I had the same doubt and came up with the following contribution:
int height = this.Size.Height;
int width = this.Size.Width;
int widthOffset = 10;
int heightOffset = 10;
int btnWidth = 100; // Button Widht
int btnHeight = 40; // Button Height
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
if ((widthOffset + btnWidth) >= width)
widthOffset = 10;
heightOffset = heightOffset + btnHeight
var button = new Button();
button.Size = new Size(btnWidth, btnHeight);
button.Name = "" + i + "";
button.Text = "" + i + "";
//button.Click += button_Click; // Button Click Event
button.Location = new Point(widthOffset, heightOffset);
widthOffset = widthOffset + (btnWidth);
var button = new Button();
button.Size = new Size(btnWidth, btnHeight);
button.Name = "" + i + "";
button.Text = "" + i + "";
//button.Click += button_Click; // Button Click Event
button.Location = new Point(widthOffset, heightOffset);
widthOffset = widthOffset + (btnWidth);
Expected Behaviour:
This will generate the buttons dinamically and using the current window size, "break a line" when the button exceeds the right margin of your window.