[node.js] Passing arguments to require (when loading module)

Is it possible to pass arguments when loading a module using require?

I have module, login.js which provides login functionality. It requires a database connection, and I want the same database connection to be used in all my modules. Now I export a function login.setDatabase(...) which lets me specify a database connection, and that works just fine. But I would rather pass the database and any other requirements when I load the module.

var db = ...
var login = require("./login.js")(db);

I am pretty new with NodeJS and usually develop using Java and the Spring Framework, so yes... this is a constructor injection :) Is it possible to do something like the code I provided above?

This question is related to node.js express

The answer is

Yes. In your login module, just export a single function that takes the db as its argument. For example:

module.exports = function(db) {

I'm not sure if this will still be useful to people, but with ES6 I have a way to do it that I find clean and useful.

class MyClass { 
  constructor ( arg1, arg2, arg3 )
  myFunction1 () {...}
  myFunction2 () {...}
  myFunction3 () {...}

module.exports = ( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) => { return new MyClass( arg1,arg2,arg3 ) }

And then you get your expected behaviour.

var MyClass = require('/MyClass.js')( arg1, arg2, arg3 )

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