[c#] ASP.NET MVC Page Won't Load and says "The resource cannot be found"

I am having a problem where I try to open my ASP.NET MVC application but I get the ASP.NET error page which says this:

Server Error in '/' Application.

The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /EventScheduler/account.aspx/login

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3053**

I am using the URL trick from this blog post and that is why I have the .aspx in the URL:


It works on my other sandbox server (not a dev machine), and now I just deployed it to my production site as a new virtual directory, but for some reason it seems like it's actually looking for a .aspx file.

Any ideas? I think I must be forgetting a step.

This question is related to c# asp.net asp.net-mvc

The answer is

I had a similar problem. But I was working with Episerver locally with ssl enabled. When I wasn't getting a

Server Error in '/' Application.

I was getting a Insecure connection error. In the end, for me, this post on PluralSight together with configuring the website urls, accordingly with the ssl link set up on the project's config, on Admin's Manage Website's screen solved the problem.

If you're running IIS 6 and above, make sure the application pool your MVC app. is using is set to Integrated Managed Pipeline Mode. I had mine set to Classic by mistake and the same error occurred.

For me its solved follow the following steps :

One reason for this occur is if you don't have a start page or wrong start page set under your web project's properties. So do this:

1- Right click on your MVC project

2- Choose "Properties"

3- Select the "Web" tab

4- Select "Specific Page"

Assuming you have a controller called HomeController and an action method called Index, enter "home/index" in to the text box corresponding to the "Specific Page" radio button.

Now, if you launch your web application, it will take you to the view rendered by the HomeController's Index action method.

I had the same problem caused by my script below. The problem was caused by url variable. When I added http://|web server name|/|application name| in front of /Reports/ReportPage.aspx ... it started to work.

    $(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
    function DisplayReport() {_x000D_
        var url = '/Reports/ReportPage.aspx?ReportName=AssignmentReport';_x000D_
        if (url === '')_x000D_
        var myFrame = document.getElementById('frmReportViewer');_x000D_
        if (myFrame !== null) {_x000D_
            if (myFrame.contentWindow !== null && myFrame.contentWindow.location !== null) {_x000D_
                myFrame.contentWindow.location = url;_x000D_
            else {_x000D_
                myFrame.setAttribute('src', url);_x000D_

Remember to use PUBLIC for ActionResult:

public ActionResult Details(int id)
    return View();

instead of

 ActionResult Details(int id)
     return View();

I got the same error when building. The default is to use URLRoute settings for navigating. If you select the "Set as Startup Page" property by right clicking any cshtml page, that throws this error because there are always a routing to the current page under the Global.asax file.

Look at Project Properties for Startup Path and delete it.

Suppose source code copy from other places.

Sometime, if you use Virtual Directory in your application url like:


No route will pick up the request.


Explicitly click the button 'create a virtual directory' in your project file.

In my case, I needed to replace this:

@Html.ActionLink("Return license", "Licenses_Revoke", "Licenses", new { id = userLicense.Id }, null)

With this:

<a href="#" onclick="returnLicense(event)">Return license</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function returnLicense(e) {

        $.post('@Url.Action("Licenses_Revoke", "Licenses", new { id = Model.Customer.AspNetUser.UserLicenses.First().Id })', getAntiForgery())
            .done(function (res) {

Even if I don't understand why. Suggestions are welcome!

You should carefully review your Route Values.

   "Default", // Route name
   "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
   new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } 

In this case, ensure you have your Controller 'Home' as the application will fail to load if there is no HomeController with Index Action. In My case I had HomesController and I missed the 's' infront of the Home. I Fixed the Name mismatch and this resolved the issue on both my local environment and on my server.

Open your Controller.cs file and near your public ActionResult Index(), in place of Index write the name of your page you want to run in the browser. For me it was public ActionResult Login().

The page is not found cause the associated controller doesn't exit. Just create the specific Controller. If you try to show the home page, and use Visual Studio 2015, follow this steps:

  1. Right click on Controller folder, and then select Add > Controller;
  2. Select MVC 5 Controller - Empty;
  3. Click in Add;
  4. Put HomeController for the controller name;
  5. Build the project and after Run your project again

I hope this help

you must check if you implemented the page in the controller for example:

   public ActionResult Register()
            return View();

It needs you to add a Web Form, just go to add on properties -> new item -> Web Form. Then wen you run it, it will work. Simple

Had the same issue, in my case the cause was that the web.config file was missing in the virtual dir folder.

I found the solution for this problem, you don't have to delete the global.asax, as it contains some valuable info for your proyect to run smoothly, instead have a look at your controller's name, in my case, my controller was named something as MyController.cs and in the global.asax it's trying to reference a Home Controller.

Look for this lines in the global asax

   "Default", // Route name
   "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
   new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } 

in my case i had to get like this to work

    new { controller = "My", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Two Things Needs To Be Ensure:

1) Route should be proper in Global.ascx file

2) Don't forget to add reference of Controller Project in your Web Project (view is in separate project from controller)

The second one is my case.

Step 1 : Check to see if you have received the following update? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894670 If you have you might want to follow this procedure and see if it works for you. It worked partially for me. The item where it mentions the additional "/" to be removed is not entirely true but it did give me some insight to change my project properties just a bit.

step 2 : Right click on your properties for your Web Project in your Solun. Select WEB > Choose Current Page instead of Specific Page.

step 3 : Go into your project where you keep your *.aspx's select a start page. (Should be the same as the current page or choose another one of your choice :) ) Hit Debug Run.

Upon hours of debugging, it was just an c# error in my html view. Check your view and track down any error

Don't comment c# code using html style ie

Make sure you're not telling IIS to check and see if a file exists before serving it up. This one has bitten me a couple times. Do the following:

Open IIS manager. Right click on your MVC website and click properties. Open the Virtual Directory tab. Click the Configuration... button. Under Wildcard application maps, make sure you have a mapping to c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll. MAKE SURE "Verify the file exists" IS NOT CHECKED!

I got the same error while building a MVC application.
In my case it happened because I forgot to add the string "Controller" in my controller name.

Error With

public class ProductType : BaseController
    public ProductType()


public class ProductTypeController : BaseController
    public ProductTypeController ()

Go to any page you want to see it in browser right click--> view in browser. this way working with me.

In your Project open Global.asax.cs then right click on Method RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); then click Go To Definition then at defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =UrlParameter.Optional} then change then Names of "Home" to your own controller Name and Index to your own View Name if you have changed the Names other then "HomeController" and "Index" Hope your Problem will be Solved.

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