Programs & Examples On #Mediarss

How to drop SQL default constraint without knowing its name?

Run this command to browse all constraints:

exec sp_helpconstraint 'mytable' --and look under constraint_name. 

It will look something like this: DF__Mytable__Column__[ABC123]. Then you can just drop the constraint.

How to import or copy images to the "res" folder in Android Studio?

To import files from OS X Finder into Android Studio, just drag the relevant files to your resource folder.

  • Drag & Drop by default moves files to your project (not what you always want)
  • Pressing ? (Alt) while dragging copies files

Don't find a permanent config option for this, but this is the workaround I'm using

Should I always use a parallel stream when possible?

The Stream API was designed to make it easy to write computations in a way that was abstracted away from how they would be executed, making switching between sequential and parallel easy.

However, just because its easy, doesn't mean its always a good idea, and in fact, it is a bad idea to just drop .parallel() all over the place simply because you can.

First, note that parallelism offers no benefits other than the possibility of faster execution when more cores are available. A parallel execution will always involve more work than a sequential one, because in addition to solving the problem, it also has to perform dispatching and coordinating of sub-tasks. The hope is that you'll be able to get to the answer faster by breaking up the work across multiple processors; whether this actually happens depends on a lot of things, including the size of your data set, how much computation you are doing on each element, the nature of the computation (specifically, does the processing of one element interact with processing of others?), the number of processors available, and the number of other tasks competing for those processors.

Further, note that parallelism also often exposes nondeterminism in the computation that is often hidden by sequential implementations; sometimes this doesn't matter, or can be mitigated by constraining the operations involved (i.e., reduction operators must be stateless and associative.)

In reality, sometimes parallelism will speed up your computation, sometimes it will not, and sometimes it will even slow it down. It is best to develop first using sequential execution and then apply parallelism where

(A) you know that there's actually benefit to increased performance and

(B) that it will actually deliver increased performance.

(A) is a business problem, not a technical one. If you are a performance expert, you'll usually be able to look at the code and determine (B), but the smart path is to measure. (And, don't even bother until you're convinced of (A); if the code is fast enough, better to apply your brain cycles elsewhere.)

The simplest performance model for parallelism is the "NQ" model, where N is the number of elements, and Q is the computation per element. In general, you need the product NQ to exceed some threshold before you start getting a performance benefit. For a low-Q problem like "add up numbers from 1 to N", you will generally see a breakeven between N=1000 and N=10000. With higher-Q problems, you'll see breakevens at lower thresholds.

But the reality is quite complicated. So until you achieve experthood, first identify when sequential processing is actually costing you something, and then measure if parallelism will help.

How is Pythons glob.glob ordered?

From @Johan La Rooy's solution, sorting the images using sorted(glob.glob('*.png')) does not work for me, the output list is still not ordered by their names.

However, the sorted(glob.glob('*.png'), key=os.path.getmtime) works perfectly.

I am a bit confused how can sorting by their names does not work here.

Thank @Martin Thoma for posting this great question and @Johan La Rooy for the helpful solutions.

Xcode 8 shows error that provisioning profile doesn't include signing certificate

I got one of these emails from Apple:

Dear John Doe,

The following certificate has either been revoked by a member of your development team or has expired:

Certificate: iOS Development

Team Name: Honey Team, LLC

This does not affect apps that you've submitted to the App Store or your ability to update your apps. If you're using provisioning profiles that contain this certificate, they must be recreated before they can be reused. For details, see the "App signing overview" section of Xcode Help.

Best regards,

Apple Developer Program Support

I created a new certificate which revoked the previous certificate (locally and on any other developer's mac). For it to work I must download the new provision profiles.

The solution is to:

  • login into Apple developer account
  • remove/revoke the previous certificates created in my name.
  • add the new certificate to the provision profile. You can identify the newer one by their expiry date
  • download them again from Xcode. Xcode >> Account >> Download All Profiles
  • restart Xcode

I personally didn't have such access. This access was only available to our team's admin, hence I don't have screenshots nor certain if these steps are 100% correct.

Moment.js - two dates difference in number of days

$('#test').click(function() {_x000D_
  var startDate = moment("01.01.2019", "DD.MM.YYYY");_x000D_
  var endDate = moment("01.02.2019", "DD.MM.YYYY");_x000D_
  var result = 'Diff: ' + endDate.diff(startDate, 'days');_x000D_
#test {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background: #ffb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #999;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id='test'>Click Me!!!</div>_x000D_
<div id='result'></div>

Describe table structure

For SQL, use the Keyword 'sp_help' enter image description here

How do I commit only some files?

I think you may also use the command line :

git add -p

This allows you to review all your uncommited files, one by one and choose if you want to commit them or not.

Then you have some options that will come up for each modification: I use the "y" for "yes I want to add this file" and the "n" for "no, I will commit this one later".

Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,K,g,/,e,?]?

As for the other options which are ( q,a,d,K,g,/,e,? ), I'm not sure what they do, but I guess the "?" might help you out if you need to go deeper into details.

The great thing about this is that you can then push your work, and create a new branch after and all the uncommited work will follow you on that new branch. Very useful if you have coded many different things and that you actually want to reorganise your work on github before pushing it.

Hope this helps, I have not seen it said previously (if it was mentionned, my bad)

/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

Same issue with ambiguous (matches "iPhone Developer: [me] " and /// tweetdeck's library privatedata file. Fixed it by moving file to the trash and re-logging into Tweetdeck, setting up passwords again. What a pain.

Creating custom function in React component

You can try this.

// Author: Hannad Rehman Sat Jun 03 2017 12:59:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

import React from 'react';
import RippleButton from '../../Components/RippleButton/rippleButton.jsx';

class HtmlComponents extends React.Component {


        //do stuff. 
        // foo==bar

    render() {
      return (
             <h1>React Components</h1>
             <RippleButton onClick={this.rippleClickFunction}/>

export default HtmlComponents;

Yhe only concern is you have to bind the context to the function

Is <img> element block level or inline level?

<img> is a replaced element; it has a display value of inline by default, but its default dimensions are defined by the embedded image's intrinsic values, like it were inline-block. You can set properties like border/border-radius, padding/margin, width, height, etc. on an image.

Replaced elements : They're elements whose contents are not affected by the current document's styles. The position of the replaced element can be affected using CSS, but not the contents of the replaced element itself.

Referenece :

Why check both isset() and !empty()

"Empty": only works on variables. Empty can mean different things for different variable types (check manual:

"isset": checks if the variable exists and checks for a true NULL or false value. Can be unset by calling "unset". Once again, check the manual.

Use of either one depends of the variable type you are using.

I would say, it's safer to check for both, because you are checking first of all if the variable exists, and if it isn't really NULL or empty.

angularjs to output plain text instead of html



wraps a raw DOM element or HTML string as a jQuery element (If jQuery is not available, angular.element delegates to Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or "jqLite.")

So you simply could do:

angular.module('myApp.filters', []).
  filter('htmlToPlaintext', function() {
    return function(text) {
      return angular.element(text).text();


<div>{{myText | htmlToPlaintext}}</div>

Handling identity columns in an "Insert Into TABLE Values()" statement?

The best practice is to explicitly list the columns:

Insert Into TableName(col1, col2,col2) Values(?, ?, ?)

Otherwise, your original insert will break if you add another column to your table.

database attached is read only

If you have tried all of this and still no luck, try the detach/attach again.

Removing unwanted table cell borders with CSS

Modify your HTML like this:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <tr class='odd'><td>x</td><td>y</td><td>z</td></tr>

(I added border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0")

In CSS, you could do the following:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

How do I concatenate const/literal strings in C?

Do not forget to initialize the output buffer. The first argument to strcat must be a null terminated string with enough extra space allocated for the resulting string:

char out[1024] = ""; // must be initialized
strcat( out, null_terminated_string ); 
// null_terminated_string has less than 1023 chars

What does %>% mean in R

Use ?'%*%' to get the documentation.

%*% is matrix multiplication. For matrix multiplication, you need an m x n matrix times an n x p matrix.

What is the use of the square brackets [] in sql statements?

In addition Some Sharepoint databases contain hyphens in their names. Using square brackets in SQL Statements allow the names to be parsed correctly.

Spring MVC How take the parameter value of a GET HTTP Request in my controller method?

As explained in the documentation, by using an @RequestParam annotation:

public @ResponseBody String byParameter(@RequestParam("foo") String foo) {
    return "Mapped by path + method + presence of query parameter! (MappingController) - foo = "
           + foo;

Linq filter List<string> where it contains a string value from another List<string>

you can do that

var filteredFileList = fileList.Where(fl => filterList.Contains(fl.ToString()));

How do I create a list of random numbers without duplicates?

The answer provided here works very well with respect to time as well as memory but a bit more complicated as it uses advanced python constructs such as yield. The simpler answer works well in practice but, the issue with that answer is that it may generate many spurious integers before actually constructing the required set. Try it out with populationSize = 1000, sampleSize = 999. In theory, there is a chance that it doesn't terminate.

The answer below addresses both issues, as it is deterministic and somewhat efficient though currently not as efficient as the other two.

def randomSample(populationSize, sampleSize):
  populationStr = str(populationSize)
  dTree, samples = {}, []
  for i in range(sampleSize):
    val, dTree = getElem(populationStr, dTree, '')
  return samples, dTree

where the functions getElem, percolateUp are as defined below

import random

def getElem(populationStr, dTree, key):
  msd  = int(populationStr[0])
  if not key in dTree.keys():
    dTree[key] = range(msd + 1)
  idx = random.randint(0, len(dTree[key]) - 1)
  key = key +  str(dTree[key][idx])
  if len(populationStr) == 1:
    return key, (percolateUp(dTree, key[:-1]))
  newPopulation = populationStr[1:]
  if int(key[-1]) != msd:
    newPopulation = str(10**(len(newPopulation)) - 1)
  return getElem(newPopulation, dTree, key)

def percolateUp(dTree, key):
  while (dTree[key] == []):
    dTree[key[:-1]].remove( int(key[-1]) )
    key = key[:-1]
  return dTree

Finally, the timing on average was about 15ms for a large value of n as shown below,

In [3]: n = 10000000000000000000000000000000

In [4]: %time l,t = randomSample(n, 5)
Wall time: 15 ms

In [5]: l

Validate IPv4 address in Java

Use Guava's


Convert javascript array to string

I needed an array to became a String rappresentation of an array I mean I needed that

var a = ['a','b','c'];
//became a "real" array string-like to pass on query params so was easy to do:
JSON.stringify(a); //-->"['a','b','c']"

maybe someone need it :)

Editing the date formatting of x-axis tick labels in matplotlib

From the package matplotlib.dates as shown in this example the date format can be applied to the axis label and ticks for plot.

Below I have given an example for labeling axis ticks for multiplots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('US_temp.csv')
plt.plot(df['Date'],df_f['MINT'],label='Min Temp.')
plt.plot(df['Date'],df_f['MAXT'],label='Max Temp.')
####### Use the below functions #######
dtFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b') # define the formatting
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(dtFmt) # apply the format to the desired axis

As simple as that

Using grep and sed to find and replace a string

Your solution is ok. only try it in this way:

files=$(grep -rl oldstr path) && echo $files | xargs sed....

so execute the xargs only when grep return 0, e.g. when found the string in some files.

What's the longest possible worldwide phone number I should consider in SQL varchar(length) for phone

As for "phone numbers" you should really consider the difference between a "subscriber number" and a "dialling number" and the possible formatting options of them.

A subscriber number is generally defined in the national numbering plans. The question itself shows a relation to a national view by mentioning "area code" which a lot of nations don't have. ITU has assembled an overview of the world's numbering plans publishing recommendation E.164 where the national number was found to have a maximum of 12 digits. With international direct distance calling (DDD) defined by a country code of 1 to 3 digits they added that up to 15 digits ... without formatting.

The dialling number is a different thing as there are network elements that can interpret exta values in a phone number. You may think of an answering machine and a number code that sets the call diversion parameters. As it may contain another subscriber number it must be obviously longer than its base value. RFC 4715 has set aside 20 bcd-encoded bytes for "subaddressing".

If you turn to the technical limitation then it gets even more as the subscriber number has a technical limit in the 10 bcd-encoded bytes in the 3GPP standards (like GSM) and ISDN standards (like DSS1). They have a seperate TON/NPI byte for the prefix (type of number / number plan indicator) which E.164 recommends to be written with a "+" but many number plans define it with up to 4 numbers to be dialled.

So if you want to be future proof (and many software systems run unexpectingly for a few decades) you would need to consider 24 digits for a subscriber number and 64 digits for a dialling number as the limit ... without formatting. Adding formatting may add roughly an extra character for every digit. So as a final thought it may not be a good idea to limit the phone number in the database in any way and leave shorter limits to the UX designers.

Printing all variables value from a class

If you are using Eclipse, this should be easy:

1.Press Alt+Shift+S

2.Choose "Generate toString()..."

Enjoy! You can have any template of toString()s.

This also works with getter/setters.

When should a class be Comparable and/or Comparator?


  1. To implement Comparable interface, class must implement a single method compareTo()

    int a.compareTo(b)

  2. You must modify the class whose instance you want to sort. So that only one sort sequence can be created per class.


  1. To implement Comparator interface, class must implement a single method compare()

    int compare (a,b)

  2. You build a class separate from class whose instance you want to sort. So that multiple sort sequence can be created per class.

Stop node.js program from command line

For windows first search the PID with your port number

netstat -ano | findStr "portNumber"

After that, kill the task, make sure you are in root of your "c" drive enter image description here And the command will be taskkill /F /PID your pid

Why can't I define my workbook as an object?

You'll need to open the workbook to refer to it.

Sub Setwbk()

    Dim wbk As Workbook

    Set wbk = Workbooks.Open("F:\Quarterly Reports\2012 Reports\New Reports\ _
        Master Benchmark Data Sheet.xlsx")

End Sub

* Follow Doug's answer if the workbook is already open. For the sake of making this answer as complete as possible, I'm including my comment on his answer:

Why do I have to "set" it?

Set is how VBA assigns object variables. Since a Range and a Workbook/Worksheet are objects, you must use Set with these.

Sqlite or MySql? How to decide?

My few cents to previous excellent replies. the site works on a sqlite database. Here is the link when the author (Richard Hipp) replies to a similar question.

Second line in li starts under the bullet after CSS-reset

Here is a good example -

ul li{
    list-style-type: disc;
    list-style-position: inside;
    padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;
    text-indent: -1em;

Working Demo:

phpmailer error "Could not instantiate mail function"

If you are sending file attachments and your code works for small attachments but fails for large attachments:

If you get the error "Could not instantiate mail function" error when you try to send large emails and your PHP error log contains the message "Cannot send message: Too big" then your mail transfer agent (sendmail, postfix, exim, etc) is refusing to deliver these emails.

The solution is to configure the MTA to allow larger attachments. But this is not always possible. The alternate solution is to use SMTP. You will need access to a SMTP server (and login credentials if your SMTP server requires authentication):

$mail             = new PHPMailer();
$mail->IsSMTP();                           // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                  // enable SMTP authentication
$mail->Host       = ""; // set the SMTP server
$mail->Port       = 26;                    // set the SMTP port
$mail->Username   = "yourname@yourdomain"; // SMTP account username
$mail->Password   = "yourpassword";        // SMTP account password

PHPMailer defaults to using PHP mail() function which uses settings from php.ini which normally defaults to use sendmail (or something similar). In the above example we override the default behavior.

How to replace innerHTML of a div using jQuery?

Pure JS and Shortest

Pure JS

regTitle.innerHTML = 'Hello World'

regTitle.innerHTML = 'Hello World';
<div id="regTitle"></div>


$(regTitle).html('Hello World'); 

// note: no quotes around regTitle_x000D_
$(regTitle).html('Hello World'); 
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="regTitle"></div>

How to Select a substring in Oracle SQL up to a specific character?

Remember this if all your Strings in the column do not have an underscore (...or else if null value will be the output):


Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open() in PHP

if it is centos with php 5.3 installed.

sudo yum install php53-imap

and restart apache

sudo /sbin/service httpd restart


sudo service apache2 restart

Drop shadow for PNG image in CSS

Yes, it is possible using filter: dropShadow(x y blur? spread? color?), either in CSS or inline:

img {_x000D_
  width: 150px;_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px #222);_x000D_
  filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px #222);_x000D_
<img src="">_x000D_
<img src="" style="-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px #222); filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px #222);">

How to obtain a Thread id in Python?

Similarly to @brucexin I needed to get OS-level thread identifier (which != thread.get_ident()) and use something like below not to depend on particular numbers and being amd64-only:

---- 8< ---- (xos.pyx)
"""module xos complements standard module os""" 

cdef extern from "<sys/syscall.h>":                                                             
    long syscall(long number, ...)                                                              
    const int SYS_gettid                                                                        

# gettid returns current OS thread identifier.                                                  
def gettid():                                                                                   
    return syscall(SYS_gettid)                                                                  


---- 8< ---- (
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import xos


print 'my tid: %d' % xos.gettid()

this depends on Cython though.

Tools to generate database tables diagram with Postgresql?

PostgreSQL Autodoc has worked well for me. It is a simple command line tool. From the web page:

This is a utility which will run through PostgreSQL system tables and returns HTML, Dot, Dia and DocBook XML which describes the database.

What should my Objective-C singleton look like?

I have an interesting variation on sharedInstance that is thread safe, but does not lock after the initialization. I am not yet sure enough of it to modify the top answer as requested, but I present it for further discussion:

// Volatile to make sure we are not foiled by CPU caches
static volatile ALBackendRequestManager *sharedInstance;

// There's no need to call this directly, as method swizzling in sharedInstance
// means this will get called after the singleton is initialized.
+ (MySingleton *)simpleSharedInstance
    return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;

+ (MySingleton*)sharedInstance
        if (sharedInstance == nil)
            sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
            // Replace expensive thread-safe method 
            // with the simpler one that just returns the allocated instance.
            SEL origSel = @selector(sharedInstance);
            SEL newSel = @selector(simpleSharedInstance);
            Method origMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, origSel);
            Method newMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, newSel);
            method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);
    return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

It is not possible to specify a log level in sjf4j 1.x out of the box. But there is hope for slf4j 2.0 to fix the issue. In 2.0 it might look like this:

import org.slf4j.helpers.Util;
import static org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger.*;

// does not work with slf4j 1.x
Util.log(logger, DEBUG_INT, "hello world!");

In the meanwhile, for slf4j 1.x, you can use this workaround:

Copy this class into your classpath:

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.function.Function;

public enum LogLevel {

    TRACE(l -> l::trace, Logger::isTraceEnabled),
    DEBUG(l -> l::debug, Logger::isDebugEnabled),
    INFO(l -> l::info, Logger::isInfoEnabled),
    WARN(l -> l::warn, Logger::isWarnEnabled),
    ERROR(l -> l::error, Logger::isErrorEnabled);

    interface LogMethod {
        void log(String format, Object... arguments);

    private final Function<Logger, LogMethod> logMethod;
    private final Function<Logger, Boolean> isEnabledMethod;

    LogLevel(Function<Logger, LogMethod> logMethod, Function<Logger, Boolean> isEnabledMethod) {
        this.logMethod = logMethod;
        this.isEnabledMethod = isEnabledMethod;

    public LogMethod prepare(Logger logger) {
        return logMethod.apply(logger);

    public boolean isEnabled(Logger logger) {
        return isEnabledMethod.apply(logger);

Then you can use it like this:

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);

LogLevel level = LogLevel.ERROR;
level.prepare(logger).log("It works!"); // just message, without parameter
level.prepare(logger).log("Hello {}!", "world"); // with slf4j's parameter replacing

try {
    throw new RuntimeException("Oops");
} catch (Throwable t) {
    level.prepare(logger).log("Exception", t);

if (level.isEnabled(logger)) {
    level.prepare(logger).log("logging is enabled");

This will output a log like this:

[main] ERROR Application - It works!
[main] ERROR Application - Hello world!
[main] ERROR Application - Exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: Oops
    at Application.main(
[main] ERROR Application - logging is enabled

Is it worth it?

  • Pro It keeps the source code location (class names, method names, line numbers will point to your code)
  • Pro You can easily define variables, parameters and return types as LogLevel
  • Pro Your business code stays short and easy to read, and no additional dependencies required.

The source code as minimal example is hosted on GitHub.

List and kill at jobs on UNIX

at -l to list jobs, which gives return like this:

age2%> at -l
11      2014-10-21 10:11 a hoppent
10      2014-10-19 13:28 a hoppent

atrm 10 kills job 10

Or so my sysadmin told me, and it

Using ZXing to create an Android barcode scanning app

If you want to include into your code and not use the IntentIntegrator that the ZXing library recommend, you can use some of these ports:

I use the first, and it works perfectly! It has a sample project to try it on.

Windows cannot find 'http:/.'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again

I think it occurs due to the missing of environment variable named HTTPPORT. Just create that environment variable as 8080 will resolve the issue. or replace HTTPPORT as 8080 in the URL.

try this,

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method fxn(int) from the type Two

Since the main method is static and the fxn() method is not, you can't call the method without first creating a Two object. So either you change the method to:

public static int fxn(int y) {
    y = 5;
    return y;

or change the code in main to:

Two two = new Two();
x = two.fxn(x);

Read more on static here in the Java Tutorials.

Postgresql, update if row with some unique value exists, else insert

I found this post more relevant in this scenario:

WITH upsert AS (
     UPDATE spider_count SET tally=tally+1 
     WHERE date='today' AND spider='Googlebot' 
INSERT INTO spider_count (spider, tally) 
SELECT 'Googlebot', 1 

Recommended way of making React component/div draggable

I implemented react-dnd, a flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control.

Existing drag-and-drop libraries didn't fit my use case so I wrote my own. It's similar to the code we've been running for about a year on, but rewritten to take advantage of React and Flux.

Key requirements I had:

  • Emit zero DOM or CSS of its own, leaving it to the consuming components;
  • Impose as little structure as possible on consuming components;
  • Use HTML5 drag and drop as primary backend but make it possible to add different backends in the future;
  • Like original HTML5 API, emphasize dragging data and not just “draggable views”;
  • Hide HTML5 API quirks from the consuming code;
  • Different components may be “drag sources” or “drop targets” for different kinds of data;
  • Allow one component to contain several drag sources and drop targets when needed;
  • Make it easy for drop targets to change their appearance if compatible data is being dragged or hovered;
  • Make it easy to use images for drag thumbnails instead of element screenshots, circumventing browser quirks.

If these sound familiar to you, read on.


Simple Drag Source

First, declare types of data that can be dragged.

These are used to check “compatibility” of drag sources and drop targets:

// ItemTypes.js
module.exports = {
  BLOCK: 'block',
  IMAGE: 'image'

(If you don't have multiple data types, this libary may not be for you.)

Then, let's make a very simple draggable component that, when dragged, represents IMAGE:

var { DragDropMixin } = require('react-dnd'),
    ItemTypes = require('./ItemTypes');

var Image = React.createClass({
  mixins: [DragDropMixin],

  configureDragDrop(registerType) {

    // Specify all supported types by calling registerType(type, { dragSource?, dropTarget? })
    registerType(ItemTypes.IMAGE, {

      // dragSource, when specified, is { beginDrag(), canDrag()?, endDrag(didDrop)? }
      dragSource: {

        // beginDrag should return { item, dragOrigin?, dragPreview?, dragEffect? }
        beginDrag() {
          return {
            item: this.props.image

  render() {

    // {...this.dragSourceFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} will expand into
    // { draggable: true, onDragStart: (handled by mixin), onDragEnd: (handled by mixin) }.

    return (
      <img src={this.props.image.url}
           {...this.dragSourceFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} />

By specifying configureDragDrop, we tell DragDropMixin the drag-drop behavior of this component. Both draggable and droppable components use the same mixin.

Inside configureDragDrop, we need to call registerType for each of our custom ItemTypes that component supports. For example, there might be several representations of images in your app, and each would provide a dragSource for ItemTypes.IMAGE.

A dragSource is just an object specifying how the drag source works. You must implement beginDrag to return item that represents the data you're dragging and, optionally, a few options that adjust the dragging UI. You can optionally implement canDrag to forbid dragging, or endDrag(didDrop) to execute some logic when the drop has (or has not) occured. And you can share this logic between components by letting a shared mixin generate dragSource for them.

Finally, you must use {...this.dragSourceFor(itemType)} on some (one or more) elements in render to attach drag handlers. This means you can have several “drag handles” in one element, and they may even correspond to different item types. (If you're not familiar with JSX Spread Attributes syntax, check it out).

Simple Drop Target

Let's say we want ImageBlock to be a drop target for IMAGEs. It's pretty much the same, except that we need to give registerType a dropTarget implementation:

var { DragDropMixin } = require('react-dnd'),
    ItemTypes = require('./ItemTypes');

var ImageBlock = React.createClass({
  mixins: [DragDropMixin],

  configureDragDrop(registerType) {

    registerType(ItemTypes.IMAGE, {

      // dropTarget, when specified, is { acceptDrop(item)?, enter(item)?, over(item)?, leave(item)? }
      dropTarget: {
        acceptDrop(image) {
          // Do something with image! for example,
          DocumentActionCreators.setImage(this.props.blockId, image);

  render() {

    // {...this.dropTargetFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} will expand into
    // { onDragEnter: (handled by mixin), onDragOver: (handled by mixin), onDragLeave: (handled by mixin), onDrop: (handled by mixin) }.

    return (
      <div {...this.dropTargetFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)}>
        {this.props.image &&
          <img src={this.props.image.url} />

Drag Source + Drop Target In One Component

Say we now want the user to be able to drag out an image out of ImageBlock. We just need to add appropriate dragSource to it and a few handlers:

var { DragDropMixin } = require('react-dnd'),
    ItemTypes = require('./ItemTypes');

var ImageBlock = React.createClass({
  mixins: [DragDropMixin],

  configureDragDrop(registerType) {

    registerType(ItemTypes.IMAGE, {

      // Add a drag source that only works when ImageBlock has an image:
      dragSource: {
        canDrag() {
          return !!this.props.image;

        beginDrag() {
          return {
            item: this.props.image

      dropTarget: {
        acceptDrop(image) {
          DocumentActionCreators.setImage(this.props.blockId, image);

  render() {

    return (
      <div {...this.dropTargetFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)}>

        {/* Add {...this.dragSourceFor} handlers to a nested node */}
        {this.props.image &&
          <img src={this.props.image.url}
               {...this.dragSourceFor(ItemTypes.IMAGE)} />

What Else Is Possible?

I have not covered everything but it's possible to use this API in a few more ways:

  • Use getDragState(type) and getDropState(type) to learn if dragging is active and use it to toggle CSS classes or attributes;
  • Specify dragPreview to be Image to use images as drag placeholders (use ImagePreloaderMixin to load them);
  • Say, we want to make ImageBlocks reorderable. We only need them to implement dropTarget and dragSource for ItemTypes.BLOCK.
  • Suppose we add other kinds of blocks. We can reuse their reordering logic by placing it in a mixin.
  • dropTargetFor(...types) allows to specify several types at once, so one drop zone can catch many different types.
  • When you need more fine-grained control, most methods are passed drag event that caused them as the last parameter.

For up-to-date documentation and installation instructions, head to react-dnd repo on Github.

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING

For people that find this question by searching for the error message, you can also see this error if you make a mistake in your @JsonProperty annotations such that you annotate a List-typed property with the name of a single-valued field:

@JsonProperty("someSingleValuedField") // Oops, should have been "someMultiValuedField"
public List<String> getMyField() { // deserialization fails - single value into List
  return myField;

Styling input buttons for iPad and iPhone

I recently came across this problem myself.

<!--Instead of using input-->
<input type="submit"/>
<!--Use button-->
<button type="submit">
<!--You can then attach your custom CSS to the button-->

Hope that helps.

SQL - Update multiple records in one query

Try either multi-table update syntax

UPDATE config t1 JOIN config t2
    ON t1.config_name = 'name1' AND t2.config_name = 'name2'
   SET t1.config_value = 'value',
       t2.config_value = 'value2';

Here is SQLFiddle demo

or conditional update

UPDATE config
   SET config_value = CASE config_name 
                      WHEN 'name1' THEN 'value' 
                      WHEN 'name2' THEN 'value2' 
                      ELSE config_value
 WHERE config_name IN('name1', 'name2');

Here is SQLFiddle demo

How to store token in Local or Session Storage in Angular 2?

Adding onto Bojan Kogoj's answer:

In your app.module.ts, add a new provider for storage.

   providers: [
      { provide: Storage, useValue: localStorage }

And then you can use DI to get it wherever you need it.

 export class StateService {
    constructor(private storage: Storage) { }

Turning off some legends in a ggplot

You can use guide=FALSE in scale_..._...() to suppress legend.

For your example you should use scale_colour_continuous() because length is continuous variable (not discrete).

(p3 <- ggplot(mov, aes(year, rating, colour = length, shape = mpaa)) +
   scale_colour_continuous(guide = FALSE) +

Or using function guides() you should set FALSE for that element/aesthetic that you don't want to appear as legend, for example, fill, shape, colour.

p0 <- ggplot(mov, aes(year, rating, colour = length, shape = mpaa)) +


Both provided solutions work in new ggplot2 version 2.0.0 but movies dataset is no longer present in this library. Instead you have to use new package ggplot2movies to check those solutions.

mov <- subset(movies, length != "")

No matching bean of type ... found for dependency

I had a similar issue but I was missing the (@Service or @Component) from the implementation of

How, in general, does Node.js handle 10,000 concurrent requests?

What you seem to be thinking is that most of the processing is handled in the node event loop. Node actually farms off the I/O work to threads. I/O operations typically take orders of magnitude longer than CPU operations so why have the CPU wait for that? Besides, the OS can handle I/O tasks very well already. In fact, because Node does not wait around it achieves much higher CPU utilisation.

By way of analogy, think of NodeJS as a waiter taking the customer orders while the I/O chefs prepare them in the kitchen. Other systems have multiple chefs, who take a customers order, prepare the meal, clear the table and only then attend to the next customer.

Are multi-line strings allowed in JSON?

JSON doesn't allow breaking lines for readability.

Your best bet is to use an IDE that will line-wrap for you.

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

Use the following in a stored procedure:

           WHERE table_name = 'tablename'
             AND table_schema = 'db_name'
             AND column_name = 'columnname')  THEN

  ALTER TABLE `TableName` ADD `ColumnName` int(1) NOT NULL default '0';


How to verify element present or visible in selenium 2 (Selenium WebDriver)

Try using below code:

private enum ElementStatus{
    private ElementStatus isElementVisible(WebDriver driver, By by,ElementStatus getStatus){
                    return ElementStatus.ENABLED;
                return ElementStatus.NOTENABLED; 
                    return ElementStatus.VISIBLE;
                return ElementStatus.NOTVISIBLE;
            return ElementStatus.PRESENT;
        }catch(org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException nse){
            return ElementStatus.NOTPRESENT;

Can't get ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in WebControl nested in UpdatePanel to work

Sometimes it doesnt fire when the script has some syntax error, make sure the script and javascript syntax is correct.

ADB error: cannot connect to daemon

Check your firewall and antivirus for permissions for Android Debugger Bridge (adb.exe).

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

My suggestion:

    method: 'DELETE',
    url: '/roles/' + roleid,
    data: {
        user: userId
    headers: {
        'Content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
.then(function(response) {
}, function(rejection) {

Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

Don't forget to include the path after your domain and ip. In my case, I forgot:


FileNotFoundException..Classpath resource not found in spring?

Looking at your classpath you exclude src/main/resources and src/test/resources:

    <classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/resources"/>
    <classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/resources"/>

Is there a reason for it? Try not to exclude a classpath to spring-config.xml :)

How can I use pickle to save a dict?

In general, pickling a dict will fail unless you have only simple objects in it, like strings and integers.

Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 11 2014, 01:21:43) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66))] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from numpy import *
>>> type(globals())     
<type 'dict'>
>>> import pickle
>>> pik = pickle.dumps(globals())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1374, in dumps
    Pickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in dump
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 286, in save
    f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 649, in save_dict
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 663, in _batch_setitems
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 306, in save
    rv = reduce(self.proto)
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 70, in _reduce_ex
    raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle module objects

Even a really simple dict will often fail. It just depends on the contents.

>>> d = {'x': lambda x:x}
>>> pik = pickle.dumps(d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1374, in dumps
    Pickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in dump
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 286, in save
    f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 649, in save_dict
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 663, in _batch_setitems
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 286, in save
    f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 748, in save_global
    (obj, module, name))
pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x102178668>: it's not found as __main__.<lambda>

However, if you use a better serializer like dill or cloudpickle, then most dictionaries can be pickled:

>>> import dill
>>> pik = dill.dumps(d)

Or if you want to save your dict to a file...

>>> with open('save.pik', 'w') as f:
...   dill.dump(globals(), f)

The latter example is identical to any of the other good answers posted here (which aside from neglecting the picklability of the contents of the dict are good).

How do I prevent site scraping?

Putting your content behind a captcha would mean that robots would find it difficult to access your content. However, humans would be inconvenienced so that may be undesirable.

Is it possible to style a select box?

You should try using some jQuery plugin like ikSelect.

I tried to make it very customizable but easy to use.

Singleton: How should it be used

Another implementation

class Singleton
    static Singleton& Instance()
        // lazy initialize
        if (instance_ == NULL) instance_ = new Singleton();

        return *instance_;

    Singleton() {};

    static Singleton *instance_;

Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

Most of the other methods listed here are Rails specific. If you want do do this with pure Ruby, the following is the most concise way I've come up with (thanks to @ulysse-bn for the suggested improvement)

    #=> "ThisShouldBeCamelCase"

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in

i was having the same issue

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

[ErrorException] Warning: PDO::__construct(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/mysql/mysql.sock) in …htdocs/Symfony/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php

So the solution is to make a symlink to the sock file thus resolving the issue. Do the following to resolve it:

$ sudo mkdir /private/var/mysql/

$ sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /private/var/mysql/mysql.sock


Bootstrap 4 datapicker.js not included

Maybe you want to try this:

It's a flexible datepicker widget in the Bootstrap style.

How to save a pandas DataFrame table as a png

The easiest and fastest way to convert a Pandas dataframe into a png image using Anaconda Spyder IDE- just double-click on the dataframe in variable explorer, and the IDE table will appear, nicely packaged with automatic formatting and color scheme. Just use a snipping tool to capture the table for use in your reports, saved as a png:

2020 Blue Chip Ratio

This saves me lots of time, and is still elegant and professional.

LEFT INNER JOIN vs. LEFT OUTER JOIN - Why does the OUTER take longer?

This is because the LEFT OUTER Join is doing more work than an INNER Join BEFORE sending the results back.

The Inner Join looks for all records where the ON statement is true (So when it creates a new table, it only puts in records that match the m.SubID = a.SubID). Then it compares those results to your WHERE statement (Your last modified time).

The Left Outer Join...Takes all of the records in your first table. If the ON statement is not true (m.SubID does not equal a.SubID), it simply NULLS the values in the second table's column for that recordset.

The reason you get the same number of results at the end is probably coincidence due to the WHERE clause that happens AFTER all of the copying of records.

Join (SQL) Wikipedia

What's the net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR about?

For me, it was the StackOverFlow Exception because of recursive code.

UIView with rounded corners and drop shadow?

I've created a helper on UIView

@interface UIView (Helper)

- (void)roundCornerswithRadius:(float)cornerRadius

you can call it like this

[self.view roundCornerswithRadius:5 andShadowOffset:5];

Here's the implementation

- (void)roundCornerswithRadius:(float)cornerRadius
    const float CORNER_RADIUS = cornerRadius;
    const float SHADOW_OFFSET = shadowOffset;
    const float SHADOW_OPACITY = 0.5;
    const float SHADOW_RADIUS = 3.0;

    UIView *superView = self.superview;

    CGRect oldBackgroundFrame = self.frame;
    [self removeFromSuperview];

    CGRect frameForShadowView = CGRectMake(0, 0, oldBackgroundFrame.size.width, oldBackgroundFrame.size.height);
    UIView *shadowView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:frameForShadowView];
    [shadowView.layer setShadowOpacity:SHADOW_OPACITY];
    [shadowView.layer setShadowRadius:SHADOW_RADIUS];
    [shadowView.layer setShadowOffset:CGSizeMake(SHADOW_OFFSET, SHADOW_OFFSET)];

    [self.layer setCornerRadius:CORNER_RADIUS];
    [self.layer setMasksToBounds:YES];

    [shadowView addSubview:self];
    [superView addSubview:shadowView];


android pick images from gallery

For only pick from local add this :


And this working nice :

    val i = Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT,MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI)
    i.type = "image/*"
    startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(i,"Select Photo"),pickImageRequestCode)

Select DataFrame rows between two dates

Inspired by unutbu

print(df.dtypes)                                 #Make sure the format is 'object'. Rerunning this after index will not show values.
columnName = 'YourColumnName'
df[columnName+'index'] = df[columnName]          #Create a new column for index
df.set_index(columnName+'index', inplace=True)   #To build index on the timestamp/dates
df.loc['2020-09-03 01:00':'2020-09-06']          #Select range from the index. This is your new Dataframe.

Pandas/Python: Set value of one column based on value in another column

Try out df.apply() if you've a small/medium dataframe,

df['c2'] = df.apply(lambda x: 10 if x['c1'] == 'Value' else x['c1'], axis = 1)

Else, follow the slicing techniques mentioned in the above comments if you've got a big dataframe.

How do I extract part of a string in t-sql

I would recommend a combination of PatIndex and Left. Carefully constructed, you can write a query that always works, no matter what your data looks like.


Declare @Temp Table(Data VarChar(20))

Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA200')
Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA50')
Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA030')
Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA')
Insert Into @Temp Values('123')
Insert Into @Temp Values('X999')

Select Data, Left(Data, PatIndex('%[0-9]%', Data + '1') - 1)
From   @Temp

PatIndex will look for the first character that falls in the range of 0-9, and return it's character position, which you can use with the LEFT function to extract the correct data. Note that PatIndex is actually using Data + '1'. This protects us from data where there are no numbers found. If there are no numbers, PatIndex would return 0. In this case, the LEFT function would error because we are using Left(Data, PatIndex - 1). When PatIndex returns 0, we would end up with Left(Data, -1) which returns an error.

There are still ways this can fail. For a full explanation, I encourage you to read:

Extracting numbers with SQL Server

That article shows how to get numbers out of a string. In your case, you want to get alpha characters instead. However, the process is similar enough that you can probably learn something useful out of it.

ggplot2: sorting a plot

Here are a couple of ways.

The first will order things based on the order seen in the data frame:

x$variable <- factor(x$variable, levels=unique(as.character(x$variable)) )

The second orders the levels based on another variable (value in this case):

x <- transform(x, variable=reorder(variable, -value) ) 

DBCC SHRINKFILE on log file not reducing size even after BACKUP LOG TO DISK

I resolved this problem by taking the full and transactional backup. Sometimes, the backup process is not completed and that's one of the reason the .ldf file is not getting shrink. Try this. It worked for me.

ios Upload Image and Text using HTTP POST

use below code. it will work fine for me.

+(void) sendHttpRequestWithArrayContent:(NSMutableArray *) array 
ToUrl:(NSString *) strUrl withHttpMethod:(NSString *) strMethod 
if (![Utility isConnectionAvailableWithAlert:TRUE])
    [Utility showAlertWithTitle:@"" andMessage:@"No internet connection available"];

NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init] ;

[request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:strUrl]];
[request setTimeoutInterval:120.0];
[request setHTTPMethod:strMethod];

NSString *boundary = @"---------------------------14737809831466499882746641449";
NSString *contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/form-data; boundary=%@",boundary];
[request addValue:contentType forHTTPHeaderField: @"Content-Type"];

NSMutableData *body=[[NSMutableData alloc]init];

for (NSMutableDictionary *dict in array)
    if ([[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
        [body appendData:[self contentDataFormStringWithValue:[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]] withKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]]];
    else if ([[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]] isKindOfClass:[UIImage class]])
        [body appendData:[self contentDataFormImage:[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]] withKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]]];
    else if ([[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]] isKindOfClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]])
        [body appendData:[self contentDataFormStringWithValue:[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]] withKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]]];
        NSMutableData *dataBody = [NSMutableData data];
        [dataBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
        [dataBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\"; filename=\"ipodfile.jpg\"\r\n",@"image"] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
        [dataBody appendData:[@"Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

        [dataBody appendData:[dict valueForKey:[[dict allKeys]objectAtIndex:0]]];

        [body appendData:dataBody];

[body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@--\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

[request setHTTPBody:body];

[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError)
     if (!data) {
         NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
          [dict setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",SomethingWentWrong] forKey:@"error"];
         return ;
     NSError *error = nil;
    // NSString *str=[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
     NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&error];
     if (!dict) {
         NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
         [dict setObject:ServerResponceError forKey:@"error"];
         return ;


+(NSMutableData*) contentDataFormStringWithValue:(NSString*)strValue 
withKey:(NSString *) key
NSString *boundary = @"---------------------------14737809831466499882746641449";
NSMutableData *data=[[NSMutableData alloc]init];
[data appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[data appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\"\r\n\r\n",key] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[data appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",strValue] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];  // title
return data;

+(NSMutableData*) contentDataFormImage:(UIImage*)image withKey:
(NSString *) key
NSString *boundary = @"---------------------------14737809831466499882746641449";
NSMutableData *body = [NSMutableData data];
[body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\"; filename=\"ipodfile.jpg\"\r\n",key] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[body appendData:[@"Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSData *imageData=UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.40);
[body appendData:imageData];

return body;

Applying Comic Sans Ms font style

The font may exist with different names, and not at all on some systems, so you need to use different variations and fallback to get the closest possible look on all systems:

font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;

Be careful what you use this font for, though. Many consider it as ugly and overused, so it should not be use for something that should look professional.

How to download videos from youtube on java?

I know i am answering late. But this code may useful for some one. So i am attaching it here.

Use the following java code to download the videos from YouTube.

package com.mycompany.ytd;

import com.github.axet.vget.VGet;

 * @author Manindar
public class YTD {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            String url = "";
            String path = "D:\\Manindar\\YTD\\";
            VGet v = new VGet(new URL(url), new File(path));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Add the below Dependency in your POM.XML file


Hope this will be useful.

AndroidStudio gradle proxy

If you are at the office and behind the company proxy, try to imports all company proxy cacert into jre\lib\security because gradle uses jre's certificates.

Plus, config your It should work

More details go to that thread:!msg/adt-dev/kdP2iNgcQFM/BDY7H0os18oJ

Which mime type should I use for mp3

mp3 files sometimes throw strange mime types as per this answer:

If you are doing some user validation do not allow 'application/octet-stream' or 'application/x-zip-compressed' as suggested above since they can contain be .exe or other potentially dangerous files.

In order to validate when mime type gives a false negative you can use fleep as per this answer to finish the validation.

How do you concatenate Lists in C#?

targetList = list1.Concat(list2).ToList();

It's working fine I think so. As previously said, Concat returns a new sequence and while converting the result to List, it does the job perfectly.

Mapping over values in a python dictionary

Just came accross this use case. I implemented gens's answer, adding a recursive approach for handling values that are also dicts:

def mutate_dict_in_place(f, d):
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            mutate_dict_in_place(f, v)
            d[k] = f(v)

# Exemple handy usage
def utf8_everywhere(d):
        lambda value:
            if isinstance(value, bytes)
            else value

my_dict = {'a': b'byte1', 'b': {'c': b'byte2', 'd': b'byte3'}}

This can be useful when dealing with json or yaml files that encode strings as bytes in Python 2

check android application is in foreground or not?

Below solution works from API level 14+

Backgrounding ComponentCallbacks2 — Looking at the documentation is not 100% clear on how you would use this. However, take a closer look and you will noticed the onTrimMemory method passes in a flag. These flags are typically to do with the memory availability but the one we care about is TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN. By checking if the UI is hidden we can potentially make an assumption that the app is now in the background. Not exactly obvious but it should work.

Foregrounding ActivityLifecycleCallbacks — We can use this to detect foreground by overriding onActivityResumed and keeping track of the current application state (Foreground/Background).

Create our interface that will be implemented by a custom Application class

interface LifecycleDelegate {
    fun onAppBackgrounded()
    fun onAppForegrounded()

Create a class that is going to implement the ActivityLifecycleCallbacks and ComponentCallbacks2 and override onActivityResumed and onTrimMemory methods

// Take an instance of our lifecycleHandler as a constructor parameter
class AppLifecycleHandler(private val lifecycleDelegate: LifecycleDelegate) 
: Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks, ComponentCallbacks2 // <-- Implement these 
private var appInForeground = false

      // Override from Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks
    override fun onActivityResumed(p0: Activity?) {
       if (!appInForeground) {
          appInForeground = true

      // Override from ComponentCallbacks2
    override fun onTrimMemory(level: Int) { 
       if (level == ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN) {
       // lifecycleDelegate instance was passed in on the constructor

Now all we need to do is have our custom Application class implement our LifecycleDelegate interface and register.

class App : Application(), LifeCycleDelegate {

    override fun onCreate() {
        val lifeCycleHandler = AppLifecycleHandler(this)

    override fun onAppBackgrounded() {
        Log.d("Awww", "App in background")

    override fun onAppForegrounded() {
        Log.d("Yeeey", "App in foreground")

    private fun registerLifecycleHandler(lifeCycleHandler: AppLifecycleHandler) {


In Manifest set the CustomApplicationClass


How to insert a new line in Linux shell script?

echo $'Create the snapshots\nSnapshot created\n'

Add column to SQL Server

Add new column to Table

ADD Column1 Datatype



If User wants to make it auto incremented then


How to append rows in a pandas dataframe in a for loop?

Suppose your data looks like this:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([])
for i in range(5):
    data = dict(zip(np.random.choice(10, replace=False, size=5),
                    np.random.randint(10, size=5)))
    data = pd.DataFrame(data.items())
    data = data.transpose()
    data.columns = data.iloc[0]
    data = data.drop(data.index[[0]])
    df = df.append(data)
# 0   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
# 1   6 NaN NaN   8   5 NaN NaN   7   0 NaN
# 1 NaN   9   6 NaN   2 NaN   1 NaN NaN   2
# 1 NaN   2   2   1   2 NaN   1 NaN NaN NaN
# 1   6 NaN   6 NaN   4   4   0 NaN NaN NaN
# 1 NaN   9 NaN   9 NaN   7   1   9 NaN NaN

Then it could be replaced with

data = []
for i in range(5):
    data.append(dict(zip(np.random.choice(10, replace=False, size=5),
                         np.random.randint(10, size=5))))
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

In other words, do not form a new DataFrame for each row. Instead, collect all the data in a list of dicts, and then call df = pd.DataFrame(data) once at the end, outside the loop.

Each call to df.append requires allocating space for a new DataFrame with one extra row, copying all the data from the original DataFrame into the new DataFrame, and then copying data into the new row. All that allocation and copying makes calling df.append in a loop very inefficient. The time cost of copying grows quadratically with the number of rows. Not only is the call-DataFrame-once code easier to write, it's performance will be much better -- the time cost of copying grows linearly with the number of rows.

How to set the UITableView Section title programmatically (iPhone/iPad)?

If you are writing code in Swift it would look as an example like this

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String?
    switch section
        case 0:
            return "Apple Devices"
        case 1:
            return "Samsung Devices"
            return "Other Devices"

In-place type conversion of a NumPy array

You can change the array type without converting like this:

a.dtype = numpy.float32

but first you have to change all the integers to something that will be interpreted as the corresponding float. A very slow way to do this would be to use python's struct module like this:

def toi(i):
    return struct.unpack('i',struct.pack('f',float(i)))[0]

...applied to each member of your array.

But perhaps a faster way would be to utilize numpy's ctypeslib tools (which I am unfamiliar with)

- edit -

Since ctypeslib doesnt seem to work, then I would proceed with the conversion with the typical numpy.astype method, but proceed in block sizes that are within your memory limits:

a[0:10000] = a[0:10000].astype('float32').view('int32')

...then change the dtype when done.

Here is a function that accomplishes the task for any compatible dtypes (only works for dtypes with same-sized items) and handles arbitrarily-shaped arrays with user-control over block size:

import numpy

def astype_inplace(a, dtype, blocksize=10000):
    oldtype = a.dtype
    newtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
    assert oldtype.itemsize is newtype.itemsize
    for idx in xrange(0, a.size, blocksize):
        a.flat[idx:idx + blocksize] = \
            a.flat[idx:idx + blocksize].astype(newtype).view(oldtype)
    a.dtype = newtype

a = numpy.random.randint(100,size=100).reshape((10,10))
print a
astype_inplace(a, 'float32')
print a

'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error

The error TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable means that you tried to call a numpy array as a function. We can reproduce the error like so in the repl:

In [16]: import numpy as np

In [17]: np.array([1,2,3])()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-17-1abf8f3c8162> in <module>()
----> 1 np.array([1,2,3])()

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

If we are to assume that the error is indeed coming from the snippet of code that you posted (something that you should check,) then you must have reassigned either pd.rolling_mean or pd.rolling_std to a numpy array earlier in your code.

What I mean is something like this:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Works
Out[3]: array([ nan,  nan,  nan])

In [4]: pd.rolling_mean = np.array([1,2,3])

In [5]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-5-f528129299b9> in <module>()
----> 1 pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

So, basically you need to search the rest of your codebase for pd.rolling_mean = ... and/or pd.rolling_std = ... to see where you may have overwritten them.

Also, if you'd like, you can put in reload(pd) just before your snippet, which should make it run by restoring the value of pd to what you originally imported it as, but I still highly recommend that you try to find where you may have reassigned the given functions.

Error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version

Some special characters give this type of error, so use

$query="INSERT INTO `tablename` (`name`, `email`)

Get clicked element using jQuery on event?

A simple way is to pass the data attribute to your HTML tag.


<div data-id='tagid' class="clickElem"></div>

$(document).on("click",".appDetails", function () {
   var clickedBtnID = $(this).attr('data');
   alert('you clicked on button #' + clickedBtnID);

Get Current date in epoch from Unix shell script

Update: The answer previously posted here linked to a custom script that is no longer available, solely because the OP indicated that date +'%s' didn't work for him. Please see UberAlex' answer and cadrian's answer for proper solutions. In short:

  1. For the number of seconds since the Unix epoch use date(1) as follows:

    date +'%s'
  2. For the number of days since the Unix epoch divide the result by the number of seconds in a day (mind the double parentheses!):

    echo $(($(date +%s) / 60 / 60 / 24))

MySQL stored procedure return value

Update your SP and handle exception in it using declare handler with get diagnostics so that you will know if there is an exception. e.g.

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `validar_egreso`(
IN codigo_producto VARCHAR(100),
IN cantidad INT,
OUT valido INT(11)
    SELECT @p1, @p2;
DECLARE resta INT(11);
SET resta = 0;

SELECT (s.stock - cantidad) INTO resta
FROM stock AS s
WHERE codigo_producto = s.codigo;

IF (resta > s.stock_minimo) THEN
    SET valido = 1;
    SET valido = -1;
SELECT valido;

Checkboxes in web pages – how to make them bigger?

I tried changing the padding and margin and well as the width and height, and then finally found that if you just increase the scale it'll work:

input[type=checkbox] {
    transform: scale(1.5);

What are -moz- and -webkit-?

These are the vendor-prefixed properties offered by the relevant rendering engines (-webkit for Chrome, Safari; -moz for Firefox, -o for Opera, -ms for Internet Explorer). Typically they're used to implement new, or proprietary CSS features, prior to final clarification/definition by the W3.

This allows properties to be set specific to each individual browser/rendering engine in order for inconsistencies between implementations to be safely accounted for. The prefixes will, over time, be removed (at least in theory) as the unprefixed, the final version, of the property is implemented in that browser.

To that end it's usually considered good practice to specify the vendor-prefixed version first and then the non-prefixed version, in order that the non-prefixed property will override the vendor-prefixed property-settings once it's implemented; for example:

.elementClass {
    -moz-border-radius: 2em;
    -ms-border-radius: 2em;
    -o-border-radius: 2em;
    -webkit-border-radius: 2em;
    border-radius: 2em;

Specifically, to address the CSS in your question, the lines you quote:

-webkit-column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-gap: 10px;
-webkit-column-fill: auto;
-moz-column-count: 3;
-moz-column-gap: 10px;
-moz-column-fill: auto;

Specify the column-count, column-gap and column-fill properties for Webkit browsers and Firefox.


ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3, python2 pickle can not load the file dumped by python 3 pickle?

You should write the pickled data with a lower protocol number in Python 3. Python 3 introduced a new protocol with the number 3 (and uses it as default), so switch back to a value of 2 which can be read by Python 2.

Check the protocolparameter in pickle.dump. Your resulting code will look like this.

pickle.dump(your_object, your_file, protocol=2)

There is no protocolparameter in pickle.load because pickle can determine the protocol from the file.

jQuery Array of all selected checkboxes (by class)

You can also add underscore.js to your project and will be able to do it in one line:$("input[name='category_ids[]']:checked"), function(el){return $(el).val()})

Get MAC address using shell script

Observe that the interface name and the MAC address are the first and last fields on a line with no leading whitespace.

If one of the indented lines contains inet addr: the latest interface name and MAC address should be printed.

ifconfig -a |
awk '/^[a-z]/ { iface=$1; mac=$NF; next }
    /inet addr:/ { print iface, mac }'

Note that multiple interfaces could meet your criteria. Then, the script will print multiple lines. (You can add ; exit just before the final closing brace if you always only want to print the first match.)


Use POST to create, and PUT to update. That's how Ruby on Rails is doing it, anyway.

PUT    /items/1      #=> update
POST   /items        #=> create

How to create temp table using Create statement in SQL Server?

Same thing, Just start the table name with # or ##:

CREATE TABLE #TemporaryTable          -- Local temporary table - starts with single #
    Col1 int,
    Col2 varchar(10)

CREATE TABLE ##GlobalTemporaryTable   -- Global temporary table - note it starts with ##.
    Col1 int,
    Col2 varchar(10)

Temporary table names start with # or ## - The first is a local temporary table and the last is a global temporary table.

Here is one of many articles describing the differences between them.

What is your single most favorite command-line trick using Bash?

If I am searching for something in a directory, but I am not sure of the file, then I just grep the files in the directory by:

find . -exec grep whatIWantToFind {} \;

Checking for multiple conditions using "when" on single task in ansible

The problem with your conditional is in this part sshkey_result.rc == 1, because sshkey_result does not contain rc attribute and entire conditional fails.

If you want to check if file exists check exists attribute.

Here you can read more about stat module and how to use it.

Convert time in HH:MM:SS format to seconds only?

You can use the strtotime function to return the number of seconds from today 00:00:00.

$seconds= strtotime($time) - strtotime('00:00:00');

Working with a List of Lists in Java

ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> listOLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> singleList = new ArrayList<String>();

ArrayList<String> anotherList = new ArrayList<String>();
anotherList.add("this is another list");

How To Run PHP From Windows Command Line in WAMPServer

The problem you are describing sounds like your version of PHP might be missing the readline PHP module, causing the interactive shell to not work. I base this on this PHP bug submission.

Try running

php -m

And see if "readline" appears in the output.

There might be good reasons for omitting readline from the distribution. PHP is typically executed by a web server; so it is not really need for most use cases. I am sure you can execute PHP code in a file from the command prompt, using:

php file.php

There is also the phpsh project which provides a (better) interactive shell for PHP. However, some people have had trouble running it under Windows (I did not try this myself).

Edit: According to the documentation here, readline is not supported under Windows:

Note: This extension is not available on Windows platforms.

So, if that is correct, your options are:

  • Avoid the interactive shell, and just execute PHP code in files from the command line - this should work well
  • Try getting phpsh to work under Windows

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute

To get all the counts for all the columns in a dataframe, it's just df.count()

How to vertically center a "div" element for all browsers using CSS?

The best thing to do would be:

  height: 300px;
  width: 300px;
  position: absolute;
  top: calc(50vh - 150px); 

150 pixels because that's half of the div's height in this case.

Count number of cells with any value (string or number) in a column in Google Docs Spreadsheet

In the cell you want your result to appear, use the following formula:


That will count all cells which have a value and ignore all empty cells in the range of A1 to A200.

CSS Auto hide elements after 5 seconds


But you can't do it in the way you may immediately think, because you cant animate or create a transition around the properties you'd otherwise rely on (e.g. display, or changing dimensions and setting to overflow:hidden) in order to correctly hide the element and prevent it from taking up visible space.

Therefore, create an animation for the elements in question, and simply toggle visibility:hidden; after 5 seconds, whilst also setting height and width to zero to prevent the element from still occupying space in the DOM flow.



html, body {
#hideMe {
    -moz-animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    /* Firefox */
    -webkit-animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    /* Safari and Chrome */
    -o-animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    /* Opera */
    animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
@keyframes cssAnimation {
    to {
@-webkit-keyframes cssAnimation {
    to {


<div id='hideMe'>Wait for it...</div>

Getting Error - ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

The error you are getting is either because you are doing TO_DATE on a column that's already a date, and you're using a format mask that is different to your nls_date_format parameter[1] or because the event_occurrence column contains data that isn't a number.

You need to a) correct your query so that it's not using TO_DATE on the date column, and b) correct your data, if event_occurrence is supposed to be just numbers.

And fix the datatype of that column to make sure you can only store numbers.

[1] What Oracle does when you do: TO_DATE(date_column, non_default_format_mask) is: TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(date_column, nls_date_format), non_default_format_mask)

Generally, the default nls_date_format parameter is set to dd-MON-yy, so in your query, what is likely to be happening is your date column is converted to a string in the format dd-MON-yy, and you're then turning it back to a date using the format MMDD. The string is not in this format, so you get an error.

How to replace a hash key with another key

Previous answers are good enough, but they might update original data. In case if you don't want the original data to be affected, you can try my code.

 newhash=hash.reject{|k| k=='_id'}.merge({id:hash['_id']})

First it will ignore the key '_id' then merge with the updated one.

How can I style an Android Switch?

You can define the drawables that are used for the background, and the switcher part like this:

    android:track="@drawable/switch_bg" />

Now you need to create a selector that defines the different states for the switcher drawable. Here the copies from the Android sources:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_disabled_holo_light" />
    <item android:state_pressed="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_pressed_holo_light" />
    <item android:state_checked="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_activated_holo_light" />
    <item                               android:drawable="@drawable/switch_thumb_holo_light" />

This defines the thumb drawable, the image that is moved over the background. There are four ninepatch images used for the slider:

The deactivated version (xhdpi version that Android is using)The deactivated version
The pressed slider: The pressed slider
The activated slider (on state):The activated slider
The default version (off state): enter image description here

There are also three different states for the background that are defined in the following selector:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:drawable="@drawable/switch_bg_disabled_holo_dark" />
    <item android:state_focused="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/switch_bg_focused_holo_dark" />
    <item                               android:drawable="@drawable/switch_bg_holo_dark" />

The deactivated version: The deactivated version
The focused version: The focused version
And the default version:the default version

To have a styled switch just create this two selectors, set them to your Switch View and then change the seven images to your desired style.

Make first letter of a string upper case (with maximum performance)

string emp="TENDULKAR";
string output;
output=emp.First().ToString().ToUpper() + String.Join("", emp.Skip(1)).ToLower();

How can an html element fill out 100% of the remaining screen height, using css only?

forget all the answers, this line of CSS worked for me in 2 seconds :


1vh = 1% of browser screen height


For responsive layout scaling, you might want to use :

min-height: 100vh

[update november 2018] As mentionned in the comments, using the min-height might avoid having issues on reponsive designs

[update april 2018] As mentioned in the comments, back in 2011 when the question was asked, not all browsers supported the viewport units. The other answers were the solutions back then -- vmax is still not supported in IE, so this might not be the best solution for all yet.

AddRange to a Collection

Remember that each Add will check the capacity of the collection and resize it whenever necessary (slower). With AddRange, the collection will be set the capacity and then added the items (faster). This extension method will be extremely slow, but will work.

JSF(Primefaces) ajax update of several elements by ID's

If the to-be-updated component is not inside the same NamingContainer component (ui:repeat, h:form, h:dataTable, etc), then you need to specify the "absolute" client ID. Prefix with : (the default NamingContainer separator character) to start from root.

<p:ajax process="@this" update="count :subTotal"/>

To be sure, check the client ID of the subTotal component in the generated HTML for the actual value. If it's inside for example a h:form as well, then it's prefixed with its client ID as well and you would need to fix it accordingly.

<p:ajax process="@this" update="count :formId:subTotal"/>

Space separation of IDs is more recommended as <f:ajax> doesn't support comma separation and starters would otherwise get confused.

flutter corner radius with transparent background

If you wrap your Container with rounded corners inside of a parent with the background color set to Colors.transparent I think that does what you're looking for. If you're using a Scaffold the default background color is white. Change that to Colors.transparent if that achieves what you want.

        new Container(
          height: 300.0,
          color: Colors.transparent,
          child: new Container(
            decoration: new BoxDecoration(
              borderRadius: new BorderRadius.only(
                topLeft: const Radius.circular(40.0),
                topRight: const Radius.circular(40.0),
            child: new Center(
            child: new Text("Hi modal sheet"),

How to output oracle sql result into a file in windows?

Very similar to Marc, only difference I would make would be to spool to a parameter like so:


spool &1

-- Code

spool off

And then to call the SQLPLUS as

sqlplus -s username/password@sid @tmp.sql /tmp/output.txt

How to show Error & Warning Message Box in .NET/ How to Customize MessageBox

Try details: use any option..

    MessageBox.Show("your message",
    "window title", 
    MessageBoxIcon.Warning // for Warning  
    //MessageBoxIcon.Error // for Error 
    //MessageBoxIcon.Information  // for Information
    //MessageBoxIcon.Question // for Question

Running Python on Windows for Node.js dependencies

Here is a guide that resolved a lot of these issues for me.

I remember in particular the python version as important. Make sure you install 2.7.3 instead of 3's.

Appending to 2D lists in Python

[[]]*3 is not the same as [[], [], []].

It's as if you'd said

a = []
listy = [a, a, a]

In other words, all three list references refer to the same list instance.

Where is the <conio.h> header file on Linux? Why can't I find <conio.h>?

conio.h is a C header file used in old MS-DOS compilers to create text user interfaces. Compilers that targeted non-DOS operating systems, such as Linux, Win32 and OS/2, provided different implementations of these functions.

The #include <curses.h> will give you almost all the functionalities that was provided in conio.h

nucurses need to be installed at the first place

In deb based Distros use

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

And in rpm based distros use

sudo yum install ncurses-devel ncurses

For getch() class of functions, you can try this

How to remove border of drop down list : CSS

You can't style the drop down box itself, only the input field. The box is rendered by the operating system.

enter image description here

If you want more control over the look of your input fields, you can always look into JavaScript solutions.

If, however, your intent was to remove the border from the input itself, your selector is wrong. Try this instead:

select#xyz {
    border: none;

Find in Files: Search all code in Team Foundation Server

This search for a file link explains how to find a file. I did have to muck around with the advice to make it work.

  1. cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE"
  2. tf dir "$/*.sql" /recursive /server:http://mytfsserver:8080/tfs

In the case of the cd command, I performed the cd command because I was looking for the tf.exe file. It was easier to just start from that directory verses adding the whole path. Now that I understand how to make this work, I'd use the absolute path in quotes.

In case of the tf search, I started at the root of the server with $/ and I searched for all files that ended with sql i.e. *.sql. If you don't want to start at the root, then use "$/myproject/*.sql" instead.

Oh! This does not solve the search in file part of the question but my Google search brought me here to find files among other links.

Ansible - read inventory hosts and variables to group_vars/all file

Yes the example by nixlike works very well.


myhost1 user=barbara
myhost2 user=heather



- hosts: localhost
  connection: local         

        - name: loop debug inventory hostnames
            msg: "the docker host is {{ item }}"
          with_inventory_hostnames: docker-host
        - name: loop debug items
            msg: "the docker host is {{ hostvars[item]['user'] }}"
          with_items: "{{ groups['docker-host'] }}"


ansible-playbook ansible/tests/vars-test-local.yml

PLAY [localhost]

TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [localhost]

TASK [loop debug inventory hostnames] ****************************************** ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost2) => { "item": "myhost2", "msg": "the docker host is myhost2" } ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost1) => { "item": "myhost1", "msg": "the docker host is myhost1" }

TASK [loop debug items] ******************************************************** ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost1) => { "item": "myhost1", "msg": "the docker host is barbara" } ok: [localhost] => (item=myhost2) => { "item": "myhost2", "msg": "the docker host is heather" }

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0


How do I generate a constructor from class fields using Visual Studio (and/or ReSharper)?

For Visual Studio 2015 I found an extension that does just this. It seems to work well and has a reasonably high amount of downloads. So if you can't or don't want to use ReSharper you can install this one instead.

You can also acquire it via NuGet.

Remove all files except some from a directory

find . | grep -v "excluded files criteria" | xargs rm

This will list all files in current directory, then list all those that don't match your criteria (beware of it matching directory names) and then remove them.

Update: based on your edit, if you really want to delete everything from current directory except files you listed, this can be used:

mkdir /tmp_backup && mv textfile.txt backup.tar.gz script.php database.sql info.txt /tmp_backup/ && rm -r && mv /tmp_backup/* . && rmdir /tmp_backup

It will create a backup directory /tmp_backup (you've got root privileges, right?), move files you listed to that directory, delete recursively everything in current directory (you know that you're in the right directory, do you?), move back to current directory everything from /tmp_backup and finally, delete /tmp_backup.

I choose the backup directory to be in root, because if you're trying to delete everything recursively from root, your system will have big problems.

Surely there are more elegant ways to do this, but this one is pretty straightforward.

Equivalent to 'app.config' for a library (DLL)

Why not to use:

  • [ProjectNamespace].Properties.Settings.Default.[KeyProperty] for C#
  • My.Settings.[KeyProperty] for VB.NET

You just have to update visually those properties at design-time through:

[Solution Project]->Properties->Settings

SQL Error: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option

You should not use space character while naming database objects. Even though it's possible by using double quotes(quoted identifiers), CREATE TABLE "chartered flight" ..., it's not recommended. Take a closer look here

Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?

The way I usually do this is using the --suppress-common-lines flag, though note that this only works if your do it in side-by-side format.

diff -y --suppress-common-lines file1.txt file2.txt

Find duplicate characters in a String and count the number of occurances using Java

Use google guava Multiset<String>.

Multiset<String> wordsMultiset = HashMultiset.create();
for(Multiset.Entry<E> entry:wordsMultiset.entrySet()){
     System.out.println(entry.getElement()+" - "+entry.getCount());

No provider for Http StaticInjectorError

I am on an angular project that (unfortunately) uses source code inclusion via tsconfig.json to connect different collections of code. I came across a similar StaticInjector error for a service (e.g.RestService in the top example) and I was able to fix it by listing the service dependencies in the deps array when providing the affected service in the module, for example:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { RestService } from 'mylib/src/rest/rest.service';
  imports: [
  providers: [
      provide: RestService,
      useClass: RestService,
      deps: [HttpClient] /* the injected services in the constructor for RestService */

ASP.NET Identity reset password

Or how can I reset without knowing the current one (user forgot password)?

If you want to change a password using the UserManager but you do not want to supply the user's current password, you can generate a password reset token and then use it immediately instead.

string resetToken = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(model.Id);
IdentityResult passwordChangeResult = await UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(model.Id, resetToken, model.NewPassword);

How to send a POST request with BODY in swift

I've slightly edited SwiftDeveloper's answer, because it wasn't working for me. I added Alamofire validation as well.

let body: NSMutableDictionary? = [
    "name": "\(nameLabel.text!)",
    "phone": "\(phoneLabel.text!))"]

let url = NSURL(string: "" as String)
var request = URLRequest(url: url! as URL)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
let data = try! body!, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted)

let json = NSString(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
if let json = json {
request.httpBody = json!.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
let alamoRequest = Alamofire.request(request as URLRequestConvertible)
alamoRequest.validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
alamoRequest.responseString { response in

    switch response.result {
        case .success:
        case .failure(let error):

Why do I need an IoC container as opposed to straightforward DI code?

I've found that correctly implementing Dependency Injection tends to force programmers to use a variety of other programming practices that help to improve the testability, flexibility, maintainability, and scalability of code: practices like the Single Responsibility Principle, Separations of Concerns, and coding against APIs. It feels like I'm being compelled to write more modular, bite-sized classes and methods, which makes the code easier to read, because it can be taken in bite-sized chunks.

But it also tends to create rather large dependency trees, which are far more easily managed via a framework (especially if you use conventions) than by hand. Today I wanted to test something really quickly in LINQPad, and I figured it'd be too much bother to create a kernel and load in my modules, and I ended up writing this by hand:

var merger = new SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger(
    new BitFactoryLog(typeof(SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger).FullName), 
    new WorkflowAnswerRowUtil(
        new WorkflowFieldAnswerEntMapper(),
        new ActivityFormFieldDisplayInfoEntMapper(),
        new FieldEntMapper()),
    new AnswerRowMergeInfoRepository());

In retrospect, it would have been quicker to use the IoC framework, since the modules define pretty much all of this stuff by convention.

Having spent some time studying the answers and comments on this question, I am convinced that the people who are opposed to using an IoC container aren't practicing true dependency injection. The examples I've seen are of practices that are commonly confused with dependency injection. Some people are complaining about difficulty "reading" the code. If done correctly, the vast majority of your code should be identical when using DI by hand as when using an IoC container. The difference should reside entirely in a few "launching points" within the application.

In other words, if you don't like IoC containers, you probably aren't doing Dependency Injection the way it's supposed to be done.

Another point: Dependency Injection really can't be done by hand if you use reflection anywhere. While I hate what reflection does to code navigation, you have to recognize that there are certain areas where it really can't be avoided. ASP.NET MVC, for example, attempts to instantiate the controller via reflection on each request. To do dependency injection by hand, you would have to make every controller a "context root," like so:

public class MyController : Controller
    private readonly ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger _simpleMerger;
    public MyController()
        _simpleMerger = new SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger(
            new BitFactoryLog(typeof(SimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger).FullName), 
            new WorkflowAnswerRowUtil(
                new WorkflowFieldAnswerEntMapper(),
                new ActivityFormFieldDisplayInfoEntMapper(),
                new FieldEntMapper()),
            new AnswerRowMergeInfoRepository())

Now compare this with allowing a DI framework to do it for you:

public MyController : Controller
    private readonly ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger _simpleMerger;
    public MyController(ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger simpleMerger)
        _simpleMerger = simpleMerger;

Using a DI framework, note that:

  • I can unit-test this class. By creating a mock ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger, I can test that it gets used the way I anticipate, without the need for a database connection or anything.
  • I use far less code, and the code is much easier to read.
  • If one of my dependency's dependency's changes, I don't have to make any changes to the controller. This is especially nice when you consider that multiple controllers are likely to use some of the same dependencies.
  • I never explicitly reference classes from my data layer. My web application can just include a reference to the project containing the ISimpleWorkflowInstanceMerger interface. This allows me to break the application up into separate modules, and maintain a true multi-tier architecture, which in turn makes things much more flexible.

A typical web application will have quite a few controllers. All of the pain of doing DI by hand in each controller will really add up as your application grows. If you have an application with only one context root, which never tries to instantiate a service by reflection, then this isn't as big a problem. Nevertheless, any application that uses Dependency Injection will become extremely expensive to manage once it reaches a certain size, unless you use a framework of some kind to manage the dependency graph.

Detecting EOF in C

as a starting point you could try replacing




CSS Background Opacity

I would do something like this

<div class="container">
  <div class="text">
    <p>text yay!</p>


.container {
    position: relative;

.container::before {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;
    background: url('/path/to/image.png');
    opacity: .4;
    content: "";
    z-index: -1;

It should work. This is assuming you are required to have a semi-transparent image BTW, and not a color (which you should just use rgba for). Also assumed is that you can't just alter the opacity of the image beforehand in Photoshop.

Getting Serial Port Information

EDIT: Sorry, I zipped past your question too quick. I realize now that you're looking for a list with the port name + port description. I've updated the code accordingly...

Using System.Management, you can query for all the ports, and all the information for each port (just like Device Manager...)

Sample code (make sure to add reference to System.Management):

using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO.Ports;        

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher
                ("SELECT * FROM WIN32_SerialPort"))
                string[] portnames = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
                var ports = searcher.Get().Cast<ManagementBaseObject>().ToList();
                var tList = (from n in portnames
                            join p in ports on n equals p["DeviceID"].ToString()
                            select n + " - " + p["Caption"]).ToList();


            // pause program execution to review results...
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

More info here:

Tomcat Servlet: Error 404 - The requested resource is not available

My problem was in web.xml file. In one <servlet-mapping> there was an error inside <url-pattern>: I forgot to add / before url.

c - warning: implicit declaration of function ‘printf’

the warning or error of kind IMPLICIT DECLARATION is that the compiler is expecting a Function Declaration/Prototype..

It might either be a header file or your own function Declaration..

what does mysql_real_escape_string() really do?

Best explained here.

It generally it helps to avoid SQL injection, for example consider the following code:

// Query database to check if there are any matching users
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='{$_POST['username']}' AND password='{$_POST['password']}'";

// We didn't check $_POST['password'], it could be anything the user wanted! For example:
$_POST['username'] = 'aidan';
$_POST['password'] = "' OR ''='";

// This means the query sent to MySQL would be:
echo $query;

and a hacker can send a query like:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='aidan' AND password='' OR ''=''

This would allow anyone to log in without a valid password.

Disable PHP in directory (including all sub-directories) with .htaccess

<Directory /your/directorypath/>
     php_admin_value engine Off

Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        int transactionDate = 20201010;
        int? transactionTime = 210000;

        var agreementDate = DateTime.Today;
        var previousDate = agreementDate.AddDays(-1);

        var agreementHour = 22;
        var agreementMinute = 0;
        var agreementSecond = 0;

        var startDate = new DateTime(previousDate.Year, previousDate.Month, previousDate.Day, agreementHour, agreementMinute, agreementSecond);
        var endDate = new DateTime(agreementDate.Year, agreementDate.Month, agreementDate.Day, agreementHour, agreementMinute, agreementSecond);

        DateTime selectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(transactionDate.ToString().Substring(6, 2) + "/" + transactionDate.ToString().Substring(4, 2) + "/" + transactionDate.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + " " + string.Format("{0:00:00:00}", transactionTime));

        Console.WriteLine("Selected Date : " + selectedDate.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("Start Date : " + startDate.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("End Date : " + endDate.ToString());

        if (selectedDate > startDate && selectedDate <= endDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Between two dates..");
        else if (selectedDate <= startDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Less than or equal to the start date!");
        else if (selectedDate > endDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Greater than end date!");
            Console.WriteLine("Out of date ranges!");

Pandas read_csv low_memory and dtype options

It worked for me with low_memory = False while importing a DataFrame. That is all the change that worked for me:

df = pd.read_csv('export4_16.csv',low_memory=False)

Turn Pandas Multi-Index into column

I ran into Karl's issue as well. I just found myself renaming the aggregated column then resetting the index.

df = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['arms', 'success'])['success'].sum()).rename(columns={'success':'sum'})

enter image description here

df = df.reset_index()

enter image description here

How do I format {{$timestamp}} as MM/DD/YYYY in Postman?

Any future date in JavaScript (postman test uses JavaScript) can be retrieved as:

var dateNow = new Date();  
var twoWeeksFutureDate = new Date(dateNow.setDate(dateNow.getDate() + 14)).toISOString();

postman.setEnvironmentVariable("future-date", twoWeeksFutureDate);

(Mac) -bash: __git_ps1: command not found

Yet another option I just installed on Mojave: magicmonty/bash-git-prompt

Run (brew update) and brew install bash-git-prompt or brew install --HEAD bash-git-prompt

Then to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc:

if [ -f "$(brew --prefix)/opt/bash-git-prompt/share/" ]; then
  __GIT_PROMPT_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/opt/bash-git-prompt/share
  source "$(brew --prefix)/opt/bash-git-prompt/share/"

I'm happy.

Django Multiple Choice Field / Checkbox Select Multiple

ManyToManyField isn`t a good choice.You can use some snippets to implement MultipleChoiceField.You can be inspired by MultiSelectField with comma separated values (Field + FormField) But it has some bug in it.And you can install django-multiselectfield.This is more prefect.

How to configure PHP to send e-mail?

You won't be able to send a message through other people mail servers. Check with your host provider how to send emails. Try to send an email from your server without PHP, you can use any email client like Outook. Just after it works, try to configure PHP.ini with your email client SMTP (sending e-mail) configuration.

How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP?

If the file is not hosted external you might translate the remote URL to an absolute Path on your webserver. That way you don't have to call CURL or file_get_contents, etc.

function remoteFileExists($url) {

    $root = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]);
    $urlParts = parse_url( $url );

    if ( !isset( $urlParts['path'] ) )
        return false;

    if ( is_file( $root . $urlParts['path'] ) )
        return true;
        return false;


remoteFileExists( '' );

Note: Your webserver must populate DOCUMENT_ROOT to use this function

How do I calculate power-of in C#?

Math.Pow() returns double so nice would be to write like this:

double d = Math.Pow(100.00, 3.00);

What is the difference between HTML tags <div> and <span>?

As mentioned in other answers, by default div will be rendered as a block element, while span will be rendered inline within its context. But neither has any semantic value; they exist to allow you to apply styling and an identity to any given bit of content. Using styles, you can make a div act like a span and vice-versa.

One of the useful styles for div is inline-block



  2. CSS display: inline vs inline-block

I have used inline-block to a great success, in game web projects.

How can I convert string to datetime with format specification in JavaScript?

Just for an updated answer here, there's a good js lib at

Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing.

How does bitshifting work in Java?

byte x = 51; //00101011
byte y = (byte) (x >> 2); //00001010 aka Base(10) 10

Composer Update Laravel

You can use :

composer self-update --2

To update to 2.0.8 version (Latest stable version)

Right HTTP status code to wrong input

We had the same problem when making our API as well. We were looking for an HTTP status code equivalent to an InvalidArgumentException. After reading the source article below, we ended up using 422 Unprocessable Entity which states:

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.


Toggle Checkboxes on/off

//this toggles the checkbox, and fires its event if it has    


How to return multiple values?

You can do something like this:

public class Example
    public String name;
    public String location;

    public String[] getExample()
        String ar[] = new String[2];
        ar[0]= name;
        ar[1] =  location;
        return ar; //returning two values at once

How to convert a Kotlin source file to a Java source file

As @louis-cad mentioned "Kotlin source -> Java's byte code -> Java source" is the only solution so far.

But I would like to mention the way, which I prefer: using Jadx decompiler for Android.

It allows to see the generates code for closures and, as for me, resulting code is "cleaner" then one from IntelliJ IDEA decompiler.

Normally when I need to see Java source code of any Kotlin class I do:

  • Generate apk: ./gradlew assembleDebug
  • Open apk using Jadx GUI: jadx-gui ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

In this GUI basic IDE functionality works: class search, click to go declaration. etc.

Also all the source code could be saved and then viewed using other tools like IntelliJ IDEA.

Using dig to search for SPF records

The dig utility is pretty convenient to use. The order of the arguments don't really matter.I'll show you some easy examples.
To get all root name servers use

# dig

To get a TXT record of a specific host use

# dig txt
# dig txt

To query a specific name server just add @nameserver.tld

# dig txt

The SPF RFC4408 says that SPF records can be stored as SPF or TXT. However nearly all use only TXT records at the moment. So you are pretty safe if you only fetch TXT records.

I made a SPF checker for visualising the SPF records of a domain. It might help you to understand SPF records better. You can find it here:

Get exit code of a background process

Another solution is to monitor processes via the proc filesystem (safer than ps/grep combo); when you start a process it has a corresponding folder in /proc/$pid, so the solution could be

doSomething &
local pid=$!
while [ -d /proc/$pid ]; do # While directory exists, the process is running
else # when directory is removed from /proc, process has ended
    wait $pid
    local exit_status=$?

Now you can use the $exit_status variable however you like.

SQL: Alias Column Name for Use in CASE Statement

@OMG Ponies - One of my reasons of not using the following code

SELECT t.col1 as a, 
     CASE WHEN t.col1 = 'test' THEN 'yes' END as value 

can be that the t.col1 is not an actual column in the table. For example, it can be a value from a XML column like

Select XMLColumnName.value('(XMLPathOfTag)[1]', 'varchar(max)') 
as XMLTagAlias from Table

How to know user has clicked "X" or the "Close" button?

I always use a Form Close method in my applications that catches alt + x from my exit Button, alt + f4 or another form closing event was initiated. All my classes have the class name defined as Private string mstrClsTitle = "grmRexcel" in this case, an Exit method that calls the Form Closing Method and a Form Closing Method. I also have a statement for the Form Closing Method - this.FormClosing = My Form Closing Form Closing method name.

The code for this:

namespace Rexcel_II
    public partial class frmRexcel : Form
        private string mstrClsTitle = "frmRexcel";

        public frmRexcel()

            this.FormClosing += frmRexcel_FormClosing;

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Button Exit Event executed by the Exit Button Click
        /// or Alt + x
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Form Closing event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void frmRexcel_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

            // ---- If windows is shutting down, 
            // ---- I don't want to hold up the process
            if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.WindowsShutDown) return;

                // ---- Ok, Windows is not shutting down so
                // ---- either btnExit or Alt + x or Alt + f4 has been clicked or
                // ---- another form closing event was intiated
                //      *)  Confirm user wants to close the application
                switch (MessageBox.Show(this, 
                                    "Are you sure you want to close the Application?",
                                    mstrClsTitle + ".frmRexcel_FormClosing",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))

                    // ---- *)  if No keep the application alive 
                    //----  *)  else close the application
                    case DialogResult.No:
                        e.Cancel = true;

Passing arguments to require (when loading module)

I'm not sure if this will still be useful to people, but with ES6 I have a way to do it that I find clean and useful.

class MyClass { 
  constructor ( arg1, arg2, arg3 )
  myFunction1 () {...}
  myFunction2 () {...}
  myFunction3 () {...}

module.exports = ( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) => { return new MyClass( arg1,arg2,arg3 ) }

And then you get your expected behaviour.

var MyClass = require('/MyClass.js')( arg1, arg2, arg3 )

How to create standard Borderless buttons (like in the design guideline mentioned)?

For material style add style="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless" when using the AppCompat library.

Image resizing client-side with JavaScript before upload to the server

Yes, with modern browsers this is totally doable. Even doable to the point of uploading the file specifically as a binary file having done any number of canvas alterations.

(this answer is a improvement of the accepted answer here)

Keeping in mind to catch process the result submission in the PHP with something akin to:

//File destination
$destination = "/folder/cropped_image.png";
//Get uploaded image file it's temporary name
$image_tmp_name = $_FILES["cropped_image"]["tmp_name"][0];
//Move temporary file to final destination
move_uploaded_file($image_tmp_name, $destination);

If one worries about Vitaly's point, you can try some of the cropping and resizing on the working jfiddle.

"Cannot update paths and switch to branch at the same time"

'origin/master' which can not be resolved as commit

Strange: you need to check your remotes:

git remote -v

And make sure origin is fetched:

git fetch origin


git branch -avv

(to see if you do have fetched an origin/master branch)

Finally, use git switch instead of the confusing git checkout, with Git 2.23+ (August 2019).

git switch -c test --track origin/master

Best way to check if object exists in Entity Framework?

From a performance point of view, I guess that a direct SQL query using the EXISTS command would be appropriate. See here for how to execute SQL directly in Entity Framework:

Combine Date and Time columns using python pandas

The answer really depends on what your column types are. In my case, I had datetime and timedelta.

> df[['Date','Time']].dtypes
Date     datetime64[ns]
Time    timedelta64[ns]

If this is your case, then you just need to add the columns:

> df['Date'] + df['Time']

What is web.xml file and what are all things can I do with it?

I am trying to figure out exactly how this works too. This site might be helpful to you. It has all of the possible tags for web.xml along with examples and descriptions of each tag.

How to Ping External IP from Java Android

Maybe ICMP packets are blocked by your (mobile) provider. If this code doesn't work on the emulator try to sniff via wireshark or any other sniffer and have a look whats up on the wire when you fire the isReachable() method.

You may also find some info in your device log.

Is there a CSS selector for elements containing certain text?

You could set content as data attribute and then use attribute selectors, as shown here:

/* Select every cell containing word "male" */
td[data-content="male"] {
  color: red;

/* Select every cell starting on "p" case insensitive */
td[data-content^="p" i] {
  color: blue;

/* Select every cell containing "4" */
td[data-content*="4"] {
  color: green;
    <td data-content="Peter">Peter</td>
    <td data-content="male">male</td>
    <td data-content="34">34</td>
    <td data-content="Susanne">Susanne</td>
    <td data-content="female">female</td>
    <td data-content="14">14</td>

You can also use jQuery to easily set the data-content attributes:

    var $this = $(this);
    $this.attr("data-content", $this.text());

JQuery How to extract value from href tag?

if ($('a').on('Clicked').text().search('1') == -1)
    //Page == 1
    //Page != 1

How do I update pip itself from inside my virtual environment?

for windows,

  • go to command prompt
  • and use this command
  • python -m pip install –upgrade pip
  • Dont forget to restart the editor,to avoid any error
  • you can check the version of the pip by
  • pip --version
  • if you want to install any particular version of pip , for example version 18.1 then use this command,
  • python -m pip install pip==18.1

How to access a preexisting collection with Mongoose?

Mongoose added the ability to specify the collection name under the schema, or as the third argument when declaring the model. Otherwise it will use the pluralized version given by the name you map to the model.

Try something like the following, either schema-mapped:

new Schema({ url: String, text: String, id: Number}, 
           { collection : 'question' });   // collection name

or model mapped:

               new Schema({ url: String, text: String, id: Number}), 
               'question');     // collection name

How can I get the index from a JSON object with value?

Once you have a json object


Select all occurrences of selected word in VSCode

Select All Occurrences of Find Match editor.action.selectHighlights.


Cmd+Shift+L or Cmd+Ctrl+G on Mac

Check status of one port on remote host

In Bash, you can use pseudo-device files which can open a TCP connection to the associated socket. The syntax is /dev/$tcp_udp/$host_ip/$port.

Here is simple example to test whether Memcached is running:

</dev/tcp/localhost/11211 && echo Port open || echo Port closed

Here is another test to see if specific website is accessible:

$ echo "HEAD / HTTP/1.0" > /dev/tcp/ && echo Connection successful.
Connection successful.

For more info, check: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Chapter 29. /dev and /proc.

Related: Test if a port on a remote system is reachable (without telnet) at SuperUser.

For more examples, see: How to open a TCP/UDP socket in a bash shell (article).

How to stop VBA code running?

what jamietre said, but

Private Sub SomeVBASub
    If not Cancel Then DoAnotherStuff
    If not Cancel Then AndFinallyDothis
End Sub

vertical & horizontal lines in matplotlib

This may be a common problem for new users of Matplotlib to draw vertical and horizontal lines. In order to understand this problem, you should be aware that different coordinate systems exist in Matplotlib.

The method axhline and axvline are used to draw lines at the axes coordinate. In this coordinate system, coordinate for the bottom left point is (0,0), while the coordinate for the top right point is (1,1), regardless of the data range of your plot. Both the parameter xmin and xmax are in the range [0,1].

On the other hand, method hlines and vlines are used to draw lines at the data coordinate. The range for xmin and xmax are the in the range of data limit of x axis.

Let's take a concrete example,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(x, y)
ax.axhline(y=0.5, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, color='r')
ax.hlines(y=0.6, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, color='b')

It will produce the following plot: enter image description here

The value for xmin and xmax are the same for the axhline and hlines method. But the length of produced line is different.

How can I uninstall Ruby on ubuntu?

On Lubuntu, I just tried apt-get purge ruby* and as well as removing ruby, it looks like this command tried to remove various things to do with GRUB, which is a bit worrying for next time I want to reboot my computer. I can't yet say if any damage has really been done.

Delete item from array and shrink array

The size of a Java array is fixed when you allocate it, and cannot be changed.

  • If you want to "grow" or "shrink" an existing array, you have to allocate a new array of the appropriate size and copy the array elements; e.g. using System.arraycopy(...) or Arrays.copyOf(...). A copy loop works as well, though it looks a bit clunky ... IMO.

  • If you want to "delete" an item or items from an array (in the true sense ... not just replacing them with null), you need to allocate a new smaller array and copy across the elements you want to retain.

  • Finally, you can "erase" an element in an array of a reference type by assigning null to it. But this introduces new problems:

    • If you were using null elements to mean something, you can't do this.
    • All of the code that uses the array now has to deal with the possibility of a null element in the appropriate fashion. More complexity and potential for bugs1.

There are alternatives in the form of 3rd-party libraries (e.g. Apache Commons ArrayUtils), but you may want to consider whether it is worth adding a library dependency just for the sake of a method that you could implement yourself with 5-10 lines of code.

It is better (i.e. simpler ... and in many cases, more efficient2) to use a List class instead of an array. This will take care of (at least) growing the backing storage. And there are operations that take care of inserting and deleting elements anywhere in the list.

For instance, the ArrayList class uses an array as backing, and automatically grows the array as required. It does not automatically reduce the size of the backing array, but you can tell it to do this using the trimToSize() method; e.g.

ArrayList l = ...
l.trimToSize();  // Only do this if you really have to.

1 - But note that the explicit if (a[e] == null) checks themselves are likely to be "free", since they can be combined with the implicit null check that happens when you dereference the value of a[e].

2 - I say it is "more efficient in many cases" because ArrayList uses a simple "double the size" strategy when it needs to grow the backing array. This means that if grow the list by repeatedly appending to it, each element will be copied on average one extra time. By contrast, if you did this with an array you would end up copying each array element close to N/2 times on average.

Python pip install module is not found. How to link python to pip location?

Here is something I learnt after a long time of having issues with pip when I had several versions of Python installed (valid especially for OS X users which are probably using brew to install python blends.)

I assume that most python developers do have at the beginning of their scripts:

#!/bin/env python

You may be surprised to find out that this is not necessarily the same python as the one you run from the command line >python

To be sure you install the package using the correct pip instance for your python interpreter you need to run something like:

>/bin/env python -m pip install --upgrade mymodule

Regular expression to limit number of characters to 10

pattern: /[\w\W]{1,10}/g

I used this expression for my case, it includes all the characters available in the text.

SQLite add Primary Key

sqlite>  create table t(id integer, col2 varchar(32), col3 varchar(8));
sqlite>  insert into t values(1, 'he', 'ha');
sqlite>  create table t2(id integer primary key, col2 varchar(32), col3 varchar(8));
sqlite>  insert into t2 select * from t;
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE t(id integer, col2 varchar(32), col3 varchar(8));
CREATE TABLE t2(id integer primary key, col2 varchar(32), col3 varchar(8));
sqlite> drop table t;
sqlite> alter table t2 rename to t;
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "t"(id integer primary key, col2 varchar(32), col3 varchar(8));

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

if you have Perl on your Solaris, then use it. Otherwise, ls with awk is your next best bet, since you don't have stat or your find is not GNU find.

How can I get an int from stdio in C?

I'm not fully sure that this is what you're looking for, but if your question is how to read an integer using <stdio.h>, then the proper syntax is

int myInt;
scanf("%d", &myInt);

You'll need to do a lot of error-handling to ensure that this works correctly, of course, but this should be a good start. In particular, you'll need to handle the cases where

  1. The stdin file is closed or broken, so you get nothing at all.
  2. The user enters something invalid.

To check for this, you can capture the return code from scanf like this:

int result = scanf("%d", &myInt);

If stdin encounters an error while reading, result will be EOF, and you can check for errors like this:

int myInt;
int result = scanf("%d", &myInt);

if (result == EOF) {
    /* ... you're not going to get any input ... */

If, on the other hand, the user enters something invalid, like a garbage text string, then you need to read characters out of stdin until you consume all the offending input. You can do this as follows, using the fact that scanf returns 0 if nothing was read:

int myInt;
int result = scanf("%d", &myInt);

if (result == EOF) {
    /* ... you're not going to get any input ... */
if (result == 0) {
    while (fgetc(stdin) != '\n') // Read until a newline is found

Hope this helps!

EDIT: In response to the more detailed question, here's a more appropriate answer. :-)

The problem with this code is that when you write

printf("got the number: %d", scanf("%d", &x));

This is printing the return code from scanf, which is EOF on a stream error, 0 if nothing was read, and 1 otherwise. This means that, in particular, if you enter an integer, this will always print 1 because you're printing the status code from scanf, not the number you read.

To fix this, change this to

int x;
scanf("%d", &x);
/* ... error checking as above ... */
printf("got the number: %d", x);

Hope this helps!

How can I reset or revert a file to a specific revision?

Note, however, that git checkout ./foo and git checkout HEAD ./foo are not exactly the same thing; case in point:

$ echo A > foo
$ git add foo
$ git commit -m 'A' foo
Created commit a1f085f: A
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 foo
$ echo B >> foo
$ git add foo
$ echo C >> foo
$ cat foo
$ git checkout ./foo
$ cat foo
$ git checkout HEAD ./foo
$ cat foo

(The second add stages the file in the index, but it does not get committed.)

Git checkout ./foo means revert path ./foo from the index; adding HEAD instructs Git to revert that path in the index to its HEAD revision before doing so.

Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference

Here's a simple query to find company name who has a medicine type of A and makes more than 2.

    WHERE type='A' 

How to install a .ipa file into my iPhone?

You need to install the provisioning profile (drag and drop it into iTunes). Then drag and drop the .ipa. Ensure you device is set to sync apps, and try again.

Check if an array contains duplicate values

Late answer but can be helpful

function areThereDuplicates(args) {

    let count = {};
    for(let i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
         count[args[i]] = 1 + (count[args[i]] || 0);
    let found = Object.keys(count).filter(function(key) {
        return count[key] > 1;
    return found.length ? true : false; 


Message "Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout"

In case someone doesn't fix the problem use methods above. I fixed mine by surrounding the async func by an arrow function. As in:

describe("Profile Tab Exists and Clickable: /settings/user", () => {
    test(`Assert that you can click the profile tab`, (() => {
      async () => {
        await page.waitForSelector(PROFILE.TAB)
    })(), 30000);