Maybe there is another way to solve this problem using rotation of coordinate system.
Normally, if one segment is horizontal or vertical, which means parallel to x or y axis, it's quite easy to solve the intersection point since we already know one coordinate of the intersection, if any. The rest is obviously finding the other coordinate using circle's equation.
Inspired by this idea, we could apply coordinates system rotation to make one axis's direction coincide with segment's direction.
Let's take an example of circle x^2+y^2=1
and segment P1-P2
with P1(-1.5,0.5) and P2(-0.5,-0.5) in x-y system. And the following equations to remind you of the rotation principles, where theta
is the angle anticlockwise, x'-y' is the system after rotation :
x' = x * cos(theta) + y * sin(theta)
y' = - x * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta)
and inversely
x = x' * cos(theta) - y' * sin(theta)
y = x' * sin(theta) + y' * cos(theta)
Considering the segment P1-P2
direction (45° in terms of -x), we could take theta=45°
. Taking the second equations of rotation into circle's equation in x-y system : x^2+y^2=1
and after simple operations we get the 'same' equation in x'-y' system : x'^2+y'^2=1
Segment endpoints become in x'-y' system using the first equations of rotation => P1(-sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)), P2(-sqrt(2)/2, 0).
Assuming the intersection as P. We have in x'-y' Px = -sqrt(2)/2. Using the new equation of circle, we get Py = +sqrt(2)/2. Converting P into original x-y system, we get finally P(-1,0).
To implement this numerically, we could firstly have a look at segment's direction : horizontal, vertical or not. If it belongs to the two first cases, it's simple like I said. If the last case, apply the algorithms above.
To juge if there is intersection, we could compare the solution with the endpoints coordinates, to see whether there is one root between them.
I believe this method could be also applied to other curves as long as we have its equation. The only weakness is that we should solve the equation in x'-y' system for the other coordinate, which might be difficult.