Programs & Examples On #Insertion

Transfer data between databases with PostgreSQL

Just like leonbloy suggested, using two schemas in a database is the way to go. Suppose a source schema (old DB) and a target schema (new DB), you can try something like this (you should consider column names, types, etc.):

INSERT INTO target.Awards SELECT * FROM source.Nominations;

How do you rename a MongoDB database?

In the case you put all your data in the admin database (you shouldn't), you'll notice db.copyDatabase() won't work because your user requires a lot of privileges you probably don't want to give it. Here is a script to copy the database manually:

use old_db
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collName) {

How can I execute a python script from an html button?

This would require knowledge of a backend website language.

Fortunately, Python's Flask Library is a suitable backend language for the project at hand.

Check out this answer from another thread.

How to compile for Windows on Linux with gcc/g++?

One option of compiling for Windows in Linux is via mingw. I found a very helpful tutorial here.

To install mingw32 on Debian based systems, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install mingw32

To compile your code, you can use something like:
i586-mingw32msvc-g++ -o myApp.exe myApp.cpp

You'll sometimes want to test the new Windows application directly in Linux. You can use wine for that, although you should always keep in mind that wine could have bugs. This means that you might not be sure that a bug is in wine, your program, or both, so only use wine for general testing.

To install wine, run:
sudo apt-get install wine

PHP FPM - check if running

For php7.0-fpm I call:

service php7.0-fpm status

php7.0-fpm start/running, process 25993

Now watch for the good part. The process name is actually php-fpm7.0

echo `/bin/pidof php-fpm7.0`

26334 26297 26286 26285 26282

how to get the first and last days of a given month


$lastDate = date("Y-m-t", strtotime($query_d));

Date t parameter return days number in current month.

How do you print in a Go test using the "testing" package?

The structs testing.T and testing.B both have a .Log and .Logf method that sound to be what you are looking for. .Log and .Logf are similar to fmt.Print and fmt.Printf respectively.

See more details here:

fmt.X print statements do work inside tests, but you will find their output is probably not on screen where you expect to find it and, hence, why you should use the logging methods in testing.

If, as in your case, you want to see the logs for tests that are not failing, you have to provide go test the -v flag (v for verbosity). More details on testing flags can be found here:

AngularJS Error: $injector:unpr Unknown Provider

also one of the popular reasons maybe you miss to include the service file in your page

<script src="myservice.js"></script>

Easiest way to open a download window without navigating away from the page

I know the question was asked 7 years and 9 months ago but many posted solutions doesn't seem to work, for example using an <iframe> works only with FireFox and doesn't work with Chrome.

Best solution:

The best working solution to open a file download pop-up in JavaScript is to use a HTML link element, with no need to append the link element to the document.body as stated in other answers.

You can use the following function:

function downloadFile(filePath){
    var link=document.createElement('a');
    link.href = filePath; = filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);;

In my application, I am using it this way:


Working Demo:

function downloadFile(filePath) {_x000D_
  var link = document.createElement('a');_x000D_
  link.href = filePath;_x000D_ = filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);_x000D_;_x000D_


  • You have to use the attribute so the browser doesn't open the file in a new tab and fires the download pop-up.
  • This was tested with several file types (docx, xlsx, png, pdf, ...).

How do I find which program is using port 80 in Windows?

If you want to be really fancy, download TCPView from Sysinternals:

TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. On Windows Server 2008, Vista, and XP, TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint. TCPView provides a more informative and conveniently presented subset of the Netstat program that ships with Windows.

How to get element value in jQuery

You can do the same by using jQuery on().

$("#list").on('click','li',(function() {
    var selected = $(this).text();   //or .html()

SDK Location not found Android Studio + Gradle

creating file in the root directory solved my issue I somehow lost this file after pulling from GitHub

this is how my file looks like now:

## This file is automatically generated by Android Studio.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must *NOT* be checked into Version Control Systems,
# as it contains information specific to your local configuration.
# Location of the SDK. This is only used by Gradle.
# For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the
# header note.
#Sat Feb 06 11:53:03 EST 2016


Postgresql : Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

The error you quote has nothing to do with pg_hba.conf; it's failing to connect, not failing to authorize the connection.

Do what the error message says:

Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

You haven't shown the command that produces the error. Assuming you're connecting on localhost port 5432 (the defaults for a standard PostgreSQL install), then either:

  • PostgreSQL isn't running

  • PostgreSQL isn't listening for TCP/IP connections (listen_addresses in postgresql.conf)

  • PostgreSQL is only listening on IPv4 ( or and you're connecting on IPv6 (::1) or vice versa. This seems to be an issue on some older Mac OS X versions that have weird IPv6 socket behaviour, and on some older Windows versions.

  • PostgreSQL is listening on a different port to the one you're connecting on

  • (unlikely) there's an iptables rule blocking loopback connections

(If you are not connecting on localhost, it may also be a network firewall that's blocking TCP/IP connections, but I'm guessing you're using the defaults since you didn't say).

So ... check those:

  • ps -f -u postgres should list postgres processes

  • sudo lsof -n -u postgres |grep LISTEN or sudo netstat -ltnp | grep postgres should show the TCP/IP addresses and ports PostgreSQL is listening on

BTW, I think you must be on an old version. On my 9.3 install, the error is rather more detailed:

$ psql -h localhost -p 12345
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 12345?

The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found

For the folks that like me got here because they're trying to host aspnet.core mvc in a console application: The ONLY way I was able to solve this was by converting the .csproj to the new format and add the Sdk property to the Project tag on the very first line.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor">

How to center text vertically with a large font-awesome icon?

This worked well for me.

i.fa {
  line-height: 100%;

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title'

<style name="Theme.IOSched" parent="android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/window_background</item>
    <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/ActionBar</item>

you can not give your own color and backgroud in item windowBackground. give your color in your /color.xml file.

pthread function from a class

You can't do it the way you've written it because C++ class member functions have a hidden this parameter passed in. pthread_create() has no idea what value of this to use, so if you try to get around the compiler by casting the method to a function pointer of the appropriate type, you'll get a segmetnation fault. You have to use a static class method (which has no this parameter), or a plain ordinary function to bootstrap the class:

class C
    void *hello(void)
        std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    static void *hello_helper(void *context)
        return ((C *)context)->hello();
C c;
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, &C::hello_helper, &c);

How to save/restore serializable object to/from file?

**1. Convert the json string to base64string and Write or append it to binary file. 2. Read base64string from binary file and deserialize using BsonReader. **

 public static class BinaryJson
    public static string SerializeToBase64String(this object obj)
        JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
        MemoryStream objBsonMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
        using (BsonWriter bsonWriterObject = new BsonWriter(objBsonMemoryStream))
            jsonSerializer.Serialize(bsonWriterObject, obj);
            return Convert.ToBase64String(objBsonMemoryStream.ToArray());
        //return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(objBsonMemoryStream.ToArray());
    public static T DeserializeToObject<T>(this string base64String)
        byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);
        using (BsonReader reader = new BsonReader(ms))
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
            return serializer.Deserialize<T>(reader);

How do I install g++ on MacOS X?

That's the compiler that comes with Apple's XCode tools package. They've hacked on it a little, but basically it's just g++.

You can download XCode for free (well, mostly, you do have to sign up to become an ADC member, but that's free too) here:

Edit 2013-01-25: This answer was correct in 2010. It needs an update.

While XCode tools still has a command-line C++ compiler, In recent versions of OS X (I think 10.7 and later) have switched to clang/llvm (mostly because Apple wants all the benefits of Open Source without having to contribute back and clang is BSD licensed). Secondly, I think all you have to do to install XCode is to download it from the App store. I'm pretty sure it's free there.

So, in order to get g++ you'll have to use something like homebrew (seemingly the current way to install Open Source software on the Mac (though homebrew has a lot of caveats surrounding installing gcc using it)), fink (basically Debian's apt system for OS X/Darwin), or MacPorts (Basically, OpenBSDs ports system for OS X/Darwin) to get it.

Fink definitely has the right packages. On 2016-12-26, it had gcc 5 and gcc 6 packages.

I'm less familiar with how MacPorts works, though some initial cursory investigation indicates they have the relevant packages as well.

How do I parse a string into a number with Dart?

As per dart 2.6

The optional onError parameter of int.parse is deprecated. Therefore, you should use int.tryParse instead.

Note: The same applies to double.parse. Therefore, use double.tryParse instead.

   * ...
   * The [onError] parameter is deprecated and will be removed.
   * Instead of `int.parse(string, onError: (string) => ...)`,
   * you should use `int.tryParse(string) ?? (...)`.
   * ...
  external static int parse(String source, {int radix, @deprecated int onError(String source)});

The difference is that int.tryParse returns null if the source string is invalid.

   * Parse [source] as a, possibly signed, integer literal and return its value.
   * Like [parse] except that this function returns `null` where a
   * similar call to [parse] would throw a [FormatException],
   * and the [source] must still not be `null`.
  external static int tryParse(String source, {int radix});

So, in your case it should look like:

// Valid source value
int parsedValue1 = int.tryParse('12345');
print(parsedValue1); // 12345

// Error handling
int parsedValue2 = int.tryParse('');
if (parsedValue2 == null) {
  print(parsedValue2); // null
  // handle the error here ...

Calculate text width with JavaScript

In case anyone else got here looking both for a way to measure the width of a string and a way to know what's the largest font size that will fit in a particular width, here is a function that builds on @Domi's solution with a binary search:

 * Find the largest font size (in pixels) that allows the string to fit in the given width.
 * @param {String} text - The text to be rendered.
 * @param {String} font - The css font descriptor that text is to be rendered with (e.g. "bold ?px verdana") -- note the use of ? in place of the font size.
 * @param {Number} width - The width in pixels the string must fit in
 * @param {Number} minFontPx - The smallest acceptable font size in pixels
 * @param {Number} maxFontPx - The largest acceptable font size in pixels
function GetTextSizeForWidth(text, font, width, minFontPx, maxFontPx) {
  for (;;) {
    var s = font.replace("?", maxFontPx);
    var w = GetTextWidth(text, s);
    if (w <= width) {
      return maxFontPx;

    var g = (minFontPx + maxFontPx) / 2;

    if (Math.round(g) == Math.round(minFontPx) || Math.round(g) == Math.round(maxFontPx)) {
      return g;

    s = font.replace("?", g);
    w = GetTextWidth(text, s);
    if (w >= width) {
      maxFontPx = g;
    } else {
      minFontPx = g;

How do I pass multiple parameter in URL?

You can pass multiple parameters as "?param1=value1&param2=value2"

But it's not secure. It's vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack.

Your parameter can be simply replaced with a script.

Have a look at this article and article

You can make it secure by using API of StringEscapeUtils

static String   escapeHtml(String str) 
          Escapes the characters in a String using HTML entities.

Even using https url for security without above precautions is not a good practice.

Have a look at related SE question:

Is URLEncoder.encode(string, "UTF-8") a poor validation?

Calculating the SUM of (Quantity*Price) from 2 different tables

i think this - including null value = 0

         SUM(nvl(oi.quantity,0) * nvl(p.price,0)) AS total_qty 
    JOIN PRODUCT p ON = oi.productid 
   WHERE oi.orderid = @OrderId 

Node.js - get raw request body using Express

Edit 2: Release 1.15.2 of the body parser module introduces raw mode, which returns the body as a Buffer. By default, it also automatically handles deflate and gzip decompression. Example usage:

var bodyParser = require('body-parser');

app.get(path, function(req, res) {
  // req.body is a Buffer object

By default, the options object has the following default options:

var options = {
  inflate: true,
  limit: '100kb',
  type: 'application/octet-stream'

If you want your raw parser to parse other MIME types other than application/octet-stream, you will need to change it here. It will also support wildcard matching such as */* or */application.

Note: The following answer is for versions before Express 4, where middleware was still bundled with the framework. The modern equivalent is the body-parser module, which must be installed separately.

The rawBody property in Express was once available, but removed since version 1.5.1. To get the raw request body, you have to put in some middleware before using the bodyParser. You can also read a GitHub discussion about it here.

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  req.rawBody = '';

  req.on('data', function(chunk) { 
    req.rawBody += chunk;

  req.on('end', function() {

That middleware will read from the actual data stream, and store it in the rawBody property of the request. You can then access the raw body like this:'/', function(req, res) {
  // do something with req.rawBody
  // use req.body for the parsed body

Edit: It seems that this method and bodyParser refuse to coexist, because one will consume the request stream before the other, leading to whichever one is second to never fire end, thus never calling next(), and hanging your application.

The simplest solution would most likely be to modify the source of bodyParser, which you would find on line 57 of Connect's JSON parser. This is what the modified version would look like.

var buf = '';
req.on('data', function(chunk){ buf += chunk });
req.on('end', function() {
  req.rawBody = buf;
  var first = buf.trim()[0];

You would find the file at this location:


For each row return the column name of the largest value

One option using your data (for future reference, use set.seed() to make examples using sample reproducible):

DF <- data.frame(V1=c(2,8,1),V2=c(7,3,5),V3=c(9,6,4))

[1] "V3" "V1" "V2"

A faster solution than using apply might be max.col:

#[1] "V3" "V1" "V2"

...where ties.method can be any of "random" "first" or "last"

This of course causes issues if you happen to have two columns which are equal to the maximum. I'm not sure what you want to do in that instance as you will have more than one result for some rows. E.g.:

DF <- data.frame(V1=c(2,8,1),V2=c(7,3,5),V3=c(7,6,4))
apply(DF,1,function(x) which(x==max(x)))

V2 V3 
 2  3 



How do you query for "is not null" in Mongo?

One liner is the best :

db.mycollection.find({ 'fieldname' : { $exists: true, $ne: null } });


mycollection : place your desired collection name

fieldname : place your desired field name

Explaination :

$exists : When is true, $exists matches the documents that contain the field, including documents where the field value is null. If is false, the query returns only the documents that do not contain the field.

$ne selects the documents where the value of the field is not equal to the specified value. This includes documents that do not contain the field.

So in your provided case following query going to return all the documents with imageurl field exists and having not null value:

db.mycollection.find({ 'imageurl' : { $exists: true, $ne: null } });

HQL ERROR: Path expected for join

select u from UserGroup ug inner join ug.user u 
where ug.group_id = :groupId 
order by u.lastname

As a named query:

  name = "User.findByGroupId",
  query =
    "SELECT u FROM UserGroup ug " +
    "INNER JOIN ug.user u WHERE ug.group_id = :groupId ORDER BY u.lastname"

Use paths in the HQL statement, from one entity to the other. See the Hibernate documentation on HQL and joins for details.

How to use comparison and ' if not' in python?

In this particular case the clearest solution is the S.Lott answer

But in some complex logical conditions I would prefer use some boolean algebra to get a clear solution.

Using De Morgan's law ¬(A^B) = ¬Av¬B

not (u0 <= u and u < u0+step)
(not u0 <= u) or (not u < u0+step)
u0 > u or u >= u0+step


if u0 > u or u >= u0+step:

... in this case the «clear» solution is not more clear :P

Twitter bootstrap float div right

To float a div to the right pull-right is the recommend way, I feel you are doing things right may be you only need to use text-align:right;

  <div class="container">
     <div class="row-fluid">
      <div class="span6">
           <p>Text left</p>
      <div class="span6 pull-right" style="text-align:right">
           <p>text right</p>

Disable color change of anchor tag when visited

You can't. You can only style the visited state.

For other people who find this, make sure that you have them in the right order:

a {color:#FF0000;}         /* Unvisited link  */
a:visited {color:#00FF00;} /* Visited link    */
a:hover {color:#FF00FF;}   /* Mouse over link */
a:active {color:#0000FF;}  /* Selected link   */

parsing JSONP $http.jsonp() response in angular.js

for me the above solutions worked only once i added "format=jsonp" to the request parameters.

Is there a pretty print for PHP?

I pulled a few of these options together into a wee little helper function at

You can print to html, neatly outputted, as well as jsonify the string, auto-print or return etc.

It handles file includes, objects, arrays, nulls vs false and the like.

There's also some globally accessible (but well scoped) helpers for when using settings in a more environment-like way

Plus dynamic, array-based or string optional arguments.

And, I keep adding to it. So it's supported :D

error code 1292 incorrect date value mysql

I was having the same issue in Workbench plus insert query from C# application. In my case using ISO format solve the issue

string value = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

Best timestamp format for CSV/Excel?

I believe if you used the double data type, the re-calculation in Excel would work just fine.

Editor does not contain a main type in Eclipse

Problem is that your folder is not identified as a Source folder.

  1. Right click on the project folder -> Properties
  2. Choose 'Java Build Path'
  3. Click on 'Sources' tab on top
  4. Click on 'Add Folder' on the right panel
  5. Select your folders and apply

How to get coordinates of an svg element?

I use the consolidate function, like so:


The .e and .f values correspond to the x and y coordinates

How to align footer (div) to the bottom of the page?

This will make the div fixed at the bottom of the page but in case the page is long it will only be visible when you scroll down.

<style type="text/css">
  #footer {
    position : absolute;
    bottom : 0;
    height : 40px;
    margin-top : 40px;
<div id="footer">I am footer</div>

The height and margin-top should be the same so that the footer doesnt show over the content.

How do I set a fixed background image for a PHP file?

I found my answer.

$profpic = "bg.jpg";

<style type="text/css">

body {
background-image: url('<?php echo $profpic;?>');

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

An API incompatibility I found, with Python 2.7 vs simplejson 3.3.1 is in whether output produces str or unicode objects. e.g.

>>> from json import JSONDecoder
>>> jd = JSONDecoder()
>>> jd.decode("""{ "a":"b" }""")
{u'a': u'b'}


>>> from simplejson import JSONDecoder
>>> jd = JSONDecoder()
>>> jd.decode("""{ "a":"b" }""")
{'a': 'b'}

If the preference is to use simplejson, then this can be addressed by coercing the argument string to unicode, as in:

>>> from simplejson import JSONDecoder
>>> jd = JSONDecoder()
>>> jd.decode(unicode("""{ "a":"b" }""", "utf-8"))
{u'a': u'b'}

The coercion does require knowing the original charset, for example:

>>> jd.decode(unicode("""{ "a": "?????ßß?f?e?" }"""))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xce in position 8: ordinal not in range(128)

This is the won't fix issue 40

How to create a new object instance from a Type

If this is for something that will be called a lot in an application instance, it's a lot faster to compile and cache dynamic code instead of using the activator or ConstructorInfo.Invoke(). Two easy options for dynamic compilation are compiled Linq Expressions or some simple IL opcodes and DynamicMethod. Either way, the difference is huge when you start getting into tight loops or multiple calls.

REST URI convention - Singular or plural name of resource while creating it

The premise of using /resources is that it is representing "all" resources. If you do a GET /resources, you will likely return the entire collection. By POSTing to /resources, you are adding to the collection.

However, the individual resources are available at /resource. If you do a GET /resource, you will likely error, as this request doesn't make any sense, whereas /resource/123 makes perfect sense.

Using /resource instead of /resources is similar to how you would do this if you were working with, say, a file system and a collection of files and /resource is the "directory" with the individual 123, 456 files in it.

Neither way is right or wrong, go with what you like best.

How to grep a text file which contains some binary data?

As James Selvakumar already said, grep -a does the trick. -a or --text forces Grep to handle the inputstream as text. See Manpage


cat test.log | grep -a somestring

Circle button css

For div tag there is already default property display:block given by browser. For anchor tag there is not display property given by browser. You need to add display property to it. That's why use display:block or display:inline-block. It will work.

.btn {_x000D_
  height: 300px;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
<a class="btn" href="#"><i class="ion-ios-arrow-down"></i></a>

Pandas: Looking up the list of sheets in an excel file

I have tried xlrd, pandas, openpyxl and other such libraries and all of them seem to take exponential time as the file size increase as it reads the entire file. The other solutions mentioned above where they used 'on_demand' did not work for me. If you just want to get the sheet names initially, the following function works for xlsx files.

def get_sheet_details(file_path):
    sheets = []
    file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file_path)[-1])[0]
    # Make a temporary directory with the file name
    directory_to_extract_to = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, file_name)

    # Extract the xlsx file as it is just a zip file
    zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r')

    # Open the workbook.xml which is very light and only has meta data, get sheets from it
    path_to_workbook = os.path.join(directory_to_extract_to, 'xl', 'workbook.xml')
    with open(path_to_workbook, 'r') as f:
        xml =
        dictionary = xmltodict.parse(xml)
        for sheet in dictionary['workbook']['sheets']['sheet']:
            sheet_details = {
                'id': sheet['@sheetId'],
                'name': sheet['@name']

    # Delete the extracted files directory
    return sheets

Since all xlsx are basically zipped files, we extract the underlying xml data and read sheet names from the workbook directly which takes a fraction of a second as compared to the library functions.

Benchmarking: (On a 6mb xlsx file with 4 sheets)
Pandas, xlrd: 12 seconds
openpyxl: 24 seconds
Proposed method: 0.4 seconds

Since my requirement was just reading the sheet names, the unnecessary overhead of reading the entire time was bugging me so I took this route instead.

How to use Comparator in Java to sort

Here is my answer for a simple comparator tool

public class Comparator {
public boolean isComparatorRunning  = false;
public void compareTableColumns(List<String> tableNames) {
    if(!isComparatorRunning) {
        isComparatorRunning = true;
        try {
            for (String schTableName : tableNames) {
                Map<String, String> schemaTableMap = ComparatorUtil.getSchemaTableMap(schTableName); 
                Map<String, ColumnInfo> primaryColMap = ComparatorUtil.getColumnMetadataMap(DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionOne(), schemaTableMap);
                Map<String, ColumnInfo> secondaryColMap = ComparatorUtil.getColumnMetadataMap(DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionTwo(), schemaTableMap);
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("Comparing table : "+ schemaTableMap.get(CompConstants.TABLE_NAME));
                compareColumns(primaryColMap, secondaryColMap);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        isComparatorRunning = false;

public void compareColumns(Map<String, ColumnInfo> primaryColMap, Map<String, ColumnInfo> secondaryColMap) {
    try {
        boolean isEqual = true;
        for(Map.Entry<String, ColumnInfo> entry : primaryColMap.entrySet()) {
            String columnName = entry.getKey();
            ColumnInfo primaryColInfo = entry.getValue();
            ColumnInfo secondaryColInfo = secondaryColMap.remove(columnName);
            if(secondaryColInfo == null) {
                // column is not present in Secondary Environment
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("ALTER", primaryColInfo);
                isEqual = false;
            if(!primaryColInfo.equals(secondaryColInfo)) {
                isEqual = false;
                // Column not equal in secondary env
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("MODIFY", primaryColInfo);
        if(!secondaryColMap.isEmpty()) {
            isEqual = false;
            for(Map.Entry<String, ColumnInfo> entry : secondaryColMap.entrySet()) {
                // column is not present in Primary Environment
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("DROP", entry.getValue());

        if(isEqual) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("--Exact Match");
    } catch (Exception e) {

public void compareTableColumnsValues(String primaryTableName, String primaryColumnNames, String primaryCondition, String primaryKeyColumn, 
        String secTableName, String secColumnNames, String secCondition, String secKeyColumn) {
    if(!isComparatorRunning) {
        isComparatorRunning = true;
        Connection conn1 = DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionOne();
        Connection conn2 = DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionTwo();

        String query1 = buildQuery(primaryTableName, primaryColumnNames, primaryCondition, primaryKeyColumn);
        String query2 = buildQuery(secTableName, secColumnNames, secCondition, secKeyColumn);
        try {
            Map<String,Map<String, Object>> query1Data = executeAndRefactorData(conn1, query1, primaryKeyColumn);
            Map<String,Map<String, Object>> query2Data = executeAndRefactorData(conn2, query2, secKeyColumn);

            for(Map.Entry<String,Map<String, Object>> entry : query1Data.entrySet()) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                Map<String, Object> value = entry.getValue();
                Map<String, Object> secondaryValue = query2Data.remove(key);
                if(secondaryValue == null) {
                    ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput("NO SUCH VALUE AVAILABLE IN SECONDARY DB "+ value.toString());
                compareMap(value, secondaryValue, key);

            if(!query2Data.isEmpty()) {
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput("Extra Values in Secondary table "+ ((Map)query2Data.values()).values().toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        isComparatorRunning = false;

private void compareMap(Map<String, Object> primaryValues, Map<String, Object> secondaryValues, String columnIdentification) {
    for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : primaryValues.entrySet()) {
        String key = entry.getKey();
        Object value = entry.getValue();
        Object secValue = secondaryValues.get(key);
        if(value!=null && secValue!=null && !String.valueOf(value).equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(secValue))) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput(columnIdentification+" : Secondary Table does not match value ("+ value +") for column ("+ key+")");
        if(value==null && secValue!=null) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput(columnIdentification+" : Values not available in primary table for column "+ key);
        if(value!=null && secValue==null) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput(columnIdentification+" : Values not available in Secondary table for column "+ key);

private String buildQuery(String tableName, String column, String condition, String keyCol) {
    if(!"*".equalsIgnoreCase(column)) {
        String[] keyColArr = keyCol.split(",");
        for(String key: keyColArr) {
            if(!column.contains(key.trim())) {
    StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    queryBuilder.append("select "+column+" from "+ tableName);
    if(!ComparatorUtil.isNullorEmpty(condition)) {
        queryBuilder.append(" where 1=1 and "+condition);
    return queryBuilder.toString();

private Map<String,Map<String, Object>> executeAndRefactorData(Connection connection, String query, String keyColumn) {
    Map<String,Map<String, Object>> result = new HashMap<String, Map<String,Object>>();
    try {
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
        ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
        if (resultSet != null && !resultSet.isClosed()) {
            while ( {
                Map<String, Object> columnValueDetails = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                int columnCount = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
                for (int i=1; i<=columnCount; i++) {
                    String columnName = String.valueOf(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(i));
                    Object columnValue = resultSet.getObject(columnName);
                    columnValueDetails.put(columnName, columnValue);
                String[] keys = keyColumn.split(",");
                String newKey = "";
                for(int j=0; j<keys.length; j++) {
                    newKey += String.valueOf(columnValueDetails.get(keys[j]));
                result.put(newKey , columnValueDetails);

    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return result;


Utility Tool for the same

public class ComparatorUtil {

public static Map<String, String> getSchemaTableMap(String tableNameWithSchema) {
    if(isNullorEmpty(tableNameWithSchema)) {
        return null;
    Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    int index = tableNameWithSchema.indexOf(".");
    String schemaName = tableNameWithSchema.substring(0, index);
    String tableName = tableNameWithSchema.substring(index+1);
    result.put(CompConstants.SCHEMA_NAME, schemaName);
    result.put(CompConstants.TABLE_NAME, tableName);
    return result;

public static Map<String, ColumnInfo> getColumnMetadataMap(Connection conn, Map<String, String> schemaTableMap) {
    try {
        String schemaName = schemaTableMap.get(CompConstants.SCHEMA_NAME);
        String tableName = schemaTableMap.get(CompConstants.TABLE_NAME);
        ResultSet resultSetConnOne = conn.getMetaData().getColumns(null, schemaName, tableName, null);
        Map<String, ColumnInfo> resultSetTwoColInfo = getColumnInfo(schemaName, tableName, resultSetConnOne);
        return resultSetTwoColInfo;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return null;

/* Number Type mapping
 * 12-----VARCHAR
 * 3-----DECIMAL
 * 93-----TIMESTAMP
 * 1111-----OTHER
public static Map<String, ColumnInfo> getColumnInfo(String schemaName, String tableName, ResultSet columns) {
    try {
        Map<String, ColumnInfo> tableColumnInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, ColumnInfo>();
        while ( {
            ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo();
            tableColumnInfo.put(columnInfo.getColumnName(), columnInfo);
        return tableColumnInfo;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null)
        return true;
    if (String.valueOf(obj).equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) 
        return true;
    if (obj.toString().trim().length() == 0)
        return true;
    return false;

public static boolean isNullorEmpty(String str) {
    if(str == null)
        return true;
    if(str.trim().length() == 0) 
        return true;
    return false;

public static void publishColumnInfoOutput(String type, ColumnInfo columnInfo) {
    String str = "ALTER TABLE "+columnInfo.getSchemaName()+"."+columnInfo.getTableName();
    switch(type.toUpperCase()) {
        case "ALTER":
            if("NUMBER".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype()) || "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype())) {
                str += " ADD ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype()+");";
            } else {
                str += " ADD ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype() +"("+columnInfo.getColumnsize()+"));";
        case "DROP":
            str += " DROP ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+");";
        case "MODIFY":
            if("NUMBER".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype()) || "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype())) {
                str += " MODIFY ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype()+");";
            } else {
                str += " MODIFY ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype() +"("+columnInfo.getColumnsize()+"));";

public static Map<Integer, String> allJdbcTypeName = null;

public static Map<Integer, String> getAllJdbcTypeNames() {
    Map<Integer, String> result = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    if(allJdbcTypeName != null)
        return allJdbcTypeName;
    try {
        for (Field field : java.sql.Types.class.getFields()) {
            result.put((Integer) field.get(null), field.getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return allJdbcTypeName=result;

public static String getStringPlaces(String[] attribs) {
    String params = "";
    for(int i=0; i<attribs.length; i++) { params += "?,"; }
    return params.substring(0, params.length()-1);


Column Info Class

public class ColumnInfo {
private String schemaName;
private String tableName;
private String columnName;
private String datatype;
private String columnsize;
private String decimaldigits;
private String isNullable;

PHP - Redirect and send data via POST

A workaround wich works perfectly :

In the source page,, start opening a session and assign as many values as you might want. Then do the relocation with "header" :

<!DOCTYPE html>
           $_SESSION['val1'] = val1;
           $_SESSION['valn'] = valn;
           header('Location: http//Page-to-redirect-to');

And then, in the targe page :

<!DOCTYPE html>
            if (isset($_SESSION['val1']) && ... && isset($_SESSION['valn'])) {
                YOUR CODE HERE based on $_SESSION['val1']...$_SESSION['valn'] values

No need of Javascript nor JQuery.. Good luck !


Join on one-to-many relation in JPQL looks as follows:

select b.fname, b.lname from Users b JOIN b.groups c where c.groupName = :groupName 

When several properties are specified in select clause, result is returned as Object[]:

Object[] temp = (Object[]) em.createNamedQuery("...")
    .setParameter("groupName", groupName)
String fname = (String) temp[0];
String lname = (String) temp[1];

By the way, why your entities are named in plural form, it's confusing. If you want to have table names in plural, you may use @Table to specify the table name for the entity explicitly, so it doesn't interfere with reserved words:

@Entity @Table(name = "Users")     
public class User implements Serializable { ... } 

"Auth Failed" error with EGit and GitHub

For *nix users who are using SSH:

Make sure the username for your account on your local machine does not differ from the username for the account on the server. Apparently, eGit does not seem to be able to handle this. For example, if your username on your local machine is 'john', and the account you are using on the server is named 'git', egit simply fails to connect (for me anyways). The only work around I have found is to make sure you have identical usernames in both the local machine and the server.

Getting the filenames of all files in a folder

You could do it like that:

File folder = new File("your/path");
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();

for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) {
  if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) {
    System.out.println("File " + listOfFiles[i].getName());
  } else if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) {
    System.out.println("Directory " + listOfFiles[i].getName());

Do you want to only get JPEG files or all files?

Build project into a JAR automatically in Eclipse

This is possible by defining a custom Builder in eclipse (see the link in Peter's answer). However, unless your project is very small, it may slow down your workspace unacceptably. Autobuild for class files happens incrementally, i.e. only those classes affected by a change are recompiled, but the JAR file will have to be rebuilt and copied completely, every time you save a change.

How to find the mysql data directory from command line in windows

Use bellow command from CLI interface

[root@localhost~]# mysqladmin variables -p<password> | grep datadir

Create list of single item repeated N times

You can also write:

[e] * n

You should note that if e is for example an empty list you get a list with n references to the same list, not n independent empty lists.

Performance testing

At first glance it seems that repeat is the fastest way to create a list with n identical elements:

>>> timeit.timeit('itertools.repeat(0, 10)', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)
>>> timeit.timeit('[0] * 10', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)

But wait - it's not a fair test...

>>> itertools.repeat(0, 10)
repeat(0, 10)  # Not a list!!!

The function itertools.repeat doesn't actually create the list, it just creates an object that can be used to create a list if you wish! Let's try that again, but converting to a list:

>>> timeit.timeit('list(itertools.repeat(0, 10))', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)

So if you want a list, use [e] * n. If you want to generate the elements lazily, use repeat.

Regular Expression - 2 letters and 2 numbers in C#

This should get you for starting with two letters and ending with two numbers.


If you know it will always be just two and two you can


Regex to remove letters, symbols except numbers

Use /[^0-9.,]+/ if you want floats.

How to ftp with a batch file?

If you need to pass variables to the txt file you can create in on the fly and remove after.

This is example is a batch script running as administrator. It creates a zip file using some date & time variables. Then it creates a ftp text file on the fly with some variables. Then it deletes the zip, folder and ftp text file.

set YYYY=%DATE:~10,4%
set MM=%DATE:~4,2%
set DD=%DATE:~7,2%

set HH=%TIME: =0%
set HH=%HH:~0,2%
set MI=%TIME:~3,2%
set SS=%TIME:~6,2%
set FF=%TIME:~9,2%

set dirName=%YYYY%%MM%%DD%

echo %fileName%

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip C:\%dirName%\%fileName% -r "C:\tozip\*.*" -mx5

    echo open 198.123.456.789
    echo [email protected]
    echo yourpassword
    echo lcd "C:/%dirName%"
    echo cd  theremotedir
    echo binary
    echo mput *.zip
    echo disconnect
    echo bye
) > C:\ftp.details.txt

cd C:\
FTP -v -i -s:"ftp.details.txt"

del C:\ftp.details.txt /f

Vagrant error : Failed to mount folders in Linux guest

Install the vagrant-vbguest plugin by running this command:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

What are named pipes?

Pipes are a way of streaming data between applications. Under Linux I use this all the time to stream the output of one process into another. This is anonymous because the destination app has no idea where that input-stream comes from. It doesn't need to.

A named pipe is just a way of actively hooking onto an existing pipe and hoovering-up its data. It's for situations where the provider doesn't know what clients will be eating the data.

What is console.log?

There is nothing to do with jQuery and if you want to use it I advice you to do

if (window.console) {
    console.log("your message")

So you don't break your code when it is not available.

As suggested in the comment, you can also execute that in one place and then use console.log as normal

if (!window.console) { window.console = { log: function(){} }; }

Access localhost from the internet

use your ip address or a service like if you need something more practical. Then eventually configure your router properly so incoming connection will be forwarded to the machine with the server running.

What is the preferred Bash shebang?

I recommend using:


It's not 100% portable (some systems place bash in a location other than /bin), but the fact that a lot of existing scripts use #!/bin/bash pressures various operating systems to make /bin/bash at least a symlink to the main location.

The alternative of:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

has been suggested -- but there's no guarantee that the env command is in /usr/bin (and I've used systems where it isn't). Furthermore, this form will use the first instance of bash in the current users $PATH, which might not be a suitable version of the bash shell.

(But /usr/bin/env should work on any reasonably modern system, either because env is in /usr/bin or because the system does something to make it work. The system I referred to above was SunOS 4, which I probably haven't used in about 25 years.)

If you need a script to run on a system that doesn't have /bin/bash, you can modify the script to point to the correct location (that's admittedly inconvenient).

I've discussed the tradeoffs in greater depth in my answer to this question.

A somewhat obscure update: One system I use, Termux, a desktop-Linux-like layer that runs under Android, doesn't have /bin/bash (bash is /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash) -- but it has special handling to support #!/bin/bash.

Control cannot fall through from one case label

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Case_example_1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Char ch;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a character");
            ch =Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
            switch (ch)
                case 'a':
                case 'e':
                case 'i':
                case 'o':
                case 'u':
                case 'A':
                case 'E':
                case 'I':
                case 'O':
                case 'U':

                    Console.WriteLine("Character is alphabet");

                    Console.WriteLine("Character is constant");




How do you tell if a checkbox is selected in Selenium for Java?

I would do it with cssSelector:

// for all checked checkboxes
// for all notchecked checkboxes

Maybe that also helps ;-)

MVC4 Passing model from view to controller

I hope this complete example will help you.

This is the TaxiInfo class which holds information about a taxi ride:

namespace Taxi.Models
    public class TaxiInfo
        public String Driver { get; set; }
        public Double Fare { get; set; }
        public Double Distance { get; set; }
        public String StartLocation { get; set; }
        public String EndLocation { get; set; }

We also have a convenience model which holds a List of TaxiInfo(s):

namespace Taxi.Models
    public class TaxiInfoSet
        public List<TaxiInfo> TaxiInfoList { get; set; }

        public TaxiInfoSet(params TaxiInfo[] TaxiInfos)
            TaxiInfoList = new List<TaxiInfo>();

            foreach(var TaxiInfo in TaxiInfos)

Now in the home controller we have the default Index action which for this example makes two taxi drivers and adds them to the list contained in a TaxiInfo:

public ActionResult Index()
    var taxi1 = new TaxiInfo() { Fare = 20.2, Distance = 15, Driver = "Billy", StartLocation = "Perth", EndLocation = "Brisbane" };
    var taxi2 = new TaxiInfo() { Fare = 2339.2, Distance = 1500, Driver = "Smith", StartLocation = "Perth", EndLocation = "America" };

    return View(new TaxiInfoSet(taxi1,taxi2));

The code for the view is as follows:

@model Taxi.Models.TaxiInfoSet
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


@foreach(var TaxiInfo in Model.TaxiInfoList){
        <h1>Cost: [email protected]</h1>
        <h2>Distance: @(TaxiInfo.Distance) km</h2>
            Our diver, @TaxiInfo.Driver will take you from @TaxiInfo.StartLocation to @TaxiInfo.EndLocation

The ActionLink is responsible for the re-directing to the booking action of the Home controller (and passing in the appropriate TaxiInfo object) which is defiend as follows:

    public ActionResult Booking(TaxiInfo Taxi)
        return View(Taxi);

This returns a the following view:

@model Taxi.Models.TaxiInfo

    ViewBag.Title = "Booking";

<h2>Booking For</h2>
<h1>@Model.Driver, going from @Model.StartLocation to @Model.EndLocation (a total of @Model.Distance km) for [email protected]</h1>

A visual tour:

The Index view

The Booking view

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

Main advantage of <jsp:include /> over <%@ include > is:

<jsp:include /> allows to pass parameters

<jsp:include page="inclusion.jsp">
    <jsp:param name="menu" value="objectValue"/>

which is not possible in <%@include file="somefile.jsp" %>

React js change child component's state from parent component

You can use the createRef to change the state of the child component from the parent component. Here are all the steps.

  1. Create a method to change the state in the child component.

    2 - Create a reference for the child component in parent component using React.createRef().

    3 - Attach reference with the child component using ref={}.

    4 - Call the child component method using this.yor-reference.current.method.

Parent component

class ParentComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.changeChild.current.toggleMenu()}>
          Toggle Menu from Parent
        <ChildComponent ref={this.changeChild} />

Child Component

class ChildComponent extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      open: false;

  toggleMenu=() => {
      open: !

  render() {
    return (
      <Drawer open={}/>

Show Hide div if, if statement is true

This does not need jquery, you could set a variable inside the if and use it in html or pass it thru your template system if any

$query3 = mysql_query($query3);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query3);
if ($numrows > 0){
    $fvisit = mysql_fetch_array($result3);
 }else {



later in html

  <div id="results" <?php if ($showDivFlag===false){?>style="display:none"<?php } ?>>

how to send multiple data with $.ajax() jquery

  var value1=$("id1").val();
  var value2=$("id2").val();

You can use this way to pass data

remove url parameters with javascript or jquery

Hmm... Looking for better way... here it is

var onlyUrl = window.location.href.replace(,'');

How do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array?

Could it be that you're using a NumPy array? Python has the array module, but that does not support multi-dimensional arrays. Normal Python lists are single-dimensional too.

However, if you have a simple two-dimensional list like this:

A = [[1,2,3,4],

then you can extract a column like this:

def column(matrix, i):
    return [row[i] for row in matrix]

Extracting the second column (index 1):

>>> column(A, 1)
[2, 6]

Or alternatively, simply:

>>> [row[1] for row in A]
[2, 6]

jQuery: How to capture the TAB keypress within a Textbox

Suppose you have TextBox with Id txtName

$("[id*=txtName]").on('keydown', function(e) { 
  var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; 
  if (keyCode == 9) {
     alert('Tab Pressed');

Switch android x86 screen resolution

I'm using ubuntu 13.04 as host. This clear tutorial works:

To add more resolutions, do the following:

  • Start your desired VM at Oracle Virtualbox
  • Execute at terminal:

    ~# VBoxManage list runningvms
  • Check your VM name

  • Add a new resolution:

    ~# VBoxManage setextradata "[YourVmNameHere]" "CustomVideoMode1" "800x480x16"
  • Find in above tutorial: "Test different screen size and resolution"

Fully change package name including company domain

Four steps are given below:

  1. Click on app folder below:

enter image description here

com.new25.impro. press Shift + F6 {Refactor->Rename...} to rename the package and press refactor.

  1. After that one, see the android monitor. That show change everywhere that packagename. Click refactor.

  2. Go to module app:change the application id for you like that name put it. and click sync now.

  3. Now you can change the package name to what you like.

Jquery: Checking to see if div contains text, then action

You might want to try the contains selector:

if ($("#field > div.field-item:contains('someText')").length) {

Also, as other mentioned, you must use == or === rather than =.

VBA procedure to import csv file into access

The easiest way to do it is to link the CSV-file into the Access database as a table. Then you can work on this table as if it was an ordinary access table, for instance by creating an appropriate query based on this table that returns exactly what you want.

You can link the table either manually or with VBA like this

DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acLinkDelim, TableName:="tblImport", _
    FileName:="C:\MyData.csv", HasFieldNames:=true


Dim db As DAO.Database

' Re-link the CSV Table
Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next:   db.TableDefs.Delete "tblImport":   On Error GoTo 0
DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acLinkDelim, TableName:="tblImport", _
    FileName:="C:\MyData.csv", HasFieldNames:=true

' Perform the import
db.Execute "INSERT INTO someTable SELECT col1, col2, ... FROM tblImport " _
   & "WHERE NOT F1 IN ('A1', 'A2', 'A3')"
db.Close:   Set db = Nothing

Accessing a local website from another computer inside the local network in IIS 7

Control Panel >> Windows Firewall >> Turn windows firewall on or off >> Turn off.

Advanced settings >> Domain profile >> Windows firewall properties >> Firewall status >> Off.

Get first date of current month in java

In Java 8 you can use:

LocalDate date =; //2020-01-12
date.withDayOfMonth(1); //2020-01-01

catch specific HTTP error in python

Python 3

from urllib.error import HTTPError

Python 2

from urllib2 import HTTPError

Just catch HTTPError, handle it, and if it's not Error 404, simply use raise to re-raise the exception.

See the Python tutorial.

e.g. complete example for Pyhton 2

import urllib2
from urllib2 import HTTPError
   urllib2.urlopen("some url")
except HTTPError as err:
   if err.code == 404:

TypeScript function overloading

This may be because, when both functions are compiled to JavaScript, their signature is totally identical. As JavaScript doesn't have types, we end up creating two functions taking same number of arguments. So, TypeScript restricts us from creating such functions.

TypeScript supports overloading based on number of parameters, but the steps to be followed are a bit different if we compare to OO languages. In answer to another SO question, someone explained it with a nice example: Method overloading?.

Basically, what we are doing is, we are creating just one function and a number of declarations so that TypeScript doesn't give compile errors. When this code is compiled to JavaScript, the concrete function alone will be visible. As a JavaScript function can be called by passing multiple arguments, it just works.

How to set size for local image using knitr for markdown?

Another option that worked for me is playing with the dpi option of knitr::include_graphics() like this:

knitr::include_graphics("path/to/image.png", dpi = 100)

... which sure (unless you do the math) is trial and error compared to defining dimensions in the chunk, but maybe it will help somebody.

Powershell Error "The term 'Get-SPWeb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function..."

Instead of Windows PowerShell, find the item in the Start Menu called SharePoint 2013 Management Shell:

enter image description here

How to generate UL Li list from string array using jquery?

var countries = ['United States', 'Canada', 'Argentina', 'Armenia'];
var cList = $('ul.mylist')
$.each(countries, function(i)
    var li = $('<li/>')
        .attr('role', 'menuitem')
    var aaa = $('<a/>')

What's the difference between KeyDown and KeyPress in .NET?

From MSDN:

Key events occur in the following order:

  1. KeyDown

  2. KeyPress

  3. KeyUp

Furthermore, KeyPress gives you a chance to declare the action as "handled" to prevent it from doing anything.

Excel VBA: Copying multiple sheets into new workbook

Rethink your approach. Why would you copy only part of the sheet? You are referring to a named range "WholePrintArea" which doesn't exist. Also you should never use activate, select, copy or paste in your script. These make the "script" vulnerable to user actions and other simultaneous executions. In worst case scenario data ends up in wrong hands.

Where can I read the Console output in Visual Studio 2015

You can run your program by: Debug -> Start Without Debugging. It will keep a console opened after the program will be finished.

enter image description here

Ambiguous overload call to abs(double)

In my cases, I solved the problem when using the labs() instead of abs().

Recommended add-ons/plugins for Microsoft Visual Studio

If vi/vim editing is your thang:

ViEmu for Visual Studio

If you want color-coded control-flow syntax-highlighting and graphical outlines:


I'm the developer of these commercial tools.

How can I add numbers in a Bash script?

read X
read Y
echo "$(($X+$Y))"

How can I adjust DIV width to contents

One way you can achieve this is setting display: inline-block; on the div. It is by default a block element, which will always fill the width it can fill (unless specifying width of course).

inline-block's only downside is that IE only supports it correctly from version 8. IE 6-7 only allows setting it on naturally inline elements, but there are hacks to solve this problem.

There are other options you have, you can either float it, or set position: absolute on it, but these also have other effects on layout, you need to decide which one fits your situation better.

AppendChild() is not a function javascript

Just change

var div = '<div>top div</div>'; // you just created a text string


var div = document.createElement("div"); // we want a DIV element instead
div.innerHTML = "top div";

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

you can also covert int to str first and assign index to it then again convert it to int like this:

int(str(x)[n]) //where x is an integer value

Why am I getting error CS0246: The type or namespace name could not be found?

I had the same error when used cs file was located inside project folder, but did not referenced from .csproj of parent project. Intellisence see this file inside project folder, but compiler does not see it because of missing reference in .csproj

pip install returning invalid syntax

You need to run pip install in the command prompt, outside from a python interpreter ! Try to exit python and re try :)

how to generate a unique token which expires after 24 hours?

This way a token will exist up-to 24 hours. here is the code to generate token which will valid up-to 24 Hours. this code we use but i did not compose it.

public static string GenerateToken()
    int month = DateTime.Now.Month;
    int day = DateTime.Now.Day;
    string token = ((day * 100 + month) * 700 + day * 13).ToString();
    return token;

"SELECT ... IN (SELECT ...)" query in CodeIgniter

Look here.

Basically you have to do bind params:

$sql = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE locationid IN (SELECT locationid FROM locations WHERE countryid=?)"; 

$this->db->query($sql, '__COUNTRY_NAME__');

But, like Mr.E said, use joins:

$sql = "select username from users inner join locations on users.locationid = locations.locationid where countryid = ?"; 

$this->db->query($sql, '__COUNTRY_NAME__');

How are parameters sent in an HTTP POST request?

The content is put after the HTTP headers. The format of an HTTP POST is to have the HTTP headers, followed by a blank line, followed by the request body. The POST variables are stored as key-value pairs in the body.

You can see this in the raw content of an HTTP Post, shown below:

POST /path/script.cgi HTTP/1.0
From: [email protected]
User-Agent: HTTPTool/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 32


You can see this using a tool like Fiddler, which you can use to watch the raw HTTP request and response payloads being sent across the wire.

Return value from a VBScript function

To return a value from a VBScript function, assign the value to the name of the function, like this:

Function getNumber
    getNumber = "423"
End Function

Regexp Java for password validation

All the previously given answers use the same (correct) technique to use a separate lookahead for each requirement. But they contain a couple of inefficiencies and a potentially massive bug, depending on the back end that will actually use the password.

I'll start with the regex from the accepted answer:


First of all, since Java supports \A and \z I prefer to use those to make sure the entire string is validated, independently of Pattern.MULTILINE. This doesn't affect performance, but avoids mistakes when regexes are recycled.


Checking that the password does not contain whitespace and checking its minimum length can be done in a single pass by using the all at once by putting variable quantifier {8,} on the shorthand \S that limits the allowed characters:


If the provided password does contain a space, all the checks will be done, only to have the final check fail on the space. This can be avoided by replacing all the dots with \S:


The dot should only be used if you really want to allow any character. Otherwise, use a (negated) character class to limit your regex to only those characters that are really permitted. Though it makes little difference in this case, not using the dot when something else is more appropriate is a very good habit. I see far too many cases of catastrophic backtracking because the developer was too lazy to use something more appropriate than the dot.

Since there's a good chance the initial tests will find an appropriate character in the first half of the password, a lazy quantifier can be more efficient:


But now for the really important issue: none of the answers mentions the fact that the original question seems to be written by somebody who thinks in ASCII. But in Java strings are Unicode. Are non-ASCII characters allowed in passwords? If they are, are only ASCII spaces disallowed, or should all Unicode whitespace be excluded.

By default \s matches only ASCII whitespace, so its inverse \S matches all Unicode characters (whitespace or not) and all non-whitespace ASCII characters. If Unicode characters are allowed but Unicode spaces are not, the UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS flag can be specified to make \S exclude Unicode whitespace. If Unicode characters are not allowed, then [\x21-\x7E] can be used instead of \S to match all ASCII characters that are not a space or a control character.

Which brings us to the next potential issue: do we want to allow control characters? The first step in writing a proper regex is to exactly specify what you want to match and what you don't. The only 100% technically correct answer is that the password specification in the question is ambiguous because it does not state whether certain ranges of characters like control characters or non-ASCII characters are permitted or not.

Reading an integer from user input

Try this it will not throw exception and user can try again:

        Console.WriteLine("1. Add account.");
        Console.WriteLine("Enter choice: ");
        int choice = 0;
        while (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice))
            Console.WriteLine("Wrong input! Enter choice number again:");

How to remove a class from elements in pure JavaScript?

This might help

let allElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.widget.hover'))
for (let element of allElements) {

Django DateField default options

I think a better way to solve this would be to use the datetime callable:

from datetime import datetime

date = models.DateField(

Note that no parenthesis were used. If you used parenthesis you would invoke the now() function just once (when the model is created). Instead, you pass the callable as an argument, thus being invoked everytime an instance of the model is created.

Credit to Django Musings. I've used it and works fine.

Remove array element based on object property

Iterate through the array, and splice out the ones you don't want. For easier use, iterate backwards so you don't have to take into account the live nature of the array:

for (var i = myArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (myArray[i].field == "money") {

How to add items into a numpy array

If x is just a single scalar value, you could try something like this to ensure the correct shape of the array that is being appended/concatenated to the rightmost column of a:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,3,4],[1,2,3],[1,2,1]])
x = 10
b = np.hstack((a,x*np.ones((a.shape[0],1))))

returns b as:

array([[  1.,   3.,   4.,  10.],
       [  1.,   2.,   3.,  10.],
       [  1.,   2.,   1.,  10.]])

How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

Notepad++ address has changed, so many of the links above are broken. The up to date link for this question is here:

Just in case the address changes again, here is what we have there today:

How to install a plugin

Install plugin manually

If the plugin you want to install is not listed in the Plugins Admin, you may still install it manually. The plugin (in the DLL form) should be placed in the plugins subfolder of the Notepad++ Install Folder, under the subfolder with the same name of plugin binary name without file extension. For example, if the plugin you want to install named myAwesomePlugin.dll, you should install it with the following path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins\myAwesomePlugin\myAwesomePlugin.dll

Once you installed the plugin, you can use (and you may configure) it via the menu “Plugins”.

How to have multiple CSS transitions on an element?

It's possible to make the multiple transitions set with different values for duration, delay and timing function. To split different transitions use ,

  transition: background 1s ease-in-out 2s, width 2s linear;
  -webkit-transition: background 1s ease-in-out 2s, width 2s linear; /* Safari */


Text border using css (border around text)

The following will cover all browsers worth covering:

text-shadow: 0 0 2px #fff; /* Firefox 3.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 1+, Chrome, IE10 */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Glow(Color=#ffffff,Strength=1); /* IE<10 */

Get Current date & time with [NSDate date]

NSLocale* currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
[[NSDate date] descriptionWithLocale:currentLocale];  

or use

NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter=[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; 
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
// or @"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a" if you prefer the time with AM/PM 
NSLog(@"%@",[dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]);

isPrime Function for Python Language

Pretty simple!

def prime(x):
  if x == 1:
    return False
    for a in range(2,x):
      if x % a == 0:
        return False
  return True

Uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected identifier?

There are errors here :

var formTag = document.getElementsByTagName("form"), // form tag is an array
selectListItem = $('select'),
makeSelect = document.createElement('select'),
makeSelect.setAttribute("id", "groups");

The code must change to:

var formTag = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
var selectListItem = $('select');
var makeSelect = document.createElement('select');
makeSelect.setAttribute("id", "groups");

By the way, there is another error at line 129 :

var createLi.appendChild(createSubList);

Replace it with:


How to correctly use the extern keyword in C

A very good article that I came about the extern keyword, along with the examples:

Though I do not agree that using extern in function declarations is redundant. This is supposed to be a compiler setting. So I recommend using the extern in the function declarations when it is needed.

MySQL OPTIMIZE all tables?

Do all the necessary procedures for fixing all tables in all the databases with a simple shell script:

mysqlcheck --all-databases
mysqlcheck --all-databases -o
mysqlcheck --all-databases --auto-repair
mysqlcheck --all-databases --analyze

Quickly getting to YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS in Perl

Use strftime in the standard POSIX module. The arguments to strftime in Perl’s binding were designed to align with the return values from localtime and gmtime. Compare

strftime(fmt, sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year, wday = -1, yday = -1, isdst = -1)


my          ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,     $yday,     $isdst) = gmtime(time);

Example command-line use is

$ perl -MPOSIX -le 'print strftime "%F %T", localtime $^T'

or from a source file as in

use POSIX;

print strftime "%F %T", localtime time;

Some systems do not support the %F and %T shorthands, so you will have to be explicit with

print strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime time;


print strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime time;

Note that time returns the current time when called whereas $^T is fixed to the time when your program started. With gmtime, the return value is the current time in GMT. Retrieve time in your local timezone with localtime.

IF...THEN...ELSE using XML

<IF id="if-1">
   <TIME from="5pm" to="9pm" />
   <something else />

I don't know if this makes any sense to anyone else or it is actually usable in your program, but I would do it like this.

My point of view: You need to have everything related to your "IF" inside your IF-tag, otherwise you won't know what ELSE belongs to what IF. Secondly, I'd skip the THEN tag because it always follows an IF.

Python JSON encoding


import simplejson
data = {'apple': 'cat', 'banana':'dog', 'pear':'fish'}
data_json = "{'apple': 'cat', 'banana':'dog', 'pear':'fish'}"

simplejson.loads(data_json) # outputs data
simplejson.dumps(data) # outputs data_joon

NB: Based on Paolo's answer.

How to add/subtract time (hours, minutes, etc.) from a Pandas DataFrame.Index whos objects are of type datetime.time?

This one worked for me:

>> print(df)
                          TotalVolume  Symbol
2016-04-15 09:00:00       108400       2802.T
2016-04-15 09:05:00       50300        2802.T

>> print(df.set_index(pd.to_datetime(df.index.values) - datetime(2016, 4, 15)))

             TotalVolume  Symbol
09:00:00     108400       2802.T
09:05:00     50300        2802.T

Error Code: 1005. Can't create table '...' (errno: 150)

Error Code: 1005 -- there is a wrong primary key reference in your code

Usually it's due to a referenced foreign key field that does not exist. It might be you have a typo mistake, or check case it should be same, or there's a field-type mismatch. Foreign key-linked fields must match definitions exactly.

Some known causes may be:

  1. The two key fields type and/or size doesn’t match exactly. For example, if one is INT(10) the key field needs to be INT(10) as well and not INT(11) or TINYINT. You may want to confirm the field size using SHOW CREATE TABLE because Query Browser will sometimes visually show just INTEGER for both INT(10) and INT(11). You should also check that one is not SIGNED and the other is UNSIGNED. They both need to be exactly the same.
  2. One of the key field that you are trying to reference does not have an index and/or is not a primary key. If one of the fields in the relationship is not a primary key, you must create an index for that field.
  3. The foreign key name is a duplicate of an already existing key. Check that the name of your foreign key is unique within your database. Just add a few random characters to the end of your key name to test for this.
  4. One or both of your tables is a MyISAM table. In order to use foreign keys, the tables must both be InnoDB. (Actually, if both tables are MyISAM then you won’t get an error message - it just won’t create the key.) In Query Browser, you can specify the table type.
  5. You have specified a cascade ON DELETE SET NULL, but the relevant key field is set to NOT NULL. You can fix this by either changing your cascade or setting the field to allow NULL values.
  6. Make sure that the Charset and Collate options are the same both at the table level as well as individual field level for the key columns.
  7. You have a default value (that is, default=0) on your foreign key column
  8. One of the fields in the relationship is part of a combination (composite) key and does not have its own individual index. Even though the field has an index as part of the composite key, you must create a separate index for only that key field in order to use it in a constraint.
  9. You have a syntax error in your ALTER statement or you have mistyped one of the field names in the relationship
  10. The name of your foreign key exceeds the maximum length of 64 characters.

For more details, refer to: MySQL Error Number 1005 Can’t create table

Check if number is decimal

another way to solve this: preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+$/',$number); :)

JPA & Criteria API - Select only specific columns

One of the JPA ways for getting only particular columns is to ask for a Tuple object.

In your case you would need to write something like this:

CriteriaQuery<Tuple> cq = builder.createTupleQuery();
// write the Root, Path elements as usual
Root<EntityClazz> root = cq.from(EntityClazz.class);
cq.multiselect(root.get(EntityClazz_.ID), root.get(EntityClazz_.VERSION));  //using metamodel
List<Tuple> tupleResult = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
for (Tuple t : tupleResult) {
    Long id = (Long) t.get(0);
    Long version = (Long) t.get(1);

Another approach is possible if you have a class representing the result, like T in your case. T doesn't need to be an Entity class. If T has a constructor like:

public T(Long id, Long version)

then you can use T directly in your CriteriaQuery constructor:

CriteriaQuery<T> cq = builder.createQuery(T.class);
// write the Root, Path elements as usual
Root<EntityClazz> root = cq.from(EntityClazz.class);
cq.multiselect(root.get(EntityClazz_.ID), root.get(EntityClazz_.VERSION));  //using metamodel
List<T> result = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();

See this link for further reference.

How to change value of ArrayList element in java

You're trying to change the value in the list, but all you're doing is changing the reference of x. Doing the following only changes x, not anything in the collection:

x = Integer.valueOf(9);

Additionally, Integer is immutable, meaning you can't change the value inside the Integer object (which would require a different method to do anyway). This means you need to replace the whole object. There is no way to do this with an Iterator (without adding your own layer of boxing). Do the following instead:

a.set(0, 9);

How can I implement a tree in Python?

I've published a Python [3] tree implementation on my site:

Hope it is of use,

Ok, here's the code:

import uuid

def sanitize_id(id):
    return id.strip().replace(" ", "")

(_ADD, _DELETE, _INSERT) = range(3)
(_ROOT, _DEPTH, _WIDTH) = range(3)

class Node:

    def __init__(self, name, identifier=None, expanded=True):
        self.__identifier = (str(uuid.uuid1()) if identifier is None else
                sanitize_id(str(identifier))) = name
        self.expanded = expanded
        self.__bpointer = None
        self.__fpointer = []

    def identifier(self):
        return self.__identifier

    def bpointer(self):
        return self.__bpointer

    def bpointer(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            self.__bpointer = sanitize_id(value)

    def fpointer(self):
        return self.__fpointer

    def update_fpointer(self, identifier, mode=_ADD):
        if mode is _ADD:
        elif mode is _DELETE:
        elif mode is _INSERT:
            self.__fpointer = [sanitize_id(identifier)]

class Tree:

    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = []

    def get_index(self, position):
        for index, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            if node.identifier == position:
        return index

    def create_node(self, name, identifier=None, parent=None):

        node = Node(name, identifier)
        self.__update_fpointer(parent, node.identifier, _ADD)
        node.bpointer = parent
        return node

    def show(self, position, level=_ROOT):
        queue = self[position].fpointer
        if level == _ROOT:
            print("{0} [{1}]".format(self[position].name,
            print("\t"*level, "{0} [{1}]".format(self[position].name,
        if self[position].expanded:
            level += 1
            for element in queue:
      , level)  # recursive call

    def expand_tree(self, position, mode=_DEPTH):
        # Python generator. Loosly based on an algorithm from 'Essential LISP' by
        # John R. Anderson, Albert T. Corbett, and Brian J. Reiser, page 239-241
        yield position
        queue = self[position].fpointer
        while queue:
            yield queue[0]
            expansion = self[queue[0]].fpointer
            if mode is _DEPTH:
                queue = expansion + queue[1:]  # depth-first
            elif mode is _WIDTH:
                queue = queue[1:] + expansion  # width-first

    def is_branch(self, position):
        return self[position].fpointer

    def __update_fpointer(self, position, identifier, mode):
        if position is None:
            self[position].update_fpointer(identifier, mode)

    def __update_bpointer(self, position, identifier):
        self[position].bpointer = identifier

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.nodes[self.get_index(key)]

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self.nodes[self.get_index(key)] = item

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.nodes)

    def __contains__(self, identifier):
        return [node.identifier for node in self.nodes
                if node.identifier is identifier]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    tree = Tree()
    tree.create_node("Harry", "harry")  # root node
    tree.create_node("Jane", "jane", parent = "harry")
    tree.create_node("Bill", "bill", parent = "harry")
    tree.create_node("Joe", "joe", parent = "jane")
    tree.create_node("Diane", "diane", parent = "jane")
    tree.create_node("George", "george", parent = "diane")
    tree.create_node("Mary", "mary", parent = "diane")
    tree.create_node("Jill", "jill", parent = "george")
    tree.create_node("Carol", "carol", parent = "jill")
    tree.create_node("Grace", "grace", parent = "bill")
    tree.create_node("Mark", "mark", parent = "jane")

    for node in tree.expand_tree("harry", mode=_WIDTH):

How to programmatically log out from Facebook SDK 3.0 without using Facebook login/logout button?

Since Facebook's Android SDK v4.0 (see changelog) you need to execute the following:


How to drop all tables from a database with one SQL query?

The simplest way is to drop the whole database and create it once again:

drop database db_name
create database db_name

That's all.

Type or namespace name does not exist

Check to see that your target framework has the same .NET versions. I had the same problem and my class .NET was 3.5 and web solution had 4.5. I synchronised those, and then it worked :)

CSS Transition doesn't work with top, bottom, left, right

Are there properties that aren't 'transitional'?

Answer: Yes.

If the property is not listed here it is not 'transitional'.

Reference: Animatable CSS Properties

What is the difference between SessionState and ViewState?


  • Can be persisted in memory, which makes it a fast solution. Which means state cannot be shared in the Web Farm/Web Garden.
  • Can be persisted in a Database, useful for Web Farms / Web Gardens.
  • Is Cleared when the session dies - usually after 20min of inactivity.


  • Is sent back and forth between the server and client, taking up bandwidth.
  • Has no expiration date.
  • Is useful in a Web Farm / Web Garden

Chrome ignores autocomplete="off"

In Chrome 48+ use this solution:

  1. Put fake fields before real fields:

    <form autocomplete="off">
      <input name="fake_email"    class="visually-hidden" type="text">
      <input name="fake_password" class="visually-hidden" type="password">
      <input autocomplete="off" name="email"    type="text">
      <input autocomplete="off" name="password" type="password">
  2. Hide fake fields:

    .visually-hidden {
      margin: -1px;
      padding: 0;
      width: 1px;
      height: 1px;
      overflow: hidden;
      clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
      clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
      position: absolute;
  3. You did it!

Also this will work for older versions.

How to check the version of scipy

on command line

 >>> import scipy
 >>> scipy.__version__

How does a Java HashMap handle different objects with the same hash code?

You're mistaken on point three. Two entries can have the same hash code but not be equal. Take a look at the implementation of HashMap.get from the OpenJdk. You can see that it checks that the hashes are equal and the keys are equal. Were point three true, then it would be unnecessary to check that the keys are equal. The hash code is compared before the key because the former is a more efficient comparison.

If you're interested in learning a little more about this, take a look at the Wikipedia article on Open Addressing collision resolution, which I believe is the mechanism that the OpenJdk implementation uses. That mechanism is subtly different than the "bucket" approach one of the other answers mentions.

Regex in JavaScript for validating decimal numbers

Try a regular expression like this:


Allowed: 1, 10.8, 10.89, .89, 0.89, 1000

Not Allowed: 20. , 50.89.9, 12.999, ., Null character Note this works for positive numbers

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference occurs when calling public sub

You either have to make the method Shared or use an instance of the class General:

Dim gen = New General()



Public Shared Sub updateDynamics(dynID As Int32)
    ' ... '
End Sub


Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/JDBC_DBO]]

Posting since this solution may help somebody:

I faced a similar issue with the Tomcat 8.0. Seems the tomcat jar files might have corrupted. So I just downloaded the new Tomcat 8.0, unzipped it and configured it with my eclipse IDE. Also check the Project Facet under the preference menu.

jQuery .val change doesn't change input value

<script src="//"></script>
function changes() {
$('#link').val('new value');
<button onclick="changes()">a</button>
<input type='text' value='' id='link'>

Percentage width in a RelativeLayout

You can use PercentRelativeLayout, It is a recent undocumented addition to the Design Support Library, enables the ability to specify not only elements relative to each other but also the total percentage of available space.

Subclass of RelativeLayout that supports percentage based dimensions and margins. You can specify dimension or a margin of child by using attributes with "Percent" suffix.


The Percent package provides APIs to support adding and managing percentage based dimensions in your app.

To use, you need to add this library to your Gradle dependency list:

dependencies {
    compile ''//23.1.1

Converting a String to Object

String extends Object, which means an Object. Object o = a; If you really want to get as Object, you may do like below.

String s = "Hi";

Object a =s;

How to make child element higher z-index than parent?

Nothing is impossible. Use the force.

.parent {
    position: relative;

.child {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    z-index: 100;

How to check the Angular version?

ng --version command returns the details of the version of Angular CLI installed

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

@wdavo is correct. The same is also true for functions.

If you override a base function, like Update, then in your subclass you need:

new void Update()
  //do stufff

Without the new at the start of the function decleration you will get the warning flag.

Change default date time format on a single database in SQL Server

You do realize that format has nothing to do with how SQL Server stores datetime, right?

You can use set dateformat for each session. There is no setting for database only.

If you use parameters for data insert or update or where filtering you won't have any problems with that.

HTML form do some "action" when hit submit button

Ok, I'll take a stab at this. If you want to work with PHP, you will need to install and configure both PHP and a webserver on your machine. This article might get you started: PHP Manual: Installation on Windows systems

Once you have your environment setup, you can start working with webforms. Directly From the article: Processing form data with PHP:

For this example you will need to create two pages. On the first page we will create a simple HTML form to collect some data. Here is an example:

 <title>Test Page</title>
    <h2>Data Collection</h2><p>
    <form action="process.php" method="post">  
                <td><input type="text" name="Name"/></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="Age"/></td>
                <td colspan="2" align="center">
                <input type="submit"/>

This page will send the Name and Age data to the page process.php. Now lets create process.php to use the data from the HTML form we made:

    print "Your name is ". $Name;   
    print "<br />";   
    print "You are ". $Age . " years old";   
    print "<br />";   $old = 25 + $Age;
    print "In 25 years you will be " . $old . " years old";   

As you may be aware, if you leave out the method="post" part of the form, the URL with show the data. For example if your name is Bill Jones and you are 35 years old, our process.php page will display as If you want, you can manually change the URL in this way and the output will change accordingly.

Additional JavaScript Example

This single file example takes the html from your question and ties the onSubmit event of the form to a JavaScript function that pulls the values of the 2 textboxes and displays them in an alert box.

Note: document.getElementById("fname").value gets the object with the ID tag that equals fname and then pulls it's value - which in this case is the text in the First Name textbox.

     <script type="text/javascript">
     function ExampleJS(){
        var jFirst = document.getElementById("fname").value;
        var jLast = document.getElementById("lname").value;
        alert("Your name is: " + jFirst + " " + jLast);

        <FORM NAME="myform" onSubmit="JavaScript:ExampleJS()">

             First name: <input type="text" id="fname" name="firstname" /><br />
             Last name:  <input type="text" id="lname" name="lastname" /><br />
            <input name="Submit"  type="submit" value="Update" />

Best way to format multiple 'or' conditions in an if statement (Java)

I use this kind of pattern often. It's very compact:

// Define a constant in your class. Use a HashSet for performance
private static final Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(12, 16, 19));

// In your method:
if (values.contains(x)) {

A HashSet is used here to give good look-up performance - even very large hash sets are able to execute contains() extremely quickly.

If performance is not important, you can code the gist of it into one line:

if (Arrays.asList(12, 16, 19).contains(x))

but know that it will create a new ArrayList every time it executes.

Example using Hyperlink in WPF

I liked Arthur's idea of a reusable handler, but I think there's a simpler way to do it:

private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
    if (sender.GetType() != typeof (Hyperlink))
    string link = ((Hyperlink) sender).NavigateUri.ToString();

Obviously there could be security risks with starting any kind of process, so be carefull.

handle textview link click in my android app

if there are multiple links in the text view . For example textview has "https://" and "tel no" we can customise the LinkMovement method and handle clicks for words based on a pattern. Attached is the customised Link Movement Method.

public class CustomLinkMovementMethod extends LinkMovementMethod

private static Context movementContext;

private static CustomLinkMovementMethod linkMovementMethod = new CustomLinkMovementMethod();

public boolean onTouchEvent(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer, android.view.MotionEvent event)
    int action = event.getAction();

    if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)
        int x = (int) event.getX();
        int y = (int) event.getY();

        x -= widget.getTotalPaddingLeft();
        y -= widget.getTotalPaddingTop();

        x += widget.getScrollX();
        y += widget.getScrollY();

        Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
        int off = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);

        URLSpan[] link = buffer.getSpans(off, off, URLSpan.class);
        if (link.length != 0)
            String url = link[0].getURL();
            if (url.startsWith("https"))
                Log.d("Link", url);
                Toast.makeText(movementContext, "Link was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            } else if (url.startsWith("tel"))
                Log.d("Link", url);
                Toast.makeText(movementContext, "Tel was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            } else if (url.startsWith("mailto"))
                Log.d("Link", url);
                Toast.makeText(movementContext, "Mail link was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            return true;

    return super.onTouchEvent(widget, buffer, event);

public static android.text.method.MovementMethod getInstance(Context c)
    movementContext = c;
    return linkMovementMethod;

This should be called from the textview in the following manner:


When to use references vs. pointers

Just putting my dime in. I just performed a test. A sneeky one at that. I just let g++ create the assembly files of the same mini-program using pointers compared to using references. When looking at the output they are exactly the same. Other than the symbolnaming. So looking at performance (in a simple example) there is no issue.

Now on the topic of pointers vs references. IMHO I think clearity stands above all. As soon as I read implicit behaviour my toes start to curl. I agree that it is nice implicit behaviour that a reference cannot be NULL.

Dereferencing a NULL pointer is not the problem. it will crash your application and will be easy to debug. A bigger problem is uninitialized pointers containing invalid values. This will most likely result in memory corruption causing undefined behaviour without a clear origin.

This is where I think references are much safer than pointers. And I agree with a previous statement, that the interface (which should be clearly documented, see design by contract, Bertrand Meyer) defines the result of the parameters to a function. Now taking this all into consideration my preferences go to using references wherever/whenever possible.

how to execute php code within javascript

You could use it ports a bunch of PHP functionality to javascript, but if it's just echos, and the script is in a php file, you could do something like this:

alert("<?php echo "asdasda";?>");

don't worry about the shifty-looking use of double-quotes, PHP will render that before the browser sees it.

as for using ajax, the easiest way is to use a library, like jQuery. With that you can do:

  url: 'test.php',
  success: function(data) {

and test.php would be:

  echo 'asdasda';

it would write the contents of test.php to whatever element has the result class.


You are missing the fact that 6.999,50 is not a valid decimal. You can't have a comma and a decimal point in a decimal value surely? What number is it supposed to be?

Assuming your locale specifies . as grouping and , as decimal separator: To remove the grouping digits:

SELECT CONVERT(decimal(11,2), REPLACE('6.999,50', '.', ''))

will yield 6999,50 as a decimal

How can I get just the first row in a result set AFTER ordering?

You can nest your queries:

select * from (
    select bla
    from bla
    where bla
    order by finaldate desc
where rownum < 2

How to update Android Studio automatically?

There's not always an updater between versions, depending on the version you're starting from and what you're updating to. If that happens, download the full installer and reinstall Android Studio.

How do I set the selenium webdriver get timeout?



this statement will return immediately.

And after that , you can add a WebDriverWait with timeout to check if the page title or any element is ok.

Hope this will help you.

How to locate the git config file in Mac

I use this function which is saved in .bash_profile and it works a treat for me.

function show_hidden () {
        { defaults write AppleShowAllFiles $1; killall -HUP Finder; }

How to use:

show_hidden true|false 

Number of regex matches

If you know you will want all the matches, you could use the re.findall function. It will return a list of all the matches. Then you can just do len(result) for the number of matches.

jquery $.each() for objects

You are indeed passing the first data item to the each function.

Pass data.programs to the each function instead. Change the code to as below:

    $(document).ready(function() {         
        var data = { "programs": [ { "name":"zonealarm", "price":"500" }, { "name":"kaspersky", "price":"200" } ] };         
        $.each(data.programs, function(key,val) {             

Leave menu bar fixed on top when scrolled

Or do this in more dynamic way

$(window).bind('scroll', function () {
    var menu = $('.menu');
    if ($(window).scrollTop() > menu.offset().top) {
    } else {

In CSS add class

.fixed {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;

How to clear an EditText on click?

For me the easiest way... Create an public EditText, for Example "myEditText1"

public EditText myEditText1;

Then, connect it with the EditText which should get cleared

myEditText1 = (EditText) findViewById(;

After that, create an void which reacts to an click to the EditText an let it clear the Text inside it when its Focused, for Example

        void textGone(){
            if (myEditText1.isFocused()){


Hope i could help you, Have a nice Day everyone

How to search for a string in an arraylist

Loop through your list and do a contains or startswith.

ArrayList<String> resList = new ArrayList<String>();
String searchString = "bea";

for (String curVal : list){
  if (curVal.contains(searchString)){

You can wrap that in a method. The contains checks if its in the list. You could also go for startswith.

How can I get a random number in Kotlin?

Another way of implementing s1m0nw1's answer would be to access it through a variable. Not that its any more efficient but it saves you from having to type ().

val ClosedRange<Int>.random: Int
    get() = Random().nextInt((endInclusive + 1) - start) +  start 

And now it can be accessed as such


Remove local git tags that are no longer on the remote repository

How about this - drop all local tags and then re-fetch? Considering your repo might contain submodules:

git submodule foreach --recursive  'git tag | xargs git tag -d'
(alternatively, "for i in `find .git  -type d -name '*tags*'`; do rm -f $i/*;  done")
git fetch -t
git submodule foreach --recursive git fetch -t

Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable


Peachpie is PHP 7 compiler based on Roslyn by Microsoft and drawing from popular Phalanger. It allows PHP to be executed within the .NET/.NETCore by compiling the PHP code to pure MSIL.


Phalanger is a project which was started at Charles University in Prague and was supported by Microsoft. It compiles source code written in the PHP scripting language into CIL (Common Intermediate Language) byte-code. It handles the beginning of a compiling process which is completed by the JIT compiler component of the .NET Framework. It does not address native code generation nor optimization. Its purpose is to compile PHP scripts into .NET assemblies, logical units containing CIL code and meta-data.


Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder is a free command line tool to convert PHP applications to standalone Windows .exe applications. The exe files produced are totally standalone, no need for php dlls etc. The php code is encoded using the Turck MMCache Encode library so it's a perfect solution if you want to distribute your application while protecting your source code. The converter is also suitable for producing .exe files for windowed PHP applications (created using for example the WinBinder library). It's also good for making stand-alone PHP Socket servers/clients (using the php_sockets.dll extension). It's NOT really a compiler in the sense that it doesn't produce native machine code from PHP sources, but it works!


ZZEE PHPExe compiles PHP, HTML, Javascript, Flash and other web files into Windows GUI exes. You can rapidly develop Windows GUI applications by employing the familiar PHP web paradigm. You can use the same code for online and Windows applications with little or no modification. It is a Commercial product.


The PHP extension bcompiler is used to compile PHP script code into PHP bytecode. This bytecode can be included just like any php file as long as the bcompiler extension is loaded. Once all the bytecode files have been created, a modified Embeder is used to pack all of the project files into the program exe.


  • php5ts.dll
  • php_win32std.dll
  • php_bcompiler.dll
  • php-embed.ini




WinBinder is an open source extension to PHP, the script programming language. It allows PHP programmers to easily build native Windows applications, producing quick and rewarding results with minimum effort. Even short scripts with a few dozen lines can generate a useful program, thanks to the power and flexibility of PHP.


PHP Desktop is an open source project founded by Czarek Tomczak in 2012 to provide a way for developing native desktop applications using web technologies such as PHP, HTML5, JavaScript & SQLite. This project is more than just a PHP to EXE compiler, it embeds a web-browser (Internet Explorer or Chrome embedded), a Mongoose web-server and a PHP interpreter. The development workflow you are used to remains the same, the step of turning an existing website into a desktop application is basically a matter of copying it to "www/" directory. Using SQLite database is optional, you could embed mysql/postgresql database in application's installer.

PHP Nightrain

Using PHP Nightrain you will be able to deploy and run HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP web applications as a native desktop application on Windows, Mac and the Linux operating systems. Popular PHP Frameworks (e.g. CakePHP, Laravel, Drupal, etc…) are well supported!

phc-win "fork"

A more-or-less forked version of phc-win, it uses the same techniques as phc-win but supports almost all modern PHP versions. (5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, etc) It also can use Enigma VB to combine the php5ts.dll with your exe, aswell as UPX compress it. Lastly, it has win32std and winbinder compilied statically into PHP.


Another option is to use

an online compiler that can build executables for a number of different platforms, from a number of different languages including PHP


TideSDK is actually the renamed Titanium Desktop project. Titanium remained focused on mobile, and abandoned the desktop version, which was taken over by some people who have open sourced it and dubbed it TideSDK.

Generally, TideSDK uses HTML, CSS and JS to render applications, but it supports scripted languages like PHP, as a plug-in module, as well as other scripting languages like Python and Ruby.

How to add certificate chain to keystore?

From the keytool man - it imports certificate chain, if input is given in PKCS#7 format, otherwise only the single certificate is imported. You should be able to convert certificates to PKCS#7 format with openssl, via openssl crl2pkcs7 command.

What's the safest way to iterate through the keys of a Perl hash?

I always use method 2 as well. The only benefit of using each is if you're just reading (rather than re-assigning) the value of the hash entry, you're not constantly de-referencing the hash.

Checking for multiple conditions using "when" on single task in ansible

Adding to answer, which will probably fix your error.

Strictly answering your question, I just want to point out that the when: statement is probably correct, but would look easier to read in multiline and still fulfill your logic:

  - sshkey_result.rc == 1
  - github_username is undefined or 
    github_username |lower == 'none'

How to set gradle home while importing existing project in Android studio

On Linux Mint 17 it was


for me

How can I add a username and password to Jenkins?

If installed as an admin, use:-

uname - admin
pw - the passkey that was generated during installation

How to run Nginx within a Docker container without halting?

nginx, like all well-behaved programs, can be configured not to self-daemonize.

Use the daemon off configuration directive described in

SQL Last 6 Months

select *
from tbl1
datetime_column >= 
DATEADD(m, -6, convert(date, convert(varchar(6), getdate(),112) + '01'))

How to assign multiple classes to an HTML container?

Just remove the comma like this:

<article class="column wrapper"> 

How to generate Class Diagram (UML) on Android Studio (IntelliJ Idea)

For those who want to use simpleUML in Android Studio and having issues in running SimpleUML.

First download simpleUML jar from here

Now follow the below steps.

Step 1:

Click on File and go to Settings (File ? Settings)

Step 2

Select Plugins from Left Panel and click Install plugin from disk


Step 3:

Locate the SimpleUML jar file and select it.


Step 4:

Now Restart Android Studio (File ? Invalidate Caches/Restart ? Just Restart)

Step 5:

After you restart Right Click the Package name and Select New Diagram or Add to simpleUML Diagram ? New Diagram.


Step 6:

Set a file name and create UML file. I created with name NewDiagram

enter image description here Step 7:

Now Right Click the Package name and Select the file you created. In my case it was NewDiagram

enter image description here

Step 8:

All files are stacked on top of one another. You can just drag and drop them and set a hierarchy.

enter image description here

Like this below, you can drag these classes

enter image description here

Can I set background image and opacity in the same property?

I just added position=absolute,top=0,width=100% in the #main and set the opacity value to the #background

#main{height:100%;position:absolute; top:0;width:100%}
#background{//same height as main;background-image:url(image URL);opacity:0.2}

I applied the background to a div before the main.

How to center cell contents of a LaTeX table whose columns have fixed widths?

You can use \centering with your parbox to do this.

More info here and here.

(Sorry for the Google cached link; the original one I had doesn't work anymore.)

How to get scrollbar position with Javascript?

Here is the other way to get scroll position

const getScrollPosition = (el = window) => ({
  x: el.pageXOffset !== undefined ? el.pageXOffset : el.scrollLeft,
  y: el.pageYOffset !== undefined ? el.pageYOffset : el.scrollTop

#1062 - Duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY'

Use SHOW CREATE TABLE your-table-name to see what column is your primary key.

How do I run a shell script without using "sh" or "bash" commands?

Enter "#!/bin/sh" before script. Then save it as for example. copy it to $HOME/bin or $HOME/usr/bin
The directory can be different on different linux distros but they end with 'bin' and are in home directory cd $HOME/bin or $HOME/usr/bin
Type chmod 700
And you can run it just by typing on terminal. If it not work, try chmod +x instead of chmod 700

Finding the max value of an attribute in an array of objects

It's very simple

     const array1 = [
  {id: 1, val: 60},
  {id: 2, val: 2},
  {id: 3, val: 89},
  {id: 4, val: 78}
const array2 = [1,6,8,79,45,21,65,85,32,654];
const max = array1.reduce((acc, item) => acc = acc > item.val ? acc : item.val, 0);
const max2 = array2.reduce((acc, item) => acc = acc > item ? acc : item, 0);


Deleting all files in a directory with Python

In Python 3.5, os.scandir is better if you need to check for file attributes or type - see os.DirEntry for properties of the object that's returned by the function.

import os 

for file in os.scandir(path):

This also doesn't require changing directories since each DirEntry already includes the full path to the file.

HTML 'td' width and height

The width attribute of <td> is deprecated in HTML 5.

Use CSS. e.g.

 <td style="width:100px">

in detail, like this:

<table >
    <td style="width:70%">January</td>
    <td style="width:30%">$100</td>

Java : Convert formatted xml file to one line string

//filename is filepath string
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filename)));
String line;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

while((line=br.readLine())!= null){

using StringBuilder is more efficient then concat

How to remove td border with html?

  <table border="1">
    <td style="border-bottom-style: hidden;">two</td>
    <td style="border-top-style: hidden;">two</td>

This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services (via Bazaar)

I spent about one day to configure the new gmaps API (Google Maps Android API v2) on the Android emulator. None of the methods of those I found on the Internet was working correctly for me. But still I did it. Here is how:

  1. Create a new emulator with the following configuration:

Enter image description here

On the other versions I could not configure because of various errors when I installed the necessary applications.

2) Start the emulator and install the following applications:

  • GoogleLoginService.apk
  • GoogleServicesFramework.apk
  • Phonesky.apk

You can do this with following commands:

2.1) adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
2.2) adb shell chmod 777 /system/app
2.3-2.5) adb push Each_of_the_3_apk_files.apk /system/app/

Links to download APK files. I have copied them from my rooted Android device.

3) Install Google Play Services and Google Maps on the emulator. I have an error 491, if I install them from Google Play store. I uploaded the apps to the emulator and run the installation locally. (You can use adb to install this). Links to the apps:

4) I successfully run a demo sample on the emulator after these steps. Here is a screenshot:

Google Maps

Create a sample login page using servlet and JSP?

As I can see, you are comparing the message with the empty string using ==.

Its very hard to write the full code, but I can tell the flow of code - first, create db class & method inide that which will return the connection. second, create a servelet( & import that db class onto that servlet. third, create instance of imported db class with the help of new operator & call the connection method of that db class. fourth, creaet prepared statement & execute statement & put this code in try catch block for exception handling.Use if-else condition in the try block to navigate your login page based on success or failure.

I hope, it will help you. If any problem, then please revert.

Nikhil Pahariya

Typescript: React event types

I think the simplest way is that:

type InputEvent = React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>;
type ButtonEvent = React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>;

update = (e: InputEvent): void => this.props.login[] =;
submit = (e:  ButtonEvent): void => {

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files


Be aware that UltraID3Lib is no longer officially available, and thus no longer maintained. See comments below for the link to a Github project that includes this library

//using HundredMilesSoftware.UltraID3Lib;
UltraID3 u = new UltraID3();
u.Artist = "New Artist";

Passing multiple values for a single parameter in Reporting Services

This is what I use when passing a multi-select param to another multi-select param.

=SPLIT(JOIN(Parameters!<your param name>.Value,","),",")

Remove table row after clicking table row delete button

As @gaurang171 mentioned, we can use .closest() which will return the first ancestor, or the closest to our delete button, and use .remove() to remove it.

This is how we can implement it using jQuery click event instead of using JavaScript onclick.


<table id="myTable">
  <th width="30%" style="color:red;">ID</th>
  <th width="25%" style="color:red;">Name</th>
  <th width="25%" style="color:red;">Age</th>
  <th width="1%"></th>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-001</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Ben</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">25</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-002</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Anderson</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">47</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-003</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Rocky</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">32</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-004</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Lee</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">15</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>



Try in JSFiddle: click here.

How to get a file directory path from file path?

Here is a script I used for recursive trimming. Replace $1 with the directory you want, of course.

 for f in $(find . -type f -name ' *')
    DIR=$(dirname "$f")
    rename 's/^ *//' *

How to remove blank lines from a Unix file

You can sed's -i option to edit in-place without using temporary file:

 sed -i '/^$/d' file

How to align matching values in two columns in Excel, and bring along associated values in other columns

Skip all of this. Download Microsoft FUZZY LOOKUP add in. Create tables using your columns. Create a new worksheet. INPUT tables into the tool. Click all corresponding columns check boxes. Use slider for exact matches. HIT go and wait for the magic.

TypeScript error: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'boolean'

Your code is passing a function as an argument to find. That function takes an element argument (of type Conversation) and returns void (meaning there is no return value). TypeScript describes this as (element: Conversation) => void'

What TypeScript is saying is that the find function doesn't expect to receive a function that takes a Conversation and returns void. It expects a function that takes a Conversations, a number and a Conversation array, and that this function should return a boolean.

So bottom line is that you either need to change your code to pass in the values to find correctly, or else you need to provide an overload to the definition of find in your definition file that accepts a Conversation and returns void.

How to delete history of last 10 commands in shell?

Combining answers from above:

history -w vi ~/.bash_history history -r

How to fix broken paste clipboard in VNC on Windows

Many times you must have observed that clipboard operations like copy/cut and paste suddenly stops workings with the vncviewer. The main reason for this there is a program called as vncconfig responsible for these clipboard transfers. Some times the program may get closed because of some bug in vnc or some other reasons like you closed that window.

To get those clipboard operations back you need to run the program "vncconfig &".

After this your clipboard actions should work fine with out any problems.

Run "vncconfig &" on the client.

remove empty lines from text file with PowerShell

(Get-Content c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt) | 
    Foreach { $_ -Replace  "Old content", " New content" } | 
    Set-Content c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt;

Initialization of an ArrayList in one line

public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) {
    return new ArrayList<T>(a);

This is the implementation of Arrays.asList, so you could go with

ArrayList<String> arr = (ArrayList<String>) Arrays.asList("1", "2");

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ)

I had same Problem when i was trying to create executable from program that having no main() method. When i included sample main() method like this

int main(){
  return 0;

It solved

Getting activity from context in android

Context may be an Application, a Service, an Activity, and more.

Normally the context of Views in an Activity is the Activity itself so you may think you can just cast this Context to Activity but actually you can't always do it, because the context can also be a ContextThemeWrapper in this case.

ContextThemeWrapper is used heavily in the recent versions of AppCompat and Android (thanks to the android:theme attribute in layouts) so I would personally never perform this cast.

So short answer is: you can't reliably retrieve an Activity from a Context in a View. Pass the Activity to the view by calling a method on it which takes the Activity as parameter.

Change the background color in a twitter bootstrap modal?

If you need to remove shading for only one type of modal windows, you can simply add ID to your modal window

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal">...</div>

and in you css file add the following

#myModal .modal-backdrop {background-color: transparent;}

If you need to remove shading for all modal windows, just skip the step with assigning ID.

Consider defining a bean of type 'package' in your configuration [Spring-Boot]

You'll also get this error if you accidentally define the same bean in two different classes. That happened to me. The error message was misleading. When I removed the extra bean, the issue was resolved.

How to retrieve images from MySQL database and display in an html tag

You need to retrieve and disect the information into what you need.

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 echo "img src='",$row['filename'],"' width='175' height='200' />";

Dots in URL causes 404 with ASP.NET mvc and IIS

This is the best solution I have found for the error 404 on IIS 7.5 and .NET Framework 4.5 environment, and without using: runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true".

I followed this thread: and I have modified my web.config accordingly, and now the MVC web app works well on IIS 7.5 and .NET Framework 4.5 environment.

Adding author name in Eclipse automatically to existing files

You can control select all customised classes and methods, and right-click, choose "Source", then select "Generate Element Comment". You should get what you want.

If you want to modify the Code Template then you can go to Preferences -- Java -- Code Style -- Code Templates, then do whatever you want.

refresh both the External data source and pivot tables together within a time schedule

Auto Refresh Workbook for example every 5 sec. Apply to module

Public Sub Refresh()

alertTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") 'hh:mm:ss
    Application.OnTime alertTime, "Refresh"

End Sub

Apply to Workbook on Open

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
alertTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") 'hh:mm:ss
Application.OnTime alertTime, "Refresh"
End Sub
