[javascript] Reverse of JSON.stringify?

how about this partial solution?

I wanna store (using a Config node) a global bigobj, with data + methods (as an alternative to importing an external library), used in many function nodes on my flow:

Strange but it works: The global variable 'bigobj':

some[]more[]{dx:"here"} , // array of objects with  array of objects. The 'Config' node requires JSON.
 "get_dx": "function( d,p) {  return this.some[d].more[p].dx; }"  // test function

i.e. a JSON version of a function.... (all in one line :( )

USE: Inside a function node:

var bigO = global.get("bigobj");

function callJSONMethod(obj, fname, a, b, c, d){
    // see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49125059/how-to-pass-parameters-to-an-eval-based-function-injavascript
var wrap = s => "{ return " + obj[fname] + " };" //return the block having function expression
var func = new Function(wrap(obj[fname]));
return func.call( null ).call( obj, a, b, c, d); //invoke the function using arguments

msg.payload =callJSONMethod(bigO, "get_dx", 2, 2); 
return msg:

returns "here", unbelieve!

i.e I must add the function callJSONMethod() to any function block using bigobj..... maybe acceptable.

Best regards

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