object_id from sys.objects;

INSERT 3...', 10, 1) with nowait;
insert dbo.TrigAction (asdf) select top 3 object_id from sys.objects;

UPDATE 0...', 10, 1) with nowait;
update t set asdf = asdf /1 from dbo.TrigAction t where asdf <> asdf;

UPDATE 3...', 10, 1) with nowait;
update t set asdf = asdf /1 from dbo.TrigAction t;

DELETE 0...', 10, 1) with nowait;
delete t from dbo.TrigAction t where asdf < 0;

DELETE 3...', 10, 1) with nowait;
delete t from dbo.TrigAction t;

drop table dbo.TrigAction

Question mark and colon in statement. What does it mean?

In the particular case you've provided, it's a conditional assignment. The part before the question mark (?) is a boolean condition, and the parts either side of the colon (:) are the values to assign based on the result of the condition (left side of the colon is the value for true, right side is the value for false).

Function ereg_replace() is deprecated - How to clear this bug? says:

Note: As of PHP 5.3.0, the regex extension is deprecated in favor of the PCRE extension.

Thus, preg_replace is in every way better choice. Note there are some differences in pattern syntax though.

Bug? #1146 - Table 'xxx.xxxxx' doesn't exist

Column names must be unique in the table. You cannot have two columns named asd in the same table.

How to put the legend out of the plot

I simply used the string 'center left' for the location, like in matlab. I imported pylab from matplotlib.

see the code as follow:

from matplotlib as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
t = A[:,0]
sensors = A[:,index_lst]
for i in range(sensors.shape[1]):
lgd = plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),fancybox = True, shadow = True)

enter image description here

How to stick table header(thead) on top while scrolling down the table rows with fixed header(navbar) in bootstrap 3?

I faced the same issue and as majority of the answers indicated, you have to apply position: sticky; and top: 0; ( mostly but can vary if there is a navbar which is fixed as well) to 'th' element. These properties do not apply to thead or tr.

One more thing, if it still doesn't work, you have to look for 'overflow' properties of the parent. If any parent component has an overflow set, i.e. overflow: hidden, then position: sticky just doesn't work. Make sure to remove all such parent properties. Chao!

Android: How can I print a variable on eclipse console?

If the code you're testing is relatively simple then you can just create a regular Java project in the Package Explorer and copy the code across, run it and fix it there, then copy it back into your Android project.

The fact that System.out is redirected is pretty annoying for quickly testing simple methods, but that's the easiest solution I've found, rather than having to run the device emulator just to see if a regular expression works.

Docker-Compose can't connect to Docker Daemon

You should adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

How to install Python packages from the tar.gz file without using pip install

You may use pip for that without using the network. See in the docs (search for "Install a particular source archive file"). Any of those should work:

pip install relative_path_to_seaborn.tar.gz    
pip install absolute_path_to_seaborn.tar.gz    
pip install file:///absolute_path_to_seaborn.tar.gz    

Or you may uncompress the archive and use directly with either pip or python:

cd directory_containing_tar.gz
tar -xvzf seaborn-0.10.1.tar.gz
pip install seaborn-0.10.1
python install

Of course, you should also download required packages and install them the same way before you proceed.

How to load images dynamically (or lazily) when users scrolls them into view

Lazy loading images by attaching listener to scroll events or by making use of setInterval is highly non-performant as each call to getBoundingClientRect() forces the browser to re-layout the entire page and will introduce considerable jank to your website.

Use Lozad.js (just 569 bytes with no dependencies), which uses IntersectionObserver to lazy load images performantly.

VSCode regex find & replace submatch math?

In my case $1 was not working, but $0 works fine for my purpose.

In this case I was trying to replace strings with the correct format to translate them in Laravel, I hope this could be useful to someone else because it took me a while to sort it out!

Search: (?<=<div>).*?(?=</div>)
Replace: {{ __('$0') }}

Regex Replace String for Laravel Translation

Error Code 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value - Mysql

Had this issue with ES6 and TypeORM while trying to pass .where(" IN (:orders)", { orders }), where orders was a comma separated string of numbers. When I converted to a template literal, the problem was resolved.

.where(` IN (${orders})`);

Why Visual Studio 2015 can't run exe file (ucrtbased.dll)?

The problem was solved by reinstalling Visual Studio 2015.

Using group by and having clause

Because we can not use Where clause with aggregate functions like count(),min(), sum() etc. so having clause came into existence to overcome this problem in sql. see example for having clause go through this link

How to set a dropdownlist item as selected in ASP.NET?

This is a very nice and clean example:(check this great tutorial for a full explanation link)

public static IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ToSelectListItems(
              this IEnumerable<Album> albums, int selectedId)
        albums.OrderBy(album => album.Name)
              .Select(album => 
                  new SelectListItem
                    Selected = (album.ID == selectedId),
                    Text = album.Name,
                    Value = album.ID.ToString()

In this MSDN link you can read de DropDownList method documentation.

Hope it helps.

Regex to get string between curly braces


/        - delimiter
\{       - opening literal brace escaped because it is a special character used for quantifiers eg {2,3}
(        - start capturing
[^}]     - character class consisting of
    ^    - not
    }    - a closing brace (no escaping necessary because special characters in a character class are different)
+        - one or more of the character class
)        - end capturing
\}       - the closing literal brace
/        - delimiter

LocalDate to java.util.Date and vice versa simplest conversion?

I solved this question with solution below

  import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
  Date myDate = new Date();
  LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.fromDateFields(myDate);
  System.out.println("My date using Date" Nov 18 11:23:33 BRST 2016);
  System.out.println("My date using joda.time LocalTime" 2016-11-18);

In this case localDate print your date in this format "yyyy-MM-dd"

Writing outputs to log file and console

I have found a way to get the desired output. Though it may be somewhat unorthodox way. Anyways here it goes. In the redir.env file I have following code:

export LOG_FILE=log.txt

      exec 2>>${LOG_FILE}

    function log {
     echo "$1">>${LOG_FILE}

    function message {
     echo "$1"
     echo "$1">>${LOG_FILE}

Then in the actual script I have the following codes:

. redir.env
echo "Echoed to console only"
log "Written to log file only"
message "To console and log"
echo "This is stderr. Written to log file only" 1>&2

Here echo outputs only to console, log outputs to only log file and message outputs to both the log file and console.

After executing the above script file I have following outputs:

In console

In console
Echoed to console only
To console and log

For the Log file

In Log File Written to log file only
This is stderr. Written to log file only
To console and log

Hope this help.

Are there any standard exit status codes in Linux?

Part 1: Advanced Bash Scripting Guide

As always, the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide has great information: (This was linked in another answer, but to a non-canonical URL.)

1: Catchall for general errors
2: Misuse of shell builtins (according to Bash documentation)
126: Command invoked cannot execute
127: "command not found"
128: Invalid argument to exit
128+n: Fatal error signal "n"
255: Exit status out of range (exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255)

Part 2: sysexits.h

The ABSG references sysexits.h.

On Linux:

$ find /usr -name sysexits.h
$ cat /usr/include/sysexits.h

 * Copyright (c) 1987, 1993
 *  The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

 (A whole bunch of text left out.)

#define EX_OK           0       /* successful termination */
#define EX__BASE        64      /* base value for error messages */
#define EX_USAGE        64      /* command line usage error */
#define EX_DATAERR      65      /* data format error */
#define EX_NOINPUT      66      /* cannot open input */    
#define EX_NOUSER       67      /* addressee unknown */    
#define EX_NOHOST       68      /* host name unknown */
#define EX_UNAVAILABLE  69      /* service unavailable */
#define EX_SOFTWARE     70      /* internal software error */
#define EX_OSERR        71      /* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
#define EX_OSFILE       72      /* critical OS file missing */
#define EX_CANTCREAT    73      /* can't create (user) output file */
#define EX_IOERR        74      /* input/output error */
#define EX_TEMPFAIL     75      /* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
#define EX_PROTOCOL     76      /* remote error in protocol */
#define EX_NOPERM       77      /* permission denied */
#define EX_CONFIG       78      /* configuration error */

#define EX__MAX 78      /* maximum listed value */

Equivalent function for DATEADD() in Oracle


What causes javac to issue the "uses unchecked or unsafe operations" warning

This warning means that your code operates on a raw type, recompile the example with the


to get the details

like this:

javac -Xlint:unchecked warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast
        clone.mylist = (ArrayList<String>)this.mylist.clone();
  required: ArrayList<String>
  found:    Object
1 warning talks about it here:

Simulate delayed and dropped packets on Linux

One of my colleagues uses tc to do this. Refer to the man page for more information. You can see an example of its usage here.

Jquery Ajax, return success/error from controller

    type: "POST",
    data: formData,
    url: "/Forms/GetJobData",
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,               
    success: function (response) {
        if (response.success) {
        } else {
            // DoSomethingElse()
    error: function (response) {
        alert("error!");  // 



public ActionResult GetJobData(Jobs jobData)
    var mimeType = jobData.File.ContentType;
    var isFileSupported = IsFileSupported(mimeType);

    if (!isFileSupported){        
         //  Send "false"
        return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "The attached file is not supported." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        //  Send "Success"
        return Json(new { success = true, responseText= "Your message successfuly sent!"}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


basically you can send multiple parameters this way:


 return Json(new { 
                success = true,
                Name = model.Name,
                Phone = model.Phone,
                Email = model.Email                                


                type: "POST",
                url: '@Url.Action("GetData")',
                contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',            
                success: function (response) {


                error: function (response) {

How to install iPhone application in iPhone Simulator

From Xcode v4.3, it is being installed as application. The simulator is available at


Reverse of JSON.stringify?

JSON.parse is the opposite of JSON.stringify.

Viewing root access files/folders of android on windows

You can use Eclipse DDMS perspective to see connected devices and browse through files, you can also pull and push files to the device. You can also do a bunch of stuff using DDMS, this link explains a little bit more of DDMS uses.


If you just want to copy a database you can locate the database on eclipse DDMS file explorer, select it and then pull the database from the device to your computer.

Drawing circles with System.Drawing

PictureBox circle = new PictureBox();
circle.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(circle_Paint);        

void circle_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Red, 0, 0, 30, 30);

How to find out the server IP address (using JavaScript) that the browser is connected to?

I think you may use the callback from a JSONP request or maybe just the pure JSON data using an external service but based on the output of javascript that way:

$.getJSON( "//" + + "?callback=?", function(data) {
    console.warn('Fetching JSON data...');
    // Log output to console, null, 2));

I'll use this code for my personal needs, as first I was coming on this site for the same reason.

You may use another external service instead the one I'm using for my needs. A very nice list exist and contains tests done here

How to print like printf in Python3?

Other words printf absent in python... I'm surprised! Best code is

def printf(format, *args):
    sys.stdout.write(format % args)

Because of this form allows not to print \n. All others no. That's why print is bad operator. And also you need write args in special form. There is no disadvantages in function above. It's a standard usual form of printf function.

Where do alpha testers download Google Play Android apps?

Under APK/ALPHA TESTING/MANAGE TESTERS you find: enter image description here

Choose the method you want. Then you need to first upload your Apk. Before it can be published you need to go to the usual steps in publishing which means: you need icons, the FSK ratings, screenshots etc.

After you added it you click on publish.

You find the link for your testers at:

enter image description here

What's the best mock framework for Java?

The best solution to mocking is to have the machine do all the work with automated specification-based testing. For Java, see ScalaCheck and the Reductio framework included in the Functional Java library. With automated specification-based testing frameworks, you supply a specification of the method under test (a property about it that should be true) and the framework generates tests as well as mock objects, automatically.

For example, the following property tests the Math.sqrt method to see if the square root of any positive number n squared is equal to n.

val propSqrt = forAll { (n: Int) => (n >= 0) ==> scala.Math.sqrt(n*n) == n }

When you call propSqrt.check(), ScalaCheck generates hundreds of integers and checks your property for each, also automatically making sure that the edge cases are covered well.

Even though ScalaCheck is written in Scala, and requires the Scala Compiler, it's easy to test Java code with it. The Reductio framework in Functional Java is a pure Java implementation of the same concepts.

Meaning of *& and **& in C++

That is taking the parameter by reference. So in the first case you are taking a pointer parameter by reference so whatever modification you do to the value of the pointer is reflected outside the function. Second is the simlilar to first one with the only difference being that it is a double pointer. See this example:

void pass_by_value(int* p)
    //Allocate memory for int and store the address in p
    p = new int;

void pass_by_reference(int*& p)
    p = new int;

int main()
    int* p1 = NULL;
    int* p2 = NULL;

    pass_by_value(p1); //p1 will still be NULL after this call
    pass_by_reference(p2); //p2 's value is changed to point to the newly allocate memory

    return 0;

How to scroll UITableView to specific position

[tableview scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1) animated:NO];

This will take your tableview to the first row.

Pycharm/Python OpenCV and CV2 install error

You are getting those errors because opencv and cv2 are not the python package names.

These are both included as part of the opencv-python package available to install from pip.

If you are using python 2 you can install with pip:

 pip install opencv-python

Or use the equivilent for python 3:

pip3 install opencv-python

After running the appropriate pip command your package should be available to use from python.

Changing every value in a hash in Ruby

If you want the actual strings themselves to mutate in place (possibly and desirably affecting other references to the same string objects):

# Two ways to achieve the same result (any Ruby version)
my_hash.each{ |_,str| str.gsub! /^|$/, '%' }
my_hash.each{ |_,str| str.replace "%#{str}%" }

If you want the hash to change in place, but you don't want to affect the strings (you want it to get new strings):

# Two ways to achieve the same result (any Ruby version)
my_hash.each{ |key,str| my_hash[key] = "%#{str}%" }
my_hash.inject(my_hash){ |h,(k,str)| h[k]="%#{str}%"; h }

If you want a new hash:

# Ruby 1.8.6+
new_hash = Hash[*{|k,str| [k,"%#{str}%"] }.flatten]

# Ruby 1.8.7+
new_hash = Hash[{|k,str| [k,"%#{str}%"] } ]

Remove the legend on a matplotlib figure

if you call pyplot as plt

frameon=False is to remove the border around the legend

and '' is passing the information that no variable should be in the legend

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Android XML Percent Symbol

This could be a case of the IDE becoming too strict.

The idea is sound, in general you should specify the order of substitution variables so that should you add resources for another language, your java code will not need to be changed. However there are two issues with this:

Firstly, a string such as:

You will need %.5G %s

to be used as You will need 2.1200 mg will have the order the same in any language as that amount of mass is always represented in that order scientifically.

The second is that if you put the order of variables in what ever language your default resources are specified in (eg English) then you only need to specify the positions in the resource strings for languages the use a different order to your default language.

The good news is that this is simple to fix. Even though there is no need to specify the positions, and the IDE is being overly strict, just specify them anyway. For the example above use:

You will need %1$.5G %2$s

How to add Action bar options menu in Android Fragments

in AndroidManifest.xml set theme holo like this:

android:name="your Fragment or activity"
android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo" >

Display last git commit comment

git log -1 will display the latest commit message or git log -1 --oneline if you only want the sha1 and associated commit message to be displayed.

How to add multiple font files for the same font?

To have font variation working correctly, I had to reverse the order of @font-face in CSS.

@font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf");
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic, oblique;
@font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf");
    font-style: italic, oblique;
@font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf");
    font-weight: bold;
 @font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono.ttf");

How can I solve equations in Python?

If you only want to solve the extremely limited set of equations mx + c = y for positive integer m, c, y, then this will do:

import re
def solve_linear_equation ( equ ):
    Given an input string of the format "3x+2=6", solves for x.
    The format must be as shown - no whitespace, no decimal numbers,
    no negative numbers.
    match = re.match(r"(\d+)x\+(\d+)=(\d+)", equ)
    m, c, y = match.groups()
    m, c, y = float(m), float(c), float(y) # Convert from strings to numbers
    x = (y-c)/m
    print ("x = %f" % x)

Some tests:

>>> solve_linear_equation("2x+4=12")
x = 4.000000
>>> solve_linear_equation("123x+456=789")
x = 2.707317

If you want to recognise and solve arbitrary equations, like sin(x) + e^(i*pi*x) = 1, then you will need to implement some kind of symbolic maths engine, similar to maxima, Mathematica, MATLAB's solve() or Symbolic Toolbox, etc. As a novice, this is beyond your ken.

How to get the current location in Google Maps Android API v2?

I would rather use FusedLocationApi since OnMyLocationChangeListener is deprecated.

First declare these 3 variables:

private LocationRequest  mLocationRequest;
private GoogleApiClient  mGoogleApiClient;
private LocationListener mLocationListener;

Define methods:

private void initGoogleApiClient(Context context)
    mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context).addApi(LocationServices.API).addConnectionCallbacks(new GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks()
        public void onConnected(Bundle bundle)
            mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create();


        public void onConnectionSuspended(int i)
            Log.i("LOG_TAG", "onConnectionSuspended");

    if (mGoogleApiClient != null)


private void setLocationListener()
    mLocationListener = new LocationListener()
        public void onLocationChanged(Location location)
            String lat = String.valueOf(location.getLatitude());
            String lon = String.valueOf(location.getLongitude());
            Log.i("LOG_TAG", "Latitude = " + lat + " Longitude = " + lon);

    LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, mLocationListener);

private void removeLocationListener()
    LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationListener);
  • initGoogleApiClient() is used to initialize GoogleApiClient object
  • setLocationListener() is used to setup location change listener
  • removeLocationListener() is used to remove the listener

Call initGoogleApiClient method to start the code working :) Don't forget to remove the listener (mLocationListener) at the end to avoid memory leak issues.

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?

In case anyone wanted more of a visual reference:


Decimal approximations reference table:

¦       aspect ratio       ¦     decimal approx.    ¦     decimal approx.    ¦
¦ [long edge x short edge] ¦ [short edge/long edge] ¦ [long edge/short edge] ¦
¦         19.5 x 9         ¦        0.462...        ¦        2.167...        ¦
¦          19 x 9          ¦        0.474...        ¦         2.11...        ¦
¦        ~18.7 x 9         ¦        0.482...        ¦        2.074...        ¦
¦         18.5 x 9         ¦        0.486...        ¦        2.056...        ¦
¦          18 x 9          ¦           0.5          ¦            2           ¦
¦          19 x 10         ¦        0.526...        ¦           1.9          ¦
¦          16 x 9          ¦         0.5625         ¦        1.778...        ¦
¦           5 x 3          ¦           0.6          ¦        1.667...        ¦
¦          16 x 10         ¦          0.625         ¦           1.6          ¦
¦           3 x 2          ¦        0.667...        ¦           1.5          ¦
¦           4 x 3          ¦          0.75          ¦        1.333...        ¦


  • May 2018: Added 56x27 === ~18.7x9 (Huawei P20), 19x9 (Nokia X6 2018) and 19.5x9 (LG G7 ThinQ)
  • May 2017: Added 19x10 (Essential Phone)
  • March 2017: Added 18.5x9 (Samsung Galaxy S8) and 18x9 (LG G6)

What is the use of the %n format specifier in C?

From here we see that it stores the number of characters printed so far.

n The argument shall be a pointer to an integer into which is written the number of bytes written to the output so far by this call to one of the fprintf() functions. No argument is converted.

An example usage would be:

int n_chars = 0;
printf("Hello, World%n", &n_chars);

n_chars would then have a value of 12.

Collision resolution in Java HashMap

There is no collision in your example. You use the same key, so the old value gets replaced with the new one. Now, if you used two keys that map to the same hash code, then you'd have a collision. But even in that case, HashMap would replace your value! If you want the values to be chained in case of a collision, you have to do it yourself, e.g. by using a list as a value.

Change One Cell's Data in mysql

My answer is repeating what others have said before, but I thought I'd add an example, using MySQL, only because the previous answers were a little bit cryptic to me.

The general form of the command you need to use to update a single row's column:

UPDATE my_table SET my_column='new value' WHERE something='some value';

And here's an example.


mysql> select aet,port from ae;
| aet        | port  |
| DCM4CHEE01 | 11112 | 
| CDRECORD   | 10104 | 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> update ae set port='10105' where aet='CDRECORD';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


mysql> select aet,port from ae;
| aet        | port  |
| DCM4CHEE01 | 11112 | 
| CDRECORD   | 10105 | 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Submit form and stay on same page?

Use XMLHttpRequest

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", '/server', true);

//Send the proper header information along with the request
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // Call a function when the state changes.
    if (this.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && this.status === 200) {
        // Request finished. Do processing here.
// xhr.send(new Int8Array()); 
// xhr.send(document);

How can I auto-elevate my batch file, so that it requests from UAC administrator rights if required?

As jcoder and Matt mentioned, PowerShell made it easy, and it could even be embedded in the batch script without creating a new script.

I modified Matt's script:

:: Check privileges 
net file 1>NUL 2>NUL
if not '%errorlevel%' == '0' (
    powershell Start-Process -FilePath "%0" -ArgumentList "%cd%" -verb runas >NUL 2>&1
    exit /b

:: Change directory with passed argument. Processes started with
:: "runas" start with forced C:\Windows\System32 workdir
cd /d %1

:: Actual work

Javascript Equivalent to PHP Explode()

You don't need to split. You can use indexOf and substr:

str = str.substr(str.indexOf(':')+1);

But the equivalent to explode would be split.

How to Compare two Arrays are Equal using Javascript?

You could use Array.prototype.every().(A polyfill is needed for IE < 9 and other old browsers.)

var array1 = [4,8,9,10];
var array2 = [4,8,9,10];

var is_same = (array1.length == array2.length) && array1.every(function(element, index) {
    return element === array2[index]; 


Excel VBA Macro: User Defined Type Not Defined

Sub DeleteEmptyRows()  

    On Error Resume Next

End Sub

The following code will delete all rows on a sheet(YourSheetName) where the content of Column A is blank.

EDIT: User Defined Type Not Defined is caused by "oTable As Table" and "oRow As Row". Replace Table and Row with Object to resolve the error and make it compile.

What are the most common font-sizes for H1-H6 tags

It would depend on the browser's default stylesheet. You can view an (unofficial) table of CSS2.1 User Agent stylesheet defaults here.

Based on the page listed above, the default sizes look something like this:

    IE7     IE8     FF2         FF3         Opera   Safari 3.1
H1  24pt    2em     32px        32px        32px    32px       
H2  18pt    1.5em   24px        24px        24px    24px
H3  13.55pt 1.17em  18.7333px   18.7167px   18px    19px
H4  n/a     n/a     n/a         n/a         n/a     n/a
H5  10pt    0.83em  13.2667px   13.2833px   13px    13px
H6  7.55pt  0.67em  10.7333px   10.7167px   10px    11px

Also worth taking a look at is the default stylesheet for HTML 4. The W3C recommends using these styles as the default. An abridged excerpt:

h1 { font-size: 2em; }
h2 { font-size: 1.5em; }
h3 { font-size: 1.17em; }
h4 { font-size: 1.12em; }
h5 { font-size: .83em; }
h6 { font-size: .75em; }

Hope this information is helpful.

How to escape JSON string?

The methods offered here are faulty.
Why venture that far when you could just use System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptEncode ?

If you're on a lower framework, you can just copy paste it from mono

Courtesy of the mono-project @

    public static string JavaScriptStringEncode(string value, bool addDoubleQuotes)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            return addDoubleQuotes ? "\"\"" : string.Empty;

        int len = value.Length;
        bool needEncode = false;
        char c;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            c = value[i];

            if (c >= 0 && c <= 31 || c == 34 || c == 39 || c == 60 || c == 62 || c == 92)
                needEncode = true;

        if (!needEncode)
            return addDoubleQuotes ? "\"" + value + "\"" : value;

        var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
        if (addDoubleQuotes)

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            c = value[i];
            if (c >= 0 && c <= 7 || c == 11 || c >= 14 && c <= 31 || c == 39 || c == 60 || c == 62)
                sb.AppendFormat("\\u{0:x4}", (int)c);
            else switch ((int)c)
                    case 8:

                    case 9:

                    case 10:

                    case 12:

                    case 13:

                    case 34:

                    case 92:


        if (addDoubleQuotes)

        return sb.ToString();

This can be compacted into

public class SimpleJSON

    private static  bool NeedEscape(string src, int i)
        char c = src[i];
        return c < 32 || c == '"' || c == '\\'
            // Broken lead surrogate
            || (c >= '\uD800' && c <= '\uDBFF' &&
                (i == src.Length - 1 || src[i + 1] < '\uDC00' || src[i + 1] > '\uDFFF'))
            // Broken tail surrogate
            || (c >= '\uDC00' && c <= '\uDFFF' &&
                (i == 0 || src[i - 1] < '\uD800' || src[i - 1] > '\uDBFF'))
            // To produce valid JavaScript
            || c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029'
            // Escape "</" for <script> tags
            || (c == '/' && i > 0 && src[i - 1] == '<');

    public static string EscapeString(string src)
        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

        int start = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
            if (NeedEscape(src, i))
                sb.Append(src, start, i - start);
                switch (src[i])
                    case '\b': sb.Append("\\b"); break;
                    case '\f': sb.Append("\\f"); break;
                    case '\n': sb.Append("\\n"); break;
                    case '\r': sb.Append("\\r"); break;
                    case '\t': sb.Append("\\t"); break;
                    case '\"': sb.Append("\\\""); break;
                    case '\\': sb.Append("\\\\"); break;
                    case '/': sb.Append("\\/"); break;
                start = i + 1;
        sb.Append(src, start, src.Length - start);
        return sb.ToString();

Debugging with command-line parameters in Visual Studio

With VS 2015 and up, Use the Smart Command Line Arguments extension. This plug-in adds a window that allows you to turn arguments on and off:

Smart Command Line Arguments interface

The extension additionally stores the arguments in a JSON file, allowing you to commit them to source control. In addition to ensuring you don't have to type in all the arguments every single time, this serves as a useful supplement to your documentation for other developers to discover the available options.

iOS app 'The application could not be verified' only on one device

I resolved this issue by changing the Build System to legacy in xcode.

I had the same problem but the mentioned solutions above didn't work for me. Even I had no previous app on device, I got this error when deploying on my device.

How to do:

Simply, go to menu File > Project Setting, inside Share Project Settings, change Build System from "New Build System (default)" to "Lagacy Build System".

Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET?

I haven't seen equivalent to late solution I'm going to give, so here it is.

use offsets to move values from default 0 into any value you like. here properties must be used instead of directly accessing fields. (maybe with possible c#7 feature you better define property scoped fields so they remain protected from being directly accessed in code.)

This solution works for simple structs with only value types (no ref type or nullable struct).

public struct Tempo
    const double DefaultBpm = 120;
    private double _bpm; // this field must not be modified other than with its property.

    public double BeatsPerMinute
        get => _bpm + DefaultBpm;
        set => _bpm = value - DefaultBpm;

This is different than this answer, this approach is not especial casing but its using offset which will work for all ranges.

example with enums as field.

public struct Difficaulty

public struct Level
    const Difficaulty DefaultLevel = Difficaulty.Medium;
    private Difficaulty _level; // this field must not be modified other than with its property.

    public Difficaulty Difficaulty
        get => _level + DefaultLevel;
        set => _level = value - DefaultLevel;

As I said this trick may not work in all cases, even if struct has only value fields, only you know that if it works in your case or not. just examine. but you get the general idea.

Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging VS 2010, II7, Win 7 x64

Had the same issue trying to debug a DNN (Dot Net Nuke) module. Turned out you need to have compilation debug="true":

<compilation debug="true" strict="false" targetFramework="4.0"> 

in your web.config. By default it is false in DNN. Original source here:

5.7.57 SMTP - Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM error

@Reshma- In case you have not figured it yet, here are below things that I tried and it solved the same issue.

  1. Make sure that NetworkCredentials you set are correct. For example in my case since it was office SMTP, user id had to be used in the NetworkCredential along with domain name and not actual email id.

  2. You need to set "UseDefaultCredentials" to false first and then set Credentials. If you set "UseDefaultCredentials" after that it resets the NetworkCredential to null.

Hope it helps.

How to Set Variables in a Laravel Blade Template

You can set a variable in the view file, but it will be printed just as you set it. Anyway, there is a workaround. You can set the variable inside an unused section. Example:

  {{ $yourVar = 'Your value' }}

Then {{ $yourVar }} will print Your value anywhere you want it to, but you don't get the output when you save the variable.

EDIT: naming the section is required otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Automatically add all files in a folder to a target using CMake?

As of CMake 3.1+ the developers strongly discourage users from using file(GLOB or file(GLOB_RECURSE to collect lists of source files.

Note: We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to ask CMake to regenerate. The CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag may not work reliably on all generators, or if a new generator is added in the future that cannot support it, projects using it will be stuck. Even if CONFIGURE_DEPENDS works reliably, there is still a cost to perform the check on every rebuild.

See the documentation here.

There are two goods answers ([1], [2]) here on SO detailing the reasons to manually list source files.

It is possible. E.g. with file(GLOB:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

file(GLOB helloworld_SRC

add_executable(helloworld ${helloworld_SRC})

Note that this requires manual re-running of cmake if a source file is added or removed, since the generated build system does not know when to ask CMake to regenerate, and doing it at every build would increase the build time.

As of CMake 3.12, you can pass the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag to file(GLOB to automatically check and reset the file lists any time the build is invoked. You would write:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

file(GLOB helloworld_SRC CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "*.h" "*.cpp")

This at least lets you avoid manually re-running CMake every time a file is added.

Validate fields after user has left a field

It might work for you to write a custom directive that wraps the javascript blur() method (and runs a validation function when triggered); there's an Angular issue that has a sample one (as well as a generic directive that can bind to other events not natively supported by Angular):

If you don't want to go that route, your other option would be to set up $watch on the field, again triggering validation when the field is filled out.

make image( not background img) in div repeat?

You have use to repeat-y as style="background-repeat:repeat-y;width: 200px;" instead of style="repeat-y".

Try this inside the image tag or you can use the below css for the div

    background-repeat: repeat-y;
    background-image: url("/image/layout/lotus-dreapta.png");

Run batch file as a Windows service

While it is not free (but $39), FireDaemon has worked so well for me I have to recommend it. It will run your batch file but has loads of additional and very useful functionality such as scheduling, service up monitoring, GUI or XML based install of services, dependencies, environmental variables and log management.

I started out using FireDaemon to launch JBoss application servers (run.bat) but shortly after realized that the richness of the FireDaemon configuration abilities allowed me to ditch the batch file and recreate the intent of its commands in the FireDaemon service definition.

There's also a SUPER FireDaemon called Trinity which you might want to look at if you have a large number of Windows servers on which to manage this service (or technically, any service).

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

If you use Hadoop version 2.6.1 above, while the command works, it complains that its depreciated. I actually could not use the hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave because I was running Hadoop in a Docker container and that command magically fails when run in the container, so what I did was this. I checked doc and found dfs.safemode.threshold.pct in documentation that says

Specifies the percentage of blocks that should satisfy the minimal replication requirement defined by dfs.replication.min. Values less than or equal to 0 mean not to wait for any particular percentage of blocks before exiting safemode. Values greater than 1 will make safe mode permanent.

so I changed the hdfs-site.xml into the following (In older Hadoop versions, apparently you need to do it in hdfs-default.xml:


JAVA Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

The Java runtime you try to execute your program with is an earlier version than Java 7 which was the target you compile your program for.

For Ubuntu use

apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

to get Java 7 as default. You may have to uninstall openjdk-6 first.

Regex to replace multiple spaces with a single space

is replace is not used, string = string.split(/\W+/);

Unable to copy file - access to the path is denied

I ran into this issue multiple times, and the solution which I found is to delete the debug folder and then rebuild your solution/project. Worked for me!!

jQuery UI Sortable, then write order into a database

I can change the rows by following the accepted answer and associated example on jsFiddle. But due to some unknown reasons, I couldn't get the ids after "stop or change" actions. But the example posted in the JQuery UI page works fine for me. You can check that link here.

Debug/run standard java in Visual Studio Code IDE and OS X?

There is a much easier way to run Java, no configuration needed:

  1. Install the Code Runner Extension
  2. Open your Java code file in Text Editor, then use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N, or press F1 and then select/type Run Code, or right click the Text Editor and then click Run Code in context menu, the code will be compiled and run, and the output will be shown in the Output Window.


Failed to install android-sdk: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema"

For Linux users (I'm using a Debian Distro, Kali) Here's how I resolved mine.

If you don't already have jdk-8, you want to get it at oracle's site

I got the jdk-8u191-linux-x64.tar.gz

Step 1 - Installing Java Move and unpack it at a suitable location like so

$ mv jdk-8u191-linux-x64.tar.gz /suitablelocation/
$ tar -xzvf /suitablelocation/jdk-8u191-linux-x64.tar.gz

You should get an unzipped folder like jdk1.8.0_191 You can delete the tarball afterwards to conserve space

Step 2 - Setting up alternatives to the default java location

$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /suitablelocation/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java 1
$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /suitablelocation/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/javac 1

Step 3 - Selecting your alternatives as default

$ update-alternatives --set java /suitablelocation/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java
$ update-alternatives --set javac /suitablelocation/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/javac

Step 4 - Confirming default java version

$ java -version


  1. In the original article here:, the default plugin for mozilla was also set. I assume we don't really need the plugins as we're simply trying to develop for android.
  2. As in @spassvogel's answer, you should also place a @repositories.cfg file in your ~/.android directory as this is needed to update the tools repo lists
  3. Moving some things around may require root authority. Use sudo wisely.
  4. For sdkmanager usage, see official guide:

Display / print all rows of a tibble (tbl_df)

you can print it in Rstudio with View() more convenient:

df %>% View()


What is the difference between id and class in CSS, and when should I use them?

A class can be used several times, while an ID can only be used once, so you should use classes for items that you know you're going to use a lot. An example would be if you wanted to give all the paragraphs on your webpage the same styling, you would use classes.

Standards specify that any given ID name can only be referenced once within a page or document. Use IDs when there is only one occurence per page. Use classes when there are one or more occurences per page.

How can I test if a letter in a string is uppercase or lowercase using JavaScript?

Another way is to compare the character with an empty object, i don't really know's why it works, but it works :

for (let i = 1; i <= 26; i++) {
   const letter = (i + 9).toString(36).toUpperCase();
   console.log('letter', letter, 'is upper', letter<{}); // returns true
for (let i = 1; i <= 26; i++) {
   const letter = (i + 9).toString(36);
   console.log('letter', letter, 'is upper', letter<{}); // returns false

so in a function :

function charIsUpper(character) {
   return character<{};

EDIT: it doesn't work with accents and diacritics, so it's possible to remove it

function charIsUpper(character) {
   return character
           .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '')<{};

Filtering Table rows using Jquery

based on @CanalDoMestre's answer. I added support for the blank filter case, fixed a typo and prevented hiding the rows so I can still see the column headers.

    $("#filterby").on('keyup', function() {
        if (this.value.length < 1) {
            $("#list tr").css("display", "");
        } else {
            $("#list tbody tr:not(:contains('"+this.value+"'))").css("display", "none");
            $("#list tbody tr:contains('"+this.value+"')").css("display", "");

Using moment.js to convert date to string "MM/dd/yyyy"


date.format("MM/DD/YYYY") or date.format("MM-DD-YYYY")}

Other Supported formats for reference:


M 1 2 ... 11 12

Mo 1st 2nd ... 11th 12th

MM 01 02 ... 11 12

MMM Jan Feb ... Nov Dec

MMMM January February ... November December


d 0 1 ... 5 6

do 0th 1st ... 5th 6th

dd Su Mo ... Fr Sa

ddd Sun Mon ... Fri Sat

dddd Sunday Monday ... Friday Saturday


YY 70 71 ... 29 30

YYYY 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030

Y 1970 1971 ... 9999 +10000 +10001

Java properties UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

I recommend you to use Attesoro ( Is simple and easy to use. And is made in java.

Bootstrap 3 : Vertically Center Navigation Links when Logo Increasing The Height of Navbar

I found that you don't necessarily need the text vertically centred, it also looks good near the bottom of the row, it's only when it's at the top (or above centre?) that it looks wrong. So I went with this to push the links to the bottom of the row:

.navbar-brand {
    min-height: 80px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    #navbar-collapse {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0px;
        left: 250px;

My brand image is SVG and I used height: 50px; width: auto which makes it about 216px wide. It spilled out of its container vertically so I added the min-height: 80px; to make room for it plus bootstrap's 15px margins. Then I tweaked the navbar-collapse's left setting until it looked right.

Viewing PDF in Windows forms using C#

Use the above link

private void btnopen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
    OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
    if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK){
        axAcroPDF1.src = openFileDialog1.FileName;

Is there a C++ decompiler?

Yes, but none of them will manage to produce readable enough code to worth the effort. You will spend more time trying to read the decompiled source with assembler blocks inside, than rewriting your old app from scratch.

Difference between core and processor

CPU is a central processing unit. Since 2002 we have only single core processor i.e. we will only perform a single task or a program at a time.

For having multiple programs run at a time we have to use the multiple processor for executing multi processes at a time so we required another motherboard for that and that is very expensive.

So, Intel introduced the concept of hyper threading i.e. it will convert the single CPU into two virtual CPUs i.e we have two cores for our task. Now the CPU is single, but it is only pretending (masqueraded) that it has a dual CPU and performs multiple tasks. But having real multiple cores will be better than that so people develop making multi-core processor i.e. multiple processors on a single box i.e. grabbing a multiple CPU on single big CPU. I.e. multiple cores.

How to force Chrome's script debugger to reload javascript?

In my opinion it's easiest to work in a 'private browsing session' of chrome, to ensure that your javascript files don't come from the cache.

Android file chooser

EDIT (02 Jan 2012):

I created a small open source Android Library Project that streamlines this process, while also providing a built-in file explorer (in case the user does not have one present). It's extremely simple to use, requiring only a few lines of code.

You can find it at GitHub: aFileChooser.


If you want the user to be able to choose any file in the system, you will need to include your own file manager, or advise the user to download one. I believe the best you can do is look for "openable" content in an Intent.createChooser() like this:

private static final int FILE_SELECT_CODE = 0;

private void showFileChooser() {
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); 

    try {
                Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select a File to Upload"),
    } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
        // Potentially direct the user to the Market with a Dialog
        Toast.makeText(this, "Please install a File Manager.", 

You would then listen for the selected file's Uri in onActivityResult() like so:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    switch (requestCode) {
        case FILE_SELECT_CODE:
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            // Get the Uri of the selected file 
            Uri uri = data.getData();
            Log.d(TAG, "File Uri: " + uri.toString());
            // Get the path
            String path = FileUtils.getPath(this, uri);
            Log.d(TAG, "File Path: " + path);
            // Get the file instance
            // File file = new File(path);
            // Initiate the upload
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

The getPath() method in my is:

public static String getPath(Context context, Uri uri) throws URISyntaxException {
    if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        String[] projection = { "_data" };
        Cursor cursor = null;

        try {
            cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null);
            int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_data");
            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                return cursor.getString(column_index);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Eat it
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

Plotting lines connecting points

You can just pass a list of the two points you want to connect to plt.plot. To make this easily expandable to as many points as you want, you could define a function like so.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x=[-1 ,0.5 ,1,-0.5]
y=[ 0.5,  1, -0.5, -1]

plt.plot(x,y, 'ro')

def connectpoints(x,y,p1,p2):
    x1, x2 = x[p1], x[p2]
    y1, y2 = y[p1], y[p2]



enter image description here

Note, that function is a general function that can connect any two points in your list together.

To expand this to 2N points, assuming you always connect point i to point i+1, we can just put it in a for loop:

import numpy as np
for i in np.arange(0,len(x),2):

In that case of always connecting point i to point i+1, you could simply do:

for i in np.arange(0,len(x),2):

JSHint and jQuery: '$' is not defined

If you're using an IntelliJ editor, under

  • Preferences/Settings
    • Javascript
      • Code Quality Tools
        • JSHint
          • Predefined (at bottom), click Set

You can type in anything, for instance console:false, and it will add that to the list (.jshintrc) as well - as a global.

What is SOA "in plain english"?

I would suggest you read articles by Thomas Erl and Roger Sessions, this will give you a firm handle on what SOA is all about. These are also good resources, look at the SOA explained for your boss one for a layman explanation

Building a SOA

SOA Design Pattern

Achieving integrity in a SOA

Why your SOA should be like a VW Beetle

SOA explained for your boss

WCF Service Performance

pop/remove items out of a python tuple

Maybe you want dictionaries?

d = dict( (i,value) for i,value in enumerate(tple))
while d:
    bla bla bla
    del b[x]

Location of hibernate.cfg.xml in project?

In case of a Maven Project, create a folder named resources under src/main folder and add the resources folder as a source folder in your classpath.

You can do that by going to Configure Build Path and then clicking Add Folder to the Sources Tab.

Then check the resources folder and click Apply.

Then just use :

SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();

Is there a way to take the first 1000 rows of a Spark Dataframe?

The method you are looking for is .limit.

Returns a new Dataset by taking the first n rows. The difference between this function and head is that head returns an array while limit returns a new Dataset.

Example usage:


How to get data from database in javascript based on the value passed to the function

The error is coming as your query is getting formed as

SELECT * FROM Employ where number = parseInt(val);

I dont know which DB you are using but no DB will understand parseInt.

What you can do is use a variable say temp and store the value of parseInt(val) in temp variable and make the query as

SELECT * FROM Employ where number = temp;

Is there a better way to refresh WebView?

Why not to try this?

Swift code to call inside class:


or external call


How to line-break from css, without using <br />?

Don't. If you want a hard line break, use one.

How to locate the git config file in Mac

You don't need to find the file.

Only write this instruction on terminal:

git config --global --edit

Regular Expressions: Search in list

Full Example (Python 3):
For Python 2.x look into Note below

import re

mylist = ["dog", "cat", "wildcat", "thundercat", "cow", "hooo"]
r = re.compile(".*cat")
newlist = list(filter(r.match, mylist)) # Read Note


['cat', 'wildcat', 'thundercat']


For Python 2.x developers, filter returns a list already. In Python 3.x filter was changed to return an iterator so it has to be converted to list (in order to see it printed out nicely).

Python 3 code example
Python 2.x code example

What is the size of ActionBar in pixels?

To get the actual height of the Actionbar, you have to resolve the attribute actionBarSize at runtime.

TypedValue tv = new TypedValue();
context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.actionBarSize, tv, true);
int actionBarHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(tv.resourceId);

How can I make my string property nullable?

String is a reference type and always nullable, you don't need to do anything special. Specifying that a type is nullable is necessary only for value types.

How to disable registration new users in Laravel


use \Redirect;

at the top of the file

Rails 4 LIKE query - ActiveRecord adds quotes


 def, page = 1 )
    paginate :per_page => 5, :page => page,
      :conditions => ["name LIKE  ? OR postal_code like ?", "%#{search}%","%#{search}%"],   order => 'name'

See the docs on AREL conditions for more info.

Android Transparent TextView?

Hi Please try with the below color code as textview's background.


Start systemd service after specific service?

After= dependency is only effective when service including After= and service included by After= are both scheduled to start as part of your boot up.



This way, if both a.service and b.service are enabled, then systemd will order b.service after a.service.

If I am not misunderstanding, what you are asking is how to start b.service when a.service starts even though b.service is not enabled.

The directive for this is Wants= or Requires= under [Unit].


The difference between Wants= and Requires= is that with Requires=, a failure to start b.service will cause the startup of a.service to fail, whereas with Wants=, a.service will start even if b.service fails. This is explained in detail on the man page of .unit.

How to find controls in a repeater header or footer

This is in VB.NET, just translate to C# if you need it:

Public Function FindControlInRepeaterHeader(Of T As Control)(obj As Repeater, ControlName As String) As T
    Dim ctrl As T = TryCast((From item As RepeaterItem In obj.Controls
                   Where item.ItemType = ListItemType.Header).SingleOrDefault.FindControl(ControlName),T)
    Return ctrl
End Function

And use it easy:

Dim txt as string = rptrComentarios.FindControlInRepeaterHeader(Of Label)("lblVerTodosComentarios").Text

Try to make it work with footer, and items controls too =)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 23: ordinal not in range(128)

You are encoding to UTF-8, then re-encoding to UTF-8. Python can only do this if it first decodes again to Unicode, but it has to use the default ASCII codec:

>>> u'ñ'
>>> u'ñ'.encode('utf8')
>>> u'ñ'.encode('utf8').encode('utf8')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

Don't keep encoding; leave encoding to UTF-8 to the last possible moment instead. Concatenate Unicode values instead.

You can use str.join() (or, rather, unicode.join()) here to concatenate the three values with dashes in between:

nombre = u'-'.join(fabrica, sector, unidad)
return nombre.encode('utf-8')

but even encoding here might be too early.

Rule of thumb: decode the moment you receive the value (if not Unicode values supplied by an API already), encode only when you have to (if the destination API does not handle Unicode values directly).

shuffling/permutating a DataFrame in pandas

Use numpy's random.permuation function:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':range(10), 'B':range(10)})

In [2]: df
   A  B
0  0  0
1  1  1
2  2  2
3  3  3
4  4  4
5  5  5
6  6  6
7  7  7
8  8  8
9  9  9

In [3]: df.reindex(np.random.permutation(df.index))
   A  B
0  0  0
5  5  5
6  6  6
3  3  3
8  8  8
7  7  7
9  9  9
1  1  1
2  2  2
4  4  4

Python: Maximum recursion depth exceeded

You can increment the stack depth allowed - with this, deeper recursive calls will be possible, like this:

import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # 10000 is an example, try with different values

... But I'd advise you to first try to optimize your code, for instance, using iteration instead of recursion.

Replace multiple characters in a C# string

string ToBeReplaceCharacters = @"~()@#$%&amp;+,'&quot;&lt;&gt;|;\/*?";
string fileName = "filename;with<bad:separators?";

foreach (var RepChar in ToBeReplaceCharacters)
    fileName = fileName.Replace(RepChar.ToString(), "");

Java: Clear the console

You need to use JNI.

First of all use create a .dll using visual studio, that call system("cls"). After that use JNI to use this DDL.

I found this article that is nice:

MySQL Query to select data from last week?

Probably the most simple way would be:

FROM table
WHERE date >= current_date - 7

For 8 days (i.e. Monday - Monday)

Angular2 dynamic change CSS property

Angular 6 + Alyle UI

With Alyle UI you can change the styles dynamically

Here a demo stackblitz

  declarations: [
  imports: [
        name: 'myTheme',
        primary: {
          default: '#00bcd4'
        accent: {
          default: '#ff4081'
        scheme: 'myCustomScheme', // myCustomScheme from colorSchemes
        lightGreen: '#8bc34a',
        colorSchemes: {
          light: {
            myColor: 'teal',
          dark: {
            myColor: '#FF923D'
          myCustomScheme: {
            background: {
              primary: '#dde4e6',
            text: {
              default: '#fff'
            myColor: '#C362FF'
    LyCommonModule, // for bg, color, raised and others
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


<div [className]="classes.card">dynamic style</div>
<p color="myColor">myColor</p>
<p bg="myColor">myColor</p>

For change Style

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LyTheme } from '@alyle/ui';

@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent  {
  classes = {
    card: this.theme.setStyle(
      'card', // key
      () => (
        // style
        `background-color: ${this.theme.palette.myColor};` +
        `position: relative;` +
        `margin: 1em;` +
        `text-align: center;`
    public theme: LyTheme
  ) { }

  changeScheme() {
    const scheme = this.theme.palette.scheme === 'light' ?
    'dark' : this.theme.palette.scheme === 'dark' ?
    'myCustomScheme' : 'light';

Github Repository

Java: Simplest way to get last word in a string

Get the last word in Kotlin:

String.substringAfterLast(" ")

React Native Change Default iOS Simulator Device

Specify a simulator using the --simulator flag.

These are the available devices for iOS 14.0 onwards:

npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 8"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 8 Plus"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 11"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 11 Pro"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 11 Pro Max"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone SE (2nd generation)"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 12 mini"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 12"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 12 Pro"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 12 Pro Max"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPod touch (7th generation)"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPad Pro (9.7-inch)"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPad Pro (11-inch) (2nd generation)"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation)"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPad (8th generation)"
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPad Air (4th generation)"

List all available iOS devices:

xcrun simctl list devices

There is currently no way to set a default.

React Native Docs: Running On Simulator

PHP Curl And Cookies

You can define different cookies for every user with CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE and CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR. Make different file for every user so each one would have it's own cookie-based session on remote server.

Passing parameters to a Bash function

Knowledge of high level programming languages (C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, Perl, etc.) would suggest to the layman that Bourne Again Shell (Bash) functions should work like they do in those other languages.

Instead, Bash functions work like shell commands and expect arguments to be passed to them in the same way one might pass an option to a shell command (e.g. ls -l). In effect, function arguments in Bash are treated as positional parameters ($1, $2..$9, ${10}, ${11}, and so on). This is no surprise considering how getopts works. Do not use parentheses to call a function in Bash.

(Note: I happen to be working on OpenSolaris at the moment.)

# Bash style declaration for all you PHP/JavaScript junkies. :-)
# $1 is the directory to archive
# $2 is the name of the tar and zipped file when all is done.
function backupWebRoot ()
    tar -cvf - "$1" | zip -n .jpg:.gif:.png "$2" - 2>> $errorlog &&
        echo -e "\nTarball created!\n"

# sh style declaration for the purist in you. ;-)
# $1 is the directory to archive
# $2 is the name of the tar and zipped file when all is done.
backupWebRoot ()
    tar -cvf - "$1" | zip -n .jpg:.gif:.png "$2" - 2>> $errorlog &&
        echo -e "\nTarball created!\n"

# In the actual shell script
# $0               $1            $2

backupWebRoot ~/public/www/

Want to use names for variables? Just do something this.

local filename=$1 # The keyword declare can be used, but local is semantically more specific.

Be careful, though. If an argument to a function has a space in it, you may want to do this instead! Otherwise, $1 might not be what you think it is.

local filename="$1" # Just to be on the safe side. Although, if $1 was an integer, then what? Is that even possible? Humm.

Want to pass an array to a function?

callingSomeFunction "${someArray[@]}" # Expands to all array elements.

Inside the function, handle the arguments like this.

function callingSomeFunction ()
    for value in "$@" # You want to use "$@" here, not "$*" !!!!!

Need to pass a value and an array, but still use "$@" inside the function?

function linearSearch ()
    local myVar="$1"

    shift 1 # Removes $1 from the parameter list

    for value in "$@" # Represents the remaining parameters.
        if [[ $value == $myVar ]]
            echo -e "Found it!\t... after a while."
            return 0

    return 1

linearSearch $someStringValue "${someArray[@]}"

Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden?

Hash code is used for hash-based collections like Dictionary, Hashtable, HashSet etc. The purpose of this code is to very quickly pre-sort specific object by putting it into specific group (bucket). This pre-sorting helps tremendously in finding this object when you need to retrieve it back from hash-collection because code has to search for your object in just one bucket instead of in all objects it contains. The better distribution of hash codes (better uniqueness) the faster retrieval. In ideal situation where each object has a unique hash code, finding it is an O(1) operation. In most cases it approaches O(1).

Relative path to absolute path in C#?

Have you tried Server.MapPath method. Here is an example

string relative_path = "/Content/img/Upload/Reports/59/44A0446_59-1.jpg";
string absolute_path = Server.MapPath(relative_path);
//will be c:\users\.....\Content\img\Upload\Reports\59\44A0446_59-1.jpg

ImportError: No module named requests

To install requests module on Debian/Ubuntu for Python2:

$ sudo apt-get install python-requests

And for Python3 the command is:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-requests

PHP XML Extension: Not installed

In Centos

 sudo yum install php-xml

and restart apache

sudo service httpd restart

Default value in an mvc view model

<div class="form-group">
                    <label asp-for="Password"></label>
                    <input asp-for="Password"  value="Pass@123" readonly class="form-control" />
                    <span asp-validation-for="Password" class="text-danger"></span>

use : value="Pass@123" for default value in input in .net core

Simple export and import of a SQLite database on Android

If you want this in kotlin . And perfectly working

 private fun exportDbFile() {

    try {

        //Existing DB Path
        val DB_PATH = "/data/packagename/databases/mydb.db"
        val DATA_DIRECTORY = Environment.getDataDirectory()

        //COPY DB PATH
        val EXTERNAL_DIRECTORY: File = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
        val COPY_DB = "/mynewfolder/mydb.db"

        val srcChannel = FileInputStream(INITIAL_DB_PATH).channel

        val dstChannel = FileOutputStream(COPY_DB_PATH).channel

    } catch (excep: Exception) {
        Toast.makeText(this,"ERROR IN COPY $excep",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()


Tomcat 7 "SEVERE: A child container failed during start"

I recently moved to a new PC all my eclipse projects. I experienced this issue. What i did was:

  1. removed the project from tomcat
  2. clean tomcat
  3. run project in tomcat

Creating a div element inside a div element in javascript

'b' should be in capital letter in document.getElementById modified code jsfiddle

function test()

var element = document.createElement("div");
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('The man who mistook his wife for a hat'));

How to sum columns in a dataTable?

 for (int i=0;i<=dtB.Columns.Count-1;i++)
   array(0, i) = dtB.Compute("SUM([" & dtB.Columns(i).ColumnName & "])", "")                   

Why am I getting a FileNotFoundError?

If the user does not pass the full path to the file (on Unix type systems this means a path that starts with a slash), the path is interpreted relatively to the current working directory. The current working directory usually is the directory in which you started the program. In your case, the file test.rtf must be in the same directory in which you execute the program.

You are obviously performing programming tasks in Python under Mac OS. There, I recommend to work in the terminal (on the command line), i.e. start the terminal, cd to the directory where your input file is located and start the Python script there using the command

$ python

In order to make this work, the directory containing the python executable must be in the PATH, a so-called environment variable that contains directories that are automatically used for searching executables when you enter a command. You should make use of this, because it simplifies daily work greatly. That way, you can simply cd to the directory containing your Python script file and run it.

In any case, if your Python script file and your data input file are not in the same directory, you always have to specify either a relative path between them or you have to use an absolute path for one of them.

How do I escape double quotes in attributes in an XML String in T-SQL?

tSql escapes a double quote with another double quote. So if you wanted it to be part of your sql string literal you would do this:

declare @xml xml 
set @xml = "<transaction><item value=""hi"" /></transaction>"

If you want to include a quote inside a value in the xml itself, you use an entity, which would look like this:

declare @xml xml
set @xml = "<transaction><item value=""hi &quot;mom&quot; lol"" /></transaction>"

How to add buttons dynamically to my form?

use button array like will create 3 dynamic buttons bcoz h variable has value of 3

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int h =3;

Button[] buttonArray = new Button[8];

for (int i = 0; i <= h-1; i++)
   buttonArray[i] = new Button();
   buttonArray[i].Size = new Size(20, 43);
   buttonArray[i].Name= ""+i+"";
   buttonArray[i].Click += button_Click;//function
   buttonArray[i].Location = new Point(40, 20 + (i * 20));

}  }

How do you copy and paste into Git Bash

This is suggested by the github help page:

clip < filename

this copies the contents of filename to the clipboard and is useful for doing things like copying your to a web form.

Using OpenGl with C#?

OpenTK is an improvement over the Tao API, as it uses idiomatic C# style with overloading, strongly-typed enums, exceptions, and standard .NET types:


as opposed to Tao which merely mirrors the C API:

Gl.glBegin(Gl.GL_POINTS);   // double "gl" prefix
Gl.glColor3ub(255, 255, 0); // have to pass RGB values as separate args
Gl.glVertex3f(0, 1, 0);     // explicit "f" qualifier

This makes for harder porting but is incredibly nice to use.

As a bonus it provides font rendering, texture loading, input handling, audio, math...

Update 18th January 2016: Today the OpenTK maintainer has stepped away from the project, leaving its future uncertain. The forums are filled with spam. The maintainer recommends moving to MonoGame or SDL2#.

Update 30th June 2020: OpenTK has had new maintainers for a while now and has an active discord community. So the previous recommendation of using another library isn't necessarily true.

How do I format date in jQuery datetimepicker?

this worked for me.

$(document).ready(function () {
        format: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss',
        defaultDate: new Date(),

here are the CDN links

<!-- datetime picker -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

belongs_to through associations

It sounds like what you want is a User who has many Questions.
The Question has many Answers, one of which is the User's Choice.

Is this what you are after?

I would model something like that along these lines:

class User
  has_many :questions

class Question
  belongs_to :user
  has_many   :answers
  has_one    :choice, :class_name => "Answer"

  validates_inclusion_of :choice, :in => lambda { answers }

class Answer
  belongs_to :question

String to byte array in php

@Sparr is right, but I guess you expected byte array like byte[] in C#. It's the same solution as Sparr did but instead of HEX you expected int presentation (range from 0 to 255) of each char. You can do as follows:

$byte_array = unpack('C*', 'The quick fox jumped over the lazy brown dog');
var_dump($byte_array);  // $byte_array should be int[] which can be converted
                        // to byte[] in C# since values are range of 0 - 255

By using var_dump you can see that elements are int (not string).

   array(44) {  [1]=>  int(84)  [2]=>  int(104) [3]=>  int(101) [4]=>  int(32)
[5]=> int(113)  [6]=>  int(117) [7]=>  int(105) [8]=>  int(99)  [9]=>  int(107)
[10]=> int(32)  [11]=> int(102) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(120) [14]=> int(32)
[15]=> int(106) [16]=> int(117) [17]=> int(109) [18]=> int(112) [19]=> int(101)
[20]=> int(100) [21]=> int(32)  [22]=> int(111) [23]=> int(118) [24]=> int(101)
[25]=> int(114) [26]=> int(32)  [27]=> int(116) [28]=> int(104) [29]=> int(101)
[30]=> int(32)  [31]=> int(108) [32]=> int(97)  [33]=> int(122) [34]=> int(121)
[35]=> int(32)  [36]=> int(98)  [37]=> int(114) [38]=> int(111) [39]=> int(119)
[40]=> int(110) [41]=> int(32)  [42]=> int(100) [43]=> int(111) [44]=> int(103) }

Be careful: the output array is of 1-based index (as it was pointed out in the comment)

How to remove duplicates from Python list and keep order?

If you want to keep order of the original list, just use OrderedDict with None as values.

In Python2:

    from collections import OrderedDict
    from itertools import izip, repeat

    unique_list = list(OrderedDict(izip(my_list, repeat(None))))

In Python3 it's even simpler:

    from collections import OrderedDict
    from itertools import repeat

    unique_list = list(OrderedDict(zip(my_list, repeat(None))))

If you don't like iterators (zip and repeat) you can use a generator (works both in 2 & 3):

    from collections import OrderedDict
    unique_list = list(OrderedDict((element, None) for element in my_list))

indexOf method in an object array?

I compared several methods and received a result with the fastest way to solve this problem. It's a for loop. It's 5+ times faster than any other method.

Here is the test's page:

Reflection generic get field value

 Integer typeValue = 0;
 try {
     Class<Types> types = Types.class;
     java.lang.reflect.Field field = types.getDeclaredField("Type");
     Object value = field.get(types);
     typeValue = (Integer) value;
 } catch (Exception e) {

.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system

The problem is that the execution policy is set on a per user basis. You'll need to run the following command in your application every time you run it to enable it to work:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

There probably is a way to set this for the ASP.NET user as well, but this way means that you're not opening up your whole system, just your application.


Add line break within tooltips

Just add data-html="true"

<a href="#" title="Some long text <br/> Second line text \n Third line text" data-html="true">Hover me</a>

Getting only hour/minute of datetime

Try this:

var src = DateTime.Now;
var hm = new DateTime(src.Year, src.Month, src.Day, src.Hour, src.Minute, 0);

CSS: create white glow around image

late to the party here; however just wanted to add a bit of extra fun..

box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);

will give you a nice looking padded in image. The padding will give you a simulated white border (or whatever border you have set). the rgba is just allowing you to do an opicity on the particular color; 0,0,0 being black. You could just as easily use any other RGB color.

Hope this helps someone!

Cordova - Error code 1 for command | Command failed for

I have had this problem several times and it can be usually resolved with a clean and rebuild as answered by many before me. But this time this would not fix it.

I use my cordova app to build 2 seperate apps that share majority of the same codebase and it drives off the config.xml. I could not build in end up because i had a space in my id. AppName

instead of:

If anyone is in there config as regular as me. This could be your problem, I also have 3 versions of each app. Live / Demo / Test - These all have different ids.

Easy mistake to make, but even easier to overlook. Spent loads of time rebuilding, checking plugins, versioning etc. Where I should have checked my config. First Stop Next Time!

Circle line-segment collision detection algorithm?

Solution in python, based on @Joe Skeen

def check_line_segment_circle_intersection(line, point, radious):
    """ Checks whether a point intersects with a line defined by two points.

    A `point` is list with two values: [2, 3]

    A `line` is list with two points: [point1, point2]

    line_distance = distance(line[0], line[1])
    distance_start_to_point = distance(line[0], point)
    distance_end_to_point = distance(line[1], point)

    if (distance_start_to_point <= radious or distance_end_to_point <= radious):
        return True

    # angle between line and point with law of cosines
    numerator = (math.pow(distance_start_to_point, 2)
                 + math.pow(line_distance, 2)
                 - math.pow(distance_end_to_point, 2))
    denominator = 2 * distance_start_to_point * line_distance
    ratio = numerator / denominator
    ratio = ratio if ratio <= 1 else 1  # To account for float errors
    ratio = ratio if ratio >= -1 else -1  # To account for float errors
    angle = math.acos(ratio)

    # distance from the point to the line with sin projection
    distance_line_to_point = math.sin(angle) * distance_start_to_point

    if distance_line_to_point <= radious:
        point_projection_in_line = math.cos(angle) * distance_start_to_point
        # Intersection occurs whent the point projection in the line is less
        # than the line distance and positive
        return point_projection_in_line <= line_distance and point_projection_in_line >= 0
    return False

def distance(point1, point2):
    return math.sqrt(
        math.pow(point1[1] - point2[1], 2) +
        math.pow(point1[0] - point2[0], 2)

Matplotlib subplots_adjust hspace so titles and xlabels don't overlap?

You can use plt.subplots_adjust to change the spacing between the subplots Link

subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)

left  = 0.125  # the left side of the subplots of the figure
right = 0.9    # the right side of the subplots of the figure
bottom = 0.1   # the bottom of the subplots of the figure
top = 0.9      # the top of the subplots of the figure
wspace = 0.2   # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
hspace = 0.2   # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots

How can I use custom fonts on a website?

You have to import the font in your stylesheet like this:

    font-family: "Thonburi-Bold";
    src: url('Thonburi-Bold.ttf'),
    url('Thonburi-Bold.eot'); /* IE */

copy all files and folders from one drive to another drive using DOS (command prompt)

Use robocopy. Robocopy is shipped by default on Windows Vista and newer, and is considered the replacement for xcopy. (xcopy has some significant limitations, including the fact that it can't handle paths longer than 256 characters, even if the filesystem can).

robocopy c:\ d:\ /e /zb /copyall /purge /dcopy:dat

Note that using /purge on the root directory of the volume will cause Robocopy to apply the requested operation on files inside the System Volume Information directory. Run robocopy /? for help. Also note that you probably want to open the command prompt as an administrator to be able to copy system files. To speed things up, use /b instead of /zb.

PHP: Convert any string to UTF-8 without knowing the original character set, or at least try

It seems that your question is quite answered, but i have an approach that may simplify you case:

I had a similar issue trying to return string data from mysql, even configuring both database and php to return strings formatted to utf-8. The only way i got the error was actually returning them from the database.

Finally, sailing through the web i found a really easy way to deal with it:

Giving that you can save all those types of string data in your mysql in different formats and collations, what you only need to do is, right at your php connection file, set the collation to utf-8, like this:

$connection = new mysqli($server, $user, $pass, $db);

Wich means that first you save the data in any format or collation and you convert it only at the return to your php file.

Hope it was helpful!

What is RSS and VSZ in Linux memory management

Minimal runnable example

For this to make sense, you have to understand the basics of paging: How does x86 paging work? and in particular that the OS can allocate virtual memory via page tables / its internal memory book keeping (VSZ virtual memory) before it actually has a backing storage on RAM or disk (RSS resident memory).

Now to observe this in action, let's create a program that:

  • allocates more RAM than our physical memory with mmap
  • writes one byte on each page to ensure that each of those pages goes from virtual only memory (VSZ) to actually used memory (RSS)
  • checks the memory usage of the process with one of the methods mentioned at: Memory usage of current process in C


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>

typedef struct {
    unsigned long size,resident,share,text,lib,data,dt;
} ProcStatm;

/* */
void ProcStat_init(ProcStatm *result) {
    const char* statm_path = "/proc/self/statm";
    FILE *f = fopen(statm_path, "r");
    if(!f) {
    if(7 != fscanf(
        "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
    )) {

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ProcStatm proc_statm;
    char *base, *p;
    char system_cmd[1024];
    long page_size;
    size_t i, nbytes, print_interval, bytes_since_last_print;
    int snprintf_return;

    /* Decide how many ints to allocate. */
    if (argc < 2) {
        nbytes = 0x10000;
    } else {
        nbytes = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 0);
    if (argc < 3) {
        print_interval = 0x1000;
    } else {
        print_interval = strtoull(argv[2], NULL, 0);
    page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);

    /* Allocate the memory. */
    base = mmap(
    if (base == MAP_FAILED) {

    /* Write to all the allocated pages. */
    i = 0;
    p = base;
    bytes_since_last_print = 0;
    /* Produce the ps command that lists only our VSZ and RSS. */
    snprintf_return = snprintf(
        "ps -o pid,vsz,rss | awk '{if (NR == 1 || $1 == \"%ju\") print}'",
    assert(snprintf_return >= 0);
    assert((size_t)snprintf_return < sizeof(system_cmd));
    bytes_since_last_print = print_interval;
    do {
        /* Modify a byte in the page. */
        *p = i;
        p += page_size;
        bytes_since_last_print += page_size;
        /* Print process memory usage every print_interval bytes.
         * We count memory using a few techniques from:
         * */
        if (bytes_since_last_print > print_interval) {
            bytes_since_last_print -= print_interval;
            printf("extra_memory_committed %lu KiB\n", (i * page_size) / 1024);
            /* Check /proc/self/statm */
                "/proc/self/statm size resident %lu %lu KiB\n",
                (proc_statm.size * page_size) / 1024,
                (proc_statm.resident * page_size) / 1024
            /* Check ps. */
    } while (p < base + nbytes);

    /* Cleanup. */
    munmap(base, nbytes);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

GitHub upstream.

Compile and run:

gcc -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.c
echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
sudo dmesg -c
./main.out 0x1000000000 0x200000000
echo $?
sudo dmesg


  • 0x1000000000 == 64GiB: 2x my computer's physical RAM of 32GiB
  • 0x200000000 == 8GiB: print the memory every 8GiB, so we should get 4 prints before the crash at around 32GiB
  • echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory: required for Linux to allow us to make a mmap call larger than physical RAM: maximum memory which malloc can allocate

Program output:

extra_memory_committed 0 KiB
/proc/self/statm size resident 67111332 768 KiB
ps -o pid,vsz,rss | awk '{if (NR == 1 || $1 == "29827") print}'
  PID    VSZ   RSS
29827 67111332 1648

extra_memory_committed 8388608 KiB
/proc/self/statm size resident 67111332 8390244 KiB
ps -o pid,vsz,rss | awk '{if (NR == 1 || $1 == "29827") print}'
  PID    VSZ   RSS
29827 67111332 8390256

extra_memory_committed 16777216 KiB
/proc/self/statm size resident 67111332 16778852 KiB
ps -o pid,vsz,rss | awk '{if (NR == 1 || $1 == "29827") print}'
  PID    VSZ   RSS
29827 67111332 16778864

extra_memory_committed 25165824 KiB
/proc/self/statm size resident 67111332 25167460 KiB
ps -o pid,vsz,rss | awk '{if (NR == 1 || $1 == "29827") print}'
  PID    VSZ   RSS
29827 67111332 25167472


Exit status:


which by the 128 + signal number rule means we got signal number 9, which man 7 signal says is SIGKILL, which is sent by the Linux out-of-memory killer.

Output interpretation:

  • VSZ virtual memory remains constant at printf '0x%X\n' 0x40009A4 KiB ~= 64GiB (ps values are in KiB) after the mmap.
  • RSS "real memory usage" increases lazily only as we touch the pages. For example:
    • on the first print, we have extra_memory_committed 0, which means we haven't yet touched any pages. RSS is a small 1648 KiB which has been allocated for normal program startup like text area, globals, etc.
    • on the second print, we have written to 8388608 KiB == 8GiB worth of pages. As a result, RSS increased by exactly 8GIB to 8390256 KiB == 8388608 KiB + 1648 KiB
    • RSS continues to increase in 8GiB increments. The last print shows about 24 GiB of memory, and before 32 GiB could be printed, the OOM killer killed the process

See also:

OOM killer logs

Our dmesg commands have shown the OOM killer logs.

An exact interpretation of those has been asked at:

The very first line of the log was:

[ 7283.479087] mongod invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x6200ca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE), order=0, oom_score_adj=0

So we see that interestingly it was the MongoDB daemon that always runs in my laptop on the background that first triggered the OOM killer, presumably when the poor thing was trying to allocate some memory.

However, the OOM killer does not necessarily kill the one who awoke it.

After the invocation, the kernel prints a table or processes including the oom_score:

[ 7283.479292] [  pid  ]   uid  tgid total_vm      rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
[ 7283.479303] [    496]     0   496    16126        6   172032      484             0 systemd-journal
[ 7283.479306] [    505]     0   505     1309        0    45056       52             0 blkmapd
[ 7283.479309] [    513]     0   513    19757        0    57344       55             0 lvmetad
[ 7283.479312] [    516]     0   516     4681        1    61440      444         -1000 systemd-udevd

and further ahead we see that our own little main.out actually got killed on the previous invocation:

[ 7283.479871] Out of memory: Kill process 15665 (main.out) score 865 or sacrifice child
[ 7283.479879] Killed process 15665 (main.out) total-vm:67111332kB, anon-rss:92kB, file-rss:4kB, shmem-rss:30080832kB
[ 7283.479951] oom_reaper: reaped process 15665 (main.out), now anon-rss:0kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:30080832kB

This log mentions the score 865 which that process had, presumably the highest (worst) OOM killer score as mentioned at:

Also interestingly, everything apparently happened so fast that before the freed memory was accounted, the oom was awoken again by the DeadlineMonitor process:

[ 7283.481043] DeadlineMonitor invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x6200ca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE), order=0, oom_score_adj=0

and this time that killed some Chromium process, which is usually my computers normal memory hog:

[ 7283.481773] Out of memory: Kill process 11786 (chromium-browse) score 306 or sacrifice child
[ 7283.481833] Killed process 11786 (chromium-browse) total-vm:1813576kB, anon-rss:208804kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:8380kB
[ 7283.497847] oom_reaper: reaped process 11786 (chromium-browse), now anon-rss:0kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:8044kB

Tested in Ubuntu 19.04, Linux kernel 5.0.0.

ZIP file content type for HTTP request

.zip    application/zip, application/octet-stream

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array;

I converted a non-library project to a library project, but it had a previously built jar file in the libs folder. Removing this jar file caused this error to go away.

How to set background image in Java?

The Path is the only thing you really have to worry about if you are really new to Java. You need to drag your image into the main project file, and it will show up at the very bottom of the list.

Then the file path is pretty straight forward. This code goes into the constructor for the class.

    img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage("/home/ben/workspace/CS2/Background.jpg");

CS2 is the name of my project, and everything before that is leading to the workspace.

How do I analyze a .hprof file?

If you want a fairly advanced tool to do some serious poking around, look at the Memory Analyzer project at Eclipse, contributed to them by SAP.

Some of what you can do is mind-blowingly good for finding memory leaks etc -- including running a form of limited SQL (OQL) against the in-memory objects, i.e.

SELECT toString(firstName) FROM com.yourcompany.somepackage.User

Totally brilliant.

Best way to update data with a RecyclerView adapter

DiffUtil can the best choice for updating the data in the RecyclerView Adapter which you can find in the android framework. DiffUtil is a utility class that can calculate the difference between two lists and output a list of update operations that converts the first list into the second one.

Most of the time our list changes completely and we set new list to RecyclerView Adapter. And we call notifyDataSetChanged to update adapter. NotifyDataSetChanged is costly. DiffUtil class solves that problem now. It does its job perfectly!

HTML email with Javascript

I don't think that is possible in an email, nor should it be. There would be major security ramifications.

How to debug PDO database queries?

Here is a function I made to return a SQL query with "resolved" parameters.

function paramToString($query, $parameters) {
    if(!empty($parameters)) {
        foreach($parameters as $key => $value) {
            preg_match('/(\?(?!=))/i', $query, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
            $query = substr_replace($query, $value, $match[0][1], 1);
    return $query;
    $query = "SELECT email FROM table WHERE id = ? AND username = ?";
    $values = [1, 'Super'];

    echo paramToString($query, $values);

Assuming you execute like this

$values = array(1, 'SomeUsername');

This function DOES NOT add quotes to queries but does the job for me.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

MySQL makes a difference between "localhost" and "".

It might be possible that 'root'@'localhost' is not allowed because there is an entry in the user table that will only allow root login from

This could also explain why some application on your server can connect to the database and some not because there are different ways of connecting to the database. And you currently do not allow it through "localhost".

Python, remove all non-alphabet chars from string

It is advisable to use PyPi regex module if you plan to match specific Unicode property classes. This library has also proven to be more stable, especially handling large texts, and yields consistent results across various Python versions. All you need to do is to keep it up-to-date.

If you install it (using pip intall regex or pip3 install regex), you may use

import regex
print ( regex.sub(r'\P{L}+', '', 'ABCLac1-2!???3§4“5def”') )
// => ABCLac???def

to remove all chunks of 1 or more characters other than Unicode letters from text. See an online Python demo. You may also use "".join(regex.findall(r'\p{L}+', 'ABCLac1-2!???3§4“5def”')) to get the same result.

In Python re, in order to match any Unicode letter, one may use the [^\W\d_] construct (Match any unicode letter?).

So, to remove all non-letter characters, you may either match all letters and join the results:

result = "".join(re.findall(r'[^\W\d_]', text))

Or, remove all chars other than those matched with [^\W\d_]:

result = re.sub(r'([^\W\d_])|.', r'\1', text, re.DOTALL)

See the regex demo online. However, you may get inconsistent results across various Python versions because the Unicode standard is evolving, and the set of chars matched with \w will depend on the Python version. Using PyPi regex library is highly recommended to get consistent results.

Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery

It's not too hard. Firstly, take a look at FileReader Interface.

So, when the form is submitted, catch the submission process and

var file = document.getElementById('fileBox').files[0]; //Files[0] = 1st file
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file, 'UTF-8');
reader.onload = shipOff;
//reader.onloadstart = ...
//reader.onprogress = ... <-- Allows you to update a progress bar.
//reader.onabort = ...
//reader.onerror = ...
//reader.onloadend = ...

function shipOff(event) {
    var result =;
    var fileName = document.getElementById('fileBox').files[0].name; //Should be 'picture.jpg'
    $.post('/myscript.php', { data: result, name: fileName }, continueSubmission);

Then, on the server side (i.e. myscript.php):

$data = $_POST['data'];
$fileName = $_POST['name'];
$serverFile = time().$fileName;
$fp = fopen('/uploads/'.$serverFile,'w'); //Prepends timestamp to prevent overwriting
fwrite($fp, $data);
$returnData = array( "serverFile" => $serverFile );
echo json_encode($returnData);

Or something like it. I may be mistaken (and if I am, please, correct me), but this should store the file as something like 1287916771myPicture.jpg in /uploads/ on your server, and respond with a JSON variable (to a continueSubmission() function) containing the fileName on the server.

Check out fwrite() and

On the above page it details how to use readAsBinaryString(), readAsDataUrl(), and readAsArrayBuffer() for your other needs (e.g. images, videos, etc).

Validation of file extension before uploading file

I came here because I was sure none of the answers here were quite...poetic:

function checkextension() {_x000D_
  var file = document.querySelector("#fUpload");_x000D_
  if ( /\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.test(file.files[0].name) === false ) { alert("not an image!"); }_x000D_
<input type="file" id="fUpload" onchange="checkextension()"/>

How to make a TextBox accept only alphabetic characters?

works for me, even though not the simplest one.

private void Alpha_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int count = 0;
            foreach (char letter in inputTXT.Text)
                if (Char.IsLetter(letter))
                    count = 0;
            if (count != inputTXT.Text.Length)
                errorBox.Text = "The input text must contain only alphabetic characters";
                errorBox.Text = "";

Check, using jQuery, if an element is 'display:none' or block on click

another shortcut i personally prefer more than .is() or .length:

   // is visible
}else {
   // is hidden

Node.js request CERT_HAS_EXPIRED

Add this at the top of your file:


DANGEROUS This disables HTTPS / SSL / TLS checking across your entire node.js environment. Please see the solution using an https agent below.

Disable nginx cache for JavaScript files

Remember set sendfile off; or cache headers doesn't work. I use this snipped:

location / {

        index index.php index.html index.htm;
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404; #.s. el /index.html para html5Mode de angular

        #.s. kill cache. use in dev
        sendfile off;
        add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt;
        add_header Cache-Control 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';
        if_modified_since off;
        expires off;
        etag off;
        proxy_no_cache 1;
        proxy_cache_bypass 1; 

'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository

heroku git:remote -a YourAppName

Calling a method every x minutes

var startTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Zero;
var periodTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

var timer = new System.Threading.Timer((e) =>
}, null, startTimeSpan, periodTimeSpan);

No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:keyboardNavigationCluster'. when updating to Support Library 26.0.0

I hit this recently and remember where it comes from. It's a mismatch between the Xamarin.Android.* version and the installed Android SDK version.

The current VS2017 15.5.3 new project defaults for nuGet Xamarin.Android.* are and the default VS install for cross platform development are the following Android SDK packages:

  • Android 7.1 - Nougat
    • Android SDK Platform 25
    • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image

If you upgraded you solution nuGet for Xamarin.Android.* to then you will need to install the follow in the Android SDK:

  • Android 8.0 - Oreo
    • Android SDK Platform 26
    • Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image

Running Python in PowerShell?

As far as I have understood your question, you have listed two issues.


You are not able to execute the Python scripts by double clicking the Python file in Windows.


The script runs too fast to be seen by the human eye.


Add input() in the bottom of your script and then try executing it with double click. Now the cmd will be open until you close it.


print("Hello World")


./ issue


Use Tab to autocomplete the filenames rather than manually typing the filename with ./ autocomplete automatically fills all this for you.


CD into the directory in which .py files are present and then assume the filename is then type python te and then press Tab, it will be automatically converted to python ./

python inserting variable string as file name

you can do something like

filename = "%s.csv" % name
f = open(filename , 'wb')

or f = open('%s.csv' % name, 'wb')

Adding new line of data to TextBox

If you use WinForms:

Use the AppendText(myTxt) method on the TextBox instead (.net 3.5+):

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sent = chatBox.Text;



Text in itself has typically a low memory footprint (you can say a lot within f.ex. 10kb which is "nothing"). The TextBox does not render all text that is in the buffer, only the visible part so you don't need to worry too much about lag. The slower operations are inserting text. Appending text is relatively fast.

If you need a more complex handling of the content you can use StringBuilder combined with the textbox. This will give you a very efficient way of handling text.