[asp.net] How to find controls in a repeater header or footer

I was wondering how one would find the controls in the HeaderTemplate or FooterTemplate of an Asp.Net Repeater control.

I can access them on the ItemDataBound event, but I was wondering how to get them after (for example to retrieve a value of an input in the header/footer).

Note: I posted this question here after finding the answer just so that I remember it (and maybe other people might find this useful).

This question is related to asp.net controls repeater findcontrol

The answer is

This is in VB.NET, just translate to C# if you need it:

Public Function FindControlInRepeaterHeader(Of T As Control)(obj As Repeater, ControlName As String) As T
    Dim ctrl As T = TryCast((From item As RepeaterItem In obj.Controls
                   Where item.ItemType = ListItemType.Header).SingleOrDefault.FindControl(ControlName),T)
    Return ctrl
End Function

And use it easy:

Dim txt as string = rptrComentarios.FindControlInRepeaterHeader(Of Label)("lblVerTodosComentarios").Text

Try to make it work with footer, and items controls too =)

The best and clean way to do this is within the Item_Created Event :

 protected void rptSummary_ItemCreated(Object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Item.ItemType)
                case ListItemType.AlternatingItem:
                case ListItemType.EditItem:
                case ListItemType.Footer:
                case ListItemType.Header:
                case ListItemType.Item:
                case ListItemType.Pager:
                case ListItemType.SelectedItem:
                case ListItemType.Separator:

Find control into Repeater (Header, Item, Footer)

public static class FindControlInRepeater
    public static Control FindControl(this Repeater repeater, string controlName)
        for (int i = 0; i < repeater.Controls.Count; i++)
            if (repeater.Controls[i].Controls[0].FindControl(controlName) != null)
                return repeater.Controls[i].Controls[0].FindControl(controlName);
        return null;

For ItemDataBound

protected void Repeater1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header)//header
            Control ctrl = e.Item.FindControl("ctrlID");
    else if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)//footer
            Control ctrl = e.Item.FindControl("ctrlID");

You can take a reference on the control on the ItemCreated event, and then use it later.

Better solution

You can check item type in ItemCreated event:

protected void rptSummary_ItemCreated(Object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer) {
    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header) {

private T GetHeaderControl<T>(Repeater rp, string id) where T : Control
    T returnValue = null;
    if (rp != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
        returnValue = rp.Controls.Cast<RepeaterItem>().Where(i => i.ItemType == ListItemType.Header).Select(h => h.FindControl(id) as T).Where(c => c != null).FirstOrDefault();
    return returnValue;

Finds and casts the control. (Based on Piyey's VB answer)

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