[python] Check if multiple strings exist in another string

How can I check if any of the strings in an array exists in another string?


a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
str = "a123"
if a in str:
  print "some of the strings found in str"
  print "no strings found in str"

That code doesn't work, it's just to show what I want to achieve.

This question is related to python arrays string exists

The answer is

jbernadas already mentioned the Aho-Corasick-Algorithm in order to reduce complexity.

Here is one way to use it in Python:

  1. Download aho_corasick.py from here

  2. Put it in the same directory as your main Python file and name it aho_corasick.py

  3. Try the alrorithm with the following code:

    from aho_corasick import aho_corasick #(string, keywords)
    print(aho_corasick(string, ["keyword1", "keyword2"]))

Note that the search is case-sensitive

Just some more info on how to get all list elements availlable in String

a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
str = "a123" 
list(filter(lambda x:  x in str, a))

a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
str =  "a123"

a_match = [True for match in a if match in str]

if True in a_match:
  print "some of the strings found in str"
  print "no strings found in str"

It depends on the context suppose if you want to check single literal like(any single word a,e,w,..etc) in is enough

original_word ="hackerearcth"
for 'h' in original_word:

if you want to check any of the character among the original_word: make use of

if any(your_required in yourinput for your_required in original_word ):

if you want all the input you want in that original_word,make use of all simple

original_word = ['h', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'e', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'r', 't', 'h']
yourinput = str(input()).lower()
if all(requested_word in yourinput for requested_word in original_word):

data = "firstName and favoriteFood"
mandatory_fields = ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age']

# for each
for field in mandatory_fields:
    if field not in data:
        print("Error, missing req field {0}".format(field));

# still fine, multiple if statements
if ('firstName' not in data or 
    'lastName' not in data or
    'age' not in data):
    print("Error, missing a req field");

# not very readable, list comprehension
missing_fields = [x for x in mandatory_fields if x not in data]
if (len(missing_fields)>0):
    print("Error, missing fields {0}".format(", ".join(missing_fields)));

Yet another solution with set. using set.intersection. For a one-liner.

subset = {"some" ,"words"} 
text = "some words to be searched here"
if len(subset & set(text.split())) == len(subset):
   print("All values present in text")

if subset & set(text.split()):
   print("Atleast one values present in text")

flog = open('test.txt', 'r')
flogLines = flog.readlines()
strlist = ['SUCCESS', 'Done','SUCCESSFUL']
res = False
for line in flogLines:
     for fstr in strlist:
         if line.find(fstr) != -1:
            res = True

if res:
    print('res true')
    print('res false')

output example image

Just to add some diversity with regex:

import re

if any(re.findall(r'a|b|c', str, re.IGNORECASE)):
    print 'possible matches thanks to regex'
    print 'no matches'

or if your list is too long - any(re.findall(r'|'.join(a), str, re.IGNORECASE))

You should be careful if the strings in a or str gets longer. The straightforward solutions take O(S*(A^2)), where S is the length of str and A is the sum of the lenghts of all strings in a. For a faster solution, look at Aho-Corasick algorithm for string matching, which runs in linear time O(S+A).

The regex module recommended in python docs, supports this

words = {'he', 'or', 'low'}
p = regex.compile(r"\L<name>", name=words)
m = p.findall('helloworld')


['he', 'low', 'or']

Some details on implementation: link

A surprisingly fast approach is to use set:

a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
str = "a123"
if set(a) & set(str):
    print("some of the strings found in str")
    print("no strings found in str")

This works if a does not contain any multiple-character values (in which case use any as listed above). If so, it's simpler to specify a as a string: a = 'abc'.

any() is by far the best approach if all you want is True or False, but if you want to know specifically which string/strings match, you can use a couple things.

If you want the first match (with False as a default):

match = next((x for x in a if x in str), False)

If you want to get all matches (including duplicates):

matches = [x for x in a if x in str]

If you want to get all non-duplicate matches (disregarding order):

matches = {x for x in a if x in str}

If you want to get all non-duplicate matches in the right order:

matches = []
for x in a:
    if x in str and x not in matches:

I would use this kind of function for speed:

def check_string(string, substring_list):
    for substring in substring_list:
        if substring in string:
            return True
    return False

A compact way to find multiple strings in another list of strings is to use set.intersection. This executes much faster than list comprehension in large sets or lists.

>>> astring = ['abc','def','ghi','jkl','mno']
>>> bstring = ['def', 'jkl']
>>> a_set = set(astring)  # convert list to set
>>> b_set = set(bstring)
>>> matches = a_set.intersection(b_set)
>>> matches
{'def', 'jkl'}
>>> list(matches) # if you want a list instead of a set
['def', 'jkl']

You need to iterate on the elements of a.

a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
str = "a123"
found_a_string = False
for item in a:    
    if item in str:
        found_a_string = True

if found_a_string:
    print "found a match"
    print "no match found"

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