Programs & Examples On #Radupload

Python List vs. Array - when to use?

The standard library arrays are useful for binary I/O, such as translating a list of ints to a string to write to, say, a wave file. That said, as many have already noted, if you're going to do any real work then you should consider using NumPy.

How to write DataFrame to postgres table?

This is how I did it.

It may be faster because it is using execute_batch:

# df is the dataframe
if len(df) > 0:
    df_columns = list(df)
    # create (col1,col2,...)
    columns = ",".join(df_columns)

    # create VALUES('%s', '%s",...) one '%s' per column
    values = "VALUES({})".format(",".join(["%s" for _ in df_columns])) 

    #create INSERT INTO table (columns) VALUES('%s',...)
    insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) {}".format(table,columns,values)

    cur = conn.cursor()
    psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(cur, insert_stmt, df.values)

jQuery lose focus event

If the 'Cool Options' are hidden from the view before the field is focused then you would want to create this in JQuery instead of having it in the DOM so anyone using a screen reader wouldn't see unnecessary information. Why should they have to listen to it when we don't have to see it?

So you can setup variables like so:

var $coolOptions= $("<div id='options'></div>").text("Some cool options");

and then append (or prepend) on focus

$("input[name='input_name']").focus(function() {

and then remove when the focus ends

$("input[name='input_name']").focusout(function() {

C# "No suitable method found to override." -- but there is one

Make sure that you have the child class explicitly inherit the parent class:

public class Ext : Base { // stuff }

How to display tables on mobile using Bootstrap?

After researching for almost 1 month i found the below code which is working very beautifully and 100% perfectly on my website. To check the preview how it is working you can check from the link.


@media only screen and (max-width: 500px)  {
    .resp table  { 
        display: block ; 
    .resp th  { 
        position: absolute;
        top: -9999px;
        left: -9999px;
        display:block ;
     .resp tr { 
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    .resp td  { 
        /* Behave  like a "row" */
        border: none;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; 
        position: relative;
        text-indent: 50%; 
        padding-left: 0px;
    .resp  td:nth-child(1)  {
        border: none;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; 
        position: relative;
        text-indent: 0%;
    .resp td:before  { 
        /* Now like a table header */
        position: absolute;
        /* Top/left values mimic padding */
        top: 6px;
        left: 6px;
        width: 45%; 
        text-indent: 0%;
        white-space: nowrap;
    Label the data
    .resp td:nth-of-type(2):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(3):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(4):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(5):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(6):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(7):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(8):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(9):before  { content: attr(data-th) }
    .resp td:nth-of-type(10):before  { content: attr(data-th) }


<td data-th="Heading 1"></td>
<td data-th="Heading 2"></td>
<td data-th="Heading 3"></td>
<td data-th="Heading 4"></td>
<td data-th="Heading 5"></td>

Android AlertDialog Single Button

For code reuse, You can make it in a method like this

public static Dialog getDialog(Context context,String title, String message, DialogType typeButtons ) {

        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);

        if (typeButtons == DialogType.SINGLE_BUTTON) {
            builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                   public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
                        //do things

        AlertDialog alert = builder.create();

        return alert;

    public enum DialogType {


//Other code reuse issues like using interfaces for providing feedback will also be excellent.

How can I get dict from sqlite query?

You could use row_factory, as in the example in the docs:

import sqlite3

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    d = {}
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
        d[col[0]] = row[idx]
    return d

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select 1 as a")
print cur.fetchone()["a"]

or follow the advice that's given right after this example in the docs:

If returning a tuple doesn’t suffice and you want name-based access to columns, you should consider setting row_factory to the highly-optimized sqlite3.Row type. Row provides both index-based and case-insensitive name-based access to columns with almost no memory overhead. It will probably be better than your own custom dictionary-based approach or even a db_row based solution.

How do you join on the same table, twice, in mysql?

Read this and try, this will help you:





SELECT table1.column11,table1.column12,table2asnew1.column21,table2asnew2.column21 
FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 AS table2asnew1 ON table1.column11=table2asnew1.column21  INNER TABLE table2 as table2asnew2 ON table1.column12=table2asnew2.column22

table2asnew1 is an instance of table 2 which is matched by table1.column11=table2asnew1.column21


table2asnew2 is another instance of table 2 which is matched by table1.column12=table2asnew2.column22

exception in initializer error in java when using Netbeans

@Christian Ullenboom' explanation is correct.

I'm surmising that the OBD2nerForm code you posted is a static initializer block and that it is all generated. Based on that and on the stack trace, it seems likely that generated code is tripping up because it has found some component of your form that doesn't have the type that it is expecting.

I'd do the following to try and diagnose this:

  • Google for reports of similar problems with NetBeans generated forms.
  • If you are running an old version of NetBeans, scan through the "bugs fixed" pages for more recent releases. Or just upgrade try a newer release anyway to see if that fixes the problem.
  • Try cutting bits out of the form design until the problem "goes away" ... and try to figure out what the real cause is that way.
  • Run the application under a debugger to figure out what is being (incorrectly) type cast as what. Just knowing the class names may help. And looking at the instance variables of the objects may reveal more; e.g. which specific form component is causing the problem.

My suspicion is that the root cause is a combination of something a bit unusual (or incorrect) with your form design, and bugs in the NetBeans form generator that is not coping with your form. If you can figure it out, a workaround may reveal itself.

Regular expression to extract text between square brackets

([[][a-z \s]+[]])

Above should work given the following explaination

  • characters within square brackets[] defines characte class which means pattern should match atleast one charcater mentioned within square brackets

  • \s specifies a space

  •  + means atleast one of the character mentioned previously to +.

How can I remove an element from a list?

You can use which.

#[1] 1 2 3 4 5
#[1] 1 2 3 5

Which MySQL data type to use for storing boolean values

You can use BOOL, BOOLEAN data type for storing boolean values.

These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1)

However, the BIT(1) data type makes more sense to store a boolean value (either true[1] or false[0]) but TINYINT(1) is easier to work with when you're outputting the data, querying and so on and to achieve interoperability between MySQL and other databases. You can also check this answer or thread.

MySQL also converts BOOL, BOOLEAN data types to TINYINT(1).

Further, read documentation

How to sort a file, based on its numerical values for a field?

You have to use the numeric sort option:

sort -n -k 1,1 File.txt

Android Dialog: Removing title bar

You can try this simple android dialog popup library. It is very simple to use on your activity.

When submit button is clicked try following code after including above lib in your code

   .title(R.string.title) //ignore if not needed
   .icon(R.drawable.icon) //ignore if not needed
   .cancelable(false) //ignore if not needed
   .when(new Pop.Yah() {
       public void clicked(DialogInterface dialog, View view) {
           Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Yah button clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Add one line in your gradle and you good to go

dependencies {
    compile 'com.vistrav:pop:2.0'

Calculating the position of points in a circle

Using one of the above answers as a base, here's the Java/Android example:

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    RectF bounds = new RectF(canvas.getClipBounds());
    float centerX = bounds.centerX();
    float centerY = bounds.centerY();

    float angleDeg = 90f;
    float radius = 20f

    float xPos = radius * (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angleDeg)) + centerX;
    float yPos = radius * (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angleDeg)) + centerY;

    //draw my point at xPos/yPos

What's a concise way to check that environment variables are set in a Unix shell script?

For future people like me, I wanted to go a step forward and parameterize the var name, so I can loop over a variable sized list of variable names:


for var_name in "${vars[@]}"
  if [ -z "$(eval "echo \$$var_name")" ]; then
    echo "Missing environment variable $var_name"
    exit 1

xampp MySQL does not start

If you have previously installed MySQL Workbench the problem is that another MySQL instance is running at 3306 port.

So uninstall MySQL and XAMPP and after that, reinstall only XAMPP.

This worked for me.

Rails select helper - Default selected value, how?

Its already explained, Will try to give an example

let the select list be

select_list = { eligible: 1, ineligible: 0 }

So the following code results in

<%= :to_vote, select_list %>

<select name="to_vote" id="to_vote">
  <option value="1">eligible</option>
  <option value="0">ineligible</option>

So to make a option selected by default we have to use selected: value.

<%= :to_vote, select_list, selected: select_list.can_vote? ? 1 : 0 %>

if can_vote? returns true it sets selected: 1 then the first value will be selected else second.

select name="driver[bca_aw_eligible]" id="driver_bca_aw_eligible">
  <option value="1">eligible</option>
  <option selected="selected" value="0">ineligible</option>

if the select options are just a array list instead of hast then the selected will be just the value to be selected for example if

select_list = [ 'eligible', 'ineligible' ]

now the selected will just take

<%= :to_vote, select_list, selected: 'ineligible' %>

make an ID in a mysql table auto_increment (after the fact)




But none of these will work if your bar_id is a foreign key in another table: you'll be getting

an error 1068: Multiple primary key defined

To solve this, temporary disable foreign key constraint checks by

set foreign_key_checks = 0;

and after running the statements above, enable them back again.

set foreign_key_checks = 1;

Java web start - Unable to load resource

I've changed the java proxy settings to direct connection - and it works.

UITableView, Separator color where to set?

Swift 3, xcode version 8.3.2, storyboard->choose your table View->inspector->Separator.

Swift 3, xcode version 8.3.2

Check if multiple strings exist in another string

You should be careful if the strings in a or str gets longer. The straightforward solutions take O(S*(A^2)), where S is the length of str and A is the sum of the lenghts of all strings in a. For a faster solution, look at Aho-Corasick algorithm for string matching, which runs in linear time O(S+A).

How to for each the hashmap?

Use entrySet,

D: 99.22
A: 3434.34
C: 1378.0
B: 123.22
E: -19.08

B's new balance: 1123.22

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

    HashMap<String, Double> hm = new HashMap<String, Double>();

    hm.put("A", new Double(3434.34));
    hm.put("B", new Double(123.22));
    hm.put("C", new Double(1378.00));
    hm.put("D", new Double(99.22));
    hm.put("E", new Double(-19.08));

    Set<Map.Entry<String, Double>> set = hm.entrySet();

    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> me : set) {
      System.out.print(me.getKey() + ": ");


    double balance = hm.get("B");
    hm.put("B", balance + 1000);

    System.out.println("B's new balance: " + hm.get("B"));

see complete example here:

Remove new lines from string and replace with one empty space

PCRE regex replacements can be done using preg_replace:

$new_string = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/", ' ', $old_string);

Would replace new line or return characters with a space. If you don't want anything to replace them, change the 2nd argument to ''.

How to ignore parent css style

It would make sense for CSS to have a way to simply add an additional style (in the head section of your page, for example, which would override the linked style sheet) such as this:

#elementId select {
    /* turn all styles off (no way to do this) */

and turn off all previously applied styles, but there is no way to do this. You will have to override the height attribute and set it to a new value in the head section of your pages.

#elementId select {

In C, how should I read a text file and print all strings

Two approaches leap to mind.

First, don't use scanf. Use fgets() which takes a parameter to specify the buffer size, and which leaves any newline characters intact. A simple loop over the file that prints the buffer content should naturally copy the file intact.

Second, use fread() or the common C idiom with fgetc(). These would process the file in fixed-size chunks or a single character at a time.

If you must process the file over white-space delimited strings, then use either fgets or fread to read the file, and something like strtok to split the buffer at whitespace. Don't forget to handle the transition from one buffer to the next, since your target strings are likely to span the buffer boundary.

If there is an external requirement to use scanf to do the reading, then limit the length of the string it might read with a precision field in the format specifier. In your case with a 999 byte buffer, then say scanf("%998s", str); which will write at most 998 characters to the buffer leaving room for the nul terminator. If single strings longer than your buffer are allowed, then you would have to process them in two pieces. If not, you have an opportunity to tell the user about an error politely without creating a buffer overflow security hole.

Regardless, always validate the return values and think about how to handle bad, malicious, or just malformed input.

git: How to diff changed files versus previous versions after a pull?

There are all kinds of wonderful ways to specify commits - see the specifying revisions section of man git-rev-parse for more details. In this case, you probably want:

git diff HEAD@{1}

The @{1} means "the previous position of the ref I've specified", so that evaluates to what you had checked out previously - just before the pull. You can tack HEAD on the end there if you also have some changes in your work tree and you don't want to see the diffs for them.

I'm not sure what you're asking for with "the commit ID of my latest version of the file" - the commit "ID" (SHA1 hash) is that 40-character hex right at the top of every entry in the output of git log. It's the hash for the entire commit, not for a given file. You don't really ever need more - if you want to diff just one file across the pull, do

git diff HEAD@{1} filename

This is a general thing - if you want to know about the state of a file in a given commit, you specify the commit and the file, not an ID/hash specific to the file.

How to get the day name from a selected date?

DateTime now = DateTime.Now
string s = now.DayOfWeek.ToString();

Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?

For IIS 7.5+ with URL Rewrite 2.0 module installed please see this SO answer

Expand/collapse section in UITableView in iOS

Some sample code for animating an expand/collapse action using a table view section header is provided by Apple here: Table View Animations and Gestures

The key to this approach is to implement - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section and return a custom UIView which includes a button (typically the same size as the header view itself). By subclassing UIView and using that for the header view (as this sample does), you can easily store additional data such as the section number.

AssertContains on strings in jUnit

Use hamcrest Matcher containsString()

// Hamcrest assertion
assertThat(person.getName(), containsString("myName"));

// Error Message
Expected: a string containing "myName"
     got: "some other name"

You can optional add an even more detail error message.

// Hamcrest assertion with custom error message
assertThat("my error message", person.getName(), containsString("myName"));

// Error Message
java.lang.AssertionError: my error message
Expected: a string containing "myName"
     got: "some other name"

Posted my answer to a duplicate question here

What is event bubbling and capturing?

Description: has a nice description of this. In a nutshell (copied from quirksmode):

Event capturing

When you use event capturing

               | |
---------------| |-----------------
| element1     | |                |
|   -----------| |-----------     |
|   |element2  \ /          |     |
|   -------------------------     |
|        Event CAPTURING          |

the event handler of element1 fires first, the event handler of element2 fires last.

Event bubbling

When you use event bubbling

               / \
---------------| |-----------------
| element1     | |                |
|   -----------| |-----------     |
|   |element2  | |          |     |
|   -------------------------     |
|        Event BUBBLING           |

the event handler of element2 fires first, the event handler of element1 fires last.

What to use?

It depends on what you want to do. There is no better. The difference is the order of the execution of the event handlers. Most of the time it will be fine to fire event handlers in the bubbling phase but it can also be necessary to fire them earlier.

Joining Spark dataframes on the key

you can use

val resultDf = PersonDf.join(ProfileDf, PersonDf("personId") === ProfileDf("personId"))

or shorter and more flexible (as you can easely specify more than 1 columns for joining)

val resultDf = PersonDf.join(ProfileDf,Seq("personId"))

How can I get the current array index in a foreach loop?

$key is the index for the current array element, and $val is the value of that array element.

The first element has an index of 0. Therefore, to access it, use $arr[0]

To get the first element of the array, use this

$firstFound = false;
foreach($arr as $key=>$val)
    if (!$firstFound)
       $first = $val;
       $firstFound = true;
    // do whatever you want here

// now ($first) has the value of the first element in the array

The #include<iostream> exists, but I get an error: identifier "cout" is undefined. Why?

You need to specify the std:: namespace:

std::cout << .... << std::endl;;

Alternatively, you can use a using directive:

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

cout << .... << endl;

I should add that you should avoid these using directives in headers, since code including these will also have the symbols brought into the global namespace. Restrict using directives to small scopes, for example

#include <iostream>

inline void foo()
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  cout << "Hello world" << endl;

Here, the using directive only applies to the scope of foo().

Iterating through list of list in Python

if you don't want recursion you could try:

x = [u'sam', [['Test', [['one', [], []]], [(u'file.txt', ['id', 1, 0])]], ['Test2', [], [(u'file2.txt', ['id', 1, 2])]]], []]
while True:
    for i in layer1:
        if isinstance(i,list):
            for j in i:
            print i
    if len(layer1)==0:

which gives:

(u'file.txt', ['id', 1, 0])
(u'file2.txt', ['id', 1, 2])

(note that it didn't look into the tuples for lists because the tuples aren't lists. You can add tuple to the "isinstance" method if you want to fix this)

How to force Hibernate to return dates as java.util.Date instead of Timestamp?

Here is solution for Hibernate 4.3.7.Final. contains

                name = "javaUtilDateType",
                defaultForType = java.util.Date.class,
                typeClass = JavaUtilDateType.class
package some.pack;
import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDef;
import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDefs;

And JavaUtilDateType:

package some.other.or.same.pack;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.type.AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType;
import org.hibernate.type.LiteralType;
import org.hibernate.type.StringType;
import org.hibernate.type.TimestampType;
import org.hibernate.type.VersionType;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.WrapperOptions;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.TimestampTypeDescriptor;

 * Note: Depends on hibernate implementation details hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.
 * @see
 * <a href="">Hibernate
 * Documentation</a>
 * @see TimestampType
public class JavaUtilDateType
        extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<Date>
        implements VersionType<Date>, LiteralType<Date> {

    public static final TimestampType INSTANCE = new TimestampType();

    public JavaUtilDateType() {
                new JdbcTimestampTypeDescriptor() {

                    public Date fromString(String string) {
                        return new Date(super.fromString(string).getTime());

                    public <X> Date wrap(X value, WrapperOptions options) {
                        return new Date(super.wrap(value, options).getTime());


    public String getName() {
        return "timestamp";

    public String[] getRegistrationKeys() {
        return new String[]{getName(), Timestamp.class.getName(), java.util.Date.class.getName()};

    public Date next(Date current, SessionImplementor session) {
        return seed(session);

    public Date seed(SessionImplementor session) {
        return new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());

    public Comparator<Date> getComparator() {
        return getJavaTypeDescriptor().getComparator();

    public String objectToSQLString(Date value, Dialect dialect) throws Exception {
        final Timestamp ts = Timestamp.class.isInstance(value)
                ? (Timestamp) value
                : new Timestamp(value.getTime());
        // TODO : use JDBC date literal escape syntax? -> {d 'date-string'} in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...] format
        return StringType.INSTANCE.objectToSQLString(ts.toString(), dialect);

    public Date fromStringValue(String xml) throws HibernateException {
        return fromString(xml);

This solution mostly relies on TimestampType implementation with adding additional behaviour through anonymous class of type JdbcTimestampTypeDescriptor.

How to force child div to be 100% of parent div's height without specifying parent's height?

The easiest way to do this is to just fake it. A List Apart has covered this extensively over the years, like in this article from Dan Cederholm from 2004.

Here's how I usually do it:

<div id="container" class="clearfix" style="margin:0 auto;width:950px;background:white url(SOME_REPEATING_PATTERN.png) scroll repeat-y center top;">
    <div id="navigation" style="float:left;width:190px;padding-right:10px;">
        <!-- Navigation -->
    <div id="content" style="float:left;width:750px;">
        <!-- Content -->

You can easily add a header onto this design by wrapping #container in another div, embedding the header div as #container's sibling, and moving the margin and width styles to the parent container. Also, the CSS should be moved into a separate file and not kept inline, etc. etc. Finally, the clearfix class can be found on positioniseverything.

Resizing a button

Another alternative is that you are allowed to have multiple classes in a tag. Consider:

 <div class="button big">This is a big button</div>
 <div class="button small">This is a small button</div>

And the CSS:

 .button {
     /* all your common button styles */

 .big {
     height: 60px;
     width: 100px;
 .small {
     height: 40px;
     width: 70px;

and so on.

Get Path from another app (WhatsApp)

It works for me for opening small text file... I didn't try in other file

protected void viewhelper(Intent intent) {
    Uri a = intent.getData();
    if (!a.toString().startsWith("content:")) {
    //Ok Let's do it
    String content = readUri(a);
    //do something with this content

here is the readUri(Uri uri) method

private String readUri(Uri uri) {
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    try {
        inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
        if (inputStream != null) {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int result;
            String content = "";
            while ((result = != -1) {
                content = content.concat(new String(buffer, 0, result));
            return content;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e("receiver", "IOException when reading uri", e);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e("receiver", "IOException when closing stream", e);
    return null;

I got it from this repository
I modified some code so that it work.

Manifest file:

    <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
        <intent-filter >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <data android:mimeType="*/*" />

You need to add

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     *    Your OnCreate
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    String action = intent.getAction();
    String type = intent.getType();

    if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(action) && type != null) {
        viewhelper(intent); // Handle text being sent

How do you convert epoch time in C#?

Since .Net 4.6 and above please use DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()

Java Convert GMT/UTC to Local time doesn't work as expected

I am joining the choir recommending that you skip the now long outdated classes Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat and friends. In particular I would warn against using the deprecated methods and constructors of the Date class, like the Date(String) constructor you used. They were deprecated because they don’t work reliably across time zones, so don’t use them. And yes, most of the constructors and methods of that class are deprecated.

While at the time you asked the question, Joda-Time was (from all I know) a clearly better alternative, time has moved on again. Today Joda-Time is a largely finished project, and its developers recommend you use java.time, the modern Java date and time API, instead. I will show you how.

    ZonedDateTime localTime =;

    // Convert Local Time to UTC 
    OffsetDateTime gmtTime
            = localTime.toOffsetDateTime().withOffsetSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC);
    System.out.println("Local:" + localTime.toString() 
            + " --> UTC time:" + gmtTime.toString());

    // Reverse Convert UTC Time to Local time
    localTime = gmtTime.atZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.systemDefault());
    System.out.println("Local Time " + localTime.toString());

For starters, note that not only is the code only half as long as yours, it is also clearer to read.

On my computer the code prints:

Local:2017-09-02T07:25:46.211+02:00[Europe/Berlin] --> UTC time:2017-09-02T05:25:46.211Z
Local Time 2017-09-02T07:25:46.211+02:00[Europe/Berlin]

I left out the milliseconds from the epoch. You can always get them from System.currentTimeMillis(); as in your question, and they are independent of time zone, so I didn’t find them intersting here.

I hesitatingly kept your variable name localTime. I think it’s a good name. The modern API has a class called LocalTime, so using that name, only not capitalized, for an object that hasn’t got type LocalTime might confuse some (a LocalTime doesn’t hold time zone information, which we need to keep here to be able to make the right conversion; it also only holds the time-of-day, not the date).

Your conversion from local time to UTC was incorrect and impossible

The outdated Date class doesn’t hold any time zone information (you may say that internally it always uses UTC), so there is no such thing as converting a Date from one time zone to another. When I just ran your code on my computer, the first line it printed, was:

Local:Sat Sep 02 07:25:45 CEST 2017,1504329945967 --> UTC time:Sat Sep 02 05:25:45 CEST 2017-1504322745000

07:25:45 CEST is correct, of course. The correct UTC time would have been 05:25:45 UTC, but it says CEST again, which is incorrect.

Now you will never need the Date class again, :-) but if you were ever going to, the must-read would be All about java.util.Date on Jon Skeet’s coding blog.

Question: Can I use the modern API with my Java version?

If using at least Java 6, you can.

  • In Java 8 and later the new API comes built-in.
  • In Java 6 and 7 get the ThreeTen Backport, the backport of the new classes (that’s ThreeTen for JSR-310, where the modern API was first defined).
  • On Android, use the Android edition of ThreeTen Backport. It’s called ThreeTenABP, and I think that there’s a wonderful explanation in this question: How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project.

How to access html form input from code behind

What I'm guessing is that you need to set those input elements to runat="server".

So you won't be able to access the control

<input type="text" name="email" id="myTextBox" />

But you'll be able to work with

<input type="text" name="email" id="myTextBox" runat="server" />

And read from it by using

string myStringFromTheInput = myTextBox.Value;

How to create Drawable from resource

Get Drawable from vector resource irrespective of, whether its vector or not:

AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.icon);

ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.icon); will produce android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException for vector resource.

Can I do Model->where('id', ARRAY) multiple where conditions?

You can use whereIn which accepts an array as second paramter.

   ->whereIn('column', [value, value, value])

You can chain where multiple times.

DB:table('table')->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
    ->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
    ->where('column', 'operator', 'value')

This will use AND operator. if you need OR you can use orWhere method.

For advanced where statements

    ->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
        $query->where('column', 'operator', 'value')
            ->where('column', 'operator', 'value');

How to set root password to null

This worked for me on Ubuntu 16.04 with v5.7.15 MySQL:

First, make sure you have mysql-client installed (sudo apt-get install mysql-client).

Open terminal and login:

mysql -uroot -p

(then type your password)

After that:

use mysql;
update user set authentication_string=password(''), plugin='mysql_native_password' where user='root';

(tnx @Stanislav Karakhanov)

And the very last important thing is to reset mysql service:

sudo service mysql restart

You should now be able to login (without passsword) also by using MySQL Workbench.

"std::endl" vs "\n"

The std::endl manipulator is equivalent to '\n'. But std::endl always flushes the stream.

std::cout << "Test line" << std::endl; // with flush
std::cout << "Test line\n"; // no flush

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead

Just for other's reference, I just received this and found it was due to AngularJS. It's for backwards compatibility:

if (!event.preventDefault) {
    event.preventDefault = function() {
        event.returnValue = false; //ie

MySQL - UPDATE query with LIMIT

You should use IS rather than = for comparing to NULL.

UPDATE `smartmeter_usage`.`users_reporting`
SET panel_id = 3
WHERE panel_id IS null

The LIMIT clause in MySQL when applied to an update does not permit an offset to be specified.

How to change RGB color to HSV?

There's a C implementation here:

Should be very straightforward to convert to C#, as almost no functions are called - just calculations.

found via Google

Cloning specific branch

Please try like this : git clone --single-branch --branch <branchname> <url>

replace <branchname> with your branch and <url> with your url.

url will be like http://[email protected]:portno/yourrepo.git.

How can I write a heredoc to a file in Bash script?

When root permissions are required

When root permissions are required for the destination file, use |sudo tee instead of >:

cat << 'EOF' |sudo tee /tmp/yourprotectedfilehere
The variable $FOO will *not* be interpreted.

cat << "EOF" |sudo tee /tmp/yourprotectedfilehere
The variable $FOO *will* be interpreted.

Get safe area inset top and bottom heights

In iOS 11 there is a method that tells when the safeArea has changed.

override func viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange() {
    let top =
    let bottom = view.safeAreaInsets.bottom

sql: check if entry in table A exists in table B

This also works

FROM tableB

mongodb, replicates and error: { "$err" : "not master and slaveOk=false", "code" : 13435 }

To avoid typing rs.slaveOk() every time, do this:

Create a file named replStart.js, containing one line: rs.slaveOk()

Then include --shell replStart.js when you launch the Mongo shell. Of course, if you're connecting locally to a single instance, this doesn't save any typing.

What's the difference between an argument and a parameter?

According to Joseph's Alabahari book "C# in a Nutshell" (C# 7.0, p. 49) :

static void Foo (int x)
    x = x + 1; // When you're talking in context of this method x is parameter
    Console.WriteLine (x);
static void Main()
    Foo (8); // an argument of 8. 
             // When you're talking from the outer scope point of view

In some human languages (afaik Italian, Russian) synonyms are widely used for these terms.

  • parameter = formal parameter
  • argument = actual parameter

In my university professors use both kind of names.

How to make a gap between two DIV within the same column

you can use $nbsp; for a single space, if you like just using single allows you single space instead of using creating own class

    <div id="bulkOptionContainer" class="col-xs-4">
        <select class="form-control" name="" id="">
            <option value="">Select Options</option>
            <option value="">Published</option>
            <option value="">Draft</option>
            <option value="">Delete</option>

    <div class="col-xs-4">

        <input type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-success " value="Apply">
        <a class="btn btn-primary" href="add_posts.php">Add post</a>




How to show all rows by default in JQuery DataTable


    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

The option you should use is iDisplayLength:

  'iDisplayLength': 100

   "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "All"] ]

It will Load by default all entries.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

If you want to load by default 25 not all do this.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]

Use .htaccess to redirect HTTP to HTTPs

This is tested and safe to use

Why?: When Wordpress editing your re-write rules, so make sure your HTTPS rule should not be removed! so this is no conflict with native Wordpress rules.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
   RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
   RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  #Your our Wordpress rewrite rules...
# END WordPress

Note: You have to change WordPress Address & Site Address urls to https:// in General Settings also (wp-admin/options-general.php)

How to fix error "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4?

Seeing all other answers. I found for me a simpler way.

I just removed all lines in the .classpath (editing with eclipse) containing a var and used maven -> update project without an error.

What are the differences between a multidimensional array and an array of arrays in C#?

In addition to the other answers, note that a multidimensional array is allocated as one big chunky object on the heap. This has some implications:

  1. Some multidimensional arrays will get allocated on the Large Object Heap (LOH) where their equivalent jagged array counterparts would otherwise not have.
  2. The GC will need to find a single contiguous free block of memory to allocate a multidimensional array, whereas a jagged array might be able to fill in gaps caused by heap fragmentation... this isn't usually an issue in .NET because of compaction, but the LOH doesn't get compacted by default (you have to ask for it, and you have to ask every time you want it).
  3. You'll want to look into <gcAllowVeryLargeObjects> for multidimensional arrays way before the issue will ever come up if you only ever use jagged arrays.

MySQL combine two columns and add into a new column

SELECT CONCAT (zipcode, ' - ', city, ', ', state) AS COMBINED FROM TABLE

How to display items side-by-side without using tables?

All these answers date back to 2016 or earlier... There's a new web standard for this using flex-boxes. In general floats for these sorts of problems is now frowned upon.


<div class="image-txt-container">
  <img src="">
    Text here


.image-txt-container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  flex-direction: row;

Example fiddle:

CSS root directory

This problem that the "../" means step up (parent folder) link "../images/img.png" will not work because when you are using ajax like data passing to the web site from the server.

What you have to do is point the image location to root with "./" then the second folder (in this case the second folder is "images")


if you have folders like this

root -> content -> images

then you use url("./content/images/img.png"), remember your image will not visible in the editor window but when it passed to the browser using ajax it will display.

HTML 5 Geo Location Prompt in Chrome

As already mentioned in the answer by robertc, Chrome blocks certain functionality, like the geo location with local files. An easier alternative to setting up an own web server would be to just start Chrome with the parameter --allow-file-access-from-files. Then you can use the geo location, provided you didn't turn it off in your settings.

SQL Server Output Clause into a scalar variable

You need a table variable and it can be this simple.

declare @ID table (ID int)

insert into MyTable2(ID)
output inserted.ID into @ID
values (1)

How can I display a messagebox in ASP.NET?

create a simple JavaScript function having one line of code-"alert("Hello this is an Alert")" and instead on OnClick() ,use OnClientClick() method.

`<html xmlns="">
 <head runat="server">
 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function showAlert() {
        alert("Hello this is an Alert")
 <form id="form1" runat="server">
 <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="showAlert()" />

Importing class/java files in Eclipse

I had the same problem. But What I did is I imported the .java files and then I went to Search->File-> and then changed the package name to whatever package it should belong in this way I fixed a lot of java files which otherwise would require to go to every file and change them manually.

How do files get into the External Dependencies in Visual Studio C++?

To resolve external dependencies within project. below things are important..
1. The compiler should know that where are header '.h' files located in workspace.
2. The linker able to find all specified  all '.lib' files & there names for current project.

So, Developer has to specify external dependencies for Project as below..

1. Select Project in Solution explorer.

2 . Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General
specify all header files in "Additional Include Directories".

3.  Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General
specify relative path for all lib files in "Additional Library Directories".

enter image description here enter image description here

Visual Studio 2008 Product Key in Registry?

For Visual Studio 2005:

If you do have an installed Visual Studio 2005 however, and want to find out the serial number you’ve used to install it because you don’t have a clue where you put that shiny sticker, you can. It is, like most things in Windows, in the registry.


In order to convert the value in that key to an actual serial number you have to put a dash ( – ) after evert 5 characters of the code.


For Visual Studio 2008 it's supposed to be:


However I noted that the the Data field for PIDKEY is only filled in the 1000.0x000 (or 2000.0x000) sub folder of the above paths.

Get local IP address

Refactoring Mrcheif's code to leverage Linq (ie. .Net 3.0+). .

private IPAddress LocalIPAddress()
    if (!System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
        return null;

    IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());

    return host
        .FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork);


How do you get the magnitude of a vector in Numpy?

Fastest way I found is via inner1d. Here's how it compares to other numpy methods:

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d

V = np.random.random_sample((10**6,3,)) # 1 million vectors
A = np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', V, V))
B = np.linalg.norm(V,axis=1)   
C = np.sqrt((V ** 2).sum(-1))
D = np.sqrt((V*V).sum(axis=1))
E = np.sqrt(inner1d(V,V))

print [np.allclose(E,x) for x in [A,B,C,D]] # [True, True, True, True]

import cProfile"np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', V, V))") # 3 function calls in 0.013 seconds'np.linalg.norm(V,axis=1)')              # 9 function calls in 0.029 seconds'np.sqrt((V ** 2).sum(-1))')             # 5 function calls in 0.028 seconds'np.sqrt((V*V).sum(axis=1))')            # 5 function calls in 0.027 seconds'np.sqrt(inner1d(V,V))')                 # 2 function calls in 0.009 seconds

inner1d is ~3x faster than linalg.norm and a hair faster than einsum

datetime to string with series in python pandas

There is no str accessor for datetimes and you can't do dates.astype(str) either, you can call apply and use datetime.strftime:

In [73]:

dates = pd.to_datetime(pd.Series(['20010101', '20010331']), format = '%Y%m%d')
dates.apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
0    2001-01-01
1    2001-03-31
dtype: object

You can change the format of your date strings using whatever you like: strftime() and strptime() Behavior.


As of version 0.17.0 you can do this using dt.strftime


will now work

Adding and reading from a Config file

Configuration configManager = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
KeyValueConfigurationCollection confCollection = configManager.AppSettings.Settings;

confCollection["YourKey"].Value = "YourNewKey";


How can I read the contents of an URL with Python?

For python3 users, to save time, use the following code,

from urllib.request import urlopen

link = ""

f = urlopen(link)
myfile =

I know there are different threads for error: Name Error: urlopen is not defined, but thought this might save time.

How to set up ES cluster?

I tried the steps that @KannarKK suggested on ES 2.0.2, however, I could not bring the cluster up and running. Evidently, I figured out something, as I had set tcp port number on Master, on the Slave configuration needs Master's port number along with IP address ( tcp port number ) for discovery. So when I try following configuration it works for me.

Node 1 mycluster "node1"
node.master: true true
http.port : 9200
tcp.port : 9300 false
# I think on master is redundant. [""]

Node 2 mycluster "node2"
node.master: false true
http.port : 9201
tcp.port : 9301 false
# The port number of Node 1 [""]

What does 'git remote add upstream' help achieve?

The wiki is talking from a forked repo point of view. You have access to pull and push from origin, which will be your fork of the main diaspora repo. To pull in changes from this main repo, you add a remote, "upstream" in your local repo, pointing to this original and pull from it.

So "origin" is a clone of your fork repo, from which you push and pull. "Upstream" is a name for the main repo, from where you pull and keep a clone of your fork updated, but you don't have push access to it.

How do I resolve a TesseractNotFoundError?

I'm currently using Windows and needed to develop a PDF parser but adding a new environment variable via sysdm.cpl alone did not work. For other Windows user, I strongly suggest adding C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR to your profile.ps1 as well (if using Powershell that is).

check if a std::vector contains a certain object?

If searching for an element is important, I'd recommend std::set instead of std::vector. Using this:

std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), x) runs in O(n) time, but std::set has its own find() member (ie. myset.find(x)) which runs in O(log n) time - that's much more efficient with large numbers of elements

std::set also guarantees all the added elements are unique, which saves you from having to do anything like if not contained then push_back()....

python, sort descending dataframe with pandas

New syntax (either):

 test = df.sort_values(['one'], ascending=[False])
 test = df.sort_values(['one'], ascending=[0])

Can I use CASE statement in a JOIN condition?

Here I have compared the difference in two different result sets:

SELECT main.ColumnName, compare.Value PreviousValue,  main.Value CurrentValue
    SELECT 'Name' AS ColumnName, 'John' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'UserName' AS ColumnName, 'jh001' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Department' AS ColumnName, 'HR' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Phone' AS ColumnName, NULL as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'DOB' AS ColumnName, '1993-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CreateDate' AS ColumnName, '2017-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'IsActive' AS ColumnName, '1' as Value
) main
    SELECT 'Name' AS ColumnName, 'Rahul' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'UserName' AS ColumnName, 'rh001' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Department' AS ColumnName, 'HR' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Phone' AS ColumnName, '01722112233' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'DOB' AS ColumnName, '1993-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CreateDate' AS ColumnName, '2017-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'IsActive' AS ColumnName, '1' as Value
) compare
ON main.ColumnName = compare.ColumnName AND
    WHEN main.Value IS NULL AND compare.Value IS NULL THEN 0
    WHEN main.Value IS NULL AND compare.Value IS NOT NULL THEN 1
    WHEN main.Value IS NOT NULL AND compare.Value IS NULL THEN 1
    WHEN main.Value <> compare.Value THEN 1
END = 1 

What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?

Actually self is a reference to window (window.self) therefore when you say var self = 'something' you override a window reference to itself - because self exist in window object.

This is why most developers prefer var that = this over var self = this;

Anyway; var that = this; is not in line with the good practice ... presuming that your code will be revised / modified later by other developers you should use the most common programming standards in respect with developer community

Therefore you should use something like var oldThis / var oThis / etc - to be clear in your scope // not that much but will save few seconds and few brain cycles

How to call Makefile from another Makefile?

It seems clear that $(TESTS) is empty so your 1.4.0 makefile is effectively


  rm -f  gtest.a gtest_main.a *.o

Indeed, all has nothing to do. and clean does exactly what it says rm -f gtest.a ...

Blocking device rotation on mobile web pages

In JavaScript-enabled browsers it should be easy to determine if the screen is in landscape or portrait mode and compensate using CSS. It may be helpful to give users the option to disable this or at least warn them that device rotation will not work properly.


The easiest way to detect the orientation of the browser is to check the width of the browser versus the height of the browser. This also has the advantage that you'll know if the game is being played on a device that is naturally oriented in landscape mode (as some mobile devices like the PSP are). This makes more sense than trying to disable device rotation.

Edit 2

Daz has shown how you can detect device orientation, but detecting orientation is only half of the solution. If want to reverse the automatic orientation change, you'll need to rotate everything either 90° or 270°/-90°, e.g.

$(window).bind('orientationchange resize', function(event){
  if (event.orientation) {
    if (event.orientation == 'landscape') {
      if (window.rotation == 90) {
        rotate(this, -90);
      } else {
        rotate(this, 90);

function rotate(el, degs) {
  iedegs = degs/90;
  if (iedegs < 0) iedegs += 4;
  transform = 'rotate('+degs+'deg)';
  iefilter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation='+iedegs+')';
  styles = {
    transform: transform,
    '-webkit-transform': transform,
    '-moz-transform': transform,
    '-o-transform': transform,
    filter: iefilter,
    '-ms-filter': iefilter

Note: if you want to rotate in IE by an arbitrary angle (for other purposes), you'll need to use matrix transform, e.g.

rads = degs * Math.PI / 180;
m11 = m22 = Math.cos(rads);
m21 = Math.sin(rads);
m12 = -m21;
iefilter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix("
  + "M11 = " + m11 + ", "
  + "M12 = " + m12 + ", "
  + "M21 = " + m21 + ", "
  + "M22 = " + m22 + ", sizingMethod = 'auto expand')";
styles['filter'] = styles['-ms-filter'] = iefilter;

—or use CSS Sandpaper. Also, this applies the rotation style to the window object, which I've never actually tested and don't know if works or not. You may need to apply the style to a document element instead.

Anyway, I would still recommend simply displaying a message that asks the user to play the game in portrait mode.

Spring Boot and how to configure connection details to MongoDB? and are not supported if you’re using the Mongo 3.0 Java driver. In such cases, should be used to provide all of the configuration, like this:[email protected]:12345

Single huge .css file vs. multiple smaller specific .css files?

Historically, one of the main advantages x in having a single CSS file is the speed benefit when using HTTP1.1.

However, as of March 2018 over 80% of browsers now support HTTP2 which allows the browser to download multiple resources simultaneously as well as being able to push resources pre-emptively. Having a single CSS file for all pages means a larger than necessary file size. With proper design, I don't see any advantage in doing this other than its easier to code.

The ideal design for HTTP2 for best performance would be:

  • Have a core CSS file which contains common styles used across all pages.
  • Have page specific CSS in a separate file
  • Use HTTP2 push CSS to minimise wait time (a cookie can be used to prevent repeated pushes)
  • Optionally separate above the fold CSS and push this first and load the remaining CSS later (useful for low-bandwidth mobile devices)
  • You could also load remaining CSS for the site or specific pages after the page has loaded if you want to speed up future page loads.

Android Stop Emulator from Command Line

To stop all running emulators we use this command:

adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done

can not find module "@angular/material"

Follow these steps to begin using Angular Material.

Step 1: Install Angular Material

npm install --save @angular/material

Step 2: Animations

Some Material components depend on the Angular animations module in order to be able to do more advanced transitions. If you want these animations to work in your app, you have to install the @angular/animations module and include the BrowserAnimationsModule in your app.

npm install --save @angular/animations


import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform browser/animations';

  imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule],
export class PizzaPartyAppModule { }

Step 3: Import the component modules

Import the NgModule for each component you want to use:

import {MdButtonModule, MdCheckboxModule} from '@angular/material';

imports: [MdButtonModule, MdCheckboxModule],
 export class PizzaPartyAppModule { }

be sure to import the Angular Material modules after Angular's BrowserModule, as the import order matters for NgModules

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

import {MdCardModule} from '@angular/material';
    declarations: [
    imports: [
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Step 4: Include a theme

Including a theme is required to apply all of the core and theme styles to your application.

To get started with a prebuilt theme, include the following in your app's index.html:

<link href="../node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css" rel="stylesheet">

How to send email from Terminal?

echo "this is the body" | mail -s "this is the subject" "to@address"

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript

This depends on the browser's toLocaleDateString() implementation. For example in chrome you will get something like: Tuesday, January DD, YYYY

DataGridView AutoFit and Fill

To build on AlfredBr's answer, if you hid some of your columns, you can use the following to auto-size all columns and then just have the last visible column fill the empty space:

myDgv.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;
myDgv.Columns.GetLastColumn(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible, DataGridViewElementStates.None).AutoSizeMode = 

Install Android App Bundle on device

For MAC:

brew install bundletool
bundletool build-apks --bundle=./app.aab --output=./app.apks
bundletool install-apks --apks=app.apks

Using jquery to get element's position relative to viewport

Here is a function that calculates the current position of an element within the viewport:

 * Calculates the position of a given element within the viewport
 * @param {string} obj jQuery object of the dom element to be monitored
 * @return {array} An array containing both X and Y positions as a number
 * ranging from 0 (under/right of viewport) to 1 (above/left of viewport)
function visibility(obj) {
    var winw = jQuery(window).width(), winh = jQuery(window).height(),
        elw = obj.width(), elh = obj.height(),
        o = obj[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
        x1 = o.left - winw, x2 = o.left + elw,
        y1 = - winh, y2 = + elh;

    return [
        Math.max(0, Math.min((0 - x1) / (x2 - x1), 1)),
        Math.max(0, Math.min((0 - y1) / (y2 - y1), 1))

The return values are calculated like this:


visibility($('#example'));  // returns [0.3742887830933581, 0.6103752759381899]


function visibility(obj) {var winw = jQuery(window).width(),winh = jQuery(window).height(),elw = obj.width(),_x000D_
    elh = obj.height(), o = obj[0].getBoundingClientRect(),x1 = o.left - winw, x2 = o.left + elw, y1 = - winh, y2 = + elh; return [Math.max(0, Math.min((0 - x1) / (x2 - x1), 1)),Math.max(0, Math.min((0 - y1) / (y2 - y1), 1))];_x000D_
setInterval(function() {_x000D_
  res = visibility($('#block'));_x000D_
  $('#x').text(Math.round(res[0] * 100) + '%');_x000D_
  $('#y').text(Math.round(res[1] * 100) + '%');_x000D_
}, 100);
#block { width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid red; background: yellow; top: 50%; left: 50%; position: relative;_x000D_
} #container { background: #EFF0F1; height: 950px; width: 1800px; margin-top: -40%; margin-left: -40%; overflow: scroll; position: relative;_x000D_
} #res { position: fixed; top: 0; z-index: 2; font-family: Verdana; background: #c0c0c0; line-height: .1em; padding: 0 .5em; font-size: 12px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="res">_x000D_
  <p>X: <span id="x"></span></p>_x000D_
  <p>Y: <span id="y"></span></p>_x000D_
<div id="container"><div id="block"></div></div>

Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"

Make sure your app is public. Click on + Add product Now go to products => Facebook Login Now do the following:

Valid OAuth redirect URIs :

Deauthorize Callback URL :

What is the easiest way to disable/enable buttons and links (jQuery + Bootstrap)

@James Donnelly has supplied a comprehensive answer that relies on extending jQuery with a new function. That is a great idea, so I am going to adapt his code so it works the way I need it to.

Extending jQuery

$.fn.disable=-> setState $(@), true
$.fn.enable =-> setState $(@), false
$.fn.isDisabled =-> $(@).hasClass 'disabled'

setState=($el, state) ->
    $el.each ->
        $(@).prop('disabled', state) if $(@).is 'button, input'
        if state then $(@).addClass('disabled') else $(@).removeClass('disabled')

    $('body').on('click', 'a.disabled', -> false)



The code will process a single element or a list of elements.

Buttons and Inputs support the disabled property and, if set to true, they will look disabled (thanks to bootstrap) and will not fire when clicked.

Anchors don't support the disabled property so instead we are going to rely on the .disabled class to make them look disabled (thanks to bootstrap again) and hook up a default click event that prevents the click by returning false (no need for preventDefault see here).

Note: You do not need to unhook this event when re-enabling anchors. Simply removing the .disabled class does the trick.

Of course, this does not help if you have attached a custom click handler to the link, something that is very common when using bootstrap and jQuery. So to deal with this we are going tro use the isDisabled() extension to test for the .disabled class, like this:

$('#my-anchor').click -> 
    return false if $(@).isDisabled()
    # do something useful

I hope that helps simplify things a bit.

How to open my files in data_folder with pandas using relative path?

With python or pandas when you use read_csv or pd.read_csv, both of them look into current working directory, by default where the python process have started. So you need to use os module to chdir() and take it from there.

import pandas as pd 
import os
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv',nrows=10)

How to loop through a JSON object with typescript (Angular2)

ECMAScript 6 introduced the let statement. You can use it in a for statement.

var ids:string = [];

for(let result of this.results){

Breaking a list into multiple columns in Latex

I've had multenum for "Multi-column enumerated lists" recommended to me, but I've never actually used it myself, yet.

Edit: The syntax doesn't exactly look like you could easily copy+paste lists into the LaTeX code. So, it may not be the best solution for your use case!

How to define a circle shape in an Android XML drawable file?

Here's a simple circle_background.xml for pre-material:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_pressed="true">
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="@color/color_accent_dark" />
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="@color/color_accent" />

You can use with the attribute 'android:background="@drawable/circle_background" in your button's layout definition

submit the form using ajax

I would suggest to use jquery for this type of requirement . Give this a try

<div id="commentList"></div>
<div id="addCommentContainer">
    <p>Add a Comment</p> <br/> <br/>
    <form id="addCommentForm" method="post" action="">
            Your Name <br/>
            <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />

            <br/> <br/>
            Comment Body <br/>
            <textarea name="body" id="body" cols="20" rows="5"></textarea>

            <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />

    /* The following code is executed once the DOM is loaded */

    /* This flag will prevent multiple comment submits: */
    var working = false;
         type: 'POST',
         url: "mysubmitpage.php",
         data: $('#addCommentForm').serialize(), 
         success: function(response) {
            alert("Submitted comment"); 
             $("#commentList").append("Name:" + $("#name").val() + "<br/>comment:" + $("#body").val());
        error: function() {
             //$("#commentList").append($("#name").val() + "<br/>" + $("#body").val());
            alert("There was an error submitting comment");

Accessing AppDelegate from framework?

If you're creating a framework the whole idea is to make it portable. Tying a framework to the app delegate defeats the purpose of building a framework. What is it you need the app delegate for?

How to remove tab indent from several lines in IDLE?

In Jupyter Notebook,

 SHIFT+ TAB(to move left) and TAB(to move right) movement is perfectly working.

What is a "callback" in C and how are they implemented?

There is no "callback" in C - not more than any other generic programming concept.

They're implemented using function pointers. Here's an example:

void populate_array(int *array, size_t arraySize, int (*getNextValue)(void))
    for (size_t i=0; i<arraySize; i++)
        array[i] = getNextValue();

int getNextRandomValue(void)
    return rand();

int main(void)
    int myarray[10];
    populate_array(myarray, 10, getNextRandomValue);

Here, the populate_array function takes a function pointer as its third parameter, and calls it to get the values to populate the array with. We've written the callback getNextRandomValue, which returns a random-ish value, and passed a pointer to it to populate_array. populate_array will call our callback function 10 times and assign the returned values to the elements in the given array.

Count length of array and return 1 if it only contains one element

A couple other options:

  1. Use the comma operator to create an array:

    $cars = ,"bmw"
    # Outputs: System.Object[]
  2. Use array subexpression syntax:

    $cars = @("bmw")
    # Outputs: System.Object[]

If you don't want an object array you can downcast to the type you want e.g. a string array.

 [string[]] $cars = ,"bmw"
 [string[]] $cars = @("bmw")

Writing data to a local text file with javascript


<div id="addnew">
    <input type="text" id="id">
    <input type="text" id="content">
    <input type="button" value="Add" id="submit">

<div id="check">
    <input type="text" id="input">
    <input type="button" value="Search" id="search">

JS (writing to the txt file):

function writeToFile(d1, d2){
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var fh = fso.OpenTextFile("data.txt", 8, false, 0);
    fh.WriteLine(d1 + ',' + d2);
var submit = document.getElementById("submit");
submit.onclick = function () {
    var id      = document.getElementById("id").value;
    var content = document.getElementById("content").value;
    writeToFile(id, content);

checking a particular row:

function readFile(){
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var fh = fso.OpenTextFile("data.txt", 1, false, 0);
    var lines = "";
    while (!fh.AtEndOfStream) {
        lines += fh.ReadLine() + "\r";
    return lines;
var search = document.getElementById("search");
search.onclick = function () {
    var input   = document.getElementById("input").value;
    if (input != "") {
        var text    = readFile();
        var lines   = text.split("\r");
        var result;
        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            if (lines[i].match(new RegExp(input))) {
                result = "Found: " + lines[i].split(",")[1];
        if (result) { alert(result); }
        else { alert(input + " not found!"); }

Put these inside a .hta file and run it. Tested on W7, IE11. It's working. Also if you want me to explain what's going on, say so.

No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/WEB-INF/pages/apiForm.jsp]

Yes, I know I'm late to this party but it might help others.

The servlet container chooses the mapping based on the longest path that matches. So you can put this mapping in for your JSPs and it will be chosen over the /* mapping.


Actually for Tomcat that's all you'll need since jsp is a servlet that exists out of the box. For other containers you either need to find out the name of the JSP servlet or add a servlet definition like:


Change background of LinearLayout in Android

If you want to set through xml using android's default color codes, then you need to do as below:


If you have colors specified in your project's colors.xml, then use:


If you want to do programmatically, then do:


Difference between ref and out parameters in .NET

  • A ref variable needs to be initialized before passing it in.
  • An out variable needs to be set in your function implementation
  • out parameters can be thought of as additional return variables (not input)
  • ref parameters can be thought of as both input and output variables.

Gradle: How to Display Test Results in the Console in Real Time?

Here is my fancy version:

fancy test result

import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestExceptionFormat
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent

tasks.withType(Test) {
    testLogging {
        // set options for log level LIFECYCLE
        events TestLogEvent.FAILED,
        exceptionFormat TestExceptionFormat.FULL
        showExceptions true
        showCauses true
        showStackTraces true

        // set options for log level DEBUG and INFO
        debug {
            events TestLogEvent.STARTED,
            exceptionFormat TestExceptionFormat.FULL
        } =
        info.exceptionFormat = debug.exceptionFormat

        afterSuite { desc, result ->
            if (!desc.parent) { // will match the outermost suite
                def output = "Results: ${result.resultType} (${result.testCount} tests, ${result.successfulTestCount} passed, ${result.failedTestCount} failed, ${result.skippedTestCount} skipped)"
                def startItem = '|  ', endItem = '  |'
                def repeatLength = startItem.length() + output.length() + endItem.length()
                println('\n' + ('-' * repeatLength) + '\n' + startItem + output + endItem + '\n' + ('-' * repeatLength))

Executing Javascript code "on the spot" in Chrome?

You can use bookmarklets if you want run bigger scripts in more convenient way and run them automatically by one click.

jquery fill dropdown with json data

If your data is already in array form, it's really simple using jQuery:


     //this refers to the current item being iterated over

     var option = $('<option />');
     option.attr('value', this.value).text(this.label);


.ajax() is more flexible than .getJSON() - for one, getJson is targeted specifically as a GET request to retrieve json; ajax() can request on any verb to get back any content type (although sometimes that's not useful). getJSON internally calls .ajax().

how can I copy a conditional formatting in Excel 2010 to other cells, which is based on a other cells content?

I ran into the same situation where when I copied the formula to another cell the formula was still referencing the cell used in the first formula. To correct this when you set up the rules, select the option "use a formula to determine which cells to format. Then type in the box your formula, for example H23*.25. When you copy the cells down the formulas will change to H24*.25, H25*.25 and so on. Hope this helps.

Getting value of HTML Checkbox from onclick/onchange events

The short answer:

Use the click event, which won't fire until after the value has been updated, and fires when you want it to:

<label><input type='checkbox' onclick='handleClick(this);'>Checkbox</label>

function handleClick(cb) {
  display("Clicked, new value = " + cb.checked);

Live example | Source

The longer answer:

The change event handler isn't called until the checked state has been updated (live example | source), but because (as Tim Büthe points out in the comments) IE doesn't fire the change event until the checkbox loses focus, you don't get the notification proactively. Worse, with IE if you click a label for the checkbox (rather than the checkbox itself) to update it, you can get the impression that you're getting the old value (try it with IE here by clicking the label: live example | source). This is because if the checkbox has focus, clicking the label takes the focus away from it, firing the change event with the old value, and then the click happens setting the new value and setting focus back on the checkbox. Very confusing.

But you can avoid all of that unpleasantness if you use click instead.

I've used DOM0 handlers (onxyz attributes) because that's what you asked about, but for the record, I would generally recommend hooking up handlers in code (DOM2's addEventListener, or attachEvent in older versions of IE) rather than using onxyz attributes. That lets you attach multiple handlers to the same element and lets you avoid making all of your handlers global functions.

An earlier version of this answer used this code for handleClick:

function handleClick(cb) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    display("Clicked, new value = " + cb.checked);
  }, 0);

The goal seemed to be to allow the click to complete before looking at the value. As far as I'm aware, there's no reason to do that, and I have no idea why I did. The value is changed before the click handler is called. In fact, the spec is quite clear about that. The version without setTimeout works perfectly well in every browser I've tried (even IE6). I can only assume I was thinking about some other platform where the change isn't done until after the event. In any case, no reason to do that with HTML checkboxes.

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Root problem is a ReferenceError. MDN indicates that a try/catch block is the proper tool for the job. In my case, I was getting uncaught reference error for a payment sdk/library. The below works for me.

try {
  var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_---------');
} catch (e) {
    stripe = null;

  //we are good to go now

Obviously the fix is to load whatever SDK/library, e.g. jQuery, prior to calling its methods but the try/catch does keep your shared JavaScript from barfing up errors in case you run that shared script on a page that doesn't load whatever library you use on a subset of pages.

How to round the double value to 2 decimal points?

There's no difference in internal representation between 2 and 2.00. You can use Math.round to round a value to the nearest integer - to make that round to 2 decimal places you could multiply by 100, round, and then divide by 100, but you shouldn't expect the result to be exactly 2dps, due to the nature of binary floating point arithmetic.

If you're only interested in formatting a value to two decimal places, look at DecimalFormat - if you're interested in a number of decimal places while calculating you should really be using BigDecimal. That way you'll know that you really are dealing with decimal digits, rather than "the nearest available double value".

Another option you may want to consider if you're always dealing with two decimal places is to store the value as a long or BigInteger, knowing that it's exactly 100 times the "real" value - effectively storing cents instead of dollars, for example.

Set up adb on Mac OS X

This totally worked for me, after dickering around for a while after installing Android Studio:

  1. Make sure you have the .bash_profile file. This should be in your [username] directory.

  2. From whatever directory you are on, type this:

    echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/" >> ~/.bash_profile

Now, usually you will have this exact path, but if not, then use whatever path you have the platform-tools folder

  1. From the directory where your .bash_profile resides, type this:

    . .bash_profile
  2. Now type adb devices. You should see a "List of devices attached" response. Now you do not have to go to the platform-tools directory each and every time to type in the more cryptic command like, ./adb devices!!!

How can I create a text box for a note in markdown?

Use the admonition extension. For mkdocs, it can be configured in the mkdocs.yml file:

    - admonition

Then insert the note in your md files as follows:

!!! note

     This is a note.

See an example here.

How do I tell if .NET 3.5 SP1 is installed?

Check is the following directory exists:

In 64bit machines: %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1\

In 32bit machines: %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1\

Where %SYSTEMROOT% is the SYSTEMROOT enviromental variable (e.g. C:\Windows).

Remove all multiple spaces in Javascript and replace with single space

you all forget about quantifier n{X,}

here best solution

str = str.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');

ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

I recompiled the package specification, even though the change was only in the package body. This resolved my issue

Reload the page after ajax success

BrixenDK is right.

.ajaxStop() callback executed when all ajax call completed. This is a best place to put your handler.


How to remove frame from matplotlib (pyplot.figure vs matplotlib.figure ) (frameon=False Problematic in matplotlib)

The easiest way to get rid of the the ugly frame in newer versions of matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

If you really must always use the object oriented approach, then do: ax.set_frame_on(False).

Django URLs TypeError: view must be a callable or a list/tuple in the case of include()

You may also get this error if you have a name clash of a view and a module. I've got the error when i distribute my view files under views folder, /views/, /views/ and imported some model named in which happened to be a name of a view in So naming the view functions as v_table(request,id) helped.

Python class returning value

If what you want is a way to turn your class into kind of a list without subclassing list, then just make a method that returns a list:

def MyClass():
    def __init__(self):
        self.value1 = 1
        self.value2 = 2

    def get_list(self):
        return [self.value1, self.value2...]

>>>print MyClass().get_list()
[1, 2...]

If you meant that print MyClass() will print a list, just override __repr__:

class MyClass():        
    def __init__(self):
        self.value1 = 1
        self.value2 = 2

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr([self.value1, self.value2])

EDIT: I see you meant how to make objects compare. For that, you override the __cmp__ method.

class MyClass():
    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.get_list(), other.get_list())

jQuery Call to WebService returns "No Transport" error

For me it is an entirely different story.
Since this page has a good search engine ranking, I should add my case and the solution here too.

I built jquery myself with webpack picking only the modules I use. The ajax is always failed with "No Transport" message as the only clue.

After a long debugging, the problem turns out to be XMLHttpRequest is pluggable in jquery and it not include by default.

You have to explicitly include jquery/src/ajax/xhr file in order to make the ajax working in browsers.

calculating the difference in months between two dates

There are not a lot of clear answers on this because you are always assuming things.

This solution calculates between two dates the months between assuming you want to save the day of month for comparison, (meaning that the day of the month is considered in the calculation)

Example, if you have a date of 30 Jan 2012, 29 Feb 2012 will not be a month but 01 March 2013 will.

It's been tested pretty thoroughly, probably will clean it up later as we use it, and takes in two dates instead of a Timespan, which is probably better. Hope this helps out anyone else.

private static int TotalMonthDifference(DateTime dtThis, DateTime dtOther)
    int intReturn = 0;
    bool sameMonth = false;

    if (dtOther.Date < dtThis.Date) //used for an error catch in program, returns -1

    int dayOfMonth = dtThis.Day; //captures the month of day for when it adds a month and doesn't have that many days
    int daysinMonth = 0; //used to caputre how many days are in the month

    while (dtOther.Date > dtThis.Date) //while Other date is still under the other
        dtThis = dtThis.AddMonths(1); //as we loop, we just keep adding a month for testing
        daysinMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtThis.Year, dtThis.Month); //grabs the days in the current tested month

        if (dtThis.Day != dayOfMonth) //Example 30 Jan 2013 will go to 28 Feb when a month is added, so when it goes to march it will be 28th and not 30th
            if (daysinMonth < dayOfMonth) // uses day in month max if can't set back to day of month
                dtThis.AddDays(daysinMonth - dtThis.Day);
                dtThis.AddDays(dayOfMonth - dtThis.Day);
        if (((dtOther.Year == dtThis.Year) && (dtOther.Month == dtThis.Month))) //If the loop puts it in the same month and year
            if (dtOther.Day >= dayOfMonth) //check to see if it is the same day or later to add one to month
            sameMonth = true; //sets this to cancel out of the normal counting of month
        if ((!sameMonth)&&(dtOther.Date > dtThis.Date))//so as long as it didn't reach the same month (or if i started in the same month, one month ahead, add a month)
    return intReturn; //return month

Java : Sort integer array without using Arrays.sort()

Simple way :

int a[]={6,2,5,1};
             int temp;
             for(int i=0;i<a.length-1;i++){
                 for(int j=0;j<a.length-1;j++){
                     if(a[j] > a[j+1]){   // use < for Descending order
                         temp = a[j+1];
                         a[j+1] = a[j];

    [6, 2, 5, 1]
    [1, 2, 5, 6]

Get value of div content using jquery

Use .text() to extract the content of the div

var text = $('#field-function_purpose').text()

Getting list of tables, and fields in each, in a database


React - how to pass state to another component

Move all of your state and your handleClick function from Header to your MainWrapper component.

Then pass values as props to all components that need to share this functionality.

class MainWrapper extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            sidbarPushCollapsed: false,
            profileCollapsed: false
        this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    handleClick() {
            sidbarPushCollapsed: !this.state.sidbarPushCollapsed,
            profileCollapsed: !this.state.profileCollapsed

    render() {
        return (
               profileCollapsed={this.state.profileCollapsed} />

Then in your Header's render() method, you'd use this.props:

<button type="button" id="sidbarPush" onClick={this.props.handleClick} profile={this.props.profileCollapsed}>

error running apache after xampp install server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

I was getting this error when trying to start Apache, there is no error with Apache. It's an dependency error on windows 8 - probably the same for 7. Just right click and run as Admin :)

If you're still getting an error check your Antivirus/Firewall is not blocking Xampp or port 443.

how to prevent this error : Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in ... on line 11

You don't need to prevent this error message!
Error messages are your friends!
Without error message you'd never know what is happened.
It's all right! Any working code supposed to throw out error messages.

Though error messages needs proper handling. Usually you don't have to to take any special actions to avoid such an error messages. Just leave your code intact. But if you don't want this error message to be shown to the user, just turn it off. Not error message itself but daislaying it to the user.


or even better at .htaccess/php.ini level
And user will never see any error messages. While you will be able still see it in the error log.
Please note that error_reporting should be at max in both cases.

To prevent this message you can check mysql_query result and run fetch_assoc only on success.
But usually nobody uses it as it may require too many nested if's.
But there can be solution too - exceptions!

But it is still not necessary. You can leave your code as is, because it is supposed to work without errors when done.

Using return is another method to avoid nested error messages. Here is a snippet from my database handling function:

  $res = mysql_query($query);
  if (!$res) {
    trigger_error("dbget: ".mysql_error()." in ".$query);
    return false;
  if (!mysql_num_rows($res)) return NULL;

  //fetching goes here
  //if there was no errors only

Change the name of a key in dictionary


>>>a = {1:2, 3:4}
>>>a[5] = a.pop(1)
{3: 4, 5: 2}

How to parse a CSV file using PHP

Handy one liner to parse a CSV file into an array

$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file('data.csv'));

`node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build` failed during MeanJS installation on OSX

I was gone through same problem solved after lot efforts. It is because of npm version is not compatible with gprc version. So we need to update the npm.

npm update
npm install 

How to get current page URL in MVC 3

Add this extension method to your code:

public static Uri UrlOriginal(this HttpRequestBase request)
  string hostHeader = request.Headers["host"];

  return new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}",

And then you can execute it off the RequestContext.HttpContext.Request property.

There is a bug (can be side-stepped, see below) in Asp.Net that arises on machines that use ports other than port 80 for the local website (a big issue if internal web sites are published via load-balancing on virtual IP and ports are used internally for publishing rules) whereby Asp.Net will always add the port on the AbsoluteUri property - even if the original request does not use it.

This code ensures that the returned url is always equal to the Url the browser originally requested (including the port - as it would be included in the host header) before any load-balancing etc takes place.

At least, it does in our (rather convoluted!) environment :)

If there are any funky proxies in between that rewrite the host header, then this won't work either.

Update 30th July 2013

As mentioned by @KevinJones in comments below - the setting I mention in the next section has been documented here:

Although I have to say I couldn't get it work when I tried it - but that could just be me making a typo or something.

Update 9th July 2012

I came across this a little while ago, and meant to update this answer, but never did. When an upvote just came in on this answer I thought I should do it now.

The 'bug' I mention in Asp.Net can be be controlled with an apparently undocumented appSettings value - called 'aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequest' - i.e:

  <add key="aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequest" value="true" />

I came across this while looking at HttpRequest.Url in ILSpy - indicated by the ---> on the left of the following copy/paste from that ILSpy view:

public Uri Url
    if (this._url == null && this._wr != null)
      string text = this.QueryStringText;
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
        text = "?" + HttpEncoder.CollapsePercentUFromStringInternal(text, 
 ---> if (AppSettings.UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl)
        string knownRequestHeader = this._wr.GetKnownRequestHeader(28);
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(knownRequestHeader))
            this._url = new Uri(string.Concat(new string[]
        catch (UriFormatException)
        { }
     if (this._url == null) { /* build from server name and port */

I personally haven't used it - it's undocumented and so therefore not guaranteed to stick around - however it might do the same thing that I mention above. To increase relevancy in search results - and to acknowledge somebody else who seeems to have discovered this - the 'aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequest' setting has also been mentioned by Nick Aceves on Twitter

Importing CommonCrypto in a Swift framework

It's very simple. Add

#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>

to a .h file (the bridging header file of your project). As a convention you can call it YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h.

Then go to your project Build Settings and look for Swift Compiler - Code Generation. Under it, add the name of your bridging header to the entry "Objetive-C Bridging Header".

You're done. No imports required in your Swift code. Any public Objective-C headers listed in this bridging header file will be visible to Swift.

How to undo last commit

Warning: Don't do this if you've already pushed

You want to do:

git reset HEAD~

If you don't want the changes and blow everything away:

git reset --hard HEAD~

CSS blur on background image but not on content

You could overlay one element above the blurred element like so


div {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
p {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;

How do I disable log messages from the Requests library?

I'm not sure if the previous approaches have stopped working, but in any case, here's another way of removing the warnings:

PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Unverified HTTPS request" ./

Basically, adding an environment variable in the context of the script execution.

From the documentation:

Webfont Smoothing and Antialiasing in Firefox and Opera

As Opera is powered by Blink since Version 15.0 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased does also work on Opera.

Firefox has finally added a property to enable grayscaled antialiasing. After a long discussion it will be available in Version 25 with another syntax, which points out that this property only works on OS X.

-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

This should fix blurry icon fonts or light text on dark backgrounds.

.font-smoothing {
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

You may read my post about font rendering on OSX which includes a Sass mixin to handle both properties.

Pandas DataFrame Groupby two columns and get counts

You can just use the built-in function count follow by the groupby function


How to remove line breaks from a file in Java?


How to apply !important using .css()?

Instead of using the css() function try the addClass() function:

  $(document).ready(function() {

    width:100% !important;
    height:100% !important;

Cannot find module '@angular/compiler'

In my case this was required:
npm install @angular/compiler --save
npm install @angular/cli --save-dev

c# open a new form then close the current form?

You weren't specific, but it looks like you were trying to do what I do in my Win Forms apps: start with a Login form, then after successful login, close that form and put focus on a Main form. Here's how I do it:

  1. make frmMain the startup form; this is what my Program.cs looks like:

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new frmMain());
  2. in my frmLogin, create a public property that gets initialized to false and set to true only if a successful login occurs:

    public bool IsLoggedIn { get; set; }
  3. my frmMain looks like this:

    private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        frmLogin frm = new frmLogin();
        frm.IsLoggedIn = false;
        if (!frm.IsLoggedIn)

No successful login? Exit the application. Otherwise, carry on with frmMain. Since it's the startup form, when it closes, the application ends.

Emulate a 403 error page

Use ModRewrite:

RewriteRule ^403.html$ - [F]

Just make sure you create a blank document called "403.html" in your www root or you'll get a 404 error instead of 403.

What does "both" mean in <div style="clear:both">

Description of the possible values:

  • left: No floating elements allowed on the left side
  • right: No floating elements allowed on the right side
  • both: No floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side
  • none: Default. Allows floating elements on both sides
  • inherit: Specifies that the value of the clear property should be inherited from the parent element


Get name of object or class

I was facing a similar difficulty and none of the solutions presented here were optimal for what I was working on. What I had was a series of functions to display content in a modal and I was trying to refactor it under a single object definition making the functions, methods of the class. The problem came in when I found one of the methods created some nav-buttons inside the modal themselves which used an onClick to one of the functions -- now an object of the class. I have considered (and am still considering) other methods to handle these nav buttons, but I was able to find the variable name for the class itself by sweeping the variables defined in the parent window. What I did was search for anything matching the 'instanceof' my class, and in case there might be more than one, I compared a specific property that was likely to be unique to each instance:

var myClass = function(varName)
    this.instanceName = ((varName != null) && (typeof(varName) == 'string') && (varName != '')) ? varName : null;

     * caching autosweep of window to try to find this instance's variable name
    this.getInstanceName = function() {
        if(this.instanceName == null)
            for(z in window) {
                if((window[z] instanceof myClass) && (window[z].uniqueProperty === this.uniqueProperty)) {
                    this.instanceName = z;
        return this.instanceName;

Using OR operator in a jquery if statement

The code you wrote will always return true because state cannot be both 10 and 15 for the statement to be false. if ((state != 10) && (state != 15).... AND is what you need not OR.

Use $.inArray instead. This returns the index of the element in the array.


var statesArray = [10, 15, 19]; // list out all

var index = $.inArray(state, statesArray);

if(index == -1) {
    console.log("Not there in array");
    return true;

} else {
    console.log("Found it");
    return false;

Java recursive Fibonacci sequence

Simple Fibonacci

public static void main(String[]args){

    int i = 0;
    int u = 1;

        i = u+i;
        u = u+i;

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

 Go to Settings > Apps, find and open the app info. Then, open the overflow menu (3 vertical dots), and choose Uninstall for all users.

enter image description here

Go to Settings > Apps, find and open the app info. Then, open the overflow menu (3 vertical dots), and choose Uninstall for all users.

How do I format currencies in a Vue component?

With vuejs 2, you could use vue2-filters which does have other goodies as well.

npm install vue2-filters

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue2Filters from 'vue2-filters'


Then use it like so:

{{ amount | currency }} // 12345 => $12,345.00


Getting Lat/Lng from Google marker

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {_x000D_
  zoom: 10,_x000D_
  center: new google.maps.LatLng(13.103, 80.274),_x000D_
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP_x000D_
var myMarker = new google.maps.Marker({_x000D_
  position: new google.maps.LatLng(18.103, 80.274),_x000D_
  draggable: true_x000D_
google.maps.event.addListener(myMarker, 'dragend', function(evt) {_x000D_
  document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Marker dropped: Current Lat: ' + + ' Current Lng: ' + evt.latLng.lng().toFixed(3) + '</p>';_x000D_
google.maps.event.addListener(myMarker, 'dragstart', function(evt) {_x000D_
  document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Currently dragging marker...</p>';_x000D_
function getLocation() {_x000D_
  if (navigator.geolocation) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    x.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";_x000D_
function showPosition(position) {_x000D_
  document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Marker dropped: Current Lat: ' + position.coords.latitude + ' Current Lng: ' + position.coords.longitude + '</p>';_x000D_
  var myMarker = new google.maps.Marker({_x000D_
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude),_x000D_
    draggable: true_x000D_
  google.maps.event.addListener(myMarker, 'dragend', function(evt) {_x000D_
    document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Marker dropped: Current Lat: ' + + ' Current Lng: ' + evt.latLng.lng().toFixed(3) + '</p>';_x000D_
  google.maps.event.addListener(myMarker, 'dragstart', function(evt) {_x000D_
    document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Currently dragging marker...</p>';_x000D_
#map_canvas {_x000D_
  width: 980px;_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
#current {_x000D_
  padding-top: 25px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
    <div id='map_canvas'></div>_x000D_
    <div id="current">_x000D_
      <p>Marker dropped: Current Lat:18.103 Current Lng:80.274</p>_x000D_

CSS background-size: cover replacement for Mobile Safari

I found a working solution, the following CSS code example is targeting the iPad:

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) {

    html {  
        height: 100%;
        overflow: hidden;
        background: url('') no-repeat top center fixed;
        background-size: cover; 

    body {  
        overflow: scroll;
        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;


Reference link:

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Just a addition. I had a similar problem with the both indentations in Notepad++.

  1. Unexcepted indentation
  2. Outer Indentation Level

    Go to ----> Search tab ----> tap on replace ----> hit the radio button Extended below ---> Now replace \t with four spaces

    Go to ----> Search tab ----> tap on replace ----> hit the radio button Extended below ---> Now replace \n with nothing

Failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

Do you have Visual Studio 2012 installed as well? If so, 2012 stomps your 2010 IDE, possibly because of compatibility issues with .NET 4.5 and .NET 4.0.


Redirecting new tab on button click.(Response.Redirect) in C#

You have to add following in header:

<script type="text/javascript">
        function fixform() {
            if (opener.document.getElementById("aspnetForm").target != "_blank") return;

            opener.document.getElementById("aspnetForm").target = "";
            opener.document.getElementById("aspnetForm").action = opener.location.href;

Then call fixform() in load your page.

Center text output from Graphics.DrawString()

You can use an instance of the StringFormat object passed into the DrawString method to center the text.

See Graphics.DrawString Method and StringFormat Class.

iOS Swift - Get the Current Local Time and Date Timestamp

First I would recommend you to store your timestamp as a NSNumber in your Firebase Database, instead of storing it as a String.

Another thing worth mentioning here, is that if you want to manipulate dates with Swift, you'd better use Date instead of NSDate, except if you're interacting with some Obj-C code in your app.

You can of course use both, but the Documentation states:

Date bridges to the NSDate class. You can use these interchangeably in code that interacts with Objective-C APIs.

Now to answer your question, I think the problem here is because of the timezone.

For example if you print(Date()), as for now, you would get:

2017-09-23 06:59:34 +0000

This is the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

So depending on where you are located (or where your users are located) you need to adjust the timezone before (or after, when you try to access the data for example) storing your Date:

    let now = Date()

    let formatter = DateFormatter()

    formatter.timeZone = TimeZone.current

    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"

    let dateString = formatter.string(from: now)

Then you have your properly formatted String, reflecting the current time at your location, and you're free to do whatever you want with it :) (convert it to a Date / NSNumber, or store it directly as a String in the database..)

string comparison in batch file

Just put quotes around the Environment variable (as you have done) :
if "%DevEnvDir%" == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\"
but it's the way you put opening bracket without a space that is confusing it.

Works for me...

C:\if "%gtk_basepath%" == "C:\Program Files\GtkSharp\2.12\" (echo yes)

How to remove whitespace from a string in typescript?


The trim() method removes whitespace from both sides of a string.



You can use a Javascript replace method to remove white space like

"hello world".replace(/\s/g, "");


var out = "hello world".replace(/\s/g, "");_x000D_

JSON - Iterate through JSONArray

JsonArray jsonArray;
Iterator<JsonElement> it = jsonArray.iterator();

Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete

To ignore missing @param and @return tags, it's enough to disable the missing doclint group. This way, the javadoc will still be checked for higher level and syntax issues:


Note that this is for plugin version 3.0 or newer.

Trim characters in Java

I don't think there is any built in function to trim based on a passed in string. Here is a small example of how to do this. This is not likely the most efficient solution, but it is probably fast enough for most situations, evaluate and adapt to your needs. I recommend testing performance and optimizing as needed for any code snippet that will be used regularly. Below, I've included some timing information as an example.

public String trim( String stringToTrim, String stringToRemove )
    String answer = stringToTrim;

    while( answer.startsWith( stringToRemove ) )
        answer = answer.substring( stringToRemove.length() );

    while( answer.endsWith( stringToRemove ) )
        answer = answer.substring( 0, answer.length() - stringToRemove.length() );

    return answer;

This answer assumes that the characters to be trimmed are a string. For example, passing in "abc" will trim out "abc" but not "bbc" or "cba", etc.

Some performance times for running each of the following 10 million times.

" mile ".trim(); runs in 248 ms included as a reference implementation for performance comparisons.

trim( "smiles", "s" ); runs in 547 ms - approximately 2 times as long as java's String.trim() method.

"smiles".replaceAll("s$|^s",""); runs in 12,306 ms - approximately 48 times as long as java's String.trim() method.

And using a compiled regex pattern Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("s$|^s"); pattern.matcher("smiles").replaceAll(""); runs in 7,804 ms - approximately 31 times as long as java's String.trim() method.

finished with non zero exit value

You have to do the following instructions :

Click on Build located in the toolbar, then

Clean project -> Rebuild Project

How to determine the last Row used in VBA including blank spaces in between

ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows(1).Row -1

Short. Safe. Fast. Will return the last non-empty row even if there are blank lines on top of the sheet, or anywhere else. Works also for an empty sheet (Excel reports 1 used row on an empty sheet so the expression will be 1). Tested and working on Excel 2002 and Excel 2010.

Reset ID autoincrement ? phpmyadmin

ALTER TABLE xxx AUTO_INCREMENT =1; or clear your table by TRUNCATE

Standard way to embed version into python package?

Many of these solutions here ignore git version tags which still means you have to track version in multiple places (bad). I approached this with the following goals:

  • Derive all python version references from a tag in the git repo
  • Automate git tag/push and upload steps with a single command that takes no inputs.

How it works:

  1. From a make release command, the last tagged version in the git repo is found and incremented. The tag is pushed back to origin.

  2. The Makefile stores the version in src/ where it will be read by and also included in the release. Do not check into source control!

  3. command reads the new version string from package.__version__.



# remove optional 'v' and trailing hash "v1.0-N-HASH" -> "v1.0-N"
git_describe_ver = $(shell git describe --tags | sed -E -e 's/^v//' -e 's/(.*)-.*/\1/')
git_tag_ver      = $(shell git describe --abbrev=0)
next_patch_ver = $(shell python --patch $(call git_tag_ver))
next_minor_ver = $(shell python --minor $(call git_tag_ver))
next_major_ver = $(shell python --major $(call git_tag_ver))

    echo '__version__ = "$(call git_describe_ver)"' > $@

.PHONY: release
release: test lint mypy
    git tag -a $(call next_patch_ver)
    $(MAKE) ${MODULE}/
    python check sdist upload # (legacy "upload" method)
    # twine upload dist/*  (preferred method)
    git push origin master --tags

The release target always increments the 3rd version digit, but you can use the next_minor_ver or next_major_ver to increment the other digits. The commands rely on the script that is checked into the root of the repo

"""An auto-increment tool for version strings."""

import sys
import unittest

import click
from click.testing import CliRunner  # type: ignore

__version__ = '0.1'


@click.option('--major', 'bump_idx', flag_value=0, help='Increment major number.')
@click.option('--minor', 'bump_idx', flag_value=1, help='Increment minor number.')
@click.option('--patch', 'bump_idx', flag_value=2, default=True, help='Increment patch number.')
def cli(version: str, bump_idx: int) -> None:
    """Bumps a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version string at the specified index location or 'patch' digit. An
    optional 'v' prefix is allowed and will be included in the output if found."""
    prefix = version[0] if version[0].isalpha() else ''
    digits = version.lower().lstrip('v').split('.')

    if len(digits) > MAX_DIGITS:
        click.secho('ERROR: Too many digits', fg='red', err=True)

    digits = (digits + ['0'] * MAX_DIGITS)[:MAX_DIGITS]  # Extend total digits to max.
    digits[bump_idx] = str(int(digits[bump_idx]) + 1)  # Increment the desired digit.

    # Zero rightmost digits after bump position.
    for i in range(bump_idx + 1, MAX_DIGITS):
        digits[i] = '0'
    digits = digits[:max(MIN_DIGITS, bump_idx + 1)]  # Trim rightmost digits.
    click.echo(prefix + '.'.join(digits), nl=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli()  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter

This does the heavy lifting how to process and increment the version number from git.

The my_module/ file is imported into my_module/ Put any static install config here that you want distributed with your module.

from ._version import __version__
__author__ = ''
__email__ = ''

The last step is to read the version info from the my_module module.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

pkg_vars  = {}

with open("{MODULE}/") as fp:
    exec(, pkg_vars)


Of course, for all of this to work you'll have to have at least one version tag in your repo to start.

git tag -a v0.0.1

Branch from a previous commit using Git

You can do it in Stash.

  1. Click the commit
  2. On the right top of the screen click "Tag this commit"
  3. Then you can create the new branch from the tag you just created.

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

here is mine

echo Math+ 
ECHO First num:
 SET /P a= 
ECHO Second num:
 SET /P b=
 set /a s=%a%+%b% 
echo Result: %s%

import .css file into .less file

If you want to import a css file that should be treaded as less use this line:

.ie {
  @import (less) 'ie.css';

fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files

(Following is a late but complete answer)

FileReader methods support

FileReader.readAsBinaryString() is deprecated. Don't use it! It's no longer in the W3C File API working draft:

void abort();
void readAsArrayBuffer(Blob blob);
void readAsText(Blob blob, optional DOMString encoding);
void readAsDataURL(Blob blob);

NB: Note that File is a kind of extended Blob structure.

Mozilla still implements readAsBinaryString() and describes it in MDN FileApi documentation:

void abort();
void readAsArrayBuffer(in Blob blob); Requires Gecko 7.0
void readAsBinaryString(in Blob blob);
void readAsDataURL(in Blob file);
void readAsText(in Blob blob, [optional] in DOMString encoding);

The reason behind readAsBinaryString() deprecation is in my opinion the following: the standard for JavaScript strings are DOMString which only accept UTF-8 characters, NOT random binary data. So don't use readAsBinaryString(), that's not safe and ECMAScript-compliant at all.

We know that JavaScript strings are not supposed to store binary data but Mozilla in some sort can. That's dangerous in my opinion. Blob and typed arrays (ArrayBuffer and the not-yet-implemented but not necessary StringView) were invented for one purpose: allow the use of pure binary data, without UTF-8 strings restrictions.

XMLHttpRequest upload support

XMLHttpRequest.send() has the following invocations options:

void send();
void send(ArrayBuffer data);
void send(Blob data);
void send(Document data);
void send(DOMString? data);
void send(FormData data);

XMLHttpRequest.sendAsBinary() has the following invocations options:

void sendAsBinary(   in DOMString body );

sendAsBinary() is NOT a standard and may not be supported in Chrome.


So you have several options:

  1. send() the FileReader.result of FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer ( fileObject ). It is more complicated to manipulate (you'll have to make a separate send() for it) but it's the RECOMMENDED APPROACH.
  2. send() the FileReader.result of FileReader.readAsDataURL( fileObject ). It generates useless overhead and compression latency, requires a decompression step on the server-side BUT it's easy to manipulate as a string in Javascript.
  3. Being non-standard and sendAsBinary() the FileReader.result of FileReader.readAsBinaryString( fileObject )

MDN states that:

The best way to send binary content (like in files upload) is using ArrayBuffers or Blobs in conjuncton with the send() method. However, if you want to send a stringifiable raw data, use the sendAsBinary() method instead, or the StringView (Non native) typed arrays superclass.

Examples of Algorithms which has O(1), O(n log n) and O(log n) complexities

If you want examples of Algorithms/Group of Statements with Time complexity as given in the question, here is a small list -

O(1) time

  • Accessing Array Index (int a = ARR[5];)
  • Inserting a node in Linked List
  • Pushing and Poping on Stack
  • Insertion and Removal from Queue
  • Finding out the parent or left/right child of a node in a tree stored in Array
  • Jumping to Next/Previous element in Doubly Linked List

O(n) time

In a nutshell, all Brute Force Algorithms, or Noob ones which require linearity, are based on O(n) time complexity

  • Traversing an array
  • Traversing a linked list
  • Linear Search
  • Deletion of a specific element in a Linked List (Not sorted)
  • Comparing two strings
  • Checking for Palindrome
  • Counting/Bucket Sort and here too you can find a million more such examples....

O(log n) time

  • Binary Search
  • Finding largest/smallest number in a binary search tree
  • Certain Divide and Conquer Algorithms based on Linear functionality
  • Calculating Fibonacci Numbers - Best Method The basic premise here is NOT using the complete data, and reducing the problem size with every iteration

O(n log n) time

The factor of 'log n' is introduced by bringing into consideration Divide and Conquer. Some of these algorithms are the best optimized ones and used frequently.

  • Merge Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Certain Divide and Conquer Algorithms based on optimizing O(n^2) algorithms

O(n^2) time

These ones are supposed to be the less efficient algorithms if their O(nlogn) counterparts are present. The general application may be Brute Force here.

  • Bubble Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Traversing a simple 2D array

ASP.NET MVC Page Won't Load and says "The resource cannot be found"

In my case, I needed to replace this:

@Html.ActionLink("Return license", "Licenses_Revoke", "Licenses", new { id = userLicense.Id }, null)

With this:

<a href="#" onclick="returnLicense(event)">Return license</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function returnLicense(e) {

        $.post('@Url.Action("Licenses_Revoke", "Licenses", new { id = Model.Customer.AspNetUser.UserLicenses.First().Id })', getAntiForgery())
            .done(function (res) {

Even if I don't understand why. Suggestions are welcome!

What does "restore purchases" in In-App purchases mean?

Is it as optional functionality.

If you won't provide it when user will try to purchase non-consumable product AppStore will restore old transaction. But your app will think that this is new transaction.

If you will provide restore mechanism then your purchase manager will see restored transaction.

If app should distinguish this options then you should provide functionality for restoring previously purchased products.

How do you add input from user into list in Python

shopList = [] 
maxLengthList = 6
while len(shopList) < maxLengthList:
    item = input("Enter your Item to the List: ")
    print shopList
print "That's your Shopping List"
print shopList

Getting 400 bad request error in Jquery Ajax POST

Finally, I got the mistake and the reason was I need to stringify the JSON data I was sending. I have to set the content type and datatype in XHR object. So the correct version is here:

  type: 'POST',
  url: "http://localhost:8080/project/server/rest/subjects",
  data: JSON.stringify({
    "subject:title":"Test Name",
    "subject:description":"Creating test subject to check POST method API",
    "sub:tags": ["facebook:work", "facebook:likes"],
    "sampleSize" : 10,
    "values": ["science", "machine-learning"]
  error: function(e) {
  dataType: "json",
  contentType: "application/json"

May be it will help someone else.

How to fully delete a git repository created with init?

Alternative to killing TortoiseGit:

  • Open the TortoiseGit-Settings (right click to any folder, TortoiseGit → Settings)
  • Go to the Icon Overlays option.
  • Change the Status Cache from Default to None
  • Now you can delete the directory (either with Windows Explorer or rmdir /S /Q)
  • Set back the Status Cache from None to Default and you should be fine again...

in_array() and multidimensional array

I was looking for a function that would let me search for both strings and arrays (as needle) in the array (haystack), so I added to the answer by @jwueller.

Here's my code:

 * Recursive in_array function
 * Searches recursively for needle in an array (haystack).
 * Works with both strings and arrays as needle.
 * Both needle's and haystack's keys are ignored, only values are compared.
 * Note: if needle is an array, all values in needle have to be found for it to
 * return true. If one value is not found, false is returned.
 * @param  mixed   $needle   The array or string to be found
 * @param  array   $haystack The array to be searched in
 * @param  boolean $strict   Use strict value & type validation (===) or just value
 * @return boolean           True if in array, false if not.
function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) {
     // array wrapper
    if (is_array($needle)) {
        foreach ($needle as $value) {
            if (in_array_r($value, $haystack, $strict) == false) {
                // an array value was not found, stop search, return false
                return false;
        // if the code reaches this point, all values in array have been found
        return true;

    // string handling
    foreach ($haystack as $item) {
        if (($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle)
            || (is_array($item) && in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict))) {
            return true;
    return false;

Rotating a two-dimensional array in Python

def ruota_orario(matrix):
   return[list(elemento) for elemento in ruota]
def ruota_antiorario(matrix):
   return[list(elemento)[::-1] for elemento in ruota][::-1]

Replace multiple strings at once

Common Mistake

Nearly all answers on this page use cumulative replacement and thus suffer the same flaw where replacement strings are themselves subject to replacement. Here are a couple examples where this pattern fails (h/t @KurokiKaze @derekdreery):

function replaceCumulative(str, find, replace) {_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < find.length; i++)_x000D_
    str = str.replace(new RegExp(find[i],"g"), replace[i]);_x000D_
  return str;_x000D_
// Fails in some cases:_x000D_
console.log( replaceCumulative( "tar pit", ['tar','pit'], ['capitol','house'] ) );_x000D_
console.log( replaceCumulative( "you & me", ['you','me'], ['me','you'] ) );


function replaceBulk( str, findArray, replaceArray ){_x000D_
  var i, regex = [], map = {}; _x000D_
  for( i=0; i<findArray.length; i++ ){ _x000D_
    regex.push( findArray[i].replace(/([-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|#,])/g,'\\$1') );_x000D_
    map[findArray[i]] = replaceArray[i]; _x000D_
  regex = regex.join('|');_x000D_
  str = str.replace( new RegExp( regex, 'g' ), function(matched){_x000D_
    return map[matched];_x000D_
  return str;_x000D_
// Test:_x000D_
console.log( replaceBulk( "tar pit", ['tar','pit'], ['capitol','house'] ) );_x000D_
console.log( replaceBulk( "you & me", ['you','me'], ['me','you'] ) );


This is a more compatible variation of @elchininet's solution, which uses map() and Array.indexOf() and thus won't work in IE8 and older.

@elchininet's implementation holds truer to PHP's str_replace(), because it also allows strings as find/replace parameters, and will use the first find array match if there are duplicates (my version will use the last). I didn't accept strings in this implementation because that case is already handled by JS's built-in String.replace().

PostgreSQL DISTINCT ON with different ORDER BY

A subquery can solve it:

    SELECT DISTINCT ON (address_id) *
    FROM   purchases
    WHERE  product_id = 1
    ) p
ORDER  BY purchased_at DESC;

Leading expressions in ORDER BY have to agree with columns in DISTINCT ON, so you can't order by different columns in the same SELECT.

Only use an additional ORDER BY in the subquery if you want to pick a particular row from each set:

    SELECT DISTINCT ON (address_id) *
    FROM   purchases
    WHERE  product_id = 1
    ORDER  BY address_id, purchased_at DESC  -- get "latest" row per address_id
    ) p
ORDER  BY purchased_at DESC;

If purchased_at can be NULL, use DESC NULLS LAST - and match your index for best performance. See:

Related, with more explanation:

MySQL: can't access root account

I got the same problem when accessing mysql with root. The problem I found is that some database files does not have permission by the mysql user, which is the user that started the mysql server daemon.

We can check this with ls -l /var/lib/mysql command, if the mysql user does not have permission of reading or writing on some files or directories, that might cause problem. We can change the owner or mode of those files or directories with chown/chmod commands.

After these changes, restart the mysqld daemon and login with root with command:

mysql -u root

Then change passwords or create other users for logging into mysql.


How can I trigger another job from a jenkins pipeline (jenkinsfile) with GitHub Org Plugin?

In addition to the above mentioned answers: I wanted to start a job with a simple parameter passed to a second pipeline and found the answer on

So i used:

stage ('Starting ART job') {
    build job: 'RunArtInTest', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'systemname', value: systemname]]

Simulate user input in bash script

Here is a snippet I wrote; to ask for users' password and set it in /etc/passwd. You can manipulate it a little probably to get what you need:

echo -n " Please enter the password for the given user: "
read userPass
useradd $userAcct && echo -e "$userPass\n$userPass\n" | passwd $userAcct > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo " User account has been created." || echo " ERR -- User account creation failed!"

Should IBOutlets be strong or weak under ARC?

IBOutlet should be strong, for performance reason. See Storyboard Reference, Strong IBOutlet, Scene Dock in iOS 9

As explained in this paragraph, the outlets to subviews of the view controller’s view can be weak, because these subviews are already owned by the top-level object of the nib file. However, when an Outlet is defined as a weak pointer and the pointer is set, ARC calls the runtime function:

id objc_storeWeak(id *object, id value);

This adds the pointer (object) to a table using the object value as a key. This table is referred to as the weak table. ARC uses this table to store all the weak pointers of your application. Now, when the object value is deallocated, ARC will iterate over the weak table and set the weak reference to nil. Alternatively, ARC can call:

void objc_destroyWeak(id * object)

Then, the object is unregistered and objc_destroyWeak calls again:

objc_storeWeak(id *object, nil)

This book-keeping associated with a weak reference can take 2–3 times longer over the release of a strong reference. So, a weak reference introduces an overhead for the runtime that you can avoid by simply defining outlets as strong.

As of Xcode 7, it suggests strong

If you watch WWDC 2015 session 407 Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder, it suggests (transcript from

And the last option I want to point out is the storage type, which can either be strong or weak.

In general you should make your outlet strong, especially if you are connecting an outlet to a sub view or to a constraint that's not always going to be retained by the view hierarchy.

The only time you really need to make an outlet weak is if you have a custom view that references something back up the view hierarchy and in general that's not recommended.

So I'm going to choose strong and I will click connect which will generate my outlet.

Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Any logic having to do with what is displayed in the view should be delegated to a helper method, as methods in the model are strictly for handling data.

Here is what you could do:

# In the helper...

def link_to_thing(text, thing)
  (thing.url?) ? link_to(text, thing_path(thing)) : link_to(text, thing.url)

# In the view...

<%= link_to_thing("text", @thing) %>

Why can templates only be implemented in the header file?

If the concern is the extra compilation time and binary size bloat produced by compiling the .h as part of all the .cpp modules using it, in many cases what you can do is make the template class descend from a non-templatized base class for non type-dependent parts of the interface, and that base class can have its implementation in the .cpp file.

String.format() to format double in java

String.format("%4.3f" , x) ;

It means that we need total 4 digits in ans , of which 3 should be after decimal . And f is the format specifier of double . x means the variable for which we want to find it . Worked for me . . .

How does paintComponent work?

Two things you can do here:

  1. Read Painting in AWT and Swing
  2. Use a debugger and put a breakpoint in the paintComponent method. Then travel up the stacktrace and see how provides the Graphics parameter.

Just for info, here is the stacktrace that I got from the example of code I posted at the end:

Thread [AWT-EventQueue-0] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 15 in TestPaint))  
    TestPaint.paintComponent(Graphics) line: 15 
    TestPaint(JComponent).paint(Graphics) line: 1054    
    JPanel(JComponent).paintChildren(Graphics) line: 887    
    JPanel(JComponent).paint(Graphics) line: 1063   
    JLayeredPane(JComponent).paintChildren(Graphics) line: 887  
    JLayeredPane(JComponent).paint(Graphics) line: 1063 
    JLayeredPane.paint(Graphics) line: 585  
    JRootPane(JComponent).paintChildren(Graphics) line: 887 
    JRootPane(JComponent).paintToOffscreen(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) line: 5228   
    RepaintManager$PaintManager.paintDoubleBuffered(JComponent, Image, Graphics, int, int, int, int) line: 1482 
    RepaintManager$PaintManager.paint(JComponent, JComponent, Graphics, int, int, int, int) line: 1413  
    RepaintManager.paint(JComponent, JComponent, Graphics, int, int, int, int) line: 1206   
    JRootPane(JComponent).paint(Graphics) line: 1040    
    GraphicsCallback$, Graphics) line: 39    
    GraphicsCallback$PaintCallback(SunGraphicsCallback).runOneComponent(Component, Rectangle, Graphics, Shape, int) line: 78    
    GraphicsCallback$PaintCallback(SunGraphicsCallback).runComponents(Component[], Graphics, int) line: 115 
    JFrame(Container).paint(Graphics) line: 1967    
    JFrame(Window).paint(Graphics) line: 3867   
    RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Map<Component,Rectangle>) line: 781    
    RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions() line: 728    
    RepaintManager.prePaintDirtyRegions() line: 677 
    RepaintManager.access$700(RepaintManager) line: 59  
    RepaintManager$ line: 1621  
    InvocationEvent.dispatch() line: 251    
    EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent, Object) line: 705    
    EventQueue.access$000(EventQueue, AWTEvent, Object) line: 101   
    EventQueue$ line: 666    
    EventQueue$ line: 664    
    AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]    
    ProtectionDomain$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext, AccessControlContext) line: 76    
    EventQueue.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) line: 675    
    EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(int) line: 211   
    EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(int, Conditional, EventFilter) line: 128    
    EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(int, Conditional, Component) line: 117   
    EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(int, Conditional) line: 113  
    EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Conditional) line: 105 line: 90  

The Graphics parameter comes from here:

RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Map) line: 781 

The snippet involved is the following:

Graphics g = JComponent.safelyGetGraphics(
                        dirtyComponent, dirtyComponent);
                // If the Graphics goes away, it means someone disposed of
                // the window, don't do anything.
                if (g != null) {
                    g.setClip(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
                    try {
                        dirtyComponent.paint(g); // This will eventually call paintComponent()
                    } finally {

If you take a look at it, you will see that it retrieve the graphics from the JComponent itself (indirectly with javax.swing.JComponent.safelyGetGraphics(Component, Component)) which itself takes it eventually from its first "Heavyweight parent" (clipped to the component bounds) which it self takes it from its corresponding native resource.

Regarding the fact that you have to cast the Graphics to a Graphics2D, it just happens that when working with the Window Toolkit, the Graphics actually extends Graphics2D, yet you could use other Graphics which do "not have to" extends Graphics2D (it does not happen very often but AWT/Swing allows you to do that).

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

class TestPaint extends JPanel {

    public TestPaint() {

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        g.drawOval(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame jFrame = new JFrame();
        jFrame.setSize(300, 300);
        jFrame.add(new TestPaint());

Swift performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is unavailable

Swift is statically typed so the performSelector: methods are to fall by the wayside.

Instead, use GCD to dispatch a suitable block to the relevant queue — in this case it'll presumably be the main queue since it looks like you're doing UIKit work.

EDIT: the relevant performSelector: is also notably missing from the Swift version of the NSRunLoop documentation ("1 Objective-C symbol hidden") so you can't jump straight in with that. With that and its absence from the Swiftified NSObject I'd argue it's pretty clear what Apple is thinking here.

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

Your class has a base class, and this base class also has a property (which is not virtual or abstract) called Events which is being overridden by your class. If you intend to override it put the "new" keyword after the public modifier. E.G.

public new EventsDataTable Events

If you don't wish to override it change your properties' name to something else.

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

Check How to: Define Constants in C# on MSDN:

In C# the #define preprocessor directive cannot be used to define constants in the way that is typically used in C and C++.

How to style UITextview to like Rounded Rect text field?

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
- (void)viewDidLoad{
  UITextView *textView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 220, 200, 100)];
  textView.layer.cornerRadius = 5;
  textView.clipsToBounds = YES;
  [textView.layer setBackgroundColor: [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor]];
  [textView.layer setBorderColor: [[UIColor grayColor] CGColor]];
  [textView.layer setBorderWidth: 1.0];
  [textView.layer setCornerRadius:8.0f];
  [textView.layer setMasksToBounds:YES];
  [self.view addSubView:textview];

Java get month string from integer

Month enum

You could use the Month enum. This enum is defined as part of the new java.time framework built into Java 8 and later.

int monthNumber = 10;

The output would be:



Localize to a language beyond English by calling getDisplayName on the same Enum.

String output = Month.OCTOBER.getDisplayName ( TextStyle.FULL , Locale.CANADA_FRENCH );



WinForms DataGridView font size

I too experienced same problem in the DataGridView but figured out that the DefaultCell style was inheriting the font of the groupbox (Datagrid is placed in groupbox). So changing the font of the groupbox changed the DefaultCellStyle too.
