Here is my solution in TypeScript, following the idea that @Mizipzor suggested (using projection):
* Determines whether a line segment defined by a start and end point intersects with a sphere defined by a center point and a radius
* @param a the start point of the line segment
* @param b the end point of the line segment
* @param c the center point of the sphere
* @param r the radius of the sphere
export function lineSphereIntersects(
a: IPoint,
b: IPoint,
c: IPoint,
r: number
): boolean {
// find the three sides of the triangle formed by the three points
const ab: number = distance(a, b);
const ac: number = distance(a, c);
const bc: number = distance(b, c);
// check to see if either ends of the line segment are inside of the sphere
if (ac < r || bc < r) {
return true;
// find the angle between the line segment and the center of the sphere
const numerator: number = Math.pow(ac, 2) + Math.pow(ab, 2) - Math.pow(bc, 2);
const denominator: number = 2 * ac * ab;
const cab: number = Math.acos(numerator / denominator);
// find the distance from the center of the sphere and the line segment
const cd: number = Math.sin(cab) * ac;
// if the radius is at least as long as the distance between the center and the line
if (r >= cd) {
// find the distance between the line start and the point on the line closest to
// the center of the sphere
const ad: number = Math.cos(cab) * ac;
// intersection occurs when the point on the line closest to the sphere center is
// no further away than the end of the line
return ad <= ab;
return false;
export function distance(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number {
return Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(b.z - a.z, 2) + Math.pow(b.y - a.y, 2) + Math.pow(b.x - a.x, 2)
export interface IPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;